


Are you using Dropbox (or Google Drive)? (Apple iCould?)

Or Microsoft OneDrive (or was it called something else?)?

I am using Dropbox and Google Drive although very sparingly. I don't upload my private photos or anything important (not that I have some very sensitive or valuable files).

Now I use 4 desktops (Lubuntu on three notebooks and OS X on one of them) and one iPhone. Sometimes, I want to share some files over these devices. That is when one of these services come in handy.

(One day later I suddenly realized that I had one more desktop; Windows 7 on HP ENVY 4. I don't use it anymore but I keep it alive because I might need it when I want to test some hardware which only Windows has a driver software for.)

I have an iPod touch 4th gen. but it is almost a dedicated GPS device (TomTom app on it and with a GPS chip equipped cradle from TomTom). I have not installed anything else but two apps (TomTom Western Europe and TomTom cradle utility) on it besides Apple's stock (meaning standard) apps.

Dropbox is available for OS X, iOS and Linux (Lubuntu). I like it.

(image01 from an ebay seller)

(image02 from an ebay seller)

The first item is used when you have a normal USB charge/sync cable for 30 pin devices (iPhone 4/4s etc.) and a typical Android device (say, an HTC smart phone) with a micro USB female interface to charge its battery. I don't know how often you need this adapter but they are widely available.

These items shown in the second image are very convenient if you want to connect anything to anything else via various USB port flavors. I will be needing one of them to perform some experiment.

One of the 10 adapters is what I want. It is the "USB 2.0 A Male to Micro USB Female" adapter.

If you combine two of the above described thingies, you can connect the eyeTV Mobile (30 pin) to a PC (or Mac). My experiment is to see if I can use this eyeTV Mobile from PC (or Mac) or not.

This was inspired by the eyeTV DTT micro (a device by elgato that hooks up to micro USB port of an Android device as a DVB-T tuner) that doubles as an Android accessary and (with an adapter cable) as a PC accessary.

I am very curious, just curious.

I just purchased (via ebay auction) another elgato device (eyeTV hybrid). It is a USB stick device that enables (Mac/PC) to tune in DVB-C, DVB-T and analog TV channels. Analog TV broadcasting is getting out of service in favor of its digital siblings in Europe. Maybe they are still alive in some East European countries.

This item (I bid and won) was a used one. Its suggested retail price in Europe is around 110 euros. The seller is located in the United States of America. It will be arriving sometime in November. As a second hand device, I did not want to pay too much (including the shipping). I think the price I paid for it was OK.

Anyway, I am not sure if this device is usable from Linux. I will try and see.

If it (eyeTV hybrid) is not for a Linux system (specifically it can not be used from VLC), I am ready to buy one of those cheap USB DVB-T tuners (around 10 euros including shipping) known to work with Linux.

My ultimate goal for this series of purchases and experiments is to broadcast (from my MacBook Pro) live TV image to multiple iOS/Android devices on Avenue Champs Elysèes next year when the Tour de France has its final stage there. Will it work? I will see.

If I am ready for the broadcasting next year, I will probably prepare several sheets of paper saying;

I am broadcasting the live TV coverage of the race (France 1/2) over the Wi-Fi network. If you want to watch it on your smart phones (iOS/Android) or tablets, please download VLC on your devices and join the Wireless network provided by me.

If you enjoy the service, please show your appreciation with donation. Thank you very much.

Something like that. I have to do a lot of experimentation. I just started reading the broadcasting guide of VLC. I wish I can use an abundant source of electric power for this. A small gasoline engine generator?

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ


画像は、すでに前回記述しましたが、USBケーブル(一部はアップルの独自規格)類の変換アダプターです。この二つ(一番目の変換アダプターはケーブル式ではなく、プラグ式のものもある)を組み合わせると、マックやらPCのUSBポートに30 pinのeyeTV Mobileをつなぐことができます。これをeyeTV 3というソフトで操作できるのかが実験の内容です。まだこれらのアダプタは購入してません。購入して実験する価値が果たしてあるのかも疑問ですが。

ebayにてeyeTV hybridという機器をオークションで落札してしまいました。詳しくはelgato.comをご覧ください。ハイブリッドという名称の意味は、デジタル地上波、アナログ地上波、ケーブルデジタル波の3種類のチューナーが内蔵されているということです。付属のソフトeyeTV 3はマック版とPC(Windows版)があります。

すくなくともマック(OS X)からは操作が可能です。これが果たしてLinuxで操作できるのかが疑問です。DebianとかのWiki文書を調べてもこの機器については言及がありません。まあLinuxで使えなくても、がっかりすることはありません。


videolan.orgのホームページをご覧ください。ここにDVBlastという名称が確認できます。名前の通り、DVB-Tの機器(ほとんど全てがUSB接続のもの)からTV画像を吸い取り、マルチブロードキャストするというソフト(独立ではなく、VLCに付加する)です。現時点ではLinux版のみ公開されてます。果たしてマック版(OS X)が開発されているのかは疑問です。



一つは、英国の業者から購入したSO-DIMM 200 pin DDRIIのメモリーモジュールです。今夜インストールします。


すでに繰り返し書いてる通り、MSI MegaBookがメディア再生機です。これでメディアを再生し、テレビ画面で見ると大きくて見やすいです。チープなホームシアターです。


テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2014/10/28(火) 03:23:23|
  2. Linux
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0
<<SSDs are getting cheaper and cheaper nowadays. | ホーム | Lubuntu 14.10 on MSI MegaBook M670 freezes again (and I don't know...)>>



















