はてなキーワード: Foodとは
I Traveled to 46 States in America This Summer. Here’s Why Trump Won.
By Frank S. Zhou
By Ezekiel A. Wells
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27 is a Double Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in Eliot House. He spent last summer traveling to 46 American states conducting interviews for his YouTube series, “Crossroads America.”
A week after Democrats’ election loss, accusations have flown in every direction within their Party. Some fault President Joe Biden for an egoistic refusal to drop out of the race earlier. Some blame the Harris campaign for failing to serve key demographics and communicate a clear vision for the country. And some blame Americans, claiming that racism and sexism drove voters toward Trump.
These factors certainly exist, but we’re missing a larger piece of the picture.
Over the summer, I traveled to 46 states in the U.S., creating a YouTube series highlighting slices of life across the country. In conversations from my nearly three-month road trip, I spoke with Republicans who were certain that inflation is entirely Biden’s fault and Democrats who, despite their frustrations with corporate profits and desires for universal healthcare, hoped for a more moderate candidate. From supporters of all candidates, I heard a shocking amount of misinformation.
After combing through hundreds of hours of interview footage from swing state Trump voters, I am certain that, as much as other factors influenced the outcome of the election, our crumbling media landscape — which has caused a rift in our democracy — is most to blame.
In the postwar period, news was dominated by three main channels, and because of the Fairness Doctrine, each station reported the same stories and covered multiple sides of each issue. Viewers picked which channels they watched mainly based on their preferences for news anchors’ personalities. Of course, this model had its problems, but, at the end of the day, it meant that Americans worked with a shared set of facts.
A shared set of facts is not the world we live in today.
Throughout my interviews, conspiracy theories were rampant, and on at least five separate occasions across separate states, I was told that Bill Gates tampers with our food, adding plastic to our fruits and vegetables to make his medical investments more profitable.
In conversations with voters, neither side seemed able to name many specific policy issues they cared about; everyone just seemed to repeat the words of their favorite pundits, podcast hosts, and internet personalities.
Although this behavior is harmful, I don’t blame everyday Americans. Blame falls on the media that has ostracized, disillusioned, and misinformed them.
I first saw this trend with low-wage workers in West Virginia, who — despite falling inflation rates — have seen stagnated salaries and clear increases in food costs. Channels like Fox News bred anger and resentment for many of them.
Take July of this summer, for example, when for the first time in his presidency, prices actually fell under the Biden administration. Traditional media establishments rushed to celebrate this victory, with one article from CNN declaring, “The White House can finally cross out ‘inflation’ on its list of presidential liabilities.” However, outside these bubbles, I observed many Americans held a different view.
In late July, I was welcomed at a massive family reunion in Tylertown, Mississippi, where one Trump voter — a middle-aged, Black, family man, pastor, and soul food enthusiast — made this clear.
“When I go in the grocery stores, and I gotta spend my last to get groceries, you mean to tell me I’m not gonna look and see who’s gonna vote to help me? I voted for Trump and I’d vote for him again, because he put money in our pocket,” he told me.
In their coverage, mainstream news organizations obsess over the Federal Reserve’s next rate cuts while failing to connect with people concerned with their next meals. With titles like “Vance: Young Americans ‘Are Becoming Paupers’ Due To Inflation, High Housing Costs,” sites like The Daily Wire had their fingers on the pulse of American sentiment, welcoming new readership from those who felt neglected by traditional media.
This problem was not just confined to the economy. While Biden’s mental state was deteriorating, liberal media outlets seemed to under-cover these stories, sheltering him from scrutiny of his declining capabilities, until the infamous presidential debate.
Formerly trusted networks slowly made themselves indigestible to the polarized American public, and in 2024, for the third year in a row, a Gallup poll found that more Americans indicated having “no trust” in the media than those who trust it a “great deal/fair amount”.
So where does the average American turn when the nation’s media cannot be trusted? For many people, it was YouTube talk shows, Newsmax, and podcasters such as Joe Rogan.
While Democrats seek to blame various internal factors for this election’s loss, I cannot help but think of Joe Rogan’s Trump endorsement, the many blind lies I heard from ordinary citizens across the country, and declining trust in American journalism.
As Harvard students and members of higher education institutions, we have a part to play in the problem. At Harvard’s Institute of Politics, those who denied the 2020 election results have been precluded from speaking at the JFK Jr. Forum. While the goal is understandable, it shields students from understanding the American viewpoints they represent.
