Risk® Riding Is My Life (from its package)I bought this product from China and it arrived this afternoon called Risk®. It is a copycat or ripoff of Nokon® bike cabling system that was popular (was it?) around 20 years ago.
Please Google "Nokon" if you don't recognize the name. I always loved Nokon for its look since I got my first ever road bike back in 2004 (I think). It was Cervélo Soloist (the original aluminum) 2004 model. It was built by an online shop in Germany. It was built with Shimano DuraAce with Shimano cable.
I soon modified the cabling system with Nokon. My second road bike, Cervélo RS is assembled with Nokon, of course and SRAM Red (10-speed).
Since the supply of Nokon has become scarce (I think they stopped operating altogether), I have to find compatible products to keep it going (to maintain my Nokon cabling system).
That's when I found this Risk® product sold on AliExpress. Now they have arrived, I will see if they are really
compatible (comparable).
RISK versus NOKON cable systemsI recently bought two sets (since the seller's description said two sets for one bike full system - braking and shifting lines).
I bought black ones. I have not used them yet so this is not a review. I just write down what I have noticed by just fiddling with them.
1. More partsThe kit (as RISK sells other small parts) includes numerous small parts.
1. Bamboo links (1.3 meters) and additional "repair parts" 10 links
2. Oil catheter (3 meters x 2)
3. Seals and Copper sleeves (each 4 pieces)
4. Oil guide cables (0.3 meters x 2)
5. Guide cable end caps (2 pieces)
6. Aluminum cable end caps (6 pieces)
7. Mini-Cable protectors (10 pieces)
8. Rotating S buckles (2 pieces)
9. Cable Adjustment Screws (2 pieces)
10. Catheter dust plugs (2 pieces)
11. Heat shrinkable tail caps (4 pieces)
1. "Bamboo" links
These are the aluminum CNC-milled (I'm guessing) and anodized beads. They call them Bamboo links. How Chinese they are! Bamboo plants (I think they have more than 100 kinds) are very common in Asia and some are main staple of Pandas.
The Germans (where Nokon originated from) could have nicknamed them Baumkuchen. In deed, RISK links are shaped like bamboo stems with a curvy body where as NOKON links are shaped like Baumkuchen without curves. I'm waiting for an Italian manufacturer steps in with Macaroni links or Rigatoni links.
I'm Japanese and bamboo plants are so common in my native country and we eat their young shoots (sprouts).
2. Oil catheter
This is what I really wanted to acquire. I don't find these tubes (Teflon coated inner tube?) in Europe anymore.
I also bought these tubes separately from AliExpress.
3. Seals and Copper sleeves
The seal and Copper Sleeve are used together. It resides at the end of line where lubrication oil (by oil I think they mean substance less viscous than grease) has to be contained as the pictures show.
On the instruction diagram, they are used at the both ends of a brake line but not at the ends of a shifting line. I don't know why.
One important feature of these copper sleeves is that they have outer diameter size of 5 millimeters.
4. Oil guide cable
This is a normal BRAKE cable (5 millimeters of outer diameter) cut in 30 centimeters. They lie quietly under the bar tape. A cable tension adjuster screw (or whatever you call it) operates at one end.
Nokon prepared special cables for this part. They were made of stainless steel and much like a metal chimney duct. I don't think they (Nokon company) had tension adjusters in mind when they designed this.
A cable tension adjustment screw does NOT operates as expected if the outer casings (cables) spin. If you don't understand what I mean here, please stop reading right here.
I think I have to add a plastic cable end (a cap) here to increase the friction between the "Oil Guide Cable" and the "Cable Adjustment Screw".
I'm sure I have some plastic end caps lying around.
5. Guide cable end cap
These come in handy when you decide to forfeit cabl tension adjusters. It has a stopper (narrow choking flange) in the middle so that two outer cables can be joined.
6. Aluminum cable end cap
This is used at one end of an outer cable. It is just like other normal end cap but since it is made of aluminum and anodized, it has less friction than cheap plastic end caps.
There are end caps made of steel (stainless steel?) and those are shiny.
If one decides to put cable tension adjuster on the shifting line (I don't think you need it on the brake line), I think (at least I will) that a plastic end cap to prevent the whole adjuster from spinning.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, I recommend that you stop reading.
