Plus the white player “won’t fit in.”
You’re right. Watching either the NFL or NBA/WNBA is for deracinated cucks who’re also morons. The media, especially Fox, has insinuated into these fools’ minds that the measure of their manhood is the number of NFL games they watch on Sunday and their ability to regurgitate the minute or so of high points at work the next day. Better yet, have your boys sit on their asses with you watching that shit instead of being outside learning to become men.
No wonder Trump’s “MAGA” substitution of voyeurism for action works like a charm on these morons. That’s because Trump’s MAGA extravaganzas are a straightforward simulacrum of watching the NFL as a substitute for acting like men who take to the streets to take back our country. Instead, these men fill a football stadium to cheer like sissies and then run for their cars when it’s over under a hail of insults from pencil-necked Antifa faggots and contagion that’s spit from the mouths of green-haired lesbians.
Obviously anyone who sits in front of a TV for three hours to watch an NFL game with less than 12 minutes of live action (as determined by the Wall St Journal and confirmed by others) is a moron in the first place and a deracinated one at that given the hatred black players and their Jewish owners have demonstrated they have for our country and whites. Then there’s the jackass, crackerbarrel commentary from good ol’ boys; over 100 commercials; and, nearly as much time spent panning the sidelines for the coaches to grimace on cue than replays, which in the latter case make up the majority of the telecast.
As for black basketball, the NBA’s refs had a conference years ago to consider when to call traveling and similar violations, but decided there was nothing they could do since if they called black traveling, the game would take over 4 hours! At least they’re good at it, but the depths of deracination has to be watching the WNBA and pretending to enjoy it. Who in the world watches this shit anyway? Surely no real man does.
Women hate other women. Black people hate white people. Lesbians are perpetually angry. Ms. Clark has been foisted into a toxic stew of hatred, anger, and stupidity.
I don’t know why AmRen puts out crap like this — following sportsball, especially pro basketball, which is full of ghetto Blacks (as is the NFL),
Anyway, for anyone wondering about the Caitlin Clark incident in the game again the Chicago Sky…— to me it’s a metaphor for the behavior of Whites facing racial annihilation today:
I believe that’s called answering one’s own question, Old Sport.
…Except that she has been pretty bad.
She is shooting 37% on a 4-10 team and making 6 turnovers a game.
And why would they want to go through all that “will she play in this game or won’t she” crap for a mediocre player?
The privileged white woman who has been told her entire life that she’s special vs borderline retarded African American women who are incapable of making an honest living without set-asides, subsidies, grants and handouts (which is what the WNBA is).
Count me out. I have a family that is more deserving of my time than any of these freak show clowns.
I don’t know why AmRen puts out crap like this
Playing a racial angle, pretty sure.
And sportsball makes for a nice, Saileresque filler while working out how to frame the “racial annihilation” in Rafah.
I don’t know why AmRen puts out crap like this — following sportsball, especially pro basketball, which is full of ghetto Blacks (as is the NFL), is for deracinated cucks — and morons — the latter explains why Paul Kersey of SBPDL participated in this, but I’m a little surprised Gregory Hood did.
Anyway, for anyone wondering about the Caitlin Clark incident in the game again the Chicago Sky, here is a short video of it — to me it’s a metaphor for the behavior of Whites facing racial annihilation today: after being intentionally bashed to the floor (‘hip-checked’ is a good description), Clark just lies there with a plaintive, confused look on her face.
In a way it’s a shame the audience for the WNBA has historically been relatively small, albeit Clark has apparently boosted both TV ratings and attendance (the ‘Caitlin Clark Effect’ makes the NYT uncomfortable) — because more Whites need to be confronted with the brutishness and stupidity of the average Black, as opposed to the contrived image presented by the media and advertising — a big reason the media malevolently (it was a campaign of hate directed at Whites and white society) pushed the ridiculous BLM lies/narrative so hard is that George Floyd et al are a lot closer to the average for black males in the US than they want Whites to realize: with 30+% convicted felons, as well as their abysmal record in school, it is not at all unfair to say that the average black male leads an irresponsible life of menial employment (often sporadic), fathering children out of wedlock, crime, and drug abuse — and the women aren’t much of an improvement.
Playing a racial angle, pretty sure.And sportsball makes for a nice, Saileresque filler while working out how to frame the “racial annihilation” in Rafah.
I don’t know why AmRen puts out crap like this
I don’t know why AmRen puts out crap like this — following sportsball, especially pro basketball, which is full of ghetto Blacks (as is the NFL),
I believe that's called answering one's own question, Old Sport.
Anyway, for anyone wondering about the Caitlin Clark incident in the game again the Chicago Sky...— to me it’s a metaphor for the behavior of Whites facing racial annihilation today:
“As Charles Barkley said re: the WNBA players, “These players are stupid. This chick got you all chartered planes; why would you dump on your meal ticket?”
A long time ago I met Barkley once or twice as part of some project-development thingy that ultimately went nowhere; but he seemed like a very reasonable, rational guy, not some racialist flame-throwing berserker.
