Two new additions!Intel Celeron 900 (2.2 GHz) Compaq Presario CQ56 is now running Lubuntu 23.04 with 4 GB of RAM with a new CPU cooling fan. The battery was dead (no wonder). I did not expect it to be sound anyway.
After I got them (CQ56 and 610), I took the memory modules from 610 and installed them into CQ56. I hastily turned it on with the power from the wall. I expected to see the BIOS settings screen with "ESC" key down. I saw a message screen telling me that CMOS battery is dead so any of the time / calendar data won't be saved. I pressed the "Return" key to continue (reboot). Next time another message appeared telling me that CPU cooling FAN is not functioning so it shuts itself down for protection of hardware. These are not exact messages but what they meant.
CPU cooling fan is dead? Luckily for me I had a new one and unluckily for me, it was not for this machine but for another CQ56. During the disassembly I noticed that the previous owner (or the ebay seller, whoever) had the grace to leave the HDD caddie inside (even though the HDD had been taken out) along with two of the three screws fixing it. I did not see the 4 screws that fixed the HDD onto the caddie but this was totally expected.
I disassembled the CQ56 hurriedly and swapped the fans. I was taken a back, surprised to see no accumulated fluffy dust on the radiator fins inside the cooling fan / heatsink unit of my newly acquired used CQ56. Why?
I assumed that this CQ56 had never been dismantled because the screws on the bottom of it were tight and neat. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I saw no fluffy dust there. I could not tell if the fan had been faulty and this made the previous owner clean the fan/heatsink. I doubt it. I believe (assume) that this notebook PC had been used on a clean desk in a office and also lightly. If this had been used by an individual who occasionally used it on a sofa or in bed, it could have been impossible NOT to collect (suck up) fluffy dust.
The machine works very well. I can not find anything wrong with it except for the faulty fan. I took some screenshots showing what the CPU-X (Linux version of the CPU-Z) showed during the low load and high load tasks.

(image 01: low load)
The CPU temperature keeps showing around 48 to 50 degrees Celsius under low load. In similar situations (similar ambient temperature and low load), the Intel Pentium T4500 machine showed the temperatures as low as 30 degrees Celsius. I guess the difference comes from the variable core clock speed function of T4500.

(image 02: integrated graphics information)
Open GL version 1.2 while AMD machines show Open GL version 1.3. It could make a huge difference (I really don't know if I am correct) but AMD machines performs twice as well as Intel machines with GL Teapot (3D drawing software) under Haiku OS.

(image 03: high load)
I was playing a YouTube video using Firefox. Although the CPU load was at 100% all the time, the playback was OK and smooth. I was impressed. It is a single-core CPU, right? The temperature showed around 65 degrees Celsius while in similar situations AMD machines showed 75 degrees Celsius. Cool! I mean literally cool.
What I learned for a short period of time with it is that it seems that the Celeron 900's clock is fixed at 2.2 GHz.
I had already ordered a Pentium T4500 at the same time I paid for this machines as this T4500 had been on my ebay watchlist for a while. It could come anytime next week. I was impressed by the Celeron 900's performance but I am sure it won't play H265 encoded videos.
I will get a new CMOS battery (CR2032 or something). Actually I will change all of them (on other CQ56 machines) eventually.
Compaq 610Well, I have nothing new to report for now as I can not find the power adapter for it. The power input plug on this machine is different from its brother CQ56. I had a generic notebook PC power adapter but I can only find the plugs not the adapter itself. I could find a plug that fit this machine, so I am sure any of those generic adapters will do.
The appearance: medium to good (no obvious visible scars)
The LCD screen: looks fine
Missing parts: the HDD caddie is missing, three of six rubber feet on the bottom are missing.
The battery: most likely dead by now (after 14 years / nee 2009)
Faulty parts: the left button on the touchpad is clunky and does not click (either the spring is off or the plastic holder of the spring is broken?)
Since I can not boot it at all, I can not comment on the BIOS password lock status. The seller stated that it had been password locked.
Amazingly I can easily get the replacement battery even on Amazon Germany. I think I can source a lot of parts on ebay (or aliexpress?) for this one even today.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
Aux Champs-Elysées!明日はパリ日帰り旅行です。今は土曜日の夕刻です。仕事に必要な調べものとかをまとめて、上司にメールで資料を送りました。これで明日は一日楽しめます。
これを書いてるのは、既に書いた通り、新たなファミリーに加わったCeleron 900のノートパソコンです。HDDをLubuntu 23.04インストール済のものを入れたので、即戦力として働いてます。
テーマ:ノートパソコン - ジャンル:コンピュータ
- 2023/07/22(土) 20:46:18|
- PCs
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