This is what the Indian elites are hoping for too. But maybe it is too late, the USA is past it’s prime. Basically the USA ends up creating it’s own future enemy, American elites are stupid. The USA benefited the USSR when the USSR was an ally against Germany, then China when China was an ally against the USSR. And now India as an ally to bring down China.
Maybe USA and India might become enemies tomorrow!! It is not impossible that many decades from now we would see a cold war in between a Marxist Bolshevik USA and a Right winged Hindu fascist India.
Second Great Awakening and Burned Over District produced some weirdos at a time when most Jews still couldn’t speak English, talk about your counter culture. “Free love” was a thing in the Antebellum North in some circles.
John Johnson said: If Trump gets a prison sentence it will be a short stint in a Federal hotel for white collar criminals.
Hunsdon said: So we only lock up political opponents for “short stints” in “hotels”? Tyranny, but now with a human face!
Discussed in this link from my earlier comment.
Did the 1992 film a League of Their Own have any black players on the team?
More on that.
But the 1992 film skirted the issue of the league’s racial segregation. The only reference to that reality is a fifteen-second scene in which a ball rolls away from the playing field during a Peaches practice. A black woman picks it up and fires it back to the Peaches’ catcher played by Davis. The throw is so hard that the Davis character has to rub her hand to ease the pain. She stares at the black woman, who smiles back knowingly, as if to say, “I belong on that field, too,†before walking away.
In the real world, she through the ball to the catcher from very shallow right-field, probably 150 feet (the wall well behind her is only 315 feet.)
A fanatic with powerful backers and fans. People who were not on the margins. People who were committed to violent means to improve society, carry out the DOI preamble, aka Jefferson’s bullshit that even he didn’t believe irl. People of impeccable Puritan Anglo-Saxon descent.
This is why they want us to keep voting at each other.Replies: @Rich23
Listener: “I never wanted the damn fool war. I never voted for it.â€
Me: What, you never voted either Republican of Democrat this past twenty years? Both parties supported the war. This is a consensual republic under representative government. We are collectively responsible for unanimous policies like that.
“spotted in an otherwise laudable column”
Except it’s right there in Giraldi’s subtitle no less.
consensual republic under representative government. We are collectively responsible for unanimous policies
I didn’t know i live in a consensual republic. We give our consent, right?
I haven’t voted since 1984. So my voting record rules me out of the pool of consensuals. If they needed my ‘consensual’ there would be no laws prohibiting protests and other disloyal behavior during wartime.
I find your post a bit too ambiguous to understand where you’re positioned.
The latter is my problem.
Nevertheless, Giraldi straddles a particularly pointy fence. That’s a real problem.
When I worked in Zimbabwe, I bought a beautiful brown shoe (made in China) for $30US. After one month the lacquer peeled off and as a further insult the sole came loose. I took it to the White cobbler who laughed in my face. The shoe was unrepairable. And so I bought a leather pair hand made in the UK for $900 US. It was a wise purchase and 24 years later cost me $37.50 per year plus $240 for resoles. Fifty years from now will be as new as when made.My son likes stupid $300 sneakers made in China by a designer company. These very units sell for $20 in Viet Nam ? How do I know this ? The glue used for North America is different (weaker) because of the temperatures. In wearing his sneakers in the blazing heat of the Nam, the sneaker came apart. A sidewalk shoe repair fellow fixed it for $5 US. However in talking to hotel staff he bought a new similar pair at Fong Dong Troung Wong store for $15, after much bargaining ! It was made with a higher quality adhesive suitable for extremely hot temperatures. I need not bore the readers with tales of Chinese tools that fail after a few months and clothes that come apart. Many will disagree with me, but (1) how many of anything does one need ? and (2) an item that costs $1.00 to make in China is a $1.00 item. Selling it for $300 does not make it a quality item that will last.That is how the slopes make their coin, off the Western suckers looking for cheap goods they must purchase again and again and again.In my opinion, huge tariffs on China will put them on notice as to who puts the noodles on their table. In making their goods expensive companies will be forced to return to the US if they wish to remain profitable.Replies: @xyzxy, @Malla, @Wang Shui, @showmethereal
China is a slave economy. Enjoy being a NWO tool under Emperor Xi.
My Indian Grandad (Dad’s Dad) who lived during the Empire era had bought lot of things made in the UK, Netherlands or Germany, back in those days. Scissors, Knives, Utensils/ cutlery (Sheffield/ Solingen) etc… lots of stuff and even some clothing. Working just as fine to this day.
Stockholm syndrome. A beaten people.
And they could do something about it. Germans are still an overwhelming demographic majority in Germany. They actually have a party–the AfD they could up and vote for and brings the insanity to an end.
We in the States are not so lucky stuck with mostly useless establishment parties and much larger–and growing through immigration–minority blocks. But given the opportunity a majority of whites voted for Trump. (Heck a majority of non-immigrants voted for Trump.)
Not as overwhelming as you think.
Germans are still an overwhelming demographic majority in Germany.
Replies: @Frau Katze, @Punch Brother Punch
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Scientific America has gone completely woke and is filled with unscientific, activist-type stuff.
It dates to the appointment of a woman called Laura Helmuth to position as editor-in-chief in 2020.
right, you can take any position you want, yet mysteriously, pretty much no one in the US takes any position at all on the overwhelming majority of areas in your colored map.
Some time ago, definitely in the 2000s and into the 2010s, Mr. Sailer was making suggestions for how Whites in the USA could win a political game --- hence "The Sailer Strategy." (Let me here re-nominate The Sailer Strategy to be the title of his next book.)It's funny, but Steve Sailer no longer much talks about his own titular political-electoral strategy, that long-time followers know so well, that was so influential over the past decade, because the Trump MAGA movement used the Sailer Strategy.See also the excellent Sailer-analysis essay by Dennis Dale published this week: the Sailer Strategy for the 2020s and the soon-upcoming 2030s would seem relevant. And what about a variant Sailer Strategy for a 1989-to-1991, Soviet-sphere-like geopolitical earthquake in North America, in which the USA could break into multiple new political entities? This "secession" or "partition" question is one I've never seen Steve Sailer discuss, even in terms of pure theory. It would be interesting to see what he would do with it, if taking it seriously and not making a light joke of it and dismissing it as either crazy or evil to even think about.Replies: @silviosilver, @OilcanFloyd, @Hail, @Anon, @Dieter Kief, @Reg Cæsar, @MEH 0910
Steve not directly involved in politics
And what about a variant Sailer Strategy for a 1989-to-1991, Soviet-sphere-like geopolitical earthquake in North America, in which the USA could break into multiple new political entities?
This “secession†or “partition†question is one I’ve never seen Steve Sailer discuss, even in terms of pure theory.
Chronicles Magazine:
The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name
MAY 2024
This lack of coherent pushback against anti-white racism encourages the left to keep it up. Meanwhile, the few rightists who do see what’s going on are driven to desperate, despairing recommendations, such as calling for the breaking up the United States on the assumption that nothing else can prevent genocide.
So, do demands for diversity inclusion, and equity spell DIE for whites?Nah. It’s a philosophy that appeals less to hard men than to overweight women. Nor is the spread of anti-white hate terribly likely to lead to apocalyptic outcomes such as genocide or civil war.
There are no practical ways to divide up the country when the political dividing lines don’t follow something simple like latitude or longitude, but instead run roughly between the inner and outer suburbs of our top 100 metropolitan areas.
I believe this phrasing, or framing, qualifies as "strawman."One problem with this dismissiveness is most of the Diversity in North America is recent and weakly rooted. These are not ancient blood-and-soil communities that strangely overlap within different sections of single metropolitan areas as through some magic. The rooted elements do have a coherence, which cannot be waved away. The foreigners, children of foreigners, and the many elite dual-citizens who surround the core, rooted elements, -- they can always move on, just as easily as they wandered in. Does Ilhan Omar's family really have deep ties to Minnesota, to the extent they'd fight over it rather than move to wherever else hands out Diversity-benefits, if Minnesota closes off?). I believe this applies to most parts of the USA. Realignments could happen rapidly, I think, in a 1989-to-1991 Soviet-bloc-like scenario. Maybe just as likely, and less risky, would be slower processes, similar to the use of the word "gentrification" and how that works, where one almost has to speak in "decades."Most likely, North America's future could in the middle of the "sudden breakup, South Asia late 1940s" scenario and the "decades-long ethno-regional gentrification" scenario. The latter is already happening, of course, and has been since the mid-20th century, entirely against the interests and viability of the White core-population.
