


A sunny and chilly day in Luxembourg

In Japanese:
イエンツ・フォークトのツイートでBicycling.comの彼のブログが紹介されていた。早速読んだ。内容はこれまた思った通りの内容。この内容のことがイエンツの口から出てくることを予想してた。予想したのは何度もこのブログで出てくる"The Secret Race"を読んでからだ。



僕が"The Secret Race"を読んでた時点では、USADAの調査した内容のレポートは未だ公表されてなかった。しかし、旧チームメイトの証言が多く含まれてることは知られていた。よって当時のドーピング状況がさらに明らかになることは明白だったし、「飛び火」的にUSポスタル、ディスカバリー以外のチームに所属してた選手のドーピング告白が続くことになることも予想できた。






  1. 2012/10/31(水) 14:58:44|
  2. Info Luxembourg
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Minus 3 degrees Celsius

This morning it was minus 3 degrees Celsius. It is not stingingly cold but icy cold as the freezing point of water is 0 (zero) C. A tip for those who are not familiar with Celsius.

People were scraping off the ice built on the windshield of their cars. And me, of course was on the bike to work. A knit beanie and thicker gloves were needed.

Oh, injury update: scabs growing nicely (hopefully will be receding in a couple of days). Hip pain ignorable. Back stiffness almost gone. Left wrist almost OK.

A couple days ago, there were articles on the Net dealing with Bobby Julich's confession. For the record, he is one of my favorite riders and I like him a lot. So what I am writing here is NOT to disdain him but to applaud him (and his wife).

I saw this (confession) coming when I read "The Secret Race" by TH and DC. Although there was absolutely no mention of Mr, Julich's involvement in any doping practices, I could sniff out the probable doping performance enhancement behind his achievement during that period 1987-1988. Tyler Hamilton's reasoning was that no EPO, no Grand Tour podium placing possible during those years.

Important thing is that he stopped. The reason he stopped was his girlfriend's admonition (now his wife).

Aa the "The Secret Race" suggests the majority (I assume) of girlfriends cooperate(d) willingly or unwillingly the doping practices. Or should I say their role was essential.

If a rider were to be caught in posession of an EPO drug (boosting the blood capacity like adding more red cells), he would feel secure if he could say that he was on an errand to get his girlfriend's prescription drug from a doctor because she has menstural problems (which means losing blood, thus she needs a drug to help boost her blood). In this respect, Dr. Fuentes was genius. He was a gynecologist. Who would be more apt to prescribe EPO medication than a gynecologist?

When some drugs, syringes (ampoules) and blood bags are to be kept in the frige, she has to be careful not to damage them or quick to grab all of them and destroy them if a drug tester should make a house call while her boyfriend answers the door.

I really hope that Mr. Julich finds himself a new job in cycling sport soon. Isn't RadioShack-Nissan in need of a new sport director? I vaguely remember that Lars Michaelsen was moving to Saxobank-Tinkoff Bank(???).

And I am still waiting for the news that Levi Leipheimer has found a new contract.

In Japanese:
今朝の気温マイナス3度でした。前日(日曜日、ちなみに日曜日は自転車乗りませんでした。ごめんなさい)から分かってたので、厚手の手袋(Team CSC)とニットの帽子(Saxobank)を準備してました。耳をカバーしないと耳がちぎれそうになることは分かってましたからね。よって、寒くても余裕で自転車通勤できました。


さて、数日前のボビー・ジューリックのEPO使用の告白の記事(それに伴うSKYを辞めた件)は実はそのかなり前から感じてました。タイラー・ハミルトンとダニエル・コイル共著の「The Secret Race」を読むと、あの時代はEPO無しにはグランドツアーの表彰台に乗ることは不可能ということが読み取れます。そうですボビーは表彰台に登ってますね。









テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2012/10/29(月) 07:26:33|
  2. Info Luxembourg
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

MyTourbook Overview

I installed MyTourbook in Windows 7 and Lubuntu 12.10. In Windows, the program did not start and gave an error message. I did not care to look into the details as I don't really want to use Windows.

The Linux version first gave an error message. It turn out that I donwloaded a wrong version, 32bit. I had to download 64bit version and installed. It worked well afterward.

On the other hand, MyTourbook under Lubuntu worked perfectly. Here are some screen shots I made with my save 'activities' on my Garmin Edge 800.

First, this is the program's interface. I have already imported five 'activities' from my Edge 800. They are my commuting routes.

When you move the mouse cursor over the 'tour' (when imported Edge's activities become 'tour'), it summary shows up in a pop-up window.

On the top right, you have a map (OpenStreetMap if you are online) with the route. The colors indicate the gradient differences.

On the lower left, you have a short summary of the tour. I don't know how to make use o f this part. I have to do some reading of the manual.

On the lower right, you have the profile. This is what I like the most.

This is the contents of the pop-up window. As I don't use the pulse sensor for the moment, the pulse shows O (zero). I am not a zombie. It shows the temperature and calculated and estimated burned calories. So on my way to work I burn about 500 calories. Not bad but not so great.

This is the view with its gradient. This looks good. I love it. On the Edge, the highest gradient percentage I get is 15 on my way to work.

I am getting to know how to use Edge and MyTourbook.

One additional note: The screen shot shows that I was running the version 12.6.1 but soon after taking the screen shot, I upgraded to 12.6.2.

In Japanese:







  1. 2012/10/28(日) 20:05:36|
  2. Linux
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Crash aftermath and MyTourbook

Today, one day after the minor crash, I feel worse. The patches of minor skin loss on the left elbow and hip are getting better. My neck is slightly stiff but OK. My back is really stiff. I can not bend backward. I can still ride since riding position is bending forward. I have pain in the left wrist. Obviously I supported my body using my left hand when I fell on my left side.