This whole Caitlin Clark thing reminds me of the hilarious POC backlash against Taylor Swift for making her latest record. How dare a skinny, pretty white girl who has a long recording career behind her… how dare she make a really good record trying to justify or express her emotional and mental state? Why, it’s almost like John Lennon having the nerve to release “Plastic Ono Band”! Moderator! Can we PLEASE give all of John Lennon’s awards to Beyonce instead?! In the name of Equity!!
As Charles Barkley said re: the WNBA players, “These players are stupid. This chick got you all chartered planes; why would you dump on your meal ticket?” Charles’ vision requires a longer term vision by both management and the players. Players surely don’t have that vision; it remains to be seen if management does. White fans who are just turning in the first time are seeing exactly what the black ladies think of an uppity white. This is an interesting development for the nice ladies who might be tuning in for the first time.
A good metaphor for the WNBA is a ladies’ prison; Caitlin is fresh meat. The most telling item was that her teammates didn’t stand up for her immediately after she was hip-checked into oblivion by the Chicago Sky player that started this whole fracas. Even in the NHL rookie super stars get some protection!
Re: the olympics, generally for a team that has kicked so much ass (7 golds in a row, avg margin of victory 21 points) the top ten players really only matter. The team could’ve easier sent Clark and another collegiate or rookie player overseas to get Olympic experience. That was short-sighted in the extreme. That being said, being asked every 5 minutes when is Caitlin gonna get in is also a giant pain in the ass too. Best news for us: no one will care now that she’s not going and we can watch other sports in peace and relative quiet.
the National Black Basketball Assoc is what it is – antiWhite – because the teams are almost entirely Jew-owned and the League completely Jew-controlled.
as to that freakishly enormous white grrl in the NBBA-subsidized giant Black Lesbian basketball klavern, she’ll learn to enjoy the penetrative attentions of the locker-room dildostrappers or she’ll be shipped out.
Looking at the potential roster of players for our Olympic team, one has to ask “why the Hell is Britany Griner on that roster – she isn’t even playing currently on a WNBA team? Is it so important to rub
Russia’s nose in crap that we have to play their former inmate?
I remember reading some years ago an interview with a basketball scout. He said there was a syndrome called “Why’d you draft the white guy?” or something like that. The idea was that on draft day, NBA teams are in a precarious position. Each team has just 12 players and they don’t want to waste a precious draft pick on a player who won’t work out. Of course, there are no guarantees, but tell that to the fans. If the player works out, all is well. When the player falls short, fans begin to second-guess the draft pick (and hence the team’s front office). They look at players selected after the disappointing player and say, “Hey, we coulda had this guy!” When a black player doesn’t meet expectations, the fan shrugs and says, “Oh, well, you can’t win ’em all.” On the other hand, if a white player doesn’t meet expectations, the response is “Why’d you draft the white guy?” In other words, look at all the black players you bypassed!” No team wants to be accused of white favoritism, so they tend to avoid a white player if a black player of similar talents is also available (and they always are). Hence the ghettoization of a major sport is enhanced and perpetuated.
This summer, how will Southgate’s England use woke to make his team go mysteriously broke and get England fans arrested for pointing out the obvious?
I had understood college wrestling to be a conservative sport, but an incident that happened a few months ago was alarming. An employee at a company involved in wrestling gear posted on the company facebook page. He posted accurate info about BLM. This heresy was so egregious that the man had to leave the company. Even worse, a bunch of college wrestling stars posted on social media – horror at the truth about BLM and even disassociation from the company in some cases.
So the brainwashing is that deep.
Yeah, the NHL was hesitant to bend over all the way, but eventually they made the choice to cancel games for a rapist. The anti-white media and corporate pressure was too much.
Stanley cup finals ratings were down 60 percent this year.
False. That is what your kind WISH, but that is not the case.
The fact of the matter is that sports matters to American men today regardless of political ideology.
There again, you are exaggerating. Professional spectator sports are a fairly recent phenomenon and certainly NOT anything close to "masculinity personified", sweetheart. This gives us a clear window into your fucked psyche...lolBeing glued to a TV for days at a time, playing "fantasy sports" and living vicariously through semi retarded nigger monkeys is nowhere near "normal", dipshit.Replies: @Truth, @AndrewR, @GeneralRipper
It is masculinity personified. It is patently normal.
Privileged blacks carrying water for their less fortunate ethnic cohorts. I wonder if rich whites will ever do the same for their own people?
LOLOLOLOL. Are you for real?
A quote from Samuel Johnson:
“A man is, in general, better pleased when he has a good dinner upon his table, than when his wife talks Greek.”
Ace Deuce’s Corollary to the above:
A White Man is, in general, better pleased when niggra boys and she-beasts simply act civilized, than when they “raise issues”, however “deferentially” they might do so
The leagues are running into multiple issues. Not only are they turning off there traditional audience. The replacement audiences are not buying in. Millennials have so many “on demand” options they don’t necessarily wait for a game or view it as must see TV. Additionally, like many large corporations the big pro leagues have tried to reach the growing Hispanic market but in the what they don’t want to talk about category, they’ve only had a very small return on that investment. Salary caps will be shrinking, watch the cry babies starting in 2021 NFL free agent market.
LOL, you know you clicked, you just didn’t like looking in the mirror!
