You have put your finger right on the basic problem which, for some reason nobody really wants to talk about. I find the idea that Africa’s population I projected to increase four or five fold by the end of the 21st century absolutely terrifying, even though it is unlikely that I will be around to celebrate the new century. There will be many more people of the sort that can’t take care of themselves right now. Why that prospect doesn’t frighten everyone is a mystery to me. All we hear is how the declining populations of Japan and Europe bode evil things for the future, when what is happening is that those densely populated areas are reversing what has been an unnaturally great increase in population growth over the past 100 or so years.
The one area that still has me a bit confused is the choice between “black†and “African-American†since I grew up using “Negro†as the proper term. Probably “Black” (with a capital letter) is as good as it’s going to get for the time being.
The name changes because negative connotations attach to the word, so the word changes. This happens periodically for all kinds of things. Anyway, in my memory the designation for Americans of African ethnicity has gone from “colored” to “negro” to “Negro” to “black” to “Black” to “African American” to “People of Color” and now back to “black” probably because it’s one syllable, as opposed to “AA” being seven, and POC being five. There’s also the fact that there have been attempts by East Asians (used to be “orientals”, “Orientals”, “asians”, “Asians” and now EA) to co-opt “POC”: but they aren’t kidding anyone.
#africanamericanlivesmatter — a hashtag like that, and you got no room for the tweet.
I still use “Musselmenâ€. I blame Neal Stephenson.
Or you could blame the “17 year old” refugee boy body builder who is staying at the Finnish PM’s summer pad.
I still use “Musselmen”. I blame Neal Stephenson.
Or you could blame the "17 year old" refugee boy body builder who is staying at the Finnish PM's summer pad.
I still use “Musselmenâ€. I blame Neal Stephenson.
Thanks for reminding me. I had nearly forgotten. When I was much younger, I did start off writing “Mohammedan.” At some point in the obscure mists of time, I switched to “Moslem,” and I can’t remember when or why. Then I switched to “Muslim” sometime after 2003, which is when I first started posting on the internet and saw other posters spelling it that way.
Promoting affordable family formation rather than immigration makes sense in a nation whos population is falling(IE ours).
If you want to go old school just use the terminology the Founders did. Call that religion Mohammedanism and its followers Mohammedans. It makes sense to me. Since the followers of Christ are called Christians, the followers of Mohammed should be called Mohammedans.
Don’t make me use my gigantic space lazer on you 🙂
Assad is being propped up by Syria’s long standing backer: Russia. Though it is not the reason he is doing it, Putin is getting ample revenge on the West. He must be laughing his head off.
A non-demographic time bomb.
That’s the lesser evil.
Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, etc all belong in a retirement home in The Villages, Florida.
Hey!!! Those are fighting words right there Mister. You just keep your Yankee Socialists up there in Yankeeland where you bred them. We don’t need their kind in Florida. Already got too many in South Florida and Orlando as it is.
If they were honestly concerned about white birth rates then they could advocate for polices to increase the white birth rate but they *never* do.
It’s not that they fail to encourage white reproduction, they do *everything* short of surgical sterilization to *prevent* white reproduction. They demoralize us from the moment we can understand language. They destroy and deprive us of heroes and role models. George Washington? No longer the greatest American, but an evil fascist imperialist privileged white slave owner. Our greatest President, we are told, was the American Stalin – Murderin’ Abe Lincoln. Second greatest was American socialist FDR. Etc. Long gone is entertainment that celebrated American pioneers, today we celebrate grotesqueries with steatopygia like Lardassian who bed Africans. Our girls are told that having kids is a crime against the earth, that we are “over-populated” already. Our boys are told it is cooler to become a girl like Bruce Jenner. The ones in whom the indoctrination doesn’t “take” are enlisted and sent to be maimed or die in the desert. And if any accidents happen and a white kid is born, parents are instructed sternly to drug the kid stupid and turn him over to “professionals” so they can both work 60 hour weeks to pay for more welfare for Africans and mestizos.
The West can’t blame corporations on wealthy elites for this particular mess, it’s the fault of our own looney middle class liberals. It’s kind of like a 21st century version of 17th Century religious hysteria.
So these SWPL types came by their anti-white views entirely on their own then? They didn’t come from communist agitators embedding in the schools and social institutions?
Perhaps in AU there was less communist activism than in America. I can see where our Hollywood communists would infect the English speaking world via our entertainment exports. But I can’t believe that AU was exempted from the relentless communist long march through the institutions which has brought America (and Europe) to her present hour of crisis.
The spike in live births coincides with an collapse in real estate prices and a boom in commodity prices. Immigrants and foreign investors cannot get into Iceland easily
So when whites have a good future that they can predict, they have kids? Who knew?
One little discussed reason my generation didn’t have many kids was the Cold War. When you’re raised hiding under your desk at school because the Russians were about to nuke you into oblivion, you tend not to think ahead much. What does any of it matter – we will all be dead next week anyway..
There are no vowels in written Arabic (or Hebrew), nor uppercase letters, so we should just write mslm.Replies: @tbraton
I was still in the habit of writing “moslem,†but then I saw other posters were consistently writing “muslim,†so I decided to go with the flow
Nitpicker. Or should I say “ntpckr,” Rg Csr?
I wasn’t faulting the German company Grohe. They made a very smart business decision operating under the existing rules. I have bought products made in China that are junk and products made in China that are very high quality. I don’t know what the full story is, but apparently some American and German companies are able to outsource their manufacturing to China and benefit from the much lower labor costs and still retain quality control so there is no appreciable difference in quality from the products made in Germany or the States. By outsourcing the manufacturing to China, Grohe is able offer high quality products at a very competitive price.
Here’s a photo of a cuckoo chick helping a reed warbler defuse the demographic time bomb in the warbler’s nest:
You are probably right about the cost. However, it is a lot easier and better for the German companies to send over some expat engineers and outsource their labor than import third rate third world workers into Germany and have to cover their German living expenses with a wage.
I’d rather be a hammer than a nail…
But come on. The extent of the Muslim domain is very similar to the extent of the (formerly) white dominion. Islam is no shrinking violet. Europeans should take the gloves off, as least as far as the lands we hold are concerned.
