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Who the Hell Is In Charge Here?
If Trump submits to Israeli control just as Biden did, we need a revolution
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A photo popped up on the internet last week which was a bit surprising even for those of us who have been overly obsessed with the seemingly aimless and highly dangerous comedy routine that describes itself as the United States of America’s Foreign Policy. The US has confronted no real security threats since the Cold War ended but has done so many things that were against its own interests that it now finds itself seconds away from nuclear immolation as registered on the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock.

Recently there has been much discussion of what Trump will do re the wars he has inherited from Joe Biden in Ukraine and the Middle East. Bear in mind that The Donald thinks he is a tough guy and believes that by throwing around threats he will inevitably get his way. Concerning Ukraine, he has repeatedly promised to end the war in one day, though he has not exactly provided details on how he expects to accomplish that. Sebastian Gorka, the new Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counter Terrorism, has explained that Trump will use the threat of increasing military aid to Ukraine as a tactic to bring Russia to the negotiating table. Gorka called Putin a “murderous former KGB colonel” and said that Putin must “negotiate now or the aid that we have given to Ukraine thus far will look like peanuts.” The comment is so preposterous that those monitoring the situation are waiting to hear something from President Trump himself to provide some clarity.

Trump’s connection with Israel suggests that he, like Biden, will do whatever Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants. On the campaign trail, he has openly and ostentatiously bonded closely with Israel and its Jewish and Christian Zionist supporters, describing himself as the Jewish state’s best friend. Nevertheless, on at least one occasion he rebuffed Netanyahu when, following the 2020 election, the soon-to-be ex-president lashed out at the prime minister for being, in his words, “the first person that congratulated” Biden.

The internet photo that appeared last week showed a festive gathering at Mar-a-Lago, featuring a beaming Donald Trump seated with Senator Lindsey Graham standing behind him also with a big smile on his face. Seated next to Trump were two grinning apparent guests of Trump whose faces would not be familiar to most Americans. The woman was Sara, the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and seated next to her was her son Yair, who reportedly has been living in Miami Florida. The presence of the prime minister’s wife and son at Mar-a-Lago on Friday signaled a clear desire by the Israelis to maintain the much-needed warmth in the personal relationship with the American president.

The back story to how Sara and Yair arrived at Mar-a-Lago is a bit murky, but it appears that Graham, a passionate and outspoken advocate for all things Israeli, was on one of his frequent trips to that country a few days before the dinner and may have brought Sara back with him to meet personally with the president-elect and to suggest to the incoming administration that the ties that bind the Netanyahus and the Trumps transcend politics.

In that light, it is perhaps no coincidence that so soon after the arrival of Sara Netanyahu, President-elect Donald Trump issued a grave warning to Hamas which is still holding in Gaza something like 100 Israeli hostages “violently, inhumanely, and against the will of the entire world.” In a Truth Social post Monday afternoon, Trump said that if they [the hostages] are not released by his inauguration – January 20, 2025 – “there will be all hell to pay in the Middle East [for] those in charge who perpetrated these atrocities against humanity.” Trump concluded “Those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied History of the United States of America. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW!”

As the United States used nuclear weapons twice on Japan in 1945, one presumes that Trump intends to outdo that performance, possibly by nuking entire countries or regions or even the world. Or maybe he is just so ignorant of history that he doesn’t know about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And his threat comes even though Trump has also promised to “bring peace to the Middle East” on the campaign trail. Since he has never made any attempt to reach a Palestinian audience, it is clear that his call to release the hostages was not intended to include the upwards of 10,000 Palestinian prisoners that Israel is holding without any criminal charges or trials, and subjected to arbitrary killing, torture, rape and starvation. Nor was there any mention of possibly as many as 200,000 dead Arabs, most of whom are still lying under the rubble of their homes in Gaza, who have been on the receiving end of American bombs and artillery shells delivered by Israeli planes and tanks. Indeed, Trump’s failure to understand the whole story relating to what is going on in Gaza, Palestine, Lebanon and now Syria means that he will always be speaking to his Israeli and MAGA American audience and his words will not materially affect developments on the ground in the Middle East, which continue to spiral out of control. Nor does he appreciate, due to his own ignorance and arrogance, how his own utterances only add fuel to the fire, rousing passions among peoples who should be thinking instead of restraint. On Monday, a ceasefire engineered by Washington and signed between Israel and Hezbollah was already on the brink of collapse as it de facto ceded to Israel the right to define what constituted a violation of the understanding, allowing Netanyahu to resume the conflict as he sees fit. Inevitably, Israel began attacking Lebanese targets immediately, enabling a shift to the next target, Syria. It is to be presumed that the final target will be Iran with the United States doing the heavy lifting, paying the costs and absorbing most of the casualties. Will Trump be suckered into such a development? Probably.

The desire to ensure that the United States resumes its status as Israel’s poodle with the new administration makes Sara Netanyahu’s presence at Mar-a-Lago all the more important as her husband is busy coordinating the genocide of the Palestinians and the seizure of all their land and property. If the wars against Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria continue, the Israeli government will actively seek Trump’s full cooperation in the transformation of today’s Israel into the Eretz version stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates and also incorporating southern Lebanon to the Litani River. Luxury villas constructed by Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and inhabited by Jews only will line the Mediterranean coast on top of the remains of a place that was once referred to as Gaza and the oil and gas deposits offshore as well as in newly occupied territories inland plus the Ben Gurion project pipeline that will bypass the Suez Canal will make every Jewish Israeli rich.

Trump’s proposed cabinet is meanwhile composed nearly completely of Zionists, suggesting that Israel’s friends have had a hand of vetting who should be offered a seat at the table, but of course, by some measures Biden’s group was even more Judeo-friendly, with something like 80% of the key posts being held by Jews or by someone married to a Jew. Pam Bondi, the incoming Attorney General, echoing her new boss’s record for inane comments, urged in a Newsmax interview shortly after Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel, that federal officials get tougher with pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses and revoke the visas of those who are not US citizens. “Frankly, they need to be taken out of our country or the FBI needs to be interviewing them right away,” she said. She also called antisemitism “rampant” in the US and said it’s “heartbreaking to see what’s happening to all of our Jewish friends in this country.”

Trump, sharing Bondi’s view, instituted in his first term a travel ban on people from several majority-Muslim countries. It is a policy which Trump has said he intends to bring back when he returns to the White House. So let’s accept that we Americans will be dominated by Zionists no matter which party we vote for and let’s look forward to the disappearance of free speech, or rather the banning and even criminalizing of the First Amendment by Bondi and her associates if one chooses to criticize a certain foreign country. Americans who dislike what is happening have little recourse since the deck has been cunningly stacked against us, but I will recommend for the umpteenth time that voters put pressure on Congress and the White House to take on the so-called Israel Lobby by forcing it to register on the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA). It would to a large extent compel groups like AIPAC to become transparent and not allow them to get involved in disbursing huge donations to influence US elections, which is the source of much of their control over Congress and the political establishment.

There have in fact been brave American politicians who have spoken up against Zionist domination and their voices have been heard, including William Fullbright, Pat Buchanan, James Traficant, Paul Findley and Cynthia McKinney. Israeli dominance of the corrupt American political system has become so total, so visible and so openly exercised that I keep hearing from associates that the tide is beginning to turn in terms of what ordinary people are willing to put up with. Hopefully a few voices right now will become millions demanding change and the monstrous Netanyahu and his supporters can go to Hell, where they belong.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email�protected].

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  1. @Philip Giraldi

    Another wish list article, Phil?

    Politics is about what’s possible.

    Is a Revolution possible?

    Given the current national state of affairs, what is possible?


  2. anon[945] •�Disclaimer says:

    If Trump submits to Israeli control just as Biden did, we need a revolution

    I don’t TRUST you. The gullible Trump submitted fully to Israel last time. Since his defeat last time he is more committed to Zionism because this is the policy of US and the terrorist CIA. Why didn’t you let a fucking revolution? You are lying to American fools to keep them gullible for ever.
    You get what you deserve. Don’t try to fool others.

    •�Agree: IronForge
    •�Troll: kit walker, One Nobody
  3. Trump is a complex guy. I hear people say he’ll do as his donors demand, but Trump will never run for office again, he doesn’t need donors. And if they take him out they get Vance who is less a Zionist. It’s possible that Trump has been so busy running for President that he’s not up to speed about what’s really going on in the world.

    We’ll soon see. Remember it was Trump who refused to attack Iran after the drone attack on a Saudi oil facility, refused to attack Iran after they shot down a US drone that strayed off course, and did nothing after they struck a US airbase with missiles after Soleimani was killed.

  4. Notsofast says:

    trump can talk as tough as he wants, he’s not scaring anyone (except the e.u.). the more they bomb, bomb, bomb, the middle east, the more they deplete their own stockpiles.

    the war in ukraine has exposed all of their weapons systems as 1990’s army surplus garbage. sure the mici mouse weapons industry is rubbing their greedy little hooves together, seeing their troughs filled constantly but the doesn’t change the fact that the russians can out compete the whole of the west on it’s own, producing vastly superior systems at a tenth of the cost, that actually builds rather than drains their economy.

    does anyone believe that the iranians are cowering in fear in a corner sucking their thumb, because they are scared of all the tough talk and saber rattling? they are stock piling weapons, as are the chinese and koreans. the russian korean defense pact was just fully ratified a couple of days ago and it looks pretty comprehensive.

    with the new war unleashed in syria, the turks have broken all agreements and all bets are off now. lets see if they can hold onto their “gains” any more than ukraine can hold kursk. they are miles into a foreign country that has the full backing of russia, china and iran. this would be a good time for the yemeni troops to put some of their battle hardened troops into the frey, making good on earlier promises.

    a lot can change in two months times, let’s just see what comes of this pompus windbags threats, sounds like more swamp draining bullshit to me. why does anyone believe a word this idiot says? perhaps this is the same curse placed upon gullible americans, that allows israel to occupy their minds. well this curse will be broken and it will be broken with extreme prejudice if necessary.

    •�Agree: 24th Alabama
    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
    , @El Gringo
  5. Blinken is running the show. It certainly isn’t Joe, and don’t get me started on Kamala. Biden’s Cabinet is largely kosher. The executive branch is essentially infested with persons more interested in the well-being of Israel than what’s best for our country. I wish I was mistaken, but the more I observe, the more strongly I feel that is the case.

    •�Agree: GMC
    •�Thanks: Adam Birchdale
  6. DanFromCT says:
    @USA invades Israel

    Phil? Next time address the author as Dr. Giraldi if you still insist on embarrassing yourself with familiarity.

    •�LOL: Rich23
    •�Replies: @USA invades Israel
  7. Anon 284 says:

    I ask contributors to please stop using the bullshit terms like

    Israel lobby, deep state, military industrial complex, donor class, NWO, xxx administration, yyy administration, neo con, zionist, etc etc etc when every time we are talking about a group of individuals with the same common denominator and not some grand fictional living entity.

    These are a group of people. You KNOW who they are. They control the money, the media, the government, academia, the courts, etc etc. they are evil and are manipulating, sabotaging and subjugating our society with lies, bribes, threats and violence

    Lets start naming them. The problem will never be solved until it is identified and addressed !!

  8. Megoy says:

    The American people have been duped AGAIN by con man Trump just like Trump 2016 that gave Jews and Israel everything they wanted in both the US and Israel! White Americans will sit and watch Israeli Jews and every other race of people have their ethnic majority homelands PROTECTED while white gentiles are attacked as “racist, Nazis” for wanting the same for themselves while Jews have us about ready to exterminate ourselves for JEWS in a nuclear war caused by JEWS! The ONLY way to stop this is to eliminate the Jews responsible. Unfortunately most people, being good-hearted and SANE are unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices that would be required for that to happen.

    Russia’s military advantage will not last forever. I feel Putin is well aware that the Jews will NEVER stop until they have devoured Russia and control it. Putin should consider nuking DC, NYC, LA and the missile silos in the US along with bombing all of the U.S. bases in the Middle East with this own “first strike” before Russia is completely destroyed and controlled by Jews. Would European leaders really consider attacking Russia once the JewSA head of the globalist Jew snake of removed? I seriously doubt it!

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @annamaria
  9. xyzxy says:

    The internet photo that appeared last week showed a festive gathering at Mar-a-Lago, featuring…Senator Lindsey Graham standing behind him… with a big smile on his face.

    The last thing anyone should want is Graham stooped over, bending behind, smiling. The thumb? God knows where that’s been.

    I guess the obvious question is why Yair isn’t on the front, Uzi in hand, taking it to the Palestinians, or Syrians, or whomever Israel is fighting this week? Miami, eh? Probably scouting out digs for Zelensky, once he absconds with his war loot.

  10. Leon says:

    Who the hell would lead your revolution? 80% of Western whites are Zionist whores. So, the leaders of the newest revolution will be BLM and ANTIFA? BEST OF LUCK WITH THAT.

  11. Anon[296] •�Disclaimer says:

    Who, hmm, that’s a good one! Who can kill you or torture you and get away with it by the municipal-law authority of the National Security Act, the Central Intelligence Agency Act, the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, the operational files exemption, the political questions doctrine, the state secrets privilege, the utmost deference doctrine, the deference upon deference doctrine, FASAB Standard 56, NSC 10/2, the National Security Directive of December 19, 1947, the Rogers-Huston memo et seq.? Who controls the state with focal points, dotted-line reports, illegal domestic agents, and the emergency policy initiative of NSCID-6 ¶ 3(b) in manifest breach of ICCPR Article 4 and the Siracusa Principles?

    Blee, Casey, Kramer, probably, with other half a dozen other DO dead-enders in some permutation. We’ll find out when Marlowe loses this World War he started and all those scumbags swing at Khabarovsk. They’ll cooperate Secret Agent Bibi first and he’ll fink out all his DO handlers.

  12. @Leon

    No, they are not. Most people on some level dislike the Jews. They see what is going on.

    It’s the indoctrination that has been horrendous

    But is reversible

    •�Agree: TrumpWon
    •�Replies: @Curmudgeon
    , @AxeGryndr
    , @TrumpWon
  13. Anon 284 says:

    Note on syria

    Turkey, apparently has put its full weight behind the terrorist invasion of syria

    Erdogan seems to be as stupid as saddam hussein and is behaving exactly like him

    In 1980, israel pushed saddam to attack iran and guaranteed they would use their power over the US to support him over his larger/stronger neighbor so he could keep the territory and oil fields he won.

    The jews, however, were secretly backing each side to create a stalemate and cause as much destruction to both sides as possible until iran started winning and the US had to directly intervene to prevent iran from conquering iraq.

    Erdogan is now repeating saddams error. He is trusting the jews and is about to go to war with iran in syria. Why? Because parts of syria were once under turkik ottoman control? So he can make money from a pipeline? He is already extremely wealthy. How much more money or power does erdogan need? How does any of this shit benefit turkey or its people?

    With any luck that snake erdogan will meet the same end as saddam.

    Fingers crossed

    •�Agree: Rev. Spooner
    •�Replies: @Curmudgeon
    , @Carlton Meyer
  14. @DanFromCT

    Hi, burly defender. Stand down.

    I think Phil can handle himself.

    You can call him Sir, though.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @One Nobody
  15. @USA invades Israel

    No regime ever has lasted forever. Change will happen eventually, but not now.

    •�Replies: @Lemmy Tellyuh
  16. Franz says:

    In charge — Peanut the Squirrel, deceased.

    For comparison Grandma Moses was in charge in the Eisenhower years and we did okay back then. Her art was interesting.

  17. Who is “in-charge” of a runaway train or a stampede or a tsunami or a volcano or a 10,000-year flood or a magnitude 10.5 earthquake?.All of the events and circumstances decried here, in their totality, are subsumed under the Natural Fact of the world-wasting “civilization” disease being right now deep in the terminal throes of its own DEAD END process.

    The reactionary bit-players strutting around on “The World Stage” have no more “control” over any of it than they have over their own bottomless appetites for “self”-destructive but instantly-gratifying behavior. They sure as heaven ‘n’ hell can’t “save” even their own sorry asses, let-alone those of the muddled masses milling around on the brink of extinction by “self”-inflicted means and methods of their own device.

    This Ol’ Indian is only honestly offering a little much needed clarity here, to yet another grotesque misdiagnosis of the condition our domesticated Human Relations’ Condition is in. Any other grown-ups in the room will be fully informed of it already. Not that anybody is really paying attention anyhow.

    •�Thanks: 24th Alabama
  18. @Exile in Paradise

    I don’t dislike Jews, I dislike the behaviour of Jews. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of them exhibit, what I consider to be, some sort of undesirable behaviour.

    •�Replies: @Ray Caruso
    , @Piet the Thief
  19. Pythas says:
    @Carlton Meyer

    If the jews take out Trump who is a zionist shrill or any Western man then they should be taken out. They are fair game. Let the man hunts begin…

  20. @Anon 284

    In 1980, israel pushed saddam to attack iran and guaranteed they would use their power over the US to support him over his larger/stronger neighbor so he could keep the territory and oil fields he won.

    Not quite. Iraq had filed complaints to the UN about Iranian attacks on border towns and cities. Iran denied the attacks. Neither had clean hands. The Israelis were backing the Iranians at that time, selling them parts for their outdated air force.
    No doubt Erdogan is either dumb or deranged.

  21. @Anon 284

    Call them pharisees, because it’s them..again, 2000 years later and who orchestrate everything in west. Believe it or not.
    If you call them ‘jews’, then you are what they want people to be…fooled

  22. Oh but Trump is the messiah!

    Americans just don’t get it? They are the morons who get to live hand to mouth while the criminals live like kings…and you vote for it?

    Fair enough, if your happy living with stress and worry while the criminals invent another 20 billion dollars for themselves to loot and if you feel your pocket lighten with every tranche of money printing…don’t worry…Trump will save you?

    •�Agree: radicalcenter
    •�Replies: @threadhopper
  23. @Anon 284

    Will we have Turkish troops along an ill-defined border with Israel? That would be interesting when squabbles erupt.

  24. Bear in mind that The Donald thinks he is a tough guy and believes that by throwing around threats he will inevitably get his way.

    The Donald thinks that? Are you sure?

    It does not describe The Donald I know.

    Or maybe he is just so ignorant of history that he doesn’t know about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Or maybe he is merely engaging in typical Trumpian bluster, and maybe it is unnecessary to take him quite so literally.

  25. Dr. Doom says:

    Donnie wants to be the savior of ZOG. No chance in Hell. The meat puppets of Satan are toast. They have now become racist colonial apartheid regime supporting targets of their would be slaves. Gaza has boomeranged the AntiWhite narrative right onto Hymie. These nose goblins are the next dodo. Soon to become extinct. There are billions of people who want to kill them. Islam for Al Quds, White Men for the undeclared war on White people, brown hordes that have been programmed to destroy whiteness, and blacks that just kill anyone they can. ZOG is losing and getting weaker. The whole system is about to fall down. It’s just a question of ensuring that the enemy doesn’t get back up or escape. Payback is going to be a bitch.

    •�Replies: @No Worries
    , @Rev. Spooner
  26. Z-man says: •�Website

    Revolution has to happen.
    I hope an intrepid team of Palestinians or Lebanese are able to get to Nethanyahu in occupied Palestine and his son in occupied Miami. They probably have to farm out the Miami hit to South Americans.

    •�Replies: @turtle
  27. Horrible! Ugly, Shithole America (USA) determined to destroy the only democracy in the Middle East. Bashar al Assad, elected president of Syria, has done marvelous job against all odds, is loved by Syrians. But that enemy of democracy, USA, of course calls his election a “sham”, as they always do when they see independent sovereignty.

    •�Agree: JPS, Col from OZ, Jonah Gathers
  28. Big Al30 says:

    This is deep. Real deep and true. This ain’t new with the Jews in history. Seems to be the way it is. We’re at an inflection point for sure. Just isn’t enough of us that understand that so it’s going to happen. Get your pantries stocked, bug out bags packed, bug out vehicles gassed, and bug out hideouts ready.

  29. anastasia says:

    If they succeeded in stealing the election in 2020, it should be clear that it would be much easier to have stolen the 2024 election for a variety of reasons including (1) polls showed Kamala winning; (2) any flame of protests over a 2024 stolen election have been extinguished by the arrests andlong term prison sentences of January 6 protesters; (3) Trump’s criminal convictions (4) they never got rid of mail in ballots, etc. (5) Trump’s bad press during his candidacy could not be any worse.

    So you have to ask yourself this question. Why did they allow him to win?

    They must know that what the deep state is demanding of him, that he will give, and what that is must concern foreign policy.

    If Kamala won and this country went to war either in Ukraine or the Mid-East, would anyone sign up for the military? If Trump won, would his supporters sign up? Would Trump be better able to galvanize this country to go to war?

  30. Saggy says: •�Website

    Trump has said how he will end the war, he will talk to Z and P and if that doesn’t work he’s all in for escalating.

    Video Link

    On the other hand there is a vid floating around when he goes into much greater detail and it’s all about ending the war by negotiating .. I think it is fake …. is it ??????????????

    •�Thanks: Agent76
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @Amon
  31. Priss Factor says: •�Website


    Trump has had the Zionist dong up his bung forever. What’s truly humiliating isn’t that per se(as all politicians have the Zio-dongs up their bungs) as the fact that Jews hate him and attacked him so relentlessly, yet his sole modus operandi is to suck Netanyahu some more and take more Zio-dong up his bung.

    Jews call Trump ‘Hitler’, so Trump cucks to Netanyahu who acts like Hitler.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  32. anonymous[420] •�Disclaimer says:


    The Montpelier Manifesto
    ANGLO AMERICA, 17 Sep 2012

    Foreign Policy

    An immoral, often clandestine and illegal, imperial system based on full-spectrum dominance, military overstretch, might-makes-right, and the proposition that the world wants to be just like us, leading us to provide support to dictators and authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, North Africa, and elsewhere in the world.

    A dependence on military might, based on a multi-trillion dollar budget, 1.6 million American troops stationed at over 1,000 bases in 153 countries (including 80,000 in Europe, 36,000 in Japan, and 30,000 in Korea), Special Operations strike forces (Seals, Delta Forces, Rangers, Green Berets) deployed in 120 countries, and a proliferation of pilotless drone aircraft worldwide for reconnaissance and stealth attacks, sometimes killing civilians, including Americans.

    Immoral, illegal, undeclared wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and (via Israel) Palestine, the threat of war with Iran based on our deliberate acts of provocation, and the endless “war” on terror largely aimed with racial overtones at Muslims.

    The hammerlock hold of the Israeli Lobby over American foreign policy that forces us to support an Israeli-inspired war on terror against Muslims and keeps us from any real commitment to an Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

    The Cuban embargo.

    Liberation from Jewish power must start somewhere. It can be Vermont.

  33. ghali says:

    Well-armed criminals kneeling to Jewish criminals and using terrorism to advance Jewish barbaric agenda on the rest of the world.

    •�Replies: @Rev. Spooner
  34. Thomm says:

    Check out this awesome law firm. All of the top attorneys are Jewish. They are so pious that they wear their Kippahs while they practice law :


    Their practice is devoted to bringing class action shareholder lawsuits against public companies. As public companies with too small a percentage of the shares owned by Jews represent unsanctioned aggregations of wealth (that benefit greedy CEOs, as the boomer/lefty line goes), this firm acts with Jewish hedge fund managers (who take short positions before the firm files a lawsuit) to make short work of these aggregations, sometimes in a single day if the plunge in share price is dramatic enough. If you ever wondered how $1 billion can get transferred from 5000 gentiles to 10 Jews in a single day, this is how. This process returns the wealth to be under responsible Jewish stewardship for the benefit of all and thus strengthens Judeo-Christian values.

    – Mordecai Velvel Rabinowitz

    •�Thanks: Katrinka
  35. “Israeli dominance of the corrupt American political system has become so total, so visible and so openly exercised that I keep hearing from associates that the tide is beginning to turn in terms of what ordinary people are willing to put up with.”

    Thanks for the article but I think we are way past the misdirection of blaming it on “Israeli dominance”. It’s organized Jewry that dominate the key economic and political infrastructure of the country and are leading it into bankruptcy to assist them in the creation of Greater Israel.

    •�Agree: werpor
    •�Replies: @Poopsie
  36. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Wake up, people.

    •�Thanks: Agent76
  37. @Curmudgeon

    Why wouldn’t you dislike them if you don’t like their behavior? What else is there? Their looks?

    •�Agree: Titus7
    •�Replies: @chris
    , @Curmudgeon
  38. The revolution should have happened after Bush and the neocons white washed the isreal attack on New York.

    •�Agree: Druid
    •�Replies: @cousin lucky
  39. cousin lucky says: •�Website

    Imho – Mr. Bibi Satanyahoo is in charge; he owns our government and he owns us.

    After January 20, 2025 it will be extremely clear to most of humanity that he owns us because we will be doing whatever he says to do.

    We are all his ” crack whores “; whether we like it or not.

    •�Agree: chris
    •�Replies: @OrangeSmoke
  40. @Megoy

    Putin wouldn’t be able to Nuke the U.S. directly like that, if he fires at the U.S. with Nukes, the U.S. will retaliate..God you people are damn dumb….Don;t understand shit about nuclear war and how it would play out. You think he can just hit the button and start nuking America without America nuking him back.

  41. @Carlton Meyer

    Who’s in charge? Black Nobility interbred with Babylonian Jewish Banksters and European Crown Families. Here is an article that explains it better than most.


    Reliable sources say that Trump is only pretending to be their lackey stooge…only time will tell.

    •�LOL: JPS
  42. @USA invades Israel

    Behavior, typical of an uneducated little man.

  43. @Notsofast

    The U. S. and Israeli domination of the Mideast is only possible because of
    the absence of Islamic unity and the division between Arabs and non-Arabs.
    The average Muslim from Morocco to Indonesia understands this, but most
    of their selfish leaders do not, effectively making themselves stooges
    for the Jews, who can’t believe their good luck.

    •�Replies: @Bert
  44. JPS says:

    It’s a fiction that these politicians are controlled by “campaign contributions.” Contributions do not equal “control” – not even close. They are controlled through bribery, blackmail, and terrorism.

    James Forrestal and JFK being likely examples of the terrorism!

    It is their modus operandi.

    Jews are not simply prominent, vocal, and reputed to be blessed with special talents. They manage a global criminal network bent on world domination. That is reality and no statement short of this reality is going to be sufficient to produce realism.

    It’s a dangerous delusion that campaign contributions are the root of these problems.

    Look at how they loved John McCain, and his bill, that would only be enforced on contributions to conservative causes!

    •�Replies: @xyzxy
    , @Rev. Spooner
  45. Chaskinss says:

    We need to do this that, the other. We must, we ought to, rise up, rise down, beat a drum, revolt……who’s this “we” ?!.

    sounds like 1 string guitar Chris Hedges. Most USians are dumber than stale dog sht and enjoy being that way.

    Also, they cannot even agree on the petunia colours for a shitty condo association let alone “revolt”…Good night.

    enjoy that work commute usians. work hard and pay taxes. fatca blues.

    •�Replies: @arbeit macht frei
  46. @Saggy

    And says nothing about the Middle East as always..

    •�Replies: @Saggy
  47. @Priss Factor

    Is there any reason WHY the Jewish hate a man who has done way too much for them? Why do they hate him? What did he do to make them hate him?

    •�Replies: @JPS
    , @chris
    , @Z-man
    , @AxeGryndr
  48. MarLuc7 says:

    Trump does not need these bozos any longer. He is in. He had to play nice with the Jews the entire time he was chasing the White House. He is in now. And this is his very last term.

    If his administration is going to wreak havoc and institute radical changes —then he will piss off a shit ton of Jewish oligarchs.

    Climate Hoax Industry
    Open Borders
    Mass Arrests and Deportations
    Big Pharma Reforms
    Military Industrial Complex
    Pentagon Audits

    Not to mention all the trials and prosecutions they have planned.

    Half of the affected Swap Creatures will be Jewish Oligarchs and their investment portfolios.

    Pissing off Israel is the least of his worries. There will be a shit ton of other Jews hating on Trump.

    He either totally caves to Jewish pressure or he carves out a legacy for himself that will stand for 500 years. And be loved and lionized by America.

    The politicians that cave to Jewish power—–are morally compromised (blackmailed) or want MONEY and a long gluttonous career in politics, propped up by Jewish controlled media. Trump does not need their money and he is at the very end of his life. He does not give a shit about their Media Coverage (Alternative Media now Leads this race).

    So the two real weapons the Jews wield (Money and Media) have zero influence on Trump. And Trump is not a pervert, which means the Jews have ZERO blackmail material on him or any of his family. The dude is clean. His family is clean. 10 Years of foaming at the mouth –Obama’s, Hilary and Joe Biden’s FBI, DOJ, DAs, Impeachments…house raids, Media smear campaigns…..and NOTHING Stuck. The Dude is Clean.

    The Jews are all out of currency when dealing with Trump. In cases like this —they kill you will kindness, praise, laughter, warm hand shakes and hugs. They befriend and beguile to court favor.

    I only hope he is smart enough to understand the bigger picture of Jewish predation; their Holocaust Hoax, their plan for hate speech laws in America. The dangers of their ADL, AIPAC and their incessant waring state of ISRAEL.

    I too am worried.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @Agent76
  49. JPS says:

    Trump may make some Jews “uncomfortable” – but Jews don’t hate Trump. They hate his followers, they hate some of the 2016 rhetoric (which could be considered thinly veiled antisemitism if stated by someone like Pat Buchanan), that some of them took at face value.

    Jews have long since caught onto the game. They express faux outrage at Trump because the plan is to have Trump do everything they want and then leave Trump’s followers holding the bag.

    Four more years of Kamala might have caused a political realignment in this country.

    In 2028, expect the rabid Left to take control of Congress and the White House.

  50. Behind every revolution there is
    a…. jew!
    So, We Need a Rebellion, not a
    revolution !
    Dont get fooled People!

  51. turtle says: •�Website

    Anyone who assassinated the evil mass murderer Netanyahu would be doing the world a favor, that is for sure. Trouble is, there are many more like him where he came from.
    Zionism = Satanism.

    •�Agree: Z-man, HT
  52. Bert says:

    Nor was there any mention of possibly as many as 200,000 dead Arabs, most of whom are still lying under the rubble of their homes in Gaza,

    Palestinians are not Arabs. Genetically, they are direct descendants of the Bronze Age inhabitants of the land immediately to the east of the Mediterranean Sea.