Sorry Troof, I don’t click on “worldstarnignog” links.
But you go ahead a have fun. You seem to really enjoy that stuff.
False. That is what your kind WISH, but that is not the case.
The fact of the matter is that sports matters to American men today regardless of political ideology.
There again, you are exaggerating. Professional spectator sports are a fairly recent phenomenon and certainly NOT anything close to "masculinity personified", sweetheart. This gives us a clear window into your fucked psyche...lolBeing glued to a TV for days at a time, playing "fantasy sports" and living vicariously through semi retarded nigger monkeys is nowhere near "normal", dipshit.Replies: @Truth, @AndrewR, @GeneralRipper
It is masculinity personified. It is patently normal.
It seems you’re conflating “normal” with “healthy.”
“Being glued to a TV for days at a time, playing “fantasy sports” and living vicariously through semi retarded nigger monkeys is” extremely normal. It’s also deeply unhealthy.
I live in Ireland and we have had an explosion of tattoos in the last 30+ years,
Every wannabe tough guy has multiple body desecrations,
When I see a guy with his tattoos I automatically consider him not tough at all,
I could be wrong of course, there are exceptions to every rule but I just can’t take anybody serious when they have one,
It just screams ‘bad decision maker’ and ‘I’m weak but this tattoo will fool many into not messing with me’,
Prior to World War II professional basketball and football barely existed as spectator sports. Americans flocked to boxing and horse racing, not the Decatur Staleys, the forerunner of the NFL Chicago Bears.
Some years the single Army-Navy game in Philadelphia would outdraw the city’s NFL Yellow Jackets’ and later Eagles’ entire seasons. Football was big in those days, just not the professional kind.
At least a ball player is based on talent so it is something earned. A black male model is part of the social engineering whereby people are indoctrinated to accept black men as handsome. I’m not saying some are not but before 1968 there were virtually no blacks on TV and most of the population did not consider black men handsome, nor black women beautiful. There are also beautiful black women but most people would not have said that before 1970. These changes then naturally led to promoting miscegenation between blacks and whites to the point it became annoying to many people to constantly see mixed race couples on television. Also, in many movies and on TV the black guy is often presented as masculine, intelligent and attractive to white women, and the white guy as uncool or a loser.
I constantly see experts on here (with at the very least a high school diploma, I’m sure) informing readers that there are no conspiracies and no Jews involved in these non-existing conspiracies. For an education on Jews heavy involvement in conspiracies and what I mention above start reading http://www.theoccidentalobserver,net. You can really learn something. Many of the writers are PHD’s and experts in their fields. Most use pseudonyms because Jews have made their opinions worthy of what was done to “witches” a few centuries ago, so it’s almost impossible for a PHD with an incorrect outlook to get hired by a university.
Hey Nigga, you know this is EXACTLY how you talk and act in your hometown.
That’s a lot of bananas…
No they don’t, I have talked a lot with my Black Co-Workers about how BLM”s goals will HURT Disproportionately Black People, Destruction of Nuclear Family, Defund/Abolish Police, Empty Jails, Communism, BLM demonstrates overwhelmingly for criminals, while kids get shot for nothing including babies sleeping in cribs etc. and Many Agree with me, some don’t but where still civil with each other, some have told me they totally agree with me, but are afraid to say it out loud, Herschel Walker has spoken against it and several others as well.
Well, to be perfectly honest, Flipper, neither is making yourself come across like a combination of a keyboard commando and a functional retard, on an anonymous chat board, seven days a week.Replies: @GeneralRipper
Being glued to a TV for days at a time, playing “fantasy sports” and living vicariously through semi retarded nigger monkeys is nowhere near “normal”, dipshit.
Hmmm…What’s an even more worthless profession for a dumb nigger than “ball player”?
I know.
“Male model”…LOL
I agree.
basketballers are just apes in a cage throwing a ball through a hoop for the amusement of paying spectators.
Jews seek to control all key aspects of white civilization. Entertainment, arts, literature, music...SPORTS...duh
It’s NOT a Jewish conspiracy.
Which they certainly have since the Old Wasp Elite surrendered to them.Your problem, as with most all "white" Leftists is that you don't mind being a little bitch.You're ready a willing to piss away your birthright for a nice comfy life without "trouble".Replies: @He F hi u gf ff
For laughter they make bread, and wine that the living may feast: and all things obey money.
The WASP elite was mostly an invention of Jews with a chip on their shoulder.
White athletes have to toe the line to get along with their black teammates, even someone as fearsome as J J Watt. I hope he gets duly rewarded for siding with his “brothers” over his own people.
False. That is what your kind WISH, but that is not the case.
The fact of the matter is that sports matters to American men today regardless of political ideology.
There again, you are exaggerating. Professional spectator sports are a fairly recent phenomenon and certainly NOT anything close to "masculinity personified", sweetheart. This gives us a clear window into your fucked psyche...lolBeing glued to a TV for days at a time, playing "fantasy sports" and living vicariously through semi retarded nigger monkeys is nowhere near "normal", dipshit.Replies: @Truth, @AndrewR, @GeneralRipper
It is masculinity personified. It is patently normal.
