Today (January 15), I rode to work despite the snow. I woke up in the morning and looked out from the window and saw the snowfall on the ground. I was like a puppy eager to play with the snow.
People were plowing the pavement in front of their houses. Some people stared at me when I passed by them on my bike, probably saying in their mind, "What a f**king crazy man he is."
It was around minus 4 or 5 degrees Celsius (22 or 24 F). The snow was dry, light and powdery where it was still virgin. Scattered salt made snow wet, heavy and sticky. It was not cold enough to see ice on the road.
This is the cycling/jogging/dog-walking/horse-back-riding road along the Alzette river. There was a track made by a mountain bike, judged from the thick tread, before me. Gee, I was not the only crazy biker this morning!

After taking the picture above, I turned around and took this one.

If you observe the treads closely, you will notice this.
The thick tread made by a mountain bike is shallower than the tread made by my bike. As my tires are narrower (probably almost half in width), the tread made by mine is deeper. This fact is very significant. I will tell you "why" it is significant later on.
I could go on without any problems. Virgin snow is easy to handle as it is easily tamed. No tracks, no resistance.
Eventually I came to the residential area along the Alzette. People are using their cars to work. Cars are heavy but they are equipped with much much wider tires and they have also 4 tires to support the weight. Consequently, the treads made by cars are wider but shallower in a way.
When I ride on the treads made by the cars, my bike can easily lose steering. I chose to ride on the outer rim on the road where the snow is still intact.
I explain you "why" I lose steering on those compressed treads. Since the snow is dry, this compressed treads easily crumble. As my tires are very narrow (24mm), my tires breaks the tread surface and sink down to the asphalt. When this happens, my tires have no traction and no direction.
Here is another helping fact to grasp the idea that I am trying to explain. Fat bikes (bikes with very wide tires for riding on sand dunes or so) have wide tires to cope with sand. They need much wider tires.
I am waiting to ride on icy roads to give more detailed review on Halo Twin Rail. So far I can say this. I am very comfortable and confident on dry and wet snow. Its traction is excellent. I love it.
I arrived at my work place like this.

Front brake area

Rear brake area

BB area

Dynamo hub and light (Shimano LP-R600)

In the evening I rode home. It kept snowing almost all day. By the time I left for home, snow was up to 10cm or more (4 inches or more). The road along the Alzette was terrible. The majority of the road was not plowed nor salted. People walked there to walk the dogs or for something during the day. It was a bit warmer during the day.
As a result, cars' treads, shoes' tread and bikes' treads made the road bumpy. Yet the bumps were covered with new snow. I had to ride through this bumpy road.
I had to slow down but kept going. I never stopped. For a long time I was wobbling.
Halo Twin Rail's traction was excellent. Anytime the bike wobbled, I pedaled harder to keep the balance on the bike. The traction never failed. I was very impressed.
In Japanese:
問題のHalo Twin Railのタイヤだが、トラクションが掛かること!!。つまり、漕げば漕ぐだけ進む。すばらしい。行きの道のサイクリング道は楽勝。僕の前にマウンテンバイクが一台走っただけだったので、雪に変な癖がなく、どこを走っても、スラロームしても均一なトラクションがかかるので、楽しく走行できた。
とにかく、このHalo Twin Railのグリップはすごい。今後は氷の上を走ってさらにグリップ力を試したい。雪の上のグリップ力(走行してる間はトラクションと云う言葉が適切だろうけど)には感動した。これはスノータイヤとして機能してる。
- 2013/01/15(火) 15:29:25|
- Bikes and related things
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