    Quoting from a Lebanese writer:
    Genetically speaking, Egyptians are not Arabs. Neither are Lebanese, Syrians, Palestinians, Jordanians and Algerians. All of the above possess biological Arabic roots, each nation to varrying degrees, but most people living there are unlikely to have an Arab DNA majority. That is because Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians and Palestinians are Levantinians, descendents of the Canaanites (And especially the Pheonicians, in the Lebanese case). Arab and Levantine is not the same thing. Same goes to Algerians and Moroccans, who are descendents of Berber and Amazigh tribes, and speak a very distinct dialect of Arabic.”

    Genetics is more fundamental than culture. Israelis would like to present the Palestinians as descendants from the Islamic Arabian conquerors because that assists their narrative that they, the Ashkenazim, are merely returning home and expelling the Arabian conquerors in the process. That narrative is a lie, because the Palestinians, Lebanese, and Syrians are genetically far more Canaanite than Arab. The Palestinians were conquered by Arabs and over time accepted the Arab language and culture, but they are far more authentically Levantine than the Ashkenazim, who are 50% European genetically.

    •�Thanks: Event Horizon
    •�Replies: @Event Horizon
  53. cousin lucky says: •�Website
    @John Trout

    Instead of a revolution the world witnessed the gullibility of the people of these United States!

    P.C.R. calls us American Dumbshits; he is too kind.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  54. ‘Who the Hell is in Charge Here?’

    That’s the $64,000 question, Philip. Apparently, the wealthy, militant, and unified chosen people are in still charge. That is the problem. But it’s even worse than that. Openly identifying them as a malevolent political force is taboo. This fact compounds the quandary even more.

    Yes, the preeminent (and untouchable) kosher cabal pretty much owns the US congress, legacy mass media, social media, search, public education, as well as both political parties. Can we discuss this further?


    Jews have cleverly transformed themselves into a uniquely protected class. It’s a brilliant maneuver. The culture-wide deference given Blacks and gays in America does not come even close to the special status accorded these downtrodden Holocaust ‘survivors’. It is a brilliant (and devious) accomplishment.

    But there’s never been a President quite like Trump. He’s bold and still very unpredictable. Trump is (pretty much) his own man. As a hugely successful businessman, Trump’s accustomed to giving orders and not taking shit. Further, Trump knows and understands the Jews. This means that Trump is at least (mostly) aware of the large Jewish role in pushing for Open Borders (which he opposes) as well as the mega-expensive and lethal wars which have 1) enabled criminal Israeli expansion/genocide but which also 2) undermine US interests both geopolitically as well as economically. Trump surely understands all this. And this will be Trump’s final term. This is his last hurrah. With that in mind, there might just be some pleasant surprises.

    While there is no denying that Trump is compromised by Jewish power, it is also evident that Trump is not owned entirely by the Jews. Thus Trump (not the neocons who surround him) favors unfettered Free Speech. Jews hate this. Uncensored political discourse is the easiest and most effective antidote to Jewish domination. Their hatred of Free Speech explains the latest Jewish-lead war against TikTok. Free speech ultimately becomes ‘antisemitism’ because widespread Jewish malfeasance is real and people want to talk about it. Shall we count the ways?

    Trump’s audacious appointment of Musk and Ramaswamy to head the new federal agency (DOGE) that will expose ‘government waste’ (unnecessary wars, perhaps?) will surely yield some bombshell discoveries. (How many hundreds of billions of US dollars, for instance, were squandered on the annihilation of anti-Zionist Iraq and Libya?–not to mention NATO’s needless war against Christian Russia?) Taken together, these ruthless wars of choice are a trillion-dollar fiasco. But the Jewish establishment supported them all. If Trump and company shine a very bright light there, it could game-changing.

    After that, Trump might just pull the plug on some of the ongoing pro-Zionist boondoggles which permeate Washington’s deep state. The crypto-Israelis who manage the American Mind understand this. And this is why so many Jews fear, detest, and distrust Trump.

    Trump’s base is overwhelmingly White and they want their country, their culture, and their sovereignty back. Trump understands this. And I think that he cares about his base.

    US independence can only be achieved by dislodging Israel from Washington. Trump understands this vital fact, too. Thus I remain hopeful that Trump will keep his enemies close as he implements some healthy and urgently-needed political reforms.

  55. Bert says:
    @24th Alabama

    Unfortunately, genetic difference overriding religious affinity applies to Islamic populations that are even closer geographically to the Palestinians, specifically to the countries of the Arabian peninsula. Those countries are genetically Arab of course, but the Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians are really Canaanite and Mesopotamian with a veneer of Arabic conqueror DNA. Hence, the willingness of the Saudis and the Emirates to abandon those peoples to Israeli aggression.

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  56. Anonymous[595] •�Disclaimer says:

    1. The US needs a revolution, just to clean house, full stop. So does the UK.
    2. In the world in which I live, nobody minds that Hamas are holding Khazars captive. Nevertheless, this hardly levels the playing, though it does make Khazars weep and wail, which is absolutely symphonic.
    3. There is no such thing as ‘ex-CIA’. Giraldi’s trolling, as usual.

  57. @MarLuc7

    How do you know that all the cucking and dick sucking he’s doing isn’t because of blackmail reasons? Nobody sucks up that hard unless they do have some dirt on them. You give this con too much credit and still clinging on to the idea that he is “playing them” and pretending that he’s just going along with whatever they want. The coping is quite depressing with you people who can’t accept that Trump is and will always be their Bitch until death do them apart.

    •�Replies: @arbeit macht frei
  58. Of note since Trump “won” the election is how Elon Musk struts around the U.S. Capitol Building as though he owns it. An unelected, private citizen.

    Triple digit millions in donations buys a lot of privileges, it seems.

  59. @Bert

    Excellent post. Thanks for this.

  60. @Chaskinss

    says the mud hut dwelling shit talking clown. fuck off.

    •�Replies: @Chaskinss
  61. @cousin lucky

    lol he might as well be one himself. After all he flip flops around so many situations. One minute he’s calling people dumbshits for voting for Democrats, the next minute he’s telling people they should stick with Trump even though Trump is a con artist asshole thinking he can threaten the world into submission. If PCR is calling people dumbshits for voting at all, then why encourage people to vote Trump? Anyone voting Trump is an even bigger dumbshit. Because they always make excuses for him.

    I don’t even read PCR content much anymore because he’s an idiot. You can’t be too smart if you believe the Republicans care more about the country and people than the Democrats do. Both are owned by the same groups. And Republicans are for Open borders just as much as the Democrats are.

    •�Replies: @Bro43rd
  62. @mark green

    Yeah because bringing in a bunch of Pajeets is proof that Trump cares about giving white people their country back. Threatening to violate free speech laws if anyone says anything at all about Israel, is giving white people their country back…

    I had to laugh at this entire cope post you wrote. Trump doesn’t give two shits about his white voting block. He even admitted he was bringing in a lot of Indians legally which is just as bad as doing it illegally. Give it up, it’s over. Trump loves Israel more than he loves the U.S. If he’s only “acting” he’s horribly bad at it. I don’t believe he’s going through all this cucking and dick riding because he intends to go after these people he’s aligned himself with, that he cares so much about America he’s going to give it back. People once again putting too much faith in Politicians.

    •�Agree: Just another serf
    •�Replies: @mark green
  63. @NoBodyImportant

    The coping is quite depressing with you people who can’t accept that Trump is and will always be their Bitch until death do them apart.

    it sure is depressing. trump is totally mobbed up with NYC jew gangsters. nothing will ever change that.

  64. chris says:
    @Ray Caruso

    Yeah, good point, Ray.

  65. chris says:

    Here is exactly how the scam works against Trump, Graham, and the rest of Congress:

    Video LinkThe “good cops” protect them from the wrath of the bad ones.

  66. I too am confused by the extreme pendulum swings of Trump’s conflicting proclamations. Perhaps Benjamin Fullford is right in his claim that Mar a Lago has been taken over by a masked version, while the real one is safe at Cheyenne Mountain????

    All his (MSM) reported public pro-IL spurts, are so ridicilously radical and over the top that they border on the comical. A man in danger of being assasinated out in public????

    Anyone with eyes can see that the real Biden has been missing for ages and in his case we too have been visually presented with various masked actors.

    Sun Tzu advises to keep one’s enenies even closer than one’s friends.

    Another quote reads “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”

    What we see and hear is not always as things truly are!

  67. America is a tragedy. A place with all the natural and human resources to afford a prosperous, healthy and happy life for all its citizens, while having a beneficial effect on the larger world. It is just nauseating what they’ve done to America and the western world in general.

    •�Agree: Voltarde, Titus7
    •�Replies: @Poopsie
    , @Druid
  68. Z-man says:

    Because he’s not one of THEM. He also speaks a good game for protecting Christian European civilization. THEY really hate that.
    THEY’VE given him some rope with regards to Zion, but as soon as he does one thing the Zionist wing of globo-Jewry doesn’t like, that rope will be tightened around his neck.
    We have to take out the Rothschilds and all their descendents. The Chinese and Russians are trying but it’s a tough nut 🥜 to crack.
    A real extermination might be required to defeat these parasites. Sadly it may be the other way around.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  69. Z-man says:

    Oh, Sarah left Bibi alone in Izrael? That means Bibi is having fun with his Filipina housekeeper back ‘home’.
    I hope an intrepid team of Arabs gets to Bibi, soon. Unfortunately that poor Filipina servant might be collateral damage.

  70. Poopsie says:

    “Von Arnum, German Minister to Paris in the middle of the nineteenth century…suggested that “few governments are in a position to say they do not bear the golden chains of the [global banking syndicates].”
    p 135

    ” Mayor John F. Hylan of New York City, speaking at Chicago, March 26, 1922, said: “The real menace of our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head of this octopus is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as the ‘International bankers. This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run our government for their own selfish ends.”
    p 136


    Who Are Our Rulers?
    by Don Bell
    The American Mercury, September 1960, pp. 135-140


  71. @Z-man

    If he’s not one of them, whats he doing marrying his kids off to them for and raising them up as ONE OF THEM. And European civilization is already dead, there’s nothing to protect. The Europeans let too many outsiders flood in and no one so far in any major European country has done any mass deportations. The only country I heard was recently doing mass deportations. Was somewhere in Latin America where they kept getting an influx of Haitians, so they were rounding them all up and sending them back from where they came from. I forget which country it was.

    But Europe? They aren’t even trying to deport anybody, let alone Save their civilization and neither are any of the fake leaders….

    •�Replies: @Z-man
    , @Druid
  72. Dr. X says:
    @USA invades Israel

    Is a Revolution possible?

    Yeah, exactly who’s going to fight it? Not the fat white Republican “conservatives,” who voted for Trump and Graham and practically worship Israel.

    Unfortunately, the only people giving ZOG any pushback for its subservience to Israel are purple-haired urban shitlib women and Muslim immigrants.

    And ZOG is happy to arrest them.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  73. xyzxy says:

    It’s a fiction that these politicians are controlled by “campaign contributions.” They are controlled through bribery, blackmail, and terrorism.

    It’s a mixed bag. When we talk about campaign contributions, we have to consider contributions not only to the candidate, but also, and perhaps more importantly, those funneled to an opponent. AIPAC is well known for contributing dollars to any opposition, if an incumbent doesn’t suitably toe the Jew line. In fact, they openly brag about it.

    Also, one has to consider the Jewish press. No candidate can expect positive coverage if they are not on the Jew-train. Positive coverage can be considered an ‘in kind’ payment. And we know that to be labeled an antisemite by the press is a career killer.

    Then there are moneyed operations associated to the Jewish agenda. Direct payments from the MIC, Big Pharma, Big Agra– all are closely associated to Big Jew’s Israel (and social) agenda.

    Blackmail? My guess is it is less than imagined. At least for low-level ‘support’ politicians. One easily suspects a Clinton or Graham, what with their known sexual proclivities. No one would be surprised about them. But what about a Marsha Blackburn–what sort of blackmail would Jews have on her? She’s certainly one of the biggest whores for Israel. Yet that can be explained easier, given her role as one of the largest AIPAC money launderers, plus the fact that her state has a large population of ‘conservative’ bible-belt pro-Israel constituents.

    The threat of ‘terrorism’, meaning murder? That is a possibility at the upper echelons of politics, but not likely at the lower Congressional or local government level. At best it’s a ‘kill the chicken to scare the monkey’ kind of deal.

    You first list ‘bribery’ as a determinant. But that is of course what campaign contributions are all about. No real difference. Not only that, but there is also an expectation of continuing dollars, once a politician retires, in the form of exclusive job ‘offers’, for past service.

    To say that ‘campaign contributions’ are not the ‘root’ of the problem is, strictly speaking, the case. But more broadly interpreted, one can easily understand how Jewish money (along with associated payments from their running dogs) is.

    •�Agree: Bro43rd
    •�Replies: @JPS
  74. Anonymous[354] •�Disclaimer says:

    In politics, the coalition that puts a person into power is not the coalition that rules. Aspirant leaders accept almost anybody who will support them during the aspirant’s contest to achieve power (political dominance). Afterwards, the new leader has the problem of maintaining a loyal coalition, which is ordinarily smaller than the coalition of supporters during the fight for power. The leader has to give the loyal coalition members just enough for them to keep the loyalty of their subordinates (e.g. the Army is always paid) plus a bit more for themselves (so the US Uniparty gives former General Officers patronage jobs in defense contractors) [1]

    So what Trump does now is not necessarily what he will do after his inauguration on 2025-01-20. Trump could drop the Jewish lobby like a red hot rock if Israel’s defeat appears immanent. While it is said that Trump knows only victory, in actual fact there was a time when Trump was bankrupt to the tune of several billion dollars, but prevailed because he convinced his creditors that the real estate market would recover and that their loans would then be paid, as opposed to getting nothing by immediate debt recovery. IMHO, Trump could do something very similar — “The US has been betrayed by the Uniparty, but not by me. We have to recover from the losses of the Ukraine and the Israel war betrayal, but we will be Great again, as I promised. I will thoroughly reform the Uniparty and the US Federal Government!”

    Will he do that? I don’t know, I’m not Trump. But he could.

    1] De Misquita & Smith; Dictator’s Handbook; 2011

    •�LOL: radicalcenter
  75. Hello all, Merry Anti-Israel Christmas !!

    And not only that under this second Trump administration the US government will continue to donate billions of dollars to the evil government of Israel in order to keep mass-murdering Palestines and steal their lands.

    Trump will destroy the US economy and USA by being more loyal to Isra-hell and to corporations than Joe Biden. he will also destroy the already shrinking living standards of the 80% of America

    Go to this link and read this article about how Trump will destroy the working class and make us all poorer, not richer



    •�Thanks: radicalcenter
  76. Bama says:

    We can count on Israeli leadership, American Jews and their people here to circle the wagons and come out fighting whenever there is movement to seriously question their actions.

    All U.S. Presidents want to be well covered by Jewish historians when they leave office and a guy like Trump wants his estate intact after leading the country. None want to cross the Jewish machine here with its talons around America’s throat.

    Pretty sad and quite disgusting.

  77. Anonymous[139] •�Disclaimer says:

    You lead the Revolution, I’ll follow. I’ll shoot the second Jew.

    •�Replies: @Mike The Kike
  78. Nat X says:

    Yall yts have a love/hate relation with the hebes dont you?

    •�Replies: @arbeit macht frei
  79. AxeGryndr says:
    @Exile in Paradise

    I remember learning the phrase “he jewed me out of a quarter” at 8 years old. We ALL know. Those who want to play the game kiss up.

  80. Poopsie says:
    @Just another serf

    Not just the Western world, my friend!

    •�Replies: @Just another serf
  81. Chaskinss says:
    @arbeit macht frei

    are you USian? Or Why america Failed by Morris Berman explains it all USians

  82. AxeGryndr says:

    If there is anything I have learned here, it is that jews have a hatred for whites, and they believe that we are animals meant to serve them. In this way they act just like the mean boss; you can’t do enough, haven’t done enough, and will never do enough. They will never let you know you have been a good servant either, always expecting more.

  83. Hopefully this link will help you understanding the why of it.


  84. Z-man says:

    Blood is thicker than mud and THEY will NEVER consider him one of THEM. But say THEY do, then, THEY hate him because THEY don’t or can’t completely control him. He’s unpredictable so he might get some self respect and kick some Joo ass, but I doubt it. He’s probably already been told that his younger son is at risk if he angers The Cabal too much.
    We shall see. Hopefully Baron will be protected and Trump will kick Joo ass, but again, I doubt it.
    But the hate will still be there.

  85. Chaskinss says:

    Can one imagine the typical USian, getting up in the morn, shitting, brushing teeth, gulping burnt shitty coffee down, sitting in traffic; corporate felation, taxes and fees, fees and taxes, whacking off to fugly wasps, and then rinse lather repeat 5, 6x a week and paying massive taxes and fees for this swill. For what? Emptiness. Hustling. Huckstering.

    That ‘s some stockholme syndrome feces right there Gents and girls. How can they justify living in that business enterprise masquerading as a “country”?!

    The usian brainwashing-propaganda works very well obviously.

    •�Replies: @Bro43rd
  86. @Poopsie

    I know a bit about life outside what we call the west. “Western” influences are present. But the rot is surface deep and it’s going to be stopped.

  87. g wiltek says:

    Damn right.
    We need resist, refuse, revolt.
    And it is coming.

  88. @cousin lucky

    “Imho – Mr. Bibi Satanyahoo is in charge; he owns our government and he owns us”

    That is exactly what Organized Jewry wants you to believe. Netanyahoo is not a rich man, he is in legal trouble in Israel because he has take bribes. His only power is that given to him by American Organized Jewry. Everyone talks about AIPAC being so strong, the money behind AIPAC comes from the American Jew oligarchs and their 500+ organizations. The real Satanic cult is made of powerful people like Jacob Helberg, Alex Karp, Peter Thiel, Bill Ackman, Larry Summers, Neri Oxman, Leor Sapir, Ilya Shapiro, Paul Singer, Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, Ronald Lauder, Marc Rowan, Ross Stevens, Alan Garber, Jared Kushner.

  89. HT says:

    The obvious advantage of Trump over Neocon Republicans and Democrats is he wants to avoid these long Middle East wars started by Israel. I think the Zionists understand that and will bide their time until he is gone before starting more trouble. First thing Trump must do is clean the warmongers out of the Deep State in the CIA, Pentagon, and State Department.

  90. @rockatansky

    “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” i

    •�Replies: @rockatansky
  91. @Anonymous

    You lead the Revolution, I’ll follow. I’ll shoot the second Jew.

    It’s hilarious how people think they’re actually anonymous on this site, and that the feds aren’t watching.

    At any rate, just more evidence of the abject retardation on TUR.

    So, what, you’re going to go find some Jews to shoot? And you think you’re going to get anywhere near the Jews who actually matter, i.e. the billionaires with their own private security services and fortified compounds?

    Just another delusional peckerwood moron. A fine representative of your ‘race’, you are…lol.

    •�Replies: @arbeit macht frei
  92. @Mike The Kike

    what are you doing here? isn’t it shabbos? you don’t roll on shabbos idiot.

  93. Israel Firsters prevailed over America Firsters, and this is true for both Republicans and Democrats

  94. @USA invades Israel

    We don’t need a violent revolution

    We just need to stop voting for fake Jews to lead us

    There is an excellent argument towards that point

    It goes like this

    In light of what the fake Jews are doing to the Arabs of Palestine

    Why would you ever allow them to rule you here in the US?

    Any rational person will see the logic of that argument and then never again vote for for a fake Jew.

    Problem solved.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  95. @Dr. X

    That’s really sad, but they aren’t the only ones giving pushback. Look at Twitter, plenty of non-purple haired people on there are giving some pushback.

  96. @Carlton Meyer

    It’s actually not that complicated

    The Trumpster is a totally owned front man for the fake Jews

    His persona was created and implemented by fake Jew owned Hollywood

    His books were all published and promoted by fake Jew owned publishing

    His businesses were all financed by fake Jew money men, who own his ass

    So, yeah, he’s not a complicated guy

    He’s just another traitorous fake Jew owned shill like Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, et al.

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
    , @swampfox
  97. @Anon 284

    First thing to do is to start calling the mainstream media the Jewish Press

    If everybody did that the fake Jews would be toast.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  98. Pablo says:

    I believe no matter what you feel about Donald Trump, we all will find out what his loyalties to Israel are. Trump and/or his spokespersons have offered they will increase aid to Ukraine–supposedly to end the War in Ukraine. I can name one person who would love an increase in aid to Ukraine: Vladimir Zelensky. This sounds like More of the Same from the USA. Just a New Ruler in charge. If this is the case, that Trump continues with the Biden Warmongering, this Country is doomed.

  99. @JPS

    You are right, that’s why i quit listening and reading to the comments and analysis of Scott Ritter, who is not even a very good political analyist and scientist. He is too emotional.

    You know what Ritter said? That even though most of the people in the new Donald Trump government’s top positions are neoconservative, capitalists, war hawks and zionists. That Donald Trump will not really listen to them and will rule USA like a one-man monarchy and dictatorship, while all those people like Narco Rubio (Marco Rubio, etc) will do whatever the revolutionary progressive anti-war leader Trump say. And Trump will not be really controlled by the Jewish Lobby at all.

    How naive Scott Ritter is

    How naive and emotional people are. They think politics is not really a science, and that it is based on pure will and emotions.

    From my own point of view, if Donald Trump really wanted to be an anti-war, anti-oligarchy, anti-rich people, progressive anti-Israel president, then how come he didn’t name in his cabinet people like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Judge Napolitano, Colonel Mcgregor, Bernie Sanders, Max Blumenthal etc.

  100. Darell says:
    @Anon 284

    When you name them, or point out their lies, you get censored. Even ChatGPT will not answer a question concerning Israel, or Jews. When I started naming them, my internet businesses all tanked and my reach in tried and true methods went to almost nothing.

    I’m not whining, but warning. For sure, bring them up anywhere and everywhere. Just do it “anonymously”, and through a VPN that is not used for any other purpose.

    •�Agree: JPS
  101. Agent76 says:

    Not the Pentagon, and Joint Chiefs!

    Dec 4, 2024 Donald Trump to “Stop Deep State Warmongers and Globalists” | 47th President Agenda

    Video Link
    Nov 25, 2024 DOGE Days Trailer – Official PARODY TV Show Promo
    DOGE Days: The Purge of the US Government PARODY Trailer. What happens when Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are put in charge of fixing the U.S. government? Chaos, comedy, and “efficiency” like you’ve never seen before. DOGE Days:The Purge of the U.S. Government is the satirical reality show you didn’t know you needed. Watch as government departments face absurd challenges, outdated bureaucrats get “streamlined,” and Musk’s tweets become the law of the land. Will anyone survive the DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency)?

    Video Link
    US presidents and their wars.

  102. I think a revolution against Jewish control is way past due. Yes, let us have a revolution against Jews and everything they stand for … uh, uh, except the Holy Bible which we love. IMO so long as the sheeple clutch their Jew Bibles close to their heart, there can be no revolution, as the sheep love being sheep and love being followers of the Jew god, which BTW are the Jews themselves.

    The problem with Jews is not even with Jews per say, it is the holy book which owns the minds and hearts of the Amerikan tax slaves/war fodder. For example, Israel did 911 and the Amerikan people gladly went to war against Muslims, when in fact the Muslims had nothing to do with 911, except as the pre-designated patsies. Muslims did not plant high explosives in the trade towers, Israeli art students did. Going along with official 911 narrative is one of the worst sins – bearing false witness, accepting a lie as one’s truth – especially considering that to believe the official narrative put your soldiers in harm’s way. Remember that post 911 “Let’s Roll” propaganda campaign? Probably originated in the bowels of the CIA, lol!

    I am a vet myself, everyone tells me (like they are mind controlled robots) “thank you for your service”. (They all say it the same way, which weirds me out). I have attempted to correct that misconception that I was serving them or my nation, I patiently explain that US soldiers work for Israel and Rothschild, and they ALL stare at me like deer in the headlights. Obviously the Amerikan people are completely brainwashed and uninformed on the real politik and Jewish control.

    A couple of years ago I was standing in line and the person behind me, a Evangelical woman, told me she wished Bibi Netanyahu was OUR president. I almost laughed in her face, and told her in a very real sense he already was. The point is that this typical Amerikan church going woman LOVES Israel and LOVES Bibi – the biggest mass murderer on the planet. Why would anyone love a genocidal maniac like Satanyahu, especially a Christian? Ahhhh … that holy book about Jews and their god, that holy book describes the Jews being obedient to a psychopathic mass murdering sky god. I mean, if you love Yahweh how could you not love Bibi? Bibi (such a gentle pet name) is the one actor on the planet who most typifies the Bible god:

    The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

    So sorry to say I think the Amerikan sheeple are no where near ready to stand up to Jews and Israel, and take back their nation, not to mention their sanity and moral codes. Christian Amerika loves war, Jews, Israel and war profits. No revolution today or tommorow and I would wager that if Russia nukes Amerika the last Christian sucking down radiation fallout will be clutching their Bible and saying prayers to their Jew god Jesus. The Amerikan people are in complete denial of reality, reminds me of these Covidtards who gladly took the pharma death jab but deny their illness is due to the vaccine injection. The fact is Phil, do Amerikans really care that Israel did 911?

    •�Agree: Dutch Abraham
    •�Thanks: anarchyst, Druid
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @John Trout
  103. Saggy says: •�Website

    Unfortunately he has said plenty about the ME –

  104. anon[360] •�Disclaimer says:

    Its always amusing to see Americans get grifted. People believed everything the loud mouth self promoter brayed from his pulpit. If one elected a parrot to the WH the masses would fawn on what the bird screeches.

    Even now, the usual suspects have been appointed to key positions. Nothing has changed. The Trumpeter must spend a lot of time long distance to Tel Aviv getting his hiring instructions. As Tuco said in the Good the Bad and the Ugly “One bastard goes in and another comes out”. Hope does indeed die hard in the human heart more so in the hearts of gullible idiots!

    Barnum and Bailey were right. There are suckers born every minute. To add to this however is to note that the US public is so stupid that the birth of idiots is exponential.

    Afro Americans are now coming to terms with Black politicians who shit all over them for their own selfish reasons and to support the illegal immigrants. Whites still have to catch up. As for rebellion, revolution and all that, you can forget it. Most Americans have been cuntified and there is no cure for that save a good fucking. My question is how many time do they have to be screwed before they wake up ? Answer ? Who knows !

    Maybe all out war and a mushroom cloud will clear their heads because that is where we are heading.

    •�Troll: JPS
  105. @NoBodyImportant

    Putin wouldn’t be able to Nuke the U.S. directly like that, if he fires at the U.S. with Nukes, the U.S. will retaliate..God you people are damn dumb….Don;t understand shit about nuclear war and how it would play out. You think he can just hit the button and start nuking America without America nuking him back.

    Do you believe that Putin will have much of a choice in the matter? FYI Russia has been refurbishing and stocking Soviet era bomb shelters; mass producing new “mobile” bomb shelters; manufacturing and deploying its latest “game-changing” strategic weapons systems; etc.; obviously all in preparation for a nuclear war.

    As soon as Russia feels prepared and it becomes indisputably clear (if it isn’t already) that the Satanic cult running the corrupt West will never come to their senses, back down and graciously accept the emergence of a peaceful multi-polar world, Russia will have to either: (1) strike first in an effort to destroy America’s ability to make war; or (2) it will have to surrender, disarm and start taking orders from the cult. And the Russian government has already made it quite clear that #2 is not going to happen.

    •�Agree: Megoy
  106. Israel is in charge of the ZUS, ever since they had JFK killed and more proof is the attack on the WTC on 911, by Israel and the ZUS and blamed on muslims to give the excuse to destroy the middle east for Israels greater Israel agenda and the zionists demons got away with it and every thinking American knows they did it, but such is the power of these demons from hell, that very few dare say it.

    Israel and the ZUS are going to take America to a nuclear war over Iran when zionist ass kisser Trump goes all in with Israel in an attack on Iran which will bring in Russia on the side of Iran and will go nuclear, this is baked in the cake, Netanyahu is waiting for his puppet Trump to be sworn in and then all hell breaks loose on Iran. In case anyone wonders, Netanyahu is the actual POTUS calling the shots.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  107. @USA invades Israel

    haha, what a cool nickname you have. Indeed, USA needs a second war of independence, but this time against Isra-HELL !!

    •�Agree: John Trout
  108. @Curmudgeon

    Unlike Will Rogers, I never met a jew I liked.

  109. Anon[155] •�Disclaimer says:

    Sebastian Gorka is a British MI6 plant. Read The Grayzzone article on him

    •�Replies: @Z-man
  110. muh muh says:

    We don’t need a violent revolution

    We just need to stop voting for fake Jews to lead us

    It isn’t Jews we’re voting for. It’s those who pledge fealty to them, and the entire voting game, from fielding candidates to campaign financing, to media support… They control it, by and large.

    The solution requires a lot more patience and hard work. It requires building alternative institutions of influence from the ground up, and you have to treat the situation as if you’re at war, because they’re already doing so.

    That doesn’t necessitate violent war, but it does require solidarity and commitment, two qualities sorely lacking in the general population.

    •�Agree: Bro43rd
    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
  111. @2stateshmoostate

    I don’t see how calling it that is going to harm them. As long as they have power and money, you can call the Press whatever the hell you want to call it.

    •�Agree: Bro43rd
    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
  112. @Low-carb Political Movement

    All the people you named, wouldn’t have brought harm to the U.S. because they aren’t warmongers but Trump I believe people say he had no say in his choices, that they were all picked for him. I don’t know how true this is, or if it’s just people still making excuses for him because they refuse to accept that he still learned nothing. Some people say it was B that chose all the picks for Trump. Again I don’t know whether this is true or more excuses being made because no one wants to accept that he screwed up, AGAIN. By making the same mistakes he made the last time, only these appear to be much worse picks than before.

  113. SafeNow says:

    It would be a darn shame if the brain-wired obsession with contentiousness and irresolvable conflict gets us all vaporized, because there are so many other playpens available in which that brain-wiring could have fun. Bankruptcy lawyer; professor; pundit; CPA; shrink; hedge-fund dude; etc. etc. With all those relatively harmless playpens available, stay the heck away from vaporizing me. Can’t they manage that?

  114. @Yukon Jack

    Why even quote someone using Leftist terms…Whenever I see words like “Homophobic, racist, misogynistic.” I swear I feel like knashing my teeth, and hard until they start to hurt.

