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The best way to forget history is to rewrite it. And in the rewriting, to carefully delete references to any historical events or circumstances we find uncomfortable. Thus, American history books are totally silent on the matter of these white slaves, mostly of European stock with a great number of Irish, but also English and Scottish, who were kidnapped or otherwise forcibly deported to the US as slave labor. In fact, an examination of available documentation indicates that white slavery in the Americas was a much more extensive operation than was black slavery, and the numbers may be severely under-estimated.[1] Several authors have claimed, and I have seen reports that appear credible, that white slaves in America outnumbered the black. In his book, They Were White and They Were Slaves,[2] Michael Hoffman wrote, “Negro slavery was efficiently established in colonial America because Black slaves were governed, organized and controlled by the structures and organization that were first used to enslave and control Whites. Black slaves were late-comers fitted into a system already developed.”

The new nation had a need for cheap labor since the settlers were in the process of exterminating the inhabitants of a large country and taking possession of the lands, but lacked the workers to develop it. These white slaves were more important than the blacks, in both number and economic advantage. One white slave owner, Virginia planter John Pory, stated that white (not black) slaves were the nation’s “principal wealth”. It was due in large part to the overwhelming majority of white slaves that America built its foundations of wealth, since slavery was exclusively a matter of economics and profit. American capitalism was viciously predatory from the days of its birth. One eyewitness to the mass kidnapping of poor Whites estimated that from his personal knowledge alone, at least 10,000 were sold into slavery every year from throughout Great Britain for perhaps two centuries.

American history texts make reference to what is called indentured servitude, as a kind of “benignly paternalistic system whereby colonial immigrants spent a few years working off their passage and went on to better things”. The myth is that overseas passage was expensive and British and European civilians willingly signed indentures requiring them to work for a few years to pay off the cost of their passage, after which time they would be given land and their freedom to pursue a glorious future in the New World. But it was no such thing. There may indeed have been a few such indentured persons fitting this description, but they were a minuscule minority with their conditions not better than that suffered by all slaves. In fact, their indentures most often amounted to a life sentence at hard labor, and with a life that would be preciously short when we look at the hideous mortality rates. There are documented records of white convicts asking to be hanged in Britain rather than sent to the gulag that was America.

It is only the elite establishment in America today who present a disingenuously impassioned propaganda to soften the brutality. The fact is that if this indenture process were really the standard, then thousands of the contracts would have survived and our museums would be full of them. There is no evidence of this. Some Jewish and other sympathetic historians pretend that this system of indentures, a kind of privileged form of bound labor, was representative of the entire experience of White bondage in America. But this definition would apply only to those voluntarily binding themselves to service, and of these there were very few, with the contracted indenture being maintained only as a spurious cover for plain and simple lifetime chattel slavery. Even the Whites referred to themselves as slaves who were not better than cattle, and who were by all accounts degraded chattels on a par with farm animals. There is evidence of many hopeful but illiterate migrants who were duped into signing indentures, ignorant of the actual content of the documents that legally designated them as personal property that could be bought and sold, gambled away, or killed without concern like any other animals. In any event, the indentures provided countless excuses for the slave-owners to extend the period of servitude indefinitely, often by 7 years for the most minor of offenses and 10 or 15 years for others. Few escaped.

The slave traders exerted grand efforts in inducing free whites to sign indentures, supposedly placing themselves in ‘temporary’ slavery with the promise of 50 acres of farmland at the end of the indenture term, but this was nothing more than a despicable racket. The promised lands were entrusted to the slave-owner on the understanding the land titles would later pass to the slaves, but these land rights could be forfeited for almost any reason, including laziness, with the land titles then becoming the master’s rightful property. Many slave-owners purchased large numbers of these so-called indentured persons and quickly concocted excuses to seize all the entrusted lands, occasionally with a gift and a wink to the relevant authorities. Certainly, hundreds of thousands and potentially millions of acres of fertile land were obtained in this manner, with many slave-owners accumulating vast estates and great wealth, which is precisely why this “benignly paternalistic” system was created. Indentured servitude was never more than an immense and cruel fraud.

One author wrote that historians deliberately maintain the fallacy that “wherever White ‘servants’ constituted the majority of servile laborers, they worked in privileged or even luxurious conditions which were forbidden to Blacks. In truth, White Slaves were often restricted to doing the dirty, backbreaking field work while Blacks and even Indians were taken into the plantation mansion houses to work as domestics.” A Major named Mordecai Manuel Noah, who was described as “the most distinguished Jewish layman of his time”, promoted slavery by equating it with freedom. Incredibly, he made pronouncements like this: “There is liberty under the name of slavery. A field Negro has his cottage, his wife, and children, his easy task, his little patch of corn and potatoes, his garden and fruit, which are his revenue and property. The house servant has handsome clothing, his luxurious meals, his admitted privacy, a kind master, and an indulgent and frequently fond mistress.”

David W. Galenson wrote a treatise titled ‘White Slavery entitled White Servitude in Colonial America’, in which he stated, “European men and women could exercise choice both in deciding whether to migrate to the colonies and in choosing possible destinations.” These comments, and so many more like them, are pure fiction, very large lies meant to erase the evil of centuries. White slaves were obtained from the poorest levels of British society who were regarded as expendable by the ruling class. Economists advocated the enslavement of poor Whites because they saw them as the cheapest and most effective way to develop the colonies in the New World while ridding themselves of the surplus poor who were “unprofitable” to England. As American agriculture expanded, landowners demanded the legalisation of the practice of kidnapping poor Whites for slavery. Parliamentary legislation was passed to specifically permit the capture of White children, with this becoming what we can call an “open hunting season” on the poor of Great Britain as well as anyone the British aristocracy happened to despise.

•�Category: Culture/Society, History •�Tags: Slavery, White Slavery

This essay is the Introductory Chapter to a new series of E-books which will very soon be published on bluemoonofshanghai.com.

When I began doing my historical research in earnest perhaps 20 years ago in Shanghai, my interest was driven by primarily two things: one was the incessant American propaganda flooding the world, and particularly China, with an entirely unjustified air of moral superiority that masked all of the American crimes and atrocities committed over centuries. The second was the irritating flood of negative propaganda about China, filling the print and airwaves about China’s mostly imaginary inferiority to the exceptional Americans. From this, I intended to write a series of articles, and perhaps a book or two, that illuminated the opposite side of these two pictures. This is an oversimplification, but my research and writing interests were limited to an attempt to rectify the standard narrative of “China bad; US good”.

