My original Compaq Presario CQ56 (AMD V160) mainboardThis piece was written before the previous entry.
Now this one has been kinda resurrected. The case, LCD and most of the components are still not in use but the CPU and the mainboard is now operating inside the body that came from the UK (originally with an AMD V140 inside).
I swapped the mainboards.
This mainboard had a small problem. I almost forgot about it. It developed some symptom after a year or so after it came into my possession. The symptom was related to some video noises. I did not know at that time if that video distortion was caused by the defect on the LCD, video chip on board the mainboard or something in between (loose connectors or heat generated by the CPU).
The symptom was video distortion and it was somewhat alleviated when I put pressure around the area around the power button (and it turned out recently that it was acutally the area where the video chip, connector and the cable were). At that time I did not know where the video chip (or its connector to the LCD) was until I operated on the mainboard just recently.
I put the mainboard along with the CPU and booted it for the first time, the image on the screen (the LCD panel that came from the UK) had weird noises and it lasted for a while. I thought I had not put the connector correctly and that was the cause. A moment later I remembered that this mainboard did have some problems before.
This distortion (or vertical red lines and red bluriness / white color turns into water color) disappeared after a while. I opened up the body and checked the connector and put it back.
The video distortion did not go away. It appeared from time to time with less frequency and the distortion level was improbed. It does not bother me too much as the screen image is clear most of the time.
The mainboard seems to have some minor defect maybe but it is still operational. The defect was within the mainboard and not outside it as the only pieces transferred into this body were the CPU and the mainboard. Most likely the soldering defect between the GPU chip and the mainboard.
So when I find the missing-in-action AMD N370, I will use the mainboard that originally came with V140 from the UK as it appears to have no issues. This mainboard seeming to have some video issues will be sidelined and remain as a spare part.
Another silent treatment?I remember learning this expression back in 1992 (or maybe 1993) when I was living in the United States of America.
I vaguely remember I learned it from Roseanne (sitcom). I attended an English School then and one of the class used the recorded TV material to get the students interested in the material. I vaguely remember Becky (or Darlene?) complaining about being given it or something like that.
Anyway, I learned a lot (English language skills) from watching TV shows. My favorites were Cheers, Beverly Hills 90210, Mad About You, LA Law, Friends, Seinfeld and SNL.
This expression suddenly came to my mind as I checked on the the Stinger HP that I bought from the USA. It was shipped on May 4th and it soon arrived at a shipping hub in Glendale Heights, Illinois on May 8th. The tracking information never got updated until May 18th when the package was handed down to another agent from USPS. Another tracking number was issued subsequently. This was the first "silent treatment" for me from USPS.
Today, May 23rd I checked on it and the situation was the same. This was the second on-going silent treatment.
From the beginning, the expected delivery date was June 13th and the shipping charges were really low. So I don't complain about this silent treatment but I am rather amused by it now. I can write about the suspence and the building anxiety caused by this tracking information.
Would it make it by June 13th? I will see and keep you guys (nobody, I know) informed.
I want to the cat wheelI want it and it is very expensive if I buy one from Amazon Germany.
I would like to make it on my own. I was watching some YouTube videos explaining how to make it.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
Silent Treatmentって何?この言葉を知ったのは1992年頃です。米国に住んでたのが1992年頃から1994年頃なので、間違いありませんね。
学んだのは当時通ってた英語学校での授業だったと思います。授業で教材として使ったテレビのSitCom (Situation Comedyの略)のロザンヌの中での単語だったかもしれませんが、今でははっきりしません。
当時はテレビを観てかなり英語を勉強しました。思い出すのはCheers、Beverly Hills 90210、Mad About you、Friends、LA Law、Seinfeldとかが浮かびます。ドラマ以外ではSNL (Saturday Night Live)を観てました。
そんな思い出に浸るのはここまでします。なぜいきなりSilent Treatmentという言葉を思い出したかと云うと、米国から届くはずの荷物のトラッキン情報がそんな感じだからです(笑)。
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- 2023/05/23(火) 11:23:59|
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