OK, I sent two support requests, one nüvi 2340 lifetime map update installation error and the other City Navigator Europe NT re-installation on a PC.
Both of them were received by the support. I have two confirmation e-mails.
The first one was promptly replied and after further correspondence, the problem has been solved. I now have latest map on my nüvi 2340 (on an SD Card, which I hastily bought today, Saturday, June 1.). OK, one down.
The second request has not been replied yet. They (Garmin) say that "normally" within 3 days or so the request should be replied. I will wait until Monday or Tuesday. When it is still not replied, I have to send another service request describing the same problem.
I think the problem is easily solved. The only problem (on Garmin's side) is that someone has to verify that I am not making a false claim to use Garmin's software illegally. The only thing they have to do is "to reset the already activated product key" on their server.
I had successfully done that before when my PC and nüvi 245W were stolen by submitting the police report of the theft, which by the way was issued by Luxembourg Police written in German, I think. Or was it in French?
This time, the reason I need the "reset on their server" is because my PC was sent to a repair service and came back with a wiped-out HDD.
That is why I need to re-install the software. To do this, Garmin's server has to accept my product key, which had been already activated months ago. I think the product key is only accepted once. So I am asking to reset the count to zero for me.
In Japanese:
さて、ガーミンの件ですが、二つのサービス要請を依頼しました。一つは返事が来て、その後もう一回こちらから「不具合が改善しない」の返事を書いて、そしてその後に向こう(ガーミン)でサーバー(が参照してる)データのリセットをしてくれました。そしてGPS機器(nüvi 2340)への最新地図インストールは成功しました。
一方トムトムはGoogle MapとかOpenStreetMapと同様に道がただしく表示さてれる。仕方ないです。
- 2013/06/01(土) 21:50:46|
- GPS Navigation
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