But near the beginning of this enterprise, I encountered a statement that said, “The history of the world is the history of the Jews.” That remark registered on me and remained in my memory because it startled me and because it made no sense to me at the time. However, as I progressed with my research into things Chinese and American, I would occasionally encounter references to Jews but, at the time, I had absolutely no interest whatever in the Jews, and I initially would delete those references. In my mind, I had a clean story line which I was pursuing and those increasingly occasional references to the Jews were contaminating my story line and confusing my approach. But eventually I had to realise that the references to the Jews were not contamination but were in fact the real story line.

As one example, I was researching the opium travesty inflicted upon China by – as we were all taught – “the English”. But as I delved deeper into the historical record, I was surprised to discover that “the English” had nothing to do with the opium (except as military enforcer) and that the entire opium landscape was 100% Jewish, primarily Rothschild and Sassoon, with Kadoorie and a few other families. Those families may have held British passports, but they were all Jews and not “Englishmen“. This is also true of the HSBC bank which was created solely to launder the Jews’ drug money – a talent in which it still specialises today. The same pattern appeared to evolve in almost any historical topic I chose to investigate. I was, as we all were, taught, indoctrinated, propagandised and browbeaten to believe that the Russian Revolution was really Russian, and I was very surprised to learn that it was 99.9% Jewish, and that “Russians” had nothing to do with it except as victims. Similarly, I was taught the two World Wars were caused by Germany and that gallant little England prevailed over an evil enemy, but was again surprised to learn that it was the European Jews who contrived mightily to bring about both World Wars, that in fact Germany resisted war until the very end, and was the victim of a massive hate campaign by the Jews who wanted it destroyed.

In an earlier essay, I ended with these words:

The Boer Wars were a British story, but the manuscript was written entirely in Jewish handwriting. In like fashion, the two World Wars, the British East India Company, the unconscionable looting, famines, and slaughters of India, and China’s opium century with its vast atrocities of slaughter, misery, and slave-trafficking, were “British stories”, but the manuscripts for these were also written entirely in Jewish handwriting. Similarly, the stories of Yugoslavia, Greece, Iraq, Libya, and Syria today are “American stories”, but these also were written entirely in Jewish handwriting.

The blithe optimism demonstrated by the planners of the invasion of Iraq is still capable of taking one’s breath away. (Photo: Lisa M. Zunzanyika / Flickr Commons).  Source
The blithe optimism demonstrated by the planners of the invasion of Iraq is still capable of taking one’s breath away. (Photo: Lisa M. Zunzanyika / Flickr Commons). Source

This is where we are today. These several volumes were originally to be titled, “America’s Dirtiest Secrets”, but that title no longer strictly applies because there is no sensible way to separate the actions of the Americans from their Jewish masters who gave the orders. For example, we know the media stories of the US hijacking of Iraq and believed this was done to remove a dictator. But our perception is severely altered when we learn the invasion was done entirely on Jewish orders, that the so-called “Provisional President” of Iraq – Paul Bremer was a Jew and was taking all his orders from the Jews in the City of London, and that further those Jewish bankers have confiscated all of Iraq’s assets and are taking – free – more than 2/3 of Iraq’s oil. Likewise, we were taught it was the British military (with a bit of French help) that looted the 10 million priceless artifacts from China’s Summer Palace (the Yuanmingyuan) and then utterly destroyed it. But again, our perception changes when we learn the British did so under the orders of the Jews Rothschild and Sassoon, and that a great many of those priceless artifacts ended up in Jewish hands and remain there to this day.

In similar fashion, we were all taught about the famous British aviator “Bomber Harris” who won eternal fame for the incendiary carpet-bombing of countless dozens of German cities like Dresden, creating firestorms that incinerated millions of German civilians in one of the world’s greatest wartime atrocities. But again, our perception is severely altered when we learn that it was a Jew named Frederick Lindemann, sent by the Rothschilds as an “advisor” to Churchill, who brought with him the notion of carpet-bombing civilians with incendiary bombs, and that Churchill simply obeyed his Jewish masters in executing this program to help effect “the total destruction of Germany” that the Jews wanted. In like fashion, we were taught that the US dropped the atomic bombs on Japan to hasten the end of the war and “to save lives”. But again, our conceptions are thrown in disarray when we learn that it was a Jew, Bernard Baruch, ostensibly “the most powerful man in America” at the time, who not only chose Japan as the target for these bombs, but also personally selected the cities to be incinerated. Our conceptions are even more challenged when we learn that Baruch’s motivation may well have been retaliation to both Japan and Nagasaki for their expulsion of all the Jews prior to the war. (See End Notes)

Phan Thi Kim Phuc, burned with napalm at age of 9. Source
Phan Thi Kim Phuc, burned with napalm at age of 9. Source
•�Category: Foreign Policy, History •�Tags: China, Conspiracy Theories, Jews, World War II

This is a very strange thing. Of all the parts of world history that have been deeply buried, this one event has been so thoroughly sanitised by every portion of the Jewish-owned media, deleted by the book and magazine publishers, by libraries, by even the educational institutions, that there might not have been any person who contained this information in his accessible memory. There surely were some people still alive who would have had second-hand knowledge of the event, but it would have been long in the past and lost in the eternal memory hole. But, as Thomas Campbell wrote in his poem, Lochiel’s Warning, “For, dark and despairing, my sight I may seal, but man cannot hide what God would reveal.” And thus, an obscure clerk in the Library of Congress accidentally stumbled upon an original copy of the Congressional Hearing into the event, and inexplicably sent it out for publication. There must have been a huge panic as the relevant persons sought to recover and repossess all distributed copies. But they failed, and some remained in public hands and the affair was once again brought into the consciousness of Americans and the world. Enormous efforts have been made to bury it again, and still very few people anywhere are aware of it, but at least it is now in the public consciousness.

The secret US government and the European bankers have for many decades cherished a plan of installing a fascist dictatorship in the US and thus obtaining full control of the country and its vast military. Their plan almost succeeded when the Khazar Jews in The City of London, through a group of American financiers (including George H. W. Bush’s father Prescott Bush) made their abortive attempt at a fascist military coup in 1934. At the time, a man named General Smedley Butler was a heavily-decorated and much-admired war hero in the US, especially revered by all the soldiers of the day. During his long history in the Marine Corps, it is claimed that Smedley Butler was one of only two men who twice received a Medal of Honor for acts of outstanding heroism. This is the man the conspirators chose to head their new fascist government. Butler himself wrote a brief booklet about his career, titled “War is a Racket“[1], and is very worth reading.

