はてなキーワード: dietとは
但し、海外ではカーニボアダイエット(Carnivore Diet)という食事法があり、そういった方々は一切植物食品を取っていないが、排便に問題はないようである。
・女性のためのおしり読本 ―痔のセルフケアから治療まで―(著:岩垂 純一)
ICD-10 においては、G90 Disorders of autonomic nervous system に分類され、特定の病名に帰着しないものを G90.9 としている
ICD-11 は 自律神経系の機能不全を特徴とするさまざまな疾患を分類しており、本質的に自律神経失調症の概念を含みます。
PNEI : Psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology (精神神経内分泌免疫)
NPM: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NutriPsych: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NP: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
PsychoNutrition: Psychonutrition (心理栄養学)
Food-Brain Connection (食と脳の繋がり)
diet, dietary patterns, micronutrients, macronutrients
Behavioral health: depression, anxiety, mood disorders
PNEI/Nutritional psychiatry: psychoneuroendocrinology, nutritional psychiatry
ANS: autonomic nervous system, sympathetic, parasympathetic
↓ どうしたらいいんだろう🤔
↓ いや、鬱病からの自律神経失調症で動けないのにそれするの無理じゃね?😓
PNEI : Psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology (精神神経内分泌免疫)
NPM: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NutriPsych: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NP: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
PsychoNutrition: Psychonutrition (心理栄養学)
Food-Brain Connection (食と脳の繋がり)
diet, dietary patterns, micronutrients, macronutrients
Behavioral health: depression, anxiety, mood disorders
PNEI/Nutritional psychiatry: psychoneuroendocrinology, nutritional psychiatry
ANS: autonomic nervous system, sympathetic, parasympathetic
↓ どうしたらいいんだろう🤔
↓ いや、鬱病からの自律神経失調症で動けないのにそれするの無理じゃね?😓
PNEI : Psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology (精神神経内分泌免疫)
NPM: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NutriPsych: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
NP: Nutritional Psychiatry (栄養精神医学)
PsychoNutrition: Psychonutrition (心理栄養学)
Food-Brain Connection (食と脳の繋がり)
diet, dietary patterns, micronutrients, macronutrients
Behavioral health: depression, anxiety, mood disorders
PNEI/Nutritional psychiatry: psychoneuroendocrinology, nutritional psychiatry
ANS: autonomic nervous system, sympathetic, parasympathetic
↓ どうしたらいいんだろう🤔
↓ いや、鬱病からの自律神経失調症で動けないのにそれするの無理じゃね?😓
これ題名は too much と相対的な量について書かれているけど本文を読むと
If 24 teaspoons of added sugar per day is too much, then what is the right amount? It's hard to say, since sugar is not a required nutrient in your diet.
とある。で、試しに全食事を自炊にして砂糖(精製糖, 甘味料)なし生活を2か月くらい続けてるんだけど多分体調がよくなってる。なんか疲れづらいというか、だるい時間帯がほとんどないような感じ。目覚めもいい。
Please list some intelligent puns.
Sure, here are a few intelligent puns:
I'm reading a book on the history of glue – I just can't seem to put it down.
Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.
Did you hear about the guy who lost his left arm and leg in a car crash? He's all right now.
I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.
Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts.
I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down.
I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.
What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.
I'm really good at math – I can solve problems with my eyes closed. It's just a simple matter of algebra.
Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide.
According to 1, the fees for public child day care (varhaiskasvatus) depend on the family’s income. The maximum fee of municipal early childhood education is US$317 | €295 for the first child and US$202 | €188 for the second child. The minimum fee is US$30 | €28 per child. The fee also depends on how many hours child stays in daycare. According to 2, school meals generally consist of typical Finnish foods such as a warm main course (dishes with fish, meat, vegetables; beans and sprouts as part of vegetarian diet), a side of vegetables (salad, grated vegetables or fresh vegetables pieces), bread and table spread, a drink (skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, buttermilk) and water.
マルチビタミン(two per day) 1錠 2838/120≒24円
プロテインバナナ味 (タンパク質量として)24グラム 4617/24≒194円
クレアルカリン0.8g・アルギニン1.5g・シトルリン1.5g 2176/30≒73円
ヒマワリレシチンパウダー 12グラム 2425/38≒64円
青汁(ORAC-Energy Greens) 5グラム 6468/73≒89円
ミックスナッツ(アーモンド、クルミ、カシュー、マカデミア) 140グラム 1880/5≒376円
マルチビタミン(two per day) 1錠 2838/120≒24円
麦茶 700cc1パック 1116/72≒16円
L-テアニン(サンテアニン) 300mg 2414/45≒54円
プロテインバナナ味 (タンパク質量として)24グラム 4617/24≒194円
ヒマワリレシチンパウダー 12グラム 2425/38≒64円
青汁(ORAC-Energy Greens) 5グラム 6468/73≒89円
ミックスナッツ(アーモンド、クルミ、カシュー、マカデミア) 140グラム 1880/5≒376円
マルチビタミン(two per day) 1錠 2838/120≒24円
麦茶 700cc1パック 1116/72≒16円
マルチビタミン(two per day) 1錠 2838/120≒24円
L-テアニン(サンテアニン) 300mg 2414/45≒54円
US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health「 Advanced glycation end products in foods and a practical guide to their reduction in the diet.」
また、一般の集団を対象としたAGEs摂取量の調査はまだ限られていますが、ニューヨークの健康な成人を対象にした疫学調査では、AGEsの平均的な1日の摂取量は、1万4700±680 KUであることが判明しました。このデータをもとに、平均摂取量1万5000KUより、著しく高いか低いかで、高AGEs食または低AGEs食を仮に定義します。表を参考にして下さい。炒めたりローストの肉や、ベーコンのような加工食品は、簡単に1日のAGEs摂取量が2万kU以上になります。
▼調理の仕方で老化が進む!? (2ページ目):医学博士 大西睦子のそれって本当? 食・医療・健康のナゾ:日経Gooday(グッデイ)
Whole grains" such as brown rice and barley rice improve diabetes, sleep, and depression
Eating "whole grains" such as whole grain bread, brown rice, sprouted brown rice, millet rice, and barley rice lowers the risk of diabetes and obesity.
