2019, 2020 and beyondChinese economy bubble burst (already happened and we are waiting for a
Minsky moment)
Deutsche Bank bankruptcy
Brexit (and Britain's biggest bank going bankrupt)
Japan's Softbank going bankrupt
All those so-called derivative products burst
Why do we expect our future rosy? I expect nothing but the materialization of that dreaded prophecy, the third World War if it were not an economic one currently being waged. We (maybe not including me) will rise from the ashes, eventually but how hard would it be and how long would it take?
My 2019 and 2020I started working at a new location from December 2018. I have spent year 2019 at this new work place up to now until I quit it in the middle of December 2019.
I will start at a new place starting next year, 2020. I really hope that the year 2020 will bring me some luck. I need one.
Year 2019 brought me Hannah, a lovely cat who at this moment is sleeping peacefully by my side on a pet heating mattress. She was (supposedly) born on April 26, 2019 and she was adopted and became my family in June. She and I had a wonderful (almost perfect but was somehow hampered by my unpreparedness) car trip following the Tour de France. She is growing and I can not be happier.
Year 2020 will be a bit different as I am setting on a journey (job-wise). I still hope that we (Hannah and I) will repeat the same wonderful vacation and also will enjoy all those bike race events together.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[Looking back at 2019 and forward past 2020]の続きを読む
テーマ:日記 - ジャンル:日記
- 2019/11/04(月) 20:54:02|
- Diary
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