Otherwise I feel good and in fact I rode today and later I will do more. Today, it is sunny with scattered patches of clouds. it is cold outside, 3 degrees Celsius. Tomorrow and a couple days ahead, we have sunny days with temperatures between 6 during the day and minus 3 at night (Celsius). Cold but still nice weather to ride outside.

MyTourbook is a Java based program to diagnose the logs on the Garmin Edge. I am going to try it out in Windows and Lubuntu as well, to see if I can avoid using Windows.

MyTourbook (http://mytourbook.sourceforge.net/mytourbook/)

In Japanese:



  1. 2012/10/27(土) 15:38:33|
  2. GPS Navigation
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A crash!

I fell this morning on my way to work. I was riding along Alzette (stream) and some sections were like a sea of leaves so what I thought was just right side of the cyclist/jogger/dog-walker road turned out to be the edge of alphalt pavement. Suddenly I found myself violently jerked sideways. Luckily I was riding slowly and the injury was not serious, loss of skin on the left elbow and left upper thigh. I was wearing long sleeve jersey and long bibs.

After several hours now I am feeling a deep dull pain in my neck and in my back. This kind of pain tends to grow overnight. I am not happy about it.

Tonight, I ride my bike back home and by then it will be dark. I will be extra-careful.

Should I sue VdL? I mean Ville de Luxembourg? No, I won't. After that incident, I saw workmen cleaning other section of the road along Alzette.

Hey, I would like a bit of "Warp Speed" on your cleaning job!

In Japanese:



  1. 2012/10/26(金) 21:51:41|
  2. Bikes and related things
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I locked myself out!

I accidentally left my keys inside the room and went outside to take the garbage out. And it happened. I talked the landlord and it will be taken care of later.

I was lucky to have the iPhone and the wallet on me when it happened. Anyway, it is no a big deal.




  1. 2012/10/26(金) 00:20:11|
  2. Cats
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Tour de France 2013 Presented in Paris

In Japanese:








ずばり、クライマーのサバイバルレースですね。TTが得意でも、勝ち目無しです。すべてのTTが短い。タイム差が付きにくいですから。The Return of the Climbers!

今後は詳細をGarmin MapSourceにプロットして、作戦を練ります。しかし、地図を見ると、一応時計回りになってますが、むしろ蛇行ルートですね。こりゃ大変だ。







In English:

Today in Paris the TdF 2013 Course Presentation was held. We know the overview details of the TdF 2013 now. They are not the real details of the event; the real details are revealed to the public during the Criterium de Dauphine a couple of weeks before the Grand Depart. For example, we don't know where the ravitaillements (feed zones) are. We don't know the profiles of the climbs nor do we know the street names.

No surprises. I have already had the idea what it is going to be like thanks to velowire.com. I knew that they climb l'Alpe d'Huez twice back-to-back. I knew they have Mont Ventoux. I knew the Champs-Elysees stage has a "romantic" evening twilight finish.

I did not know, though, that the last ITT was not on the eve of the Champs-Elysees stage but was the 17th stage. Semnoz was rumored to be the ITT finish. It turned out to be the climb finish but not ITT finish.

My first impression is, "Wow, a lot of driving." After the Pyrenees, I have to warp-drive to Saint-Malo (thank God the first rest day is there).

Saint-Malo (which I have never been to) should be a place to be.

How beautiful it would be to see the riders with bubbles around their mouth, that drooling icky stuff handing from their mouth, with thier eyes swimming and about to puke finish the ITT in front of that breathtaking Mont Saint-Michel! (I had a short tour at Mont Saint-Michel just before the team presentation in 2008 TdF)

And Mont Ventoux! I visited there in 2007 when I followed the entire Criterium de Dauphine-Libere (at that time it was called and it it now Criterium de Dauphine). I did not re-visit the lighthouse looking weather station in 2010 during the TdF because it was too far from Paris (700km).

Semnoz, used in 1998 edition of TdF, is again on the parcours. 8.5% ascending rate in 10km? I wonder if I have still the energy left in my legs to do it after three weeks of following the Tour.

And the headache of booking the ferry ride in and out of Corsica.

Finally, the Grand Finale of Champs-Elysees in the evening (rumored fireworks)!

It will be defininately the climbers' Tour. It is not intended for TT specialists. All TTs (ITTs and TTT) are too short. The Return of the Climbers!

I have to start plotting the waypoints in Garmin MapSource.

テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2012/10/24(水) 14:37:55|
  2. Tour de France
  3. | トラックバック:0
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Tax declaration paper

There was a conspicuous paper in my post. It was an official paper. It has something to do with the tax. It said that I had to submit the paper no later than October 24. Ouch! I had not opened the post for about two weeks until a couple days ago. I took a look at the paper yesterday (22nd) evening and saw the deadline.

It is not too difficult to fill out the form. Basically, DOB, other status (like married with children etc.), means of income (retired, salary, etc.) and housing situation (renting or house owner) and something.

I hastily filled it out and submitted to my local city hall. And there was another errand to be done, going to the bank.

So, because of these chores above, this morning I took my car to work. But after completing the errand, I return home and took my bike to work.

Today, it is sunny and the temperature went up to 20 to 22. Now it is 16 at 17:00 in the evening. A nice day to ride a bike.

It takes about 45 to 50 minutes to come to work and come home (slightly different routes) by bike. It used to be 1 hour when I first started. Improvement. Now I am feeling the routes are too short. I have to find more detour routes to make the journey longer than 1 hour.

