The battery died on me! Woe!I went to my car and I pushed the engine start button on my Mazda MX-5. The starter motor turned a bit with a wimpish grief.
D*mn! Not again! My MX-5 for some unknown reasons has a weak heart. I know what is wrong with it but what I don't know is what is causing it.
I know something is constantly consuming a certain amount of electricity more than it should be even though the engine is off. Some systems (computer memory, security and etc.) are always on but...
When this happened, I used to take the battery off and bring it inside the room before hooking it to the charger. It took half a day or so to charge it fully.
Now I have the device for this kind of occasion. I bought a starter aid device. A tiny portable Lithium battery pack that I bought a while ago (about a year ago?).
It worked! I took it out of the rear boot (trunk) and hooked it up to the weak battery. I crossed my fingers (not literally) and voi-la!
Fate favors the prepared mind!
In Japanese:続きをどうぞ
[Battery died on me again (for how many time?)]の続きを読む
テーマ:自動車の整備&修理 - ジャンル:車・バイク
- 2024/11/08(金) 17:59:48|
- Mazda MX-5
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The 6th Year annual maintenance cost me dearly!I paid a bit more than 400 euro for this maintenance service. This time besides the regular oil change, the radiator fluid seems to have been changed.
Picking up the packages at the post officeI did. One was the Streamlight™ Stinger HP from the United States of America and the other was a small electric board that would work inside my iPod Classic in place of ailing 1.8-inch HDD.
The Stinger HP was in a great cosmetic condition. I found no scratches nor any dents on it. When I turned it on, it did not light up. The battery must have been depleted, so it seemed. The battery was consequently placed in the charger in its dedicated place (one of the chargers that I own is a piggy back charger). I waited for hours before it got fully charged to whatever capacity left on it.
The reason for this impromptu purchase its serial number. The serial number was a prime number 49261. It was not because the price was low nor it looked beautiful. I purchased an Ultra Stinger just a while ago because of the same reason (the serial number is a palindromic prime number). This Ultra Stinger has a lot of scratches and dents but still it is valuable to me.
I put a working battery in it and, voila, it worked! The bulb turned out to be fine.
It is really incredibly beautiful indeed. No blemish! Despite its beautiful disguise, it must be old since it has "Made in USA" etching on its battery compartment cap. Newer models are made in "China" and carry no "Made in USA" letters at all.
My collection so far is;
1. Stinger serial #02610 - "MADE IN USA" "NORRISTOWN PA"
(converted by me into "Classic" with Streamlight genuine LED conversion kit)
2. Stinger serial #1593844 -
3. Stinger HP serial #038994 - "MADE IN USA" "EAGLEVILLE PA"
4. Stinger HP serial #049261 - "MADE IN USA" "EAGLEVILLE PA"
5. Ultra Stinger serial #093139 - "MADE IN USA" "EAGLEVILLE PA"
6. Ultra Stinger serial #354145 -
"NORRISTOWN PA" looks very cool!
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[Oil Chage after one year! ]の続きを読む
テーマ:自動車の整備&修理 - ジャンル:車・バイク
- 2023/09/29(金) 18:28:29|
- Mazda MX-5
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What's up with you, Hannah?My cat Hannah, female 3 years old, has been a bit acting strangely for some time (a week).
She usually sleeps along somewhere in the room unless it is extremely cold a bit away from me. She slept inside the sleeping bag with me when we were camping in a tent last Spring with the temperature inside the tent close to zero Celsius.
She sleeps with me (on the cover) since a week ago. Strange. I know it has been a bit colder but it is not too cold.
I don't mind her change at all. I like it better but I don't know what is going on with her. I will see if her change lasts.
Mazda MX-5It has been my car for the last five years and I love it. If and when I decide to come back to Japan, I will bring it home with me. It is after all a Mazda, a Japanese car.
Japan adopted England (or the UK) style transportation system when it wanted to be motorized more than one hundred years ago at the end of Samurai ruling period. In my view it was a unfortunate decision, though.
It the Japanese government had decided to adopt the US or continental European system back then, things would have been very different by now.
It is possible to maintain a European Mazda MX-5 (Mazda "Roadster" in Japan) reasonably in Japan, I guess. Parts are obtainable from any Mazda dealers all over Japan. Some parts, however, will be very difficult to get in Japan, I imagine. Namely, the interior parts because the driver's seat is located on the "wrong" side in my car.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[What's up with my cat "Hannah"?]の続きを読む
テーマ:愛車と日常 - ジャンル:車・バイク
- 2022/11/07(月) 19:25:32|
- Mazda MX-5
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A rear boot (or trunk) end spoiler arrived a long while ago but ... I bought a small soft spoiler from seemingly from a Taiwanese manufacturer and sent from Hong Kong a while ago. It has arrived soon after it was ordered (and paid).
The transporting agent at least the international crossing-borders part was handled by Fedex, which was the reason the it traveled at a light-speedish rate.
Alas the final delivery in Luxembourg part was handled by a small company (probably a Belgian company?) and this agent did (at least the time of the delivery and likely even now and sometime in the near future) not have a Luxembourg base. It meant that the delivery options in case the delivery target (in this case me) was expected not home on the expected delivery date were the following: 1. to designate a new address 2. to designate someone in the neighborhood who could receive it 3. to leave instructions where to hide the package around the building 4. to set a new delivery date on t heir Internet site.
I did not want to bother my employer (by changing the delivery address to my work place) so the only sensible choice was to take the fourth one when I would be home if I wanted.
It (the transporting agent) did not even have so-called pick-up points in the area, which was the reason I guessed it did not have a base in Luxembourg. Most transporters have pick-up points in Luxembourg, where customers can pick the package up at their convenient time.
Anyway, on the new delivery date I waited until 14:30 in the afternoon but nobody came. I had to leave for work that day. I left a small note on a piece of paper stuck on the button to ring saying that I went out of time so leave the package somewhere or someone.
Later when I came home the package was there by the door to my room inside the apartment building. OK I got it.
It was a long time ago but I haven't installed it yet as I was lazy.
One of my favorite pastime: crossword puzzlesI had know what crossword puzzles were like I was small. I came to know what "real" crossword puzzles were like when I began to live in the United States of America in the early 90's. I watched the Presidential campaign all the year where Bill Clinton won the race. That meant I moved there late 91, I guess.
Since then solving them became my favorite pastime. I did not have access to them while I worked in Japan in the late 90's up to early 2000's. I steadily enjoy them since I moved to Europe.
Anyway, crossword puzzles are not popular in Japan and Japanese versions are quite different from real English ones mainly because the differences in the two language structures, namely the characters. It is basically impossible to make a Japanese crossword puzzles following the strict rules set by the English crossword puzzle creation manner. For example it is impossible to form symmetrical black-and-white forms in Japanese puzzles if you want the puzzles to be bigger than few columns and rows.
Occasionally I come across some answers that make me smile or grin. I have an app on my phone. Here are some screenshots to show what I mean.
The images are coming!
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[A rear spoiler has arrived and I haven't done anything about it.]の続きを読む
- 2022/11/01(火) 16:39:41|
- Mazda MX-5
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