I own an old PC notebook that I purchased in Germany while living in Germany more than 6 years ago (more than 8 years ago??). It works great. It used to have Linux and W*nd*ws XP on it. Now it is a dedicated Lubuntu machine.
Someone at work (I used it at my work place during my free time between the work shift) obviously dropped the notebook on the floor or something, I think. It suddenly developed a defective LCD screen. Its right hand side is affected and it annoys me. I want to replace the screen by myself.
I found a replacement part sold reasonably and intend to order it via ebay. It is cheaper than buying a new notebook.
Now I ordered it. It comes from China and the shipping is free. Now I have to wait for a couple of weeks until it arrives.
This winter is very different from the previous one in Luxembourg. So far in the capital area where I live there has been no snow fall at all. There were occasions when some icy particles fell from the sky but it melt down on contact with the road so it does not count. It is predicted that February may bring some snow.
Last winter was a snowy one. It snowed and the temperature fell sharply downward. Sometimes it was freezing minus 15 degrees Celsius (5 Fahrenheit).
Although I enjoyed plowing through the snowy road with my bicycle, I prefer no snow on the road.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
米国から購入したiPod touchはまだ届きません。2週間程度は掛かると思うので、到着は1月末ころでしょうか。到着したら、早速jailbreakします。このiPod touch 4th generation機種は現時点ではiOS 6.1.5が最新のソフトです。このバージョンはjailbreak可能です。
jailbreakして使いたいソフトがあります。それがkonectというソフトです。このソフトはBluetoothを使用し、携帯電話に接続して、iPod touchを電話として使うというソフトです。ソフト開発者の解説によると、エコということです。もしBluetooth対応してる古い携帯電話があれば、それを母艦にしてiPod touchをスマートフォンの様に使えば、携帯電話を買い換える必要も無いし、エコだということです。
- 2014/01/19(日) 17:17:56|
- Miscellaneous stuff
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