There is a difference between platforming intentional and manipulative misinformation and listening to and learning about where people are and what they believe.
As a pipeline to mainstream media, Harvard, and its future journalists, have to consider the audience they lose when they stay inside of their bubble and ignore the issues of everyday Americans.
The disappearance of factual importance in our world is alarming and dangerous, but if we, as aspiring journalists, politicians, and engaged citizens, want to be taken seriously in communicating Trump’s threat to democracy, inflationary tariff policies, and so on, we owe American voters that seriousness, too.
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27 is a Double Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in Eliot House. He spent last summer traveling to 46 American states conducting interviews for his YouTube series, “Crossroads America."
変態パズルゲームメーカー(誉め言葉)で知られるZachtronicsの最終作『Last Call BBS』を全実績解除するまでやり尽くしたので感想を書く。
私にとって『Last Call BBS』は、3作目に遊んだZachtronicsゲームである。
1作目は『Opus Magnum』、2作目は『SpaceChem』であった。
SpaceChemを全実績解除するまでプレイした時の感想はこちら → https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20240315235948#
『Last Call BBS』に収録されている各ゲームの難易度は、私にとってちょうど良かった。ギリギリクリアできる難易度のものが多かったから、当ゲームの開発者は難易度調整にさぞ力を入れたことだろう。
おなじく運ゲーなソリティアであるSawayama Solitaireは滅茶苦茶はまったのに対して、Kabufuda Solitaireにはあまりはまらなかった。これは、カード操作で戦略的思考を持てるか否かの違いだろうか。
ゲームというより作業シミュレーター? 無心になって、ニッパーでプチプチとパーツを外してパーツをはめ込むのは、禅の境地だろうか。
ゴア的ホラーな雰囲気を漂わせたパズルゲーム(ゴア表現は無い)。この雰囲気でパズルゲーム? と思ったが、スライム状のオブジェクトを増殖して変化させるパズルは、ゴアな雰囲気がふさわしい。プレイと共に雰囲気が好きになってきた。
PNPとNPNってどう違うんだっけ? ベース・コレクタ・エミッタってなんだっけ? いまだによくわかっていないが、PNPとNPNを組み合わせて問題解決するのは楽しかった。特に楽しかったのは自己保持回路だ。どうすれば自己保持できるんだと悩んだが、試行錯誤の末に実現して動作を眺めるのが楽しかった。
Last Call BBS内のどのゲームも面白かったが、その中でも『20th Century Food Court』が一番良かった。次に『ChipWizard Professional』だ。
もう当分の間パズルゲームはやりたくないのでしばらくは他のジャンルのゲームをするだろうが、何か月もすると禁断症状が出てまたパズルゲームをやりたくなるだろう。その時には『SHENZHEN I/O』をやろうと思う。
ここでいう「そのまま」とは、例えば「呪術廻戦」→「Jujutsu Kaisen」といったものを指す。
日本語タイトル | 英語タイトル | 所感 |
名探偵コナン | Case Closed | 全然ピンとこない |
覚悟のススメ | Apocalypse Zero | 全然ピンとこない |
こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 | KochiKame: Tokyo Beat Cops | 下町要素どこいった |
鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer:Kimetsu no Yaiba | 鬼滅感どこいった |
侵略!イカ娘 | Squid Girl | 侵略要素どこいった |
行け!稲中卓球部 | The Ping Pong Club | 稲中要素どこいった |
Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 | Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World | 日本語版副題どこいった |
五等分の花嫁 | The Quintessential Quintuplets | 花嫁要素どこいった、だが響きは良い |
古見さんは、コミュ症です。 | Komi Can't Communicate | なんか響きが良い |
ヤンキー君とメガネちゃん | Flunk Punk Rumble | なんか響きが良い |
地獄先生ぬ〜べ〜 | Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube | なんか響きが良い |
食戟のソーマ | Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma | もう少しなんとかならなかったのか |
北斗の拳 | Fist of the North Star | もう少しなんとかならなかったのか |
浦安鉄筋家族 | Super Radical Gag Family | もう少しなんとかならなかったのか |
私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular! | もう少しなんとかならなかったのか |
銀魂 | Gintama | これだとジンタマではないのか |
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 | GeGeGe no Kitarō | これだとじぇじぇじぇではないのか |
魔法先生ネギま! | Negima! Magister Negi Magi | ギはどこから出てきた |
魔入りました!入間くん | Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun | 英訳不可能なのでしゃあない |
・Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活について、ロゴに記載の英語タイトルは「Re:Life in a different world from zero」に対し、英語タイトルは「Starting Life in Another World」と結構違う。
・葬送のフリーレンの英題「『Frieren: Beyond Journey's End」は、旅の終わりと仲間の喪失の意味がかかっていて良いと思った。
・るろうに剣心の英題「Samurai X」は知っていたのだが、調べた範囲ではどうもアニメのタイトルのようであるので入れてない。
