A couple years ago I purchased a used set of Ciamillo Negative G via ebay auction. I loved the look of Negative G or Zero Gravity brake calipers.
When I disassembled them, I found that one of them had a kind of minor defect. Seemingly it had missed a one process of shaving (CNC machining) on the part where when assembled totally hidden. A fraction of a millimeter of unshaven layer made the shim wear a bit unevenly.
I emailed to the original manufacturer (Caimillo) and complainied. They said it was out of original warranty and could not do anything other than give some discount on the purchase of a new set. I did not accept the offer.
Anyway, that was a long time ago.
I regularly visit the Ciamillo's site. Today, I noticed something. It was a message (or statement) from Mr. Ted Ciamillo. It (http://caw-designs.com/ as of February 1. 2015) says that he restructured his company and was doing almost everything on his own (machining, assembling and so on).
In the middle it reads, " In February 2014, I rejected close to 80% of what employees produced; a trend that had been on the rise since the recession."
What does that mean? I guess the quality of the products did not met his standard and he returned the 80% of the finished products back to the manufacturing line. I think the my Negative G had been treated like that as well.
The point is that I still like Ciamillo products and the point is NOT I am still holding a grudge against the company.
If I had a chance or more specifically, money, I will buy the Ciamillo products in the future.
I think I had already written that I had purchased micro arms and installed them on my Negative G.
Ciamillo products rock!In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
以前から、書いてるこの話題です。Zero Gravityという製品名で一斉を風靡(?)したCiamilloの製品についてです。
公式ページ(http://caw-designs.com/)の現時点(2月1日)では、オーナーのテッド・キアミロ(と読むのか、どうか確信が無いが、イタリア語風なのか? それともシアミロとでも読むのか)氏からのメッセージとなっている。
僕の持ってる(中古で購入した)Negative Gも実は微妙に不良品だ。両アームの擦れる支点の部分には、薄いシム(金属製、アルミ製のブレーキアーム同士が直接擦れるのを防ぐためのもの)が入ってる。そのシムと擦れる部分の一箇所の最終仕上げが甘くて、コンマ数ミリ削られてない部分があるのだ。よって、シムが偏摩耗してしまう。
ということで、皆様もぜひCiamilloをご購入ください。ぜひ、このテッド(正式にはTheodore Ciamilloだと思います)氏を応援してあげてください。
テーマ:自転車(スポーツ用) - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2015/02/01(日) 14:40:57|
- Bikes and related things
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