Being glued to a TV for days at a time, playing “fantasy sports” and living vicariously through semi retarded nigger monkeys is nowhere near “normal”, dipshit.
Well, to be perfectly honest, Flipper, neither is making yourself come across like a combination of a keyboard commando and a functional retard, on an anonymous chat board, seven days a week.
The infection of BLM even spreading to utilities!
This is “masculinity personified”, you sick fuck Leftist douchebag.
Ballplayers are ENTERTAINERS.
It’s NOT a Jewish conspiracy.
Jews seek to control all key aspects of white civilization. Entertainment, arts, literature, music…SPORTS…duh
For laughter they make bread, and wine that the living may feast: and all things obey money.
Which they certainly have since the Old Wasp Elite surrendered to them.
Your problem, as with most all “white” Leftists is that you don’t mind being a little bitch.
You’re ready a willing to piss away your birthright for a nice comfy life without “trouble”.
The fact of the matter is that sports matters to American men today regardless of political ideology.
That is what your kind WISH, but that is not the case.
It is masculinity personified. It is patently normal.
There again, you are exaggerating. Professional spectator sports are a fairly recent phenomenon and certainly NOT anything close to “masculinity personified”, sweetheart.
This gives us a clear window into your fucked psyche…lol
Being glued to a TV for days at a time, playing “fantasy sports” and living vicariously through semi retarded nigger monkeys is nowhere near “normal”, dipshit.
Well, to be perfectly honest, Flipper, neither is making yourself come across like a combination of a keyboard commando and a functional retard, on an anonymous chat board, seven days a week.Replies: @GeneralRipper
Being glued to a TV for days at a time, playing “fantasy sports” and living vicariously through semi retarded nigger monkeys is nowhere near “normal”, dipshit.
The reality is sports today is a healthy and normal. You have an odd description about what masculinity is all about.
Well, non-indoctrinated NORMAL MEN do not place "entertainment" above their real convictions.
The reality is that MEN enjoy entertainment, including professional sports, and in particular those in their teens and 20’s. So, no, there is not going to be a seismic shift in attitudes to the point that the NBA, NFL, Major League Baseball, the NHL, and professional soccer will go bankrupt, let alone become irrelevant.
The fact of the matter is that sports matters to American men today regardless of political ideology.
It is masculinity personified. It is patently normal. It’s NOT a Jewish conspiracy.
You’re virtue signaling and No True Scotsman fallacy falls on deaf ears.
The reality is that MEN enjoy entertainment, including professional sports, and in particular those in their teens and 20’s. So, no, there is not going to be a seismic shift in attitudes to the point that the NBA, NFL, Major League Baseball, the NHL, and professional soccer will go bankrupt, let alone become irrelevant.
Well, non-indoctrinated NORMAL MEN do not place “entertainment” above their real convictions.
That leaves sick fuck pussy ass Leftoid specimens like you out, of course.
ANY institution in the hands of Jews automatically becomes toxic to white civilization. Professional sports is no exception.
All one needs to do is watch videos of old Super Bowls and World Series etc… and compare the character of the men competing as well as the people in the stands, to the sick fucking spectacle of Leftist PC indoctrination nowadays.
I don’t technically “live” here, Odessa Texas, but do venture out amongst the proles from time to time, usually after dark when most of the crazies have slithered off to their crypts. Doesnt matter which store… HEB in this case, because they’re everywhere!
The beauty of the coronahoax is that I haven’t been back to a McDonalds since it began.
I live there, I agree with you. See it every day.
That all said, it does not stop them from watching, consuming and enjoying the NBA. I viscerally hate white Canadians of the non-Francophone variety but I still enjoy the NHL. Part of the enjoyment is watching them beat the shit out of each other, although that seems like it’s being neutered into oblivion.
The most interesting sports story of 2020 hardly had legs.
All is forgiven. Assault with a deadly weapon. Attempted murder. Whatever. He was never prosecuted for a crime so I suppose we all can use the noun we choose. Think I will go with assault deadly weapon.
Actually, the Department of Defense PAYS the various sports organizations for the time to put on their half-time shows.
The Negro Felon League and the Negro Basketball Association both charge the American taxpayers for the permission to put on these military recruiting displays.
You’d have to ask an Asian that question. He is what is called an “underground” rapper which means he does not have a major record deal, and he’s mid 30’s I believe so I can’t see him getting one, but he is definitely popular among rap fans.
While I am not in the least interested in any sports – and least of all in baseball, basketball, golf and American “”””””””””football””””””””””” – I noted a very important omission in this article. Not a single word about the fact that the Imperialist States of Amerikastan’s armed forces now use these sports as an advertising opportunity. Do you take imagine that the war criminals in Washington will allow the chance to advertise militarism to a potential crop of recruits go to waste? Of course not.
In theory yes, but White women have been rendered completely unfit to be wives and mothers, largely due to feminism. It's not a total loss though, if you've ever wanted to try anal or a threesome, I guess you can hook up with a White chick. Supply and Demand is right, if a young White man is serious about marriage and children he should find an East Asian or Hispanic woman.
Miscegenation is miscegenation
LOL. Well, not the greatest fan of Asian women, but it’s better to be an Eurasian hapa than a mulatto, so there’s that.