The cabal of plotters offered Butler $3 million to assemble an army of 500,000 men, mostly WWI veterans who would be virtually guaranteed to follow wherever Butler chose to lead them. Butler was to use this private temporary military to overthrow the Roosevelt government, after which the plotters would install a fascist dictatorship with Butler as the figurative head. The intention was that Roosevelt would be forced to essentially abdicate his position as President and be reduced to a ceremonial role, “the same as Mussolini did with the King of Italy”. Roosevelt would further be forced to appoint Butler to the Cabinet in a newly-​minted position as “Secretary for General Affairs,” leaving him to rule the country while Roosevelt remained a figurehead. Butler also testified under oath in Congress that the Vice President and Secretary of State would resign and that the new Secretary of General Affairs would assume the role of Secretary of State, and follow through to the Presidential succession. Private testimony from various individuals contained in separate documents claims that should Roosevelt have refused to go along with the plan, he would have been killed.

The conspirators claimed they had “the newspapers” behind them and would start a story that Roosevelt’s health was failing, and they would appoint Butler as a sort of “Super-Secretary” to be the “Assistant President”, but actually taking his directions from the City of London. Butler claimed the conspirators said to him, “You know, the President is weak. He will come right along with us. He was born in this class. He was raised in this class, and he will come back. He will run true to form. In the end he will come around. And the dumb American people will fall for it in a second.” It is noteworthy that General Motors was heavily in support of this coup, along with the Heinz, Dupont, and Bush families, as well as the banking interests of J. P. Morgan – who was always a Rothschild agent.

The conspirators told Butler they had $300 million in ready cash on hand, and as much as $800 million if necessary to achieve their objective. The money would be used to pay for Butler’s temporary army, and also to the Remington Arms company who were eager to supply the needed weaponry. Unfortunately for the bankers, Butler was more loyal than greedy and informed Roosevelt of the plan, then provided full testimony under oath to Congress.

A note here is in order about the volumes of money involved. In many cases, it serves no useful purpose to compare today’s value of a currency with that of a prior date, by simply applying the prevailing depreciation rate over time, because other comparisons are much more valid and meaningful. As one point, consider the $3 million offered to Butler to head up this scheme. The statistical tables tell us that a 1934 dollar would be worth perhaps $22 today, but keep in mind that in the early 1930s, the typical salary for an average working man was only little more than $1,000 per year. This means that the $3 million in “cash in advance” offered to Butler as a bribe was actually about 2,500 to 3,000 years of an average man’s salary. You can consider the $300 million and $800 million in a similar light.

This essay is an exercise in connecting dots, of bringing together apparently disparate events that are actually connected in some meaningful way, done in an attempt to give readers an opportunity to place world events in context and have an entire coherent picture emerge from those apparently separate elements. The contents of this essay are as follows:

(1) The 1930s Great Depression

(2) The US domestic gold seizures

(3) The 1934 Silver Purchase Act

(4) Citibank’s Great Chinese Gold Robbery

(5) The Worldwide Gold Robbery – The US FED

(6) The 1933 Jewish Declaration of War and Economic Boycott of Germany

(7) The Attempted 1933 Jewish Fascist Coup in America

(8) The Takeover of China

(9) Preparation for WWII against Germany

(1) The 1930s Great Depression

Ben Strong and Montagu Norman — Source

It’s not a secret that one of the nastier advantages of the private ownership of a country’s central bank is that the Jews have total control over those economies. Since they control both the money supply and the interest rates, they have easily the power to whipsaw economies and profit immensely at every cycle. They do it the same way every time – by lowering interest rates to zero or nearly so, while hugely inflating the money supply and extending almost unlimited credit, thereby creating large bubbles in debt, in the stock and housing markets, and so on. Then, they severely contract the money supply and all credit while simultaneously raising interest rates, thus bankrupting countless thousands of banks, businesses and families, and buying up for pennies on the dollar every manner of assets when the blood is running in the streets. It is also not a secret that all such recessions have been deliberately inflicted on Western economies by these Jewish bankers for the past 200 years or more. The 1929 collapse and the resulting Great Depression of the 1930s was only one such. This was done many times prior to 1929, and has been done many times since.

At the beginning of the 1930s, the Khazar Jews in the City of London had just unleashed the most bitter recession in living memory. Montagu Norman, the head of the Rothschild-owned Bank of England, had a meeting with the Rothschild-owned FED and with the US Bankers Association, and shortly thereafter the entire world economy collapsed. Senator Robert Owen, a co-author of the Federal Reserve Act, testified before a Congressional Committee that the bank he owned received a notice from the National Bankers’ Association that stated: “You will at once retire one-third of your circulation and call in one-half of your loans.” And that is how Rothschild and these Jewish central bankers create recessions: an instant reduction of 35% or more in the nation’s money supply and a 50% reduction in total credit. The inevitable result is the bankruptcies of thousands of corporations and banks, and an enormous plunge in stock market values and corporate assets of every description which are now available for purchase at pennies on the dollar. I covered the effects, including engineered recessions, of Jewish-owned central banks in a prior article titled, “Let’s Have a Financial Crisis: First, We Need a Central Bank“.[1] I also covered it briefly in another prior article, “The Richest Man in the World“, Part (8) Recessions and Depressions.[2]

Not only did the Great Depression require much advance planning prior to execution, but the activities during the recession were also daunting. One source states that 1,100 US banks failed during the 1930s, while other sources claim “several thousand” banks failed. I have not researched these numbers but, even with the smaller figure, that is a huge number of banks to sort through in preparation for takeover – which was unquestionably one of the purposes of causing the Depression. But one cannot have other parties arriving first and cherry-picking the attractive assets, which means having many boots on the ground, filled with persons knowledgeable in banking and finance, and in law. I have no reliable confirmation of the number of those failed banks which were bought, stolen, merged, swallowed or absorbed, but it must have been a large percentage of the total in one form or another. Banks do not become worthless simply because their circulating cash is withdrawn, and many, if not most, could have been made profitable again. Rothschild and his Khazar friends in the City of London certainly had access to all the banking information held by the FED, as well as access to similar information and data through the US Bankers Association, and would thus be privy to an enormous amount of confidential information on the state of each bank. However, buying up the cream of all those failed banks is not something we do with three or four people. The planning and execution would have involved quite a large number of “agents”, even considering that J. P. Morgan was local and definitely a Rothschild agent, as were other Jewish banks.