Studies have also shown that a whole grain eating style can improve sleep and prevent depression.
Not All Carbohydrates Are Created Equal
Choosing the right carbohydrates and adjusting the amount of carbohydrates you eat is the best approach to controlling diabetes. Of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates are the ones that have the most immediate impact on blood sugar, so we need to be careful about how we consume them.
Eating refined flour or white rice, for example, may contain the same amount of carbohydrates, but because they contain less fiber, they are absorbed more quickly, leading to an increase in postprandial blood glucose." For diabetics who need to control their blood sugar, the recommendation is whole grains," says Carla Duenas.
Duenas is a dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, a clinical care network with seven hospitals in the U.S. state of Florida. She stresses, "To achieve a healthy diet, whole grains should be included in the diet, along with high-quality protein, vegetables, and fruits."
What to do about diabetic staples? '50-55% carbs' is healthiest
Not a fan of brown rice? Glutinous brown rice can help.
Wakame seaweed suppresses postprandial blood glucose spike Lower GI of white rice
Replace white rice with brown rice
Whole grains are grains that have not had their hulls, seed skins, embryos, or endosperm removed by processing such as milling.
Many studies have shown that a diet rich in whole grains reduces the risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease more than a diet rich in refined grains.
Familiar whole grains include foods such as bread, pasta, and oatmeal made from whole wheat grains, brown rice, sprouted brown rice, millet rice, and barley rice containing barley.
Brown rice is a whole grain and rich in fiber. Although whole grains are not necessarily the best choice, replacing white rice with brown rice is recommended for people with diabetes or obesity," Duenas advises.
You get the fiber you tend to lack.
Carbohydrates can be divided into simple carbohydrates, which raise blood glucose levels quickly, and complex carbohydrates, which raise them slowly. Simple carbohydrates are those found in sweets and fruits, while complex carbohydrates are those found in grains, potatoes, beans, and other foods.
Complex carbohydrates take longer to be absorbed and raise blood glucose levels at a slower rate because they are broken down into simple carbohydrates before being digested and absorbed.
Complex carbohydrates are "healthy carbohydrates. Whole grains such as unrefined flour and brown rice have properties similar to complex carbohydrates. They are rich in nutrients that are often lacking, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are lost during the refining process," Duenas points out.
Refined carbohydrates can also cause insomnia.
Thirty percent of adults suffer from insomnia, and part of the cause may be dietary style. Refined carbohydrates may increase the risk of insomnia in women, according to a study.
The study showed that postmenopausal women who eat junk foods and soft drinks, especially those high in carbohydrates, are more likely to develop insomnia.
Conversely, women who consume more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables have a decreased risk of insomnia.
The study was conducted by James Ganwish and colleagues from the Bagelos School of Medicine at Columbia University in the United States.
77,860 women were studied for three years.
Insomnia is often treated with pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, both of which are costly to the patient and expensive. Improving one's diet is low-cost, easy to implement, and free of side effects," says Ganwish.
The study is based on data from observational studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Women's Health Initiative Study (WHI) to obtain information to prevent and treat health problems among women.
The researchers examined the association between insomnia and 77,860 postmenopausal women who participated in the WHI. They surveyed them about their dietary habits and followed them for three years from 1997 to 2001.
The participants were analyzed by dividing them into five groups according to GI level, an index that indicates the ease with which blood glucose levels rise after a meal.
The results revealed a 16% higher risk of developing insomnia and an 11% higher prevalence in the group with higher dietary GI values. The study also found that the higher the intake of vegetables and fruits, the lower the risk of insomnia.
The study also found a lower risk of developing depression.
The study found that "a spike in blood glucose levels after a meal stimulates the secretion of insulin, which lowers blood glucose, and may lead to a state of hyperinsulinemia. As a result, blood glucose levels drop and the secretion of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol increases, which may disrupt sleep," explains Ganwish.
The foods that trigger insomnia may be processed foods that contain high levels of isomerized sugar, which is composed of fructose and glucose. Such foods are not found in nature, but are mass-produced industrially and sold cheaply.
Fruits also contain fructose, but they are also rich in fiber. Fruits have a low GI and are thought to be less likely to cause postprandial blood sugar elevation.
A study of 69,954 women who participated in the WHI, published by Ganwish and colleagues in 2015, also showed that women who ate a high GI diet had a 22% higher risk of developing depression.
Gunwish noted, "We need randomized clinical trials to determine the benefits of improving diet and increasing intake of whole grains and complex carbohydrates to prevent and treat insomnia and depression."