Mobile phonesI have been using a cheap Android phone since 2019 (? or ?). Before that I had been using Google Nexus 5X (made by LG) but its quality was like sh*t. It seemed that its cheap quality had been well documented (a lot of YouTube videos). Mine developed the exact symptoms and I had to buy a new one.
I bought a cheap Android phone that had large amount of battery capacity. It was not a great phone but it was not too expensive. UMIDIGI F1, I think, is the name. It came with a certain version of Android OS but it had only one update available. It never got any other security patches of any kind. This was expected as the manufacturer was not one of those major players in the Android phone world.
It works fine although its camera is very crappy. I always had a soft silicon cover with it. I have dropped it many times but not shattered the glass.
Recently I noticed a light (backlight) coming through the top left corner of the phone. Apparently, the glued screen unit has come off. It works fine for the moment but I have to be very careful not to make it wet around that corner.
So I decided to buy a new phone. This time I want a rugged phone. I have already ordered one and it will arrive sometime in February, I think. I will talk about it when it arrives.
A winter jacketI ordered a cheap jacket. That's all. Noting special.
Winter in Luxembourg 2022This year we have a relatively mildly cold Winter here in Luxembourg. It does not snow much, almost none up to this moment.
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テーマ:Android携帯 - ジャンル:携帯電話・PHS
- 2022/01/21(金) 00:09:19|
- Diary
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