That being said, I don’t see the sense in invading the Middle East just for the sake of it, unless it is after a neutron bombing and we recolonize it properly. Realistically we don’t need a lot of lebensraum with a TFR of 2.
Best Comment on the Japanese Deglobalisation article:
The first Edo collapsed when the United States navy opened up the Japanese market with the arrival of Commodore Perry’s “black ships” in 1853.
Oh God, don’t go giving the US navy any ideas …
What do they say about guys like Tsarnaev, etc? They were, not integrated, scorned, impoverished – ie, it wasn’t them, it was the US. Fair enough, what should the US do about it? – Get more of them. Is there at any point where we can expect incoming refugees to be grateful?
Well, as long as they’re honest about it.
I was still in the habit of writing “moslem,†but then I saw other posters were consistently writing “muslim,†so I decided to go with the flow
There are no vowels in written Arabic (or Hebrew), nor uppercase letters, so we should just write mslm.
That sounds like an interesting (and currently relevant) bit of history. Can you recommend any references discussing it?Replies: @Reg Cæsar
Seriously, such a plot ca. 1920 led Wall Street to soften its opposition somewhat to immigration control, which finally allowed it to pass. Explosions concentrate the mind.
Peter Brimelow brings it up now and then. I think it’s in Alien Nation and, if it is, he should list sources.
At a loss how the SWPL can be high and mighty about the environment. And then willingly invite a population from the 3rd world who demonstrably don’t care at all about resources nor preserving the environment.
It doesn’t matter who they are, what they believe, or how their behavior might change after emigrating. The inescapable problem is that their emigration makes room for more people in their country of origin.
Excellent points. Is it known that the majority of these persons are Syrians?
Thanks. It is not known with certainty to me that the majority of these people are Syrians, but I believe that’s how it is being reported and I was just assuming so for the sake of argument. However, even if they are not, the arguments should still apply, mutatis mutandis.
Excellent points. Is it known that the majority of these persons are Syrians?
Thanks. It is not known with certainty to me that the majority of these people are Syrians, but I believe that's how it is being reported and I was just assuming so for the sake of argument. However, even if they are not, the arguments should still apply, mutatis mutandis.
Excellent points. Is it known that the majority of these persons are Syrians?
I’d like to begin with a question:
What if Angela Merkel threw a party for 800,000 people, but not all 800,000 people came?
Steve is quite right that demographics involves much more than those who are currently bandying the term about realize. But even if we confine ourselves simply to “age structure and warm bodies,” it’s still more complicated than WaPo is making it out to be.
Simply swelling the adult population of a country by importing immigrants does nothing to reverse a demographic decline. It does not, in and of itself, result in any more children being born, and consequently it does not improve the fertility rate. Several commenters above have mentioned that the Syrians now flooding into Germany likely will have much higher fertility rates while in Germany than the native German population. I would not be so sure about that. If we are to assume that the low fertility of Western women is not the result of some organic condition peculiar to them but has been brought about by a complex mixture of enculturation, unenlightened self-interest, economic pressure, and leftist propaganda, then it seems reasonable to predict that these same factors will begin to work on the immigrant population as well. Materialism, shortsightedness, and vanity are not unique to Western mankind; and we still have not even accounted for the fact that these immigrants are 75% male, and there aren’t enough women among them to mount a breeding campaign. To all those who are nursing fantasies that the young Syrian studs will impregnate eager German women, I will simply say “don’t count on it.” Girls who are not interested in forming families with their much better positioned German males are not going to form them with relatively unstable refugees, either. They won’t even bear their children “accidentally,” not as long as contraception and abortion remain legal. In this instance the case of the United States is illustrative. Despite the huge numbers of Hispanics we have been burdened with (excuse me, “privileged to host”), the TFR of America is nevertheless a sub-replacement 1.9.
But while the claimed benefits to the immigrant receiving country never actually materialize, the adverse effects on the emigrant emitting country are positively devastating. The sending country–Syria in this case–has lost practically an entire generation of workers and breeders. It has distorted the native population pyramid and economy beyond repair. When a significant fraction of your work force and breeding stock simply disappears, there is no way to plug that hole. The only course of action is to contract, and subsist at a lower level of economic existence. That usually invites social problems which ultimately result in more of the same, but to discuss those now would take us too far afield.
When seen under this realist aspect, we can understand Merkel’s immigration policy for what it is. It is “Keynesianism with people” rather than Keynesianism with credit-money. In other words, it is a one-time parlor trick whereby the entire available adult population of the world is converted into economic cannon fodder for the Empire, leaving both the future and the provinces denuded of people. One wonders where she thinks she got the right to do it. If the Syrians had any sense, they would not go to Germany; they would not fall for the trick. At some point the flood of refugees will exhaust the supply of the sending country, and that will happen long before we reach the point of “800,000 this year, and 500,000 more every year thereafter.”
So again I ask the question I began with: What if Angela Merkel threw a world-party, but not all the world came?
Euro immigrants expect decent wages and working conditions. Syrians and other third world refugees will take whatever is given.
How much is it worth for a young male Syrian to get out of a Turkish refugee camp and into Germany? Lets say he is age 24. $1,000,000 is my guesstimate. Easily done even if he just a bakery worker for the next 40 years until age 64. If he brings a Syrian wife over and they have 3-5 children they will get all kinds of social welfare payments and subsidized medical so add this to the monetary bonanza for the Syrian born Muslim husband and wife .
Lots of immigrants end up working off the books, claiming no income so they can get welfare. They tend to be very profitable to employers who want low-cost labor. The Gasterbeiter program was popular with employers for this reason.
Germany has brought in lots of ethnic German “Volga Deutsch.” The problem? There aren’t that many left who haven’t migrated to Germany. They also want high wages.
Merkel has made Greece suffer badly during the austerity crisis. Leftist criticism hasn’t softened up German harshness towards the Greeks.
What about all the Poles and unemployed Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, etc.? Wasn't this the point of the EU's free movement of people concept? They have plenty of similar people who could come if they needed them.
