Rental carsLast year (Last July) I rented a car to take two people around who came to see the Tour de France. The car was an Opel Corsa 3-door. It was OK.
I rented a car during the Paris-Roubaix and Brabantse Pijl week to take two people around. It was an Opel Corsa 5-door. I specifically designated small class (over mini class) to accommodate the big suitcase that one of the passengers had.
I just rented a car for the Amstel Gold Race, la Frèche Wallonne and Liège-Bastogne-Liège week. This time I was expecting (up to) 3 passengers and big suitcases (but only temporarily). So to save money, I made on-line reservation for a small class vehicle (like Ford Fiesta, VW Polo or the likes). I was also (cunningly) expecting a free upgrade at the counter because I knew that rental companies did not have many of those mini or small class cars (as they don't make much money).
So I was a bit surprised to hear that the my car was the Opel Mokka. Opel Mokka, the smallish SUV? I did not say anything and when the man at the counter asked it was OK, I said that I was expecting up to 3 passengers so any car with more than 4 seating capacity would do.
At the specified parking lot, I found the car and it was indeed the Opel Mokka.
It is tall and roomy. I don't know the engine displacement but it runs OK.
The two latter cars (Corsa 5-door and Mokka) had (or has) Opel's entertainment system built-in. I have already fiddled with it while driving the Corsa but this week I will do more with the Mokka.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
レンタカー車を持ってるが、あまりにも収容定員が少ないので、レンタカーを借りてる。明日からの1週間の車を借りに空港に行った。予約したのは安いスモールクラスだ。ポータルサイト(複数のレンタル会社の車を一括で検索、価格比較ができる)を利用した。そこで、VW Polo(に代表されるスモールクラス)相当という条件で予約して置いた。
まあまあ面白いシステムだ。Mazda MX-5に付いてるMazda Connectと似てるといえば、似てる。
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2018/04/14(土) 18:29:10|
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こんにちは。お元気ですか? 一度はアルデンヌ三連戦を通しで観戦したいと思っているのですが、現在は日程的にそれも実現できません。結局今年はジロのほうに行くことにしてしまいました。
- 2018/04/21(土) 04:21:38 |
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