Adélie Linux PPC booting from the Install CD for the first timeThe Beta 2 Install image has been downloaded and stored on one of the external HDD for a while. Today I burned the image on a CD-R disc and tried it on my A1134 Two to see if it works and ,if it does, how it works.
I used my Compaq Presario CQ56 running Xubuntu Linux to burn the image.
When "C" key is pressed down while booting, a Mac (most of them, especially after CDROMs became popular) sees its CD/DVD drive if any bootable images are there.
Adélie Linux bootable image was recognized successfully and booted off the CD-R just burnt.
During the boot process, I think I saw some kind of message telling me that I had to log in as "root" to experience the live environment and blah, blah and blah.
On the first try, I did not have to log in for some reason. I was presented with a window prompting me to choose a window manager. Openbox or twm were on the list. I could choose other managers but the actual window manager that would be installed in the "installed" system would be different. This window manager is temporarily used during the live environment or installation.
First I chose openbox and saw how the live environment works. For some unknown reason, it was not a usable environment at all. I wanted to click on the menu bar to invoke the menu but clicking on the right correct spot does nothing. Actually clicking does not do anything but when the button (mouse button or touchpad button) is released, the menu appears just in a flash!
The secondary button works. I could click on the random place on the desktop with the secondary button and change the background color but this was not the thing I wanted to accomplish obviously!
On the second try (after brute-forcing a shutdown by long pressing the power button - sigh) I chose twm to see if it behaves differently IN VAIN. I could not invoke any menu there, either. WTF? This time there was a slight progress, though. I did actually have to log in. A login window did appear after the boot process.
I will see if other PowerBook G4 or iBook G4 can successfully boot where I can access the menus.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
Adélie Linuxのインストラーイメージを試してみた(のだが)以前から興味があったこのLinuxディストリビューションであるが、今回重い腰を上げて試してみた。最初はベータ1だったが、現時点ではベータ2となっている。一方で、HAIKU OSはベータ3になってるけど。
Xubuntu Linuxが載ってるCompaq Presario CQ56と云うマシンでイメージファイルをCD-Rに焼きました。ここまでは問題ありませんね。
焼けたCD-Rを今回はA1134 Two (iBook G4 1.42 GHz)で試しました。電源を投入し、CD-Rを光学ドライブに入れて、そのまま「C」のキーを押したまま暫く待ちます。するとiBookはブートできるイメージが CD-Rにあるかを確認します。見つかるとそれを読み込んで立ち上がります。
次回は別の機種(A1054やらA1025)で試してみようと思う。今回は完全なる不完全燃焼なところまでしか経験できなかったAdéie Linux体験記でした。
テーマ:Mac - ジャンル:コンピュータ
- 2021/12/12(日) 22:06:51|
- MacBooks and Macs
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