But it wasn’t only banks that were in peril during this time. As the Depression wore on, most corporations were experiencing various degrees of economic distress, and those producing goods with a high elasticity (unnecessary or luxury products or services whose sales fluctuate widely with economic conditions) experiencing the highest distress levels, making them ideal targets for cheap takeovers. As one example, Coca-Cola sales plummeted during this time, but the company miraculously survived and even absorbed competitors. It is entirely possible that one of the agents from the City of London purchased a controlling interest in the company at the time and, very often when this is done, the “Gentile Front” remains in position and the public never become aware of the actual change in ownership. Many companies exist today in this fashion, with the ultimate beneficial ownership totally masked by the existence of various kinds of trusts, offshore numbered companies, tax havens, investment funds, and many other mechanisms.

One company in this category that should attract our attention is General Motors. During the decade prior to the Depression, GM had lost enormous amounts of money, $65 million in one year alone and other large amounts in later years. From 1927 to 1933, sales of GM’s main brands, Chevrolet and Buick, dropped by 50% and 80% respectively. There was no question GM was at the end of its rope and heading quickly for bankruptcy before the end of the 1930s. But then suddenly GM came to life with a vengeance and virtually remade the social and transportation landscape of North America. GM suddenly embarked on an incredibly-large program to kill all public transport in the US, buying up and scrapping the rolling stock of nearly 1,000 US railroads. I have covered this story with much detail in a prior article “Americans and Automobiles: Capitalism and Propaganda“[3], which contains much detail we haven’t room for here.

•�Category: History •�Tags: Conspiracy Theories, Gold, Jews, Rothschilds, World War II
The Economic Boycott of 1933

Note to Readers: Some of the content of this essay was extracted from an article in The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001, pp. 41-45, by M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D., assistant editor of TBR. It was published with permission in a digitized version © 2002-2019 by The Scriptorium.[1]

The Jews over the centuries have executed numerous atrocities and crimes against various peoples and sovereign nations. Aside from the wars and revolutions, they have launched numerous food embargoes, economic embargoes, instigated brutal economic recessions, and many other such. This essay covers one such event that has been totally buried by history, by Jewish authors, by Jewish book publishers, the Jewish-owned mainstream media, and buried so well that perhaps only a few people of a million are even aware of its existence. Yet this is one of the more savage attempts at Jewish control of a nation, and has been described as “the singular event that sparked what became World War II.” This event was the 1933 Jewish worldwide economic war on Germany, one that occurred long before there was any such thing as sanctions or reprisals of any kind against Jews in Germany.

“Contrary to popular myth, the Jews remained “free” inside Germany – albeit subject to laws which did restrict certain of their privileges – prior to the outbreak of World War II. Yet, a little-known fact is that before the war began, the leadership of the world Jewish community formally declared war on Germany – above and beyond the ongoing six-year-long economic boycott launched by the worldwide Jewish community when the Nazi Party came to power in 1933. As a consequence of the formal declaration of war, the German authorities thus deemed Jews to be potential enemy agents. “Long before the Hitler government began restricting the rights of the German Jews, the leaders of the worldwide Jewish community formally declared war on the “New Germany”. To this day, it is generally (although incorrectly) believed that when Adolf Hitler was appointed German chancellor in January of 1933, the German government began policies to suppress the Jews of Germany.”[2]

The background of this event was that Hitler – who was only a member of a coalition and by no means the “leader” of Germany at the time – fully recognised that the bulk of the troubles confronting Germany had been caused by the Jews. Among these were the instigation of WW1 against Germany, Germany’s defeat in WW1 by the conscription of the US into the war, and the brutal and unconscionable provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler fully recognised that Germany’s hyperinflation and the accompanying severe depression were entirely instigated by Jewish bankers to plunder Germany. At the time, Germany’s economy was in shambles, with a very high unemployment rate and little hope for any sort of reconstruction, primarily because the Jews (Rothschild) owned Germany’s central bank and controlled the currency and much of the economy and were much more interested in looting the country than in rebuilding it. In recognition of this, Hitler took some remarkable steps. He killed the Jewish privately-owned central bank, evicted all Jews from the national banking system, evicted all Jews from high government positions, and effectively removed them from any positions where they could continue to do harm to Germany and to prevent its resurrection as a sovereign state. The historical record of Hitler’s subsequent “economic miracle” in Germany is legend and information is easily available. Within only three years after removing Rothschild and the Jews from the banking system and taking control of banking and the currency, Germany was at full employment and the economy was humming again. Hitler’s economic measures were so successful that Roosevelt wanted very badly to copy his formula.

Even more, the US generally was so impressed with Hitler’s economic miracle that Time Magazine named him “Man of the Year”. Of course, Time has since learned its lesson and covers this with an astonishingly hateful diatribe of the same man they so highly honored, telling us now that “”He Continues to Live as a Symbol of Evil”[3]. And of course, Snopes (another Jewish Hasbara troll) “fact-checked” this[4], and tells us that it is a totally false assumption that “Time’s “Man of the Year” designations were intended to signify greatness and approval, and were assigned only to people who had beneficial effects on the world. Snopes tells us further that “Time’s standard for the title has been identifying the person who has “had the greatest impact on the news,” regardless of whether that impact was positive or negative” But that stance constitutes unforgivable dishonesty; Time’s “Man of the Year” was an enormous honor for an outstanding person. And, to round out Snopes series of Jewish lies on the matter, they tell us that in the very same 1938 issue where Hitler was named Time’s “Man of the Year”, Hitler was described as the “greatest threatening force that the democratic, freedom-loving world faces today.” I think this is a good time to abandon any delusions we might hold about independent or honest fact-checking.

Naturally, the Jews objected to their removal from the corridors of power. They held a more or less immediate international conference on Germany, after which they presented Hitler with basically two demands: One was the re-installation of Rothschild’s privately-owned central bank, and the other was the reinstatement of all Jews evicted from their positions of political or other power. Hitler flatly refused, and the worldwide boycott of Germany was the result.

This was a much greater and more sinister enterprise than is generally appreciated, even by those who are aware of the basics. At the time, Germany was able to produce only enough food for about 70% of its population, which meant the country had to import vast amounts of food on a regular basis. And this of course necessitated foreign exchange – foreign currencies for the purchases. The Jewish Economic Boycott was fundamentally directed against German exports, on the basis that if the country’s exports plummeted, the Germans would have no foreign exchange to pay for food imports, and thus perhaps 30% of Germans would slowly starve to death. And that was the plan: make no mistake about this. The intention was to starve to death a huge percentage of the population of Germany. The Jews didn’t publish this intent in the mainstream media, but it was published in lesser journals and it was widely-discussed and understood that this would be the result. And I would argue that it would be totally irrelevant and disingenuous to argue the Jews had no such intentions because, whatever their actual intent, this would be the inevitable result. If Germany’s exports collapsed, the country would be unable to purchase foodstuffs and much of the population would slowly starve to death. No other outcome was possible. Again, make no mistake: this was the intent, and let’s not delude ourselves into believing or thinking the Jews weren’t aware of this outcome. I have written many times before, that it is always a serious mistake in foreign affairs to assume that people don’t know what they are doing.