Meanwhile, the few [White, U.S.] rightists who do see what’s going on are driven to desperate, despairing recommendations, such as calling for the breaking up the United States on the assumption that nothing else can prevent genocide [of Whites]
Kosovo. Same thing, if you have no answer just go and hide and stop spouting one-sided nonsense.
...UN voted 100-11 in favor of Ukraine and ruled the vote illegal...You can’t invade another country and then declare that the vote justifies the aggression.
We don't consider them objective, so they don't matter. What did they do about Kosovo?
Care to name an international democratic or human rights organization that considered
He was going to be killed. You can't defend yourself in "revolutionary" courts...Zelko and Porky have substantially bigger mansions than Yanuk ever had...
Yanukovych had the chance to defend himself and he instead fled to Russia.
UK and EU have an identical position - the few outliers like Ireland, Spain are totally isolated and their "objections" are mostly symbolic.
It’s the US that is alone on Israel and not the West.
Why? They specifically promised not to expand in the early 90's. We also don't want them - most CE countries were forced to join Nato in order to be allowed to join EU. Same game that some tried with Ukraine. But you know nothing about people here - there is no massive support for Nato, there are paid-for NGO activists and paid-for media, but most people prefer to be neutral. You lie to yourself and that's why you are losing the war....first learn about the countries that you try to conquer.Regarding 'innocence', I think they are all crooks. That includes all Ukie high-level politicians, and many in Brussels, London, etc...Why don't you investigate them? But a process is required to remove them from office and in Yanuk's case it wasn't.
NATO has expanded East...
Why? Russia has no interest in ruling the Ukie-ethic parts of Ukraine - they simply want no Nato there and to protect the ethnically-Russian parts from what the nationalist Ukie madness. It has nothing to do with the form of government, Russia is not totalitarian - the government has higher real support than most Western governments and the society is clearly not "totalitarian" (do you understand the term?).Replies: @Mikhail, @AP, @John Johnson
Ukrainians should be subjected to Russian totalitarian rule.
NATO has expanded East…
Why? They specifically promised not to expand in the early 90’s.
Why do you insist that the written and signed Budapest Memorandum was nonbinding but some unwritten, unsigned spoken (allegedly) words to the head of a state that ceased to exist is somehow binding?
We also don’t want them [NATO]
Of course you couldn’t help yourself, but lied as usual.
Here’s the biggest of the CE countries in terms of population and area:
Poland – 89% support for NATO.
Second largest:
Czech Republic – 70% approval for NATO
Czechs also trust NATO more than they do the EU.
Why don't we agree that they are both non-binding? I don't really care, those are meaningless pieces of paper that age over time. My point is that the Ukie enthusiasts go on and on about some "Budapest Memo" and then say "but the non-expansion of Nato was a non-binding promise".You need to be consistent - let's say they are all non-binding...ipso facto what Russia is doing in Ukraine is fine, they made a promise and then changed their mind. So did Nato.Replies: @AP
Budapest Memorandum was nonbinding but some unwritten...
They are upholding their traditions. Czechs diligently worked for Nazis in WWII, and they are actively supporting Nazis today. Nothing new.Replies: @AP
Czechs also trust NATO more than they do the EU.
I think if you read more carefully you would realize that I was referring to others in the middle east doing things similar to the Gaza invasion, not that people in the middle east were shutting down dissent.
And yes, you got me, nowhere in the US has the government conducted an urban warfare campaign that was met with mass protests
Retarded cop aside, this will strengthen the anti-Islamic right in Germany
Partners in crime. Neither benefits as they’ll easily take each other out when they consider it suits them. Barring that, they take themselves out. Often painfully slowly, and way too late as their victims suffer the most.
People are theorizing over who the bigger criminals are. Well, when it comes to genocide, mass murder, serial killing………..? The bigger criminals? Accountability for all.
Obviously blackmail, corruption of various sorts, bribery, etc. have been rife, in addition to psychopathy. The Psychos who absolutely cannot restrain themselves from killing (even if by the orders they give for others to do it) should be the first priority for justice. No matter whether they hide that compulsion under justifications such as a pretend need for self defence or religion or genes or fake allies or WHATEVER.
Lew Alcindor was the greatest college basketball player ever and no one else is in the conversation.
Oscar Robertson would like a word with you…because he was the greatest college basketball player ever.
Oscar Robertson would like a word with you…because he was the greatest college basketball player ever.
But Sampson’s height may have been overstated. I’ve read actual height was 7’2 3/4. So Kareem is back at 7’2 …. I believe the part about Walton. Some sportswriters were claiming he was 7’1 when he was a sophomore at UCLA. And he was definitely MUCH taller than 6’9 or 6’10 players
Whimming is the delay.
Just search my history for “blueberries†and “bookmark†— it took months, but the process has all been explained, proven, and even admitted by Mr. Sailer. Based on his opinion of the “quality of commenter [sic],†comments are held back for hours or days, then let through way upthread where they would have been if not throttled, and identifiable only once as a blue tinted New Comment if you’ve already dropped in on the post. So relatively few people see them during the active discussion, and the sleazy trick is thereafter obscured to everyone else.
The only remaining question is … why?
Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of North Korea gave a big middle finger to Five Eyes after hearing about President Trumps rigged trial verdict.
Russian President Putin is expecting to show solidarity with a similar display.
Kim Jong Un has attended a launch of 18 KN-25 ballistic missiles.
North Korea has transferred hundreds of these missiles to Russia, which has bombarded Ukrainian cities with them.
They have a range of 380 km
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 31, 2024
Mr. Taylor is a Southern Gentleman, and I appreciate his use of quality American English.
Why do commentators insist that he should copy the tone and content of other contributors on TUR? He seems to have a style of his own here, and there is no shortage of comment on the JQ by others. Jew jew jew, it becomes repetitive. I heard you the first time, I agreed, how about taking a break now and then?
But Robert Sepehr is Jewish, according to the following piece:
That piece says that his father was an Iranian Jew. Does the test show that he is Jewish?
The rules governing our nation (and world) as a result come from legal contracts between parties found in the Uniform Commerce Code, not the Constitution.
Thanks for passing on the legal wisdom of Zippy the Pinhead. You understand, don’t you, that lawyers spend three years in law school so they don’t take up courtroom time sputtering inanities like this? Whoever told you this should be banned from your life.
To repeat:
The OUN was much harder to infiltrate and deal with than were the pathetic Russian White exiles who were easily duped and whose organizations were easily compromised.
My good friend Mr Hack leaves here ( temporarily).......and in his place I get some crypto-Motyl demented fake "history" thrown in my face. Hack - all is forgiven!!
so when they slaughtered 100,000+ Galician civilians (much of the educated ones who failed to flee West) they counted them officially as dead UPA members. They wiped out or deported entire villages. And so we have those lopsided figures of 150,000 killed
But you do condone them killing UKRAINIAN officials (the "non-locals" - a euphemism for non-plankton) of the Communist Party? Despicable but completely expected.
They of course also killed civilian collaborators and their families (I do not condone that).
To repeat:
Denekin – escaped and lived a long life
Vrangel – escaped and lived a long life
Kerensky , Semenyov the same thing.
They were left alone because they didn’t matter. Denikin was just writing, Wrangel just worked as an engineer.
If Bandera had just retired he would have been left alone too.
