The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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Alison Weir Barbara Honegger Ben Davidson Catherine Austin Fitts Christopher Bollyn David Ray Griffin Douglas Valentine Edward T. Haslam Ellen Brown F. William Engdahl Franck Biancheri Frank Morales Gary Null Gilad Atzmon Graeme Macqueen Hamid Gul Indira Singh J. Michael Springmann James Bacque James Corbett James Tracy Jim Fetzer Jim Garrison John Davis Jonathan Simon Judyth Vary Baker Keith Harmon Snow Kevin Barrett Kevin Ryan Marshall Auerback Max Keiser Michael Hudson Michael Ratner Michel Chossudovsky Ole Dammegard Oliver Stone Peter Dale Scott Peter Phillips Reese Erlich Richard Gage Robert Schoch Russ Baker Stephanie Kelton Steven Jones Suzanne Humphries The Saker Tod Fletcher Wal Thornhill Wayne Madsen Webster Griffin Tarpley William K. Black William Pepper Alain Parquez Alan Phillips Alan Sabrosky Ann Tomkins April Gallop Art Olivier Arthur Stamoulis Barry Kissin Bob Bowman Charlie Eaton Charlotte Dennett Craig Bartmer Dan Kovalik Daniel Estulin Darwin Bond Graham Dave Lindorff Dave von Kleist David Cay Johnston David Cobb David Meiswinkle David Miller David Talbott Dmitry Orlov Dongping Han Dorothy Naor Dr. Joel Wallach Eric Nadler Excerpts from Part Five of Evidence of Revision Francis A. Boyle Frank Morales. George Lakoff Georgia Kelly Gerard Colby Grace Aaron Gray Brechin Greg Glaser Jay Dyer Jay Kolar Jeffrey M. Smith Jeremy Scahill Jerome Corsi Jim Costanzo Jim Hogue Jim Stauber Joel Kovel John Decamp John Judge John McMurtry John Whitehead Jon Rappoport Joseph P. Farrell Joshua Landis Kevin McPadden Kevin Zeese Kris Millegan Kristina Borjesson Libbe Halevy Loren Goldner Lori Handrahan Mae Brussell Marc Armstrong Margaret Flowers Mark Crispin Miller Matt Gonzales Michael Collins Piper Michael Hoffman Michael Lerner Michael Rupert Michael Steinbacher Michel Collon Michel Shehadeh Mick Harrison Mickey Huff Mike McCormick Mike Whitney Mohamed Hassan Paul Connett Paul Craig Roberts Paul Cross Paul Zarembka Philip Giraldi Phillip F. Nelson Ralph Nader Richard Becker Richard Dolan Robert Weil Robin Hordon Roman Bystrianyk Rowland Morgan Sander Hicks Scott Paul Steve Seuser Steven F. Freeman Tim Canova Umberto Pascali Ying Lee
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Michael Hudson discusses his seminal work of 1972, Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire, a critique of how the US exploits foreign economies through IMF and World bank debt; difference between the IMF and World Bank; World Bank dysfunctional from the outset; loans made in foreign currency only; policy to provide loans for... Listen
James Bacque discusses his in-depth research into the fate of the many millions of German citizens who went missing or died from intentional starvation after the end of World War Two, detailed in his second book on post-war Germany, Crimes and Mercies – The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944 to 1950; Potsdam... Listen
James Bacque discusses his devastating research into allied war crimes against a defeated Germany in post-World War Two Europe, as detailed in his most famous book, Other Losses; Eisenhower imposes starvation on surrendered German soldiers interned in death camps; official records of German POWs and refugees purged and hidden; eyewitness and survivor accounts of American... Listen
The Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, along with 9/11 victim family members have filed a joint federal lawsuit against the US Department of Justice and the FBI for their failure to perform a congressionally mandated assessment of any evidence known to the FBI that was not considered by the... Listen
Discussion of the crisis and geopolitical stakes in Venezuela; evaluation of Venezuelan heavy oil reserves in its Orinoco Belt (now the Chavez Belt) and the far superior grade oil in the vast oil reserves of the Guyana Esequiba region; China’s Belt and Road Initiative in South America and the Panama Canal; Bolton cites the Monroe... Listen
We discuss Alison Weir’s extended essay, published as a pamphlet, “The International Campaign to Criminalize Criticism of Israelâ€; the traditional definition of anti-Semitism and the new “improved†3-D definition of anti-Semitism; the history of the campaign to criminalize criticism of Israel; the many international and national organizations that have adopted and promote the new definition;... Listen
We discuss the economic and political crisis in Venezuela, its history as an oil proxy nation since the discovery of oil in 1918, through successive dictatorships, coups d’etats, a fake nationalization of the oil industry, the Chavista movement and destabilization through financial warfare, with a special emphasis on Michel Chossudovsky’s personal experience there conducting a... Listen
We discuss Michael Hoffman’s book, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, published in April 2001; the Revelation of the Method or Making Manifest All That Is Hidden; the Cryptocracy; occult public psychodrama; alchemical processing; metaphysical alchemy; the lone nut syndrome; the cryonic process of freeze and thaw; the Kennedy assassination as a killing of the king... Listen