A photo print of the London Daily Express, headlining the Jews’ economic war on Germany and promoting a worldwide boycott of German goods.
A photo print of the London Daily Express, headlining the Jews’ economic war on Germany and promoting a worldwide boycott of German goods.
•�Category: History •�Tags: Jews, Nazi Germany, World War II


A few years ago, China’s CCTV aired its annual Consumer Reports program in which one of the topics was the products of Apple, Inc. Naturally, the Western media trashed CCTV for having the gall to challenge anything American, accusing the TV station of being “a government mouthpiece” wanting to destroy a foreign brand to help the locals, or to “send a message” to the White House, or to retaliate for poor treatment of Chinese firms in the US, or … But in the end, CCTV just runs a consumer affairs program to enlighten consumers about dishonest or unfair practices, poor quality products and similar issues, not different in scope or style from many such programs in the US and elsewhere. CCTV does a commendable job with this program, highlighting both domestic and foreign firms according to the scope of the problems, and often identifying serious commercial frauds or scandals. From this, the program earned an excellent reputation and became quite influential among Chinese viewers. And, in one typical program on World Consumer Rights Day, Apple found itself in CCTV’s sights, a litany of consumer abuses being identified. Let’s begin with the issues CCTV identified. You can read the details and draw your own conclusions.

Warranty Repairs

One key issue was that in any Western country, if I am dissatisfied with my purchase of almost any consumer product, I can return it to the shop for a full refund, and with no questions asked. If the item is defective, I can obtain a new replacement, again with no questions asked. In China, Apple would replace the innards of the device but use the old casing, thereby categorising the device as the old original with perhaps little or no warranty time left, whereas if the entire device were replaced – as it should be – the device would be new and the warranty period would begin again. CCTV quoted an Apple employee as saying, “We are told not to replace the back. If you want to get a new one, please pay 580 yuan (US$92).” In any Western country this would be considered a cheap and low-class trick that any intelligent person would be ashamed to use, but also the practice is illegal in China; under Chinese law, a replacement must be a new device covered by a full warranty period. Apple had knowingly flouted Chinese law for years, both Apple and the Western media refusing to address the point. Another law that Apple openly violated was that tablet computers like ipads were classified as computers in China, necessitating a two-year warranty, but Apple, making up its own laws, claimed its ipads were really phones, and so ignored the laws, repeatedly avoiding fines by claiming the regulations were “unclear”.

Moreover, the fundamental purpose of a product warranty is to ensure that defects are repaired free of charge to the consumer, but Apple charged Chinese customers between 2,000 and 3,000 yuan for a warranty repair – often about 50% of the original purchase price – another practice that was illegal under Chinese law. Moreover, Apple’s repairs were not only expensive, but the entire repair process was complicated and hugely inconvenient by design. Customers with warranty problems were required to first make an appointment for a time slot and a reservation simply to bring in a defective product for repair. In alternative cases, customers were often forced to stand in line for many hours waiting for a single clerk to deal with complaints or defects, then in most cases waiting weeks for the return of their (sometimes) repaired device. This was so true that many customers, perhaps the majority, abandoned the Apple process altogether, taking their defective product to a small local shop where they could receive immediate service at a much lower cost. An overall examination of this landscape leads one to the inescapable conclusion that Apple’s entire after-sales service program in China was carefully designed to obtain precisely the result of avoiding virtually all costs of warranty repairs, a program clearly fraudulent and criminal in any Western country, as well as contemptibly unethical, to say nothing of being illegal in China.

Apple products in China certainly had their share of factory defects, with items like screen damage, dead keys, and battery charger failures. With iphones, the most common complaint was of total system failures, along with blank screens, graphics chips with brain damage, frequent software malfunctions, cameras that either didn’t work or produced very poor picture quality, and the famous short standby time. I would add a suspicion here that I have not yet investigated sufficiently to obtain proof, but one that has been verified against other American (and a few Japanese) companies in China in other industries, and this has to do with quality control. In several consumer products categories in China, one being a well-known American brand of blue jeans, the factory has excellent quality-control procedures in place, where even the smallest flaw results in a garment being rejected and only the perfect items passed. These perfect items are then packaged and shipped to the US, Canada and Europe, the quality rejects reserved for sale in the China market at four or five times the Western price. I have documented this practice on more than one occasion, and I have a strong suspicion the same occurs with Apple products in China, which may be one reason Chinese customers prefer to purchase their Apple products in Hong Kong or the West.

Another issue is that to my best knowledge, Apple is the only company that forces customers to agree warranty repairs will be made with used or reconditioned parts, and to further agree that the parts will then be retained by Apple to install in warranty repairs on other phones. This is really a disgusting contract provision, which Apple would never dare use in any Western country. It is also a violation of China’s consumer laws, but once again Apple simply ignored domestic law. The company was instructed on several occasions to modify its refund and repair policies to conform to Chinese laws, but apparently ignored those orders. Also, Chinese law states clearly that repair operators are “liable for maintaining the confidentiality of data and the privacy of business or personal information”, but Apple violated this law as well, one of the company’s repair clauses stating that users must copy their data and remove anything confidential or exclusive before sending Apple’s products for repair, something many customers cannot do. “Apple specifically does not warrant that it will be able to repair or replace your product without risk to or loss of programs or data and maintain the confidentiality of data.” And that’s just rubbish, Apple using this clause as a cheap excuse to cover its potential incompetence. In any case, data transfer is primitive technology; any competent person can download data from a device, then store and reload to that same device. But the point is that Apple’s repair clauses on personal data protection and compensation did not in any way conform with local laws. Yet another complaint about unfair treatment was that in preparation for the launch of its new iphone 5, Apple had offered to re-purchase all the used iphone 4 and 4S models in its home market, paying about 50% of the original purchase price. But in China, Apple graciously offered to take delivery of all iphone 4 and 4S models (without compensation) to “recycle them free of charge”. Who in their right mind would agree to such an insultingly stupid proposition? With China providing almost half of Apple’s total profit at the time, why the double standard?

•�Category: Economics, Science •�Tags: American Media, Apple, China/America

I want to make it clear from the start that I have no quarrel with Apple products. I am not an Apple fan, but millions of people love Apple products, mostly with good reason, and Apple has become a fad. However, there is a very dirty underbelly to all this, one that the Western and especially US media desperately hide, with a censorship that is total.

