Saturday, May 29 2021It was sunny and warm. I noticed people in short trousers and T-shirts (or women in skirts) around the town walking, biking or doing whatever.
I left Luxembourg for Belgium in March and April for a total period of almost two weeks. Thus, I can not guaranty that there have been days in my absence sunny and warm enough for people to go around wearing Summer clothes. I am, though, guessing there had been none.
It was the first time this year that I felt it was proper for them to do so. This year, in my memory, has seen a chilly and wet year Spring
Sunday, May 30 2021It was also a sunny and warm day. I did not take Hannah out for a walk in the forest as I was tired from the previous day's work. Sorry, Hannah!
Monday, May 31 2021I picked up the package sent from AVP on the road and sent out a repaired rather tettered cardboard box from Amazon Germany at the local post office. This was the first time I had a package from Amazon returned due to any reason.
Let me explain. Immediately after the initiation of this return procedure, I ordered the exact same item from Wiggle (a UK bike online shop) and got it very swiftly before I sent the package back to a location in Luxembourg specified by the specified return document generated by the Amazon system.
So I could compare the two items and guess what transpired at the Amazon Germany warehouse located somewhere in Europe. The item is advertised with pictures including the wire basket and the adapter on the handlebar.
The name given by its manufacturer is "Topeak Basket Front with 3E Fixer". This does not contain any translation on my part. The original name is indeed in English. It is written on the tag attached on the basket by means of a black zip tie. The basket is loosely wrapped in a plastic (vinyl if I have to guess) bag but not sealed. On the bottom of the basket there is a peculiarly conspicuous whitish zip tie making a short loop (of the one I got from Amazon Germany).
As it turned out after receiving the one from Wiggle that this zip tie was (had been) the one tying the boxed adapter on to the basket maintaining the integrity of the whole package as an item.
So there was once a time my Amazon Germany purchase was whole but it lost the box containing the adapter for some reason.
It could have been a natural cause (the cardboard material wore off and the box dropped off the basket). It could have been a human error (mishandling by the Amazon Germany warehouse employee).
It could have been an intended malicious deed by a customer who got the item before me and took the adapter and then returned the item (only the basket) to get refund (a fraud). The item then got stocked back as a whole merchandise. Then I got it.
Whatever the reason for this mishap, I shouldn't be the one who gets punished for this purchase. I had to return it and get refund.
Here are some photos that visually help my case.
I am lazy and have not taken any photos so I upload this entry without photos.
Letting Hannah play in the forest nearbyIt was a beautiful sunny warm day so I took her out. The trees, shrubs and other plants are greeny already and finally. Those leaves make it hard for me to wade through the unpathed part of the forest and when I want collect (or should I say, retrieve or extract) Hannah, I have to wait for the right timing or lure her by her favorite snack. When the leaves are gone I can run after her and extract Hannah easily.
She seems to be enjoying the freedom. She can hunt for some gerbils or just enjoy the view from atop some stubs or fallen trees.
Garmin Map Update 2021.30When was the last time I updated the Garmin Map data on my devices (one MacBook Pro 13 Mid-2010, two Garmin GPS devices)? I guess it was around the beginning of this year (2021)?
A few days ago I noticed that the update was ready. My two current Garmin GPS devices are with Lifetime Map data and Traffic (basic traffic info). I can update the map on them as long as I use them.
It takes a long long time to update the old one (map data go on the micro-SD card and the writing process takes more than several hours) and I hate doing it. The new device (Camper 660) takes less time to update the map data on it because the data go on the internal memory.
I will update it later as I don't need it now. I am hoping that my deram tour (Scandinavian tour) will come true this Summer and the updated map data (actual route information and waypoints) will definitely help me find the way and facilities and also help me have a good time up there.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
AVP on the Roadから届いた荷物内容部は2つ、いや正確には3つでした。
1つ目はCravenspeedの製品でThe Stubby Antennaです。アメリカ合州国の製品です。しかも箱にはMADE IN USAと明記されてます。本当に合州国での製造なのでしょうか。いやそう書いてある。すごい。てっきりC国製だと思ってました。てっきり(この表現が多いが)樹脂製(すくなくとも芯は金属で、その周りに樹脂が巻きついている)だと思ってた。しかし外側も金属製(アルミ系の合金?)だった。
3つめは購入品ではありません。プロモーションとして無償で追加されたと思われるステッカーです。当然ですがAVP on the Roadというロゴのものですね。車のどこかに貼りたいですが、車の外装はシンプルにしたいので、どこに貼るべきか検討します。
アマゾンへ返品した上述のAVP on the Road - Automobile Supplyからの商品を受け取ると同時に返品しました。郵便局での処理です。返送先はルクセンブルクのベッテンブルクという場所にあります。そこの郵便局の大きな集配基地です。そこから先アマゾンが引き取るのでしょう。
テーマ:車関係なんでも - ジャンル:車・バイク
- 2021/06/07(月) 09:43:33|
- Diary
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