I own a Saris Bones Solo and I think it is neat. It very lightweight and small. I bought it thinking that it would work on my Mazda MX-5.
Before buying it, I did some research on the Internet as usual. Take a look at these photos that I had collected before deciding to get one.
Here, this person uses the bike rack as instructed by Saris. You see that if you set the bike perpendicular (to the ground, of course), the bike will bump into the bumper of the vehicle. To prevent the scratches and dents, you have to use padding.
Protect-O-Pads" that what Saris sells for this purpose (I have them, too!). Isn't having to use extra padding material a bit annoying? Don't you wish that the bike wouldn't stay so close to the bumper?
So this guy (or gal), not wanting to dent his/her BMW Z4 (or Z3?), devised a way to distance the bike from the vehicle. This does not follow the instructions given by Saris but it also works obviously. In a way, it is a better way to hang the bike. I guess this person does not use Protect-O-Pads.
Now (for the moment) I follow the instructions by the manufacturer but not totally happy with them. To abide by them, I have to remove the right pedal that faces the bumper and on the crank that I just removed the pedal from I put one of those Protect-O-Pads on. I also put one on the tip of the front fork (bumper side). I am not finished. Then I use a bungie code (80 cm long?) to hinder the movement of the handlebar.
(I don't know the official name for it but) There is a thing that might be called an "Anti-Sway Strap" on this bike rack. I hang my bike on the rack so that the bike faces to the left (the chainring on the bike is closer to the vehicle). This way, this anti-sway strap can kinda snugly holds the down tube just above the bottle cage.
(If I reverse the bike, the anti-sway strap does not seem comfortable hanging on the seat tube)
The first problem with Mazda MX-5 (ND) is this. (I took a photo but I don't have it on my MacBook yet. A couple of photos will be added later here) I have to put the lower ratcheting straps on a flimsy undercover hiding the muffler. This piece of plastic is not so solid. This is because the trunk lid is very shallow.
Of course, Saris will tell you that Bones Solo won't fit MX-5 (ND). No doubt.
Anyway, making this anti-sway strap useful, in other words, closer to the bike, leaves no choice but forces the bike too close to the vehicle's bumper (or any other parts).
Look at the picture here!
This guy or gal puts his/her bike on the rack and the distance between the bike and the vehicle (or its rear bumper) is ample, ample enough for the pedals to be kept on.
Also it is somewhat aerodynamically better positioned because the bike stays closer to the ground, in other words, most of the bike is behind the car and won't disturb the air flow too much. On the other hand, the anti-sway strap won't work for this setting.
I am going to work on my Bones Solo so that it fits better for my MX-5.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
実は朝起きて、ガソリンスタンドへ行き(そこがUPSのピックアップステーション)燃料を詰め、荷物(Acton Blink S2)を受け取り、その後郵便局へより、Garmin GLOを受け取って帰ってきました。BLINK S2は充電中、そして時間を見つけて、Garmin GLOのファームウエアが最新か等をチェックします。夕刻にはBLINK S2に乗ってみたいと思います。
さて、一旦書いた記事とは(なにも旅先のユースで書く必要の無いものだったが)、Saris Bones Soloの件です。
英語の文章中の画像を4枚説明します。これらは主にSaris Bones Soloの購入を検討してた時にネットで調べて、既にMacBookに保存してたものです。通常は買い物する前にネットで調査をするのが習慣です。
メーカーの規定する使用方法に従った搭載状態。ごらんの通り、自転車は傾いて居る。なぜなら、バンパーにぶつかるのを避けるために、クッション材を挟む必要があるからだ。このように自転車が車に近い状態だと揺れ防止ストラップ(3枚目)が機能する。バンパーに当たるのはメーカーも承知で、そのために専用のクッション材も販売してる。それがProtect-O-Padsという洒落た(?)名前のもので、4個セット売り。僕も既にもってる。これは前任のBones 3(最大まで自転車を詰める)でも使ってたのだ。
これはメーカーの規定する使用方法を無視して、工夫したラックの取り付け方だ。この装着方法だとトランク上部に掛けてるフックに大きな力が掛かる。自転車の重量がほとんどがこのフックに掛かる。BMW Z4(かな?)のバンパー部の膨らみがあるので、この下側の足でも多少の重量を支えてる。全体として安定性に欠けるかもしれないが、自転車が軽ければ大丈夫かもしれない。
Blink S2のリモコン用に電池を買う必要があったので、近くのお店(ホームセンター)に出かけた。その際に暫定的にでも使える滑り防止マット(発砲系の樹脂)を購入。サイズが45 cm x 125 cmなので、MX-5のトランクを充分にカバーできる。これを適当なサイズに切って使うのも手だ。色が各種あったが、黒は無く、グレーを選択した。これが二つで400円程度のセール品。
テーマ:自転車(スポーツ用) - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2017/10/13(金) 10:49:21|
- Bikes and related things
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