The structure of military alliances; the evolving situation in the Middle East; a shift in geopolitical alliances; the global military agenda; review of wars since 2001; nonconventional hybrid warfare to undermine a country's financial structure; coalition of Turkey, Russia and Iran; Pakistan and India now a part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization; US withdrawal from... Listen
We discuss Michael Hudson's book, J is for Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception, with an emphasis on the degradation of economic vocabulary that hides the real state of the economy; language affects peoples' perception of reality; history of economic thought no longer taught; classical political economy focused on society's... Listen
Jay Dyer discusses his book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. We take an in-depth look at Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut and Clockwork Orange; Roman Polanski's Rosemary's Baby, The Ninth Gate and Chinatown; The Manchurian Candidate and The Parallax View, as well as television programs The Lone Gunman and G.I. Joe, with... Listen
We discuss his article, The Dark Story Behind Global Warming also known as Climate Change and his book, Myths, Lies and Oil Wars; the International Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, draconian recommendations based on computer models; neuro-linguistic programming; the Global Warming Petition Project signed by 31,000 scientists; climate and the sun's activity; analysis of... Listen
2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the stock market crash of 2008; the current financial malaise is the result of the bank bailouts, not the crash; an over-indebted economy cannot be saved unless the banks fail; debt deflation; the magic of compound interest; how pension funds, state and local governments adversely affected by the bank... Listen
The archaeological site of Gobekli Tepe in Southeastern Turkey is evidence of an advanced civilization that existed before the end of the last ice age which ended suddenly in 9,700 BC due to cataclysmic solar events that rained havoc on the earth. The beautifully carved stone pillars unearthed at Gobekli Tepe were oriented toward the... Listen
Robert Schoch's research, put forth in his book, "Forgotten Civilization - The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future", points to the astronomical cause of the demise of antediluvian civilization, as well as the scientific and archaeological evidence that supports his conclusions. He is well known for his work in Egypt re-dating the... Listen
Panel presentations at the Deep Truth: Visionaries Speak Out online video conference of June 10th, 2018, produced by No Lies Radio and deeptruth.org. Alan Sabrosky on "The Impact of Zionist Influence in the U.S." Listen
Panel presentations at the Deep Truth: Visionaries Speak Out online video conference of June 10th, 2018, produced by No Lies Radio and deeptruth.info. Kevin Barrett on "Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism, Judeophobia: Lets Define Our Terms"; Philip Giraldi on "How Jewish Power Sustains the Israel Narrative" and Gilad Atzmon on "Truth, Truthfulness and Palestine". Listen
Panel presentations at the Deep Truth: Visionaries Speak Out online video conference of June 9th, 2018, produced by No Lies Radio and deeptruth.info. Ole Dammegard on "Find the Clues and Connect the Dots" on forensic evidence of manipulated and staged photographs in media reports of global terror events; Dr. Kevin Barrett on "Zionism, Psychopathy and... Listen
National Endowment for Democracy an NGO controlled by the CIA; Reagan Administration guarantees Soviets no movement of NATO eastward in return for peaceful reunification of Germany under NATO; top secret CONPLAN 8022 global strike capability activated June 2004 by Rumsfeld; fake NED and NGO democracy apparatus orchestrates both the Ukraine Orange Color Revolution of 2004... Listen
Actual targets hit in the April 14th missile strike on Syria; symbolic strike; chemicals would have created toxic cloud; facts no longer matter, only perceptions; Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) investigation resolution blocked by UN; abandonment of international law, conflicts to be resolved by war; Russia announces ahead of time evidence Britain... Listen
Failed CIA attempt to bring down the Communist state apparatus in China; George H.W. Bush’s involvements in China; US influences Chinese economic policy; 1989 student pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square; Albert Einstein Institute; Gene Sharp’s From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation; non-violence as a weapon of warfare; Soros’ Fund for the Reform... Listen
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), brainchild of Reagans CIA Director William Casey, designed to function as a public non-governmental organization (NGO), but surreptitiously as an arm of the CIA and State Department to covertly create pro-Washington regimes in strategic parts of the world; the four affiliate organizations of the NED; Soros Foundation; first target... Listen
