It is that time of the year!I want to get out and see the actions.
PowerBook G4: the bottom side is hotI am now setting it up. I don't make it do more tasks than it should perform. Text editing (local and updating this = blog) and occasional recreational viewing of YouTube videos are the main tasks for it.
TenFourFox and its QuickTime enablers and others as recommended on its (TenFourFox's) site have been already installed. Additionally I will install some utilities like monitoring the fan (CPU cooling) or CPU temperature.
Since it has a DVD drive, I will definitely install the VLC. Although its default Apple DVD Player might be sufficient.
Then the initial setup will be almost done.
I will install that PPC AppStore on it. I am really happy with this new purchase.
I noticed something while using it. The bottom side was really hot. I was using it on my lap and my lap was on fire (sort of).
I wanted (before noticing this heat concentration on the bottom) to replace the heat-conducting compound (grease) on the CPU and other chips inside the PowerBook or iBook G4.
The thermal compound has been there more than 14 years by now. I don't doubt but am convinced that it has gone totally deteriorated and become like dried clay losing its liquid contents (silicon oil?).
It takes some precise and patient work on them. Unscrewing a lot of tiny screws, carefully wedging and ply-opening those fragile plastic (iBook) and aluminium parts and putting everything back are not an easy task to perform.
I am waiting for the right moment. I have ordered three mSATA to IDE 40-pin converters (adapters) that simulate a 2.5-inch HDD. They are coming but I don't know exactly when. I want to put mSATA SSDs in them. kindly illustrates how to disassemble it. Looking at these guides, I realized that the heat from those chips would go downward to the bottom if it would not properly get exhausted through the rear vents.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
PowerBook G4を使いやすいように設定してます。多くのことはさせません。ブログの更新を気楽にできるようにします。既に昨日のエントリーはこのPowerBook G4から行ってます。
iBook G4もPowerBook G4ももう14年経過してるモデルだ。当然だが、CPU等の上に塗られてる(ハズ)のサーマルコンパウンド(グリス)は乾燥し、硬化し、劣化し、熱伝導率が下がってることは想像に難く無い。
これらを換装したい。でも今すぐではない。タイミング待ちだ。中国から届くはずの部品を待ってる。それがIDE 40-pinのインターフェイスにSSDを挿したいので、そのためのアダプターだ。3つ程注文した(3週間以上前だと思ったが)。
上述のアダプターが着いたら、mSATAのSSDを購入し、順次iBook G4とPowerBook G4の内部にSSDを入れる。その作業と同時に徹底した清掃・整備をしたいのだ。
テーマ:Apple - ジャンル:コンピュータ
- 2019/03/24(日) 17:05:42|
- Bike Races
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