I am cleaning my roomIt is way way past that time. My room has accumulated enough trash and unnecessary stuff so that it has come to the point that I can not live normally. So it is time!
This is being written on one of my PowerBook G4 (A1106) machines. I have three of them. This one (number 3 in the order of purchase) is clocked at 1.5 GHz and was a good deal cosmetically and functionally. It was really cheap. It has a German keyboard (purchased from Lithuania) and the latch mechanism on the lower case (next to the palm rest) is broken. Otherwise this is working beautifully and I am very pleased with it.
I purchased (from either the Bookyard or PowerBookMedic) a US keyboard and the needed part to fix the latch mechanism. I am lazy and have not done the swap nor repair.
I am waiting for another new (used, of course) PowerBook. This time it is the PowerBook 100 from the UK. It won't boot at all! I guess more than 90 % of what is still standing (in other words, those that have been already thrown away) are not functioning because of capacitor leakage.
I am Japanese by birth. I can find almost handful of repair shops who specialize in old classic vintage Macintosh machines or are willing to repair them in Japan. If I were in Japan now, I would take many of my old Macintosh machines to them and have them repaired. The Portable, IIcx and others.
This time I decided to buy this broken PowerBook 100 because I thought if I don't now I won't be able to own them. This particular PowerBook 100 has missing parts or a cracked case part. It seems to have 2 MB PSRAM card inside. I will keep buying yet other PowerBook 100 machines so that I will be able to accumulate enough spare parts so that I can assemble at least one complete machine.
I am now looking into a method or methods to transfer file from the PowerBook 100 to other capable machines. I want to use this PowerBook 100 as much as possible. I may use it to write this, i.e. blog entries on it. Finding a minimum editor or word processor for it so that I can spell check them won't be too hard.
What is puzzling me is HOW. How do I transfer the files (mostly text files or rich text files) to another machine that can access the Internet freely. I can think of an easy setup to exchange files with other Motorola 68K Macintosh machines. Apple LocalTalk or its derivative PhoneNet (is it the correct name?) will do but those 68K machines are also not viable anymore in surfing the Net freely.
The PowerBook 100 is capable of handling basic TCP/IP internet connection (it can handle up to System 7.5.5) but won't be able to cope with "https" sites. I won't be able to use its internal analog modem to get online. Where do I find an analog port for a modem nowadays?
How do I connect the PowerBook 100 to a viable network via Ethernet device? There seems (seemed) to be some LocalTalk-Ethernet bridge devices or SCSI-Ethernet adapters on the market but they are by now not easy to get ones or very expensive because of their rarity.
I keep my eyes on those devices on ebay or elsewhere. If I don't get any of those devices, a PowerBook 100 will be like an isolate island who no bridges or ferries services to the mainland (for example my MacBook or PowerBook G4).
It would be nice if a SCSI-Ethernet adapter is still available for a reasonable price and it can support System 7 and the TCP/IP connection on a M68000 machine.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
お部屋の掃除因に、このエントリーはPowerBook G4 (A1106)3号で書いてます。
1号は、英国から買った米国キーボードの動作品で、CPUが1.67 GHzです。電源周りが弱く、USBポートに適切な電源供給されてなくて(それともこれが仕様なのか)、USBメモリー系は問題ありませんが、USB2.5インチの外付けHDD等のUSBから電源を取る機器は動作しません。あと内部の光学ドライブが動作しません。一度ディスクを飲み込んだら、吐き出してくれません。システム上からも認識されてません。内部の分解点検はしてません。
2号も英国から買った(かな)米国キーボードで、CPUは1.5 GHzで動作品ですが、内部にHDDがありません。HDDの取り付けブラケットがあるかも不明です。まだ分解点検してませんからね。内部光学ドライブは調子が良さそうで、ここに入れたOSインストールディスクから調子良く起動できます。そのうちに適当なmSATAのSSDを内部に入れて、動かします。外観も美しいですが、電源ポート部に若干の凹みがあります。分解時に直せるかも。
そしてこの3号はリトアニア(だったかな)から買ったドイツ語キーボードの動作品で、CPUは1.5 GHzです。内蔵光学ドライブも調子良いです。だだし、蓋(LCD画面を閉める)を固定するラッチの受け(LCD側がラッチで、パームレスト側が受け)が壊れてます。これを買った時に米国キーバードとラッチ受け部品をThe Bookyard(だったかな?それともPowerBookMedicだったかな)から購入してます。まだ交換してません。
テーマ:日記 - ジャンル:日記
- 2020/05/11(月) 18:57:04|
- Diary
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