  115. @mark green

    The best course Trump could take to combat Jewish tyranny is to release all info and documents regarding 9/11. He must first release all JFK archives as once promised to lay the groundwork for releasing 9/11 documents. But once all the dope on 9/11 is out just let things develop on their own.

    By the way, I wonder what it could have been that caused Trump, after reading the documents, to reverse course on the JFK info release. Really, what could be so shocking?

    •�Replies: @Bro43rd
    , @Kathleen Murphy
    , @Flo
  116. Agent76 says:

    The Pentagon is the enemy of the whole world and America’s as well.

    May 25, 2014 FDNY 9/11 Survivor Witness and Whistleblower Speaks on WTC 7
    Listen very carefully starting at the ’20’ second mark! As a firefighter on 9/11, he was at Ground Zero and was there when Building 7 came down.

    •�Thanks: Druid
    •�Replies: @MarLuc7
  117. @NoBodyImportant

    I don’t know where you live mister

    But where I live no one knows that the mainstream media is totally owned and controlled by fake Jews

    Who use it for their benefit

    You are aware are you not that the fake Jews rule the US by deception?

    The fake Jews can not rule out in the open because no one likes them

    Therefore the key to bringing them down is to expose them.

    What do you suggest we do to end fake Jew control of the US?

  118. @muh muh

    Your splitting hairs

    10/7 has exposed the fake Jews for who they are

    They can not rule in the open because they have no base, no one likes them

    What you’re talking about is playing the long game

    All they while your country is being looted and destroyed around your ears

    And your children and grand children are enslaved by them.

    No, the solution is having s0me guts and exposing them

    You can’t be afraid of getting on their kill list.

    I know I’m on it.

  119. @Bert

    No matter the cause, the lack of unity among their enemies has
    been an unearned gift to the Jews.

    •�Replies: @anon
  120. Trump has surrounded himself with a team of plutocrats and billionaires.

    Scott Bessent, hedge fund manager and former CIO of Soros Fund was picked by Trump to lead the Department of the Treasury. Net worth: $1 billion.

    Massad Boulos, Tiffany Trump’s father-in-law and the CEO of a Nigerian motor vehicle company, is set to become a senior advisor to the White House on Arab and Middle Eastern Affairs. Net Worth: Around $1 billion.

    Doug Burgum, former North Dakota governor and CEO of Great Plains Software, who Trump picked to head the Interior Department. Net Worth: $1.1 billion.

    Stephen Feinberg, a co-founder of Cerberus Capital Management who ran the firm’s defense sector investments, appears to be in line to become the number two at the Pentagon. Net Worth $5 billion.

    Jared Isaacman, CEO of the Pennsylvania-based processing firm Shift4 Payments, who also founded the defense firm Draken International and sold it to Blackstone in 2019 for a reported nine-figure sum, is Trump’s pick for administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Net Worth: $3 billion.

    Charles Kushner, Ivanka’s father-in-law, founder of Kushner Companies real estate firm, and beneficiary of a Trump pardon, as ambassador to France. Net Worth: $1 billion.

    Kelly Loeffler: the former Georgia GOP senator married to is married to Intercontinental Exchange founder Jeff Sprecher, was chosen by Trump to run the Small Business Administration. Net worth: $1.1 billion.

    Howard Lutnick, the CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, is Trump’s pick for Commerce Secretary. Net worth: $1.5 billion.

    Linda McMahan, who Trump tapped to head (or kill off) the Department of Education, the former CEO of the World Wrestling, and chair of the America First Policy Institute. Net Worth: $3 billion.

    Elon Musk, owner of Tesla and Twitter and reportedly the world’s richest human, was tapped by Trump to co-head the Department of Government Efficiency. Net Worth: $344.6 billion.

    Mehmet Oz, TV doctor and snake oil salesman, who Trump wants to run the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Net worth: $100 million to $315 million.”

    John Phelan, a financier and founder of MSD Capital, is Trump’s Secretary of the Navy nominee. Net Worth: Around $1 billion.

    Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur and former pharmaceutical exec, who Trump tapped to co-head his dismantling of the federal government group known as DOGE. Net Worth: $1 billion.

    Warren Stevens, Trump’s pick for ambassador to the UK, is the head of Stephens, Inc., the Arkansas investment bank founded by former Clinton backer Jackson Stephens. Net worth: $3.4 billion.

    Donald Trump, TV personality who was re-elected President of the United States. Net Worth: $6.6 billion.

    Steve Witkoff, a real estate tycoon who owns 51 major properties, including the Woolworth Building, in Manhattan, is slated to serve as Trump’s envoy to the Middle East. Net worth: $1 billion.

    Source: https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/12/06/roaming-charges-fanfare-for-the-common-billionaire/


    •�Thanks: Charles Pewitt, anarchyst
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @JPS
  121. @2stateshmoostate

    Sure, Trump is bought and owned with the only question being the
    ability of the Jews to keep his worthless ass on the plantation.

    We can only hope that Putin, Xi and the Saudis submit a higher bid.

    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
  122. Dr. Rock says:

    I said during the entire campaign that Trump HAD to cater to the jews and Israel, if he wanted to get (read: be allowed) elected; Thus, he did.

    What he actually does once in office will tell the larger story.

    If he doesn’t unravel the jewish control of our government, nothing meaningful will change.

  123. Z-man says:

    He needs the United Healthcare CEO’s (RIP) treatment.
    PS. Many, many people deserved that assassination more than that CEO including many congress critters, other politicians and TV pundits. I still want to carry the severed heads of Bill Maher and Alan Douche-a-witz on broom sticks thru Times Square and roll them over separate catch basins for the rats 🐀 to finish them off.
    Jay’sus forgive me. 🙏

    •�Agree: Druid
    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
    , @Getaclue
  124. Amon says:

    Negotiating, lol, everyone knows by now that the US lies about everything, eventhe Us people says it can’t be trusted about anything.

    Not a single deal made by the US has ever been kept and con man Trump is the biggest liar of all. He sold his daughter to Epstein to avoid bankruptcy and then sold her to a Jewish pedo to secure his path to power.

    A shame to see so many white Americans willing to sell their sons as slaves and their daughters as whores to the devil worshipers in the hopes that they will get to fly naked up into heaven and watch the rest of humanity suffer through the hell they have created for them.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  125. MarLuc7 says:

    WT7 is old news….wait until you learn No Planes were Used on 9/11:


    •�Agree: John Trout
  126. There have in fact been brave American politicians who have spoken up against Zionist domination and their voices have been heard, including William Fullbright, Pat Buchanan, James Traficant, Paul Findley and Cynthia McKinney. Israeli dominance of the corrupt American political system has become so total, so visible and so openly exercised that I keep hearing from associates that the tide is beginning to turn in terms of what ordinary people are willing to put up with. Hopefully a few voices right now will become millions demanding change and the monstrous Netanyahu and his supporters can go to Hell, where they belong.

    I say:

    Willy F Buckley was an agent and whore for JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG).

    National Review magazine dead scumbag rat Willy F Buckley set the rancid spineless whore tone for the treasonous rodents in the so-called “conservative” movement.

    Sobran and Buchanan and Buckley, Oh My!

    White Core Americans are walking through a dark forest and remembering the time when honest, honorable men such as Pat Buchanan and Joe Sobran were viciously attacked by a nasty little CIA Yale richboy cunt named Willy F Buckley.

    William F Buckley didn’t have one drop of English blood, but he had that same rat-faced visage that treasonous WASP turd George HW Bush had.

    In 1991 and 1992, when CIA Leprechaun Twat William F Buckley wanted to attack Pat Buchanan because Buchanan was skeptical of wars that benefited Israel, Buckley the whore called Buchanan an “anti-Semite.” In fact, the CIA Leprechaun scumbag William F Buckley wrote a whole book in 1992 screaming about so-called “anti-Semitism” and Pat Buchanan. William F Buckley is a disgusting dead Leprechaun rat who is now roasting in the hottest pits of fiery Hell!

    William F Buckley presumed to speak for old stocker Americans when he had no English colonial ancestry. Buckley was a treasonous rat CIA Leprechaun boob, much like John Brennan, and Buckley willingly took steps to demographically destroy his own nation by downplaying the threat of nation-killing mass immigration.

    William F Buckley was part of the Mexican-involved oil mafia that George HW Bush was associated with.

    William F Buckley is another globalizer treasonous rat who was too stupid and greedy to be on the Signals Intelligence — electronics — side of the American Empire.

    Tom Piatak — VDARE — Buckleyism: The Harmless Persuasion — 2008:

    Buckley’s greatest political failing, of course, was his relationship to the neoconservatives. Buckley began by inviting them into his magazine, and ended by virtually ceding that magazine to them, and eventually allowing them to expel from National Review all conservatives of whom they disapproved.

    I first became aware of the baleful influence of the neocons as a result of attacks on one of the finest writers ever associated with the magazine, Joe Sobran, and on the most promising conservative candidate for president since Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan.

    Despite all the ink spilled over Buckley’s opposition to anti-Semitism, my own sense was that something other than moral rigor was at work when Buckley joined these neocon attacks. Not only was Buckley’s analyis of Sobran and Buchanan unpersuasive, but when Buckley first acted to clip Joe Sobran’s wings in 1986, he commented, bizarrely, on the relative retaliatory prowess of blacks, Jews, and American Indians. [This was repeated in In search of anti-semitism, National Review, December 30, 1991(PDF)] If what a writer produces is offensive to another group, what difference should that group’s political power make—if the concern is really over the content deemed offensive rather than the political power?

    The effect of Buckley’s failure was calamitous. Pat Buchanan has been right about almost every major issue facing America since the end of the Cold War, from the necessity of controlling immigration, to the dangers posed by multiculturalism and political correctness, to the wisdom of staying out of the quagmire of Mideast politics, to the need to defend American sovereignty, American jobs, and the American middle class. If Buckley had decided to embrace Buchanan rather than attack him, these ideas, rather than neoconservatism, might today characterize the American right. It is possible that Buchanan might even have gained the presidency.


    •�Agree: Titus7
    •�Thanks: anarchyst
  127. @Low-carb Political Movement

    Trump grew up among the kosher-nostra mobsters of the Atlantic City / New York area.

    Reliable sources say that he is hiring a mixture of deep state “swamp creatures” AND swamp cleaners, so that he can “keep his enemies close” (giving them just enough rope to hang themselves) and will eventually clean out the swamp creatures (kosher-nostra mobsters, and zionist neo-con war-maniacs) when the time is right.

    Reliable sources say that Trump is only pretending to be a zionist kosher-nostra neo-con war-maniac lackey stooge…only time will tell.

  128. @Dr. Doom

    In the sixties someone sang “The times-they are a changing”. Even Scott Ritter has removed his Bob Dylan’s poster that was always displayed in the background.
    Before the digital age information was limited and needed resources to be uncovered, this has changed (You can call me Captain Obvious).
    The nefarious and well coordinated acts of the jews were covered up and not well known but all this has changed. In this new age nothing but the immediate present can be kept hidden and the past is an open book if you do not rely only on google.

  129. @ghali

    Paging MEAMJOJO & A123. Peace

    •�Replies: @ghali
  130. cousin lucky says: •�Website

    Imho – When John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas after the ” Cuban missile crisis ” the threat of nuclear war had humanity on edge.

    Our neo-con nitwits and Donald Trumps cabinet members as well as Trump himself are bringing that nuclear war fear back to the table.

    Insanity is in charge!

    •�Agree: John Trout
  131. ariadna says:

    “There have in fact been brave American politicians who have spoken up against Zionist domination and their voices have been heard, including William Fullbright, Pat Buchanan, James Traficant, Paul Findley and Cynthia McKinney. “ [Emphasis added}

    Really? Grab 100 random Americans off the street and find out to how many of them any of these names ring a bell. I would venture to say maybe one or none.
    The brain washing has been steady, prolonged and the suppression of “misinformation” highly successful.

  132. @HenryKissingHer

    That’s what Scott Ritter said that “Reliable sources say that Trump is only pretending to be a zionist kosher-nostra neo-con war-maniac lackey stooge…only time will tell.”

    I didn’t believe Scott Ritter at first, that’s Scott Ritter’s theory, he said that Trump appointed zionist warhawks, in order to pretend that his second administration will be an administration loyal to Israel (Just like Joe Biden)

    I hope and wish you and Scott Ritter are right in that risky tactic. But i don’t know i have my doubts that is a too risky option on the part of Trump, of having zionist enemies so close to him

    But that might be a strategy of political power just like some books that talk about political power claim (The Prince by Machiavelli, and The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, Twilight of the Idols by Fredrich Nietzsche)


  133. @JPS

    It’s a fiction that these politicians are controlled by “campaign contributions.” Contributions do not equal “control” – not even close. They are controlled through bribery, blackmail, and terrorism.

    Damn right JPS, its bribery first, if that doesn’t work then they go to blackmail and end with terrorism and covert assassination.

  134. Aragorn says:

    Hal Turner:
    “This Zelensky character simply has NO CLASS. None. At all.

    How dare this wretch show up to the re-opening of the Cathedral of Notre Dame dressed like that? How dare he come to a meeting with a U.S. President, dressed like that?

    Zelensky is so low-brow, so unschooled, so ill-mannered, it’s disgusting.”

    Yes, he should have come dressed in a coffin.
    Or at least carried by Zeb Macahan.

    Technically, the murderer are not President yet, its still time to hang him 😉
    Why not in the Cathedral ? TWO undead Vampires on display.

  135. IronForge says:

    Another Real World Situation Giraldi whines about…

    No, we don’t need a revolution, Retard – Murica have been a Masonic-Zionist State to BEGIN WITH.

    The Zionists aren’t leaving Murica anytime soon.

    DEAL WITH IT – without wasting everyone’s time here every week with useless complaints.

  136. anon[410] •�Disclaimer says:

    My understanding is that American Gentiles are no longer genetically built to engage in highly Group Selected activities like revolutions, or even the peaceful act of all Americans coming together and ceasing all economic activity by collectively quitting their jobs and collectively ceasing to use currency, causing the immediate collapse of the American economy. Right now, every American’s and Westerner’s main interest are their recreational activities and their ability to continue to be able to pay for these recreational activities.

    As I understand it, Trump is a Genetic Sociopath. Do you think he says to himself “I feel sincere sympathy for American Gentiles and want to risk my wealth and safety to protect them from the Jewish people.”? In other words, do you think a person who lived as a billionaire for most of his life, living just for money, having his own Hollywood TV show, having his family marry Jewish people, and completely intertwining himself with the foreign nation of Israel feels innate Altruism for American Gentiles? Or, was being President just a Sociopathic desire for him as the ultimate socio-economic conquest?

    Here is what I speculate will happen:

    – Trump will finish off all the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, and Iranians.
    – Trump will provide Ukraine with many times more weapons that Biden did.
    – Trump will not deport any of the fifty million illegal aliens in USA.
    – Trump will saturate America will millions more legal non-European immigrants.
    – Trump will put further restrictions on the Second Amendment, like he did during his first term.
    – Trump will make inflation even worse with all his tariffs
    -Trump will make NATO even stronger so that they can be ready to protect the international Jewish community.

    Not much of a future for us Gentiles. I don’t know what more to say.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  137. The mesmeric control that the Jewintern exerts over Western ‘elites’ and, alas, the masses, is frightening. Here in Austfalia the political vermin and the MSM, particularly the Murdoch cancer, compete in a veritable Olympic Games of groveling to their Masters.
    The other day, a synagogue in Melbourne was fire-bombed at four in the morning. In my opinion attacking any religious building is wicked, even one as hideously ugly, aesthetically, as this pseudo-Brutalist concrete monstrosity. The perpetrators have escaped, apparently disappearing into the aether. No claim of responsibility, surely a mark of ‘antisemitic terrorwism’, has been made.
    Interestingly enough this ‘attack’ coincided with Austfailia changing its vote in the UNGA to support Palestine over the Judeonazi occupation of their land. We voted with 157 others, INCLUDING four of the precious ‘Five Eyes’, with eight, the USA, Israel, Milei’s ‘Little Israel’, once Argentina, and a scattering of Pacific Island colonies of the USA, opposed..
    Naturally the local Jewintern went ape-shit crazy, as ever, with rage, their soma. The Leader of the Opposition, the ‘human’ suppository, Dutton, once again nailed his colours to the pro-Israel ie pro-genocide, mast, and the Murdoch cancer, lead by the ‘Israelian’, formerly The Australian, screeched and wailed and spat and hissed, as usual. And even Satan-yahoo itself ‘interfered’ in our politics by blaming the attack on our vote at the UN GA.
    All so very ‘coincidental’ and convenient for the forces of Evil, running rampant in this country. If they don’t come up with some patsies, soon, I’ll just assume that it was a false flag, once again. The local Judaic community, Easter Island moai hats and all, will no doubt appreciate the chance to build a synagogue less hurtful to the eyes of those who behold it. And, naturally, no-one dared compared the damage, with, thankfully, NO casualties, with the carnage of scores of churches and mosques DELIBERATELY obliterated in Gaza, by ‘God’s Chosen’, often with worshipers slaughtered in the process. Why, that would be ‘antisemitic’ ‘Jew-hatred’, of course. Our political and MSM vermin expressed orders of magnitude more outrage over this incident than the genocide in Gaza. That is the mark of a polity morally poisoned unto death by Jewintern power.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  138. Jew-lover Don The Orange Face gives Jew (“Musk’s Buddy”) total control over NASA

    “He is Jewish, although he has
    stated that he is not religious.”
    How reassuring and also confidence-inspiring!

    “He will safeguard Free Speech online [sic!].” Power-grabber
    Lipstadt will be “delighted” about this laughing up her sleeve.


  139. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Conzos are so desperate for Jewish approval that they support total scum like this.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  140. Dr. Giraldi calls for a “revolution,” but how, exactly, is that supposed to happen? Already, I figure there must be tens of millions who understand the facts of Jewish power but I don’t believe the Jews are even slightly concerned about it. I don’t think they give a rat’s ass about what is said on this board, or other sites, as long as they retain the ability to use force as they deem fit.
    At least everyone here can agree on one thing: you can’t “vote” the Jews out of power!

    •�Replies: @JPS
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  141. @Low-carb Political Movement

    So Elon Musk has more money than the powerful Elite Families?

  142. @24th Alabama

    I hate to tell you this but those folks are also owned by our fake Jewish Friends

    The deal is though, our fake Jewish Friend’s control is top heavy

    They have infested the highest levels of our government with traitors

    But they don’t have the support of the man on the street

    Their Achilles heel is that they must rule by deception

    10/7 has exposed them to Americans as the string pullers behind their elected representatives

    This is good.

    •�Thanks: 24th Alabama
  143. DanFromCT says:

    I’ll throw in a late comment because that lead photo of Trump with Graham giving the thumbs up has been bothering me like some nightmare come straight from hell. You have moral filth like Graham giving a thumb’s up and Trump with that shit-eating grin, both obviously doing so in support for the unspeakable evil the US government makes possible in Gaza, the WB, Lebanon, and now Syria. These people are celebrating genocide and the IDF horrors in posh surroundings. They are evil without remainder, but of course that is why they were chosen as puppets of the Jews.

  144. JPS says:

    Well Matt Gaetz was just pushed out of the US Congress, so the blackmail definitely exists.

    Campaign contributions can potentially act as bribes and inducements, but the BRIBERY is not substantially campaign contributions. The Clinton Foundation is a good example of the level of bribery that exists. These politicians aren’t working for their salaries and their campaign contributions.

    As Unz documents, Lyndon Johnson was very, very rich.

  145. JPS says:

    Oh, they care about it. The question is, when are they going to strike? Trump was telegraphing that he wants to “deport” the “Jew-haters” – sounds like a threat to more than just pro-Palestine Muslim aliens. In Europe they have the laws and the terrorists (Antifa) to prosecute, harass and brutalize anyone who crosses them.

    What they have planned for the USA is the question. Trump is undoubtedly part of their plan.

  146. If, iif the sionistlunatics in telavivsodom, in dyrtingingwahshington, in city of bastards (who direct everything in the west) off london, and in immensely corrupt brùssel (btw, the bytch of europe,

    ursulan from the lie have by the aesshooels of lies of today, got out of prosecution..hmm), get their way.., then they will fall. People have had it.. with the talmidicsionistfariseebastards..once n for all.

    And the battle of Europe have started.. and the baastards will have it all..moore than the creeps have ever expected. Aand they, the fu..nk nobodies will noot get their ww3..but a cobnut or two right on their korsakovsyndromforehead..yehh.

    It’s a harsh language, yes, but they do not
    no anything else than harshness, they aare the personification of cowardness. yes. They always think..power is might, and might is everything..hmm. Ook, so what if the People would show them what Reeal power is..
    , they would crumble..and beg for mercy..Ie that is what parasites do…crumble n beg for mercy. “we are soooo innocent”..Well..we no the phariseectalmudic ‘melody’, by now.

  147. ariadna says:

    On your predictions:

    – Trump will finish off all the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, and Iranians.
    He will give Israel all the support to force all Palestinians to leave. May try to coerce Egypt to take them in the Sinai desert. UN will provide tents…
    He will try to “negotiate” with Lebanon to make it cede a chunk of its territory as a “buffer zone” for Israel’s security and to disband Hezbollah.
    Iran is much tougher nut to crack. The Iranians will be idiots if they don’t hurry up and produce a few nukes. THAT is their only deterrent. They should consult NK.

    – Trump will provide Ukraine with many times more weapons that Biden did.
    No. He will try to force NATO to do it. He feels they are freeloaders.

    – Trump will not deport any of the fifty million illegal aliens in USA
    He will only deport a couple of thousand felons with much fanfare..

    – Trump will saturate America will millions more legal non-European immigrants.
    A definite YES

    – Trump will put further restrictions on the Second Amendment, like he did during his first term.

    – Trump will make inflation even worse with all his tariffs.

    -Trump will make NATO even stronger so that they can be ready to protect the international Jewish community.
    No. He has no incentive to do that; he wants it dependent on the US, and he couldn’t do it if he wanted to. Europe is in bad shape economically and fractured politically..

  148. ariadna says:
    @Priss Factor

    I like how his face freezes into a rictus as he immersed in a deafening chorus of insults, and then he falls back on the shtick that made him rich: “I will sue you! Let me get your picture so I can sue you.”

  149. Rangewolf says:

    Who is Tina Peters, and why is she in prison, under a 9 year sentence? And most curiously, why is no one around here talking about what she discovered? Are all of you terrified of Dominion?

    •�Agree: Bro43rd
  150. anon[314] •�Disclaimer says:

    Yes, a revolution is needed. The 2nd amendment has been made for that, to end foreign control and local tyrants.

    But Americans are lazy, fat and mainly cowards who prefer to be corraled, muzzled and injected than fight for their freedom.

    •�Agree: Flo
    •�Replies: @TrumpWon
  151. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    Trump will save you?

    Orange Jesus is the answer.

    Now what is the question?

  152. @HenryKissingHer

    Reliable sources say that Trump is only pretending to be their lackey stooge…only time will tell.

    Bullshit. Time has already told. How many years have you been asleep?

    “Reliable sources…” Blah blah blah blah blah.

    But, your handle — I love that. Hilarious

  153. @JPS

    They express faux outrage at Trump because the plan is to have Trump do everything they want and then leave Trump’s followers holding the bag.

    This is so obvious. Drives me crazy that so many are oblivious in front of the obvious. Trump was engineered to be the asshole avatar of clear thinking people, and he really mostly appeals to the Pro Wrastlin’ crowd.

  154. @Yukon Jack

    The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

    Confirming the adage that: man created god in his own image.

    •�Agree: Dutch Abraham
  155. annamaria says:

    “the Jews will NEVER stop until they have devoured Russia and control it. ”
    — Jews have failed and harmed all countries they have ever occupied. Persia in antiquity and the European societies more recently used to have a healthy immune response to the supremacist psychopaths (possessed by talmudic hatred) by expelling the hateful fools. Hopefully, the jews-occupied US congress & MIC will fall off a cliff before jewish genociders (both in the jewish fascist state & diaspora) have enough strength to do a mortal blow to Humanity. Jews always depend on some plump host. The current host of the US has been rotting at the head at least since 1913.

    The U.S. Federal Bank Reserve’s Jewish Origins: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2015-11-30/ty-article/u-s-federal-bank-reserve-a-jewish-story/0000017f-f42c-d47e-a37f-fd3cdd110000

    The International jew and the US: https://www.zgodovina.eu/slovenci/dokumenti/Jewish%20Bankers%20War%20On%20America.pdf


    The influence which forced the United States to repudiate a commercial treaty with Russia while Russia was a friendly country (1911), and thus to compel all business between the United States and Russia to pass through German-Jewish hands, was generated by Jacob H. Schiff. Russia seems to have been the country on which he chose to focus his activities. …

    Mr. Schiff’s activity consisted in forcing the Congress of the United States to do a thing that was repugnant to the reason and conscience of President Taft, and which he personally refused to do or to recommend. Mr. Schiff left the White House in great anger with the threat, “This means war.” … President Taft acquiesced gracefully in the Jewish victory and has since been extremely laudatory of them on the public platform.

    Mr. Schiff’s firm [ Kuhn, Loeb & Co.] also helped finance the Japanese war against Russia, and in return desired Japan as a Jewish ally. … The Japanese war with Russia enabled Mr. Schiff to advance his plan to undermine the Russian Empire, as it has now been accomplished by Jewish Bolshevism. With funds provided by him, the basic principles of what is now known as Bolshevism, were sown among the Russian prisoners of war in Japan, who were sent back as apostles of destruction. Then followed the horrible murder of Nicholas Romanoff, Czar of Russia, with his wife, his crippled son, and his young daughters, the full tale of which has now been told by the Jew who managed the crime.

    Jewish bankers had seeded the Dragon’s teeth for the 20th-century main wars. It is obvious that jews have been the leading pushers for almost all wars of this young century. The judaic/talmudic indoctrination has been producing amoral monsters brought up on Kol Nidre, holobiz Lies, and on rules of dishonorable behavior overall.

    All major jewish organizations (including the Holo-museums) have been supporting the genocide of children and women in Gaza. There are the largest ever numbers of pediatric amputees in Gaza, and these little victims of jewish hatred are the most painful reminder of the jewish moral degradation. The damned genocidal tribe of deluded supremacists well deserves a very bad fall. The Great unmasking of the tribe is accompanied by the Great awakening of Humanity to jewish sadism and lies.

    •�Thanks: mark green
    •�Replies: @John Trout
    , @Chris Moore
  156. EL_Kabong says:

    I think people had best take a look into the issues this man speaks to and has been talking about for years. Disregard him out of hand if you want but I think whether you agree or not, it’s always best to at least listen in and fact-check before making a judgment. I wish people like Phil Giraldi would at least look at his work as well.

    Video Link

  157. @annamaria

    All major jewish organizations (including the Holo-museums) have been supporting the genocide of children and women in Gaza. There are the largest ever numbers of pediatric amputees in Gaza, and these little victims of jewish hatred are the most painful reminder of the jewish moral degradation. The damned genocidal tribe of deluded supremacists well deserves a very bad fall. The Great unmasking of the tribe is accompanied by the Great awakening of Humanity to jewish sadism and lies.

    Thank you, Annamaria

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
  158. @Z-man

    There are three theories about wealthy men in government, not necessarily
    mutually exclusive:
    1) Since they are already rich they have no incentive t0 steal more.
    2) Greed is so habituating that they can’t stop stealing.
    3) As members of the elite, it is their mission to further impoverish
    poor folks to motivate them to become rich.

    •�Replies: @JPS
  159. JPS says:

    Why even quote someone using Leftist terms…Whenever I see words like “Homophobic, racist, misogynistic.” I swear I feel like knashing my teeth, and hard until they start to hurt.

    Yes, Richard Dawkins is typical of his kind. Britain really is not at all a free country and has never been one. Maybe gentlemen could say what was on their minds, within certain bounds. It’s a nation of raging Anti-Christians shamelessly pandering to women. This freak married old broken down Romana from Dr. Who, he takes large contributions from people who want to meet with him or God forbid eat with him.

    These people do fear Divine Wrath, in their own neurotic, pipsqueak way.

  160. JPS says:
    @Low-carb Political Movement

    Having a billion doesn’t mean much anymore. I’m not saying it’s insignificant, but it really has no relation to holding a billion in gold when the dollar was redeemable for gold specie.

    Trump (in real terms) is probably one of the poorest men on the list. Trump has assets that may or may not be worth a lot “on paper” – but the value of those assets depends on doing what he’s told.

  161. JPS says:
    @24th Alabama

    People aren’t usually motivated by what they have, but what they don’t have.

    There are many psychotics in the ranks of the super-rich. They want to see others cringe, bow and scrape and to be in fear of them. To be in that position with everyone, there is never enough money or power.

    •�Agree: NoBodyImportant
    •�Thanks: 24th Alabama
  162. Who the hell is in charge?

    Clearly organized jewry. The Austrian painter tried to warn the world.

    But the world believed the lies of the jews.

    •�Replies: @Aragorn
    , @annamaria
  163. @Anonymous534

    No regime ever has lasted forever. Change will happen eventually, but not now.

    And no human has “lived forever.”

    Your point?

    You sound like a feminist Polonius who “manifests” destiny by thinking positively, braying at the ocean, banging sticks in forests, “reading” Tarot cards, and clicking ruby slippers.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous534
  164. @USA invades Israel

    If you have the guts to watch this video on how Israel got nuclear material from the US with the help of politicians, judges, controlled media and Jewish billionaires you’ll know that the USA is nothing but a whore of Israel and it won’t stop anytime soon.


    End of story.

  165. @Lemmy Tellyuh

    My point is that in the short term revolution is impossible, in the long term revolution is inevitable.

  166. @NoBodyImportant

    Ok. Sure. I concede your point. You are probably right about Trump. (But not necessarily.)

    Hope springs eternal:


    •�Replies: @Greta Handel
  167. @Monika92gti

    The Judeonazis control the West, the USA to ludicrous extent. Through Silicon Valley they control the internet outside China and, perhaps, Russia. They are collecting ‘data’ on everyone who gets near the web, who takes a DNA ‘heredity’ test, or whose relatives do, and Israel is the real epicentre of cyber-crime. They fear ONLY China, which is why they want their Western Sabbat Goyim to deal with it. That, like their attacks on Rome, may be their Achilles Heel.