White women don’t really prefer black men, but many are just dumb and have little future-time orientation (exactly like blacks), so they are unable to judge. That’s why it used to be that her parents were the ones choosing or at least filtering the options for them.
Now they are “empowered” and “independent”, then they either ride the carousel or find themselves single moms of a mulatto, and never find anyone else afterwards to like them except cats, and wonder why.
Another “CCC” Corvinus classic comment.
Apparently men like entertainment so much they’re willing to pay money and waste time being cucked and bitch slapped by ghetto punks and their ensblers. If that’s the case they aren’t “men” at all. Guess you aren’t either.
He didn’t advocate a damn thing. He was trying to educate and we see how well that worked on you(didn’t).Replies: @VinnyVette
Carlton Meyer above advocating
Biff give it up, you’re a troll and you know I know it. You probably hold the Unz record for most troll buttons received.
Can’t count how many other commenters have torn you a new one for your illconceived stupid comments.
“Biff” lmfao
So the "white" Jews and the oligarchs will see to it that uppity Black millionaires with "short attention spans" stay in their place or their Judeo massa is going to send them back to Walmart?
There may also be a “Plan B” to resolve the current “image problems” —avoid troublemakers ostensibly for reasons other than their anti-white views. The NBA now has some 108 players born overseas, a group probably disinclined to mix sports and radical racial politics. The NFL, of course, lacks this option but it has recently stepped up its policy of expelling players with legal problems (especially domestic violence) and it is conceivable that punishments will disproportionately target those outspoken on race. In any case, professional athletes generally have short careers, and today’s vocal protestors will soon be gone without anybody having to push them out the door for their views.
Most importantly, the Goose is protected by a Pretorian Guard–team owners, league and TV executives and hundreds more whose rich livelihood spends on high TV ratings—and these nonplayers decide who makes the team and who goes home to Walmart. That this guard currently acquiesces with the calls for social justice, painting BLM on arena floors and all the rest is not a sign of their deep ideological commitment. These owners and executives (nearly all of whom are white) know firsthand that these athletes have short attention spans and are easily seduced by trendy slogans. Better to ride out the crisis that attempt to reason with these multi-millionaires.
Unfortunately, they are not dependent on the Fed. They also own the Bank of England, Deutsche Bank, and the central banks of practically every other country on earth.
Is China Mac even remotely popular with average young Asians? He’s about the craziest outlier for that group that you could possibly find.
If his act catches on, at least Asians can rest assured that they won’t be discriminated against getting into Riker’s Island.
When the ANC took over, our national debt (BoP, etc., etc. ) was horrendous and a BLACK government, after the first five years, had a surplus, positive BoP, etc. It implies that black governments can govern for the benefit of all.
It’s True! And if you don’t believe it, just look at Wakanda!
I’m from South Africa (love that preposition applied to SA!). I say you’re full of masipa.
Why are people blaming sports? It’s the primarily black athletes who are showing disrespect to the country that enables them to make millions. I love sports. Especially baseball and hockey. Even basketball is a great sport. Football too. Heck, sports are great to play and watch. But the politically correct and BLM ideology has no place.
Propaganda has permeated pro sports and until it leaves I won’t be watching.
Spoken like a true Pennsylvania man, just like me! I know, it’s difficult to come around to freestyle when you have been steeped in the Pa. tradition of folkstyle wrestling. Pennsylvania has the best folkstyle wrestling in the world, and when you’re a part of it from the little guys through junior and high school wrestling, and understand what “the Big Dance” at Hershey means, and then Cael and his ongoing dynasty at PSU, it’s difficult to transition to freestyle. I know, and my nephew was a PIAA AAA State medalist. I did make the transition, though, and I appreciate freestyle wrestling as an even purer form than folkstyle.
I’m sure glad that the Magicman was also able to transition, as was Zain, Nolf, and Bo. The Nittany Lion Wrestling Club has a big stable of potential international medalists, including Kyle Snyder, once an enemy of the PSU program.
Good riddance to them. May the door not swat them on the posteriors on the way out.
Who would ever have believed that America would now be educated on race relations by athletes who could not write a coherent essay on the topic even if their lives depended on it?
Not to worry. English has been declared racist, and will no longer be offered at many universities. As English is almost the universal language for business and trade, upcoming grads will be at a loss in the job market. Unless we all change and learn to speak Wakanda. Can welfare cover student loans? Now there’s a topic for some keen writer.
Weirdly enough heavyweight boxing is more white now than when I was a kid, with Tyson Fury and Wladimir Klitschko…
“The Boomers are just too addicted to watching sportsball and that generation will have to pass on until there’s even the possibility of change.”
The reality is that MEN enjoy entertainment, including professional sports, and in particular those in their teens and 20’s. So, no, there is not going to be a seismic shift in attitudes to the point that the NBA, NFL, Major League Baseball, the NHL, and professional soccer will go bankrupt, let alone become irrelevant.
Well, non-indoctrinated NORMAL MEN do not place "entertainment" above their real convictions.
