PowerBook 100 (1991 - 1992) Model Identifier: 24It is a little brother of the Macintosh Portable (1989 - 1991).
(images gracefully filched from lowendmac.com)
PowerBook 100 was normally sold like this, i.e. with an external Floppy disk drive.
Macintosh Portable and its little brother PowerBook 100 side by side.
******** On Portable ********
According to my trusty MacTracker on my MacBook Pro 13 Mid 2010, there are two models of Macintosh Portables, one is M5120 (Model Number), which is the original and the other is M5126, which is with backlit LCD.
Around 1999 to 2002 (I guess as my memory does not serve me) I bought a Macintosh Portable. It cost me a lot. It was a used one and according to the registered owner's name, I figured that it once belong to a gentleman from some English speaking countries, most likely the U.S.A. It did not contain any sensitive information on him but the user name suggested distinctively a male person.
I played it for a while before it stopped booting at all. If it is with me and if I live in Japan where it still is, I would take it to some repair shop and get it fixed. I know that some or all of the capacitors on it are defect.
I don't remember whether it had a backlit LCD or not.
******** End *******
Back to PowerBook 100.
It shares a lot with its predecessor (Portable), in fact, one of the Apple technical documents (PDF floating on the Internet) that I found and scanned contained expressions like it (some internal scheme) is basically the same as the Portable, so let us skip the details and go on to the next topic or so.
The fact that Sony Inc. was commissioned to design (internally, I guess, while Apple designed it externally) and manufacture it may make them half-brothers (from different mothers).
When it came out originally in the US, I was there. I was living there. Alas I could not afford it. I wish I had purchased it back then.
It is one of the Apple products that I wish that I had with me or that I can get one day.
Why just with so when I can get it (working or not working)?
So I bought one on ebay right now. It is broken internally (blown capacitors) and cosmetically (cracked case, missing parts). It does not matter almost all of them in existence don't function properly without recapping those nasty capacitors anyway. As for the broken and missing parts, I will keep looking for them.
Missing parts:
1. no AC adapter
2. no external floppy drive
3. no backside flap door (covering the IO ports)
4. the lower trackball click button is gone
5. right side tilt stand is missing its foot
6. right upper corner of upper case is chipped off
7. three rubber feet (covering the screws) are gone
(possible) Remedies:
1. There are some genuine or compatible adapters sold widely
2. Floppy disks are available nowadays?
3. It is only cosmetic but I will look for other PowerBook 100s to get parts from
4. ditto
5. ditto
6. ditto or I may try to fix it
7. ditto but those rubber parts have deteriorated by now so I should make them out of some rubbery material.
I don't think I can get anything from any online stores. For example, The Bookyard lists only a handful of parts for it and PowerBookMedic does not have any at all.
The Bookyard lists 3. back flap and 5. feet (although as "foot") but they are out of stock as of now (May 10, 2020). They are so expensive so I won't bother to click on the "Notify" button to let them know that I want them when those are in stock.
The only way that I get any parts is keep looking for them on auctions like ebay or other sources.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
PowerBook 100について実は、中古で動作しないPowerBook 100を購入してしまいました。ほんの出来心です。動作しません。しかも外装にも問題があり、美品でさえありません。部品取りに使うか、基盤を修理できるか、液晶自体は大丈夫かも?という程度の物です。電源アダプターも付属してません。手元に来るのは先ですが、まあ楽しみに待ちます。電源アダプターは手持ちの何かをつかって、代用できるかを試します。
これを足がかりにして、さらに安いPowerBook 100を買い続け、十分な部品が揃ったら、日本に持って行き業者さんに修理してもらう。そしてやっと完動?
例えばQuadra 700とそしてPowerBook 100である。まあQuadra 700は結構な数が現時点でも入手可能である。でも高価(発売当時の価格に比べれば相当安いが)なので、買わない。もしあれば、そこそこ遊べる性能がある。文章作ったりとか、お絵かきしたりとか、そんな事には使える。インターネット接続もできるが、ブラウザーが古すぎて現在では繋がるサイトが極端に少ないだろう。httpsと最後にsの付いたURLは全滅だろう。
PowerBook 100に至っては、さらに使い道が少ない。CPUパワーも画面の制限(モノクロで640 x 400)なので、できることは文章を書くこと位だろう。例えばこのブログの英語の文章とかはすらすら書けるし、スペルチェックできるワープロソフトもある。
ケーブルとかアダプターが入手できれば、PowerBook 100のシリアルポートからEthernetに変換し、macOS XのマシンへNFS(Unix標準のネットワークファイルシステム)でのファイル交換は可能かもしれない。それにも相当な面倒な思いをして、ケーブルやらアダプターを入手しなくてはならない。シリアル・Ethernet変換機器は中古で確かに見つかるが、相当な価格だ。
テーマ:Mac - ジャンル:コンピュータ
- 2020/05/10(日) 18:46:22|
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