Mass media report shootings at high school in Parkland, Florida as a St. Valentines Day Massacre; three different kinds of impossibilities that make something untrue are examined: logical impossibilities, physical impossibilities, and technological impossibilities; March for Our Lives as a well orchestrated voter registration drive DNC campaign event in relation to the midterm elections to... Listen
President Trump's Executive Order of December 21st 2017, "Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption"; Eric Schmidt's resignation from Alphabet; the Nunes Memo; the FISA Court Surveillance Warrant on Carter Page; Fusion GPS; Ex-British spy, Christopher Steele's dossier; Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian collusion; Corsi's analysis of Q Anonymous. Listen
Kris Millegan discusses his father's work for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Military Intelligence (G2), and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam; his father's work with Ed Lansdale; the JFK assassination; what his father told him about secret societies, communism and plans to opiate an entire generation; secret societies... Listen
Dr. Lori Handrahan discusses her research into rampant pedophilia that her new book, "Epidemic: America’s Trade in Child Rape", documents in detail. She analyzes pedophilia, not as a sexual orientation, or as an act of “attraction†to children, but as violent abuse and sadism, often ending in death, that meets the Convention Against Torture definition.... Listen
Pacifica National Board member, Grace Aaron, explains the historical context in which the present Pacifica financial crisis is taking place; the lawsuit filed against Pacifica by Empire State Realty Trust; summary judgment against Pacifica; signal swap or sale details; Pacifica's total debt versus its total assets; two ways forward, i.e., loans or bankruptcy; Pacifica National... Listen
The author of "Final Judgment - The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy" discusses his book and his analysis. Piper diagrams the connections between the leading cast of characters in the plot to kill Kennedy, what he calls the New Orleans nexus, all of whom are mentioned in other books, but takes his analysis... Listen
Quick recap of the 2017 JFK Assassination Conference in Dallas; Bethesda autopsy photographs not of JFK; Oswald framed; Warren Commission Report a sham; shooting of J. D. Tippet; Oswald photo with Mannlicher Carcano staged; analysis of Altgens-6 photograph taken by AP photographer shows Lee Oswald in ground floor book depository doorway as presidential motorcade passes;... Listen
Gilad Atzmon’s talk, The Post Political Condition: Brexit, Trump and the Rest of Us, is a searing indictment of the new left’s embrace of identity politics and political correctness. He writes that the freedom to think openly is now within the domain of nostalgia. Our Western Liberal ‘utopia’ has turned into an Orwellian catastrophe and... Listen
From a speech by Alison Weir: "100 Years of Pro-Israel Activism and Trump's Muslim Ban: How a Special Interest Lobby Enabled the Colonization of Palestine and Influences Policies Today". Alison Weir discusses her involvement in Palestine/Israel issues; her trips to the West Bank and Gaza; the long history of the creation of Israel; a secret... Listen
William Pepper, author of Orders to Kill, An Act of State and The Plot to Kill King, gave the keynote address at the 13th Annual 9/11 Film Festival at the Grand Lake Theatre in Oakland, California on September 11th, 2017. Pepper speaks about his early years; the War in Vietnam; his work with Robert Kennedy;... Listen
We discuss Dan Kovalik's new book, "The Plot to Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Russia"; the cold war; the allegations against Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation; the Yeltsin years in Russia; Nicaragua and Colombia; Afghanistan; Yemen; US imperialism and endless war. Listen
In this “big picture†interview, Michel Chossudovsky concentrates on the broader global crisis including North and South Korea; the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review overhauling US nuclear doctrine, tactical nukes reclassified as conventional; horrors of the Korean War; Korean reunification; sanctions and naval blockade of Qatar; Qatari and Iranian jointly owned natural gas fields the largest... Listen
Angela Merkel’s East German background; repeal of the Dublin refugee procedures; migration waves a planned destabilization effort; capacity swamping, manipulative political agitation; Mercy Corps and Nethope; Cisco Systems; cell phones; mobile phone charging stations on migration routes; George Soros’ Open Society; Central University of Budapest; 300,000 immigrants disappear upon entry into Germany; free speech under... Listen
