I was driving my Ka on the highway in Luxembourg when I found something before me. A Volvo was just before me (a bit of congestion and we were on the connection ramp so we were driving slowly and tightly packed) and I followed this car for a while.
This Volvo had a license number from Germany. In Germany the first one, two or three letters are in alphabet followed by some alphabet letters and then numbers. It signifies or they signify the name of the place the car is registered. M means Munich, HH means Hamburg and so on.
When you see ads from German automakers in Europe, usually those cars' license plates reflect the manufacturers' headquarter address. A Mercedes will have a license plate beginning with S, which means it is registered in Stuttgart.
The license number started with SAB followed by a space. I was amused to see this mismatch. A Volvo having a license plate with SA(A)B, yet another Swedish auto manufacturer.
After coming home I checked it with an iPhone app (called License Plate, what else?). It kindly told me that the car was registered in Saarburg/Bezirk Trier area belonging to Rhineland-Palainate).
If you live in this area, would you not be tempted to buy a Saab just for fun?
If I lived in Karlsruhe, Germany, my Ford Ka would have a license plate starting with KA.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
帰り道(次の仕事の準備から)に渋滞気味の高速道路の乗り換えランプで先を走ってたボルボに目が止まった。ドイツのライセンスプレートだったが、それがSAB ******となってたからだ。ボルボなのにサーブ?(正しくはSAABと綴るが)。
その時に面白く感じたのがハイデルベルクの車で、ナンバープレートがHD TVで数字が続くやつでした。
- 2016/03/12(土) 00:45:09|
- Things European
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