Germany is rolling out the welcome mat as its unemployment rate has fallen to 6.2 percent — one of the lowest in Europe. Trade and service companies — from caterers to plumbing firms — are struggling to find new workers, with more than 37,000 trainee positions unfilled, according to the Federal Employment Agency.
Really? There are 800 thousand migrants expected in Germany this year. How many of them are Syrian doctors? The entire nation of Syria might have somewhere in the neighborhood of 34K physicians. So assuming they all go to Germany, then Germany probably shouldn't take in 800K refugees.
Couple that with that fact that many of the asylum seekers — especially Syrians — are highly educated or skilled workers and include doctors, engineers and architects. And suddenly, for Germany, some say, what initially seems like a crisis becomes something else.
This verbal jujitsu never ceases to amaze. First, European populations are bombarded that they should not have too many kids. They are told European peoples have too large a carbon footprint. We mustn't overpopulate. We need to conserve resources, etc, etc.
But in the long run, experts predict, many of them will stay and build new lives in Germany rather than return home. In a country projected to shrink by 13.2 million people by 2060, the newcomers could help Germany confront its long-term battle with population decline
Euro immigrants expect decent wages and working conditions. Syrians and other third world refugees will take whatever is given.
The search for cheap labor will never stop.
Who knew the extinction of the West would be due to simple innumeracy and the inability to think about exponential growth?
Has nothing to do with innumeracy but everything with culture. But, I guess, historians of Correlli Barnett’s statue are not in demand in Anglo-Saxon World. Well, him and Enoch Powell, of course.
We must invade iran to create more refugees for Europe and completely inundate the white race.
The white race is the most powerful hijra. They performed hijra to America, Canada, Australia, South Africa.
Islamic hijra is rat-hopping in comparison.
Liberal economist Dean Baker sees things differently. He says that with normal economic growth in a First World country, retirees can be provided the same standard of living by a smaller workforce, and that workforce will still have a higher standard of living than their parents did. And a smaller workforce increases the capital to labor ratio, meaning workers have more capital available with which to be productive. Fewer people also means lower housing costs and a cleaner environment. Baker disputes the notion of a “demographic time bomb.”
Sailer made the obvious point in his OP about why this is a bad idea.
But I’d also like to point out that this argument fails on its own terms. Fertility seems to be driven by the cost of family formation. The cost of family formation is driven way up when locals have to protect themselves or flee from all of the diversity. And as the costs of family formation goes up, fertility goes down.
These policies are just making the Demographic bomb worse.
I find the explosion in understanding of Islam encouraging. I remember reading the Koran back 12 or 13 years ago now trying to understand it like an engineer would. (It is not surprising that many jihadists are such people like engineers, as they are the ones who are smart enough to understand it.)
I understood then that Islam spreads by outward migration while seeming innocuous at first, gradually amassing power and numbers until they judge the time is right to kill, convert or subjugate. While I did not know the term ‘hijra’ it certainly fits with my understanding of Islam.
So it is great to see that Steve and others are getting this concept out there. I have always been an early adopter, things I have been interested in have often gone mainstream. I am again encouraged that a widespread understanding of Islam is an idea whose time has come.
Getting off the vaporetto in Venice was so powerful to my girlfriend that she burst into tears at the grandeur of it all. The thought of these savages potentially marauding around St. Mark’s Square should freeze the heart of any lover of culture.
There are lots of fields of inquiry in which age is not the most important aspect of demographics. Race, for instance, is typically primarily meant by the term “demographics” when, say, political analysts discuss the changing demographics of American voters. When newspaper articles complain about the demographics of Silicon Valley workforces, they tend to go out of their way to avoid mentioning the ongoing age discrimination to focus on race and sex.
But when it comes to Mass Muslim Migration, well it has to be good for the demographics, so that’s the end of the story.
“Hungary retains its sovereign right to decide which and how many migrants it will accept as citizens. However, in the interest of compromise, we will accept the EU’s unilaterally mandated quota, provided that this number consists of German and Swedish citizens that are unhappy with the policies their governments are forcing on them. This will help Hungary fulfill its goal of accepting immigrants from countries with common cultural values, while simultaneously moving Germany and Sweden closer to their goal of replacing their citizens with migrants. It’s a win-win.”
*crowd goes wild* Ozy for President! Ozy for President!
Yes, that’s all great Steve, but for almost any technical word invented to systematize kinds of difference its subsidiary meanings are hierarchical, which is why “demo” is a useful term at all (e.g. in TV ratings, it always refers to, *but never ONLY to*, the cross-section of age, as interacts with race, ZIP code, enthusiasm for Prilosec, etc. as compounding factors). Age i.e. the given proportions of human existence is the driver of the abstraction, more than college degrees or # of cats in the house. So it’s conceptually fundamental to the term, much of the time, even if not intrinsic to ALL demographic study. What you are bitching about here is petty; at worst the lay journalists are euphemizing to paper over the political tar baby, not “attacking science.” The post sounds like the geology professor or comic book twerp during the movie whining that volcano smoke doesn’t come out that way or that Thor can only throw his hammer south across the body when frost giants attack, per established canon of Asgard physics
All this talk of low-birth rates in Germany, but very little talk of root causes beyond the usual women in the work force, delayed marriage, too few daycare centers et al. claptrap. My guess is the hidden variable here is WW2, or more specifically Germany’s over the top self-flagellation for the sins of the Third Reich. Two successive generations of Germans have been taught to utterly reject and condemn even the notion of a good and virtuous Germanic identity. Self-hate is a powerful disincentive to having children.
It should come as no surprise then that Japan and Italy are both in lock-step with their Tripartite accomplice in having among the lowest birth rates in all of the world.
An excellent analysis, but I think you underestimate the wave of religiosity that has crested in the Muslim world in the last few decades. Wahabization is far advanced everywhere from Morocco to Java.
Joni Mitchell spelt it with a j. A very good album – Jaco Pastorius was particularly brilliant on it.
I like the WP author’s sly comparison of the expulsion of Muslims from Spain and the expulsion of Muslims from Palestine.
