Yesterday (Sunday, 16 March) I worked on the Garmin BaseCamp (on Mac) for a while. I wanted to plot some places as waypoints for Gent-Wevelgem (hereafter, GW) 2014.
Casselberg 1/2 and Catsberg climbs were plotted successfully with a help from Google Earth. As Google Earth can provide the altitude information to see if the road (path) is a climb or not.
Ieper (Ypres in French) has been on my mind for a while since March last year. Last winter was a cold snowy one. I have already written about it many times here. I could not drive to Wevelgem by car last year. I took a train to get there.
Already back then I thought about taking another train from Wevelgem (or Kortrijk) to Ieper. Ieper is the closest train station to those climbs (Kemmelberg, Baneberg or Monteberg). I thought about taking my bike on the train to get there and come back on the train to see the finish. Unfortunately there were not so many trains operating on Sundays so I abandoned the plan altogether.
Later when A.S.O. announced the parcours (route) of the Tour de France, the name (actually only as Ypres in their documentation) Ieper turned up again. I looked up the name on Wikipedia and found the historic significance of the city. As 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of WW I, A.S.O. clearly wanted to feature this city.
GW also features an edition of women's race on the same day. I found out that they (women) start in Ieper.
Now I really want to visit the city. Can I do it on Sunday, March 30? Or should I wait?
The time frame:
Men's race starts in Deinze at 11:25.
Women's race starts in Ieper at 12:25.
There's one hour time difference.
The route from Deinze to Ieper is like 64 km in distance and 45 minutes in time according to BaseCamp's calculation. If I drive quickly after men's start, I may be able to make it to women's start. It is not too important to see the start of the ladies.
Here is the area around Kortrijk. Deinze, Oudenaarde, Wevelgem and Ieper can be recognized here. The light green line is the route between Deinze and Ieper. Almost in the middle of the route, you may find Wevelgem with an icon "P" as I marked a waypoint there as a parking place near the Finish.
(Image01: clip from a screenshot Garmin BaseCamp)
An enlarged image of the area around Ieper and ***bergs.
From Ieper, I can drive or take my bike to those climbs easily. It is only 13 to 15 km.
GW-Baneberg 4-7 means that
Wevelgem's Baneberg (a climb) which is the 4th and 7th climb on the course.
(Image02: clip from a screenshot Garmin BaseCamp)
The "knife and fork" icon is the 2nd feed zone.
Now I will check the time table of the men's and women's race and see if I can move around the area without being blocked by the road closure.
This is the clip of the climbs area in the women's edition.
(Image03: clip from the PDF map by the race organizer)
This is the clip of the climbs area in the men's edition.
(Image04: ditto)
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
英語版の中の画像は例によってGarmin BaseCampのスクリーンショット(をクリップアウトしたもの)です。ちなみにですが、マックのソフトのMonosnapというソフトでスクリーンショットを撮り、同じくマックのソフトのSeashoreといソフトで画質を下げる加工をして、容量を小さくしてから使いました。
画像二枚目は、このIeperと上り区間との位置関係を示したものです。拡大の関係で道が表示されてませんが、細い道がクネクネと実際にはあります。興味のある方はGoogle Earth等でご確認ください。
Ieperからは第二補給地点が近い。その向こう側が上り区間だ。Google Earthで確認したが、のどかな緑の多い地域だが、確かに起伏がある。ここに車で行って、最初の周回を観戦して、その後ゴールへ行くというのが計画。これが可能かどうかは、時間表とレースコースを詳細に検討し、道路規制にぶつからないように先回りできるか、という検証が必要だ。
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2014/03/17(月) 16:07:13|
- Bike Races in Belgium
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