I don't know if I will use an adjuster. I have used and failed before.
7. Mini-Cable protectors
Nokon included in its kit, vinyl tubes cut in 4 or 5 centimeters long. I used them. Although they worked, they tend to collect dirt and become murky as they age (from exposure to the elements like ultraviolet ray?).
This cable protector (or more aptly frame paint protector) has some bonus. It is advertized passive luminous! That will make night riding an exciting experience!
8. Rotating S buckles
I don't think I will need these on my bike.
9. Cable Adjustment Screws
Already enough said.
Oh, one thing; I don't know why they include two of them. Do you need one on the brake line?
Oh, another thing; I did find this screw in the installation instructions but its installation method is completely wrong. How wrong? Dead wrong! It won't work that way.
You are on your own if you want to install any (inevitably shifting) cable tension adjuster. Do not follow the instructions from the manufacturer!
I have experience although it was unsuccessful. (After all those struggles and failure) Now I know how to install one on the shifting line.
10. Catheter dust plugs
This is a neat product. It comes at one end of the inner liner (oil catheter) before the exposed end (brake or shifter).
It seems that it is also made of passive luminous silicon rubber.
11. Heat shrinkable tail caps
It is a replacement of normal cable tips (end crimps). I don't know if I use them. The best cable end treatment is soldering. I haven't found the right solution (literally the right solution called soldering flux).
Noticeable differences1. These bamboo links are shaped in a way that make them stick slightly (firmer than Nokon beads?) to one another. It may be because of the round edges.
2. Nokon provided shorter barrels (beads or whatever you may call them) for tighter curves typically for the curve before the rear derailleur whereas RISK does not. Because of the round edges, they seem to be able to make a tigher curve.
3. RISK provides more gimmicks like rubber seals and copper sleeves than Nokon did.
4. RISK has two slightly different assembly instructions. One for the brake lines and another for the shifting lines.
The Brake line needs the seal and copper sleeve at the shifter and at the brake. On the other hand, the shifting line does not seem to require them. At least no mention of them in the instructions. I don't understand the reason.
NotesRISK also has plastic cable end caps on its lineup. The product pictures indicate that they fit inside the plastic cable end caps. They should also fit inside the aluminum cable end caps.
Those plastic cable end caps have two kinds, brake line (5 millimeters) and shifting line (4 millimeters). The copper sleeves must have corresponding size.
In the installation diagram, the brake line shows this cable end cap only at the cable stop on the frame but does not show this cable end cap at the shifter or brake. I had to conclude that I could not trust this installation paper.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
ツール・ド・フランス2025の観戦プラン制作(ほぼ完成)英語ではもうアップロードしてます。画像を載せたいのですが、画像の元がCycling Stageなので、それをスクリーンショット等で直接載せたら、著作権的に失礼になるので、出来ません。
それをGarmin BaseCamp等からのスクリーンショットでカバーすることで代用の画像を作って載せたいです。ともかく、英語でずらずらと書いてました。
それを9割は日本語でも書いてます。来年のツール・ド・フランスの観戦プランはもうほぼ固まってます。Cycling Stageが公表してる情報量がすごいので、簡単に観戦プランが立ちました。
その他同時に、アリエスクプレスから届いたものが少しあります。Tシャツも1着ありました。なんとなく買ってしまったTEAM POGIと描いてあるものです。アリエクスプレスには様々な製品がありますが、ロードレースの選手のグッズも売られてます。
このTEAM POGIシャツがアリエクスプレスで売られてる背景はもちろん、知る余地がありません。しかし、誰かが以前に大量に発注したのでしょう。
リスク見た目が中華?まず外見で重要ですが、ビーズの形状です。リスクの説明書ではこのビーズをBamboo linkと呼んでます。併記されてる中国語だと「竹」は読めるのですが、次の漢字が大陸中国語風の簡略文字なので、変換できません。恐らく竹の節の意味で「節」の略字だと睨みます。略字では草冠(くさかんむり)も竹冠(たけかんむり)も同じなのでしょうか。見た目には草冠の文字です。
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2024/12/13(金) 03:24:10|
- Bikes and related things
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