On a very separate note, I got an e-mail from Mom saying that my cat passed away. He stayed in Japan while I came to Europe. He is, I think, 19 years old. That translates to over 90 years old in human age. He stopped eating and drinking and had to be taken to the vet. He was given an IV (the only way to take any kind of norishment). I am sorry that I could not be there for him but I am very happy that he lived happily till the end. RIP

  1. 2012/10/23(火) 16:34:38|
  2. Info Luxembourg
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Fallen leaves

Thin morning, Monday, I saw a sweeper in action and also workmen with a blower. Yes, they were fighting the fallen leaves again on the cycling/jogging road along the Alzette.

A beautiful day! Blue sky slightly white with thin clouds.

Today, we, cycling fans, are all waiting to hear what Pat McQuaid has to say about LA. If he gives a big thumbs-up and resigns (unlikely though), everybody (well almost) will be happy. Anything less will draw a lot of criticism.

I will see.

--- Later in the afternoon,.... ---
So Mr. McQuaid gave a big thumbs-up to USADA's decision but did not resign. No Lance in cycling!

Anyway, Mr. Christian Prudhomme wants his money back from LA. The prize money, about 3 million euros. Mr."No place in cycling" has to return more money to other race organizers.

Since Mr. Prudhomme intends not to re-allocate the Yellow Jersey(s) to anyone else (runner-ups), he clearly wants to keep the money within ASO. Good move! This guy knows how to weather the tough economy.
  1. 2012/10/22(月) 16:56:16|
  2. Info Luxembourg
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4,000 rooms every year?

There was an article in am internet version of Wort.lu in English days ago saying that experts claim that to house the increasing population of Luxembourg 4,000 rooms are needed to be built every year.

I had already written about ubiquitous construction sites around Luxembourg city a while ago. Everywhere you turn, you find construction sites, seemingly building apartment buildings.

The "so-called" expert claims more and more rooms are needed to lower the high renting costs. True, if Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" is still valid. Too much supply eventually lowers the price.

I wonder this expert has been nodding off for the last couple of decades. Wake up! Ain't housing loans the worst kind of highway to hell? Banks in Luxembourg are encouraging people to build houses and apartments on a loan? "Don't worry! If you build apartments, renters will come! And we loan you whatever you need."

It is called "Field of Dreams" thinking. You have to believe first to see the results. In this case, the result is a dream.

Ironically, the national motto of this country is "We remain as we were."

No, this country is changing. I cannot tell which direction better or worse.

I just hope that people in 5 years will not say, in retrospect, we should have stuck to our own motto.














  1. 2012/10/21(日) 21:46:24|
  2. Info Luxembourg
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HP ENVYをウィンドウズとLubuntuで使ってます。Lubuntuを最新のバージョン12.10にアップグレードしようとしました。家の3Gモデムでほとんど旨く行きかけたのですが、あるファイルだけがどうしてもダウンロードできない。そのファイルはたった一つで、4MB程度なのですが、どうやってもダウンロードできない。そのためにアップグレードできない。ダウンロード先のサーバーを変えてもだめ、何度試みてもダメ。仕方なく、仕事先の早いスピードのWifiでダウンロードを試みるために出かけたわけです。







  1. 2012/10/21(日) 00:21:21|
  2. Bikes and related things
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Lubuntu Linux 12.10 Upgraded

I upgraded to Lubuntu 12.10 from 12.04 on one of the notebooks. I tried on another one last night but there was an error (saying a file can not be downloaded). Today I tried it on this notebook and it was successfully upgraded.

Noticeable differences. Some icons (if not all) are redesigned. They got colorful. File manager now has a thumbnail view functions so that now I can guess what they (files) are just by looking at their icons. PDF files, photo files, and etc.

Upate Manager has significantly changed. It does not show the details of it activity anymore. You have to click something extra to see what it is going to do or doing. Is this good or bad? I mean, hiding the process of updating. Is it because most of the users don't care or giving the details scares them?

Otherwise, it feels like the same as before.

I am worried. What happens to Levi Leipheimer? He was sacked by Omega Pharma-Quick Step. I don't think this sacking was fair but it was in their mutually agreed contract that a rider can be fired on the basis of undisclosed doping offenses when the contract was signed.

I sincerely hope that he will finds a new home. I don't think it is fair. According to the news report on the Net, he was not given an option to continue at RadioShack when they found out that he testified (supposedly against LA) before a grand jury.

Some riders renewed their contract with RadioShack when they refused to testify against LA and they are still under contract somewhere.

Then he is certainly a victim of Omerta.

Back when Astana was not invited by ASO to TdF, Levi lost his chance to ride the Tour. There was a site which promoted the line, "Let Levi Ride!" Well, now is the time for that petition, again. Let Levi Ride!!

At that time I put up the logo on this blog. I will do it again.


Here is my contribution back in 2008.

テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2012/10/19(金) 16:08:36|
  2. Linux
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

A building needs a new name

Daniel Coyleのツイートへのリプライが面白すぎです。ナイキの本社の場所にあるあるビルディングがアームストロングに因んだ名前だが、新しい名前が必要だろうと提案。それに対するリプライツイートが面白くて吹き出した。

  1. 2012/10/18(木) 00:43:38|
  2. Bike Races
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Sweepers and Windows Update

Yesterday, Tuesday, 16 October, on my way to work riding my bike along Alzette, I saw a couple of sweepers and workmen. They were cleaning the cyclists/joggers/strollers road. On my way back late in the evening, I noticed that the surface had been swept. They have to come back sometime later in November or so. Leaves are falling and won't let the workmen take it easy for a while.

The day is getting shorter and shorter. I guess Summer time (daylight saving time) is coming to an end at the end of this month.

I am considering avoiding Nike products for now. Swoosh logo company was in the news. It is speculated (based on an affidavit) that it helped some individual(s) pay a bribe to some corrupted officials.