This is what the White movement was reduced to:
The ROVS, along with other similar Russian émigré organizations, became a prime target for the Soviet secret intelligence service, the OGPU. …The ROVS′s secret counter-intelligence branch, the “Inner Line” (in Russian “Ð’Ð½ÑƒÑ‚Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð›Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñ”) set up by General Alexander Kutepov in the mid-1920s, was also severely compromised, among other things by suspected recruitment by the OGPU of Gen Nikolai Skoblin, a senior operative in the Inner Line.[5]
Two of the ROVS’s successive chairmen, General Alexander Kutepov and General Yevgeny Miller, were kidnapped by Soviet agents, in 1930 and 1937 respectively. Miller was brought to the Soviet Union and was interrogated and executed. General Fyodor Abramov [ru], who succeeded Miller as chairman, had to quit the post shortly afterward and was expelled from Bulgaria, where he had resided, since his son was exposed as a Soviet agent.[6] The OGPU′s successful operations against the ROVS, as well as infighting, intrigues, and antagonisms in the wider Russian émigré community, demoralised and rendered impotent an organisation. When World War II began in 1939, it had also become largely irrelevant because of the geopolitical realignment.[5]
Bandera, Konovalets,Shukhevich………all assassinated, all lived filthy, failure, short lives
Bandera is honored all over Ukraine, and he had several children and grandchildren. Seems to have been, in the end, more successful than the Russian Whites.
It’s a pity, the guy was monstrous. But very successful.
For all that they assisted these terrorists, Galicians informing the Soviet authorities of other Galicians , particularly during the 1950’s
It took the Soviets about 10 years to finally and partially infiltrate the OUN.
And youre comparing Russians deceiving other Russians ……..with Galicians who have not been part of Russia for centuries
There were still some leftover Galician Russophiles (many were pro-White Russian, but some switched sides), but the OUN was too hard to crack despite that advantage the Soviets could have used.
I get some crypto-Motyl demented fake “historyâ€
You yourself just admitted that to you, all Galicians were OUN/UPA. Thus, if the Sovieta slaughtered some Galician villagers because the village sheltered or fed UPA soldiers this was counted as UPA/OUN killed. That is how you get 150,000 dead.
They of course also killed civilian collaborators and their families (I do not condone that).
But you do condone them killing UKRAINIAN officials
Any Soviet official, Ukrainian or otherwise, setting up the Soviet Stalinist state was a legitimate target for killing.
Unlike Soviets, I do not condone killing their family members, or killing civilians such as postmen. Banderists were like Soviets in that way.
LMAO - so twenty years after fighting started, with the issue settled when most western states recognised the USSR in 1932/33 - the white movement was still important enough for the Soviets to be utlising time for very serious operations like that.
Two of the ROVS’s successive chairmen, General Alexander Kutepov and General Yevgeny Miller, were kidnapped by Soviet agents, in 1930 and 1937 respectively.
Kosovo. Same thing, if you have no answer just go and hide and stop spouting one-sided nonsense.
...UN voted 100-11 in favor of Ukraine and ruled the vote illegal...You can’t invade another country and then declare that the vote justifies the aggression.
We don't consider them objective, so they don't matter. What did they do about Kosovo?
Care to name an international democratic or human rights organization that considered
He was going to be killed. You can't defend yourself in "revolutionary" courts...Zelko and Porky have substantially bigger mansions than Yanuk ever had...
Yanukovych had the chance to defend himself and he instead fled to Russia.
UK and EU have an identical position - the few outliers like Ireland, Spain are totally isolated and their "objections" are mostly symbolic.
It’s the US that is alone on Israel and not the West.
Why? They specifically promised not to expand in the early 90's. We also don't want them - most CE countries were forced to join Nato in order to be allowed to join EU. Same game that some tried with Ukraine. But you know nothing about people here - there is no massive support for Nato, there are paid-for NGO activists and paid-for media, but most people prefer to be neutral. You lie to yourself and that's why you are losing the war....first learn about the countries that you try to conquer.Regarding 'innocence', I think they are all crooks. That includes all Ukie high-level politicians, and many in Brussels, London, etc...Why don't you investigate them? But a process is required to remove them from office and in Yanuk's case it wasn't.
NATO has expanded East...
Why? Russia has no interest in ruling the Ukie-ethic parts of Ukraine - they simply want no Nato there and to protect the ethnically-Russian parts from what the nationalist Ukie madness. It has nothing to do with the form of government, Russia is not totalitarian - the government has higher real support than most Western governments and the society is clearly not "totalitarian" (do you understand the term?).Replies: @Mikhail, @AP, @John Johnson
Ukrainians should be subjected to Russian totalitarian rule.
He’s such a ******* moron probably best not interacting with.
Now this is provably false and a major exaggeration, apart from being poorly/confusedly written (in the bolded part of the first sentence). I have never said or implied either; what I do say is that I believe there is a better way, and even a best way (lately I've been saying that bc of refinements in my philosophy). This also leads me to now point out "a wrong way" or a losing way. This is a virtue, not a fault. What not to do is just as important as what to do. So tell me how I'm at fault? I moves the debate positively forward when you seem to want it to remain stuck right where it is? One must ask why.
SUMMARY: Carolyn, you present yourself as someone knowledgeable, someone who knows there is ONLY ONE strategy in tackling the naysayers on the issue of the Holohoax and Germany’s righteous role in WWII.
ie: you say that if someone is not 100% in agreement with you on all matters pertaining to WWII, that we should immediately cease interacting with them and call them out as liars.
You write: “Your opinions are not persuasive to me, as you well know, so why offer them? Because you are dumb? Well, that’s my opinion.”
My response: I offer my opinions because it is my right to do so. I am not dumb.
Lesson NUMBER ONE in LIFE. Never go to WARS with your next door neighbor, especially if that neighbor is much bigger and more powerful than you. Ukraine, South Korea, Filipinos, Taiwan are TOO DUMB to understand or grasp this concept.
Maybe it is China which needs to understand this concept. Blaming everything on Anglos may seem easy but many states have allied with the USA because they fear some major regional power. The USA does not make a good ally, to be a friend of USA is fatal at times. But trying to twist everything in a cunning way gives a far different picture than what is on the ground.
A better way would be, do not bully your next door neighbours and respect their sovereignty or they will look for other allies. I would say, even India needs to understand this. Just because you are big power and you think you can bully your neighbours, then do not be surprised if they make new allies to protect themselves.
Victory will be ours!!!! They will go on until they don't. It reminds one of the old adage:
...Reminded of this article coauthored by an arch US Beltway neocon
In the US, some politicians will support lost causes that will nevertheless be deemed as benefiting themselves.
Voting for the lesser evil is voting for evil. I mean, how hard is it to grasp such a simple logical inference?
Exactly, but who can even convincingly argue that Trump is actually the lesser evil?
Write in Hamas for president 2024. There is absolutely nothing in the US Constitution that says Hamas can’t be president of USA and freedom fighter in Palestine.
Nimrata is a Hindu skank. She is Kashmir first all the way.
No one cares about what anti-Semitic Hollywood has to say. I certainly don’t.
Box office numbers are cratering. This is the worst Memorial Day weekend in recent history. Girl bosses and woke Islamophile deviancy does not sell. What has Hamas supporter Quannah Chasinghorse [MORE] been in? (1)
Despite everything, I have more faith in the future of Germany than in Britain and France.
There is still some life left in France and the French - some intrinsic sense of Frenchness. But it is true that they are farther gone down the road of muslim immigration, having started earlier with the Algerians.
Despite everything, I have more faith in the future of Germany than in Britain and France.
The original point of view of Buddhist teaching was the primacy of the common sense of every individual. Common sense is a product of individual experience, and reasoning based on experience. The Buddha taught that you cannot reason about what you cannot know.
Karma and reincarnation are consequently doctrines, belief based yes.
The doctrines of karma and reincarnation are as old as the world though, so to speak, much older than the Buddhist religion, not based on Buddhists ‘sitting in meditation divining the truth’, if that is what you mean.
Who engineered the wars which lead to the million man Muslim flood into Europe from Africa and the Middle East? Who engineered the wars in Syria and Libya which unleashed this onto Europe and whose interests were served by it?
Who brought them here?
Was it the same group as who opened the gates to Toledo?
Clinton, Bush II, Obama and Biden. Were there any Jews behind it? Of course. But all four of those dudes are supposed Christians.
Who brought them here?
“Shylock†has been ever since the epitome of the cruel Jewish shister.
Cruel Jewish ….? It must have been a very traumatic experience for you . I am sorry. You know the cruel ….wouldn’t let Bibi do his job …chasing the Mohammedan terrorists who attacked Israel, killed innocent people and kidnapped others.
Who opened the gates to Toledo?
Who created and promoted the ideological “multicultural” framework and system of laws which lead to the opening of the gates of the United States and Europe today?
