


The matter was not so easy after all.

MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid 2010 is slowly dying!

So it seems.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [The matter was not so easy after all.]の続きを読む

テーマ:Mac - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2022/06/07(火) 15:04:59|
  2. MacBooks and Macs
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The SSD was not broken at all but the cause of the trouble was ...

TOSHIBA SSD seems to be dead!

I opened up the back panel of MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid 2010 and removed the Toshiba SSD out of it. I placed it into the USB outer HDD case.

I booted up an old MacBook Late 2009 (Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz) and plugged it into one of its USB ports. Noting happened. The Disk Utility software did not find anything on its USB port. Nada!

I have to conclude that this Toshiba SSD is dead. I can not salvage nothing out of it. It is gone! All the things on it has gone to the oblivion. I can only blame myself for not backing the data up. I did not use the Time Machine utility to save the data. It it all my fault.

Now I have to restore the environment on a new SSD as much as possible but it takes time and some of the data won't be available.

***** later *****

I was wrong and I am writing this on my Compaq Presario notebook later. The Toshiba SSD did got mounted on MacBook Late 2009's desktop several minutes later. It appeared to be OK after all. I ran Disk Utility's First Aid several times and every time it checked out fine.

I removed the SSD out of the case and put it back in the MacBook Pro. I turned it on but the folder with a question mark on it appeared again on the booting screen. WTF?

I was a bit puzzled but I knew that the SSD was kinda OK so I had to conclude that the cause of the trouble must be elsewhere.

On a hunch, I checked the connectors on the mainboard. I disconnected some of them (seemingly the connectors of internal SATA devices) and eventually the MacBook Pro booted into the desktop. Loose connectors made this happen, maybe.

Now I am backing up the SSD on a HDD on a USB port by running the Time Machine. It will take a while but I am happy now.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [The SSD was not broken at all but the cause of the trouble was ...]の続きを読む
  1. 2022/06/06(月) 19:52:44|
  2. MacBooks and Macs
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MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid 2010 got a problem with the SSD inside?

Finally it happened!

My trusty (so it always has been) MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid 2010, which I got as a used Mac around 2013?? suddenly stopped working (specifically booting up) several days ago.

I was doing something related to researching for the upcoming summer vacation car trip plans when it froze up. I tried to reboot the Finder and I could not. Subsequently I tried to reboot but it did not respond. I had to force shut it down by holding down the start button finally.

After this it never booted up to Finder screen (or log-in screen), instead, it shows blinking folder with a question mark on it at the start up off-white background.

The MacBook is not recognizing the proper system folder (in the parlance of System 6 or 7 days in the 1990's).

I have to put it under FireWire Disk Mode and try to repair the SSD from another similar Mac (I have two MacBook Late 2009 with me). If it succeeds (repairing the boot sector or broken system files), I can boot the MacBook Pro again but it it fails, I have to do something else to repair it.

I don't know if the SSD (which I installed shortly after I got it) is broken. If this was the case, I have to install another SSD (I purchased it years ago to replace the very SSD in trouble now) and to restore the software programs painstakingly from scratch. I have not backed it up for a long time. I should have done it as frequently as possible. It is too late now.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid 2010 got a problem with the SSD inside?]の続きを読む

テーマ:ノートPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2022/06/06(月) 17:12:13|
  2. MacBooks and Macs
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0