I haven't bought any Nike products for a long time anyway and buying clothes or shoes is not on my short nor long shopping lists

Here's the short shopping list.
1) Winter tires for my Ford Ka (RU8)
since the regulations have been chaned making it obligatiry to equip a car with those during winter.

2) Ford Ka (RU8) needs a new air filter.

3) A Garmin GPS navigation device.

And the long list would be like;
4) US English Keyboard for ENVY-4-1000 (from Hong Kong)
5) Handful of French valve Tubes for my Mavic wheels

Today, Wednesday, 17 October, on my way to work by bicycle, I encountered a sweeper (Mercedes Unimog) in action on the above mentioned road. Today it was in action but yesterday, it and the other were stationary.

The weather has not been pleasant for a couple of weeks. I got used to riding in the rain. It is not that bad.

My HP ENVY-4-1000 came with an OS called Windows 7 Home Premium. I don't want use it but I am forced to utilize it. OK, the alternative is Mac OS-X but for this I have to buy a Mac machine. I need it only for Garmin MapSource (and occasional firmware updates for the Garmin products) and iTunes. For nothing else.

Windows needs occasional frequent updates for security reasons. This is also pain in the ass. Some updates just don't get downloaded. Some stall. When I click my way to their information pages, they say these updates won't apply to you. Why the f*ck does the "Windows Update" automatically try to download and install them in the first place?

As I was going to upload this, I realized that Nike has the contract with a certain individual (through a tweet by Daniel Coyle). So now I can buy Nike products when I find them attractive.

In Japanese:






  1. 2012/10/17(水) 21:25:47|
  2. Info Luxembourg
  3. | トラックバック:0
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A flat ruined my Sunday

It was past 18:00 when I took my bike out. It was raining of course. Chilly and dismal. Yet I felt good and rode off. After 5km? I noticed I was swerving slightly. Yes, I got a flat on my front. Yikes I did not have a spare tube on me. I pumped it but the tube did not hold the air.

First, I thought of walking back home but in my cycling shoes I knew it was impossible. Even with Keep-on-Kovers on them, road cycling shoes are not for walking. I rode home very, very slowly. It took about an hour or a bit less, I guess. I did not want to destroy the tyre by riding rough. I sat deep back on the saddle so that the front would get less weight. It was rainy and the road was wet. This extra water as a lubricant and fallen leaves might have saved the tyre.

I changed the tube so I can ride Tomorrow to work. It will be rainy and cloudy. I am going to order tubes. OK, I will be more careful and prepared. I will carry an extra tube when I ride.

Oh I haven't eaten anything today. I don't have anything to eat at home. Trying to lose weight by next Spring. Why? The lighter you weigh, the faster you climb. Gravity is not my friend.

Reading "The Secret Race" by Daniel Coyle and Tyler Hamilton, I realized that muscles are the motors but the blood in our body is the key element, electricity that fuels the motor. Without electricity, motors are just dead weight.

I don't have the means to better my blood except for staying healthy and training regularly. So losing the unwanted dead weight, body fat, is the right thing to do.

Losing weight is not easy. Appetite suppressant drug may be available. I don't plan to use it. How should I manage my food craving?

In Japanese:
日曜日の夕刻6時に自転車を外に出して走り初めた。アルゼット川(河ではなく、本当に小川です)沿いのサイクリング道ですが、一部に住宅もあり、道名もあります。それが多分水車に関係した言葉だと推測してます。英語だとmillですね。有名な自転車選手だとDavid Millerがいます。彼の祖先に水車で働いてた人が居るか、水車の側に住んでた家族が居るという一般的な推測が成り立ちます。一方ドイツ語だとMuller、実際にはUの上に点が二つ(ウムラウト)が付いて、ミュラーと読みますが、これも水車関係だと思いました。風車でも良いのですが、小麦粉を精選するために、動力が必要で、多くは水車を利用したので、製粉業はこの言葉を使ってます。風車での製粉業はWindmillerになりますね。ドイツの地名、スイスの地名、あるいはアルザスの地名にMulhouseとか、これに類した綴りの地名が存在します。ドイツ語起源のアメリカ合衆国の地名にもこんな地名があります。製粉小屋という意味だと思います。








  1. 2012/10/14(日) 14:32:13|
  2. Bikes and related things
  3. | トラックバック:0
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In English:
Today, Saturday, 13 October it was partly sunny in the morning though afternoon, later cloudy and then rainy. I took my bike out and enjoyed the day. the cycling/jogging/walking road along Alzette (a stream that runs through Luxembourg) was crowded by bikers and others.
Tomorrow, Sunday, it will be the same only, it will be colder. I don't mind riding in the rain. I would like to ride my bike around Luxembourg city since the weather seems not so promising. I will explore the neighborhood looking for climbs and roads with less car traffic. This Summer, I wanted to explore the routes leading to Germany, France and Belgium but I did not do that. Oh, lazy me!

  1. 2012/10/13(土) 16:24:26|
  2. Info Luxembourg
  3. | トラックバック:0
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Singing in the rain?







English version:
This morning it was rainy, drizzling. It was around 10 degrees Celsius (50 F), I think. Chilly. I was determined to ride to work. I put on a water-proof light rain jacket by Shimano and was off. On the way it started to pour for a short while. By the time I arrived at my work, it stopped to rain.

It was not that bad.

Around Luxembourg city there is much construction going on. They are building apartments and office buildings to let. The more you build, the renters come? Aren't the current problems in Spain echoes of this kind of reckless speculative investment?

According to www.velowire.com, TdF 2013 Edition features a special finale, fireworks celebrations of its 100th anniversary. Fine. The site also speculates that the final stage ends 19:30 or 22:00. Fine. The question I am asking is; When should I be there to secure my place? It is going to be a long, long day.