Apple today is in the news due to severe labor unrest at its main assembly plant in Zhengzhou, China, with the Western media providing about 98% misinformation. This is the last part of the legacy of Steve Jobs who created a kind of sociopathic monster behind the scenes that is not at all in keeping with the cute, pretty and friendly image Apple try to convey as a company.

Apple do not manufacture or assemble any of their products, all this being subcontracted to others with Apple simply collecting the profits. CPUs and specific parts are made in China, Taiwan, other nations, then all delivered to Apple’s main assembly plant in Zhengzhou, China for assembly, testing, packaging and shipping. This is the source of all the trouble. The company in charge of this venture, a Taiwanese firm named Foxconn, has facilities in Zhengzhou with about one million workers for Apple products, a site that has been operated as virtually a concentration camp for years. The situation is well-known in China but not a single word appears to have ever escaped into the Western media.

These young people working for Foxconn assembling Apple products work very long shifts, live in “dormitories” that are little over 100 sq. ft. each, and are virtually prisoners in this “factory campus”. The pressures have always been intense. Several years ago, it was so bad that there were flurries of suicides at the factory where young people were simply unable to withstand the strain and pressure. The pay has never been good and the working conditions, terrible. Those who accepted these jobs did so because they had few other choices, but the undercurrents of brutality were always there. The lack of concern for these young people in the West was unconscionable. I was stunned to read a report on the suicides in the Western media where someone wrote that the suicide rate per million for Foxconn employees was lower than that for China generally, and that this proved it was a good place to work. Aside from being untrue, I can scarcely imagine a heart more callous than to write something like that.

It is only due to the arrangement Jobs made with Foxconn that Apple is at all profitable – “the world’s most valuable company”. If those young people were employed at any normal facility, paid anything resembling a living wage, Apple would be nothing, at least financially. It has always been a surprise to me that the Chinese government didn’t just shut the entire place down. One of the issues is that both Apple and Foxconn have consistently been permitted to violate almost all labor laws in China, usually by claiming unclear legislation. One result is that Apple has ensured its costs remain low by Foxconn requiring their staff to work 10 and 12 hours per day, sometimes 7 days a week, but somehow always neglecting or refusing to pay overtime.

This past week, things seem to finally have reached a crisis. Foxconn began increasing the pressure enormously on those young people for higher (and cheaper) production in preparation for the Christmas season, but more than 100,000 employees quit instead. Foxconn managed to recruit another 100,000 replacements, but more than 20,000 of those quit the same day they arrived when they discovered Foxconn had no intention of paying the salaries and bonuses they actually promised in their recruiting drive. CNN quoted Foxconn as saying this was “a glitch”, but it was no glitch. It was just a continuation of the sociopathic and psychopathic policies Apple and Foxconn have always followed in China. They didn’t quit because of COVID; they quit because they were once again lied to and cheated. Foxconn even offered a 38% pay increase, but no one believed them, and quit anyway.

The resentment appears to have reached a critical level that is contagious among all the staff, and there are now reports of many more resignations and what is essentially a strike by all the workers. And not before time. The Western media today are making a great effort to shift the blame to China by blaming the country’s COVID policies, but this is almost entirely irrelevant to the situation. COVID has made things a bit worse, but is in no way the cause of what is happening. The media reports are 98% rubbish, so much so that I won’t even bother trying to refute them. Here are links to some of them. Read, and decide for yourself. Believe whatever pleases you.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

This is an introduction to an article I have also submitted today, titled “Apple’s Rotten Core“, which is itself part of a series I am doing on criminal corporations. I have so far published only one, on P&G.[7] This one on Apple is the second in the series.

The situation is very bad, unethical, inhumane, and absolutely criminal, far worse than my brief description here would indicate. Readers may think this very mean-spirited of me, but I fervently hope Foxconn’s troubles (and Apple’s) are fatal, that the entire company collapses and ceases operation, and takes Apple with it. As I said at the outset, I have no disaffection for Apple’s products but, of all the Western criminal multi-national enterprises operating in the world today, Apple, at least in my opinion, is very near the top of the list and deserves extermination.

Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

His full archive can be seen at

https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/ + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at:



[1] Apple’s Reliance on China Grows Perilous With Chaos in iPhone City

[2] China Covid: Angry protests at giant iPhone factory in Zhengzhou

[3] Apple iPhone factory workers clash with police in China

[4] More than 20,000 new hires have left Apple supplier Foxconn’s Zhengzhou plant in China, says report

[5] Workers flee China’s biggest iPhone factory over Covid outbreak

[6] Apple has a huge problem with an iPhone factory in China

•�Category: Economics •�Tags: American Media, Apple, China, China/America, Foxconn

You may be surprised to learn that the city of London and the City of London are two very different things, related to each other mostly by historical accident and geographical proximity, and co-existing today in a rather complicated power system in which the City of London appears gloriously victorious.

First, the City of London, a small area of about one square mile in size, was established as a haven by the Khazar “Jews” during their extermination from Khazaria nearly 1,000 years ago, and was named ‘London’ at the time. And yes, I know the Romans had been there first. The city of London, with the Bridge and Harrods, and the fish and chips and the people driving on the wrong side of the road, was established much later, adopted the same name, and gradually expanded with population until it completely surrounded the Jewish enclave of the City of London. You can see the positions and relative sizes from the map. When you read about “The Lord Mayor of London”, you are not reading about the chief executive of the city, but about the chief executive of the City. The City of London Corporation, with its square mile directly in the center of London, obviously owns some very expensive real estate, this in addition to a great deal of other property also in the city center, but this amounts to only perhaps $10 billion in total and, as we will see, is trivial.

The City of London is effectively an independent city-state * existing inside greater London.[1][2][3] However, its nature is unique and complicated. It is not so neat and tidy as is the Vatican for example, which is clearly a separate sovereign entity nestled within the city of Rome. Still, the City of London has its own government and police force, makes its own laws and levies its own taxes. It has its own flag, crest, and ceremonial armed forces. I have seen one reference stating that the City also has its own port. I could not find an independent confirmation of this, but it would fit the pattern and the City does have some responsibilities for London ports, so this is plausible. If true, it would be stunning because that would mean that the City could bring in products of any kind including currency, precious metals, cocaine, and also people, without the permission or even knowledge of UK customs and immigration or the UK government.

