


Hans Seeckt (A German Soldier) and his "supposed" thoughts on people

So-called and maybe totally baseless theory?

Johannes "Hans" Friedrich Leopold von Seeckt, according to the Wikipedia (in English) is an accomplished German soldier (very high-ranking) and later a military consultant.

I did not know his name or if he had existed until recently. Who does?

For some reasons unknown or obscure, his name along with his theory (or his thoughts) on how to use certain types of people in particular places in the army is very well known in Japan. Why Japan? Please don't ask me!

According to this bogus baseless (?) theory, you can choose how to deploy certain people in the army (or in any organizations like companies or so).

When I came to knew this so-called Seeckt theory, I wanted to know the whole story on it so I sought for the source. English version of Wikipedia did not. It did not mention this theory at all.

I learned soon from a Japanese web page (some kind of online dictionary of contemporary terms that this theory did not really had any solid source at all. Someone attributed this theory to his name contending that Herr von Seeckt had said so somewhere.

Anyway, writing something without any solid source on Wikipedia is a no-no and that was why I did not find this theory there (Wikipedia - von Seeckt's entry in English).

It was strange to find an old German officer's name in a wide-spread Japanese myth. Who started it?

Yet this bogus theory was so convincing in a way and many people (Japanese people at least) are using it as a base for some arguments.

In essence, the theory goes like this. You can roughly categorize people in four kinds and there are right positions for those 4 types of solders. This below is my own translation from some of the Japanese writings so I can not take any credits nor criticism.

1. Able and eager (or too eager)
2. Able but lazy (in such a way that might be understood not too eager)
3. Incapable (or not able) but eager (or too eager)
4. Incapable (or not able) and lazy (In such a way that might be understood not too eager)

A person of trait number 1 should be officers who take orders from the higher-ranking officer.

A person of trait number 2 should be the top officer.

A person of trait number 3 should be executed by a firing squad. Totally useless!

A person of trait number 4 should be a lower-ranking soldier.

Does this make any sense at all? At least many Japanese think so.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [Hans Seeckt (A German Soldier) and his "supposed" thoughts on people]の続きを読む

テーマ:ひとりごとのようなもの - ジャンル:日記

  1. 2023/02/02(木) 22:21:15|
  2. Miscellaneous stuff
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  4. | コメント:0

Additionally Mag-Lites

C cell Mag-Lites are gone!

I was looking for some information concerning Mag-Lites upgrades and reached a blog site by someone who obviously a Mag-Lite mania (in a respectful way, of course).

In one of his blog entries I learned that Mag-Lite (the manufacturer) discontinued the C cell line completely back in 2020. This means that the C cell Mag-Lite flashlights that I find on sale (on Amazon or elsewhere) are already dead stock products. There will be no new ones leaving the assembly line. How sad!

This fact gave me one more reason to like my own Mag-Lite 4 C. There will be no more! Should I start buying some parts for it while there are available? I would not but ...

I was wondering for a while how it was possible that the Mag-Lite flashlights sold on Amazon Germany had a very wide price range. Simple 2 D flashlights seemed to be have a stable price zone while others had extreme high price tags.

I have to assume that those (for example 6 D maybe?) are already dropped from the production line.

I was also wondering before I learned the dwindling production of Mag-Lite flashlights why those drop-in LED upgrades are not so actively sold. Some upgrade makers did not have any stocks.

I have to guess that even upgrade makers have lost faith in the (Mag-Lite) market.

Sad! Years from now those Mag-Lite flashlights will be sold at a very high price among collectors. I do not intend to buy Mag-Lite flashlights to sell them for profit later years from now but I would keep my eyes on ones available now.

I used to own 6 D that I purchased in Germany more than 10 years ago. It was on sale and had a price tag of 50 % off at that time. I guess it was only around 20 Euros or something. I don't own it now and I regret having bequeathed it.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [Additionally Mag-Lites]の続きを読む

テーマ:ひとりごとのようなもの - ジャンル:日記

  1. 2023/02/01(水) 22:03:56|
  2. Miscellaneous stuff
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  4. | コメント:0

Breaking free from something and others

Breaking free from ...

I am thinking of the song by "Queen" sung by none other than Freddie Mercury ( I hope I spelt it correctly) in women's underwear, "I Want To Break Free".

When was it when I first saw the music video? MTV was really a hot thing even in Japan at that time I believe.

I am now between jobs. I am looking for a job. To be between jobs, you have to break from the old job first. That is what I am doing now. I announced my intention of leaving the job on December 16th (or 17th?), 2022. The Employer then agreed that the termination (of my employment) would be at the end of January, 2023. That was what we agreed on verbally.

He called the next day (about half day later) that he waned me to stay. I did not agree.

He somehow thinks (or thought) that I agreed and that I continue to work Today (February 2023). It is not gonna happen. I declared my intention and he verbally agreed to let me go. It was set. In other words, the ladies have long left the building (after finishing the song).

He would be upset by now realizing that I would not be present at work. What can I do? What could I have done?

(For me) Regrets? No!

Mag-Lite 4C anodized black

I got it years ago for free. It was laid on a shelf at a recycling place for someone to take for no charges, free. Somebody wanted to get rid of it but it was still in decent shape so she/he wanted it to have a second (or third? or more) life with someone who would appreciate it. So I took it along with a coffee machine, which I later gave to a friend for free, of course.

The coffee machine was a decent one with a mill built in. I had a timer function, too so that you can have cups of coffee in the morning before leaving for work from freshly milled coffee beans. A nice one, indeed. It was not an espresso machine and if it was I would have kept it by me.

The 4 C Mag-Lite had already seen better days. It had small scratches and small dents. But it worked when I supplied a new set of batteries (converted 4 AA cells in conversion capsules). It originally came with a halogen glow bulb but I soon gave it a LED bulb. This LED bulb was a cheap one and was not too bright, though.

C cells a smaller in diameter than D cells and lighter, either. Having 4 AA cells make it (I mean the Mag-Lite as a whole) even lighter than the original specs (with 4 C cells) but it still feels heavy-ish.

I thought it might be handy to fend off some burglars when someone tried to mug me. I guess it was built for that purpose in a way. For my defense I have to explain a bit. I was in a position to handle some case money alone in a small place late at night from a cash register. So don't judge me. I did not intend to use it as a weapon. I wanted to defend myself when needed.

It was built to last. And it does last physically. Mag-Lites are a bit out of date by Today's standard. Many have gone to latest LED lights for years. I used to see them at any hardware stores but nowadays I don't see them there. Smaller, lighter, brighter and even cheaper LED flashlights have been dominant in the market.

What am I writing? Am I writing about the practicality of this old outdated Mag-Lite? No I am writing about something else.

Latest technologies are good but I personally long for old-school low tech stuff more and more as I age (perhaps?). My beloved Mazda MX-5 ND is superior vehicle but I long for a Beck 550 Spyder.

I think it would be a bliss if I could lay my hands on it someday. I would like to get one (old and battered) and fix it myself.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [Breaking free from something and others]の続きを読む

テーマ:ひとりごとのようなもの - ジャンル:日記

  1. 2023/02/01(水) 18:14:08|
  2. Miscellaneous stuff
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  4. | コメント:0














