€uro Millions Jackpot is now at €139,000,000Let's see what happens!
Digitizer for Archos 70 Oxygen arrived!I have just picked it up at the local post office and now I am back. I was going to study the backside (hidden side) of the panel to see how it is constructed and to decide how to replace the broken old one with the new one.
On inspection I immediately realized (as already expected) the panel is glued to the body with that ubiquitous "3M" two-side adhesive tape. There seem to be no other tricks. There are some recesses or cutouts on both sides of the panel rims but they seem to be there to ensure the fitting on the exact place.
So I precede to heat up the rims and then ply open the panel with thin plastic objects. Now I know exactly where the adhesive tape is and this makes me operate with much ease.
The panel has Archos logo on it and this makes me guess that it is directly (or almost directly) from the factory in China where Archos get their products.
Now I have to operate on the device. Let's see what happens!
And I should not forget to see if the mysterious rapid loss of charge even though the tablet is turned off from 100% to less than 20% in a matter of one day will go away (be solved) after this panel change.
This Archos 70 Oxygen has an extra feature. When it is turned off and it gets the charging cable on, (it does not get automatically turned on as iPads or iPhones do but) the screen wakes up (of course some part of the logic board wakes up, too) and the screen shows an animation of battery being charged along with the message of how much it is charged at the moment.
This means even if it is turned off, it is still active inside.
The mysterious rapid loss of battery charge could be related to this feature. As the digtalizer is broken and having a slight short cut or is sensing multiple touches, the digitizer itself or the part of logic board which is standing by to give up that animation and battery analysis is consuming the battery.
If this symptom subsists after the panel change, I will have to say that the panel change was a waste of money and time.
I will intend to use this Archos 70 Oxygen as a dedicated DVB-T TV or dash cam on board my car. For these uses, the charging cable is almost always plugged.
Let's see what happens!
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
Archos 70 Oxygenのデジタイザー(面のパネル)届く郵便局で受け取ってきました。内容物は思ってた通りのものでした。丁寧にロゴ(Arcos)も付いてます。おそらくはアルコス自体が製造を依頼してる中国の工場からの横流し品でしょう。販売業者がこの工場と密接に繋がってるかは知りません。
ちょっと前に何人か忘れましたが、中国へ渡り、部品販売してる業者を周り、完璧に動作するiPhone 6(だったかな)を部品から作った人の話題がネットに載りましたね。同様に中国へ行けば、あらゆるメーカーの製造する製品の部品が入手可能なはずです。その内の壊れやすい部品は簡単にネットで注文できるわけですね。
テーマ:Android - ジャンル:携帯電話・PHS
- 2017/05/30(火) 13:52:28|
- Android devices
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