The reality is that MEN enjoy entertainment, including professional sports, and in particular those in their teens and 20’s. So, no, there is not going to be a seismic shift in attitudes to the point that the NBA, NFL, Major League Baseball, the NHL, and professional soccer will go bankrupt, let alone become irrelevant.
Ugh, this is sad.
Coach Saban participated in a BLM march in Tuscaloosa and I was crushed. I hope he was misled (severely) but I’ll be damned if I’ll subject myself to this bullshit every Saturday if this is how it is going to be.
It is sad to see so many athletes being used, just as they were back in 1968 when Harry Edwards pressured black athletes who were in the Olympic Games in Mexico City (recall Tommy Smith, John Carlos and the black fisted gloves). Early in 1968, some black track and field athletes received death threats regarding competing in the white man’s track meets. We don’t know what kind of peer pressure is going on right now but it must be overwhelming.
Steve Ballmer is FIRED UP at Kawhi,
It’s long overdue that monkey-boy got some new material. It wasn’t much good the first time around either.
A tattoo of the Kohler logo? You might have an idea there , I love my Kohler faucets,lol.
Lomachenko won two gold medals at the Olympics. White boxers are dominating these days, and many of them are from former Soviet block countries. They have amazing fundamental skills, honed by large numbers of amateur matches. They are a joy to watch: Lomachenko, Beterbiev, Gennady Golovkin. I would even put Naoya Inoue in this group, not as a former Soviet nation, but as a boxer with many amateur fights and incredible fundamental skills. The COVID disappearance of wrestling made me turn my eye to boxing, and I was pleased to see these boxers and their excellence. The power of Beterbiev is incredible. GGG, now perhaps past his prime, has fantastic power as well. Inoue is a super exciting fighter, and if you want to see the fight of the year, watch the entire fight between Inoue and Donaire from 2019. You are correct to say that many of these fighters stay amateur for a long time, but after they go pro they dominate and are able to make a lot of money in a short time. I didn’t even mention Tyson Fury, another excellent white fighter.
I can’t remember where I saw the headline but it was from some typically absurd liberal blog site that said about a Universities marching band, “Marching band shut down over sexual misconduct, assault, theft, racism and “injury to individuals,” etc.etc., I thought to myself, my my, one would think that a five year old kid riding a bike just got shot in the head by some angry lunatic but no, it was the typical alarmist B.S. that goes on in today’s universities, where after all, things like a five year old kid getting shot in the head for riding a bicycle just aren’t worthy of debate.
I don’t consider “modern art” racist, just generally tasteless.
“Illegitimate children ‘RESULTED’”? Nice use of the passive voice. The men ought to be able to control themselves while they are away or at least use contraception if they cannot or will not refrain from cheating. Animals.
This! Just substitute the word Jew for white and you have it.Sports is truly the refuge of the terminally stupid. Whites paying to watch a bunch of low I.Q. monkeys throw a ball around is one of the biggest cons of our age. It's almost up there with religion as a refuge for the mentally challenged. None of these Jig ball players would give their fans the sweat off their balls. If you are a White fan the most you can expect from them would be for them to fuck your daughter if she is young and cute. To hell with these million dollar niggers! Don't buy the tickets. Don't pay for it on cable. They hate White people's guts. Take away their money and let them take a knee at McDonald's.After an arm full of tattoos one of the easiest ways to spot a dumbass is to find out if they are a sports fan. In college we used to call them "jock strap sniffers." Dumbjock should be one word.SuluReplies: @Sulu, @Clyde, @RadicalCenter
The fact that so many dumb American whites have not kicked the sportsball habit after being bitch slapped by these moronic ghetto thugs and their white enablers who own and operate these leagues is truelly mind boggling.
Mostly agree, except that there are many MLB and NHL players who appear to be of average to above-average intelligence.
Also, kids and parents alike can be fans of NHL / AHL and other pro hockey leagues without worshipping the Magic Negro (for now).
The Eastern European Boxers were always there Example Laszlo Papp in the 1950’s they were not allowed to turn Professional for a Long time, Many of the best ones still don’t, Lomachenko was considering staying Amateur for his Career before he changed his mind.
Well, the only way to test that theory is to make their salaries come from the owners’ wealth. But with TV revenues and merchandising, I have a feeling there is a long way to go before the owners feel the pinch. Now, if you could somehow make the protesting bad for China, then at least the NBA players would stfu.
Do millionaire woke athletes believe that watching the NBA or NFL is so genetically hard-wired that the American public is terminally hooked?
I haven’t watched either in a long time, but then I was always a casual fan at best. However, I would never underestimate the emptiness of modern American culture and the need to fill it with meaningless entertainment. Entertainment is, after all, a trillion dollar industry.
