I think my Orange le Domino 4G Airbox is Huawei E5776. Anyway, I bought this March 26 afternoon and wanted (tried) to use it at home in the evening. It did not work. I did exactly what the flimsy sheet of paper (instructions) told me to do (included in the box). It did not work.
The symptom was it gave this message (on its small LCD screen or on the status/settings screen accessible from the connected web browsers), "SIMLOCK" or "This device is SIMLOCKED, yadda yadda yadda."
I took it to the shop where I bought the device. They did something (tried to put the SIM PIN code or PUK code) but did not work. I had to go to the other (located 150 meters away?) shop where a technician was. This technician worked on my device about 20 minutes? and finally the device started to work.
Now (March 27, afternoon) I can write this via this Orange le Domino 4G Airbox.
The connection seems to be stable so far. The status/settings page tells me that I am connecting with H+ or 3G network but not 4G. The reception in my home area is weak. I am kind of living in the valley. As you may already know, the central area of the capital of Luxembourg (Luxembourg city) was a natural fortress. A lot of cliffs and ups/downs are there. If you happen to live close to those cliffs, you get weaker TV (DVB-T) perception or weaker mobile phone coverage.

(a clip of a screenshot)
To get 4G speed, I have to go somewhere with a clear view.
Even with 3G connection, I have far speedy internet connection with this modem. I am happy and I think 129 euros I paid really was worth it.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
Orange le Domino Airboxと命名されてるこの機器ですが、Huawei E5776という機器だと思います。さて、購入した26日の夜に早速試してみたのですが、上手くネットに繋げませんでした。簡単な(折り畳んだ紙一枚)説明書しか付属してないのですが、その通りに設定してもエラーメッセージ(らしきもの)しか出てきません。それがSIMLOCKというメッセージです。
WikipediaでもSIM LOCKのことを後者と説明してます。
さて、実際に使ってみると、確かに速い。英語版のように僕の家(崖に近い)では3Gでしか接続できない。それでも以前の古い3G USBモデムの数倍の速度がでる。まあ129ユーロ払った分はすぐに回収できるだろう。
テーマ:周辺機器 - ジャンル:コンピュータ
- 2014/03/27(木) 23:48:05|
- Miscellaneous stuff
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