Johan Bruyneel has been fired by RadioShack-Nissan-Trek. Well, so his contract with Leopard SA has been terminated? Is this the case? Who is going to replace him? What will RadioShack say? What would Trek and Livestrong (both of them are sponsors and also under control of Mr. LA) do?

L'Equipe claims that it was Johan Bruyneel who poisoned Frank Schleck during TdF 2012 so that Frank could not leave RNT. It is plausible. It must be the case. I hope Frank's case will be dismissed and he can ride next year.
  1. 2012/10/12(金) 09:19:45|
  2. Bikes and related things
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Ride a bike to work

It has been a quite while since I took my bike to work. A couple months? I take a long way and steep way choosing cycling/jogging/trekking roads (no cars!) and back streets as much as I can. It feels good.

Garmin Edge800 is my pal along the way. On the LCD, big letters show the altitude and current gradient in %. Then small letters tell me the speed, time ridden and cadence.

I love going up-hill. I detest going downhill for a lot of reasons.

Going uphill is far safer than going downhill because it means going much much slower. Up to 2004? UCI regulations allowed riders to take their helmets off on a climb leading to the finish (as that famous LA, Mayo on the ground and Ullrich swerving sharp picture on the Tour). Going downhill is not economical since it chisels your precious wheel rims and thus shortens the life of them.

It is already chilly in the morning and evening here in Luxembourg.

I am trying to shed off some weight and prepare for Mont Ventoux and l'Alpe d'Huez.

In Japanese:



ルクセンブルク首都ではアパートとか賃貸ビルの建設ラッシュ? 何故スペインが今財政難に陥ってるのかをルクセンブルク人は知らないのか?。不動産バブルと建設ラッシュバブルの崩壊じゃ無かったのか?。


  1. 2012/10/10(水) 18:49:43|
  2. Bikes and related things
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Google Chrome and Chromium (Open Source)

A happy Lubuntu life!

Since I changed my 'Desktop Environment' to Lubuntu 12.04 from Ubuntu 12.04, which is its big brother, my computer experience has been a pleasant one. Booting is quicker, shutting down is quicker, everything moves quicker. In other words, I am very pleased.

I noticed something (why Ubuntu had been so heavy). For example, when I wanted to take a screen shot of the desktop in Ubuntu, pressing 'print' key produced a shutter sound and subsequently showed a window asking what would be the name under which I wanted to save that screen shot. The default name of a screen shot is its time stamp in the 'Pictures' directory.

Whereas Lubuntu does not give anything at all. It quietly saves the screen shot with the default name in home directory. To make sure if I pressed the key properly to take a shot, I have to go to the home directory to see if there is a file with en extension 'png' there.

Which is better? It is a question of taste. If you want a snappiness in stead of lethargy, you have to go with less.

That is the difference between two brothers.

Ubuntu's default browser is Firefox, where Lubuntu's default is Chromium. I had not used Chromium (a brother or at least a half-brother of Chrome) before.

It has a nice feature. By signing in Google on the browser, your whole Chromium (Chrome) experience is in sync. I use two notebook PCs (ENVY and an old one, both Lubuntu/Chromium), a Windows 7/Chrome (on ENVY) and iPhone (Chrome). Without doing anything special, all of the bookmarks are synchronized. That is neat.

Japanese version:




どちらが、良いのか? もちろん好みでしょうが、テキパキとした挙動が優先するなら、後者で充分許容範囲だ。


さて、同様にUbuntuの標準インストール済みのブラウザーは豪華なFireFoxで、LubuntuはChromiumとなる。最近になって、始めてこのChromiumを使い始めた。Gooogle ChromeとオープンソースのCromiumは兄弟、少なくとも異母兄弟?になる。気に入りました。一番気に入ってる点が、ブックマークの共有化という機能です。

Windowns 7 上ではGoogle Chrome
Lubuntu上では Chromium (2台のPC)
iPhone上では Google Chrome

テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2012/10/10(水) 08:40:19|
  2. Linux
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

HP ENVY 4-1000sg and Lubuntu 12.04/Windows 7

So now finally I installed Windows 7 on my ENVY. Installing Windows after having installed Lubuntu kills the MBR (GRUB, Linux booter). Windows overwrites the MBR and the computer can only boot Windows. After installing W7, Lubuntu ceases to boot. This was expected.

Ubuntu documentation helped me re-install GRUB and configure GRUB to detect the OSes on the HDD. It took some time to get the desired results. The help documentation is thorough but somehow verbose (this also means thorough but in a negative sense).

First, boot the computer into Lubuntu by using a DVD or USB stick. Then issue these commands:

sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda

Here, the implication is that, on ENVY Lubuntu is installed on a partiton /dev/sda5.

Ubuntu documentation help was a bit misleading. Some document only tells me to issue a command:
sudo grub-install /dev/sda

This gave out an error message. It says that grub can not find the device and asks if /dev is mounted. Mounted? It took me some time to eventually find the correct and full explanation to do the right thing.

After successfully running the right command, I rebooted ENVY. It booted into Lubuntu but GRUB did not show me the menu, the menu to choose which OS I wanted to boot.

Oh, my! After further reading through the help documents, I finally found the solution.

Boot ENVY from the HDD. It only boots into Lubuntu now. Then issue the commands:

sudo update-grub

This gave out some messages, saying it is detecting OSes blah, blah,...

When I re-booted ENVY, GRUB showed me the menu. Now I can boot into W7 or Lubuntu as I wish. I am writing this in W7. Japanese version will follow but first I have to boot in Lubuntu to do that.

I realized belatedly that I can not install Garmin map on ENVY right away. ENVY does not have an optical drive since Garmin map is on a DVD media.