* In performing a search the other day, I was first met with a notice in capital letters telling me “The City of London is not a sovereign state”, followed by a small avalanche of websites all doing “fact-checking” and “misinformation-debunking” to assure me the City of London was NOT an independent anything. There is hardly a sign more certain that we are onto something important, than when 25 Jewish websites leap up to tell us “There’s nothing to see here”.

The City is the center and home base of the world’s banking and insurance industries. It is the home of the Bank of England (which was supposedly privatised but is still Rothschild-owned), the home of Lloyd’s of London,[4][5] and the literal head office of many of the world’s major banks (some of which you know and many of which you have never heard of). It still contains the home office of the former British East India Company,[6][7][8] which was always a Khazar Jewish company and undoubtedly the greatest criminal organisation in the history of the world – up to that time – and whose archives are still closed to the world for good reason. The City of London is also the home of the oldest Masonic Temple in the world. Our history books tell us that the origins of the Freemasons are lost to history, but that’s not really true. Freemasonry was a Jewish cult that was formalised in the City in the early 1700s.[9]

The legal-political relationship between the City of London and the UK is a bit murky. On one hand, the City is at least theoretically subject (or can be made subject) to at least some UK legislation, although in practice this seldom if ever has happened for reasons I will describe below. On the other hand, the City is so sovereign that the King of England himself is forbidden by both UK and City law to even enter the City of London without first obtaining a “special invitation”, which process is too complicated to bother discussing. The invitation ceremony is not required by law, but the invitation itself is.[10]

Readers may not be aware that democracies can have “flavors”, the UK version being one such with a very distinct flavor. In this case, on the floor of the British Parliament, directly facing the Speaker of the House, is a special chair.[11] Think of it as a kind of throne. The person occupying this chair is a representative of the City of London, attended by six lawyers. His purpose is to monitor all debate in the British Parliament and to scrutinise in exhaustive detail all proposed and drafted legislation to determine any possible effect on the “interests” or operations of the City of London, and to take appropriate action if such interests are affected. The “appropriate action” inevitably results in the legislation being killed. This is not necessarily done by force, but by what we might term “lobbying”, sometimes by extortion, and often simply by an all-pervasive influence on British Politicians.

Lobbying and/or Extortion

There are many news articles available on the kind and extent of the lobbying done by the City to ensure compliance from the UK Parliament. The City’s financial services group spends well over $100 million per year on wining, dining, bribing, and sexually satisfying, UK politicians and regulators. One place for dining is the opulent Guildhall, which even high-level guests describe as “intoxicating” because of the sheer power sitting in that room.

There are well over 100 different City organisations and more than 800 people involved in securing stability, secrecy and a tax-free status for the City’s operations.[12][13] These groups are repeatedly successful in reducing banking and insurance taxes that save them billions. They are also notably successful in killing proposed legislation for any kind of oversight or “watchdog” effort wanting to police not only banking activities but also quoted companies on the London Stock Exchange. They have even successfully killed a pension plan intended for low-paid and temporary workers. I have no idea how or why this proposed legislation would have affected the “interests” of the City, but they felt it did, and the legislation was scrapped.[14][15]

The purpose of this essay is threefold: (1) to bring to the attention of readers the existence of a long-standing conspiracy about the identification of “The Richest Man in the World”, (2) to dismiss from contention the current list of candidates, and (3) to document that a small number of Jewish banking families operating out of the City of London have for generations held these wealth records with fortunes that are orders of magnitude above anything we might have imagined. I will address these points in reverse order, and deal with the current crop of wunderkind at the end.

I do not profess to be able to irrefutably document all the assertions made in this essay, nor to definitively substantiate all the inferences made. The topic is such that too much of the necessary legal evidence is irretrievably hidden from public view and accessibility, and we must in many cases rely on logic and circumstantial evidence to support our assertions and inferences. While the proofs are not as complete as one would desire, this level of evidentiary support is often sufficient, especially when our cases follow an established pattern and we have such reasoning and evidence in bulk. The descriptions and evidence in this essay will serve at least to provide a reasonable basis for understanding and to “draw attention to some of the great forces which have been molding our world”. The figures presented in this essay are not meant as precise calculations, but to impress upon readers the magnitude of the numbers and amounts with which we are dealing.

The Power of Compound Interest

Much of this essay is primarily dependent on only one simple thesis: that those with enormous wealth do not leave it idle but put it to a constant good use; the money is always at work. It is lent out to finance wars and colonisation, to purchase legitimate businesses, to establish control of governments and national economies, and more.

As to interest rates for long-term accumulation, we tend to think of historical interest rates as being very low, perhaps only 1% or 2%, but that was seldom the case. The reason Abraham Lincoln resorted to printing his “Greenbacks” as currency was because Rothschild demanded a 24% interest rate to fund the Union in the US civil war. There are many other such examples, as war financing in particular carried high interest rates. Dutch perpetual bonds issued by Jews were at rates of 10% and 12% in the 1500s and 1600s; Genoa issued much of its debt at 9% in the 1600s. I have used a rate of 5% for the compound interest calculations in this essay, a selection that is admittedly arbitrary but that appears reasonable and conservative in the overall context. The accompanying charts from the Bank of England appear to justify this choice.[1][2]

Some Background on Corporations

A great many of the world’s largest corporations are owned and controlled by Jews, many of these by the select few in the City of London, but also very many outside this small group. The world’s major oil companies are controlled by Jewish interests, as are the major pharmaceutical companies, many of the weapons manufacturers and the world’s airlines, a preponderant amount of the world’s shipping capacity, and many other industries that might not normally come to mind. It is impossible to obtain access to all the information required to even hazard a guess at the value of the corporate asset ownership of these people, but consider that virtually all of the media in the West, and a great deal of the prime media outlets in the rest of the world, including movies and book publishing, are owned or controlled by Jews. There are international companies worth in total many trillions of dollars that are entirely Jewish; Nestle, Sanofi, Monsanto, being a few among hundreds such. We cannot easily know what part of this reverts to our handful of Jewish bankers in the City of London, how much of that was financed by, and is controlled from, that center, but it isn’t negligible.

Things are not always what they seem. Many of the world’s large fortunes were financed by Rothschild or others from that inner circle and thus there is a hidden ownership that will never be revealed. Trolling through historical records, we sometimes discover that a very wealthy man left an estate of only a few million dollars. It isn’t a secret although apparently not widely-known, that one of the Rothschilds financed Rockefeller’s creation of Standard Oil, and did the same with Andrew Carnegie’s steel empire and the Harriman railroad fortune in the US, among others. The financing was usually done through J. P. Morgan, who was a Rothschild agent for all of his career, and in fact Morgan’s banking interests themselves were much more European Jewish than they were American. It is worthy to bring this to the attention of readers since it appears that much of the wealth of the famous American and European families may not have been really theirs but belonged instead to the ultimate Jewish financiers in the background. Today, Google, Facebook, Tesla, Amazon, Starbucks, and many others are in this category, firms that could not possibly have attained their extent of market control without both heavy financing and intense planning originating elsewhere.

