The oldest PC that I have now (excluding the those old 68k Macintoshes in Japan) here in Europe is this MSI MegaBook M670 (AMD Sempron) on which I am writing this blog entry.
Purchased around 2004, 2005 or 2006 in Germany. It is old but it is still useful and actively used. I recently upgraded the memory to its maximum capacity (2 GB = 2 x 1 GB modules). It came with an IDE 44 pin interface HDD of capacity 80 GB. I don't know how long this notebook will work but I would like to use it as long as the mainboard is sound. If it should fail (according to the industrial expected life cycle time standard), its cause will be either fan that cools the CPU unit or the HDD, both of which have certain expected life expectancy. If this old IDE interface HDD should fail, what should i do?
This question has been on my mind for a while. Naturally i looked for replacement IDE 2.5 inch HDDs on the ebay. They are not so expensive. Some of them are used (in good conditions) or new. The capacity ranges from 40 GB to 120 GB or so.
I recently found that there is another option left. Get a IDE 44 pin (2.5 inch size) to mSATA (mini PCI-e) adapter and also get a smallish SSD.
Installing an SSD in this aging notebook? Why? Why not? 32 GB SSDs are getting cheaper. Those adapters are also cheap.
I bought (a while ago) an adapter SATA 2.5 inch to mSATA (and a MacBook Pro's optical bay adapter for 2.5 inch HDD) to install a 32 GB mSATA SSD in my MacBook Pro. This second SSD now has Lubuntu on it. 32 GB is pretty much enough to host a Lubuntu system if you don't plan to have your data (photos, movies or so) on it. Those data should be kept on separately on USB connected HDDs.
i will be shopping to prepare for this.
So far this MegaBook is being very sound after the 2 GB memory upgrade. It (this MegaBook) repeatedly froze after having 2 GB of memory last time a few years ago while being on Windows XP.
Linux 64 bit kernel seems to have no issues with 2 GB of memory at all.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
昨日2GBにアップグレード(再アップグレード?)したこのMSI MegaBookですが、無事に稼働してます。挙動に不審な点はありません。
Task managerという名称のプログラムで(内容はWindowsのタスクマネジャーの簡略版の感じですが)メモリー使用量を見ると、心なしか多めに消費してます。これを書いてるのはクロミウム(グーグルのクロームのオープンソース版の兄弟版ですね)からですが、クロミウムが多くメモリーを消費してます。これは動作を敏速にするために、どんどんメモリー上にキャッシュを使用してるからでしょうか。メモリーに余裕があるので、良いことです。
もしハードディスクが壊れたら?どうする?ということは頭の隅にありました。この機種は44 pin IDEのインターフェイスです。新品で購入も可能ですが、あまり賢い買い物ではありません。
2.5インチのIDE 44 pinからSATAへの変換ボードも売ってます。ノートブックへの組み込みにはちょっと不便そうな感じです。
あとは、IDE 44 pinからmSATAへの変換ボードの方が、ノートブック内蔵には良いと思われます。これを利用し、mSATAフォーマットのSSDを買えば、なんとSSDが内蔵できます。現在のHDDが壊れたらこの選択肢を選びます。
テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ
- 2014/10/30(木) 00:28:30|
- Linux
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