Japanese Version:









よって、唯一の選択肢はLinuxで一旦強制的にHDDを初期化することだったのです。このLinux (Lubuntu)でのHDD初期化、パーティション切り、なんやらのプロセスも非常に問題続きで、何時間費やしたことか。一時は諦めかけました。その間にUSBスティックの不良の可能性を疑った時もあり、上記のようにUSBスティックに書き込んだウインドウズインストールイメージを消して、その上にLubuntuの機動イメージを書き込んだので、ウインドウズのインストールができなくなりました。




これで、環境がかなり整いました。早速iTunesをインストールして、iPhoneをバックアップしたりとか。後はGarmin MapSourceやらを入れたり、ガーミンの地図をインストールしたりとかです。10月24日頃までには完成させたいです。24日はパリで来年のツールのコースのお披露目会がありますから。

テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2012/10/09(火) 01:50:07|
  2. Linux
  3. | トラックバック:0
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HP ENVY 4-1000sg and Lubuntu 12.04

After a long agonizing struggle, my ENVY is up and running with Lubuntu. I have to install Windows 7 later.





テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2012/10/07(日) 16:33:20|
  2. Linux
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Crank length

Binche-Tournai-Bincheで、ふと思い立ってジロジロ観察した。アンディとBen Hermansが172.5mmで残りは全て175mmだったと思う。もう1人172.5mmが居たかもしれません。皆背が高く、脚が長いからね。

At Binche-Tournai-Binche, while waiting for the riders, I checked the length of their cranks. I did not write them down. As far as I remembet, Andy and Ben Hermans used 172.5mm cranks and the rest of them used 175mm.
Matthew Busche's crank could have been 172.5mm.
  1. 2012/10/05(金) 08:22:36|
  2. Bikes and related things
  3. | トラックバック:0
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Tour de France 2013 Overview Part II

under construction

The first third:

Crossing the sea and returning to Nice task will be addressed seperately.

Stage 1: Saturday 29 June 2013 - Porto-Vecchio > Bastia - 200 km
Stage 2: Sunday 30 June 2013 - Bastia > Ajaccio - 155 km
Stage 3: Monday 1 July 2013 - Ajaccio > Calvi - 145 km
Stage 4: Tuesday 2 July 2013 - Nice > Nice - team time trial - about 20 km

After the Nice stage, the parcours takes off westward. I am getting a new notebook PC tomorrow and set up Garmin MapSource as soon as possible so that I can start simulating the pre-stage and post-stage transfers and plotting the possible overnight points.

Stage:DateDep. > Arr.Pre-stage TransferOvernightWatch pointsPost-stage Transfer
5:Wed.03.07Cagnes-sur-Mer > Marseilleunknownunknownunknown
6: Thu.04. 07Aix-en-Provence > Montpellierunknownunknownunknown
7:Fri.05.07Montpellier > Albiunknownunknownunknown
8: Sat.06.07Castres > Ax-3 Domainesunknown
9:Sun.07.07Saint-Girons > Bagnères-de-Bigorre750km
10:Tue.09.07Nantes > Saint-Malounknownunknownunknown

テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2012/10/03(水) 19:57:20|
  2. Tour de France
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

The Secret Race by TH & DC

A wonderful story. I just finished reading this. It is worth what I paid for and much much more. I recommend it.


ドイツにオンライン注文したコンピューターが届いた様子です。トラッキング情報によると、私書箱に届いた、となってます。既に書きましたが、仕事先を送付先にしてますが、仕事先には、普通郵便は私書箱に届きます。明日ピックアップするつもりです。一刻も早く、(嫌いですが)ウィンドウズ環境を整えて、Garmin MapSourceを使いたいです。来年のツールの行動計画を準備したいです。

テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2012/10/03(水) 14:22:49|
  2. Bike Races
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Binche-Tournai-Binche 2013 PartIII

Some pictures will follow and so does the Japanese version.

I drove back to Binche to see the remaining part of the race. I parked my car just outside of the circuit not far from LIDL (for those who don't know, it is a supermarket chain based in Germany with a lot of affiliates in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, etc), where I later on shopped for food before leaving Binche for home.

I saw Laurent Didier, Matthew Busche, Gregory Rast and Jesse Sergent riding. When I reached the RadioShack-Nissan-Trek team bus sided by a team car on whose roof two bikes belonging to Robert Wagner and Ben Hermans stood, I wonder where Andy was. I asked one of the fans standing beside the bus, I know them and they know me from so many occasions in similar situations. Andy was inside the bus. I figured by the absence of his bike, he abandoned earlier in the race before reaching the circuit, thus, his bike might be still on the roof of the Nissan Qashqai follwoing the race.

I eventually saw Andy and said "Hey, Andy". He was already fresh after a shower. Not long after, Laurent Didier also put the bike on the rack.

The RSNT bus parked on the side of the cobbled street on the circuit and so did Rabobank, Lotte-Belisol and others. It was covenient for the team mechanics to wait for the riders who needed assistance with mechanical troubles and for riders who wanted to quit and for us to watch the race and at the same time watched out for the riders in the bus.

As the street was cobbled, many of the riders did not want to go in the middle of the street, where bumps were greater. The majority of them chose the narrow (but still far wider than the cobble stone) flat gutter panels located on the sides instead. Spectators had to bent backwards or step back whenever they came round as they rode so close to us.

After several bent-backwards exercises, the race was over. I saw Matthew Busche rode right in the midddle of the cobbled street each time he went up, yes the street was not flat. He must be a bit masochistic and that qualifies him as a perfect "Classics" racer, thus he had a good reason to be racing in this cold, wet and miserable conditions in Belgium. I observed the same with Gregory Rast. Later I learned Rast had two flat tires. So unlucky for him. He seemed definitely strong.