I recently bought some bathroom faucets and fixtures from the German company Grohe to upgrade my bathrooms, and, while the high quality products were “designed and engineered” in Germany, they were manufactured in China. My first experience with Grohe products was when I was living in Washington, D.C. about 30 years ago. The difference between the Grohe faucets then and comparable faucets was like night and day. A very solid product that you could tell simply by the feel. I’m pretty sure that the earlier faucets were made in Germany, however. If not manufactured in China but Germany, I am sure the new faucets would have cost about three times as much.
The Islamic State can only understand hijra as physical migration for the purpose of jihad.
Can we just refer to this as “hijihad” and be done with it?
“Politicians tend to be old (how old was Reagan?), but what you say is true, and we’re starting to see it with the anti-white agitations in colleges, etc. The Democrats are going to change color soon, and those who engineered it will not find it as pleasant as they thought.”
The Democratic Party claims it is the party of the Blacks, the Browns, and the young Millennials, yet the Democratic Party leadership is the extreme opposite of all 3 of those.
I thought SFG was obviously referring to the Jewish scientists who helped the U.S. develop the atomic bomb. In fact, he says that “if we’d just left those guys alone in 1933 we’d have the Bomb.”
Is there any possibility that iSteve could show readers who did not look at the Swedenreport you flagged one or two of the poignant photos of saved children.
I find it difficult to decide, between the amazingly fast child runner and the happy child with the teddy bear, which is the most heart-warming.
From the linked commencement address:
“Both the Qu’ran and the Constitution teach ideals of peace, justice and compassion, ideals that command my love, and my belief. Each of these texts, one the heart of my religion, the other that of my country, demand a constant struggle to do what is right.”
That’s odd. I don’t recall any provisions of the Constitution that call for the beheading of non-believers. Maybe the commencement speaker learned a completely different interpretation of the “separation of powers” contained in the Constitution and concluded that the two documents are basically the same. I also seem to recall that the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. It’s been a while since I read the Koran, but I don’t recall any such noble assertions in the Koran. Other than those differences, the two documents seem quite similar. (Where are those Ethiopian punctuation marks for sarcasm when I need them?)
What about all the Poles and unemployed Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, etc.? Wasn't this the point of the EU's free movement of people concept? They have plenty of similar people who could come if they needed them.
Germany is rolling out the welcome mat as its unemployment rate has fallen to 6.2 percent — one of the lowest in Europe. Trade and service companies — from caterers to plumbing firms — are struggling to find new workers, with more than 37,000 trainee positions unfilled, according to the Federal Employment Agency.
Really? There are 800 thousand migrants expected in Germany this year. How many of them are Syrian doctors? The entire nation of Syria might have somewhere in the neighborhood of 34K physicians. So assuming they all go to Germany, then Germany probably shouldn't take in 800K refugees.
Couple that with that fact that many of the asylum seekers — especially Syrians — are highly educated or skilled workers and include doctors, engineers and architects. And suddenly, for Germany, some say, what initially seems like a crisis becomes something else.
This verbal jujitsu never ceases to amaze. First, European populations are bombarded that they should not have too many kids. They are told European peoples have too large a carbon footprint. We mustn't overpopulate. We need to conserve resources, etc, etc.
But in the long run, experts predict, many of them will stay and build new lives in Germany rather than return home. In a country projected to shrink by 13.2 million people by 2060, the newcomers could help Germany confront its long-term battle with population decline
Really incredible. Decades and decades of heavy breathing about population control reversed in a matter of what, the last 2-3 years? Complete assholes.
“The end result is that 25 years from now 20% or more of the German population will be comprised of Third Worlders who have arrived since 2015.”
Who knew the extinction of the West would be due to simple innumeracy and the inability to think about exponential growth?
(Unless you’ve been working hard for that goal for a long time… it probably takes a combination of both.)
Has nothing to do with innumeracy but everything with culture. But, I guess, historians of Correlli Barnett's statue are not in demand in Anglo-Saxon World. Well, him and Enoch Powell, of course.
Who knew the extinction of the West would be due to simple innumeracy and the inability to think about exponential growth?
Apparently, Frau Merkel doesn’t realize that Germany is not located in the Near East like Israel.
I’m sure that there are radical Moslems who want to take over the world. But it is extremely unlikely that the current flood of migrants have any other motive than making money, and perhaps for the Syrians, physical safety.
They may get designs on taking over the world after a few years of living in the infidel lands (which is why they shouldn’t be allowed in), but, for now, the idea that they are some kind of stealth army, is absurd.
It is suffering the damage from the explosion under way that grows bigger and bigger.
Just ask the Native Americans whether or not all that immigration helped defuse their demographic time bomb.
From here:
The guestworker program was designed to send workers home with skills in a program that was supposed to enrich both Germany and the guestworkers’ countries of origin. A very different idea about universalism, I’d say.
There is nothing as permanent as a temporary guest worker
A better bomb metaphor would have today’s “migrant” vanguard acting as the detonator for the far bigger “migrations” to come.
Where do we send donations?Could this be enough to finally get billionaires interested in border control? �
A notorious al Qaeda magazine is encouraging lone-wolf terrorist attacks on U.S. economic leaders
Seriously, such a plot ca. 1920 led Wall Street to soften its opposition somewhat to immigration control, which finally allowed it to pass. Explosions concentrate the mind.
That sounds like an interesting (and currently relevant) bit of history. Can you recommend any references discussing it?
The EU migrants don’t stay. It appears that maybe less than a third of them stay. I’m not concerned about the non-Europeans. Its such an underpopulated island, and really not a popular destination for non-EU folks. And I don’t think I’m being indulgent when I say the Irish will never lose their identity, even as they’ve lost their religion. Check out the incredible documentary One Million Dubliners about Glasnevin cemetery to see what I mean. There’s not a nation in Europe that honors its ancestors more devoutly, or its founders. (The amount of flowers that show up every day at Michael Collins grave is unreal.) But if the island ever needs to be saved from hordes, the protestants up north would come to the fore, because they’re effin racist as hell, proud loud supremacists, who would probably nationalize the issue just to say it more.