ドッグフーディング (英: dogfooding) または「自社のドッグフードを食べる」「ドッグフードする」(Eating your own dog food、Drinking your own champagneとも言う)は、コンピュータ業界において、自社製品を開発して利用する組織の習慣で[1]、組織が実際の使用法で日々自分たちで製品を利用しながら製品テストを行うことである。日本語では単に「ドッグフード」ということもある。そのため、ドッグフーディングは品質管理として機能し、開発者自身による製品の自信を表す証言広告となる[2][3]。尚、日本企業では自社実践(じしゃじっせん)という言葉が相当する意味の言葉として使われている。 https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/4754599923450771872/comment/tor4kichi
A pair of people ordered two hamburgers with a tomato slice. One can not eat tomatoes since she has an allergy to tomatoes. So, they asked the burger shop not to put a slice of tomato in a hamburger and to put two slices of tomato in another hamburger. How do you think the likelihood that the shop kindly do it to them in the US?
In the US, the likelihood that a burger shop would accommodate a request to modify hamburger orders to account for a tomato allergy by omitting a tomato slice in one burger and adding an extra slice to another is very high. American food establishments are generally accustomed to customizing orders to meet dietary restrictions and preferences. This includes adjustments for allergies, personal taste, or dietary needs. The scenario described involves a simple modification, and staff at most restaurants, especially those that pride themselves on customer service, are likely to fulfill such a request without issue. Ensuring customer satisfaction and safety, particularly when it comes to allergies, is a priority for many establishments. Therefore, as long as the request is communicated clearly, the shop should be able to accommodate it kindly.
ICD-10 においては、G90 Disorders of autonomic nervous system に分類され、特定の病名に帰着しないものを G90.9 としている
ICD-11 は 自律神経系の機能不全を特徴とするさまざまな疾患を分類しており、本質的に自律神経失調症の概念を含みます。
PNEI : Psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology (精神神経内分泌免疫)
NPM: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NutriPsych: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NP: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
PsychoNutrition: Psychonutrition (心理栄養学)
Food-Brain Connection (食と脳の繋がり)
diet, dietary patterns, micronutrients, macronutrients
Behavioral health: depression, anxiety, mood disorders
PNEI/Nutritional psychiatry: psychoneuroendocrinology, nutritional psychiatry
ANS: autonomic nervous system, sympathetic, parasympathetic
↓ どうしたらいいんだろう🤔
↓ いや、鬱病からの自律神経失調症で動けないのにそれするの無理じゃね?😓
PNEI : Psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology (精神神経内分泌免疫)
NPM: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NutriPsych: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NP: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
PsychoNutrition: Psychonutrition (心理栄養学)
Food-Brain Connection (食と脳の繋がり)
diet, dietary patterns, micronutrients, macronutrients
Behavioral health: depression, anxiety, mood disorders
PNEI/Nutritional psychiatry: psychoneuroendocrinology, nutritional psychiatry
ANS: autonomic nervous system, sympathetic, parasympathetic
↓ どうしたらいいんだろう🤔
↓ いや、鬱病からの自律神経失調症で動けないのにそれするの無理じゃね?😓
PNEI : Psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology (精神神経内分泌免疫)
NPM: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NutriPsych: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NP: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
PsychoNutrition: Psychonutrition (心理栄養学)
Food-Brain Connection (食と脳の繋がり)
diet, dietary patterns, micronutrients, macronutrients
Behavioral health: depression, anxiety, mood disorders
PNEI/Nutritional psychiatry: psychoneuroendocrinology, nutritional psychiatry
ANS: autonomic nervous system, sympathetic, parasympathetic
↓ どうしたらいいんだろう🤔
↓ いや、鬱病からの自律神経失調症で動けないのにそれするの無理じゃね?😓
The water absorbed by the root system flows against gravity through the capillaries to the coconut.
The freshwater that gets accumulated in coconut is actually 'endosperm' or the food or nourishment for the coconut's growth.