  168. @mulga mumblebrain

    As an addendum, a web-site, quoting another investigator, has revealed that the Zionazis are actively recruiting for the IDF in Austfailia, contrary (ha, ha!) to local law. The operation works out of the same building as two local Jewintern stand-over gangs. Down and down we go, driven ever deeper into Hell by our Judaic overlords and their local stooges.

  169. Heretic50 says:

    Israel should be referred to as “the Pharisee state” as much as possible. Doing so many provide a clue to “Christian Zionists” about whom they are supporting, i.e., by bringing to mind what Jesus repeatedly said about the Pharisees in the Bible. Modern Israel is led by today’s equivalent of the biblical Pharisees, whom Jesus called the children of the Devil.

    Then again, it may be a bridge too far for the typical “Christian Zionist” to make such a connection. They’re not exactly intelligent people.

    •�Agree: rockatansky
  170. DanFromCT says:
    @Low-carb Political Movement

    The appointments so far might as well have been made by Netanyahu. As others have pointed out and given the level of betrayal verging on treason, we’ll most likely see only crumbs thrown on the floor for his supporters, such as political theater starring a few dozen or a hundred or so felons rounded up in raids choreographed with Fox News and CNN.

    The RINO game will probably put an end to his agenda once again, if the last go-around is any guide. Fox News will be flogging the same old excuse that there’s no end to the trouble caused by the naughty RINO’s, whose function is giving cover to the rank and file who can then tell ma and pa back home they did everything they could but were betrayed by the RINO’s.

    •�Agree: ariadna
    •�Replies: @JPS
  171. Bro43rd says:

    The “block commenter” button should be applicable to authors as well. PCR & MH top my list of don’t read.

  172. Bro43rd says:

    How very hebrew of you to notice & rub it in, termite.

    •�Replies: @Chaskinss
  173. Bro43rd says:

    The virtual car battery they have hooked up to his nuts or he’s manchurian. Probably both jic!

  174. Aragorn says:
    @King Edward I

    Yes, they even believed the lies of the Austrian painter, a “Jew”, very probably a Rothschild.
    You don’t get this, do you ? Not even after “Nine Eleven” or the fake Pandemic, where your “Jews” blamed “virus” for to kill you. Organized “Jews”: Bill Gates, WHO, “UN”, Trump, Ron Unz…
    The “Jews” do not allow posts about Newtons laws valid in North America.
    It will look bad that you did “Nine Eleven” your self ! Like you was run by the “Jews”.
    They ALWAYS run first, and blame somebody else for what they them self are, have done, want to do.

  175. ziggurat says:

    Or maybe call them the “Ashkenazi Mafia”.
    David Duke calls them the “Jewish Supremacists”.

    There are so many names to which they’ve been given.
    But what matters is to give them some name and to use it, because this will make it easier to advance the interests of Western peoples over these anti-Western supremacists.


    It’s like the Stark Trek Voyager episode, where invisible aliens were torturing the crew.
    Once the crew knew these alien supremacists existed, the crew was able to name them, discuss them, and then find a way to stop the harm they were causing.

    •�Replies: @Aragorn
    , @Anonymous
    , @rockatansky
  176. Still no sign of the ‘terrorwists’ who ‘fire-bombed’ the Melbourne synagogue. The longer it takes to find the culprits, or plausible patsies, the great the chance that it was a carefully timed false flag.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  177. Aragorn says:

    The “invisible alien” are the state, the secret police, the police, the bureaucracy.
    In short, the sadistic parasites, which see their goal in life to force OTHERS.
    And, of course, when severely mentally disturbed like Bill Gates, or Adolf Hitler Rothschild order them to do something, they only follow orders.

    •�Agree: Anonymousrgc
  178. Who the Hell Is In Charge Here?

    Answer: Jews, queers, communists and globalist oligarchs as the prime culprits. They all got to go or nothing will ever get better.

  179. Odyssey says:

    The fact is that everyone is preoccupied with the events in Syria, but life must not stop and the show must go on. We are looking at the recompositing of the region, but we should look back at some things that may only at first glance have no connection with the main topic. If not us, who? If not now, when?

    It seems that the global audience still cannot come to its senses after discovering the true meaning of the word kike (OT#10.360). As I expected, after removing the mystery of its meaning, a kind of anti-climax occurred (to remind and disclose that I own only 1% of the copyright and the rest belongs to Big C.Mike, who deserves an appendix for his solution – ‘the kike’).

    Incidentally, we mentioned and briefly presented 4 theories/hypotheses about the origin of Ashkenazi Jews (Rhineland, Punic, Khazar and the Odyssey’s hypothesis). All of these hypotheses (except the last one) have been proposed and explained in a large number of papers, articles, and books.

    The attentive reader may notice in the first three hypotheses something that we can call Penelope’s paradox (named after my faithful wife who waited for me for 20 years). Namely, the fact of the inexplicable explosive increase in the number of Ashkenazi Jews in Western and Eastern Europe was lightly passed over or ignored.

    One paper mentions that in the 15th c. there were 50K Jews in Western Europe and that this number had increased to 8 million before ww2. Other papers write about 25-35K Jews in medieval Western Europe, which by the 17th century had grown to several hundred thousand. This enormous increase is explained by a selective demographic miracle, where only the number of Jews increased but no other populations. Even the percentages of this increase are given (OT#10.391).

    However, if one calculates the figures, one can see that the increase in the number of Ashkenazi Jews was between 160 and 300 times (!!!) in 500 years. And all this in conditions of wars, persecutions, famines, epidemics, resettlement, pogroms, etc. We will call this incredible growth (we will use the average figure of e.g. 200, for ordinary discussions) Penelope’s paradox. Existing and future hypotheses must first resolve this paradox (which solution is already embedded in the Odyssey’s hypothesis). To begin with, one could check the accuracy of the starting numbers and then the calculation methodology (I used only the fingers of my left hand).

    Loloho-ho-ho hoppy Hanukkah kikez, and merry Christmas goyz!

    •�Replies: @anon
  180. Odyssey says:

    Is there a pilot in the Airplane?

    (4 min)

  181. Chaskinss says:

    How very USian to live in denials, deceptions, and delusions. USian

  182. Trump is just a Biden clone on steroids.
    Trump campaigned on being “America first” but he was really “Israel First” the whole time. an absolute betrayal of all his supporters.

    Let’s hold another presidential election and replace Trump with Robert Kennedy, because, for starters, the first thing Kennedy is going to find out out is that the Israeli Zionists killed his uncle and his dad.


    I do not adhere to jewish supremacy and if that makes me an “anti-semite,” then I’m a proud anti-Semite and for the exact same reasons I’m anti-KKK.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  183. @JohnnyGodYilmaz

    Because the Israeli-Zionists killed the Kennedy brothers. JFK was killed because he was going to defund Israel.

  184. During a post-election chat beside the pool at Mar-a-Lago, Trump said, ‘I’ve ordered ice cream – tutti-frutti.’
    ‘Jesus,’ I said.
    ‘Don’t say “Jesus” at Mar-a-Lago,’ Trump snapped. ‘Try “Abraham,” as in Abraham Accords – my achievement in my first term.’
    ‘Surely, Mr Trump, you support Christian Zionism?’
    ‘That’s an oxymoron.’
    ‘How so?’
    ‘A Zionist can’t be a Christian.’
    ‘Zionists want the Middle East for White Jews. That means wiping out millions of A-rabs. No Christian would do that.’
    ‘So you’re not a Christian?’
    ‘Where’s that goddamn ice cream?’ Trump bellowed into his phone. ‘Get the tutti-frutti here – now!’ Furious at the ice cream’s non-arrival, Trump kicked a self-glorifying book by HRH HRC into the pool. ‘That bitch started WW3 with her fucking Russophobia.’
    ‘You’ll prevent war, sir.’
    ‘Damn right.’
    ‘You’ll be the greatest president since Lincoln.’
    ‘You’ll achieve MAGA goals. Bring troops home from overseas bases, which cost the taxpayer billions. Rebuild America’s infrastructure – railroads, bridges, derelict cities like St Louis, Baltimore, Detroit—’
    ‘San Francisco, full of LGBTQ types.’
    ‘You’ll abolish nukes. Drain the swamp. Smash the CIA into a thousand pieces like JFK wanted. You’ll kneecap the FBI and MIC. You’ll make peace-loving Tulsi Gabbard Secretary of State. You won’t fill your cabinet with Zionists. You’ll make tough Jim Jordan Attorney-General and bring Devin Nunes back to jail the crooked Dems and Feds, for all the harm they’ve done you and America—’
    ‘Ah, here’s the ice cream. As we scoff, sir, glance at my cabinet list.’
    As Sam nibbled tutti-frutti, he read the names of nutters and Zionists who’d destroy MAGA. Sam’s vision of a better USA and world – Trump retiring in glory as a president of the people, a president for Peace’ – lay in tatters.
    Sam handed the list back. ‘I’m disappointed, disillusioned, distressed. As a socialist I wanted Bernie as president, but Clinton illegally shafted him, and he lacked the balls to fight. So, Mr Trump, I pinned my hopes on you. You spoke for the workers, though you’re not one of them, I thought you wanted world peace, including in the Middle East. But you don’t. You’re the worst kind of selfish Zionist. You’ve picked a cabinet of Jews more loyal to “Israel” than America – as you are. Change your cap from MAGA to MITSME, Trump —Make Israel The Second Mongol Empire. After all, your family friend Netanyahu is the second Genghis Khan.’
    Sam dived into the pool and sank to the bottom, like his hopes for world peace and a fairer future for everyone, including the wonderful, patient, steadfast, vanishing people of Palestine.

  185. Give it up. It’s clear by now that we don’t want to be free. And even if we did we are too stupid for it. Congresspeople won’t do a goddamn thing no matter how many useless citizens call. We want to be Zionist, so there you have it- now we are. Bow down to your masters who you have fought tooth and nail to install as overlords.

  186. Chaskinss [AKA "Septic Guirini"] says:

    This Amerikan life: 2 young USers were nabbed for beating a vagrant to death. In a decaying shithole, the homeless are easy targets


    Most Amerikans are empty callous pieces of shit who don’t care about each other. Pair that w/ a gov’t that’s only interested in pointless imperialistic wars, & you’ll see why their experiment (“country”) is a total failure

  187. @mark green

    Speaking of false hope, note the misleading

    Trump to End ‘Birthright Citizenship’ on Day One

    as the headline for the Newslink you just posted. From the article: “He also suggested terminating birthright citizenship via executive action, forecasting potential legal opposition.”

  188. anon[147] •�Disclaimer says:
    @24th Alabama

    “”No matter the cause, the lack of unity among their enemies has
    been an unearned gift to the Jews.””

    The ability to put lipstick on a pig, enables the endless parade painted porcine publicity, that somehow always makes the ugliest pig a beauty queen, or at least something qualified for slaughter house bacon, and not the creamatorium of poisonous pig meat.

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  189. Flo says:

    Wasn’t it reported that Pres. Trump was talked out of releasing the JFK files by Mike Pompeo?

  190. @NoBodyImportant

    Vladdy does not need nukes when his missiles have enough kinetic energy to simulate nukes.

    Russia would never use nukes and thus forever tarnish their glorious counties history.

    And the USA remains the only nation to nuke innocent civilian human beings.

    •�Replies: @Megoy
  191. Pablo says:

    Every reasonably sane person knows that The Donald will tow the Israeli/Jewish Lobby line TO THE LETTER. The Election is over; Trump doesn’t owe the American Voter anything now. Trump might make some moves to appease his MAGA supporters, but Trump’s ‘meat and potatoes’ will ALWAYS be slavishly devoted to serving Israel.

    •�Agree: JPS, ariadna
  192. Anonymous[418] •�Disclaimer says:

    Or maybe call them the “Ashkenazi Mafia”.

    Given the strong presence of Jews both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews in sicily it can be said that the sicilian mafia must have a jewish component.


    Not all of these shared haplogroups necessarily have common non-Jewish ancestors from Italy because many Sicilians from the Palermo region in the northwest, the Siracusa region in the southeast, and the province of Agrigento in the southwest and some Italians from the farthest south regions of the mainland descend in part from Sicilian Jews and Sephardic Jews who were forced to convert to Roman Catholicism in the 1490s. There had also been ancient Phoenician settlers in Sicily who were genetically similar to the Israelites. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9781644699850/html

    The comparisons suggested the Ashkenazi circa 1350 had a mix of ancestry resembling populations from southern Italy or Sicily today, with components found in modern Eastern Europe and the Middle East mixed in. “That fits the historical data,” says Krishna Veeramah, a geneticist at Stony Brook University who was not involved in the work.

    The island of Sicily had a sizeable Jewish population in late antiquity, as indicated by epitaphs, tomb decorations and other finds that are the widest-ranging from all of Italy besides Rome.

    Similarly, in the principal component analysis (PCA), Ashkenazi Jewish individuals formed a relatively tight cluster with Jews from Italy, the Middle East, North Africa, and Spain. However, this cluster was also positioned near several non-Jewish populations (i.e., Armenians, Cypriots, Druze, Greeks, and Sicilians) that were characterized as “Middle Eastern” (Behar et al. 2013).
    Although these findings suggest a common ancestry for Ashkenazi, North African, and Sephardi Jews, the analysis also revealed support for an Italian source in the autosomal single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis, thus suggesting a southern European origin. Furthermore, the assertion that “most lineages in the Ashkenazi Jewish population along the male and female lines trace primarily to the Levant” (Behar et al. 2013:8) is difficult to sustain when the Ashkenazi population clusters in equidistance from European (Cypriot, Greek, and Sicilian, Tuscan, and Abruzzian Italian) populations and only a single Levantine population (Druze), whose geo- graphic origin is extremely complicated (Shlush et al. 2008). In fact, rather than demonstrating a strictly Levantine origin for contemporary Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews, the Behar et al. (2013) study suggested a more diffuse, circum-Mediterranean origin for them. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332958595_The_Geography_of_Jewish_Ethnogenesis

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  193. @Ray Caruso

    I grew up with a Caruso who was straight off the boat from Italy and staunch Catholic. His behaviour was occasionally problematic, likely because of the cultural differences. I didn’t dislike him because he was Catholic or an Italian. Get it?

    •�Replies: @Ray Caruso
  194. TrumpWon says:
    @Exile in Paradise

    I’d concur with that. In general anything done by policy is reversible.

    The indoctrination is sort of along the lines of “agree with the status quo or you’re bad/out of touch/ignorant”.

    The same way people are conditioned to accept “the Holocaust” as this terrible event that happened precisely the way some history book says (what are the odds of that, btw?) Has there ever been a systematic review of all of the misinformation, half-truths, distortions, and lies, contained in every iota of instructional or informational content in the Western education system? I don’t know of one. Why are people so quick to trust everything that appears in print, like its some sort of magical credential of truth and accuracy that some publisher printed this stuff up? So what? Anyone can print anything. Big deal.

    That blind trust in “authority” is coming to an end though. Its okay to question everything including the actual authority and credentials of those holding themselves out as such. The MSM has stripped itself of its authority, just basically self-immolated. Governments are rapidly following suit because for the first time, their stalwart mouthpiece has been neutered so they have to increasingly be their own spokespersons. As we saw from Kamala HQ, this has disastrous results, even when there are still a few media loyalists, when unqualified pretenders attempt to shill for themselves and speak directly to the people, the result is the same; the people see that those who claim qualifications and merit and character often are completely lacking in all of those, or have ones that are diametrically opposed to what the public wants.

    And think about it this way – this was inevitable spillover from the “deconstruction” inherent in the Marxist subversive playbook of Critical Theory. Since there is a bloc that insists its perfectly okay and reasonable to question the basic nature of human gender, and to disparage instead of revere the former cultural icons of society, (Founding Fathers, European colonists and explorers, etc), then surely it is perfectly okay and reasonable to question the narrative of the holocaust or any other historical event that likewise has no living credible eyewitnesses.

    I see it as the ultimate proof of the maxim that lies cannot withstand the light. Once the whole sordid scene is sufficiently illuminated, everyone can see that all of the liars are colluding, that all of the lies are intertwined, and that obviously, they never had any of the facts or proof or authority or gravitas that they pretended to have. Like the lifting of a glamour cast by a sorceress, all is revealed in its pathetic, ugly reality, and all who witness it recoil in disgust.

    This is how we win. Thank god for Assange. For James O’Keefe. For Alex Jones. For Andrew Breitbart. For Libs of Tik-Tok, and thanks to our enemies, for making it all so easy.

  195. @ziggurat

    the ashkenazimafia, is fine..or phariseemafia. And israhel is, talmudistan

  196. Odyssey says:

    How does PP (Penelope’s Paradox) fit into these theories (#186)?

  197. JPS says:

    I’m convinced the Republicans don’t want large majorities in the House and Senate, if they even want them at all. They just let the Dems steal a bunch of seats in both houses.

  198. Chris Moore says: •�Website

    Hopefully, the jews-occupied US congress & MIC will fall off a cliff before jewish genociders (both in the jewish fascist state & diaspora) have enough strength to do a mortal blow to Humanity. Jews always depend on some plump host. The current host of the US has been rotting at the head at least since 1913.

    The U.S. Federal Bank Reserve’s Jewish Origins: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2015-11-30/ty-article/u-s-federal-bank-reserve-a-jewish-story/0000017f-f42c-d47e-a37f-fd3cdd110000

    Its Federal Reserve Ponzi is going to be the end of Judeofascism. This is why ((Fink)) et al are so desperate to introduce a digital world reserve currency. And why the Chinese are busy buying gold by the ton.

    Angloid-American “elites” have always known this. With their Judeofascist partners in crime, they compounded the Bretton Woods Ponzi with the Petrodollar Ponzi. They simply leverage the collective Gross National Product of the non-“chosen”, non-Zionist goyim nations (the Anglosphere still has some brilliant yet incredibly stupid and short-sighted zoglodyte minds) to back their Judeofascist Ponzi.

    Trump knows this too, and is trying to put the brakes on, but it’s a runaway train. In for a penny, in for a pound, as the Angloid Judas crowd likes to say. Its going to take a WW3 victory to enforce any kosher golden calf Ponzi that the Hebroids cook up, and they can’t even secure planned Zionist Ponzi scheme central at this point. Inflation (economic reality) is destroying their Synagogue of Satan dream/schizoid fantasy. The more they print and spend, the higher inflation goes. But the can’t stop printing or spending, because the mob will turn upon them in a heartbeat.

    This should all be common knowledge and be leading every discussion on the fake-“Jews” — the Hebroid scum so despised by the Prophets and Jesus Christ.

    All these religious rubes and theological Satanist rubes and atheistic rubes are wasting time, other than those who understand why Jesus Christ named the Synagogue of Satan and began inciting against it, a meme picked up by authentic Christendom.

    That’s why there’s only one religion that matters. But these “Jewish Century” bought and paid for useful idiots or co-accomplices are blinded by their greed or their sectarian “chosen” dogma and by political or geopolitical intrigue and wars.

    There is really only one eternal enemy of humanity, but the jew has an endless supply of dumb zoglodytes and kosher collaborators.

  199. Druid says:
    @Anon 284

    Very true. History shows it’s the j cabal. As long as that’s not recognised, the world will deteriorate

  200. Druid says:
    @Just another serf

    {they} have done this to every prosperous and powerful country in history. Usury and financial shenanigans to take over industries and finances, then bribery/blackmail/media/pornography/feminism to weaken the society, then transfer of all wealth, useage of manpower until they go broke and (blow away) as Shitenyahoo said himself. We’re a nation full of stupids who don’t see. The Muslims know and have paid severely for this knowledge, lest they impart it to the Christian fools. It’s depressing

  201. @anon

    Okay, so I’ve kissed a few pigs, with or without lipstick,
    but I’m sure they were otherwise appealing although
    I can’t remember why.

  202. @Kathleen Murphy

    Pretty sure he already knows they did his father in, but I still doubt he’ll do anything about it even if he was President. They all love taking orders from the very same monsters, and being their bitch for a living.

  203. anon[285] •�Disclaimer says:


    The attentive reader may notice in the first three hypotheses something that we can call Penelope’s paradox (named after my faithful wife who waited for me for 20 years). Namely, the fact of the inexplicable explosive increase in the number of Ashkenazi Jews in Western and Eastern Europe was lightly passed over or ignored.

    It is mass conversions in and out of Judaism that explains the population dynamics and the shared ancestry for all of these populations in deep history.

    There are historical sources that testify that Judaism was a prosetelyzing religion.

    In particular Italy was inhabited by Jews since antiquity.

    Mass conversions in and out of Judaism happened since Judaism was less rigid. Possibly Phoenicians who converted to Judaism rather than Hebrews brought the Jewish religion to these places. Ashkenazi Jews, Italians, Syrians (Levant), and Anatolians share a common Middle Eastern background and, as such, remained largely genetically indistinguishable from one another. This observation is especially important because it speaks to the potential for shared ancestry for all of these populations in deep history, and thus to the ambiguity surrounding claims of “Middle Eastern” ancestries for Jewish populations.

    There were heterodox Jewish sects that shaped the emergence of Christianity.

    The distinction between early Christianity and Judaism was fluid, there were Jewish Christians and Christian Jews.

    This Judeo-Christian culture was the basis on which the Jewish founding fathers of Roman Christianity could convert the Empire to the cult of a Jewish messiah, with its prominent Jewish aspects.

    Mass conversions in and out of Judaism also explain the shared genetic ancestry.

    Below are extracts showing this connection in genetics.


    The Med haplotype, the most frequent haplotype in Jewish communities, was also common in circum-Mediterranean populations. Its widespread distribution and relatively recent age suggest high rates of male gene flow around the Mediterranean and into Europe, possibly via the Neolithic demic diffusion of farmers and/or more recent migrations of sea-going peoples such as the Phoenicians .

    At least two alternative hypotheses should be considered: (i) high rates of recurrent Jewish male gene flow around the Mediterranean, Europe, and the Near East, and/or (ii) higher rates of female gene flow introducing non-Jewish variation into the Jewish gene pool

    Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

    Under a variety of conditions and tests, there is a consistent and reproducible distinction between “northern” and “southern” European population groups: most individual participants with southern European ancestry (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek) have >85% membership in the “southern” population; and most northern, western, eastern, and central Europeans have >90% in the “northern” population group. Ashkenazi Jewish as well as Sephardic Jewish origin also showed >85% membership in the “southern” population, consistent with a later Mediterranean origin of these ethnic groups.

    Overall, the analysis of sequence variation allowed the authors to distinguish individuals with northern European ancestry (Swedish, English, Irish, German, and Ukrainian) from individuals with southern European ancestry (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek). Interestingly, Ashkenazi Jewish individuals tend to group together with individuals from southern European countries.

    The results show clear evidence of large differences in population structure between southern and northern European populations.

    Interestingly, those participants who indicated Jewish ancestry in the New York City participant set had a majority of “southern” cluster membership (19 participants, mean 0.73 “southern”) . Also, the eastern European ancestry appeared to have substantially higher “southern” contribution in this New York City participant set than that seen in the initial dataset (predominantly rheumatoid arthritis [RA] participants from disparate US locations). When four-grandparent data is examined, this relationship was still unclear since those participants with four grandparents from the Ukraine (without reported Jewish ancestry) showed disparate membership in the “northern” and “southern” clusters, and some of these participants had >80% south membership .

    To further clarify the eastern European and Jewish relationships, we examined a final set of participants for which clear information on both Jewish ancestry and eastern European ancestry was available. As shown in Figure 3C, each of 38 participants with four grandparents of Ashkenazi Jewish European ancestry showed >60% “southern” group membership (mean = 0.86 ± 0.08 [standard deviation] “southern”). In contrast, each of 19 pairs of non-Ashkenazi eastern European (west Slavic membership) including 16 with exclusively Ukrainian non-Jewish ancestry showed more than 65% “northern” group membership (mean = 0.88 ± 0.11 “northern”). Consistent with our initial observations, the two Sephardic Jewish participants also showed “southern” cluster membership (Figure 3C).

    Using a variety of approaches and algorithms, we have demonstrated that a major aspect of European population genetic structure follows a north–south distribution.

    Finally, the reproduction of these results using a panel of the most informative markers in additional sample sets provides additional support for our findings of a north–south European distinction.

    The finding in the current study that individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are predominantly “southern” European further suggests the later migration of this ethnic group from the Mediterranean region. Regardless of the European country of origin, each of those participants with four grandparents of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage showed this predominant “southern” cluster membership. This finding suggests the importance of ascertaining this aspect of ethnic origin in the design of association studies in European populations. As an example of this potential issue, we showed that inclusion of Ashkenazi samples with other participants of northern European origin (based on country of grandparental birth) did in fact cause a type 2 error when population stratification was not considered.

    It is interesting to speculate how the ability to distinguish northern and southern European populations relates to ancient as well as more modern differences in migration and admixture patterns.

    Trends in both the Italian and Spanish participants were also consistent with this north–south pattern: ten of 32 participants from northern Italy had greater than a 10% “northern” component compared with two of 28 from southern Italy; and 23 of 43 from northern Spain had greater than a 10% “northern” contribution compared to five of 19 from southern Spain.

    European Population Substructure: Clustering of Northern and Southern Populations,

    It is of interest that K1a1b1a sister lineages, which share with it a common ancestry at the internal nodal level of subclade K1a1b1, can be found in Portugal, Italy, France, Morocco, and Tunisia. This reveals that this particular limb of the Hg K phylogenetic tree is of a wider Mediterranean presence and origin.

    The Matrilineal Ancestry of Ashkenazi Jewry: Portrait of a Recent Founder Event

    Carmelli & Cavalli-Sforza found that a discriminant analysis scattered Jewish populations among clusters corresponding to various non-Jewish European and Middle Eastern groups.

    for Tunisian Jews the most similar pair consists of Sardinians and Palestinians (λ = 0.42 for Sardinians).

    However, consistent with studies that have incorporated a single Jewish population in a broader European context, southern groups from Europe are placed closer to the Jewish populations than more northerly groups

    Genomic microsatellites identify shared Jewish ancestry intermediate between Middle Eastern and European populations

    The majority of informative subjects with no Jewish ancestry that scored most highly on PC1 were either of Italian or Eastern Mediterranean descent. This indicates that in a mixed American context, these populations may not be easily distinguishable from subjects with a single Jewish parent.

    A genome-wide genetic signature of Jewish ancestry perfectly separates individuals with and without full Jewish ancestry in a large random sample of European Americans

    With the growth of the Roman Empire, the epigraphic record reveals the presence of many Jews in Rome, too. Already in 59 BCE the famous Roman orator Cicero had complained about their numbers: “You know how numerous that crowd is, how great is its unanimity, and of what weight it is in the popular assemblies.”36 Inscriptions found in the Roman catacombs testify to the rich religious life of these Jews and to their economic prosperity. The community in Rome was large, and there were also communities in other Italian cities. In short, just before the fall of the Second Temple, there were Jewish believers all over the Roman Empire, as well as in the Parthian territory in the east, in numbers vastly exceeding those of the inhabitants of Judea. From North Africa to Armenia, from Persia to Rome, there were thriving Jewish communities, primarily in large cities but also in towns and even villages. Josephus, quoting Strabo, the Greek historian and geographer, wrote: “Now these Jews are already gotten into all cities; and it is hard to find a place in the habitable earth that hath not admitted this tribe [phylon] of men, and is not possessed by them.”37 Salo Baron suggested that there were eight million Jews in the first century CE. This is obviously a highly exaggerated estimate, which the Jewish-American historian too readily adopted from the even larger figures given by the ancient historians. Half that number—four million, as suggested by Arthur Ruppin and Adolf von Harnack—seems more reasonable in light of the wealth of evidence about the huge numbers of Jewish believers throughout the ancient world.

    At the height of Judaism’s expansion, in the early third century CE, Cassius Dio described this significant historical development, asserting: “I do not know how this title [Jews] came to be given to them, but it applies also to all the rest of mankind, although of alien race, who affect their customs “82 His near contemporary, the Christian theologian Origen, wrote: “The noun Ioudaios is not the name of an ethnos, but of a choice [in the maimer of life]. For if there be someone not from the nation of the Jews, a gentile, who accepts the ways of the Jews and becomes a proselyte, this person would properly be called a Ioudaios’.83 To understand how these two scholars arrived at the same definitions, we need to follow the discourse from its beginnings in Rome.

    According to Valerius Maximus, a contemporary of Augustus, as early as 139 BCE Jews and astrologers were deported to their places of origin, because they tried “to infect the Roman customs with the cult of Jupiter Sabazius.”84 This was the time when the Hasmonean dynasty was consolidating its rule in Jerusalem, and in 142 BCE Simon, a son of Mattathias, sent a diplomatic mission to Rome, seeking to form an alliance. Jewish monotheism was starting its expansion and was acquiring confidence and a sense of superiority over paganism.

    Elsewhere Valerius Maximus states, “The same Hispalus banished the Jews from Rome, because they attempted to transmit their sacred rites to the Romans, and he cast down their private altars from public places” Quoted in Stern (ed), Greek and Latin Authors, vol. 1, 358.

    Tacitus noted in his Annals that “four thousand of the freedmen class who were infected with those superstitions and were of military age should be transported to the island of Sardinia … The rest were to quit Italy, unless before a certain day they repudiated their impious rites.”86 Similar descriptions are given by other historians. Suetonius noted that “those of the Jews who were of military age he assigned to provinces of less healthy climate, ostensibly to serve in the army; the others of that same race or of similar beliefs he banished from the city.”87 Cassius Dio reported later, “As the Jews flocked to Rome in great numbers and were converting many of the natives to their ways, he [Tiberius] banished most of them.”88 Josephus, in Antiquities of the Jews, enlivened the story with an anecdote about four Jews who persuaded a converted noblewoman, one Fulvia, to send gold to the temple, but pocketed it themselves. Tiberius heard about it and decided to punish all Jewish believers in Rome.89 The third expulsion took place in the reign of Claudius in 49-50 CE.

