HannahShe threw up (or vomited) a bit this afternoon. It was nothing serious, I guess. In her vomit I recognized a chewed leaf. She was OK as soon as she finished vomiting.
HP Compaq CQ56On its seemingly French keyboard (that I have on mine) there are some keys on the left side of the keyboard outside left shift key or tab key.. They have icons on them like a globe, a calculator, an envelope, a printer or so.
I did not know if they would work from Linux (in my case a Ubuntu family). I knew that they would definitely work under Windows 7 (and most likely later).
They did. When I press the globe key, the default web browser (FireFox) starts up. When I press the calculator key, a calculator program goes up. Nice.
Other keys like those function keys with icons (pictographs) also work. Screen brightness, monitor preferences, volume up/down/mute and others. Nice.
Except for the raging heat blowing off the CPU heat pipe radiator (and the French keyboard), this machine is just fine.
First ebay purchase in a great whileI ordered an AMD Athlon II N370 (used) and a (new? used?) US layout keyboard for the HP Compaq Presario CQ56. They were cheap. I would like to have this dual core CPU. It is supposed to be still hotter than the current V160 (single core).
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
このHP Compaq Presario CQ56だが、キーボードはフランス式が装着されてる。ベルギーで売られた製品だと思う。古いWindows 7のオランダ語版が入ってたので、そう判断する。
CPUは2.5 GHzの周波数で、現在ついてるV160の2.4 GHzより若干高い程度だ。デュアルコアなので、一応二倍速いことになる。但し、熱定格が25ワットから、35ワットに上昇するので、熱対策をする必要がある。つまりヒートパイプとCPUの密着を高める必要がある。製造後10年近いので、サーマルペーストが乾燥してるはずなので、これを塗り替える必要がある。楽しみだ。
X86系では当然開発も継続してて、熟成してる。HP Compaq Presario CQ56にインストールしたらどう?と思いついた。面白くない?
テーマ:ノートPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ
- 2020/09/14(月) 16:23:17|
- Cats
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