Liberal Jews brag that they’re behind it and yet lifelong “conservative, right-wing” crypto-Jews like Steve Sailer run interference for them and his tribe. Weird.
The only reason that Muslims are a problem is because they’re here. Who brought them here?
Jews have deliberately engineered the conditions for Muslims and Christians to fight one another. This is all by design.
They also legalized contraception, which is just as deadly, if not more. But nobody here complains about that!
Jews have deliberately engineered the conditions for Muslims and Christians to fight one another. This is all by design.
I dunno how deliberate it was, but this does seem to be what they wound up doing.
'Jews have deliberately engineered the conditions for Muslims and Christians to fight one another. This is all by design.'
This isn't going to be much of a fight since the elites (whether Jewish or not) have empowered Muslims as much as they can while trying to stifle Christians (and anyone who doesn't like this trend). And once Muslims take over, things are going to be quite awful for the Jews. I've never seen so many smart people be so clueless.
Jews have deliberately engineered the conditions for Muslims and Christians to fight one another. This is all by design.
Galatians 3:23-29
New International Version
Children of God
23 Before the coming of this faith,[a] we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.
26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
“You smell zionist, “corvinus.â€â€
No, that’s lilac.
“Ukraine has been looted by Jews since 1991. See Kolomojsky, Timoshenko, at al.â€
Look in your own backyard.
“On the question of Nazis, you should do your own investigation of the self-proclaimed Nazi battalions Azov, Aidar, Dnipro I and Dnipro II.â€
They’re right up your alley. They are anti-immigration, anti-feminism, and pro-blood and soil.
You truly have a Jew fetish, which I suppose since you have Jewish blood in you, we shouldn’t be surprised. You’re conflicted.
There is nothing to "look in your own backyard" you cretin - Ukraine oligarchs are near all Jewish, Russia has wide spectrum of different nationality oligarchs and most importantly they don't run the state for over 30 years as in Ukraine. Putin most famously jailed/arrested 3 of the most parasitic, evil oligarchs who were Jewish and upto nothing good - Khodorkovsky, Gusinsky and Berezovsky. He correctly risked the entire country's relationship with sections of the west because of it ( the western campaign against Putin happened immediately after criminal investigations occured against the main parasitic Jewish oligarchs).
“Ukraine has been looted by Jews since 1991. See Kolomojsky, Timoshenko, at al.â€
Look in your own backyard.
Ukrainian military is commanded by a Russian who has his parents and brother living in Russia and wanting nothing to do with this POS, huge numbers of the prominant ukronazis are ethnic Russians, and the soil is either historically Russian or given to 404 by again its beyond braindead to call them "pro-blood and soil"
On the question of Nazis, you should do your own investigation of the self-proclaimed Nazi battalions Azov, Aidar, Dnipro I and Dnipro II.â€
They’re right up your alley. They are anti-immigration, anti-feminism, and pro-blood and soil.
.☆☆☆☠ï¸â˜†â˜†â˜† ®[AP©CALYPSE
NOWNEWS]â„¢ ☆☆☆☠ï¸â˜†â˜†â˜†.
The stories I read (Googled some, since you gave no links) said he broke free of restraint attempts. Not that a cop pulled people off. Video I saw seemed to confirm that.
You might be right, still. However, we need some better proof, analysis for the whole “cops pulled people off” thing.
Replies: @TWS
Chaos broke out at the event when a man dressed in a dark hooded jacket, green shirt and tracksuit bottoms tackled Stuerzenberger to the ground and violently swung a large blade at him, prompting terrified screams from onlookers.
Other BPE members sprinted over and tried to drag the knifeman away, but the would-be killer wriggled free and dove on top of the bloodied victim to plunge the weapon in for a second time.
Police descended on the scene almost immediately - but not before the attacker had left two people lying on the floor, blood pooling on the cobblestones.
One officer then made a potentially fatal mistake.
Amid the confusion, he waded in and jumped on one of the victims, seemingly having mistaken him for the aggressor.
This misread of the situation gave the bloodthirsty attacker a chance to circle behind and ram his blade into the policeman's neck.
His colleagues were heard screaming 'throw the knife away!' - but with the knifeman not responding to any orders the officers opened fire from near point blank range and sent him crashing to the ground.
The horrific attack was captured in its entirety by a cameraman who was livestreaming the event on the BPE's YouTube page.
The stream was quickly taken down but it concluded with paramedics arriving on scene to administer vital first aid to at least three victims who had collapsed to the floor.
Look again. You can get technical about the exact verbiage, but the thrust of it is clear.
The stories I read (Googled some, since you gave no links) said he broke free of restraint attempts. Not that a cop pulled people off. Video I saw seemed to confirm that.
What’s odd is there were at least two people wearing matching blue jackets, standing next to a display with banners in the same shade of blue. You’d think the cops would understand the guys in matching jackets were working at the stand and unlikely to be attacking passers-by.
The programming for this was put in place a quarter century ago.
You’d think the cops would understand the guys in matching jackets were working at the stand and unlikely to be attacking passers-by.
did you? hopefully.
Many Chinese long for this scenario,
What % of Chinese long for this?
So if everyone retrenches to their home market – what will happen to company profits? Give an honest and well reasoned answer
To begin with, we have to separate “companies” into two groups:
-1- Anti-American multinationals, some of whom have HQ’s in the U.S.
-2- American companies that actually make things with local labor.
Retrenchment favours genuine American companies and diminishes anti-American MegaCorporations.
Chinese contract manufacturers make money making US products for US companies
Foreign companies undercut American workers when jobs are outsourced. This is a key behaviour of anti-American multinationals. Gradual decoupling via slowly increasing tariffs would indeed hurt the profits of these abusive MegaCorporations.
However, it would simultaneously boost the earnings of actual American firms. These companies hire American workers who spend much of their wages locally. It is a virtuous cycle. Each manufacturing position supports:
• Buildings and machinery that must be purchased & maintained
• Local spending on services provided by Americans
• Purchasing local property which will have a house built by Americans
• etc
Outsourcing kills this cycle. Once the manufacturing job goes overseas, all of the indirect economic activity also dries up.
Americans workers are struggling because there are not enough good jobs. Excessive outsourcing and migration have placed far too much power in the hands of MegaCorporation executives who suppress wages.
This does not imply strict isolationism. Trade will still flow in & out. However, the net trade deficit/surplus needs to be rebalanced so that it is near zero. Items not related to national security, such as fashionware, can continue to come from outside. Raw material extraction, refining, and manufacturing essential to national security will be prioritized for MAGA Reindustrialization.
The Jews in Israel are harvesting organs from the Palestinians, recently confirmed by Dr. Giraldi—probably on the lookout for wounded children, who some reports say are having their organs removed while still alive to improve the quality. Is this an outrageous claim?
Just a century ago the “Bolsheviks†were skinning children alive in front of the children’s parents, and, if you’re wondering where the stories of baking babies in ovens come from, it’s from Bolshevik ancestors doing just that while the parents were forced to watch. Today they drop incendiary bombs on tent encampments and dance in the streets to celebrate their inhumanity.
Maybe it is because the Sinosycophants and Wumaos have actually been to China?
Meanwhile there are those who refuse to have their beliefs challenged and stubbornly cling on to their preferred bias.
If China is really as bad as they believe, should they not visit China and come back with irrefutable proof so that they can prove them pesky Sinosycophants and Wumaos wrong once and for all?
The airfare is not expensive. I am sure you can afford it. The only question is:
Do you dare ?
So fascinated by some of the responses I'm seeing to the convictions. Whatever you think about the process, how do you get from "I think this person was treated unfairly by the legal system" to "Therefore, he should run the United States"?
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) May 31, 2024
So fascinated by some of the responses I’m seeing to the convictions. Whatever you think about the process, how do you get from “I think this person was treated unfairly by the legal system” to “Therefore, he should run the United States”?
This is a valid question. I’d say Americans should do everything to help Trump win so that this sort of lawfare fails and is seen to fail. If not, it will become the “new normal” and “just another tool in our toolkit”. It would be better to have that lovable goof back in the White House than to have these dirty tricks become normal.
False dilemma. The math is:
“I think this person was treated unfairly by the legal system†to “Therefore, he should run the United States�
Yes. Steve was super passionate about Covid Lockdowns. He was emotionally invested in Zelensky.