Actually this pro-refugee hysteria a largely a bottom up rather than top down movement.
Not a chance. The mass media lead the way as always. They’re full of messages — like this one by Piketty — urging attitudes and policies that will wipe out the indigenous European population.
I think you are confusing those who control the megaphone — the chattering class — with the mass of middle class and working class persons. Polls in all developed western countries consistently show a widespread desire that borders be controlled and immigration limited. This is reflected in rising percentages of votes for UKIP and similar parties and the widespread — and to the chattering class shocking — support for Trump in the USA.
“If younger is better, why don’t the over 65 years of age senior citizen dinosaurs who run The Democratic Party step down and give up their power to the darker skin and younger generation of Democrats. Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, etc all belong in a retirement home in The Villages, Florida.”
Oh, right. Just dump all those old farts on Florida and change our demographics, while you keep all the vibrant young folks.
What about all the Poles and unemployed Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, etc.? Wasn't this the point of the EU's free movement of people concept? They have plenty of similar people who could come if they needed them.
Germany is rolling out the welcome mat as its unemployment rate has fallen to 6.2 percent — one of the lowest in Europe. Trade and service companies — from caterers to plumbing firms — are struggling to find new workers, with more than 37,000 trainee positions unfilled, according to the Federal Employment Agency.
Really? There are 800 thousand migrants expected in Germany this year. How many of them are Syrian doctors? The entire nation of Syria might have somewhere in the neighborhood of 34K physicians. So assuming they all go to Germany, then Germany probably shouldn't take in 800K refugees.
Couple that with that fact that many of the asylum seekers — especially Syrians — are highly educated or skilled workers and include doctors, engineers and architects. And suddenly, for Germany, some say, what initially seems like a crisis becomes something else.
This verbal jujitsu never ceases to amaze. First, European populations are bombarded that they should not have too many kids. They are told European peoples have too large a carbon footprint. We mustn't overpopulate. We need to conserve resources, etc, etc.
But in the long run, experts predict, many of them will stay and build new lives in Germany rather than return home. In a country projected to shrink by 13.2 million people by 2060, the newcomers could help Germany confront its long-term battle with population decline
“What about all the Poles and unemployed Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, etc.? Wasn’t this the point of the EU’s free movement of people concept? They have plenty of similar people who could come if they needed them.”
I believe the Germans concluded that Christians from Greece, Italy and Spain did not assimilate as well as Muslim Turks.
At a loss how the SWPL can be high and mighty about the environment. And then willingly invite a population from the 3rd world who demonstrably don’t care at all about resources nor preserving the environment. And the big fallacy remains bringing in more people doesn’t help anything if they are really a financial and resource drag on your economy . Fewer people dividing up water, land, resources, etc. has to be better deal.
It doesn't matter who they are, what they believe, or how their behavior might change after emigrating. The inescapable problem is that their emigration makes room for more people in their country of origin.
At a loss how the SWPL can be high and mighty about the environment. And then willingly invite a population from the 3rd world who demonstrably don’t care at all about resources nor preserving the environment.
Immigrants are substantial cost to the UK, even with large scale European working age population included. Still not convinced they have included all the cost immigrants impose in these figures.
But in detail, the Germans did not displace the Romans. They occupied vacant land … land the Romans could no longer populate due to their demographic implosion (a.k.a. Roman women ceasing to have babies).
The borders of the Roman empire were depopulated because of raids from beyond the borders. The tribes were then invited in to guard the border.
Rome rotted from the inside because their corrupted elite imported millions of slaves crushing the small farmers and artisans – i.e. exactly the same as now.
When I was growing up in the 50’s, Italy was supposed to be a country with an abnormally high rate of population growth attributable in no small part to the Vatican’s opposition to birth control. But it turned out that the perception lagged the actual statistics, for Italy was rapidly on its way to one of the lowest population growth rates in Europe. It turns out that the good Catholics of Italy were not only turning a deaf ear to the instructions of the Pope when it came to birth control but other population control methods as well.
What about all the Poles and unemployed Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, etc.? Wasn't this the point of the EU's free movement of people concept? They have plenty of similar people who could come if they needed them.
Germany is rolling out the welcome mat as its unemployment rate has fallen to 6.2 percent — one of the lowest in Europe. Trade and service companies — from caterers to plumbing firms — are struggling to find new workers, with more than 37,000 trainee positions unfilled, according to the Federal Employment Agency.
Really? There are 800 thousand migrants expected in Germany this year. How many of them are Syrian doctors? The entire nation of Syria might have somewhere in the neighborhood of 34K physicians. So assuming they all go to Germany, then Germany probably shouldn't take in 800K refugees.
Couple that with that fact that many of the asylum seekers — especially Syrians — are highly educated or skilled workers and include doctors, engineers and architects. And suddenly, for Germany, some say, what initially seems like a crisis becomes something else.
This verbal jujitsu never ceases to amaze. First, European populations are bombarded that they should not have too many kids. They are told European peoples have too large a carbon footprint. We mustn't overpopulate. We need to conserve resources, etc, etc.
But in the long run, experts predict, many of them will stay and build new lives in Germany rather than return home. In a country projected to shrink by 13.2 million people by 2060, the newcomers could help Germany confront its long-term battle with population decline
This verbal jujitsu never ceases to amaze…
And yet all of it 100% consistent.
Whatever the context the media promotes whichever option is worst for white people.
meant to reply to you: scroll up. Benadryl made me reply to myself!
Was the United States a horrible place in 1950 when there were ‘only’ 157 million of us. 1960 when, in the midst of the baby boom we had grown to 182 million? California had just under 8 million people in 1940. You could drive the speed limit all the way to Santa Rosa or San Jose from San Francisco and San Francisco had everything it has today except some ugly glass towers and derelicts. When you look at population numbers in terms of quality of life ‘bigger is not better’ unless you are in real estate.
I disagree that the elite want us destroyed
The simple fact is they use birth rates to promote immigration without *ever* suggesting policies for increasing the native birth rate.
You don’t need to wipe a nation out to the last person to destroy it as a nation.