I am not saying those riders who chose the easier path wussy by no means! I have too much respect for those riders.

So that was it. I planned to go to Paris-Tours on Sunday 7th of October. I will be a long exhausting drive to and back but it will be worthwhile.

One note I finished The Secret Race and to cap it, I quote one paragraph from it. It is where Tyler Hamilton faces the toughest moment of his life, telling his mother the truth.

I felt the hug, and I realized: she'd never cared if I won the Tour or came in last. All she cared was one question. She asked it now: "Are you okay?"

(From "The Secret Race: Inside the Hidden World of the Tour de France: Doping, Cover-ups and Winning at all costs" by Tyler Hamilton and Daniel Coyle)

I wrote several times here in Japanese that in the end what matters is that all the riders who I support come home safe.

テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2012/10/03(水) 07:21:21|
  2. Bike Races in Belgium
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Tour de France 2013 Overview

In English:
Based on the information at velowire.com, I write the following not for anyone but for myself. By writing this I hope details of the race is absorbed by my brain.

******** Stage schedule from velowire.com ********
Driving from Luxembourg to Nice = roughly 950km not including inevitable errands on the way (like shopping, eating, etc)

Crossing the Mediterranean by ferry = 5 hours?

1/ Saturday 29 June 2013 - Porto-Vecchio > Bastia - 200 km
2/ Sunday 30 June 2013 - Bastia > Ajaccio - 155 km
3/ Monday 1 July 2013 - Ajaccio > Calvi - 145 km

Crossing the Mediterranean by ferry = 5 hours?

4/ Tueday 2 July 2013 - Nice > Nice - team time trial - about 20 km
5/ Wednesday 3 July 2013 - Cagnes-sur-Mer > Marseille
6/ Thursday 4 July 2013 - Aix-en-Provence > Montpellier
7/ Friday 5 July 2013 - Montpellier > Albi
8/ Saturday 6 July 2013 - Castres > Ax-3 Domaines
9/ Sunday 7 July 2013 - Saint-Girons > Bagnères-de-Bigorre

Transfer = more than 700km

R1/ Monday 8 July 2013 - rest day in Nantes

10/ Tuesday 9 July 2013 - Nantes > Saint-Malo
11/ Wednesday 10 July 2013 - Avranches > Mont Saint-Michel (individual time trial)
12/ Thursday 11 July 2013 - Fougères > Tours
13/ Friday 12 July 2013 - Tours > Saint-Amand-Montrond
14/ Saturday 13 July 2013 - Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule > Lyon
15/ Sunday 14 July 2013 - Lyon (Givors) > Mont-Ventoux
R2/ Monday 15 July 2013 - rest day in the Vaucluse
16/ Tuesday 16 July 2013 - Vaison-la-Romaine > Gap
17/ Wednesday 17 July 2013 - Embrun > Chorges - ITT
18/ Thursday 18 July 2013 - Gap > Alpe d'Huez
19/ Friday 19 July 2013 - Bourg d'Oisans > Le Grand Bornand

20/ Saturday 20 July 2013 - Annecy ??? > ???
(cyclingnews.com sais this stage is a climb ITT in Semnoz)

Transfer = more than 600km

21/ Sunday 21 July 2013 - Montgeron or Versailles ??? > Paris - Champs-Elysées
******** Stage schedule from velowire.com ********

There are critical setbacks in the course layout in 2013. The first one is the fact that it starts in Corsica. It is an island surrounded by the Mediterranean see. I think I did not have to define what an island is but I wanted to remind you that the Tour starts on an island. Adding to the long transfer from Luxembourg, I have to cross the ocean. There is another big transfer after the last Pyrenees stage before the Nantes-Saint-Malo stage. Luckily this transfer takes place on the rest day so that I can still drive all day without missing anything the next day. The riders are presumably going to fly to Nantes to have a rest day there.

Wait a minute, traditionally the riders take it easy in the morning and a light bike ride in the afternoon. Who will carry the bikes for the riders? The bus driver and equipment truck driver have to drive there, too. They go full gas on the highway. I see them speeding their way to Paris after the last stage before Paris. I don't think the police want to catch them. On the other hand, some publicity caravan vehicles with enormous ad boards or non-aerodynamic objects struggle with even keeping up at 90km/h (50mp/h).

Anyway, the figures go like;
1) Luxembourg -> Nice = 950km
2) Nice -> Calvi = 5 hours?
3) Calve -> Nice = 5 hours?
4) Bagnères-de-Bigorre -> Nantes = 750km
5) Annecy -> Paris = 620km
6) Paris -> Luxemoburg = 340km

It is going to be a long ride next year.

In 2008 (I lived in Baden-Wuettemberg, Germany), I drove more than 1,000km just to get to Brest, where the Grand Depart was held, day and night, avoiding the turn-pikes in France. I took about 24 hours to get there.

I took a small side trip on the way. I arrived at a gas station somewhere near Mont-Saint-Michel past midnight utterly exhausted. I slept there in the parking in my car (at that time a Mercedes A-class) and woke up in the morning. I decided to visit the famous sightseeing spot in a hurry.

I arrived at the Team Presentation, I remember, 1 or 2 o'clock in the afternoon. In 2008, I followed the Tour, start-to-finish. I just missed the most important day, the last ITT because of a tire-burst on the way to the ITT course. My A-Class was not equipped with a spare tire but an electric air-pump and a flat-repair slime, which had no frigging jurisdiction over a burst (complete structural destruction of tire) This incident was so traumatic that the option, the only option, I chose when I bought my Ka was a real spare tire in place of that wussy flat repair kit. True story!

On Corsica:
Everybody describes it as a heavenly resort with white sand beach or something. I don't care. Just tell me the best way in and out of the island.