This is all like some communist or third-world country, and you, Steve, seemingly have no opinion about it or any other, certain issues that mean as much….
Always with the COVID lockdowns. Aliens could land on the white house lawn and all you’d want to talk about is how horrible the lockdowns were and how you’ll never forgive anyone who advocated for them.
That's right. A lot of us will not forgive recommending house arrest for the entire World's population.
Always with the COVID lockdowns. Aliens could land on the white house lawn and all you’d want to talk about is how horrible the lockdowns were and how you’ll never forgive anyone who advocated for them.
Well, as a non-American I would like to see Trump win by landslide just because it will be torture for mainstream media and progressives everywhere on earth. They go from smug to hysterical in a split second, and I find that amusing because I hate them. I know Trump may be a dud or they will sabotage his second term just like the first, but at least he is a disruptor of whatever your deep state is up to.
Do you have a link to a tweet or news story or the like?
This snippet on its own is strange. What’s your source? Were you there? Snapped the photo?
That "alleged motive" bit is particularly remarkable. The article doesn't suggest, or quote anyone suggesting, any motive, so what the hell is being said?
The alleged attacker, believed to be a 25-year-old Afghan who arrived in Germany in 2014, was shot and injured at the scene.
His alleged motive remains unclear, according to police.
More information that might explain this:
Euronews understands that German far-right activist and anti-Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger was injured in the attack while taking part in a Citizens’ Movement Pax Europa (BPE) party rally, of which Stürzenberger is a member.
“Far right†guy must be bad, right?
In mainstream media outlets, there is no "right" that is not "far right", and there is no "far left" at all. In fact, there really isn't a "left" as far as they are concerned. There are only two groups: good, decent people, and..................right-wingers.
“Far right†guy must be bad, right?
Only a scheisster jew uses the moniker “holy Catholicâ€.
It is not complex. It is a Victorian plan: WASP empire takes Palestine away from Ottoman Empire, removes most or all of the Palestinian population, replacing the natives with Jews from around the globe. The new Jewish state of Israel would be the necessary ally of WASP empire so that it could control all of the Middle East.
And all of that fits perfectly with the growing philo-Semitism of WASP culture having been born out of the Judaizing heresy Anglo-Saxon Puritanism – because ideas have consequences, ideas bear fruit after their own kind, ideas have logical end games. This Anglo-Zionism is where WASP culture was always meant to go.
You are unable to respond legitimately to my comment # 472,
No legitimate response is possible.
So you stoop to calling me a “Troll.”
An honorable reply would be a concession.
But, then, I erred — committed another of my myriad typing errors.
In my comment # 472, my first sentence ought to begin thus:
You present genetic “evidence†that is invalid & unreliable….
— NOT as it did (thus):
You present genetic “evidence†is invalid & unreliable….
Nobody was “murdered”, a plane crashed due to incompetent piloting. Planes constantly crash due to incompetent pilots. I am a competent pilot and never crashed.
Very interesting. The powerful Turkish Khazars really existed and converted to Judaism around 700 AD but made only a negligible contribution to later Ashkenazis. I was about to express doubt but was missing the obvious. People don’t keep to their superstitions. We only think that because we only see the ones who have. There was no more chance of the Khazars and the other Turkish tribes in Southern Russia who converted later to Judaism (around 1200 AD) remaining Jews than the chance that the Christians of North Africa and the Middle East would remain Christian after the Moslem conquest.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that’s what happened. It just means I was rather stupid not to have considered the possibility.
There’s another point that people often miss. Those who find it easiest to retain their identity in an unfriendly environment are those who are both financially and socially successful. [email�protected]
Well here, note that the Christians did remain Christian for a long time -- many of them anyway.
'...than the chance that the Christians of North Africa and the Middle East would remain Christian after the Moslem conquest.'
Pretty funny and ironic coming from a Brit whose government is complicit in this “prosecution” by funding Alvin Bragg and other woke prosecutors. Oh but His Majesty’s government would never do that you say, to which I say it sure would, it’s just smart enough to use NGO cutouts to do the dirty work. In this case, Soros >>>>> Color of Change >>>> Bragg. But it’s a very British thing to engage in lies and disinformation, then mock the people who have been victimized by those lies. Israel does this too.
Actually, it's in Western and Western-influenced countries (such as Japan) where interest in real-life sex has been declining, likely influenced by overuse of social media, gaming and internet pornography (particularly of the "rough sex" variety):'s evidence that interest in casual and commercial sex has actually increased in China, but fertility rates seem to drop wherever countries achieve a high level of educational attainment and economic success. It's probably an existential thing. Once you become educated and comfortable enough to appreciate your free time and to be aware that any children you have will most likely grow up to spend decades sitting in a cubicle or in some other meaningless occupation (if they're lucky), then bringing more life into your world makes less sense.But you know what countries most certainly do like having sex? African ones. Almost all the top 50 fertility rate countries are in Africa (with the exception of a few Middle Eastern ones such as Afghanistan). So I don't know if you can measure a country's success by the horniness of its citizenry. @Reg Cæsar
Communist bugmen megacities don’t impress me...Like their national animal the panda, they don’t like having sex.
When did Masters, Johnson, and the Gucciones take over Scientific American?
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A con man who didn’t gain a dime from political office and is willing to die in prison if he has to.
We don’t know if that is true.
Biden would also tell you that he hasn’t made a dime from his son’s scheming. Does anyone believe that?
The Trump/Johnson aid bill is filled with porky pay-offs. Who knows what kind of swamp monster drew that up. Probably not Trump but he certainly green-lighted it. There could very well be some financial play for Trump. Presidents in the past have setup long term schemes where they later make money from a company that just happened to get a sweetheart deal when they were president.
If Trump gets a prison sentence it will be a short stint in a Federal hotel for white collar criminals.
Check his net worth in 2016, and check his net worth in 2021. Forbes magazine has everything you need. You will confirm it is true.Replies: @HA, @John Johnson
A con man who didn’t gain a dime from political office and is willing to die in prison if he has to.
We don’t know if that is true.
Haha, this is the feel good story I needed after yesterday. Not sure if you could conjure this one up Steve, but a White liberal woman dressing down a White guy for being racist, when a black guy walks by and knocks her out blindsided in the knock-out game. Thanks in advance.
Is there a video of that? Please say yes, then kindly share it. Thanks in advance!
a White liberal woman dressing down a White guy for being racist, when a black guy walks by and knocks her out blindsided in the knock-out game.
Amazing how Asians are part of the Democrat Black Party when it is clear they are despised.Replies: @Joe Stalin
(Video in article.)
A motorist was viciously attacked in his car by a group of men who punched him in the head a dozen times before a woman poured liquid on him.
The man was ambushed on U Street in downtown Washington, D.C., as he was stuck in traffic on Wednesday night.
He was prevented from leaving by people standing in front of his car as one of the attackers pulled open the door and started punching him. �
The voters do not want to pay for the level of law enforcement, criminal courts, jails, and parole/probation system to actually enforce most laws.
How many of “most laws” are even necessary? Concentrating on the basics would be more efficient. The “broken windows” approach can meet this standard if cracking down on minor issues actually prevents major ones arising, thus lowering total costs.
Besides, aren’t most urban budgets bloated? Funds can be diverted from the fat.
It never ceases to amaze when I read people (really nobodies without any publications or credits themselves) suggesting to successful writers (creative artists, musicians etc) how something of theirs could be improved.
It’s one thing for a patron to criticize his paid subject (Emperor Joseph II: “too many notes, my dear Mozartâ€) but asking for something to be “toned down†shows either delusions of grandeur or, as AA would put it, pure faggotry.
LOL. It absolutely wasn't illegal. Paying for an NDA is totally legal and commonplace. No one disputes that. You can't make something illegal just by saying it is illegal. Bragg is just making shit up in his indictment.
This payment was illegal
I congratulate you on a masterclass in gaslighting in comment 295.
Says you. You can take your social contract bullshit and shove it where the sun don't shine.Replies: @Eric135
It’s called “the social contract†and you are a part of it whether you like it or not
“You can take your social contract bullshit …”
Yeah (sigh), sometimes I don’t like reality either.
