PowerBook G4 could be useful if . . .I am waiting for the arrival of my newly acquired G4 laptops from the UK. By the way, I am writing this on my PwerBook G4 A1106 (a 15-inch model that is a predecessor to A1138, the last 15-inch model) because it can easily connect to my WiFi router using the WPA2-PSK security feature, which PowerBook G4 Titanium's internal 802.11b AirPort Express card cannot understand (as it was made long before the WPA2 came out).
The tracking information has been gradually updated and I know it (the package containing the 4 G4 laptops) are nearing me.
The process has been complicated since the departure of the UK from EU, a huge bureaucratic totalitarian regime. It used to be much simpler but now the package has to be cleared at the customs. I assume that by now (Sunday, October 31st evening), it has been already in Luxembourg or sleeping along the driver of the truck in a parking lot alongside the highway between the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
It will be delivered to me either on Monday or Tuesday, I hope.
One of the four laptops is the A1025, a mysterious A1025 that I know almost nothing about. I have only seen its appearance in some of the photos that the UK ebay seller provided in the item(s) description section. It looks clean and seemed to have no major damages to the chassis. The "hinges" looked sound and healthy. I don't know if it turns on at all as the seller did not provide any information as to their status.
Three other iBook G4 models (two A1134 and one A1054) looked physically sound (no cracks or dents are recognizable in the description photos) and I don't know if they turn on at all. If they do, I will be happy to welcome them.
My first A1025 is physically not so sound. One of the hinges is broken and the chassis is damages at several points. I bought these 4 laptops (sold in a package) since I wanted a part donor for the A1025 that I had already owned.
On arrival of the package, I will inspect the A1025's status. I am happy if it does not turn on at all as long as the it is physically sound. I will have to perform a low-level operation (disassembly and reassembly) to make a sound A1025 that would be as useful as it could be Today (2021).
I will probably unplug the AirPort Express card inside and look for a CardBus (PCMCIA) WiFi adapter that supports at least the 802.11g security protocols and also recognized as a genuine Apple equipment (requiring no additional software driver).
As to the operating system, I will stick to Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8. I wish Adélie Linux eventually support Japanese Input system like mozc soon.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
PowerBook G4 Titaniumのインターネットデビューこの部分はPowerBook G4 A1106というアルミG4モデルで書いてます。ネット接続して、アップロードするために、この機種を使ってます。これより下の部分の日本語はPowerBook G4 Titanium A1025で書きました。
このテキスト(文章)は最近入手したPowerBook G4 Titanium A1025 1 GHzで書いてます。システムはMac OS X 10.5.8つまりLeopardです。日本語入力ももちろんできます。システムは英語に設定してます。
もちろん米語キーボードは既に部品として買いました。英国のThe Book Yardから別途買いました。手元にありますが、装着してません。
ネットワーク接続に問題があります。内蔵のAirPort Expressカードですが、802.11b対応です。この世代だと現在のWAP2に対応してないようです。だからネット接続はしてません。部屋のどこかにあるApple AirPort Exress(MacBookの電源アダプターに外見がそっくりのネットワーク接続機器)等を使えばEthernet経由で無線ネットワークに接続できます。
さて、このA1025を購入後にさらに買い足した一連のPowerPC G4搭載の機器ですが、すでにルクセンブルクに入ったかもしれません。トラッキングを日々確認してます。首を長くして待ってる状況ですね。以前より時間が掛かるようになりました。そうです。英国から届く訳ですが、英国はEU外なので、関税がかかるので、通関処理が必要になったからです。もちろん、関税を払う必要も生じました。残念ですね。
その他iBook G4が3台も荷物には含まれています。これらはどうなんでしょうか。
テーマ:Mac - ジャンル:コンピュータ
- 2021/10/31(日) 22:38:50|
- MacBooks and Macs
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