PowerBook G4 15-inch 2005 (A1106)This morning (March 22nd, 2019) I picked it up at the logistic company's facility and went to work. At work, I plugged the power adapter that I had previously bought for my iBook G4.
I turned it on and it made that startup chord. Wow! At least it chimes! It booted in the normal desktop without any hiccups. Wow! it is working!
It turned out that it was remarkably cosmetically impeccably beautiful and it works out of the box. The configuration was roughly:
PowerBook G4 2005 (A1106 = PowerBook5,6) 15-inch
System: Tiger 10.4.11 was present
Memory: 2 x 512 MB = 1 GB present
HDD: 80 GB
It seems everything works. I have not yet tested any of the ports (USB, FireWire, PCI card slot, Video ports and such). The AP (Wi-Fi) works, either.
LCD is working. It does not have any unlit or lit lines or anything.
Even the battery seems to hold some charges. I used it off the battery and I could use if for an hour or so and it still had half the charge. Wow!
The wonderful thing is that this beauty cost me only € 34 or € 35 including the shipping. Wow!
Like (grammatically "as") I had written in the previous entry, it has no dents and scratches. It is beautiful.
Thanks to the seller who posted its status as "faulty, for repair or spare untested", nobody beside me was interested in this. I got it very cheap. I am a lucky son of b*tch!
I am waiting for some memory modules to come from China. I ordered 4 of 1 GB modules that would fit either iBook G4 (A1134) or this PowerBook G4 (A1106). This beauty will be beefed up eventually.
First, I will wipe out the HDD and freshly install a new system (Tiger 10.4.11) from scratch.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
今朝、仕事先に違い場所の運送業者のオフィス(配送所)に行って、現物を引き取った。仕事先に持って行き、事前に用意しておいた電源アダプター(iBook G4用に買った非純正品)を接続し、一気に「電源オーーン」(気分はYouTubeで好きな吉田製作所の彼のフレーズ)しました。
iBook G4のアップグレード用、そしてこのPowerBook G4にも適合のメモリーは既に発注済みで、後一ヶ月内には届くはず。中国からのスローな安価送付なので、時間は掛かります。1GBのモジュールを4枚買ったので、このPowerBook G4には2枚挿せるので、最大の2GBに拡張します。後にHDDをSSDに換装します。
時間を見つけて、現在のHDDは綺麗にフォーマットし、新規にシステムをインストールします。再度Tiger 10.4.11にするわけです。
テーマ:Apple - ジャンル:コンピュータ
- 2019/03/22(金) 16:17:38|
- MacBooks and Macs
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