    According to Suetonius, though this emperor was known to favor the Jews, he expelled them, as they “constantly made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus.”90 At this stage, we must remember, there was not yet a clear distinction between Judaism and Christianity, and in all probability this was a still undifferentiated Judeo-Christian expansion. In addition, there were also Jewish Christian and Jewish pagan groups, and Roman law did not distinguish between them until the year 64 CE. About this particular event, Cassius Dio wrote that Claudius did not expel the Jews, “who had again increased so greatly that by reason of their multitude it would have been hard without raising a tumult to bar them from the City, he did not drive them out, but ordered them to follow that mode of life prescribed by their ancestral customs and not to assemble in numbers”91

    We have seen that Cicero had already noted the large presence of Jewish believers in Rome in the first century BCE, and it is known that many followers of Yahweh took part in the funeral of Julius Caesar. So it is well to remember that this substantial presence existed for a long time before the war of 70 CE, and had nothing to do with any imaginary “mass expulsions” from Judea after the fall of the kingdom and the Bar Kokhba revolt. Most Roman sources indicate that this presence was due to the spread of the Jewish religion. As the rate of conversion to Judaism intensified, so did the government’s disquiet and the resentment on the part of many Latin intellectuals.

    The great Roman poet Horace made a humorous reference to the Jewish missionary drive in one of his poems: “like the Jews, we [the poets] will force you to come over to our numerous party.”92 The philosopher Seneca thought the Jews were a damned people, because “the customs of this accursed race have gained such influence that they are now received throughout all the world. The vanquished have given laws to their victors.”93 The historian Tacitus, no lover of Jews, was even more acerbic about the converts to Judaism:
    The most degraded out of other races, scorning their national beliefs, brought to them their contributions and presents. This augmented the wealth of the Jews … Circumcision was adopted by them as a mark of difference from other men. Those who come over to their religion adopt the practice, and have this lesson first instilled into them, to despise all gods, to disown their country, and set at nought parents, children, and brethren.94

    Juvenal, the author of the Satires, written in the early second century CE, was especially sarcastic. He did not hide his disgust at the wave of Judaization sweeping over many good Romans, and ridiculed the process of conversion that had become popular in his time:

    Some who have had a father who reveres the Sabbath, worship nothing but the clouds, and the divinity of the heavens, and see no difference between eating swine’s flesh, from which their father abstained, and that of man; and in time they take to circumcision. Having been wont to flout the laws of Rome, they learn and practise and revere the Jewish law, and all that Moses committed to his secret tome, forbidding to point out the way to any not worshipping the same rites, and conducting none but the circumcised to the desired fountain. For all which the father was to blame, who gave up every seventh day to idleness, keeping it apart from all the concerns of life.95

    At the end of the second century, Celsus, a philosopher known for his dislike of the Christians, was much less hostile to the Jews. But as the conversions grew apace, and the old religions were abandoned, he became openly antagonistic toward the proselytized masses, stating, “If, then, in these respects the Jews were carefully to preserve their own law, they are not to be blamed for so doing, but those persons rather who have forsaken their own usages, and adopted those of the Jews.”96

    This mass phenomenon annoyed the authorities in Rome and upset a good many of the capital’s prominent literati. It upset them because Judaism became seductive to broad circles. All the conceptual and intellectual elements that would make for the future appeal of Christianity and its eventual triumph were present in this transient success of Judaism; traditional, conservative Romans felt the danger and voiced their concern in various ways.

    The most intriguing element of this process was its gender aspect—it was the women who led the large-scale movement of Judaization.

    Josephus’s story about Damascus noted that Judaism was especially popular among the city’s women, and as we have seen, Queen Helena of Adiabene had a decisive role in the conversion of the royal family. In the New Testament, we are told, Saul of Tarsus, known as Paul, had a disciple who was “the son of a certain woman which was a Jewess and believed, but his father was a Greek” (Acts 16:1). In Rome, too, the women were drawn more readily to Judaism. The poet Martial, who came from Iberia, made fun of the women who observed the Sabbath.97 Epigraphic material from the Jewish catacombs names as many female converts as male. Especially notable is the inscription about Veturia Paulla, who was renamed Sarah after her conversion and became the “mother” of two synagogues.98 Fulvia (wife of Saturninus)—on whose account, according to Josephus, Jews were expelled in the year 19 CE—was a full convert.

    Pomponia Graecina, the wife of the famous commander Aulus Plautius, who conquered Britain, was put on trial and divorced by her husband for her devotion to the Jewish (or possibly the Christian) faith. Poppaea Sabina, the emperor Nero’s second wife, made no secret of her tendency to Judaism. These women and many other matrons spread the Jewish faith in Rome’s upper classes. There is evidence that Judaism was also becoming popular among the lower urban classes, as well as among the soldiers and freed slaves.99 From Rome, Judaism spilled over to parts of Europe annexed by the Roman Empire, such as the Slavic and Germanic lands, southern Gaul and Spain.

    The pivotal role of women in proselytization might indicate a particular female interest in the religion’s personal laws, such as the early rules of personal purification, which were preferred to the common pagan customs. Possibly it was also due to the fact that women did not have to undergo circumcision, which was a difficult requirement that deterred many would-be male converts. In the second century CE, after Hadrian prohibited all circumcision, the emperor Antoninus Pius permitted the Jews to circumcise their sons, but forbade males who were not children of Jews to do it. This was another reason that, parallel with the increase of converts, there was a growing category of “God-fearers”—probably an adaptation of the biblical term “fearers of Yahweh” (sebomenoi in Greek; metuentes in Latin).100

    These were semi-converts—people who formed broad peripheries around the Jewish community, took part in its ceremonies, attended the synagogues, but did not keep all the commandments. Josephus mentions them several times, and describes Nero’s wife as God-fearing. The term is also found in many extant synagogue inscriptions as well as Roman catacombs.

    Shlomo Sand – The Invention of the Jewish People-Verso (2009)

    Interestingly, our population clustering reveals that the AJ population shows an admixture pattern subtly more similar to Europeans than Middle Easterners

    The fixation index, FST, calculated concurrently to the PCA, confirms that there is a closer relationship between the AJ and several European populations (Tuscans, Italians, and French) than between the AJ and Middle Eastern populations

    the AJ population branches with the Europeans and not Middle Easterners.

    the Ashkenazi consistently cluster closest to Europeans

    Genetic distances calculated by both groups also show that the Ashkenazi are more closely related to some host Europeans than to the ancestral Levant

    Our data further imply that modern Ashkenazi Jews are perhaps even more similar with Europeans than Middle Easterners.

    Consistent with recent reports, principal component analysis (PCA) using these combined datasets confirmed that the AJ individuals cluster distinctly from Europeans, aligning closest to Southern European populations along the first principal component, suggesting a more southern origin, and aligning with Central Europeans along the second, consistent with migration to this region

    Signatures of founder effects, admixture, and selection in the Ashkenazi Jewish population

    PC1 distinguished Northern and Southern European and Jewish and Middle Eastern populations. Along this axis, Europeans were closest to Ashkenazi Jews, followed by Sephardic, Italian, Syrian, and Middle Eastern Jews. Of the European populations, the Northern Italians showed the greatest proximity to the Jews, followed by Sardinians and French (Figure 1B), an observation that was confirmed by FST

    Two major differences among the populations in this study were the high degree of European admixture (30%–60%) among the Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Italian, and Syrian Jews and the genetic proximity of these populations to each other compared to their proximity to Iranian and Iraqi Jews.

    During Greco-Roman times, recorded mass conversions led to 6 million people practicing Judaism in Roman times or up to 10% of the population of the Roman Empire. Thus, the genetic proximity of these European/Syrian Jewish populations, including Ashkenazi Jews, to each other and to French, Northern Italian, and Sardinian populations favors the idea of non-Semitic Mediterranean ancestry in the formation of the European/Syrian Jewish groups and is incompatible with theories that Ashkenazi Jews are for the most part the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazars or Slavs. The genetic proximity of Ashkenazi Jews to southern European populations has been observed in several other recent studies.

    Atzmon, Gil, Li Hao, Itsik Pe’er, Christopher Velez, et al. 2010. Abraham’s children in the genome era: Major Jewish diaspora populations comprise distinct genetic clusters with shared Middle Eastern ancestry. American Journal of Human Genetics 86(6):850–59.
    Abraham’s Children in the Genome Era: Major Jewish Diaspora Populations Comprise Distinct Genetic Clusters with Shared Middle Eastern Ancestry

    Geography of Jewish:
    The first of these studies (Atzmon et al. 2010) analyzed autosomal, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and Y-chromosome (NRY) variation in Jewish and comparative populations. Its authors concluded that Ashkenazi Jews were more closely related to regional “host” European populations than to Levantine or other Middle Eastern populations, whereas Iranian and Iraqi Jews clustered more closely with their host populations in the Arab and Persian worlds. Perhaps most significantly, they noted little Southern European ancestry in Mizrahi Jews but a more significant contribution to the Ashkenazim, while also tacitly assuming that Jews who migrated or were exiled from Judaea or Roman Palestine formed another component part of this population history. Although no clear geographic line was drawn between these Jewish populations, the observed clustering with host populations fell along the lines of the Roman-Persian imperial division of this region.
    Atzmon et al. (2010) further noted in their identity-by-descent (IBD) analysis of autosomal DNA markers a limited sharing of identical genomic segments among Jews. This finding indicated that any large sequence blocks resulting from a recent common origin had been broken up by recombination, suggesting that the ancestors of all Jews were numerous and existed in the distant past. In this regard, the greater sharing of short sequence blocks among Ashkenazi Jews would indicate, by contrast, the occurrence of an ancient founder effect or a less-diverse source population. In their opinion, the genetic proximity of Ashkenazi Jews to French and Mediterranean populations “favors the idea of ‘non-Semitic’ Mediterranean ancestry in the formation of the European/Syrian Jewish groups” (Atzmon et al. 2010:857).

    According to the autosomal polymorphisms the investigated Jewish populations do not share a common origin, and EEJ (Eastern European Jews) are closer to Italians in particular and to Europeans in general than to the other Jewish populations.

    The similarity of EEJ (Eastern European Jews) to Italians and Europeans is also supported by the X chromosomal haplogroups.

    The close genetic resemblance to Italians accords with the historical presumption that Ashkenazi Jews started their migrations across Europe in Italy and with historical evidence that conversion to Judaism was common in ancient Rome.

    The origin of Eastern European Jews, (EEJ) by far the largest and most important Ashkenazi population, and their affinities to other Jewish and European populations are still not resolved. Studies that compared them by genetic distance analysis of autosomal markers to European Mediterranean populations revealed that they are closer to Europeans than to other Jewish populations.

    EEJ are the largest and most investigated Jewish community, yet their history as Franco-German Jewry is known to us only since their appearance in the 9th century, and their subsequent migration a few hundred years later to Eastern Europe. Where did these Jews come from? It seems that they came to Germany and France from Italy. It is also possible that some Jews migrated northward from the Italian colonies on the northern shore of the Black Sea. All these Jews are likely the descendents of proselytes. Conversion to Judaism was common in Rome in the first centuries BC and AD. Judaism gained many followers among all ranks of Roman Society.

    The autosomal genetic distances do not show any particular resemblance between the Jewish populations.

    EEJ are closer to Italians in particular and to Europeans in general than to the other Jewish populations.

    In fact the distance between EEJ and Italians is the smallest distance in the matrix.

    X-chromosomal haplogroups demonstrate the same relatedness of EEJ to Italians and other Europeans

    The correlation between the autosomal genetic distance matrix and geography was slightly higher, 0.804, for Rome but dropped to 0.694 for Jerusalem.

    When the correlations with geography were only calculated for the genetic distances of EEJ and not for the entire matrix, the same trends emerge with the autosomal correlation from Rome reaching a high of 0.926. The correlations from Jerusalem are negative for the autosomes, the X chromosome and mtDNA.

    The resemblance of EEJ to Italians and other European populations portrays them as an autochthonous European population.

    A study conducted in a New York college in the 1920s point to the same Ashkenazi – Italian similarity on basis of physical characteristics. Freshmen were asked before they knew one another to indicate the origin of their fellow students. Forty percent of the Italians were taken to be Ashkenazi Jews, and the same percentage of Ashkenazi Jews was adjudged Italians.

    EEJ seem to be mainly Italian (Roman) in origin, which is easily understood, considering the historical evidence presented above.

    The high correlation between the autosomal genetic distances and geography and the reduced correlation when EEJ are taken to originate from the Land of Israel reinforce the European origin of EEJ.

    It is also interesting to note how using the three geographic alternatives for EEJ, changes the correlation, when only European populations are included. The correlation remains almost the same, 0.679, for Rome but drops to 0.490 and 0.571 for Warsaw and Jerusalem respectively; further emphasizing the correct geographic origin of EEJ within Europe.

    It thus seems possible that EEJ founder population in Rome was composed of exiled Israelite males and local Roman females.

    In its simple form this clearly contradicts the facts, because both the autosomal and X-chromosomal polymorphisms demonstrate that EEJ do not occupy an intermediate position between European and Middle Eastern populations, but rather a strict European one. From table 11 it is clear that Italians are as close or closer to the other Jewish populations and Palestinians as EEJ.

    Ashkenazi Jews are not at all close to the Adygei population, and similarly to what is seen in table 1, their smallest distance is to Italians and then to Greeks. Unlike the assertion of Need et al. on the midway position, and again similarly to what is seen in table ​table 1, Italians and Greeks are closer to the Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews.

    The same phenomenon is seen in the table of Fst distances of Atzmon et al. North Italians (Bergamo and Tuscany) are a little closer to the Jewish and Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews. The Italians from Tuscany (surprisingly the sample from Bergamo was not used) in Behar et al. are also closer to the Jewish and Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews. The Italians from Tuscany are in fact the closest population to Ashkenazi Jews in Behar et al.

    EEJ are Europeans probably of Roman descent who converted to Judaism at times, when Judaism was the first monotheistic religion that spread in the ancient world. Any other theory about their origin is not supported by the genetic data. Future studies will have to address their genetic affinities to various Italian populations and examine the possibility of other components both European and Non-European in their gene pool.

    Zoossmann-Diskin, Avshalom. 2010. The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms. Biology Direct 6(5)57.
    The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms

    Geography of Jewish:
    Although the autosomal genetic data presented by Zoossmann-Diskin (2010) derive from only 17 SNP loci, his argument for an Italian-peninsula-based origin for Ashkenazi Jews still bears consideration. Based on autosomal, mtDNA, and NRY data, this study positions Eastern European Jews closer to their non-Jewish neighbors, especially Italians, than to other Jewish populations. It included data from six Jewish populations (Eastern European, Moroccan, Iraqi, Iranian, Yemenite, and Ethiopian but, unfortunately, not Sephardim) spanning the broad historical geographic range of Jewish liturgical tradition, and those from five other Jewish populations (Bulgaria, Turkey, Djerban, Libya, Tunisia). These results indicated no particular similarity between the Jewish populations and furthermore that Eastern European Jews were “closer to Italians in particular, and to Europeans in general than to the other Jewish populations” (Zoossmann-Diskin 2010:2–3). Thus, Eastern European Jewry was interpreted genetically as an autochthonous European population (Zoossmann-Diskin 2010:2–3). This research, more clearly than any other to date, demonstrates that contemporary Jewish populations (at least those investigated) do not share a common origin.
    The autosomal, sex chromosomal, and mtDNA study by Zoosmann-Diskin (2010) and the admixture history study of Xue et al (2017) together reinforce both the Mediterranean area (specifically Italy) as a possible geographic locus for European Jewish ethnogenesis, and the fact that the various contemporary Jewish populations do not share a common ancestor.

    The Atzmon-Ostrer team found that the genomic signature of Ashkenazim and Sephardim was very similar to that of Italian Jews, suggesting that an ancient population in northern Italy of Jews intermarried with Italians could have been the common origin. The Ashkenazim first appear in Northern Europe around A.D. 800, but historians suspect that they arrived there from Italy.
    Studies Show Jews’ Genetic Similarity

    Sometime in that period, the Middle Eastern and European Jews diverged and the European branch began actively proselytizing for converts.

    At the height of the Roman Empire, about 10% of the empire’s population was Jewish, although the bulk of them were converts. Some Khazars were also incorporated during this period.

    “That explains why so many European and Syrian Jews have blue eyes and blond hair,” Ostrer says.

    It also explains another of the team’s findings ” that the population most closely related genetically to European Jews are Italians.

    Genes set Jews apart, study finds

    But the study also found strong genetic ties to non-Jewish groups, with the closest genetic neighbors on the European side being Italians, and on the Middle Eastern side the Druze, Bedouin and Palestinians.

    Jews worldwide share genetic ties But analysis also reveals close links to Palestinians and Italians.

    Here we show that all four major founders, ~40% of Ashkenazi mtDNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe, rather than the Near East or Caucasus. Furthermore, most of the remaining minor founders share a similar deep European ancestry. Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe.

    Of the three Ashkenazi founders, K1a1b1a and K1a9 were most likely assimilated in west (perhaps Mediterranean) Europe and K2a2a1 in west/central Europe. Most surprisingly, by analysing two new N1b2 sequences selected from a database of 278 N1b HVS-I sequences, in the context of 44 published N1b sequences, we show that the highly distinctive N1b2 subclade, making up another 9% of Ashkenazi lineages, was likely assimilated in Mediterranean Europe, rather than in the Near East as previously proposed.

    Overall, we estimate that most (>80%) Ashkenazi mtDNAs were assimilated within Europe. Few derive from a Near Eastern source, and despite the recent revival of the ‘Khazar hypothesis’, virtually none are likely to have ancestry in the North Caucasus.

    The K1a1b1 lineages within which the K1a1b1a sequences nest (including 19 lineages of known ancestry) are solely European, pointing to an ancient European ancestry. The closest nesting lineages are from Italy, Germany and the British Isles, with other subclades of K1a1b1 including lineages from west and Mediterranean Europe and one Hutterite (Hutterites trace their ancestry to sixteenth-century Tyrol). Thus the Ashkenazi subclade of K1a1b1 most likely had a west European source.

    This striking result suggests that the Italian lineages may be relicts of a dispersal from the Near East into Europe before 5 ka, and that N1b2 was assimilated into the ancestral Ashkenazi population on the north Mediterranean ~2 ka. Although we found only two samples suggesting an Italian ancestry for N1b2, the control-region database available for inspection is very large (28,418 HVS-I sequences from Europe, the Near East and the Caucasus, of which 278, or ~1%, were N1b). Moreover, the conclusion is supported by our previous founder analysis of N1b HVS-I sequences, which dated the dispersal into Europe to the late Pleistocene/early Holocene.

    Given the strength of the case for even these founders having a European source, however, our best estimate is to assign ~81% of Ashkenazi lineages to a European source, ~8% to the Near East and ~1% further to the east in Asia, with ~10% remaining ambiguous.

    Thus at least two-thirds and most likely more than four-fifths of Ashkenazi maternal lineages have a European ancestry.

    The extent to which Ashkenazi Jewry trace their ancestry to the Levant or to Europe is a long-standing question, which remains highly controversial. Our results, primarily from the detailed analysis of the four major haplogroup K and N1b founders, but corroborated with the remaining Ashkenazi mtDNAs, suggest that most Ashkenazi maternal lineages trace their ancestry to prehistoric Europe.

    However, our much more detailed analyses show that two of the major Ashkenazi haplogroup K lineages, K1a1b1a and K2a2a1 have a deep European ancestry, tracing back at least as far as the early and mid-Holocene respectively. They both belong to ancient European clades (K1a1b1 and K2) that include primarily European mtDNAs, to the virtual exclusion of any from the Near East.

    Furthermore, our results suggest that N1b2, for which a Near Eastern ancestry was proposed (with much greater confidence than for K) by Behar et al.2, is more likely to have been assimilated into the ancestors of the Ashkenazi in the north Mediterranean. Finally, our cross-comparison of control-region and mitogenome databases shows that the great majority of the remaining ~60% of Ashkenazi lineages, belonging to haplogroups H, J, T, HV0, U4/U5, I, W and M1 also have a predominantly European ancestry.

    Overall, it seems that at least 80% of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry is due to the assimilation of mtDNAs indigenous to Europe, most likely through conversion. The phylogenetic nesting patterns suggest that the most frequent of the Ashkenazi mtDNA lineages were assimilated in Western Europe, ~2 ka or slightly earlier. Some in particular, including N1b2, M1a1b, K1a9 and perhaps even the major K1a1b1, point to a north Mediterranean source. It seems likely that the major founders were the result of the earliest and presumably most profound wave of founder effects, from the Mediterranean northwards into central Europe, and that most of the minor founders were assimilated in west/central Europe within the last 1,500 years. The sharing of rarer lineages with Eastern European populations may indicate further assimilation in some cases, but can often be explained by exchange via intermarriage in the reverse direction.

    Despite widely differing interpretations of autosomal data, these results in fact fit well with genome-wide studies, which imply a significant European component, with particularly close relationships to Italians.

    These analyses suggest that the first major wave of assimilation probably took place in Mediterranean Europe, most likely in the Italian peninsula ~2 ka, with substantial further assimilation of minor founders in west/central Europe. There is less evidence for assimilation in Eastern Europe, and almost none for a source in the North Caucasus/Chuvashia, as would be predicted by the Khazar hypothesis,—rather, the results show strong genetic continuities between west and east European Ashkenazi communities, albeit with gradual clines of frequency of founders between east and west.

    There is surprisingly little evidence for any significant founder event from the Near East. Fewer than 10% of the Ashkenazi mtDNAs can be assigned to a Near Eastern source with any confidence, and these are found at very low frequencies. The most frequent, belonging to HV1b2, R0a1a and U7, are found at only ~3, 2 and 1% respectively. All are widespread across Ashkenazi communities, and might conceivably be relicts of early Levantine founders, but it seems likely that other more minor Near Eastern lineages are the result of more recent gene flow into the Ashkenazim.

    Others such as U1a and U1b have an ultimately Near Eastern origin but, like N1b, have been subsequently distributed around the north Mediterranean.

    In general, it is more difficult to assign lineages to a Near Eastern source with confidence, as the much larger control-region database indicates that (as with N1b2) many lineages with deep Near Eastern ancestry became widely dispersed along the north Mediterranean during the Holocene, and may alternatively have been assimilated there.

    Costa, Marta D., Joana B. Pereira, Maria Pala, et al. 2013. A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages. Nature Communications 4:2543.
    A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages

    Geography of Jewish:
    In order to understand the import of the third paper (Costa et al. 2013), it is necessary to review two previous papers (Behar et al. 2006; Feder et al. 2007) whose data and conclusions were reevaluated in it. In the first, Behar et al. (2006) claimed 40% of the current Ashkenazi population descended from four women bearing mtDNA lineages, or haplogroups, called K1a1b1a, K1a9, K2a2a, and N1b, and estimated their coalescence times to between the first and second centuries ce.8 Similarly, Feder et al. (2007) evaluated the distribution of mtDNA lineages in European populations. Although not assigning a specific geographic origin(s) to these four putative founding maternal lineages, they interpreted the mtDNA data as showing that the haplogroup distributions in the sampled Ashkenazi populations (Russian, Ukrainian, Polish) were significantly different from those of local populations. They further suggested that this difference could be attributable to genetic drift or multiple founder events with subsequent interpopulation gene flow.
    These findings were later reassessed by Costa et al. (2013), who analyzed ~2,500 complete and 28,000 partial mtDNA genomes of mostly non-Jews and 836 partial mtDNA genomes of Ashkenazi Jews. They concluded that 65–81% of Ashkenazi mtDNAs belonged to autochthonous European lineages, and that only 8% of them were demonstrably “Near Eastern” in origin, with the remaining 11–27% being ambiguous in origin (Costa et al. 2013). Although the authors suggested that K1a9 and N1b2 might derive from “Near Eastern” sources, thereby reducing the proportion of European maternal ancestry to ~65%, this interpretation was by no means certain. Furthermore, the single most frequent of these mtDNA lineages, K1a1b1a, has recently been discovered in a Neolithic individual from Spain (Haak et al. 2015), thus demonstrating its presence in prehistoric Mediterranean Europe. The deep Southern European ancestry for the primary Ashkenazi maternal lineages points to a “significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities” (Costa et al. 2013:1) and, thus, to large-scale conversions rather than exclusively Levantine ancestry for European Jews.

    In the first centuries CE, the rate of conversion to Judaism in Rome was remarkably high (Bamberger 1968; Braude 1940; Rapaport 1965; Rosenbloom 1978). A diminished version of the Jewish Exile narrative would thus be that Ashkenazi Jews descended from these Roman converts as much as from the Judean immigrants or ‘deportees’ themselves. This is the opinion of Zoossmann-Diskin (2010), whose analysis of genetic markers on autosomes, sex chromosomes and the mtDNA positioned Eastern European Jews closer to their non-Jewish neighbors, especially Italians, than to other Jewish populations. Their genetic proximity to Italians led Zoossmann-Diskin (2010), as well as the authors of similar studies (Atzmon et al. 2010; Behar et al. 2010), to assert an origin for Ashkenazim among Roman converts to Judaism. Zoossmann-Diskin’s mistake was in thinking his modern day Italian proxies, and indeed ancient Romans, were not already the product of genetic interactions across the Mediterranean. In fact, when Neolithic settlement patterns in Southern Europe are taken into account (see Brotherton et al. 2013; Rootsi et al. 2004; Soares et al. 2010), they were certainly sharing genetic variation with their distant neighbors in Anatolia to the east (see Battaglia et al. 2009; Novembre et al. 2008).
    Overall, the closest genetic neighbors to most Jewish groups are Palestinian Arabs, Bedouins, and Druze (see Hammer et al. 2000; Nebel et al. 2000), southern European populations such as Cypriots and Italians

    A Tale of Two Hypotheses: Genetics and the Ethnogenesis of Ashkenazi Jewry

    Modern Jews may traditionally trace their ancestry to the Holy Land, but a new genetic study finds otherwise. A detailed look at thousands of genomes finds that Ashkenazim—who make up roughly 80% of the world’s Jews, including 90% of those in America and half of those in Israel—ultimately came not from the Middle East, but from Western Europe, perhaps Italy.

    The result was very clear-cut, the authors say: As reported online today in Nature Communications, more than 80% of Ashkenazi mtDNAs had their origins thousands of years ago in Western Europe, during or before Biblical times—and in some cases even before farming came to that part of the continent some 7500 years ago. The closest matches were with mtDNAs from people who today live in and around Italy. The results imply that the Jews can trace their heritage to women who had lived in Europe at that time. Very few Ashkenazi mtDNAs could be traced to the Middle East.

    “The data are very convincing,” says Antonio Torroni, a geneticist at the University of Pavia in Italy and a leading expert in the genetics of Europeans. He adds that recent studies of DNA from the cell nucleus have also shown “a very close similarity between Ashkenazi Jews and Italians.”

    Did Modern Jews Originate in Italy? New genetic study traces Ashkenazi roots to prehistoric Europe—not the Middle East

    “We found that most of the maternal lineages don’t trace to the north Caucasus, which would be a proxy for the Khazarians, or to the Near East, but most of them emanate from Europe,” said coauthor Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in the U.K.

    Nevertheless, Goldstein noted that the new study “does offer better resolution of the [mitochondrial DNA] than earlier ones, and so the suggested interpretation could well be right.”

    Genetic Roots of the Ashkenazi Jews Most Ashkenazi Jews, traditionally believed to have descended from the ancient tribes of Israel, may in fact be maternally descended from prehistoric Europeans.

    A groundbreaking paper published in 2000 by Harry Ostrer, a professor of genetics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and University of Arizona geneticist Michael Hammer showed that most modern Jews are descended on their male side from a core population of approximately 20,000 Jews who migrated from Italy over the first millennium and eventually settled in Eastern Europe.

    The new study published in Nature Communications aligns itself more closely with the 2002 hypothesis, although there are differences. Professor Martin Richards, who heads the University of Huddersfield’s Archaeogenetics Research Group (and who participated in the 2002 study), and colleagues sequenced 74 mitochondrial genomes and analyzed more than 3,500 mitochondrial genomes – far more data than the 2006 survey, which reviewed only a short length of the mitochondrial DNA, containing just 1,000 or so of its 16,600 DNA units, in all their subjects.

    Richards and his team claim that maternal lineages did not originate in the Near or Middle East or the Khazarian Caucasus but rather, for the most part, within Mediterranean Europe. Another twist in the findings: Jewish women may have been assimilated in Europe as far back as 2,000 years ago—earlier than most other studies have projected. The researchers believe the DNA could trace back to the early Roman Empire, when as much as 10 percent of the population practiced Judaism, many of them converts. Overall, they claim, at least 80 percent of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe while 8 percent originated in the Near East, with the rest uncertain.

    Ashkenazi Jewish women descended mostly from Italian converts, new study asserts

    the Ashkenazi Jewish population originated in the west rather than the east, with Jewish migrations north into Europe from Italy through France. Historical scholarship has provided considerable documentary evidence that Jews did indeed live along this latter route during the period of their entry into central Europe, and the discussion can be viewed as an attempt to evaluate the relative magnitudes of possible eastern and western contributions.

    The Ashkenazi Jewish samples produce a relatively tight cluster that overlaps with some Jewish and non-Jewish populations. Among the Jewish populations, Ashkenazi Jews fall closest to Italian Jews, Middle Eastern Jews, North African Jews, and Sephardi Jews, positioned continuously with other Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations along PC1. Among non-Jewish populations, Ashkenazi Jews lie nearest to Armenians, Cypriots, Druze, Greeks, and Sicilians. Four Ashkenazi Jews fall outside the main Ashkenazi cluster and lie closer to Europeans.

    In the higher-magniÀcation visualization, Ashkenazi Jews form a linear cluster in the latitudinal dimension and are closest to Italian Jews, North African Jews, Sephardi Jews, Cypriots, and Sicilians.

    Considering 10 Jewish populations included in the group (Algerian, Belmonte, Bulgarian, Eastern Ashkenazi, Italian, Libyan, Moroccan, Tunisian, Turkish, Western Ashkenazi), the non-Jewish populations that appear on lists of populations with the most similar cluster memberships are French Basques, Bulgarians, Cypriots, Druze, Greeks, Jordanians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Samaritans, Spanish, Syrians, and Italians from Abruzzo, Bergamo, Sicily, Sardinia, and Tuscany.

    Loco-LD confirms and sharpens the lack of evidence for the Khazar hypothesis observed in PCA, placing the Ashkenazi Jewish sample in close proximity to Italian Jews, North African Jews, Sephardi Jews, and Mediterranean non-Jewish populations such as Cypriots and Italians.

    In brief, judging from the similarity of the membership proportion distributions (Figure 4), Admixture demonstrates the connection of Ashkenazi, North African, and Sephardi Jews, with the most similar non-Jewish populations to Ashkenazi Jews being Mediterranean Europeans from Italy (Sicily, Abruzzo, Tuscany), Greece, and Cyprus.