Would you like to talk about it? When it all started and stuff like that? I can take notes.
We’ll be friends!
Mark Steyn is on fire today:
This is surprising rhetoric from someone like Mark Steyn. It was batted around often in the lean-and-mean far-dissident circles in the 2000s, including spaces overlapping with Sailer blog and its "Sailertariat." But no one in the mainstreamed touched such views.Events of the 2010s mainstreamed the view of alarmist-fatalistic decline. By ca. 2018, the views were near-mainstream, but realignments never really occur overnight (even when they appear to). By some point in the 2020s, it no longer seemed like Mark Steyn is being "the crazy one" here for predicting such a thing. It is even now commonly heard.It's sad, though, to hear that Mark Steyn says he is dying. He blames his impending death on the series of crippling malicious prosecutions by left-wing North American courts, which he says have left him almost penniless. The charges and trials keep coming, his health keeps declining.Replies: @Thea, @Corvinus, @Jim Don Bob, @Nicholas Stix
Much of the United States - certainly the bits that matter - is now institutionally evil, and I am not sure that evil can be reversed, whether we're talking about the bodily mutilation of middle-school girls or the sacrifice of a generation of a distant nation's men in the meat-grinder of the Ukraine war. On America's watch, the entirety of western civilisation is sliding off the cliff, and very fast - which is all anyone will remember about it.And yet any alternative to the Uniparty consensus is not to be permitted, and must be hunted down and crushed. There is no future in the post-constitutional polity the Democrats are constructing. "Decline" is a choice - in the Austrian or Portuguese sense. But that's not in the offing here: America's death will be bloodier and more convulsive than anything seen in post-imperial Europe. Check back with me in ten years, and see who's right.
Maybe I’m missing your point, but Anders Breivik is Norwegian, not Swedish.
He is correct – but I don’t think those cars are for the US market. They are for Latin America and the Caribbean. Brazil has seen a huge surge in Chinese cars being made in Brazil too. uS consumers still are prejudiced against the quality of Chinese brands. If they buy them they will see that no longer is true (they don’t know TCL or Hisense are Chinese tv’s). So they will use “national security†as an excuse
Actually targeting children is an integral part of the jewish psyche.
It is ingrained in every jew in the world.
Every jewish “holy day” is a celebration of death and destruction of not only enemies, but every animal, blade of grass and anything that has life.
Sick bastards…
I did not vote for Mr. Trump. In fact, I haven’t voted in a presidential election since George W. Bush’s re-election. I became so dismayed at having voted for who I believe became the worst president of modern times that I wrote to my county board of elections asking to have my voter registration expunged from the records. They kindly obliged.
I will admit to some enjoyment when he was elected if only for the “spanner in the gears” factor and the national humiliation of Hillary Clinton when she was denied what she assumed was rightly hers. But I had no illusions that he would fundamentally change anything.
Trump’s conviction only confirms what has long been coming: The US is no different from any Third World banana republic (I know you’re supposed to say “Global South” but I’m an old man and you can’t change the rules in the middle of the game).
I won’t be participating in this every four years national circle jerk which doesn’t really matter in the long run. The presence of the Walking Dead in the Oval Office proves its futility. In spite of my Christian faith, I don’t have much hope for this country or Western Civilization. I may think like a Dutch Calvinist but I feel like a nihilist.
“I see leper colonies on the horizon, as far as the eye can see.”
a cursory glance at your comments has shown you to be a zionist. fuck off.
and thanks for giving that jewtastic report on the situation in europe in the run up to the second world war. it sounds exactly like what the jewnited states is doing right now to stave off the inevitable.
maybe mefobills will sound in on all this, he’s qualified. i’m just a peasant on the land.
After the entirety of the CCP is either life gulagged or permanently “invited to tea”, China might a more reasonable place to build proper relations with. Many Chinese long for this scenario, a China free of CCP pestilence. Theft as a cultural high art form will never fade however.
We should not necessarily raise the middle finger to the middle kingdom as a whole, just to it’s intractable psychopathic leadership.
What % of Chinese long for this?
Many Chinese long for this scenario,
You have stated two OPINIONS, not facts. Your opinions are not persuasive to me, as you well know, so why offer them? Because you are dumb? Well, that’s my opinion.
We’re both judging T.V. by his comments here only. Neither of us know him personally, or in person. The screen name he gave himself tells us that he thinks (or wants readers to think) that he stands for “truth” and defends “truth.” I say anyone who uses “truth” for a name is already suspect because it’s a dishonest thing to do. Let your words speak for themselves; it’s not for anyone to proclaim they represent truth even before they say anything.
When I wrote that ‘TV is ZOG’, it was in response to his saying Donald Trump is ZOG. I say TV helps ZOG by spreading conspiracy theories about DT. DT is not perfect, especially when it comes to Jews, but he is the best we have. Thus it is TV that is aiding and abetting ZOG by wanting to take DT out of the race and leave us with “what?” Also, why does TV want to meddle in our USA election? You tell me, John, in what way TV is helping our cause by denouncing Donald J. “Chump” (copying every ZOG attack line against him), without ever offering an alternative plan? What kind of “great research and/or intelligence” is this? You are at a loss to say.
* * *
I wanted to comment on something else in TV’s #865, so I will do it here.
SUMMARY: Carolyn, you present yourself as someone knowledgeable, someone who knows there is ONLY ONE strategy in tackling the naysayers on the issue of the Holohoax and Germany’s righteous role in WWII.
ie: you say that if someone is not 100% in agreement with you on all matters pertaining to WWII, that we should immediately cease interacting with them and call them out as liars.
Now this is provably false and a major exaggeration, apart from being poorly/confusedly written (in the bolded part of the first sentence). I have never said or implied either; what I do say is that I believe there is a better way, and even a best way (lately I’ve been saying that bc of refinements in my philosophy). This also leads me to now point out “a wrong way” or a losing way. This is a virtue, not a fault. What not to do is just as important as what to do. So tell me how I’m at fault? I moves the debate positively forward when you seem to want it to remain stuck right where it is? One must ask why.
I am looking for and expecting competence. I’m not for tolerating incompetence when it comes to “Truth for Germany” or the safeguarding of our American Constitution. Without it, the whole world is truly lost. Our Constitution has become the bottom line for Donald Trump and his supporters, but not for Truth Vigilante.
I say TV helps ZOG by spreading conspiracy theories about DT.
You have to be joking. RFK Jr's policy on Israel/the Gaza conflict is atrocious - because it is identical to that of Donald Chump and Biden.
DT is not perfect, especially when it comes to Jews, but he is the best we have.
I do not wish to meddle in the U.S elections. In fact, Americans themselves should not meddle in your own elections - by NOT participating/voting in it.
Also, why does TV want to meddle in our USA election?
That's right, as if the worst vermin imaginable that Trump appointed during his first term wasn't bad enough, now he's raising the bar of depravity by saying he's likely to appoint Dim-witta Randhawa in his administration if he's elected.
This is what the 77-year-old baby-killing slob Donald Trump is endorsing: Nimrata Randhawa (aka Nikki Haley).
Replies: @Carolyn Yeager
SUMMARY: The U.S electoral system is a fraud. All U.S citizens should boycott the whole electoral process. If next to no one showed up, it would send a signal to the ZOG establishment that 'we're on to you', that the whole thing is a sham.
The next step would be Mass Non Violent Civil Disobedience.
The bulk of America's citizenry would say that they took no part in the election process, that they do not recognise those in power or their laws and regulations, that they won't pay taxes that fund the Judeo Ukrainian regime in that proxy war, or fund the Apartheid Israeli state and its ongoing genocide in Gaza etc.
“Trump has all the right enemies.â€
You mean like those Christian men and women who oppose his con man ways?
Regardless, you’re missing the point. Your “enemies†include Jews (not corporatists, since you serve them). For Trump, they are an important ally. Now for the Alt Right, corporatists are vile. But for Trump, signing into law tax breaks and deregulating industry to benefit them over the working classes is standard operating procedure. Yet, whites are supposed to back him?
“A con man who didn’t gain a dime from political officeâ€
Bullshit on your part.
“and is willing to die in prison if he has toâ€.
Now you’re gaslighting us. He is scared to death of being locked up for the rest of his miserable life. But, as you said, Trump is a con man.