Presentations from the Left-Out Forum panel "False Flags: Staged, Scripted Mass Psy-Op Events" in New York City June 4th, 2017. This panel was one of four that was banned from the Left Forum. Dave Lindorff’s analysis of the Tsarnaev brothers’ backpacks; the pressure cooker “bombâ€; the backpacks of Craft International mercenaries at the Boston Marathon;... Listen
Manchester UK terror attack; al-Zarqawi and al-Baghdadi as intelligence cut-outs; origins of ISIL; Rita Katz' SITE, The Search for International Terrorist Enemies; update on war in Syria; the war in Yemen; Israel's Clean Break Policy of the 1990s complementary to the 1982 Oded Yinon Plan calling for the destruction of the modern Arab nation states... Listen
Numerology of false flag terror events; US media publishes pictures of Manchester bomb parts infuriating UK; CNN reports Manchester as possible false flag; Jeremy Corbyn surging in the polls before Manchester terror; Tory Teresa May benefits from terror event before upcoming national election; Tory neoliberal austerity program; Westminster Abbey attack; Guy Fox false flag; Dementia... Listen
Uniqueness of Russia as heir to the Eastern Roman Empire; both its historical differences and similarities with the West, the Asian Tatar Mongol influence; the recent three hundred years of domination by the West; Russian elites as distinct from the Russian people; schisms in Russian ruling classes; wars against Russia; Russia bashing; the Soviet period;... Listen
Trump's 180 degree foreign policy shift; successful coup against those who brought Trump to power seeking an end to neocon war; US missile attacks on Syria ruined any chance to maintain allies in the fight against ISIS; Russia will not let Syria fall to the US backed terrorists; how the crisis in the Ukraine represents... Listen
Ben Davidson joins again to continue the conversation on space weather and its influence on the climate. He discusses the regular solar cycles and the impact of the coming Solar Grand Minimum and the emergence of the Polar Vortex. He takes it deeper with a discussion on magnetic reversals and the current state of our... Listen
Ben Davidson returns to discuss space weather and how it impacts our earth from the climate to earthquakes to human health. He covers galactic cosmic rays, solar flares, coronal mass ejections and coronal holes. Also discussed is his new Disaster Predication Application and the Earthquake Prediction Center. He concludes with information about his upcoming conference,... Listen
Finance analyzed as power; Alexander Hamilton's First Bank of the United States; the War of 1812; central banking backed by the power of the state, but in private hands; a silent coup d'etat since 1945 by the international bankers of Wall Street; the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve as a private central bank; the... Listen
The deceptive nature of the concept of a “deep stateâ€; the state is knowable if enough time is spent studying it; 70 years of fake news; Central Intelligence operates illegally and unaccountably; how the CIA has corrupted the system; egregious crimes committed by Central Intelligence globally; did CIA initiate an intelligence coup against an elected... Listen
India withdraws 86% of the value of all currency in circulation; USAID; Project Catalyst; Global Innovation Exchange; Better Than Cash Alliance; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; UNICEF; UN Development Program; Mitre Corporation; the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FACTA); Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); the larger global agenda of total control; ECB set... Listen
Michel Chossudovsky's latest articles, US Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency and Color Revolution Against Donald Trump are discussed; broad implications of normalizing relations with Russia in the Ukraine, Syria and with regard to terrorist assets of the western military alliance; #Disruptj20; international protests a recognition that US presidency is a... Listen
We discuss Douglas Valentine's new book, The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World; crime and law enforcement become indistinguishable and employ the same tactics; former CIA liaison officer in Vietnam becomes the Chief of Staff of Homeland Security; good old boy network in the CIA; official secrecy and plausible... Listen
CIA Pacification Programs, Secret Interrogation Centers, Counter Terror Teams, Propaganda Teams and military and civilian tribunals in all 44 provinces of South Vietnam; 1965 US military sent in; National Liberation Front; secret 1967 CIA General Staff For Pacification combining all CIA, military, and South Vietnamese programs to became The Phoenix Program; Phoenix based on systems... Listen
Christian Crusades of the late 11th century; split between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox; the War on Terror; WWI betrayal as incubator for Muslim Brother jihadists; Sykes-Picot secret agreement; Muslim Brotherhood in Nazi Germany; the CIA and the Muslim Brothers; Osama bin Laden; Azerbaijan and Chechnya; Muslim Brotherhood a death cult; T.E. Lawrence; Muslim World... Listen