The poisonous media culture in white countries has been actively anti-natal for decades and that’s on top of the economic considerations of higher housing costs due to immigration and constant white flight from “bad schools”.
And their children will still be alive and paying for their parent’s stupid thinking.
When the first European strangers came to Hiawatha’s tribe, he showed them that the established environment was idyllic.
The first novelty was the strangers’ different religion, but the tribe accepted the new religious difference respectfully and even helped to spread it.
Came the Black-Robe chief, the Prophet,
He the Priest of Prayer, the Pale-face,
With his guides and his companions.And the noble Hiawatha,
With his hands aloft extended,
Held aloft in sign of welcome,
Then the joyous Hiawatha
Cried aloud and spake in this wise :Beautiful is the sun, O strangers,
When you come so far to see us !
All our town in peace awaits you,
All our doors stand open for you ;
You shall enter all our wigwams,
For the heart’s right hand we give you.Never gloomed the earth so gayly,
Never shone the sun so brightly,
As today they shine and blossom
When you come so far to see us !Never was our lake so tranquil,
Nor so free from rocks and sand-bars ;
For your birch-canoe in passing
Has removed both rock and sand-bar !Never before had our tobacco
Such a sweet and pleasant flavour,
Never the broad leaves of our corn-fields
Were so beautiful to look on,
As they seem to us this morning,
When you come so far to see us !And the Black-Robe chief made answer,
Stammered in his speech a little,
Speaking words yet unfamiliar :Peace be with you, Hiawatha,
Peace be with you and your people,
Peace of prayer, and peace of pardon,
Peace of Christ, and joy of Mary !Then the generous Hiawatha
Led the strangers to his wigwam,
Seated them on skins of bison,
Seated them on skins of ermine,And the careful, old Nokomis
Brought them food in bowls of bass-wood,
Water brought in birchen dippers,
And the calumet, the peace-pipe,
Filled and lighted for their smoking.All the old men of the village,
All the warriors of the nation,
All the Jossakeeds, the prophets,
The magicians, the Wabenos,
And the medicine-men, the Medas,
Came to bid the strangers welcome ;
” It is well,” they said, ” O brothers,
That you come so far to see us ! ”In a circle round the doorway,
With their pipes they sat in silence,
Waiting to behold the strangers,
Waiting to receive their message ;…..
Then the Black-Robe chief, the prophet,
Told his message to the people,
Told the purport of his mission,
Told them of the Virgin Mary,
And her blessed Son, the Saviour,How in distant lands and ages
He had lived on earth as we do ;
How he fasted, prayed, and laboured ;
How the Jews, the tribe accursed,
Mocked him, scourged him, crucified him ;
How he rose from where they laid him,
Walked again with his disciples,
And ascended into heaven.And the chiefs made answer, saying :
We have listened to your message,
We have heard your words of wisdom,
We will think on what you tell us.It is well for us, O brothers,
That you come so far to see us !Then they rose up and departed
Each one homeward to his wigwam,
To the young men and the women
Told the story of the strangers
Whom the Master of Life had sent them
From the shining land of Wabun.
“(That was back in the days when progressive opinion favored the spelling “Moslem†and only dusty imperialists stuck with the offensively old-fashioned “Muslim.â€)”
Thanks for pointing that out. When I first started posting on-line about 10 or so years ago, I was still in the habit of writing “moslem,” but then I saw other posters were consistently writing “muslim,” so I decided to go with the flow without exploring the issue since there were only two letters that could possibly be offended by the change. I didn’t have any inkling that my change in spelling might convert me from a “progressive” to “a dusty imperialist.” Had I known, I would have stuck to my old spelling. The mere thought of her beloved son being thought of as “dusty” has my late mother rolling in her grave.
The one area that still has me a bit confused is the choice between “black” and “African-American” since I grew up using “Negro” as the proper term. Things are not made any easier when I see opinion pieces in the NY Times by a woman of color complaining how offensive references to watermelon can be, even when made jokingly. The piece interchangeably switches (often in the same sentence) from “black” to “African-American.” Ironically, the same woman has a memoir out (in the Young Adult Category) with the title “Brown Girl Dreaming,” and she refers to herself in the piece as “a brown girl growing up in the United States.” I’m all confused, but the thought that occurred to me is that is one way to defuse current racial tensions in the U.S.: change the name of #BlackLivesMatter to #BrownLivesMatter. And that is one more reason why I have decided to start a new organization with the title #AllWordsMatter. Our motto will be based on the old nursery rhyme that we all remember chanting as kids: “sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will always hurt you.”
There are no vowels in written Arabic (or Hebrew), nor uppercase letters, so we should just write mslm.Replies: @tbraton
I was still in the habit of writing “moslem,†but then I saw other posters were consistently writing “muslim,†so I decided to go with the flow
The West can’t blame corporations on wealthy elites for this particular mess, it’s the fault of our own looney middle class liberals.
Of course they can. The media have been mounted a concerted campaign to bounce the public into this deliberately manipulating the empathic responses of the European peoples in order to destroy them.
The entire media has been engaged in this campaign 24/7 – and yet only a minority of SWPLs have fallen for it.
The media then use this minority of SWPLs to justify it after the fact.
This has been a psyop from day one.
Had the same experience. My former U is now 99.9% (the .o1% stay low on the radar) full of them. There were still some professors around who were genuinely non-partisan in my day.
I thought the point of U was to develop critical thinking, not blindly follow every dumb idea cooked up by socialists, past and present…dead white guys, indeed. Hey, why doesn’t someone point out those dead white guys: Shouldn’t their life’s work be panned, too, since the dead poets really wrote more about love and loss?
Boomers didn’t have the benefit of knowing the USSR would implode by the late 80’s; EU turned into a failure; corporations (and Wall St.) now fully run the world together with the billionaires and multi-millionaires, the oligarchs, the despots; and that the environment is distressed beyond hope. Of course, there were some who sensed this future…the ones who actually did learn to think critically, and not conform to any movement/mass opinion. Remaining independent, at all times, is SOOO hard! (I’m whiny today because the ragweed is sooo tough to deal with right now and must limit Benadryl because I must “operate heavy machinery” today.)