In Japanese:




テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2012/10/03(水) 03:46:06|
  2. Tour de France
  3. | トラックバック:0
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Binche-Tournai-Binche 2013 PartII

In English:
I am back from Binche. It is a bit past 11:00 in the evening. I could have been back earlier but I took a nap on my way back at a gas station/rest area in Belgium.

Until now, this moment when I turned on my computer, went on-line and checked the cyclingnews.com, I had no idea who won today. Now I know someone won.

I left for Binche 5:30 in the morning. The traffic was a tad busier than usual, I mean, than that on early Sunday morning the time frame when I usually drive to a road race event. Yes it is Tuesday Today. By 7:30 in the morning, the freeway was loaded with commuters.

Binche turned out to be a town I have never visited before. I never know before I visit them because I have been to so many places without taking a particular notice to their names. I arrived around 8:50 and stayed in the car until 10:30. The previous night I could not sleep at all. Perhaps I had too much caffeine before going to bed.

A sleepy and old town. A surprise, there were many people waiting around the start area. Maybe avid road race fans but not so avid workers? drinking Belgium beers. None of my business.

It was already rainy on my way there and it stayed wet until later in the afternoon. Many of the team buses were already in the designated parking lot by then.

Monsieur Daniel Mangeas was there. He was also the MC at Circuit Franco-Belge (and was also at GP Fourmies).

The RadioShack-Nissan-Treck bus came later. TV crew from several stations were waiting for the bus, more specifically for Andy Schleck. Andy gave a brief interview in front of the bus. I could tweet the picture using the abundant unprotected Wifi signals.

The small team presentation and off they went. It looked, yes as you can easily imagine, all they (media) wanted to do was to bug Andy and not to pay attention to other riders! Well, what can you do, if you were one of them (media) and your boss said, "no Andy, no pay" to you befofe you left for Binche?

I went to Quevy, 18km from Binche. The designated feed zone, ravitaillement. I don't remember seeing Andy; perhaps I missed him or maybe he was out by then and was inside the team car.

To be continued

テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2012/10/02(火) 15:37:26|
  2. Bike Races in Belgium
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Paris-Tours 2013; Should I go?

In English

This year's edition of Paris-Tours starts in a town called "Châteauneuf-en-Thymerais." In most of cases, as far as I know, Paris-Tours does not start in Paris. This year's edition is no exception. The town is far from Paris; it is 480km from Luxembourg city.

www.radioshacknissantrek.com lists Oliver Zaugg as its planned participants and so far this year I haven't collected his autograph. So should I go? Matthew Busche was my 23rd autograph-er on my jersey at Circuit Franco-Belge last Sunday and Herr Zaugg could be my 24th.

Last year I scored perfect ten on collecting Leopard-Nissan riders' autographs. I even collected the Stagiaire, who started later in the season and who is now at Katusha, at Franco-Belge 2011. Simply perfect! The last big race event last year was la Lombardia. The prestigious Italian race in Milan. This is what happened last year in late September.

After Franco-Belge, I was shy of 3 autographs from scoring perfect ten. Those elusive riders were namely, Oliver Zaugg, Thomas Rohregger and Bruno Pires. Before the Lombardia I realized, like a sign from God, that all of the riders listed as MIA were planned to be there.

I managed to take extra days off from work and drove to Milan. In Milan Tim Vanderjeugd welcomed me pointing out the dirty jersey I was wearing. I told him the reason, more likely my raison d'etre to be there, I was there. He told me that he would tell those riders to come directly to me and give me their autographs without fail and then came back into the bus. The rest is history.

Well this year, I am not going to score ten. I know. Those elusive Portuguese and Austrian riders, again, were no-shows at the races I could attend.

Châteauneuf-en-Thymerais is far but still within a day's trip by my Ford Ka. I can manage to have following Monday morning off so that I can recover from a long ride back home on Sunday.

This race could be the last race for me this year. I only see the start and then head back home.

Japanese version.





テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2012/10/01(月) 16:19:48|
  2. Bike Races in France
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Binche-Tournai-Binche 2013

Memorial Frank Vandenbroucke (http://www.binche-tournai-binche.eu/)だそうです。ファンデンブルッケのメモリアルとして今年は開催されます。




In English:
This year's Binche-Tournai-Binche is dedicated to Frank Vandenbroucke, as his memorial event. I don't know him well because I became a fan of cycling sport when his hay days were already over.

What a good surprise! Andy Schleck is listed as one of the participants in the event on RadioShack-Nissan-Trek official site. It has been a long time since I saw him in action. He is still alive!! (kidding!!) I am looking forward to being there. I have already had all the autographs of announced participants; no hustle and bustle (like begging for autographs or eagle-eyeing for riders to come out of the bus). How do you pronounce Binche, I mean, it should be pronounced in French manner or Flanders manner? I don't remember ever visiting the city but I am not sure. If I don't recognize the scenery of the city, I have never been there before.

Geographically, driving to Binche is like driving to Mons. The race is, like Liege-Bastogne-Liege, a boomerang race. It finishes in a town where it starts. I don't see any significant bumps (climbers' venue); meaning it will most likely culminate in a bunch sprint.

My plan for tomorrow is; Driving to Binche in the morning and see guys off (ultimately boomeranging myself back). Then drive to Quevy, where the feed zone (ravitaillement) is located, only 18km apart. I will certainly take out my bike to ride around. As the weather seems promising, I will most likely get in my RadioShack-Nissan kit and go round and round enjoying the last days of cycling under the sunny weather in Europe. OMG, I have to shave (or depilate) my legs before doing that! They are stubbly now.

テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2012/10/01(月) 15:41:33|
  2. Bike Races in Belgium
  3. | トラックバック:0
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