A number of studies have been done on interlocking corporate ownership and control, with consistent conclusions that as few as 400 companies, and perhaps even as few as 250 companies, own outright or at least have control of, more than 40% of all the value listed on all stock exchanges everywhere.[3][4][5] But behind those 400 or 250 companies is that same number of men controlling those companies. Even though most large corporations are listed as public, with sometimes hundreds of millions of shares outstanding, we cannot know where the true control lies. Increasingly, many of the shares are held by proxies like Blackrock or Blackstone or other investment groups, and we have no information on share classifications or other restrictions on voting and control.

Nor does the general public have information on interlocking directors who have absolute day to day control, including over all financial decisions. More importantly, it isn’t necessary to own a plurality of shares if you control the Board of Directors or if they are reading from the same script. These people can empty a company’s treasury to pay unlimited dividends tax-free through a tax haven, and do so without even attracting unrest from the common shareholders who seldom have much understanding of these matters.

Many European banks fall into this category, most of these Jewish-owned and tightly-held. The few dozens of Europe’s largest banks like HSBC, BNP Paribas, Lloyd’s, have a market cap in the trillions and an asset base of over €30 trillion. The major North American banks, like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, again owned by Jews, have a market cap of well over $1.5 trillion and assets to match. Plus, we have literally hundreds of Jewish-owned banks in Switzerland and other countries that appear on no list anywhere.

Fascism is a political ideology fundamentally authoritarian in character, with a strong nationalism and an essentially belligerent militaristic outlook. Fascism carries primarily a corporate perspective as opposed to a socialist view, directed to satisfying the needs, values and objectives of finance and corporations, organising both the economy and the political system according to this agenda. A fascist government actively suppresses any objection to its ideology and will crush any movement which opposes it. In keeping with their belligerent nature, fascist governments generally view violence and war as stimulants to national spirit and vitality. Being politically Right-Wing, they maintain their position through firm control or compliance of the media, and most often engage in a vast array of lies and deception. These governments tend to be bigoted, if not racist, invariably require “enemies” to achieve public solidarity, and are often supremacist or at least ‘exceptional’ in their self-assessment. They either believe, or pretend to believe, that they have a license on truth. Large military budgets, the creation and demonisation of fictitious enemies to propagate fear and maintain population control, are all typical characteristics of a fascist regime, as is massive public surveillance.

In 1995 the Italian Scholar Umberto Eco produced a paper titled ‘Eternal Fascism’ in which he examined the characteristics of fascist regimes. In 2003, Laurence W. Britt did an excellent and scholarly work in dissecting and categorising past fascist regimes, in which he revealed common threads that linked all of them in “patterns of national behavior and abuse of power”. He wrote that “Even a cursory study of these fascist and protofascist regimes reveals the absolutely striking convergence of their modus operandi, (which is) not a revelation … but useful … to shed needed light on current circumstances.” I am including here a composite of edited extracts from these two papers with additional commentary of my own. Significant statements by these two authors are in quotation marks. This is a list of the characteristics of fascist states, taken from Britt’s original article:

Early Warning Signs of Fascism

  • Powerful and continuing nationalism
  • Supremacy of the military
  • Obsession with national security
  • Obsession with crime and punishment
  • Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause
  • Disdain for human rights
  • Corporate power is protected while labor power is suppressed
  • Controlled mass media
  • Rampant cronyism and corruption
  • Intertwined religion and government
  • Fraudulent elections
  • Disdain for intellectuals and the arts
  • Rampant Sexism

If we examine the US on these categories, we find an almost perfect match. Certainly, the US has the most strident nationalism of all nations today, with the hysteria of patriotism and flag-worship unabated and even increasing, with the delusional theory of American Exceptionalism as virulent as ever. There is no question about military supremacy, with the US spending almost twice as much on its military as the rest of the world combined and being by an order of magnitude the world’s largest arms manufacturer and dealer. President Obama stated flatly that for the US to remain ‘peaceful and prosperous‘ it needed the world’s largest and most powerful military to maintain an overwhelming military supremacy. Obsession with issues of national security is so common in the US today it has become an object of ridicule. Every manner of information is withheld, every manner of lie is told, every manner of crime is committed, all with the excuse of ‘national security’. Britt noted that a national security apparatus was usually an instrument of oppression, operating in secret and beyond any constraints, with its actions always justified under the rubric of protecting “national security”, and that questioning these oppressive activities is now often portrayed as unpatriotic or even treasonous.

Britt noted that all the fascist regimes had an obsession with crime and punishment, stating that most “maintained Draconian systems of criminal justice with huge prison populations” – a perfect description of America today, including the ‘unchecked power and rampant abuse‘ by the police. He also noted that in all these fascist states, ‘normal‘ crime and political crime were almost interchangeable, “often merged into trumped-up criminal charges … used against political opponents of the regime“. These characteristics of crime, punishment and incarceration are all fields in which America leads the world by a wide margin today as we have already seen.

In terms of enemies being needed for solidarity and to maintain “a unifying cause”, the US is also the outstanding world leader, creating real and fictitious enemies not only for itself, but doing a rather good job in creating animosities throughout the world. In fact, a signature feature of the US is its worldwide propagation of the game called “Let’s you and him fight.”, as we see in Asia today, and with interference in the Ukraine, Russia, China, and dozens of other countries. Creating political chaos and large military risks is a common fascist trait, which is partly why military supremacy is necessary, black and white America attempting to partition the world into ideological factions, often in preparation for war. For some decades, the US milked the Cold War for all it was worth, casting the Soviet Union as a bitter enemy and creating animosity where none would have existed. With the fall of the USSR, the US turned immediately to other nations, never really forgetting Russia, and then created its 9-11 ‘Pearl Harbor Moment’ that would permit it to have a permanent enemy in the person of ‘terrorism‘, a war that will never be won since the US creates all the terrorist events to prolong it. It has the added advantage of demonising all the world’s Muslims while equating all Arabs with terrorists. Enough enemies here for a lifetime of fascism.

•�Category: History, Ideology •�Tags: American Media, Democracy
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
The Hidden History of the 1930s and 1940s
The major media overlooked Communist spies and Madoff’s fraud. What are they missing today?
From the Leo Frank Case to the Present Day