    Behar, Doron M., Mait Metspalu, Yael Baran, et al. 2013. No evidence from genome-wide data of a Khazar origin for the Ashkenazi Jews. Human Biology 85(6):859–900
    No evidence from genome-wide data of a Khazar origin for the Ashkenazi Jews

    Geography of Jewish:
    In the second of these papers, Behar et al. (2013) also undertook an IBD analysis of genomic data from Jews and other Western Eurasian regional populations. After subjecting these data to spatial ancestry and admixture analyses, they observed that “Ashkenazi Jews show significant IBD sharing only with Eastern Europeans, North African Jews and Sephardi Jews” (as well as Cypriots and Sicilians), and only minimally with Middle Eastern populations, with Ashkenazi Jews having a strong genetic affinity with Sephardic Jews (Behar et al. 2013:29). Similarly, in the principal component analysis (PCA), Ashkenazi Jewish individuals formed a relatively tight cluster with Jews from Italy, the Middle East, North Africa, and Spain. However, this cluster was also positioned near several non-Jewish populations (i.e., Armenians, Cypriots, Druze, Greeks, and Sicilians) that were characterized as “Middle Eastern” (Behar et al. 2013).
    Although these findings suggest a common ancestry for Ashkenazi, North African, and Sephardi Jews, the analysis also revealed support for an Italian source in the autosomal single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis, thus suggesting a southern European origin. Furthermore, the assertion that “most lineages in the Ashkenazi Jewish population along the male and female lines trace primarily to the Levant” (Behar et al. 2013:8) is difficult to sustain when the Ashkenazi population clusters in equidistance from European (Cypriot, Greek, and Sicilian, Tuscan, and Abruzzian Italian) populations and only a single Levantine population (Druze), whose geographic origin is extremely complicated (Shlush et al. 2008). In fact, rather than demonstrating a strictly Levantine origin for contemporary Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews, the Behar et al. (2013) study suggested a more diffuse, circum-Mediterranean origin for them.

    But historical documents tell a slightly different tale. Based on accounts such as those of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, by the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70, as many as 6 million Jews were living in the Roman Empire, but outside Israel, mainly in Italy and Southern Europe. In contrast, only about 500,000 lived in Judea, said Ostrer, who was not involved in the new study.

    “The major Jewish communities were outside Judea,” Ostrer told LiveScience.

    All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.

    Most Ashkenazi Jews are genetically Europeans, surprising study finds

    Ashkenazi Jews are thought to have migrated from the Levant to Italy in the first or second centuries, and then moved to western and then eastern Europe, where populations expanded in number during the 13th Century.
    This new study makes the suggestion that more than 80% of Ashkenazi Jews can trace their ultimate maternal ancestry to prehistoric Europe.

    European link to Jewish maternal ancestry

    A new genetic analysis has now filled in another piece of the origins puzzle, pointing to European women as the principal female founders, and to the Jewish community of the early Roman empire as the possible source of the Ashkenazi ancestors.

    The finding establishes that the women who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community of Europe were not from the Near East, as previously supposed, and reinforces the idea that many Jewish communities outside Israel were founded by single men who married and converted local women.

    Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree

    Rome, the one significant community in central Italy, is a further example for the close fit of the Jewish and general population curve. All types of sources single out Rome as the oldest community. Literary texts, even though difficult to localize, point back to the first century B.C.E. The Jewish catacombs of Rome, of which at least five have been identified, were in use between the third and the fifth century C.E. They have yielded altogether 587 burials and 13 objects in glass or other non-stone material. Nothing of similar scale is known from any other European region, a sure indication for the importance and dimensions of the Jewish community of Rome in Antiquity.
    The island of Sicily had a sizeable Jewish population in late antiquity, as indicated by epitaphs, tomb decorations and other finds that are the widest-ranging from all of Italy besides Rome.

    The Economic History of European Jews

    The closest genetic neighbors to most Jewish groups were the Palestinians, Israeli Bedouins, and Druze in addition to the Southern Europeans, including Cypriots.

    Their proximity to one another and to European and Syrian Jews suggested a shared genetic history of related Semitic and non-Semitic Mediterranean ancestors who followed different religious and tribal affiliations.

    The population genetics of the Jewish people

    … Our findings are also consistent with the vast majority of genetic findings that AJs are closer to Near Eastern (e.g., Turks, Iranians, and Kurds) and South European populations (e.g., Greeks and Italians) as opposed to Middle Eastern populations (e.g., Bedouins and Palestinians). Remarkably, with only few exceptions (e.g., Need et al. 2009;Zoossmann-Diskin 2010), these findings have been consistently misinterpreted in favor of a Middle Eastern Judaean ancestry, although the data do not support such contention for either Y chromosomal (Hammer et al. 2000;Nebel et al. 2001;Rootsi et al. 2013) or genome-wide studies

    Localizing Ashkenazic Jews to Primeval Villages in the Ancient Iranian Lands of Ashkenaz

    The major source of EU ancestry in AJ was found to be Southern Europe (≈60–80% of EU ancestry), with the rest being likely Eastern European.

    The inferred admixture time was ≈30 generations ago, but multiple lines of evidence suggest that it represents an average over two or more events, pre- and post-dating the founder event experienced by AJ in late medieval times. The time of the pre-bottleneck admixture event, which was likely Southern European, was estimated to ≈25–50 generations ago.

    The time of admixture, under a model of a single event, was estimated at ≈30 generations ago. However, this admixture time is likely the average of at least two distinct events. We propose that admixture with Southern Europeans pre-dated the late medieval founder event, whereas the admixture event in Eastern Europe was more recent.

    Our results suggest a model of at least two events of European admixture. One event slightly pre-dated a late medieval founder event and was likely from a Southern European source. Another event post-dated the founder event and likely occurred in Eastern Europe.

    Our results suggest that the European gene flow was predominantly Southern European (≈60–80%), with the remaining contribution either from Western or (more likely) Eastern Europe.

    due to the genetic similarity and complex history of the European populations involved (particularly in Southern Europe), the multiple paths of AJ migration across Europe, and the strong genetic drift experienced by AJ in the late Middle Ages, there seems to be a limit on the resolution to which the AJ admixture history can be reconstructed.

    Our model of the AJ admixture history is presented in Fig 7. Under our model, admixture in Europe first happened in Southern Europe, and was followed by a founder event and a minor admixture event (likely) in Eastern Europe. Admixture in Southern Europe possibly occurred in Italy, given the continued presence of Jews there and the proposed Italian source of the early Rhineland Ashkenazi communities [3]. What is perhaps surprising is the timing of the Southern European admixture to ≈24–49 generations ago, since Jews are known to have resided in Italy already since antiquity. This result would imply no gene flow between Jews and local Italian populations almost until the turn of the millennium, either due to endogamy, or because the group that eventually gave rise to contemporary Ashkenazi Jews did not reside in Southern Europe until that time. More detailed and/or alternative interpretations are left for future studies.

    The results of all analyses (at least once examined in the light of simulations) point to Southern Europe as the European source with the largest contribution.

    Admixture in Southern Europe possibly occurred in Italy, given the continued presence of Jews there and the proposed Italian source of the early Rhineland Ashkenazi communities. What is perhaps surprising is the timing of the Southern European admixture to ≈24–49 generations ago, since Jews are known to have resided in Italy already since antiquity.

    The simulated mean segment length that corresponded to the observed AJ value was around 6.6cM, implying an admixture time of ≈29 generations ago
    Additionally, we notice that the estimated admixture time (≈30–35 generations) is very close to the time estimated for the AJ bottleneck event
    Running RFMix on the AJ genomes with our EU and ME reference panels and summing up the lengths of all tracts assigned to each ancestry, the genome-wide ancestry was ≈53% EU and ≈47% ME

    For AJ, we found that Southern Europe was the most likely EU source for the largest proportion of the AJ chromosomes. Specifically, 43.2% of the AJ chromosomes had Southern EU as their most likely source, 35.4% had Western EU, and 18.8% had Eastern EU (the proportions do not precisely sum to 1, as we also allowed chromosomes to be classified as Middle-Eastern). These results imply that Southern Europe was the dominant source of European gene flow into AJ.

    While these results indicate a sizeable contribution of ancestry from Southern Europe and the Levant, we stress that these quantities do not directly correspond to the proportion of ancestry contributed by each source. We attempt to infer those proportions in the next section.
    Specifically, we performed 4-way admixture simulations between individuals of Levantine, Southern European, Eastern European, and Western European origin. In these simulations, we fixed the Levantine admixture proportion to 50% and varied the proportions of the different European regions. We then used a grid search to find the ancestry proportions that best fit the observed fraction of AJ chromosomes classified as each ancestry. The simulation results (Fig 2) suggest that the European component of the AJ cohort is 34% Southern EU, 8% Western EU, and 8% Eastern EU. This analysis thus suggests that roughly 70% of EU ancestry in AJ is Southern European. Using bootstrapping (S1 Text section 3), the 95% confidence interval of the Southern EU ancestry was [33,35]% and that of Eastern EU was [8,9]%. However, bootstrapping does not account for any systematic biases, which in this case are of larger magnitude
    We simulated admixed chromosomes with European and Middle-Eastern ancestries, where the ME ancestry was fixed to the Levant region and to 50% of the overall ancestry. We then varied the sources of the remaining European ancestry to determine which ancestry proportions most closely match the AJ data. In (A), the simulated EU components were Southern and Western EU. For each given proportion of Southern EU ancestry, we used our LAI-based pipeline to compute the proportion of chromosomes classified as Southern European. The best match to the proportion of thus classified chromosomes observed in the real AJ data (red dot) was found when the true simulated Southern EU ancestry was 31% of the total. In (B), the same simulation procedure was repeated, except that the simulated EU components were Southern and Eastern EU. The inferred proportion of Southern EU ancestry in AJ was 37%. (C) We fixed the Southern EU contribution to 34%, the average of its estimates from (A) and (B), and varied the remaining 16% between Western and Eastern EU. The simulations suggest that the closest match to the real results is at roughly equal contribution (8%) from Western and Eastern EU.
    The second lesson is the importance of evaluating the results of off-the-shelf tools using simulations when studying closely related populations. When simulating relatively old (≈1k years ago) Middle-Eastern and European admixture (particularly Southern European), we found many tools to be of limited utility

    Based on these arguments, we propose that a minimal model for the AJ admixture history should include substantial pre-bottleneck admixture with Southern Europeans, followed by post-bottleneck admixture on a smaller scale with Western or (more likely) Eastern Europeans. The estimates for the total European ancestry in AJ range from ≈49% using our previous whole-genome sequencing analysis [9], to ≈53% using the LAI analysis here, and ≈67% using the calibrated Globetrotter analysis.

    Therefore, the proportion of the Southern European (presumably pre-bottleneck) ancestry in AJ is between ≈26% to ≈52%, corresponding to [34,61]% ancestry at the time of the early admixture.

    The time and place of European admixture in Ashkenazi Jewish history
    Xue, James, Todd Lencz, Ariel Darvasi, et al. 2017. The time and place of European admixture in Ashkenazi Jewish history. PLoS Genetics 13(4):e1006644

    Geography of Jewish:
    The most compelling evidence to date of a mosaic ancestry for contemporary Jews comes from the work of Xue et al. (2017). Their admixture analysis suggested a 70% European origin (and within this, 55% Southern Europe, 10% Eastern Europe, 5% Western Europe) and a 30% “Levantine” component in Jewish populations. In making these estimates, Xue et al. (2017) assumed the Levant to be the most likely source for the “Middle Eastern” apportionment of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry and, thus, did not make any effort to distinguish Levantine from Anatolian or Babylonian ancestra components. As will be demonstrated below, contributions from both Anatolian and Babylonian converts to the genetic diversity of contemporary Jewry is highly likely. Nevertheless, Xue et al. (2017) drew an important conclusion about the timing of admixture as reflected in Ashkenazi Jewish genomes, observing a strong Southern European presence (34–61%) at the root of the population tree, prior to a population bottleneck ~25–35 generations ago. While the analysis was unable to identify the ultimate source population, the founding event for Ashkenazi Jewry almost certainly occurred in Southern Europe (Xue et al. 2017).

    The Jews of the Mediterranean south, by contrast, are seen to possess a much longer history; Italian Jewry has been described as a population that ‘has lived in one of the Diaspora countries for a millennium or more’. This statement can also be made of Byzantine Jews; indeed, there is a considerable overlap between the two groups in most regions of southern Italy.
    Italy presents a complex picture. Home to a sizeable Jewish population in antiquity, particularly in Rome, Italy, too, saw a general decline in Jewish settlement and in numbers at the beginning of the Middle Ages. In only a small minority of locations, such as Rome and some towns in the south, was there a continued Jewish presence into the Middle Ages. A similar disparity between the south and the rest of the country characterized the many places where Jews first settled during the Middle Ages. Until the eleventh century many of these settlements lay in regions ruled by Byzantium. Both culturally and demographically, southern Italian Jewry was greatly influenced by, if not directly derived from, its Byzantine counterpart; to some extent, this was due to migration
    One study has noted a close genetic resemblance between contemporary Ashkenazi Jews and modern Italians, a resemblance that indeed accords with the historical presumption that Ashkenazi Jews started their migrations from Italy, and with historical evidence that conversion to Judaism was common in ancient Rome.


    There are ambiguities in the origin of American Ashkenazi Jewish, but the most accepted theory suggests that their origin is an area, which is currently in Italy (43).
    Previous studies also have shown a genetic relation between Southwestern Iranians and Italian population while strong evidence for simi-larities with Ashkenazi Jewish people are lacking
    On the other hand, we observed a genetic similarity based on the genotype frequencies of NF-κB1 -94 ins/del ATTG polymorphism between Germans and our sample of Iranians which is well-founded by the common Aryan ancestry and previous genetic studies (46). Moreover, the phylogenetic trees place Iranians close to German and Italian people
    NF-κB1 Rs28362491 Mutant Allele Frequencies along the Silk Road and Beyond

    In Jewish literature, there is no generally accepted term to designate these “indigenous” Jews, and they are often simply called Italiani, the Italian word for “Italians.” For many centuries, Rome, whose Jewish population was already large in antiquity, was home to the most populous Italiani communities.

    The largest category of surnames is based on the names of places — usually the names of towns in the vicinity of Rome from which these families came to the capital city of the Papal States. Among them are Di Segni, Piperno, Pontecorvo, Rieti and Tivoli.

    Neither Ashkenazi Nor Sephardi, Italian Jews Are A Mystery

    Although the autosomal genetic data presented by Zoossmann-Diskin (2010) derive from only 17 SNP loci, his argument for an Italian-peninsula-based origin for Ashkenazi Jews still bears consideration. Based on autosomal, mtDNA, and NRY data, this study positions Eastern European Jews closer to their non-Jewish neighbors, especially Italians, than to other Jewish populations. It included data from six Jewish populations (Eastern European, Moroccan, Iraqi, Iranian, Yemenite, and Ethiopian— but, unfortunately, not Sephardim) spanning the broad historical geographic range of Jewish liturgical tradition, and those from five other Jewish populations (Bulgaria, Turkey, Djerban, Libya, Tunisia). These results indicated no particular similarity between the Jewish populations and furthermore that Eastern European Jews were “closer to Italians in particular, and to Europeans in general than to the other Jewish populations” (Zoossmann-Diskin 2010:2–3). Thus, Eastern European Jewry was interpreted genetically as an autochthonous European population (Zoossmann-Diskin 2010:2–3). This research, more clearly than any other to date, demonstrates that contemporary Jewish populations (at least those investigated) do not share a common origin.

    The summary trend in the population genetics literature is that the contemporary Jewish community has no single ancestral center but rather is formed of heterogeneous, geographically dispersed sources. Despite the presumptive language used in a few of the scientific papers, the genetic data collectively point not to a singular Levantine origin or a Khazar diminution but instead to a mosaic of Western Asian and autochthonous European sources for modern Jewish populations, one which includes Anatolian, Persian, Slavic, and circum-Mediterranean components, including the Levant, and with a very strong case for conversion to Judaism by autochthonous European women (Costa et al. 2013).

    The autosomal, sex chromosomal, and mtDNA study by Zoosmann-Diskin (2010) and the admixture history study of Xue et al (2017) together reinforce both the Mediterranean area (specifically Italy) as a possible geographic locus for European Jewish ethnogenesis, and the fact that the various contemporary Jewish populations do not share a common ancestor.

    This trend is reinforced by a survey of secondary sources on Jewish conversion, which leave a clear impression that peoples from a wide variety of places in Eurasia were converting to Judaism for an equally great variety of reasons. Judaism is known to have been a proselytizing religion, especially during the first two centuries of the Common Era, but also into the Middle Ages (e.g., Cohen 1989, 1999; Golb 1988; Golb and Pritsak 1982; Goodman 1989; Gruen 2002; Leonhardt-Balzer 2007; Ruderman 2010; Schwartz 2007; Vernadsky 1933; see Stern 1974 for a review of references to Jewish proselytism in classical literature). Conversions to Judaism by traders for reasons of business acumen are also documented (Baron 1952; Gil 1974; Rabinowitz 1948). Therefore, it is logical to propose that contributions from various West Asian and European converts should be visible in the genetic record.

    However, this cluster was also positioned near several non-Jewish populations (i.e., Armenians, Cypriots, Druze, Greeks, and Sicilians) that were characterized as “Middle Eastern” (Behar et al. 2013).
    Although these findings suggest a common ancestry for Ashkenazi, North African, and Sephardi Jews, the analysis also revealed support for an Italian source in the autosomal single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis, thus suggesting a southern European origin. Furthermore, the assertion that “most lineages in the Ashkenazi Jewish population along the male and female lines trace primarily to the Levant” (Behar et al. 2013:8) is difficult to sustain when the Ashkenazi population clusters in equidistance from European (Cypriot, Greek, and Sicilian, Tuscan, and Abruzzian Italian) populations and only a single Levantine population (Druze), whose geographic origin is extremely complicated (Shlush et al. 2008).7 In fact, rather than demonstrating a strictly Levantine origin for contemporary Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews, the Behar et al. (2013) study suggested a more diffuse, circum-Mediterranean origin for them.

    For example, Atzmon et al. (2010) observed that the sampled populations (Ashkenazi Jews, Greeks, Iranians, Iraqis, Italians, Syrians, and Turks) shared a common Middle Eastern background and, as such, remained largely genetically indistinguishable from one another. This observation is especially important because it speaks to the potential for shared ancestry for all of these populations in deep history, and thus to the ambiguity surrounding claims of “Middle Eastern” ancestries for Jewish populations.

    The Geography of Jewish Ethnogenesis

    Multiple models with South-Italians were plausible (p>0.05), which would be consistent with historical models pointing to the Italian peninsula as the source for the AJ population. The mean admixture proportions (over all of our plausible models) were 65% South Italy, 19% ME, and 16% East-EU

    Models with other sources, in particular Mediterranean, could also fit the EAJ data. A model with North Italians as a source had ancestry proportions 37% North Italy, 43% ME, and 20% East-EU. Models with Greek as a source had average ancestry proportions 51% Greek, 32% ME, and 17% East-EU. Models with Spanish or North African sources (in addition to ME and East-EU) were not plausible. A model with all Levant populations merged together as the ME source fit the EAJ data (p = 0.07), with ancestry proportions 65% South Italy, 19% Levant, and 16% East-EU. A model with all Mediterranean populations merged as a single source (Middle Eastern, Greek, and Italian, with East-EU as the other source) fit the data (p = 0.11) with ancestry proportions 89% Mediterranean and 11% East-EU. Models with a Western European source (Germans) instead of Russians were not plausible. There was also no support for a minor ancestry component from East Asians.

    Under the extensive set of models we studied, the ME ancestry in EAJ is estimated in the range 19%–43% and the Mediterranean European ancestry in the range 37%–65%. However, the true ancestry proportions could be higher or lower than implied by these ranges (Data S1, section 16). Our results therefore should only be interpreted to suggest that AJ ancestral sources have links to populations living in Mediterranean Europe and the Middle East today.

    Genome-wide data from medieval German Jews show that the Ashkenazi founder event pre-dated the 14th century

    Many of the ancestors of Central European Jews had lived in Italy and France.

    Some Ashkenazim returned to southern Europe, including German Jews who moved into northern Italy beginning in the late 1200s and Ashkenazim who lived in Crete in the early 1500s.

    At the same time, comprehensive autosomal studies show that most of the other half of Ashkenazic ancestry derives from European sources, particularly from southern Europeans (including Italians and Greeks). The proportion of genetic contribution from northwestern Europeans has been estimated to be between 3 and 8 percent, while the contribution from eastern Europeans has been estimated to represent between 8 and 12 percent, on average. However, some Ashkenazic individuals have inherited only 5 percent or less of Eastern European DNA, as we know from studying many kits using autosomal admixture calculators. German Jews and Dutch Jews have the least of it.

    J-Y9005’s subclade J-A16313 has been found in men from Italy and Bulgaria who descend from a medieval Ashkenazic rabbi who lived in northern Italy. J2-L556 is distantly related to haplogroups that are found in Italians (including Sicilians), Saudis, Iraqis, and Assyrians.

    A sixth branch of J-ZS2728 is found in Romaniote Jews from Greece. J1-L816 shares an ancient ancestor with a haplogroup that is found in Kurds from eastern Turkey and even more ancient ancestors with Saudis, Tunisian Jews, Turkish Jews, and Italians.

    The Ashkenazic Y-DNA haplogroup J2-Y33795 most likely derives from a convert to Judaism in Roman-era Italy. Although members of this haplogroup identify as Cohenim, there is no evidence to connect it to ancient Israelite priests. The most recent common ancestor of J2-Y33795 is estimated to have lived around 250 C.E. according to YFull’s YTree and it is absent from Middle Eastern non-Jews. A branch of J2-Y33795 that is called J2-Y37837 was found in an Italian who tested with YFull. J2-Y33795’s brother subclade J2-Y34371 is present in Switzerland. The more distantly related subclades J2-Y22038 and J2-Y22881 are found in Italians (Northern Italians and Central Italians, respectively).

    Genetic studies have demonstrated that the early Jewish populations of southern Europe were founded by Jewish men of predominantly Israelite origin who sometimes married non-Jewish women who converted to Judaism, usually voluntarily. A few non-Jewish men also converted to Judaism and joined these communities. These studies also show that intermarriage occasionally continued after proto-Ashkenazic Jews migrated north of Italy, even though this phenomenon has sparse documentation.

    This also explains why the majority of Ashkenazic Y-chromosomal lineages trace to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions.

    David Wesolowski modeled Ashkenazic autosomal admixture using a large data set including from populations collected by the Estonian Biocentre Human Genome Diversity Panel and found the following elements with a distance of 0.2874 percent: 33.6 percent Samaritan-like, 30.45 percent like Italians from Tuscany, 15.65 percent like Arabs from Israel, 11.75 percent Polish, 7.9 percent like Chalcolithic-era Anatolians, 0.6 percent like Avars from the North Caucasus, and 0.05 percent like Turkic-speaking Bashkirs but zero percent for Cossack and Uyghur affinities.30

    Haplogroup H1bo is another Ashkenazic branch of H1. Some Ashkenazic matrilines with H1bo come from Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania. H1bo is also found in people with Greek Jewish matrilines that are either Romaniote or Sephardic and people from the Apulia region of southern Italy. Some of Family Tree DNA’s Ashkenazic H1bo carriers match one of these non-Ashkenazic Jews with roots in Greece at a genetic distance of 1 in the Full Coding Region screen.102 These same Ashkenazim also match people with matrilines from Italy and Turkey that are likely Jewish at a genetic distance of 1 and match definitely Jewish people with matrilines from Greece and Turkey at a genetic distance of 2.1

    Ian Logan confirmed to me that the company YSEQ assigned the haplogroup H1bo to a non-Jewish Italian person with a matriline from Taranto, the name of a city and province in Apulia. The city of Taranto was home to Jews and “New Christians” of Jewish descent until both groups were expelled in the sixteenth century.

    Outside of the Jewish community, H47 has been found in Armenians from eastern Turkey and Armenia and in a Syrian from Damascus as well as in a Palestinian (apparently an Arab) from the West Bank, plus a Maltese person and some modern Italians, including Sicilians and Calabrians. Some of the Sicilians have matrilines from Prizzi, in the Metropolitan City of Palermo, and from Messina.

    The first Jewish J1c3e2 woman was probably a European convert, likely an Italian.

    The existence of numerous Sephardic matches (including close ones) from so many countries to the Ashkenazim appears to rule out a central European originator of this haplogroup for the Ashkenazim. Southern Europe, perhaps Italy, was probably their source instead.

    Autosomal DNA evidence suggests that there was genetic input from Italians into the early Western Jewish ancestors of Ashkenazic Jews more than a thousand years ago. As stated earlier, J2-Y33795 may be an example of an Ashkenazic paternal haplogroup of Italian origin. There are, in addition, multiple mtDNA haplogroup subclades that are shared by modern mainland Italian Christians as well as by Ashkenazic Jews, including H1bo, H3ap, H5a7, H7c2, J1c3e2, J1c13, K1a4a, U8b1b1, and possibly H1b1a, that might have Italian origins for both populations. Haplogroups H13a1a1, H47, HV0-T195C!, HV1b2, J1b1a1, J1c-C16261T, J1c1, K1a4a, K2a*, T2b25, and T2g1a are shared by modern Sicilians and Ashkenazim.
    Not all of these shared haplogroups necessarily have common non-Jewish ancestors from Italy because many Sicilians from the Palermo region in the northwest, the Siracusa region in the southeast, and the province of Agrigento in the southwest and some Italians from the farthest south regions of the mainland descend in part from Sicilian Jews and Sephardic Jews who were forced to convert to Roman Catholicism in the 1490s. There had also been ancient Phoenician settlers in Sicily who were genetically similar to the Israelites.

    A portion of the southern European ancestry in Ashkenazic Jews appears to derive from Greeks. A Greek ancestor appears to be the source for at least one Ashkenazic Y-chromosomal lineage (I-Y23115). There are some clues from autosomal DNA that Greeks could have had a sizeable impact, but input from Greek women is not certain.

    Genetic analysis has established that modern French Catholics do not descend from Ashkenazic, Sephardic, Mizrahi, or Italki Jews, and this is the reason that the direction of the introgression of Tay-Sachs (into Jews rather than from Jews) is clear. The particular mutation that causes this disease in Ashkenazim probably originated in France. This tentatively suggests that at least one French woman may have contributed mtDNA to Ashkenazim, but more research is needed.

    Ashkenazic haplogroups like H1bo, H7c2, I5a1b, J1c3e2, J1c13, K1a4a, T2a1b, and U8b1b1 might have originated with proselyte women in ancient Italy, although J1c13, K1a4a, and T2a1b might have come from Greek women instead. It is currently uncertain whether or not the haplogroups H47, HV1a’b’c, J2b1e, N1b1a2, T2g1a, and U1b1 originated from Italian converts; it is more likely that Israelite women passed them along to the Ashkenazim. J1c-C16261T could come from an Italian, a Greek, or an Israelite.

    The mtDNA haplogroup M1a1b1c exists among Ashkenazim with matrilines from Germany and Poland. It belongs to a family of lineages that spans from North Africa to southern Europe and the Middle East. Its parent haplogroup, M1a1b1, has been found among people in Tunisia and Spain. Its sister haplogroup, M1a1b1a, is prevalent in Italy, including on the Italian island of Sardinia, and that was the reason that Costa’s team wrote that M1a1b “is characteristic of the north Mediterranean and was most likely assimilated there” by Ashkenazim.

    The initial Ashkenazic population of early medieval Germany would have been founded by women who were already Jewish and whose maternal haplogroups included K1a1b1a, K1a4a, K1a9, K2a2a1, L2a1l2a, M1a1b1c, N1b1b1, R0a4, U1b1, and U7a5, among others. Many of these haplogroups are associated with the Middle East and Mediterranean regions. These haplogroups are found in German Jews who were born in the twentieth century but have deeper roots in Germany.

    The Maternal Genetic Lineages of Ashkenazic Jews
    Kevin Alan Brook

    The comparisons suggested the Ashkenazi circa 1350 had a mix of ancestry resembling populations from southern Italy or Sicily today, with components found in modern Eastern Europe and the Middle East mixed in. “That fits the historical data,” says Krishna Veeramah, a geneticist at Stony Brook University who was not involved in the work.

    One traditional tale about Ashkenazi roots may not be far from the truth: A family or small group of Jews arrived in Germany around 800 C.E., crossing the Alps at the invitation of Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman emperor, and settled in the Rhineland.

    Meeting the ancestors DNA from a medieval German cemetery opens a window on the history of today’s largest Jewish population

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  204. Andreas says:

    Israeli dominance of the corrupt American political system has become so total, so visible and so openly exercised that I keep hearing from associates that the tide is beginning to turn in terms of what ordinary people are willing to put up with.

    Ho, hum… Yeah, I’ve been saying this for quite some time. The US government is for all intents and purposes occupied and controlled by a foreign power. It is under the total domination of the Jewish Will.

    How much longer will it be before this evil spell is broken? And what will happen as a result?

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  205. Megoy says:

    LMFAO! You mean the “first strike” strategy I took from AMERICA, which is presently their OFFICIAL policy? 😂🤣


    We all know how Jews create the “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenarios like they are doing with Russia right now. Does Russia allow the US/Jews to slowly wipe them out and bankrupt them so that Jews can take over and control all of their natural resources for FEAR of a US “first strike” or do they beat them to the punch at their own game and destroy the US with their own “first strike” in an insane game of nuclear chicken? If you know you are going to be wiped out one way or another as Syria, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia and Lebanon have been, why bother WAITING to be exterminated?

    Russia is apparently prepared to fire off thousands of nukes at the US even if Moscow is nuked and completely destroy along with all the heads of government.
    Jews act like big tough guys until they know they CAN be destroyed. The window of Russia’s brief advantage is closing rapidly as the US is CLAIMING to be delivering hypersonics to NATO.

    Does Russia die slowly while fearing a nuclear threat that will destroy them quickly or do they eliminate the cause? The US cannot presently stop their hypersonic weapons. If Russia knows where the silos are, coupled with the FACT that the US admitted our nukes were made with cheap parts and may not be nearly as accurate as they claim, do you act or take the high road? What has taking the high road done for Putin so far? How about Assad? White gentiles? Nope! Jews are LAUGHING as the continue to walk all over humanity who are damned if we do and damned if we don’t attempt to eliminate the Jewish threat?