[📹 fruitful.harvest]pic.twitter.com/GSWvm4r0Gd— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) March 17, 2024
1. **酵素の作用で組織が柔らかくなる**³:米のとぎ汁には酵素が含まれており、これが大根の組織を柔らかくします¹²⁴。
2. **味がしみこみやすくなる**¹²:酵素の作用で組織が柔らかくなることで、大根に味が染み込みやすくなります¹²。
3. **デンプンが組織に浸み込んで、その粘りで形が崩れにくくなる**³⁴:米のとぎ汁には米から溶け出したデンプンも含まれています。このデンプンが大根の組織に浸み込むことで、その粘りが形を保つのを助けます³⁴。
4. **ぬかの成分が大根特有のにおいとえぐみを吸着してくれる**¹:米のとぎ汁には米ぬかの成分が含まれており、これが大根特有のにおいとえぐみを吸着します¹。
(1) 大根を米のとぎ汁で茹でる理由 | 料理科学の森. https://bing.com/search?q=%e5%a4%a7%e6%a0%b9%e3%82%92%e3%82%84%e3%82%8f%e3%82%89%e3%81%8b%e3%81%8f%e7%85%ae%e3%82%8b%e3%81%9f%e3%82%81%e3%81%ab%e7%b1%b3%e3%81%ae%e3%81%a8%e3%81%8e%e6%b1%81%e3%82%92%e4%bd%bf%e3%81%86%e7%a7%91%e5%ad%a6%e7%9a%84%e3%81%aa%e6%a9%9f%e5%ba%8f.
(2) 大根の下処理の方法は?米のとぎ汁を使って大根を柔らかく .... https://kisetsumimiyori.com/daikon-sitasyori/.
(3) 大根を米のとぎ汁で下茹でする理由とやり方|代用方法も紹介 .... https://www.olive-hitomawashi.com/column/2022/12/post-17866.html.
(4) 大根を米のとぎ汁で茹でる理由 | 料理科学の森. https://ryourikagakunomori.jp/2019/04/08/%e5%a4%a7%e6%a0%b9%e3%82%92%e7%b1%b3%e3%81%ae%e3%81%a8%e3%81%8e%e6%b1%81%e3%81%a7%e8%8c%b9%e3%81%a7%e3%82%8b%e7%90%86%e7%94%b1/.
(5) 大根の下茹で(アク抜き)方法は? 米のとぎ汁で茹でる理由 .... https://www.kamosu.org/post-1247/.
(1) 【米のとぎ汁発酵液】効果・作り方・使い方 抗菌作用 薬に頼ら .... ttps://medicalherb918.com/fermented-liquid-of-rice-3830.html.
(2) とぎ汁 - Wikipedia. ttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%81%A8%E3%81%8E%E6%B1%81.
(3) 米のとぎ汁の洗浄力要因の推定と関連消費者情報の分析 - J .... ttps://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/senshoshi/62/8/62_528/_article/-char/ja.
(4) おいしさを科学する | 東京農業大学. ttps://www.nodai.ac.jp/nodai-live/article/food/.
(5) だいこん|栄養成分|料理法|アミラーゼ. ttps://www.minamitohoku.or.jp/up/news/1pointmemo/1pointmemo59.htm.
(6) お米のとぎ汁発酵水の作り方や使い方!美容や掃除に最適な .... ttps://food-labo.com/ricewaterstool.
大体初めに書かれている、若しくは主語。この場合、「the food」がそれにあたる。
そして、「necessary for growth, health, and good condition」の後の説明は流し読みしとけばいい。「necessary for health」くらいうっすらと覚えておくだけで、意味が通じるようになる。
たとえば、organic compoundと調べると以下が出てくる。
a compound (= a chemical that combines two or more elements) containing carbon
名詞がa compoundしかない(正確に言うとcarbonもだけど、形容詞句の一部のため除外)。
確かに、containing carbonしてる何か、とか考えることもできるけれど、言い換える言葉がとっとと見つからないだけで十分ストレスなので「有機化合物」と日本語で覚えておく。
WALKING IN GAZA, PALESTINE 🇵🇸 | Food Market | Gold Souk | Bazaar | Mosque Omari | Old City
Israeli Defense Minister Announces Siege On Gaza To Fight ‘Human Animals’
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called for denying Palestinian people electricity, food, water and fuel as Israel continues its bombardment of Gaza.