I find it so annoying that all these youts who graduate from elite U’s still flock to finance sector (law is less popular: no jobs) and leave behind all past notions of saving the whales/global climate change/all the subjects of the essays they wrote to be accepted to elite U in the first place: it’s always about the money, even for liberals.
Suddenly foreseeing the invasion of the White men and the dispersal of the Indians, Hiawatha realizes stoically that soon he will lose his idyllic environment.
His vision had foretold that the White Men’s arrival would be preceded by swarms of insects (Ahmo) and bees, and Hiawatha already sees those swarms flying westward through the forest.
Hiawatha recognizes that soon he himself will have to move westward.
By the shore of Gitche Gumee,
By the shining Big-Sea-Water,
At the doorway of his wigwam,
In the pleasant Summer morning,
Hiawatha stood and waited.All the air was full of freshness,
All the earth was bright and joyous,
And before him, through the sunshine,
Westward toward the neighbouring forest
Passed in golden swarms the Ahmo,
Passed the bees, the honey-makers,
Burning, singing in the sunshine.Bright above him shone the heavens,
Level spread the lake before him ;
From its bosom leaped the sturgeon,
Sparkling, flashing in the sunshine ;On its margin the great forest
Stood reflected in the water,
Every tree-top had its shadow,
Motionless beneath the water.From the brow of Hiawatha
Gone was every trace of sorrow.
As the fog from off the water,
As the mist from off the meadow.With a smile of joy and triumph,
With a look of exultation,
As of one who in a vision
Sees what is to be, but is not,
Stood and waited Hiawatha.Toward the sun his hands were lifted,
Both the palms spread out against it,
And between the parted fingers
Fell the sunshine on his features,
Flecked with light his naked shoulders,
As it falls and flecks an oak-tree
Through the rifted leaves and branches.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Song of Hiawatha ends with the imminent dispersal of the American Indian tribes by European strangers. An Indian traveler named Iagoo tells Hiawatha’s tribe that he recently has been to the east coast and seen a huge ship with tall masts and sails. The ship is full of white-face, bearded men.
Came a great canoe with pinions,
A canoe with wings came flying,
Bigger than a grove of pine-trees,
Taller than the tallest tree-tops !
In it, said he, came a people,
In the great canoe with pinions
Came, he said, a hundred warriors ;
Painted white were all their faces,
And with hair their chins were covered !
Hiawatha’s tribe mockingly dismisses Iagoo’s report as absurd, but Hiawatha says that he himself has seen a confirming vision. Hiawatha says that the Indians should welcome the strangers but that ultimately the strangers will fill the land and disperse all the Indians westward.
Only Hiawatha laughed not,
But he gravely spake and answered
To their jeering and their jesting :True is all lagoo tells us ;
I have seen it in a vision,Seen the great canoe with pinions,
Seen the people with white faces,
Seen the coming of this bearded
People of the wooden vessel
From the regions of the morning,
From the shining land of Wabun.….
Let us welcome, then, the strangers,
Hail them as our friends and brothers,
And the heart’s right hand of friendship
Give them when they come to see us.
Gitche Manito, the Mighty,
Said this to me in my vision.I beheld, too, in that vision
All the secrets of the future,
Of the distant days that shall be.
I beheld the westward marches
Of the unknown, crowded nations.All the land was full of people,
Restless, struggling, toiling, striving,
Speaking many tongues, yet feeling
But one heart-beat in their bosoms.In the woodlands rang their axes,
Smoked their towns in all the valleys,
Over all the lakes and rivers
Rushed their great canoes of thunder.Then a darker, drearier vision
Passed before me, vague and cloud-like ;I beheld our nations scattered,
All forgetful of my counsels,
Weakened, warring with each other ;
Saw the remnants of our people
Sweeping westward, wild and woeful,
Like the cloud-rack of a tempest,
Like the withered leaves of autumn ! ”
Every pundit and his dog has been saying for at least three decades that the 21st Century will belong to Asia and the West will have to eat ashes.
The West has also experienced deeply discombobulating mass migration and suffered a corrosive liberal ideology apparently designed to bring its civilisation down upon itself.
I understand what you are saying and it is one of the features of the West’s contemporary intellectual life is to worship at the shrine of simple solutions, to imagine that extrapolation is destiny and to not peer closely at the cracks elsewhere.
Yet history is replete with examples of civilisations that crashed, sometimes at hallucinatory speed. If the West goes soon its upswing will not have last half as long as Rome did.
What is the political or social equivalent of diatomaceous earth? You know, the stuff that corrodes the exoskeleton, leading to a slow, painful death by exposure and dehydration.
When carpenter ants try to move from the woodpile to my house, they run into a poison barrier.
When deer try to come on my property, eat my plants and spread lime disease, they run into me, my slingshot and some rocks.
When mice try to breed here, they run into poison, traps, and a neighbor’s helpful cats…
Hegira is just another word for a pest invasion
What is the political or social equivalent of diatomaceous earth?
Funny you should mention that. My father mined that stuff in California, before I was born. In my office hangs an old, wooden telephone (with a crank!) that he liberated from the old mine. They used that phone to call the surface. Dad was a brilliant engineer who went from that mine to the top of a Dow Jones industrial during my childhood.
The political equivalent of diatomaceous earth is Donald Trump: useful for many things, little understood by the mainstream, and extremely effective. Oh, and it can be irritating if you try to put it in poetry or in a transgender fashion show. We are talking about protecting our people here, not making cupcakes.
But won’t the blacks ruin the culture and neighborhoods of the new Europeans (Arabs)?
“So uncool, such dead wood, would be dead in a forest alone in 24 hours in Alaska, or Borneo!”
