NTT Pro Cycling TeamTeam Dimension Data is now called NTT Pro Cycling Team (
I spent my summer vacation (a bit more than 3 weeks) during the Tour de France last Summer (2019).
I spent a lot of time painting during my vacation. I did not count exactly how many but I am almost sure that I painted "Lars Bak" more than 300 times on the road (asphalt), concrete wall or other paintable surfaces.
In fact I went to the hotel where Dimension Data team were staying on Friday (one day before the Grand Départ (Saturday) and declared that I would keep painting his name on the road.
I knew that he was retiring after 2019 season and that meant it was his last Tour de France in his career. I think that I helped a bit to make it memorable.
I was not sure if he would be involved in cycling sport or leave completely. I was hoping that he would stay and become part of the team management of TDD (would-be NTT Pro Cycling Team).
Now I know that he has become an assistant sport director of NTT Pro Cycling Team. I am happy.
Looking through the management members, I found several faces that I know. I know some Sport directors, a mechanic and doctors as they were once part of "my team" Team CSC (and its successive teams).
I like it.
So my main team would definitely NTT Pro Cycling in 2020.
SeaSucker HoggI wrote just a few days ago that the European price for this small item had been slashed by the local (based in the Netherlands around here) authorized distributor by almost 33 %.
Today I noticed something. The price on Amazon Germany (and consequently I checked on Amazon France, Netherlands, UK and Italy) was even lower. From the initial suggested retail price, the new price was about 60 % off meaning the new price is only 40 % of what had been the initial price. WTF?
I could not find any SeaSucker product on Amazon Netherlands. The Benelux area distributor seems to be adamant that they don't allow any SeaSucker products appear on Amazon Netherlands.
Anyway, I compared the price (and the shipping charges) on the Amazon stores and decided that I would buy one from the distributor's site. The shipping was really reasonable.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
Lar Bakの行方探し昨年のツールでは、彼の応援をした。つまり、ほぼ毎日(可能な限り)彼の名前を道路に描き続けた。ついででもないが、チームメイトの名前も描いた。
とにかく、Lars Bakという文字列をおそらく300回は下らない回数は描いたはずだ。グランデパールの前の日にホテルに行って、彼に「名前描いて応援するぞ」と宣言をしたので、約束を果たした。
その時点では彼の引退は公表されてたけど、その後の進路については一切の情報は無かった。僕の希望はもちろん、レース界に残ること、残るとすれば一番可能性があるのが、そのままチーム(2020年からはNTTの名前を冠するチーム)に残ることだった。気軽に話せる(Team CSC時代から知ってて、ルクセンブルク在住)人物が居るとレース観戦が楽しいのだ。
ということで、来年の応援をするチームにNTTをメインにしようと思うのだが、仲の良い選手の開拓をしなくてはならない。Valgrenは猫への反応も良かったし、愛想も良かったので、可能性高い。Ben Kingも大丈夫。その他を開拓する。
これで、今年も春先のレースからLars Bakと道路に描いて、彼に「おいおい、俺は引退したぞ(笑)」というツッコミを入れられるように頑張るという目標ができた。励みになる。
SeaSucker Hoggほんの数日前に、欧州価格が下がったことは書いたし、もしそれがさらに下がったら購入をしたい、とも書いた。
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2020/01/07(火) 19:37:28|
- Bike Races
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