Sanjana Karanth
Sanjana Karanth
Oct 9, 2023, 02:16 PM EDT
|Updated Oct 9, 2023
[1] Fredrich Engels, 1884, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. The book was revived as a key text by socialist and Marxist feminists in debates about women’s liberation. Pace the 19th century social Darwinism which clearly took a lead from the Old Testament, it is now quite clear that both pastoralism and slash and burn agriculture appeared after, and not before, the advent of settled agriculture.
[2] Franz Boas, The Mind of Primitive Man, 1911; Claudia Ruth Pierpoint, ‘The Measure of America’, 2004; Ned Blackhawk and Isaiah Lorado Wilner, Indigenous Visions: Rediscovering the World of Franz Boas, 2018; Rosemary Lévy, Franz Boas: The Emergence of the Anthropologist, 2019.
[3] Very good examples of this work include Sara Hdry, Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding, 2005; Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, The Old Way, 2001; two articles by Steven Kuhn and Mary Stiner: ‘What’s a Mother To Do’, 2006 and ‘How Hearth and Home Made us Human’, 2019; Loretta Cormier and Sharon Jones, The Domesticated Penis: How Womanhood has Shaped Manhood, 2015; a key paper by Joanna Overing, ‘Men Control Women? The “Catch-22” in the Analysis of Gender’, 1987; two books by Christopher Boehm: Hierarchy in the Forest and the Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior, 1999, and Moral Origins, 2012; every book by the primatologist Frans de Waal; the two chapters by Brian Ferguson in Douglas Fry, ed., War, Peace and Human Nature, 2013; Richard Wrangham, Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human, 2010; and two books by the trans biologist Joan Roughgarden: Evolution’s Rainbow: Diversity, Gender and Sexuality in Nature and People, 2004, and The Genial Gene: Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness, 2009.
[4] Our favourites among the ethnographies of our near contemporary hunter-gatherers are Marjorie Shostack, Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman, 1981; Jean Briggs, Inuit Morality Play: The Emotional Education of a Three-Year-Old, 1998; Phyllis Kaberry, Aboriginal Women: Sacred and Profane, 1938, Karen Endicott and Kirk Endicott: The Headman was a Woman: The Gender Egalitarian Batek of Malaysia, 2008; Richard Lee, The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society, 1978; and Colin Turnbull, Wayward Servants: The Two Worlds of the African Pygmies, 1978.
[5] Kent Flannery and Joyce Marcus, The Creation of Inequality: How Our Prehistorical Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery and Empire, 2012; and James C. Scott, The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland South-East Asia, 2009; Scott, Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States, 2017. Martin Jones, Feast: Why Humans Share Food, 2007, is also very useful.
[6] Edmund Leach had made a similar argument in 1954 in Political Systems of Highland Burma, and radically changed anthropology. For a brilliant ethnography of one group of anti-class hill rebels at the end of the twentieth century, see Shanshan Du, Chopsticks Only Work in Pairs: Gender Unity and Gender Equality Among the Lahu of Southeastern China, 2003. For Scott’s recent extension of his argument to ancient Mesopotamia, see Against the Grain.
[7] This is all succinctly described in Brian Hayden, ‘Transegalitarian Societies on the American Northwest Plateau: Social Dynamics and Cultural/Technological Changes,’ in Orlando Cerasuolo, ed., The Archaeology of Inequality, 2021.
[8] Start with Philip Drucker and Robert Heizer, 1967, To Make My Name Good: A Reexamination of the Southern Kwakiutl Potlatch; and Eric Wolf, Envisioning Power: Ideologies of Dominance and Crisis, 1999, 69-132.
[9] Jeanne Arnold, ‘Credit where Credit is Due: The History of the Chumash Oceangoing Plank Canoe’, 2007; and Lynn Gamble, The Chumash World at European Contact: Power, Trade and Fighting among Complex Hunter-Gatherers, 2011.
[10] On the Calusa, see The Dawn, 150-2; Fernando Santos-Cranero, 2010, Vital Enemies: Slavery, Predation and the Amerindian Political Economy of Life, 2010; and John Hann, Missions to the Calusa, 1991.
[11] Rita Wright, The Ancient Indus: Urbanism, Economy and Society, 2010; and Andrew Robinson, The Indus: Lost Civilizations, 2015.
[12] Robbie Ethridge and Sheri M. Shuck-Hall, Mapping the Mississippian Shatter Zone, 2009; and George Edward Milne, Natchez Country: Indians, Colonists and the Landscape of Race in French Louisiana, 2015.