Lol. I went to a public ivy. The experience was well worth it just for knowing the few people who were interesting, because they were really interesting. One guy had an IQ of 200, and he was heavily medicated for intermittent explosive disorder. Uniquely intense to be around. He just kind of radiated his thoughts it seemed. One day walking through campus, he offered a squirrel some crumbs, the squirrel came right up to him, and became his pet. There are photos on facebook of the squirrel just chilling on his shoulder at a party—I’m not kidding. Another guy had come from Brown, after falling off from dropping a lot of acid. Talking to a hyper-smart person who is naturally very abstract about acid is a trip, and I never did it because he told me, “It will change you, profoundly.” Apparently it had changed him into an impervious and perpetually placid guy who had no idea at all what his life was about, but that had become his natural state. An authentic stereotype. Then there was someone I later found out was a CEyeA recruit (but ya never know) and so much interpersonal interaction suddenly turned around in the my mind, and I realized I had misjudged the recruit’s intelligence the entire time, because that’s exactly what the recruit wanted me to think. Lol.
Thanks for exposing this, Steve.
So they want to destroy the demographic time bomb with the immigration bomb?
It is as insane as saying the palm trees in the garden are getting old so let us bomb them with napalm.
Our Sacred Corporate Overlords don’t like it when the human livestock stop reproducing….gotta get more livestock in the pens….The Holy Corporate Profits shall not drop! The number of workers and consumers shall rise!
Inspired by Scott Adams’ postings on Donald Trump, here is some “re-branding” that might be favorable to the Forces of Sanity. It could be a good idea, whenever grammar and logic permit, to replace the phrase”Illegal Immigration” with the phrase “Importing War” (which I think I stole from F.P. Barbieri). Thus, “We must stop illegal immigration” becomes “We must stop importing war“, “Billionaires love illegal immigration” becomes “Billionaires love to import war“, etc. First of all, the latter is a more active phrase- illegality is an abstract concept, equally at home in some airy Platonic Third Realm as it is in the world of human activity. “To import”, though, is a verb, which naturally raises the question, “If war is being imported, who is doing the importing?” Taking the focus off of the migrants and onto the politicians who encourage lawbreaking puts attention back where it should be.
“Illegal”, despite the attempts of spin doctors to replace it with “undocumented”, also doesn’t create the strongest imagery, or “anchor”, in the mind. Lots of Americans have engaged in activity that is technically illegal- smoking grass, hosting a poker game, double-parking, etc. We associate the term with things that are somewhat unpleasant, but generally impossible to completely suppress, like the drug trade. “Immigrant” also doesn’t always paint a useful image in the mind. Most Americans are on friendly terms with at least a few immigrant co-workers. Say “immigrant”, and many people will think of their pal Vladimir from IT, not the Tsarnaev brothers. “War” is a far more vivid word, calling to mind artillery-shattered cityscapes and hospitals full of bleeding, screaming patients.
It’s not a perfect replacement, even apart from the grammatical difference- violence and bloodshed are hardly the only problems created by mass immigration, and the term is much more applicable to certain immigrant groups than it is to others- but “Politicians are completely indifferent to the future wars that they are importing to our country” does have a certain ring to it, does it not?
You can always export the surplus to other countries suffering from the demographic catastrophe of less-than-Singapore population densities. Its a big world.
You have that right. About the evolution of Muslims when they come to infidel lands. Such as the 800,000 jamming in now. How they might start out good and pretty non-religious but once they import in wives and family (to say the UK) it all goes downhill and they form no-go communities. Where police will be stoned and all women are forced to wear head scarves. Where they start ostentatiously praying in the streets in a display of their numbers and power.
Plus once they get settled they learn through the grapevine how to exploit the European welfare systems. And turn to scams and petty crime.
Sorry, it would be impossible to reference a lifetime of fascination and reading about the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire. As a starter, try Gibbon’s “Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire” … all six volumes.
Well, there is the theory that a Communist Germany would have been strong enough to become an independent Communist state the way China did…
OK, never mind, that’s even scarier.
Politicians tend to be old (how old was Reagan?), but what you say is true, and we’re starting to see it with the anti-white agitations in colleges, etc. The Democrats are going to change color soon, and those who engineered it will not find it as pleasant as they thought.
This is why I always wondered about Steve’s enthusiasm for ‘affordable family formation’. If you have more than 2 kids indefinitely, won’t your culture eventually run out of space?
That’s hilarious.
Someone just said: “I’m totally unfamiliar with that trope. If their clerics really do studiously engage it I respect them less. The movement between memory and forgetting sounds like plain dementia. What an absurd thing to make a moralism out of.” LOL
I’ve noted this on other threads, but the consequences of what are often sold as small levels of Immigration, like “just” 0.5% of your population per year in immigration per year, are enormous.
Let 400,000 Third Worlders immigrate into Germany, a country of 80 million, each year. Germany has a stagnant population, so sans immigration the population in 25 years, roughly the length of a generation, would still be 80 million. But to that 80 million you’ve now added (25 x 400,000) immigrants – 10 million people. So now the population is 90 million, 11% of whom are immigrants.
But wait – that’s before accounting for the fact that the immigrants are far more likely to be of breeding age, while for the purposes of reproduction over half of Germany’s current population is effectively dead.
It’s before accounting for the fact that immigrant birthrates are probably twice those of native Germans.
The end result is that 25 years from now 20% or more of the German population will be comprised of Third Worlders who have arrived since 2015. Most Germans alive today will still be alive in 25 years. They might want to think about that, and not just in ways that make them feel all warm and fuzzy for 10 seconds or so.
My wife and I tried to defuse the “demographic time bomb” last night. We did it by engaging in intercourse. It was more fun than importing half-a-million Muslims a year. The Germans oughta try it.
Yes, its impressive that the Germans rebuilt after the war and they needed the Turks, Italians, Greeks, Yugoslavs et al to keep the economy going and become the powerhouse Germany is today. With under 5% unemployment, there can be no doubt that these economic migrants are part of Germany’s success.
How have they changed Germany? I don’t know if its true or not that Germans didn’t eat garlic before the Turks et al came but a Turk who went to Germany in the late 60’s told me that he was once told to get off a bus because he smelled like garlic and now everyone in Germany loves garlic.
There was a news item about a German school housing young men from Syria in a gym and sending a note to the parents that the girls should dress more modestly. That was kind of funny as the Germans have an attitude about nudity that most Americans would be uncomfortable with.
That line makes me think of the Hooters: