RideaI was browsing a site in the evening. This site (German online bike shop) has been one of my frequently visited sites along with other online shops (most of them German shops).
First I noticed that they (Ridea) sell non-round chainrings. Subsequently when I looked for their web site, I also noticed that they had more products to offer.
Interlude: Osymetric chainrings and the gear ratioI use Osymetric chainrings since this Spring. It was purchased through an ebay auction and they were cheap. They belong to the first generation of Osymetric chainrings. The second (or could be third, fourth or more) generation chainrings are thicker but shaven to save weight while gaining more stiffness. They also have pins on the outer rings to help the chain move up quickly from the inner ring. And most importantly they are made by Stronglight, in other words, not by Osymetric anymore.
Anyway, my Osymetric chainrings are of 52-38 (110 mm PCD 5 arms) configuration. I am happy with the way they look (mean and lean) on the other hand, the inner ring is too big on the steep climbs. The rear cassette (the one on my Zipp 404) is of 11-28.
I had to replace this inner ring with round 34 while on the Tour (de France) as those long climbs (Pyrenees and Alps) were too tough. I was thinking of upgrading the RD to SRAM Wifli RD to use the 32 rear teeth.
Here is the thing. Let's do some math shall we?
The front 34 and rear 28 combination was OK for climbing up the hard hills. How does F38 (Osymetric's twin cam ring) and R32 compare to F34/R28?
Configuration 1. (current): 34 divided by 28 = 1.21428....
Configuration 2. (possible future): 38 divided by 32 = 1.1875
So I crank the crank once on my bike now, the rear wheel turns 1.214 times. If I switch to the 38/32 configuration, I will feel almost the same as the wheel turns 1.1875 times, which is just slightly less.
SRAM Wifli (Force grade) RD and SRAM 1050 (12-32) cassette will cost me around 120 euros. Would it be worth the money?
I have to think about it.
Back to: Ridea and other non-round chainrings on the marketI learned about Osymetric (chainrings) when I saw them used by Bobby Julich back in 2004? I immediately fell in love with them. It took me more than a decade, unfortunately, to get them on my bike.
I learned that there were other non-round chainrings currently the market. They are the Rotor Qrings, Doval, ones made byKCNC. Now I learned that Ridea also make ones.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
英語版の中の計算は、ギヤ比の計算です。フロントが34(一般的なコンパクトの真円34)と後ろ28の比と、フロント38(Osymetricの最小)とSRAM Wifli(Wider, Faster and Lighter)のミドルケージで可能な後ろ32の比を比べたものです。ほぼ一緒の数値がでます。
問題は費用(コスト)です。SRAM Wifli (Forceグレード)とカセット(1050グレード=Rivalグレード)を買うと120ユーロ以上掛かります。ちょっとためらいます。
今年最後の自転車レース生観戦はCircuit Frango-Belge(が旧称で、数年前から名称は変わった)でした。スタートのTournaiで朝バイクをマジマジ観察したわけですが、あることに気づきました。数少ないSRAMコンポを積んだ希少なAG2R la Modialeですが、すべての(保証はできないが、見たものは全て)このWifliのミドルケージを装着してたのでした。もちろん、平地基調のレースだったので、リヤのカセットの最大の歯はせいぜい23とか?だったのでしょう。そこまで詳細に見てませんが。32ではなかったのは確かです。そんな大きな歯が付いてれば、遠くから見ても気づくし。
ここで、一考。SRAM Wifliでリヤが最大でも28の場合は、変速調整が楽で、スムーズに変速できるのでしょうか。そのためのWifliなのでしょうか。28だとリヤはショートケージでも変速可能ですね。
他のチームのバイクは山岳ステージのためにどんな仕掛けをしてたのでしょうか。知りません。Shimano Di2ってミドルケージも売ってるのでしょうか。それを知らないので、これ以上憶測できません。
テーマ:自転車(スポーツ用) - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2015/11/01(日) 14:28:31|
- Bikes and related things
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