I know a little about NCAA Division 1 Wrestling as I Participated in it in the 1980’s At Oklahoma State and Cal State Bakersfield, in fact 1 of the Coaches you Mention was a Teammate (I was not a starter) who wrestled a Man who is now a Politician Jim Jordan in the NCAA Final the year I was there, I know who all these people are that you mention, I know who Myron Roderick is, I know who Yojiro Uetake is, I know who Tom Chesbro, Kennt Monday, Mike Sheets, Ed Gallagher, Lee Roy Smith, Joe Seay is etc. I still follow it. I was trying to make a joke out of all the far left nonsense, which I have no Idea why anyone accepts it example I Saw a Man on TV in a classroom get bood for saying there are differences between men and women which should get a response of DUH, I have no Idea why these far left teachers are not dismissed by the students an nuts, And If I had my way, all teachers who teach Anti-Americanism would be fired, History should be taught in a way giving that gives students pride in the Greatness of the USA and it’s Proud History, I believe in all those things Train/Work Hard, Meritocracy etc, It all seems like common sense to me, What The Hell Happened to the Students and Especially the Professors/Teachers that Nonsense is not only taught, but Generally accepted? Sometimes I got to laugh at it with joke commentary like that, But most of the time it bothers me to no end, I wish we could go back to love of God and Country and a colorblind meritocracy, It may be too pessimistic, but I see the USA disintegrating into a 3rd World Country, I just turned 57 and it is unbelievable how much the USA has declined in my lifetime, Heck Politicians and CEO’s now regularly cave to a group that list’s on the front page of it’s Website on its Mission Statement DESTRUCTION OF FAMILY and Defund/abolish the police and is clearly Communist in it’s goals (Which has Never worked) The most Powerful Moment of the RNC for me was when the Man who was an Immigrant from Cuba said what the Left is saying sounds FAMILIAR to me, and he is about the age to know all about when Fidel Castro made CUBA Communist in 1959, I fear especially among our young people, many are stupid enough to vote this country into Communism, My Previous post was an attempt at Humor, But Seriously What the Hell Happened? Why is the Far Left Nonsense not just dismissed as Insane?
Video Link
Truth hurts, doesn’t it little man? Chinese generally aren’t creative – no wonder they’re drawn to rap lol. Or is it the crass materialism they’re attracted to?
If they want to spew politics, they should run for political office.
This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with racial hatred. Race is everything.
Yeah. On board with the Hapas. Not against them in the least.
You do your thing. I’ll do mine. That’s my creed up to a point. Innumeracy, self-defeat, and social idiocy of White nationalists on Always fun to invert.
Steve Ballmer is FIRED UP at Kawhi, Paul George introductory press conference
It's long overdue that monkey-boy got some new material. It wasn't much good the first time around either.
Steve Ballmer is FIRED UP at Kawhi,
The team owners are “white”?
Most of them don’t consider themselves “white”- they belong to another group!
Many could well be caught up in the current mania of believing that “white supremacy”- ie America as we know it- is on the ropes and they want to help deliver the KO.
It was in vogue to abort daughters 30 years ago in China. My father-in-law has openly said in front of his daughter that he considered it for honor reasons. In my view that’s either a bit of Manchu austerity (blue and yellow banner Khalkas had child sacrifice rituals in the good old days) or a profound devaluing of the fairer sex. I’m happy to exploit that market inefficiency. I love my wife and didn’t end up in Jilin to be a sexual refugee — there are better climes for that. Either way, I was happy to snatch up his daughter, and his Hapa granddaughter will inherit his mining fortune. I suspect that’s because he gets a kick out of her hazel eyes.
People go where they are sexually advantageous. My wife’s cousin married an aryan Ukrainian woman 5 years ago, so Asian men can get some genetic diversity too. Relax.
Lol the Chinese hate and laugh at black people.
I think these athletes believe they are paid by their owner’s wealth and not from actual revenues of their sport, so they are insulated from the “marketplace.”
“Following the NBA or NFL is not an addiction“… I have to disagree with the author on this one. I have friends who would watch both leagues even if the players came out and openly stated they hated the fans and wished death upon their families… they pretty much already have said this.
To the people who never watched sports and don’t have friends who watched sports, it seems odd that even with these players openly stating their hate for America and their fans… that there would still be people who watch. However, for someone who’s never tried heroine or had friends/family addicted to it, such a strong addiction probably seems like an oddity as well.
Sports to a great many in this country is an opioid, and religion has been replaced by sports for these people. It’s like asking a radical Islamist to denounce their faith… ain’t gonna happen.
Not only do you still have the cucked Whites watching sports still, but you also have massive black and Hispanic groups of fans that actively endorse what the athletes are saying; they’re heroes to them, and idolize them in the New America.
Demographics are destiny folks, welcome to the new crappy future… don’t we at least get hoverboards!
In theory yes, but White women have been rendered completely unfit to be wives and mothers, largely due to feminism. It's not a total loss though, if you've ever wanted to try anal or a threesome, I guess you can hook up with a White chick. Supply and Demand is right, if a young White man is serious about marriage and children he should find an East Asian or Hispanic woman.
Miscegenation is miscegenation
One of my friends once said the reason black men and White women get along so well together is because they have something in common. They both think White men owe them something.
In theory yes, but White women have been rendered completely unfit to be wives and mothers, largely due to feminism. It's not a total loss though, if you've ever wanted to try anal or a threesome, I guess you can hook up with a White chick. Supply and Demand is right, if a young White man is serious about marriage and children he should find an East Asian or Hispanic woman.
Miscegenation is miscegenation
So Asians should regard White men as sexual refugees. And Blacks should regard white women the same. Does this mean whites will finally be eradicated from Earth- happily and obliviously? If so, I as an Asian male will be on board to sacrifice for this worthy cause.
