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Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Thursday, February 13, 2025.  Official White House Photo by Joyce Boghosian.
On Thursday the full Senate voted to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). This gave Kennedy full authority over one of America's largest government bureaucracies, including its 90,000 employees and an annual budget of nearly $2 trillion, twice that of the Department of Defense. Ironies abounded in that... Read More
We are fueling a population explosion
Thumbnail credit: © Imago via ZUMA Press This video is available on Rumble, Bitchute, Odysee, Telegram, and X. On his first day in office, President Trump announced a 90-day freeze on foreign aid. People screeched that if we stopped paying for AIDS treatment in Africa, hundreds of thousands would die. The administration quickly turned the... Read More
There's a famous, apparently true story regarding the aftermath of the purge and summary execution of NKVD chief Lavrenti Beria in the old Soviet Union. Beria had spent many years at the pinnacle of Soviet power and naturally had been given a long and glowing entry in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, copies of which were... Read More
Investigating the Sounds of Silence
Last week the New York Times ran a lengthy front-page hit-piece against Robert F. Kennedy Jr., scion of America's most famous political family and an underdog challenger to President Joseph Biden in the Democratic Primaries. Kennedy's unexpectedly strong campaign had recently stumbled when the novice candidate made some incautious remarks at a private dinner regarding... Read More
Credit: Gage Skitmore/Wikimedia Commons; Shutterstock
As the 69-year-old heir to the most famous political dynasty in our country's modern history and the son and nephew of slain American leaders, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has lived his entire life in the public eye. But although he's had a successful career as an environmental lawyer and political activist, America is a large... Read More
Until the last year or two, I'd never paid any attention to the anti-vaxxing movement, which very occasionally received some coverage in my newspapers. It seemed to mostly consist of a small slice of agitated women from affluent suburbs, morbidly fearful that the standard series of childhood vaccinations would injure their infants, perhaps producing autism... Read More
As an heir to the most famous political family in modern American history, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is hardly an obscure individual, and recent events have greatly elevated his national prominence. Although he had spent most of his career as a highly-successful environmental attorney, during the early 2000s he gradually became involved with the grassroots... Read More
All of us necessarily focus on different areas, and until quite recently I'd never paid much attention to public health issues, naively assuming that these were in the hands of reasonably competent and reasonably honest government servants, monitored by journalists and academics of similar reliability. For many of us, myself included, an important crack in... Read More
Last month I happened to read Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s new book The Real Anthony Fauci, which had almost immediately become a #1 Amazon bestseller. I was quite impressed with a great deal of the material presented, which sharply criticized our pharmaceutical industry and its close allies in the public health bureaucracy. But what completely... Read More
Ron Unz responded to the AP’s 4,000-word hit piece against RFK Jr. just hours after its publication. He noticed a very strange omission: “Almost half of the entire book under attack—around 200 pages—is devoted to the presenting and promoting the astonishing claim that everything we have been told about HIV/AIDS for more than 35 years... Listen
In this image from video posted on the Children\
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s book attacking Anthony Fauci and the medical establishment has become a publishing sensation, spending more than a full week as the #1 Amazon bestseller and racking up over 2,600 reviews, 94% of them five-star. Now after nearly a month of stunned silence, the American media is finally taking belated notice. This... Read More
Over the last year or so, fervent anti-vaxxers have become a major presence on our alt-media website, a situation I found very disagreeable. Many of our longtime columnists---Mike Whitney, Paul Craig Roberts, Linh Dinh, Gilad Atzmon, and Israel Shamir---had also moved strongly into that ideological camp, with Whitney's long articles drawing enormous readership from across... Read More
Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
We are very grateful that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Skyhorse Publishing have authorized us to republish the introduction to his Amazon #1 bestseller, which has now attracted more than 1,100 reviews, 96% of them five-star. I wrote this book to help Americans—and citizens across the globe—understand the historical underpinnings of the bewildering cataclysm that... Read More
A Partial Review of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s new book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health is not the book of a politician seeking attention. It is the book of a man determined to stake his own life in the resistance against the unfolding bio-terrorist assault on humankind... Read More
The HIV/AIDS Story
I am persuaded by the arguments that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS and that like President Thabo Mbeki I have done the unspeakable scientific act of looking at the evidence and then deciding to change my mind. The Scandal Started April 23, 1984 1984 was an election year and US President Ronald Reagan had not said... Read More
In 2002 Arnold S. Relman, a professor of medicine at Harvard University commented that: "The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country [USA] are allowing themselves to be the paid... Read More
Conference: Challenging Avaricious Viral Paradigms
Much has happened in the last third of a century. We are still fighting against the most colossal blunder and hoax in medical history. I am proud to be among you. I've been thinking back to the beginning of the epidemic. In the early 1980s came the first reports of allegedly rare diseases among gay... Read More
If one rounded up all the usual suspects to explain today’s failed social engineering, the absence of personal responsibility would top the list. In a nutshell, government initiatives will invariably come up short if the recipient of this largess refuses to take blame for his or her tribulations. Education is a perfect example—an unprepared youngster... Read More
This post tries to debunk some popular, but misguided, views on demographic trends in today's Russia. These consist of the perception that Russia is in a demographic "death spiral" that dooms it to national decline (Biden, Eberstadt, NIC, CIA, Stratfor, etc). Some extreme pessimists even predict that ethnic Russians - ravaged by AIDS, infertility and... Read More
ResearchGate Source of Full PDF Publisher's Preface Acknowledgments Foreword by Kary B. Mullis ONE • Losing the War on AIDS TWO • The Great Bacteria Hunt THREE • Virus Hunting Takes Over FOUR • Virologists in the War on Cancer FIVE • AIDS: The Virus Hunters Converge SIX • A Fabricated Epidemic SEVEN • Dissension... Read More