Very interesting.
when china focused on making things cheaper, they were our friends. when they focused on making things better, they became our mortal enemy.
too late for the u.s., the whole world is on to their ponzinomics, they are done. this is why they want to groom india to be their new bitch. normally, i would warn the indians to beware, but the indians are a cagey lot, who plan to pick the u.s. carcass clean, while gaining the infrastructure the dying empire will bequeath to them.
Not-The-President Biden is run by foreign powers. One of which is the CCP. The announcement was all style, no substance. Union elites are wedded to the DNC, so they played along with the deception. Their members are not biting on the lie.
Joe Biden Announces Tariffs on Non-Existent Products
from Non-Existent Origination Country – Here’s Why�BlackRock positioned massive investment assets inside Chinese auto manufacturers, MG, BYD, and Chery. The three Chinese companies are in the process of moving North American auto manufacturing to Mexico, specifically to make EVs. The Chinese EVs made in Mexico will come into the U.S market tariff free under the USMCA trade agreement. China and BlackRock will make billions.
Today, Joe Biden announced a series of tariffs against China in the EV industry. The Chinese EVs are not being made in China. The tariff regime is a farce – a total joke.
Biden might as well be announcing tariffs on Chinese swimming pools flown into the USA via hot air balloon. There will be more Chinese swimming pools delivered from China than Chinese EVs. The Chinese EVs come from Mexico. The tariff is fake. �
Imagine worshipping a jewish puppet’s literal Hollywood movie script and thinking anyone’s going to care what you have to say.
Some time ago, definitely in the 2000s and into the 2010s, Mr. Sailer was making suggestions for how Whites in the USA could win a political game --- hence "The Sailer Strategy." (Let me here re-nominate The Sailer Strategy to be the title of his next book.)It's funny, but Steve Sailer no longer much talks about his own titular political-electoral strategy, that long-time followers know so well, that was so influential over the past decade, because the Trump MAGA movement used the Sailer Strategy.See also the excellent Sailer-analysis essay by Dennis Dale published this week: the Sailer Strategy for the 2020s and the soon-upcoming 2030s would seem relevant. And what about a variant Sailer Strategy for a 1989-to-1991, Soviet-sphere-like geopolitical earthquake in North America, in which the USA could break into multiple new political entities? This "secession" or "partition" question is one I've never seen Steve Sailer discuss, even in terms of pure theory. It would be interesting to see what he would do with it, if taking it seriously and not making a light joke of it and dismissing it as either crazy or evil to even think about.Replies: @silviosilver, @OilcanFloyd, @Hail, @Anon, @Dieter Kief, @Reg Cæsar, @MEH 0910
Steve not directly involved in politics
Updating the Sailer Strategy for the 2020s and the soon-upcoming 2030s would seem relevant.
How’d that work for Kevin Phillips? The “proto-Steve”.
Calling this “the face of evil” is a bit much but:
I couldn’t believe the video of Biden smirking was real…
I thought perhaps someone overlaid satire / fake audio with the question.
I found the original.
Holy hell, it’s real.
The face of evil. #BidenSmirk
— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) May 31, 2024 needs a proper China critic.
It has several sinosycophants penning articles and two-bit 50 cent lurkers in the comments section.
Some routine counterbalance would be refreshing.
Haley??? Isn’t that the same Nimarata Haley, née Randhawa, who was caught painting pro-genocide messages on one of the US artillery shells that Israel is using tyo murder Palestinian women and children?
I know this can be mind-blowing at Unz but some of us view Trump as a NYC con artist
Like the one on the dime? The one who cheated on his wife, and cheated us into war?
You’re not telling me what you like about Trump. You’re telling me about what I shouldn’t like about the other guy.
That he has the nerve, and the means, to stand up to “the other guy”, whoever that may be (it sure isn’t Geronto-Joe) is enough to “like”. “Appreciate” and “be grateful for” and “encourage” are even better terms.
Long-expired state misdemeanors onto which federal charges are dumped– for the first time ever by any state prosecutor– are less a sign of the man’s own corruption than of that of his opponents’. Zombie justice at work.
For eight years now, I’ve been ignoring all the talk and Twittering on both sides, and judging these men only by results. The Trump years were fine (until the DNC turned Antifa loose), if disappointing.
Obama’s third term? In a nutshell:
Trump is part of the elite club that the comedian George Carlin mentioned and none of us are members of it. These “legal actions” against Trump are all theatrics to make the public think that there is actually a functioning democracy in this nation. The people that are “prosecuting” him are all in the same elite club and aren’t really hostile to Trump at all. The media are told to spit fire when they mention Trump’s name and he does the same when he speaks of them. They got a “jury” of paid actors to vote to convict him of “charges” that are really nothing and in a normal legal system would’ve resulted in a fine if taken to court at all.
His magic lawyers will find some “technicality” that his “dumb enemies” didn’t think of and he will end up running for president again and probably win because Biden has outlived his usefulness. The zionists don’t care who get’s in, because Israel wins either way.
The reality is that Trump is their man, if he wasn’t, they’d of taken him out long ago. It’s not like they haven’t taken out people who have gotten in their way in the past: Huey Long, Patton, McCarthy Forestal, JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Kilgallen, RFK, MLK, Vince Foster and a hundred other names that don’t immediately come to mind.
Even in the NBA, basketball is a team sport.
…And he scored 13 points a game in the NBA.
John Wooden was an old-fashioned disciplinarian in many ways who had the good fortune to be UCLA's coach when the school had two of the best centers ever to play the college game, along with a host of stellar players around them. Lew Alcindor had two future NBA players as teammates in '66-'67, four his junior year, and five in '68-'69, his senior year. For Bill Walton it was four, five and seven future NBA players as teammates during his time at UCLA.
"I thought you were good,"
� @Truth, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
“Bill Walton is the best player for a big man who ever played the game of basketball."
-- Philadelphia 76ers head coach Gene Shue
“Bill Walton is the best player for a big man who ever played the game of basketball.â€
— Philadelphia 76ers head coach Gene Shue
Shue must have had a short memory, because his Bullets team was swept by Alcindor and the Bucks in the finals in 1970-71.
And yes, Walton’s team beat Kareem’s mediocre Lakers once, but head to head…
EVEN INCLUDING THE PLAYOFF SWEEP Kareem won 19 games, Walton 16.
The first time they played, Kareem got 50 (in a win).
More likely he had an objective evaluation of the comparative talent of those two teams when he made his remark about Walton after the Blazers rallied to defeat his 76er team, which had a virtual all-star line-up.
Shue must have had a short memory, because his Bullets team was swept by Alcindor and the Bucks in the finals in 1970-71.
RFK Jr did a big disservice not only to justice and fairness by supporting the Zionist genocide on Gaza but to all the causes he promoted in the last few years, especially regarding vaccines. Why? He has so discredited himself as to be not believable in anything he says. His statements sound more extreme Zionist that Benjamin Mileikowsky (“Netanyahu”)
I sometimes suspect that someone has blackmail material on him. His stance just doesn’t make any sense.
It’s surprising now that Kyle’s arrest and indictment didn’t give them the green light again, but outside Portland, the riots stopped, as I remember. I sure hope he lives happily ever after all that.
A take from a guy, whose posts I am reading regularly in my country (machine translation, with some corrections):
The introduction of proscriptio into Roman politics was part of the Roman civil wars. There were no parties, no ideals, just leaders and their followers seeking absolute power. The road to power became a means to an end, including justice. Exactly the same thing is happening in America, where for some time the judiciary has been a tool of the executive. From there, there is no way back to democracy, which becomes an illusion for the intellectuals who consider themselves educated and turn away from real politics (like the Roman Senate under the Caesars, delusionally hoping a return to the Old Republic), while everyone else turns away from politics without any silly illusions, except for a few people who see the whole state as prey and therefore organise themselves into an entourage, recruiting followers by all means who can support them with arms and money in their fight for absolute power.
The Roman civil war also extended to the client states, the frontier states of the time. Egypt, Syria, Asia were all involved as spoils of warlords (Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Caesar, Antony, Augustus, etc.) fighting for the position of sovereignty. Territories that were overrun and, incidentally, plundered by the Roman armies fighting each other. This will also be the fate of the European states in the American Civil War. Everyone will be required to choose a side, to fight in it and those who do not or choose the wrong side will be ruthlessly destroyed. Entire countries will disappear forever from history.
The general lesson of the Roman civil wars is that the winner has always been the more ruthless, more Machiavellian competitor. The winner was almost always the one who managed to take control of the city with terrorists recruited from criminals – as we saw in action before the previous elections, as cities were set alight – and murder his opponents. The civil wars were not fought on the basis of party sympathies – the people involved were no longer really partners, they were each other’s disciples, former loyalists fighting in newer and newer formations for total power. Only at the very beginning was there still some faint glimmer of the party politics of the earlier Gracchus era, which disappeared without a trace, along with all the earlier Roman ideas, parties, economic or any social positions. There was only pure struggle for power, in which individuals fought with their booty-hungry followers behind them, with fragments of the once unified army following them as leaders. Soldiers no longer fought under the banner of Rome, but under the sash of the legions, as comrades in arms, completely independent of society.
Proscriptio is the most serious sign that the history of American democracy is over. The rule of law in that state was the most important and fundamental element in the structure of power. It indicates that the entire institutional system of American democracy has ceased to exist. Neither law, nor order, nor justice, nor public opinion – that of those who want and maintain democracy – is functioning any longer . Without democrats (not capital D), there can be no democracy, and apart from the intellectual whiners who have retreated from politics to their suburban homes, no one believes in any democracy there, if that is what can happen. So, the song is over, the exercise of power, regulated by institutions and confined within institutional limits, is over: the most profitable form of the reality of power, physical violence, is all that remains as a means and a method. He who kills first, is killed later.
Either the tsunami or an EMP exploded over America with the electric grid getting destroyed. That could wipe out 100 million Americans at least through lack of essential energy. Both options would be less destructive than a full blown nuclear exchange.
Replies: @Aleatorius
The evidence is in: the Confucian values by which China is ruled are not only incompatible with those of the West, they prove strikingly more robust. Far from China changing, Westerners who do business in China are modifying their behavior–often quite troublingly–under Beijing’s influence. Picture a phalanx of chocolate soldiers marching into a blowtorch.The most common way Westerners compromise is simply by doing business “the Chinese way.†Writing from Shanghai in 2005, Peter S. Goodman of the Washington Post commented, “American business leaders often describe their China operations idealistically, suggesting that their presence here will compel Chinese competitors to adopt more ethical business practices. But in one key regard, the dynamic operates in reverse, with U.S. companies adopting Chinese-style tactics to secure sales, as they compete in a market in which Communist Party officials routinely control businesses, and purchasing agents consider kickbacks part of their salary.â€In the words of Carolyn Bartholomew, chairman of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission, many American companies have “Faustian bargains†with Beijing. She cites Yahoo!, Google, and Microsoft, which have agreed to abide by China’s censorship rules in serving Chinese Internet users. Yahoo! voluntarily handed over evidence that led to one Chinese Internet user being sentenced to ten years in prison. Bartholomew commented, “Far from capitalism changing the Chinese government, it is the Chinese government changing capitalists. Rather than the birth of freedom with telecommunications and the Internet serving as the handmaiden of democracy, we have the Internet entrepreneurs selling rope to the hangmen.â€Top American Internet companies have already reneged on Western values in pursuit of lucrative business in their Chinese subsidiaries. How long before they prove similarly malleable in their domestic operations? Writing for the New York Times on a conference in Shanghai in 2005, Tina Rosenberg recounted how top American business leaders fawned on Chinese Communist Party officials. She added: “Let’s not pretend that foreign investment will make China a democracy. That argument was born out of desperation and self-interest. Because China is too lucrative a market to resist, American and European businessmen have ended up endorsing the party line through their silence–or worse. They are not molding China; China is molding them.â€
“Top American Internet companies have already reneged on Western values in pursuit of lucrative business in their Chinese subsidiaries.”
It were the men of the White West that invented the Internet. You are just riding on its back for free.
so you are saying the u.s.a. is following hitler’s plan, and that zionist predatory banksters are behind both? wow carney, you’ve finally seen the light. what, did jojo the dogfaced hermaphodyke get you thrown out of the congress of wonders?
China, especially under the backsliding Xi cult of personality, is so obnoxiously aggressive, murderously repressive, selfish, brazenly hypocritical, dishonest, corrupt, manipulative, irresponsible, exploitative,
How do you know China to be all those things?
Some time ago, definitely in the 2000s and into the 2010s, Mr. Sailer was making suggestions for how Whites in the USA could win a political game --- hence "The Sailer Strategy." (Let me here re-nominate The Sailer Strategy to be the title of his next book.)It's funny, but Steve Sailer no longer much talks about his own titular political-electoral strategy, that long-time followers know so well, that was so influential over the past decade, because the Trump MAGA movement used the Sailer Strategy.See also the excellent Sailer-analysis essay by Dennis Dale published this week: the Sailer Strategy for the 2020s and the soon-upcoming 2030s would seem relevant. And what about a variant Sailer Strategy for a 1989-to-1991, Soviet-sphere-like geopolitical earthquake in North America, in which the USA could break into multiple new political entities? This "secession" or "partition" question is one I've never seen Steve Sailer discuss, even in terms of pure theory. It would be interesting to see what he would do with it, if taking it seriously and not making a light joke of it and dismissing it as either crazy or evil to even think about.Replies: @silviosilver, @OilcanFloyd, @Hail, @Anon, @Dieter Kief, @Reg Cæsar, @MEH 0910
Steve not directly involved in politics
I differentite between
a)being active in politics and
b) writing analyses that can be used in politics
And I did so in response to Hypnotoad’s posts above – No. 37 and 53 – in which he seems to ignore this differentiation.
First of all it is not true. “Jews worldwide†do NOT condemn Israel.
That is absolutely true. In fact, Jews worldwide still overwhelming support Israel, Bibi Netanyahu, as well as Israel’s ongoing annihilation of Hamas and all the Muslim and Christian civilians that Hamas represents. This include unarmed women and children. So what’ really going on here?
I’m a bit suspicious of these ultra-Orthodox Jews who call themselves Neturei Karta.
Neturei Karta should tone down their Jewishness since the Jewish worldview is inherently supremacist.
Do they not believe themselves to be ‘G-d’s Chosen People’? Of course they do.
We agree that Neturei Karta should support the global efforts to isolate and remove the Zionist entity from the world stage. But they should not be permitted to get Jewishness off the hook. It’s fundamental to Zionism.
Yet Neturei Karta invariably put their Jewishness first and foremost. This could be a crafty ruse, designed to invalidate the reasonable claim that (essentially all) ‘Jews support Israel’s expansion and occasional genocides’. Yep. It’s true.
Does Neturei Karta support BDS?
Is so, they should say so. Loudly. What is their list of pro-Zionist boycott targets?
Does Neturei Karta agree that Jews control Hollywood and most global mass media?
If so, they should say so. It’s time to wake up the zombified normies.
Does Neturei Karta support armed resistance against Zionist predation?
They should. It’s permitted under international law.
Neturei Karta claims to support non-violent resistance, but this will not ever work against an expanding, supremacist Jewish entity which believes G-d favors Jews above all of mankind.
And this chauvinistic view is central to Judaism.
In fact, this view is surely central to all the orthodox Jew within Neturei Karta.
Mankind’s problem not just Zionism, but supremacist Judaism.
That’s not even what the prosection alleged. You have no clue what the case was about.
But you can’t hand a lawyer some cash and say “make up some work like you charged me and then go deliver itâ€.
Those are the facts that Bragg claimed he would prove at trial, not the evidence actually presented.
Cohen has always admitted he made the payment on his own initiative and then later sought reimbursement after the fact.
And more to the point there’s still no crime alleged.
This payment was illegal
LOL. It absolutely wasn’t illegal. Paying for an NDA is totally legal and commonplace. No one disputes that. You can’t make something illegal just by saying it is illegal. Bragg is just making shit up in his indictment.
This was the entire bullshit legal strategy however — just imply something bad happened and that it must be illegal for reasons.
LOL. It absolutely wasn’t illegal.
This payment was illegal
Left to their own devices they would still be 10,000 years from being civilized.