Taking a knee at MacDonalds isn’t a bad idea, but in prayer asking not to get sick. The rule of thumb in this filthy business of selling food-like industrial products is that those persons in every “restaurant” who are almost guaranteed to have not washed their hands after using the toilets are the employees. Have a look at what’s under their fingernails before ordering and you’ll turn around and walk out the door.
There’s also ample research showing there is more poo bacteria in the drink dispensing machines, ice, and on the tabletops than in the toilet bowl water. As one study jokingly put it, if you’re concerned about not getting diarrhea or other intestinal illnesses, toss out the drink they serve you and go fill the paper cup with water from the toilet bowls since it’ll probably have less fecal bacteria.
I believe the sports millionaires are a joke. If they want to spew politics, they should run for political office. Instead they sound off from sports “platforms” which are paid for by the fans who have all kinds of political beliefs. The sports owners are also, as are some “journalists”, capitulating and promoting their politically correct crap. They should stick to chasing Pucks and attacking Balls.
The fact that Obama came out and suppressed this strike is encouraging for those of us who intend to profit from worsening economic conditions.
It would indicate that both wings of the phony US political system are going to favor capital over labor and that the lien buying and executing members of the public have nothing to fear from either of them. Strikes, which are the use of labor power to gain concessions, are now considered “bad” by both major parties.
The number of Judeo-crackers who observe the adage of “neither borrower nor lender be” is blessedly small is certainly no larger than those who believe in “avoiding foreign entanglements” or in the error of trading liberty for security. Another effect of conformist tendencies among the cracker is “keeping up with the Joneses”, so tthe response to declining salaries was to BORROW to close the gap and maintain a semblance of a white middle class, rather than strikes and other forms of labor action.
This year’s election is clearly a contest between two right-wing candidates; each is right wing in the way that actually matters – economics. Both parties will continue to collude against the working man. The Republicans will rely on ideology here while the Democrats will continue to substitute wokeness for labor values and race war for class war.
For those noble warriors who busy themselves by looking for and implementing techniques that weaken the Judeo-cracker system , the next few years should provide ample opportunities for small-scale operators to assail the Judeo-cracker supporters of the usury system by feeding them their own medicine. That would be the key opportunity in this crisis.
Furthermore, entering the usury space puts you in competition with Uncle Chaim; it’s analogous to approaching him from behind, tapping him on one shoulder, and reaching over the other to steal a few morsels from his plate.
Finally, key constituencies such as security professionals will be compromised by financial stress. Extant programs that were long ago created to deal with this may not be up to the present task.
It’s hard to believe that anyone could object to the Burn Loot Murder position that peaceful, innocent, hardworking, intelligent blacks have only other people and voodoo-like outside forces to blame for their multigenerational total failure as a people.
As Burn Loot Murder terrorists deferentially execute police, shoot white mothers to death in cold blood and meekly smash through Michigan Avenue storefronts with multi-ton SUVs to loot Air Jordans, its tough to see how anyone could question the narrative of white America paving its road to ill-gotten prosperity over the top of angelic black bodies.
Miscegenation is miscegenation
In theory yes, but White women have been rendered completely unfit to be wives and mothers, largely due to feminism. It’s not a total loss though, if you’ve ever wanted to try anal or a threesome, I guess you can hook up with a White chick. Supply and Demand is right, if a young White man is serious about marriage and children he should find an East Asian or Hispanic woman.
We’ve learned over the course of the summer with the BLM riots, that White women really do prefer black men. I say they’re a natural fit for each other.
When the ANC took over, our national debt (BoP, etc., etc. ) was horrendous and a BLACK government, after the first five years, had a surplus, positive BoP, etc. It implies that black governments can govern for the benefit of all.
All it implies is that when the sanctions against SA were lifted, international trade picked up (duh!) and it took ANC a while to wear down the modern, industrial superpower that the whites had built.
Those knees are quite valuable. I would coddle them too, if they were mine.
Great picture. Labron has the number 24 on his finger so he won’t forget what number is on his shirt.
All these guys are Freemasons. And great symbolism of them all kneeling on WHITE TOWELS folded into nice squares.
White and Black are the most important colors of Masonry.
Plus you have the one player and the coach with their knees on the NBA insignia.
Ordo Ab chao
The thing about professional athletes is that even at their tender age in mid career they are already physically damaged. Physics is physics, and the forces needed to accelerate a 100+kg body through those jumps and runs and sudden changes in direction put tremendous stress on everything. These guys operate on steroids and pain killers before the games, ice baths after, and surgeries during and after their careers.. I would guess that kneeling on a hard floor is more painful for them than for most of their fat-boy fans.
I would like to see how the people in parkour videos are moving 10 years after those videos are shot.
Well of coarse! But the real sports fans will not be watching at all. They’ll be playing sports with their children while teaching them about “failed ideologies”.
Once they stop making it illegal for White people to form their own associations it is then that White people will be free of their mental chains.
There will never be a time that people who want to genocide Whites will make it legal for Whites to organize as Whites. White people who are free of their mental chains will organise regardless of what their enemies allow.