    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  206. Megoy says:

    Putin needs to call the Jew bluff and wipe out some US bases around Iran and see how the US responds. I would actually take off the head of the snake and wipe out Israel and watch the JewSA flounder as their reason for existence (being Israel’s and globalist Jews killing machine) would be gone. The Jews want everything in Jerusalem because they think that white Christian goyim and Muslim nations would NEVER destroy their religious history. Russia stood by and watched Israel/JewSA illegally occupy and bomb Syria slowly over a decade even KILLING Russians and using one of their planes as a human shield in the process! Putin could have justified his retaliation in each of those many ILLEGAL moments. He warned Jews and Jews just went right ahead continuing to ILLEGALLY bomb Syria. Not to mention JewSA already attacking Russian territory. They should have ALREaDY picked JewSA/NATO targets and hit them in retaliation with the promise of more to come. HITLER thought he could do exactly what Putin is doing now in Ukraine and look how he was “remembered”!? Putin is already being called Hitler by global Jew news.

    If hypersonics can have a similar effect then he should do more than just demonstrate what COULD happen.

  207. @Curmudgeon

    I would dislike a Caruso who behaved like a Jew. Scripture says they are the Synagogue of Satan and every action of theirs, present and past, confirms its truthfulness. You seem to think it’s somehow wrong to dislike them. It’s wrong not to.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
    , @Curmudgeon
  208. TrumpWon says:

    There’s been a few, not too many. Joseph Stack. The Bundys. Randy Weaver. Tim McVeigh. And of course, who can forget Killdozer.

    But yah, for the most part, few stand up to the government, and none have organized with like-minded people to take concrete offensive action. But someone certainly will, its inevitable, as government abuses are piled higher and deeper by the day.

    This is why the establishment is so afraid of militias, gun ownership that isn’t hobbled by restrictions and registrations, and tough talk about forcing public servants to personally bear the consequences of their actions. They will always scream the loudest when we’re right over the target, of course, blathering about “inciting violence” and “stochastic terrorism” and other such inanities.

    I like to call it inciting consequences. But that’s what all actions do.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  209. @NoBodyImportant

    “Homophobic” is the most dishonest of them. That one, I particularly hate.

    I live and work among gays. I’m not afraid of them. I know them intimately enough to not like them because of coercive rhetoric like this.

    You could offer to suck a row of dicks to prove them wrong, but you’d only humiliate and debase yourself in doing so. “You won’t ___ because you’re afraid” is playground bully rhetoric.

    The alternative is you “tolerate” them and give them time and opportunity to indoctrinate you with critical queer theory and normalize their bullshit, which is just grooming by sophistry. And whether or not they get to you, the last decade has proven that they will undermine you and go after your kids…to help them understand “their” desires, after using suggestive language and indoctrination campaigns to put those “queer” ideas in their heads to begin with.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  210. @TrumpWon


    That is why the establishment constantly reaffirms the right to own a weapon. There hs always been some manner of gun control in the US.


    There is no monolithic establishment consensus attempting to take away anyone’s gun.

  211. @Ray Caruso

    That is not what scripture says. It references a specific set of jews in a particular time.

    •�Replies: @Ray Caruso
  212. Odyssey says:

    The overview is quite good. If I had influence over Ron (which I don’t), I would suggest streamlining the commentary and publishing it on the front page. There are a lot of details—some are interesting, some present genuinely new discoveries, while others, in my opinion, are incorrect.

    What are the main flaws in some of the cited papers?

    1. Falsified History: Many papers begin with a flawed history of Europe and lack knowledge about the origins of individual peoples and the inhabitants of Europe. For example, the Neolithic period of Europe (7500 BC) is mentioned in the context of the ancestors of some Jews—but who exactly is being referred to here? The frequent use of terms like “Europeans,” “Italians,” “Ukrainians,” “northerners,” and “southerners” is problematic, as these geographical designations often lack meaningful context.

    2. Lack of Linguistic Consideration: The review does not mention language, which is essential for drawing accurate conclusions. The sole focus on genetics is problematic, especially in this complex context. Geneticists alone cannot provide all the answers.

    3. The Penelope Paradox: As I mentioned earlier, the first step should be to establish the Penelope Paradox and explain it. Without addressing this, conclusions are sometimes drawn arbitrarily based on a small number of genetic samples.

    The cited papers justify their conclusions on the basis that they were written before my warning. Therefore, the instruction for future authors should be to first address the Penelope Paradox (or prove its non-existence) and cross-reference genetic data with linguistics and anthropology.
    Below are some brief observations on the cited sections:

    The origin of Eastern European Jews, (EEJ) by far the largest and most important Ashkenazi population, and their affinities to other Jewish and European populations are still not resolved.

    In fact, the aforementioned Odyssey’s hypothesis (unlike the previous ones – Rhineland, Punic and Khazar) reveals this.

    EEJ are the largest and most investigated Jewish community, yet their history as Franco-German Jewry is known to us only since their appearance in the 9th century, and their subsequent migration a few hundred years later to Eastern Europe. Where did these Jews come from? It seems that they came to Germany and France from Italy.

    Incorrect. The Penelope Paradox (P) has been ignored.


    It is also possible that some Jews migrated northward from the Italian colonies on the northern shore of the Black Sea. All these Jews are likely the descendents of proselytes.


    EEJ seem to be mainly Italian (Roman) in origin, which is easily understood, considering the historical evidence presented above.


    It thus seems possible that EEJ founder population in Rome was composed of exiled Israelite males and local Roman females.

    Possible, but what happened next?

    EEJ are Europeans probably of Roman descent who converted to Judaism at times, when Judaism was the first monotheistic religion that spread in the ancient world. Any other theory about their origin is not supported by the genetic data.


    Thus, Eastern European Jewry was interpreted genetically as an autochthonous European population (Zoossmann-Diskin 2010:2–3).


    The autosomal, sex chromosomal, and mtDNA study by Zoosmann-Diskin (2010) and the admixture history study of Xue et al (2017) together reinforce both the Mediterranean area (specifically Italy) as a possible geographic locus for European Jewish ethnogenesis, and the fact that the various contemporary Jewish populations do not share a common ancestor.


    The Ashkenazim first appear in Northern Europe around A.D. 800, but historians suspect that they arrived there from Italy.


    Some Khazars were also incorporated during this period. “That explains why so many European and Syrian Jews have blue eyes and blond hair,” Ostrer says.

    The blond-haired and blue-eyed Khazars?

    It also explains another of the team’s findings ” that the population most closely related genetically to European Jews are Italians.

    Which European Jews, which Italians?

    Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe.


    Overall, we estimate that most (>80%) Ashkenazi mtDNAs were assimilated within Europe. Few derive from a Near Eastern source, and despite the recent revival of the ‘Khazar hypothesis’, virtually none are likely to have ancestry in the North Caucasus.

    Partially correct.

    Overall, it seems that at least 80% of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry is due to the assimilation of mtDNAs indigenous to Europe, most likely through conversion. Ashkenazim—who make up roughly 80% of the world’s Jews, including 90% of those in America and half of those in Israel—ultimately came not from the Middle East, but from Western Europe, perhaps Italy.

    Correct (except for Italy).

    The result was very clear-cut, the authors say: As reported online today in Nature Communications, more than 80% of Ashkenazi mtDNAs had their origins thousands of years ago in Western Europe, during or before Biblical times—and in some cases even before farming came to that part of the continent some 7500 years ago.

    Who are we talking about here? Who lived in Europe then and where?

    Michael Hammer showed that most modern Jews are descended on their male side from a core population of approximately 20,000 Jews who migrated from Italy over the first millennium and eventually settled in Eastern Europe.

    Possible, but how did the number of those 20 K Jews grow to 8 million over 500 years? And did they immediately go to Eastern Europe, skipping Western Europe? What language did they speak? PP should be recognised and explained first.

    Overall, they claim, at least 80 percent of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe.

    Correct (probably even more).

    Most Ashkenazi Jews are genetically Europeans, surprising study finds.

    Why surprising and for whom? Maybe for those who only know about the Rhineland and Khazar theories, which expressed logical shoe-stoppers?

    Meeting the ancestors DNA from a medieval German cemetery opens a window on the history of today’s largest Jewish population.

    Really? What can you see through that window? I am very curious.

    •�Replies: @anon
  213. Hell is in charge here.

  214. @Megoy

    I understand wholeheartedly, but I don’t think he should attack the entire US just to get to these people. Putin is an idiot, not to mention he’s flooding Russia with non-Russians and already destroying Russia all on his own. Add all of this on top of the fact he’s dragging this Ukraine war on for so long that a bunch of Russians and Ukraine men have died as a result of it. Seems like to me Putin wants to help the very scoundrel that’s fucking over the United States.

  215. @EliteCommInc.

    Why bother? None of these cowards will use them anyway. So they don’t have to take the guns away. Look how much they’ve gotten away with already and nobody fired a damn shot at them.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  216. @Ray Caruso

    I didn’t say he behaved like a Jew, only that his behavior was occasionally problematic.

  217. anarchyst says:
    @Antisemantic Prosecutor

    In the push for “rights”, we were told that all homosexuals wanted was “to be tolerated” and shown “respect”. Almost no human being could argue with that. However, that attitude has turned out to have negative ramifications and that nothing could be further from the truth…
    Sad to say, “tolerance” has morphed into demands for not only “acceptance”, but deference, to the whims of homosexuals, without regards for the rights of heterosexuals with differing beliefs.
    When homosexuals purposely target a Christian-run bakery or other business, making demands for not only “acceptance”, but using the “civil-rights” laws, forcing the owner to go against his principles, THAT, my friends is tyranny, under guise of “civil-rights”.
    Using the “civil-rights” laws to force business owners into actions that go against their basic beliefs is tyranny of the highest order, and has no place in American society. It is interesting to note that, in these cases where homosexuals wanted to “prove a point”, they bypassed many bakeries who would accede to their wishes and give them what they desire. As an aside, muslim bakers who refused to bake homosexual-themed cakes were NOT targeted for “civil-rights” violations—double standard, indeed.
    This kind of behavior garners no favors with most decent people and furthers resolve against militant homosexuals who want not only toleration, but total “in your face” acceptance of their “lifestyle”–something that some people find that does not “square” with their beliefs.
    It appears that the success of “equal rights” for homosexuals has renewed a push to “normalize” other behaviors, such as “transsexuality”, “cross-dressing”, and other “gender fluidity” behaviors. There is even a push by pedophiles and their advocates to redefine (decriminalize and normalize) their behavior, renaming it “minor-attracted adults” rather than the perversion that it is presently defined as. The “slippery slope” started with the normalization of homosexuality, and has degenerated into the demands for acceptance of every form of human dysfunction.
    “Live and let live” used to be a staple of American society, but was eviscerated with every “protected group” using the so-called “civil-rights” laws to force others to not only tolerate them, but accept them. Not good…

  218. annamaria says:
    @King Edward I

    “Who the hell is in charge? Clearly organized jewry.”

    — The American patriot Henry Ford tried to warn American government, but the fools-in-charge were either blackmailed or bought by jews.

    “International Jew” by Henry Ford: https://shop.shakeandco.com/book/9781963143003

    Sometime in early 1920, auto magnate Henry Ford-then one of the richest men in the world-decided to single-handedly take on global Jewry. To that end, he initiated a nearly two-year-long attack on the Jews and the Jewish Lobby, through his corporate-owned newspaper, The Dearborn Independent. … Though 100 years old, these essays are suffused with lessons for the present day. The Jewish Question, it seems, is eternal.

    The jewish whining about the facts: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/quot-the-international-jew-quot

    The Dearborn Independent saw Jews as carrying out “revolutionary programs to break up the present control of society.” … The International Jew did not portray Jews as individuals, but as a single-minded, calculating cabal…

    HenriyFord was correct. See the overwhelming jewish support for the ongoing Genocide of children and women in Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria, which is run by jewish fascists.

    •�Thanks: Adam Birchdale
  219. @Anon 284

    It’s a pretty weird message when you say that people should name jews while you yourself use many words to beat all around the bush without ever naming them yourself!

  220. @NoBodyImportant

    Not sure what you mean. No offense intended. I just don’t understand.

    You mean there is no reason for gun control because the people that have guns don’t use them when they should or when they can.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  221. @EliteCommInc.

    That is why the establishment constantly reaffirms the right to own a weapon.

    To the extent this may be true in some sense, unfortunately this is the same “establishment” which does things like constantly reaffirming that Russia’s invasion of “Ukraine” is “illegal” while it illegally occupies Syria, arming and funding terrorists/opposition groups, thereby violating Syria’s sovereignty, damaging its economy, etc. So apparently nothing that the demonstrably corrupt and hypocritical “establishment” says or does can be taken seriously.

    There hs always been some manner of gun control in the US.

    To the extent this may be true in some sense, so what? This doesn’t mean that there’s no long-term, methodical effort presently underway to effectively disarm the people, i.e. to limit the prospective ability of the people to forcefully resist establishment tyranny. There are “reasonable” laws which may address some legitimate public safety concern and then there are unreasonable and often blatantly unconstitutional laws which don’t. For example, you obviously can’t equate the legitimacy of the Miller Act of 1927 with that of the Hughes Amendment of 1986.

    There is no monolithic establishment consensus attempting to take away anyone’s gun.

    On the contrary of course there is, but it’s not just a matter of taking away guns per se; rather, there’s clearly a methodical, long-standing, hybrid effort by the establishment to prevent the people from having access to the most effective weapons. An example is the Hughes amendment of 1986, which as a practical matter made the ownership of full automatic/selective fire weapons impossible for the average person. Another example is the effort to keep armor-piercing ammunition, particularly rifle ammunition, out of the hands of the people. Another example is the ongoing effort to ban the ownership of body armor.

    The “establishment” has launched a hybrid war against the spirit and letter of the second amendment involving a patchwork of oppressive federal and state laws in an apparent effort to make the possession and carrying of guns by law abiding citizens so complex, expensive, burdensome and potentially legally catastrophic, that people just give up on the idea.

  222. Your “revolution” is a LEEDLE late.

    Depending on one’s frame of reference, it should have happened when George Washington signed on to Hamilton’s push for this country’s FIRST central bank (ahem)….while at least JEFFERSON resisted and condemned it. When Jefferson, once president, was faced with renewing the charter, he refused, and shortly after that ? War of 1812 (City of London for all you REALLY smart goy).

    The threads of a criminal oligarchy grabbing, clawing, kicking, screaming, and willing to do ANYTHING for POWER & MONEY has gone on now for over 250 FREAKING years…and YOUR “elected” representatives have been selling you out ALL THE TIME. 24/7.

    If you know nothing else, you should know the federal reserve act of 1913….when “your” elected representatives violated their oath of office and approved the privatization of this country’s TREASURY DEPT. What followed shortly afterwards, engineered by the SAME KOSHER NOSTRA ? Only WW1 & the federal income tax.

    Truth is … the parasite has become the host….and YOU and the rest of you feckless goyim are now the parasite.

    Want to know just who really is in control of this trash heap of a country ?

    Drill down to find out the OWNERS of the BIS (Bank of International Settlements)…and you will be directly over the target area.

    Happy hunting.

    •�Replies: @annamaria
  223. anon[344] •�Disclaimer says:

    1. Falsified History: Many papers begin with a flawed history of Europe and lack knowledge about the origins of individual peoples and the inhabitants of Europe. For example, the Neolithic period of Europe (7500 BC) is mentioned in the context of the ancestors of some Jews—but who exactly is being referred to here? The frequent use of terms like “Europeans,” “Italians,” “Ukrainians,” “northerners,” and “southerners” is problematic, as these geographical designations often lack meaningful context.

    Yes, more research in deeper detail is needed. But why do you say “Falsified History”?

    2. Lack of Linguistic Consideration: The review does not mention language, which is essential for drawing accurate conclusions. The sole focus on genetics is problematic, especially in this complex context. Geneticists alone cannot provide all the answers.

    Could it be said that jewish southern Loez speakers migrated from Italy to France and Germany, and then the Yiddish took shape under influence of southern Loez language and other Judeo-Italian dialects, and of the local languages?

    3. The Penelope Paradox: As I mentioned earlier, the first step should be to establish the Penelope Paradox and explain it. Without addressing this, conclusions are sometimes drawn arbitrarily based on a small number of genetic samples.

    Firstly, what are the sources for the population numbers. Secondly, how sure are we that these numbers are correct? Thirdly, is it not explained by the mass conversions in and out of Judaism?

    You say there are 4 theories/hypotheses about the origin of Ashkenazi Jews (Rhineland, Punic, Khazar and the Odyssey’s hypothesis)

    Can you explain the OH in more details, and your interpretation of Rhineland theory? Where does the theory that I described fit in?

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  224. @EliteCommInc.

    That’s exactly what I meant, because the whole point for having the right to bare arms, wasn’t just intended for home invasions, or hunting animals in the wild. It’s also there if the gov ever goes rogue. That’s what the second amendment is about. But instead people use excuses “Well they have fighter jets, drones, and tanks, etc.”

    Last time I checked they got their asses kicked several times with high tech weapons fighting up against farmers with less superior weaponry. Having big weapons and gadgets doesn’t always equal “superior.” That’s like me saying just because the Persian Army had 10,000,000 men they should have been able to defeat Alexander The Great and his smaller army. But he was a BETTER strategist than the fool he went up against. Oh sure the Indians lost fighting with bows and arrows up against men with guns, but they still at least tried vs surrendering.

    The way I see it, the fiends running the West today they’ve already killed a bunch of Americans with those death shots and nobody did anything. It’s clear that if they wanted to pull a full blown Gaza on Americans and get away with it, they might as well should get it over with and do it already. The Citizens won’t do shit anyway but take it to twitter like they always do.

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  225. Odyssey says:

    Falsified history – this is a general remark. I am referring to mainstream history in different periods and many examples of falsifications have already been presented, some of which I have presented myself (e.g., the beginning of European civilization, culture and language, the natives of Europe, the Aryans, Sanskrit, the so-called ‘ancient Greece’, the Roman Empire, Byzantium, etc.). The main mistakes of the mentioned theories are that they rely on and continue the mainstream, parts of which are illogical and falsified.

    Linguistics – No, Yiddish does not have that origin. This should be sought in parallel with the study of the origin of the Ashkenazi.

    Odyssey’s hypothesis and Penelope’s Paradox – I quoted the numbers from scientific papers. I have already said that they need to be confirmed first in order to explain the Paradox itself. The Rhineland’s theory has been rejected by almost everyone as, at best, incomplete. I think even Ron, which is why he proposed the Punic hypothesis, which I see as a modification of the Rhineland.

    Mass conversion – yes (but whose specifically?) – but that is not the subject of the Rhineland hypothesis, according to which the Ashkenazi as a separate group do not actually exist at all. I hope that the OH author will explain his version and we expect that TV rabbitoh or someone else will invite him to do so, so that we can all evaluate first its logic and then its validity.

  226. Odyssey says:

    The Persian army at the Battle of the Granicus River had 40,000 soldiers, half of whom were Greeks. Alexander’s army consisted mainly of soldiers from modern central Serbia, while his Macedonians remained to guard Alexander’s capital. The Greeks did not participate in the battle on his side at all. About 18,000 Greeks died in the battle, while 2,000 ended up in Macedonian mines. This is the summary of the important, as the mainstream says, “Greco-Persian” battle that opened the way for Alexander to India and Egypt.

  227. anon[322] •�Disclaimer says:

    No, Yiddish does not have that origin.

    Are you sure the question about Italian influence on Yiddish has been settled? Have you read Max Weinreich’s History of the Yiddish Language or similar books? Italy also had many Judeo-Italian dialects (most are now extinct).

    I quoted the numbers from scientific papers. I have already said that they need to be confirmed first

    One cannot take population numbers from old sources at face value.

    Mass conversion – yes (but whose specifically?) Most mass conversions would have taken place mostly in Italy, considering the historical evidence and the results from genetics.

    Which is why he proposed the Punic hypothesis. The Punic hypothesis can be fit into the model that I described. In this modified model, Punics converted to Judaism, and in turn they converted Italians to Judaism, from which Ashkenazi Jews got their genetic makeup.

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  228. annamaria says:
    @Mr. Zero Sum

    The owners: The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution which is owned by member central banks.

    “The World’s Biggest Central Bank Has Private Shareholders.” https://ritholtz.com/2011/07/the-worlds-biggest-central-bank-has-private-shareholders/

    The BIS is a closed organization owned by 63 central banks, representing countries from around the world that together account for about 95% of world GDP. The heads of these central banks travel to the Basel headquarters once every two months, and the General Meeting, the BIS’s supreme executive body, takes place once a year.

    Some central banks still have forms of private sector shareholding. These include central banks in the United States, Japan and Switzerland. … So the private banks own the Fed (and most other central banks), and the central banks – and private shareholders – in turn own BIS, the global bank regulator. It would obviously be very interesting to find out who these private shareholders are.

  229. Odyssey says:

    The Punic hypothesis can fit into the model that I described. In this modified model, Punics converted to Judaism, and in turn they converted Italians to Judaism, from which Ashkenazi Jews got their genetic makeup.

    I agree that your approach is similar to Ron’s approach (Punic hypothesis) and I think it is not wrong but the last italic point/conclusion in the previous quote is wrong. That is why I said that the Penelope Paradox should be explained first. When did that ‘makeup’ happen?

    The numbers of Jews in Western Europe that some authors mention (I can quote exactly) are 50K in the 15th century, or 25-35K somewhat earlier. So that is the order of magnitude. How did they get to 8 million before ww2?

    If they were converted Italians, it means that they came to Eastern Europe (via Western?) after the 15th century. Has anyone anywhere noticed this migration of millions of people after the 15th century? I know nothing about it and I have not seen anyone write about it. It is similar to the mainstream theory about the so-called migration of the so-called Slavs to Europe/Balkans from unknown location, for which there is not a single piece of evidence nor has anyone noticed or recorded it (to ignore its multitude of illogicalities). It is an example of mainstream historical falsifications.

    So, as I said, it is necessary to first resolve the Penelope Paradox. The first step in resolving this is to determine the number of Jews in Western Europe in the 15th century (or somewhat earlier). Can you present your finding?


    Max Weinreich’s History of the Yiddish Language is a classic of Yiddish scholarship and is the only comprehensive scholarly account of the Yiddish language from its origin to the present.

    Wrong. I can’t wait for the author of OH to appear and explain these holes in this kind of scholarship. However, I think Ron is not sympathetic to the presentation of this theory, which deviates from the other three known theories (Rhineland, Punic, and Khazar).

    •�Replies: @anon
  230. Godly53 says:

    Trump has clearly kissed the ring and bowed down to total Jewish supremacy because the alternative was him going to prison for the rest of his life and his children probably going in right behind him.

    The entire idea of Trump in 2015 was that he was a billionaire who had so much money that he would be free of corruption and bribery. Clearly that ship has sailed, so what is the point of Trump anymore? He became another GOP zionist swamp rat just like all the others. He became what he set out to dismantle, if he was ever sincere at all.

  231. El Gringo says:

    I do not believe that much will change in the 2nd Truno Administration. He couldn’t get $6bn to finish the border wall, and the Pentagon opposed him when he wanted to withdraw from Syria – now we know why four years later. Invade Iran? A country the size of Western Europe? He would quickly plunge to below Biden’s approval ratings when the body bags of Americans arrive in DC after fighting the good fight for greater Israel. This time, he is a lame duck from the moment he takes office. Israel will remain a big problem far beyond his administration. He knows the Israel lobby in this country is more powerful than any politician/businessman/celebrity and will act accordingly or deal with the consequences, hopefully not as dire as JFK when he refused Ben Gurion or James Forrestal’s walk out the window to catch some fresh air.

  232. Getaclue says:

    Obama gave us our current “health” system…not a word about that in the CEO assassination ofc

  233. anon[252] •�Disclaimer says:

    Jews have lived especially in Italy but also the larger roman empire in large numbers throughout. (Unz writes in his Khazar article about Jews in the whole Roman empire, Jewish numbers reached their high-water mark in the ancient world, perhaps 7-8% of the entire population of the Roman Empire, amounting to many millions.)

    Has anyone anywhere noticed this migration of millions of people They didn’t migrate all at once.

    There are two frequently cited laws of Emperor Constantine, of 321 and 331, five hundred years prior to the appearance of Charlemagne’s emissary Isaac in Aachen. These speak of a Jewish community in Cologne— explicitly a community, not individual Jews. The emperor orders the exemption from certain state obligations of “ rabbis, heads of the community, wardens, and others serving in the synagogues.” One has to agree with Aronius when he says, “ The construction of the Cologne community, mentioned in [Constantine’s] law, allows the assumption that it was not small and probably also considerably old.” In other words, Jews reached the Rhine together with the Roman legions. The question arises: Was Cologne the only community that Roman Jews established in those advanced positions of the empire?

    About Yiddish:

    in the main, scholarship must have flowed in Loter prior to the rise of native scholars, with the numerically smaller southern Loez group. In Italy there were centers o f Torah from time immemorial. Actually, it is conceivable that the influence of Italy on Jewishness in Loter could have been bookish. But there is strong proof for actual southern Loez immigration: the Italian pedigree of certain Loter celebrities, and primarily the tradition about the Calonymuses; southern Loez names of Jew s who died a martyr’s death in Loter at the time of the First Crusade; and the evidence of the Loez component in Yiddish, representing not only western Loez, but also southern Loez elements.

    southern Loez is Italian

    Yiddish came into existence in Loter because western Loez speakers and southern Loez speakers, with Hebrew as their mediated language, created a small gathering of exiles in an area where the coterritorial non-Jewish population spoke different variants of German.

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  234. Odyssey says:

    Yes, some data say that in the Roman Empire the number of Jews reached 8 million. Again, we come to the key point that the number of Jews in the 15th century in Western Europe was 50K.

    If this is true, then Penelope Paradox exists and it needs to be resolved, and it also means that the current theories (Rhineland, Punic and Khazar) are incomplete/incorrect.

    If this number is correct (or approximate) but the Paradox cannot be resolved, then it makes sense to turn to the author of the Odyssey’s hypothesis who claims that it is resolved in that theory.

    Yiddish – did not originate in that way, even the Rhineland hypothesis says otherwise. By the way, in Serbia, in addition to the medieval Sephardim and later Ashkenazim, a small number of so-called Romanoites lived (there will be a separate comment) – Jews who came/lived in the Roman Empire and Byzantium (they lived mainly in present-day northern Greece). The last speaker of that language in Belgrade (name known) died in the early 20th century.

    There was a question about the Rhineland hypothesis:

    Regarding the ancestral origin of Ashkenazic Jews, Rhineland Hypothesis says –
    Judaean living in Judaea until 70 A.D. who were exiled by the Romans (King, 2001) and remained in relative isolation from neighbouring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora (Hammer et al., 2000; Ostrer, 2001). This scenario has no historical (Sand, 2009) nor genetic support (e.g., Elhaik, 2013, 2016; Xue et al., 2017);

    About the arrival of Jews to German lands, RH says – After the arrival of Palestinian Jews to Roman lands, Jewish merchants and soldiers arrived to German lands with the Roman army and settled there (King, 2001). This scenario has no historical support (Wexler, 1993; Sand, 2009);

    About Yiddish’s emergence in the 9th century, RH says –
    Between the 9th and 10th centuries, French- and Italian-speaking Jews immigrants adopted and adapted the local German dialects (Weinreich, 2008);

    About Growth of Eastern European Jewry, RH says –
    A small group of German Jews migrated to Eastern Europe and reproduced via a so-called “demographic miracle” (Ben-Sasson, 1976; Atzmon et al., 2010; Ostrer, 2012), which resulted in an unnatural growth rate (1.7–2% annually) (van Straten and Snell, 2006; van Straten, 2007) over half a millennium acting only on Jews residing in Eastern Europe. This explanation is unsupported by the data and it is directly related to the Penelope Paradox.

    The migration of millions of Jews from Italy to Western Europe and from there (after the 15th c.) to Eastern Europe could not have gone unnoticed, whether it happened all at once or over time.

    •�Replies: @anon
  235. anon[202] •�Disclaimer says:

    Have you seen this article ?


    it says, the real explanation of the apparent abnormally high Jewish growth rates is that scholars underestimated the total Jewish population at the beginning of the nineteenth century

    The same could be true for the 15th century

    You are quoting the crank Eran Elhaik who believes in the discredited Khazar theory.

    His table on page 2 only compares two theories, either Jews are genetically Middle Easterners or Khazars, the table does not consider other possibilities.

    Elhaik claims because Jews have some genetic similarity to populations living in Turkey and the Caucasus his theory is correct but Italians also have ancestry from Middle East, Anatolia, Levant, Caucasus, Iran, Turkey, , as well from Phoenicians, Punics etc, for this see the extracts below:


    Principal components (PC) analysis of classical gene-frequency data reveals clines within Europe, and the first principal component, which indeed has a Near Eastern focus, has been taken to support the demic diffusion hypothesis. A similar pattern has been observed in spatial autocorrelation analysis of DNA-based polymorphisms, including microsatellites, which have identified geographic patterns compatible with a substantial directional demographic expansion affecting much of the continent (Chikhi et al. 1998a). However, although these patterns in the genetic data are impressive and suggest major east-west population movements, their time depths are not known, and associating them with particular demographic events is usually speculative.

    By contrast, analysis of diversity in European mtDNA reveals a relatively homogeneous landscape, with clines detectable only in the south. However, this is a contentious area, and conclusions may depend on the depth of analysis— for example, which sublineages are studied. An east-west gradient of pairwise differences has been discerned and claimed to be compatible with expansion from the Middle East

    HG 9 reaches its highest frequencies (∼33%) in the Caucasus and in Anatolia, where it is thought that agriculture originated.

    Within Europe, HG 21 chromosomes are concentrated in the south. Their frequency in the two northern-African samples is very high (52% and 77%), and their frequencies in the Greek and Cypriot samples are also high (∼27%), which might reflect a barrier to gene flow between Africa and Europe, as is also shown by the analysis of autosomal protein markers and microsatellites . In other southern-European populations, such as those in Spain, Portugal, Sardinia, Italy, Turkey, and Yugoslavia, frequencies are in the range of 10%–20%. The decline in frequencies to the north is rather uniform. This regional cline has similiarities to that detected in the second principal component of classical gene frequencies , which has been interpreted on a climatic basis.

    Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language

    We assume that the Near East was the source region for most of the genetic variation extant in Europe. For the Neolithic, this assumption is readily justified on archaeological grounds; it is much less secure as one goes farther back in time, although archaeologists have argued in favor of a Near Eastern origin for the EUP, and it is even possible that the Aurignacian industry may have spread from the Levant and Anatolia. Analyses of classical genetic markers have also indicated expansions from the Near East, albeit also from eastern Europe. The raw age estimates for the major clusters in Europe and the Near East are consistent with this assumption, since they indicate that the clusters are at least as old—and, in some cases, considerably older—in the Near East compared with Europe.

    Tracing European founder lineages in the Near Eastern mtDNA pool

    The presence of this haplotype suggests past contacts with peoples from North Africa. The introduction of African markers could be due to the Phoenician colonization at the end of the 2nd millennium b.c. or to the more recent Arab conquest (8th–9th centuries a.d.).

    It is possible to identify two main groups. The first contains populations from Lebanon, Tunisia and Algeria, while the second consists of Greece and Italy

    Palermo, Alia and Valledolmo are intermediate between the populations with Phoenician, Arab and African contributions to their gene pools (Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon) and the populations from Greece and continental Italy.

    Lebanon, Tunisia and Algeria present positive values for the first component, confirming that the African genetic traits in their gene pools are so marked and peculiar that they can be discriminated even with the first principal component. The cause of this difference could be related to the recent African origin of our species.
    Interestingly, the principal components analysis indicates genetic affinities between Lebanon and Palermo. This is an important observation, perhaps due to genetic traces of the Phoenicians in western Sicily. They retained their hegemony until the Arab conquest in the 9th century a.d. Therefore, the Phoenicians, and later also the Arabs, likely played an important role in the genetic makeup of Sicily, since they settled in the region for quite a long time and probably mixed with the local people.

    The presence of a typical African marker (haplotype Gm5*;1,17;…), especially in the genetic structure of Alia and Palermo, highlights the possibility of past contacts with peoples from Africa. Indeed, Palermo was originally a Phoenician-Carthaginian colony (toward the end of the 2nd millennium b.c.) and remained so for a long time. The Phoenician colonization is also demonstrated by inscriptions found in the Gurfa Caves near Alia. Therefore, the introduction of an African polymorphism could have been due to the Phoenician colonization or to the more recent Arab conquest of the territory (9th century a.d.).

    A study carried out with restriction enzymes on mtDNA indicated the presence of African haplotypes (4.4%) in a sample of Sicilians. The authors hypothesized an input of genes from Africa to Sicily (estimated at about 10%) brought by Phoenician migrations. More recent studies on classical polymorphisms have demonstrated the Phoenician influence on the genetic structure of northwestern Sicily, which would have helped differentiate the local populations from the rest of the island.
    However, the various contributions of foreign dominions to the genetic composition of Sicily’s current population must still be clarified, since anthropogenetic studies in Sicily, unlike Sardinia and Corsica, are still rather patchy.

    Gm and Km immunoglobulin allotypes in Sicily

    J-M67 includes J-M67* lineages, which are most frequent in the Caucasus, and J-M92, which indicates affinity between Anatolia and southern Italy

    On the contrary, J-M67* and J-M92 could have arrived in Europe from Anatolia via the Bosphorus isthmus, as well as by seafaring Neolithic populations who reached southern Italy. J-M67* and J-M92 could represent, at least in part, the Y-chromosome component that King and Underhill (2002) found to correlate with the distribution, from Anatolia toward Europe, of archaeological painted pottery and anthropomorphic figurines.

    The distribution of E-P2* appears limited to eastern African peoples. The E-M35* lineage shows its highest frequency (19.2%) in the Ethiopian Oromo but with a wider distribution range than E-P2*. Indeed, it is also found at high frequency (16.7%) in the Khoisan of South Africa (suggesting, once again, their ancient relationship with Ethiopians) and observed in southern Europe

    In conclusion, high-resolution Y-chromosome haplotyping and particular microsatellite associations reveal regional population differentiations, an East Africa homeland for E-M78, and recent gene-flow episodes consistent with the Neolithic in Europe. In particular, the spatial distributions of J-M172*, J-M267, E-M78, and E-M123 indicate expansions from the Middle East toward Europe that most likely occurred during and after the Neolithic, that of J-M102 illustrates population expansions from the southern Balkans, and that of E-M81 reveals recent gene flow from North Africa. Distinct histories of J-M267* lineages are suggested: an expansion from the Middle East toward East Africa and Europe and a more-recent diffusion (marked by the YCAIIa-22/YCAIIb-22 motif) of Arab people from the southern part of the Middle East toward North Africa.

    Origin, Diffusion, and Differentiation of Y-Chromosome Haplogroups E and J: Inferences on the Neolithization of Europe and Later Migratory Events in the Mediterranean Area

    The origin of the Etruscan people has been a source of major controversy for the past 2,500 years, and several hypotheses have been proposed to explain their language and sophisticated culture, including an Aegean/Anatolian origin. To address this issue, we analyzed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 322 subjects from three well-defined areas of Tuscany and compared their sequence variation with that of 55 western Eurasian populations. Interpopulation comparisons reveal that the modern population of Murlo, a small town of Etruscan origin, is characterized by an unusually high frequency (17.5%) of Near Eastern mtDNA haplogroups. Each of these haplogroups is represented by different haplotypes, thus dismissing the possibility that the genetic allocation of the Murlo people is due to drift. Other Tuscan populations do not show the same striking feature; however, overall, ∼5% of mtDNA haplotypes in Tuscany are shared exclusively between Tuscans and Near Easterners and occupy terminal positions in the phylogeny. These findings support a direct and rather recent genetic input from the Near East—a scenario in agreement with the Lydian origin of Etruscans. Such a genetic contribution has been extensively diluted by admixture, but it appears that there are still locations in Tuscany, such as Murlo, where traces of its arrival are easily detectable.

    Overall, these mtDNA data and others from different organisms support the scenario of a post-Neolithic genetic input from the Near East to the present-day popwulation of Tuscany, a scenario that is in agreement with an Anatolian origin of Etruscans.
    Traces of this relatively recent arrival from the Near East are still detectable in Tuscany, despite extensive dilution by admixture with both native and surrounding Italic populations and later immigration.

    Mitochondrial DNA Variation of Modern Tuscans Supports the Near Eastern Origin of Etruscans

    The molecular dissection of E-M78 contributes to the understanding of the genetic relationships between northern Africa and Europe. Several lines of evidence suggest that E-M78 subhaplogroups E-V12, E-V22, and E-V65 have been involved in trans-Mediterranean migrations directly from Africa. These haplogroups are common in northern Africa, where they likely originated, and are observed almost exclusively in Mediterranean Europe, as opposed to central and eastern Europe. Also, among the Mediterranean populations, they are more common in Iberia and south-central Europe than in the Balkans, the natural entry-point for chromosomes coming from the Levant. Such findings are hardly compatible with a southeastern entry of E-V12, E-V22, and E-V65 haplogroups into Europe. Upper limits for the introduction of each of these haplogroups in Europe are given by their estimated ages, whereas lower bounds should be close to the present times, given the lack of internal geographic structuring. Considering both these E-M78 subhaplogroups and the E-M81 haplogroup, the contribution of northern African lineages to the entire male gene pool of Iberia (barring Pasiegos), continental Italy, and Sicily can be estimated as 5.6%, 3.6%, and 6.6%, respectively.

    Tracing Past Human Male Movements in Northern/Eastern Africa and Western Eurasia: New Clues from Y-Chromosomal Haplogroups E-M78 and J-M12

    In the light of Near Eastern gene flow, admixture analysis revealed Anatolian introgression in most of the Italian samples. Considering the expectations related to the different models proposed for spread of agricultural technology, these results support the DD model. Despite the presence of Neolithic genes in the current male Italian population, the admixture values as estimated by ADMIX suggested a differential impact of the newcomers across the Italian samples. The estimated degree of introgression is in fact not consistent across all areas, with Southern samples experiencing higher Anatolian contribution than Northern samples. A very rough estimation would suggest a 70–90% contribution for the former and 50–70% for the latter.

    Authors suggested the Greek colonization in the South as the major demographic event shaping observed diversity on the basis of compatible historical scenarios. However, this hypothesis was never thoroughly tested, especially in the light of alternative European scenarios proposed by the same authors supporting a Neolithic demic dispersion model and taking in consideration that Greece was the only Mediterranean sample outside Italy included in the PC analysis. Assuming the Greek diaspora model, South Italian samples should be genetically closer to Greece than to Anatolia, while the Neolithic model would not show significant differences. We note that Dc and Dl genetic distances are linearly related to time. We calculated these genetic distances for WCL, WCP and SAP samples vs. Anatolia and Greece. The three Italian populations were not only closer to Anatolia than to Greece, but all values for Anatolia were smaller than those for Greece. This is confirmed also using more specific regional Greek samples. Assuming proper identification of the source populations, these results suggest that in terms of demographic influence on the paternal Italian gene pool, the role of Neolithic farmers was greater than Greek historical colonisers of South Italy.

    we concluded that in Italy more than 70% of the observed diversity is distributed along gradients and that Anatolian Farmers did have a different demographic impact on different Italian areas for paternal lienages.

    Y chromosome genetic variation in the Italian peninsula is clinal and supports an admixture model for the Mesolithic-Neolithic encounter

    Conversely, Italy appears to be a zone of sharp differentiation over small distances. Some Italians cluster with the northern Europeans, whereas others fall into the southeastern grouping.

    Measuring European Population Stratification with Microarray Genotype Data

    The map also identifies the existence of two genetic barriers within Europe…. The other is between Italians and the rest. This may reflect the role of the Alps in impeding free flow of people between Italy and the rest of Europe.

    The Genetic Map of Europe

    we show that traces of genetic flows occurred in the island, due to ancient Greek colonization and to northern African contributions, are still visible on the basis of the distribution of some lineages. The genetic contribution of Greek chromosomes to the Sicilian gene pool is estimated to be about 37% whereas the contribution of North African populations is estimated to be around 6%.
    The presence of the lineage E3b1b-M81 in Sicily and Iberia reflects gene flows also from North Africa

    Haplogroups common both to the European and Eurasian populations are present in Sicily. The most represented are R1b1c-M269 (24.58%), J2-M172 (15.25%) and E3b1a-M78 (11.44%). The co-occurrence of the Berber E3b1b-M81 (2.12%) and of the Mid-Eastern J1-M267 (3.81%) Hgs together with the presence of E3b1a1-V12, E3b1a3-V22, E3b1a4-V65 (5.5%) support the hypothesis of intrusion of North African genes
    We assessed the relative contributions of the North African and Greek genes into the Sicily genetic pool by an admixture analysis, using Hg E3b1b-M81 for North Africa and E3b1a2-V13 for Greece. The estimated contribution resulted 6% for North Africa and 37.3% for Greece.
    Specifically, some signatures of gene flows from Greece and from northern Africa can be identified.
    The Hg E3b1b-M81, widely diffused in northwestern African populations, is estimated to contribute to the Sicilian gene pool at a rate of 6%. The distribution of E3b1b-M81 chromosomes in Africa closely matches the areas of distribution of Berber speaking populations, suggesting close Hg-ethnicity specificity. Interestingly, haplotype 13-14-30-24-9-11-13, associated to the E3b1b-M81 chromosomes,23, 36 is also present in Sicily. On the basis of the YHRD database, this haplotype occurs with high frequency in the Berber population of Tunisia, whereas it is less common elsewhere in North Africa. The co-presence in Sicily of this haplotype and of the E3b1a1-V12, E3b1a3-V22, E3b1a4-V65 and J1-M267 Hgs could be attributed to the gene flows occurred during several trans-Mediterranean migrations from Africa, including the Arab invasion by sea.

    Differential Greek and northern African migrations to Sicily are supported by genetic evidence from the Y chromosome

    Both STRUCTURE and principal component analyses (PCA) showed the largest division/principal component (PC) differentiated northern from southern European ancestry.

    Analysis and Application of European Genetic Substructure Using 300 K SNP Information

    Many haplogroups of extra-European origin were found in our samples: haplogroups M/M1, which are widespread in Eastern Africa and Eastern Eurasia, were found in Calabria (1%) and Sicily (1%); haplogroups L1/L3e, which are typical of South-Saharan Africa were found in Calabria (1%), Sicily (2%) and Basilicata (2%); haplogroup R was found in Basilicata (4%) and R0a in Calabria (1%) and Basilicata (2%). In particular, haplotype R-16278 matched with two HVS-I sequences from Turkey; haplogroup N1b, which is frequent in the Middle East, was present in Calabria (3%) and Sicily (2%); haplogroup U6a, typical of Northern Africa, was found in Sicily (1%) and Basilicata (1%). The presence of these lineages is probably due to Southern Italy’s central position in the Mediterranean basin, which facilitated the introduction of foreign lineages.

    Evidence of a genetic relationship between Southern Italian samples and Eastern Mediterranean population were observed: due to its high incidence of Eastern-distributed haplogroups (mostly R0a and HV and U1), Basilicata positioned close to the Etruscan town of Murlo, the maternal ancestry of which pointed to an Anatolian/Aegean origin . Also, Sicily and Calabria showed some kind of genetic affinity with Eastern Mediterranean European samples: the two samples from Calabria (one including Apulia) were very close to Greece (as well as Bulgaria), and Sicily was near Crete. This genetic similarity might be a signature of contacts between Eastern Mediterranean/Caucasus populations and Southern Italy, which are well documented by archaeological findings .

    The mtDNA analysis of the samples from three Southern Italian regions (Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily) revealed a typical pattern within the Mediterranean basin variability. Probably, Southern Italy’s central geographic position in the Mediterranean contributed to the introduction of lineages from Middle East and Caucasus. The close proximity to the African continent would also explain the presence of Northern African haplotypes. Despite the unusually high Eastern Mediterranean component found in Basilicata, the overall mtDNA pattern of variation in Southern Italy is similar to that of the other Italian regions.

    Human mitochondrial DNA variation in Southern Italy

    It is also worth noting that the inclusion of the Arab population groups results in larger separation between northern Italian and southern Italian (and/or Greek) subjects and suggests that inclusion of the Arab population genotypes may be useful in analyses of southern European population groups

    Ashkenazi Jewish participants showed smaller paired Fst values with southern European populations (e.g. Ashkenazi/Italian, Fst =0.004) than with northern populations (e.g. Ashkenazi/Swedish, Fst = 0.0120).

    The current study extends the analysis of European population genetic structure to include additional southern European groups and Arab populations. Even within Italy, the relative position of northern Italians compared with subjects from Tuscany is consistent with the general geographic correspondence of PCA results..
    Interestingly, the majority of Italian Americans (NYCP 4 grandparent defined) appear to derive from southern Italy and overlap with subjects of Greek heritage. Both of these observations are consistent with previous historical information.

    Furthermore, the current study shows that analyses of geographically or genotyped defined sub-regions (e.g. southern European populations) may allow a clearer evaluation of ancestry information and differences that may be important in evaluating association studies or defining homogeneous ethnic groups. Notably our analyses included Middle Eastern population groups. These population groups are more closely related to European populations than South Asian population groups and are more closely related to southern European groups as shown here. In addition, individuals of origin in the Middle East or individuals with mixed European/Middle Eastern heritage may self-identify as European or non-Hispanic white for different sample set collections or demographic characterizations.

    European Population Genetic Substructure: Further Definition of Ancestry Informative Markers for Distinguishing Among Diverse European Ethnic Groups

    To investigate the male genetic legacy of the Arab rule in southern Europe during medieval times, we focused on specific Northwest African haplogroups and identified evolutionary close STR-defined haplotypes in Iberia, Sicily and the Italian peninsula. Our results point to a higher recent Northwest African contribution in Iberia and Sicily in agreement with historical data. southern Italian regions known to have experienced long-term Arab presence also show an enrichment of Northwest African types.
    Our results confirm a general correlation between historical and genetic data: Iberia and Sicily are the regions with the highest MNA male legacy.
    medieval North African (MNA)
    Our estimates of NW African chromosome frequencies were highest in Iberia and Sicily, in accordance with the long-term Arab rule in these two areas.

    An inspection of Table 1 reveals a non-random distribution of MNA types in the Italian peninsula, with at least a twofold increase over the Italian average estimate in three geographically close samples across the southern Apennine mountains (East Campania, Northwest Apulia, Lucera). When pooled together, these three Italian samples displayed a local frequency of 4.7%, significantly different from the North and the rest of South Italy (P100% consistent with their having more Near Eastern ancestry than can be explained via EEF admixture (SI17). They also cannot be jointly fit with other Europeans (SI14), and they fall in the gap between European and Near Easterners.
    Early European Farmers (EEF),

    Ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day Europeans

    Southern European groups (SEE, SCE, SDN, SWE, and BA) on the other hand derive ancestry from African and Near Eastern World Regions. In particular, ancestry from groups most similar to contemporary populations from in and around the Levant (lev; which we define as the World Region containing individuals from Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi, Yemen, and Egypt) is present across Italy (SCE), Sardinia (SDN), France and Spain (SWE), and Armenia (IA). Interestingly, North (nafII) and West (waf) African ancestry is also seen entering Southern Europe, suggesting a key role for the Mediterranean in supporting gene flow back into Europe. Dates for the influx of this admixture are broad and generally fall within the first millennium CE (Figure 3B) although are more recent in BA and SWE, including French (frenc24: 728 CE [424–1011 CE]) and Spanish (spani27: 1042 CE [740–1201 CE]; spani9: 668 CE [286–876 CE]) clusters, consistent with migrations associated with the Arabic Conquest of the Iberian peninsula and earlier movements in and around Italy

    The Role of Recent Admixture in Forming the Contemporary West Eurasian Genomic Landscape

    The Italian population has a greater degree of internal genomic variability compared with other European countries

    A correlation between genetic and geographic structure in Europe has also been found,10, 11 with a detectable distinction between Southern Italians and other Europeans.

    We found evidence of the presence of a mix of Central-Northern European and Middle Eastern-North African ancestries in the Italian individuals . The estimated times of admixture ranged between ~2050 and 1300 years ago (y.a.), with an average of about 1650 y.a. – assuming 29 years per generation– for Northern Italians, and between ~3000 and 1450 y.a. (~2100 y.a. on average) for Central Italians. Finally, for the Southern Italian individuals, admixture between European and Northern African-Middle Eastern ancestry was estimated to have occurred about 1000 y.a.

    According to previous studies on the Y chromosome and mtDNA, the Middle Eastern ancestry in Southern Italians most likely originated at the time of the Greek colonization and, with a smaller percentage, of the subsequent Arabic domination, whereas in Central-Northern Italy it is possibly because of the admixture of the indigenous residents with Middle Eastern populations spreading from the Caucasus to Central Europe.

    Our study supports the notion that genetic variability across Italy is likely to represent continuous gene flow leading to differences in the proportion of ancestry from different sources, along with genetic exchange among neighbouring populations (eg, Northern Italian with European countries, Southern Italian with Middle Eastern and North African ones).

    The Italian genome reflects the history of Europe and the Mediterranean basin

    Results: For both uniparental markers, most of the haplogroups originated in Western Europe while some Near Eastern haplogroups were identified at low frequencies. However, there was an evident genetic similarity between the Central Italian samples and Near Eastern populations mainly in the male genetic pool.

    Conclusions: The samples highlight an overall European genetic pattern both for mtDNA and Y chromosome. Notwithstanding this scenario, Y chromosome haplogroup Q, a common paternal lineage in Central/Western Asia but almost Europe-wide absent, was found, suggesting that Central Italy could have hosted a settlement from Anatolia that might be supported by cultural, topographic and genetic evidence.

    Although Italian by tradition and culture, the seven rural mountain communities may be considered a single population (Orlandi, 1992) with a genetic pool different from the rest of Italy owing to two factors: geographic isolation, which might have modified their peculiar genetic pool (Capocasa et al., 2013), and the presence of haplogroups with frequencies not commonly found in Western Europe. Such haplogroups include R0a, U2d, and HV, along with the haplogroup Q for the Y chromosome, which might be closely related to genetic introgression from the Near East (Achilli et al., 2007; Brandstatter et al., 2008; Balanovsky et al., 2011; Malyarchuk et al., 2008). Indeed, our finding that both HV and R0a exceed 10% in Cappadocia, and the presence of mtDNA haplogroup U2d (Messina et al., 2010; 10%) and the Central Asian Y chromosome haplogroup Q (9%) in Jenne could support this hypothesis. Although they do not significantly deviate from the Italian population, because of high H and R1b frequencies for mtDNA and Y chromosome, respectively, these populations do share certain “foreign” genetic features that might have shaped the genetic background typical of each village and conserved it, at least in part, owing to the rugged terrain of the area.

    Cinnioglu et al. (2004) reported a Q haplogroup frequency of about 2% in Eastern Turkey, which may have been the starting point of gene flow from the Near East to Southern Europe.

    These findings for both mtDNA and Y chromosome haplogroups can be associated with historical sources, suggesting that Central Italy could have hosted an Armenian settlement since the beginning of the Common Era (Gaianè Casnati, 1991). Several Armenian communities throughout Central Italy have, in fact, been described where they contributed to the cultural background and introduced new plant species such as Prunus avium, Prunus domestica, and Prunus armeniaca, the commonly known apricot Several toponymic elements scattered throughout the Central Apennines seem to further support this suggestion. For example, the toponym “Cappadocia” could refer to the Central Anatolian region, which was formerly a part of the Armenian kingdom in the Middle Ages. The Cappadocia region was known during the Crusades as the “terra Hermeniorum,” or the land of the Armenians, because of the large number of Armenians who had settled there (MacEvitt, 2008; Schlumberger, 1890). Moreover, the surname “Armeni,” which means “Armenians” in Italian, is carried by about 5% of the population of Jenne and is documented in notary deeds held at the State Archives of Rome and pertaining to the population of Jenne during the 16th and 17th centuries

    This link could be inferred from epidemiological data showing Central and Southern Italian evidence of certain inherited conditions such as familial Mediterranean fever. This autosomal recessive disease affects populations of Mediterranean origin, particularly those of Armenian, Arab, Turkish, and Jewish ancestry (from 1 in 250 to 1 in 1000 people in these populations). Less common in other populations, it has a south-to-north prevalence gradient in Italy, with the highest incidence rates recorded in the Central-Southern regions of the country

    In conclusion, the Central Apennines dataset provides a genetic portrait of past events that could be linked to Turkish and Caucasian affinities, especially for the Y chromosome. Although our current data do not allow us to determine whether this genetic introgression happened in historic times or before it, the extant people show that this affinity might have been conserved by geographic and cultural isolation.

    Traces of forgotten historical events in mountain communities in Central Italy: A genetic insight
    February 2015 American Journal of Human Biology 27(4) DOI:10.1002/ajhb.22677

    The Near Eastern-like ancestry is more frequent in SSI and the Greek-speaking islands (i.e. the ‘Mediterranean continuum’), whereas increasing frequencies of the European-like component are observed in Albanians and mainland Greeks as well as in the rest of the Balkan Peninsula

    In most cases, these events depict populations from the ‘continuum’, and particularly the two SSI-clusters (CE-Sicily and AW-Sicily), as a mixture of Sardinian and Caucasus or Near Eastern related groups

    These results suggest that the genetic history of Southern Italian and Balkan populations may have been, at least in part, independent from that of Eastern and Central Europe, involving specific migratory events that carried Caucasian and Levantine genetic contributes along the Mediterranean shores
    Southern Italy (SSI)

    Ancient and recent admixture layers in Sicily and Southern Italy trace multiple migration routes along the Mediterranean

    From the male perspective, most of the Italian Y-chromosome gene pool can be related to five main haplogroups: R1b-M269, J2-M172, I-M170, G-M201 and E1b-M78. R1b is more frequent in Northern Italy, while E1b, G and J2 harbour higher frequencies in the South, suggesting a greater affinity to West Europe for G and to South-East and South-Central Europe for J2.

    Indeed, in the European context, the Italian Y-chromosome variation fits the South/ East-North/West cline described in previous studies, which was ascribed to the genetic admixture between incoming Near Eastern farmers and pre-existing Mesolithic hunter-gatherers . On the other hand, the identification of an Anatolian (Asia Minor) input in most of the Italian samples underlined that pre-Neolithic populations were not completely replaced.

    Unlike R1b, haplogroup J frequency increases from North (8.3%) towards Central (13.3%) and Southern Italy, where it reaches the highest value (28.5%). The distribution of haplogroup J1 is restricted to South Italy; this haplogroup, which arose in the southern part of the Middle East , characterises Near Eastern and North African Arabic-speaking populations . Its presence in the southern part of the Italian Peninsula indicates gene flow from these populations.

    In contrast, haplogroup J2, which most likely arose in the northern part of the Middle East and spread in association to Neolithic and post- Neolithic migrations, is present all over the Italian territory, although with relevant differences in the distributions, probably due to more recent migratory events.

    J2a is most represented in southern populations, where its J2a-M530 and J2a-Page55 sub-lineages (with a remarkable frequency of the latter in Apulia) were the most prevalent. Its lowest frequencies were registered in the isolated populations of Borbera Valley (3.5%, only represented by J2a-M530) and Bergamo Valleys, where this clade was not observed at all. J2a-M67, which is widely distributed in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (Supplementary Figure S2), with a notable peak in Portugal, is mainly present in South Italy, especially in Ionian Calabria. Its variance map shows instead a different pattern, with high values in some Middle Eastern regions, such as Iran, Turkey and Palestine, but also in the two main islands of the eastern Mediterranean Sea as well as along the other Mediterranean coastal regions. These data indicate that this haplogroup might have spread by sea, probably starting from the Middle East. The network analysis reveals a complex internal heterogeneity as well as an expansion that affected not only Middle Eastern populations but also the Balkans and Southern Italy. The most frequent haplotype in the network comprises subjects mainly from Middle Eastern populations, including Crete and Cyprus, but also from Southern Italy. Notably, Northern Italians are not present in the central haplotype, suggesting a possible later arrival to this area.

    The great majority of the Portuguese Y chromosomes belong to only one haplotype, thus revealing a very recent expansion of this lineage in western Iberia. The oldest ages based on microsatellite variation are in Cyprus (16.6 ± 4.7 kya), Crete (16.3 ± 5.5 kya) and Apulia (16.6 ± 7.0 kya), followed by those in the Middle Eastern populations. Notably, North Sardinia, Tuscany and Sicily also have high coalescent times . These data suggest an overall diffusion of J2a-M67 both by sea and by land. The finding of such high variance and coalescence times in the two main islands of the Aegean Sea, characterised by an early spread of agriculture, is in agreement with the scenario that the first steps of the Neolithic spread were indeed towards Cyprus and Crete . On the other hand, diffusion by land from the Middle East towards the Southern Balkans is less likely.

    The high variance and coalescent time values observed in Southern Italian regions, overall comparable to those of the Middle East, can be the outcome of seaborne migrations from different geographic sources at different times. For example it is known that, in post-Neolithic times 5 kya, North West Anatolia developed a complex society engaged in a widespread Aegean trade referred to as “Maritime Trojan culture”, involving both the Western Anatolian mainland and several large islands in the Eastern Aegean Sea . Interestingly, J2a-M67 also harbours a high microsatellite variation age in Volterra, which is located in the core area of ancient Etruria. Multiple hypotheses have been proposed concerning the origin of Etruscans, but our observations tend to support the view that Asia Minor was the ancestral source of the Etruscan gene pool, as already proposed by Achilli et al. (2007) on the basis of mtDNA data.

    J2a-M92 is widely distributed in the Middle East, the Balkans, and along the Mediterranean coast. In Italy, it shows a high frequency in the South, especially in the Southern part of Apulia. The variance map shows peaks in Turkey and Sicily, followed by the Southern Balkans. The highest ages based on microsatellite variation are observed in Sicily (11.8 ± 3.4 kya) and Turkey (11.7 ± 4.9 kya). Since the frequency and variance maps suggest a possible origin of J2a- M92 in and around Turkey, the observation of an age in Sicily that is close to that observed in Turkey may indicate an ancient migration from Turkey to Sicily. Comparable high coalescent times based on microsatellite variation are observed in Greece (7.2 ± 2.0 kya), Apulia (7.3 ± 3.1 kya) and Tuscany (8.7 ± 2.7 kya). These data most likely testify sea-borne contacts of these Italian regions with Eastern Mediterranean Neolithic civilisations, although the stratification of different migratory events could also have contributed to the internal heterogeneity, especially in Tuscany. J2b is most frequent in the Tortona-Voghera sample, which is located in the open Po Valley, and in Apulia, which faces the Adriatic Sea, while it is present at low frequencies in the Tyrrhenian sample of Calabria and not observed in Sicily. Interestingly, its incidence in the Volterra sample is comparable to that observed along the Salentina Coast and, as in the northern samples, it is mainly represented by the “Balkan” J2b-M241.

    On the whole, the heterogeneous distribution of J2 sub-haplogroups in modern Italians highlights different diffusion routes. Sub-haplogroups J2a-M530 and J2a-Page55, as J2a-M67, probably mark gene flow events from the Middle East (they display the highest frequency and variances in Iran) across the Caucasus, Turkey , Cyprus and Crete towards Southern Europe, that affected mainly the southern regions of Italy.

    Differently, J2b-M241 which displays a strong expansion in the Southern Balkans and has been associated with Neolithic and post-Neolithic migrations from Greece and the Balkans (Battaglia et al., 2009; King et al., 2008), marks a seaborne route whose contribution is still detectable along the Adriatic coast (Boattini et al., 2013) as well as in populations along the Po Valley. It is worth underlining the presence of sub-haplogroup J2a-M92 at 7.3% in Grecıa Salentina. This value, comparable with that observed in the sample from Lecce (Boattini et al., 2013), is suggestive of a direct, or Balkan-mediated, seaborne contribution from Asia Minor (Grugni et al., 2012). Haplogroup E, mostly represented by E1b-M78, increases in frequency from North (8.3%) to South, where it reaches an incidence of 21.3%. Its main sub-clade, E1b-V13, displays a decreasing frequency cline from the Southern Balkans to Western Europe (Supplementary Figure S2) and is also present, at lower frequencies, in Anatolia and all along the Italian Peninsula. Similar to J2b-M241, the E1b-V13 sub-clade, which spread from the Balkans (Battaglia et al., 2009; Cruciani et al., 2007; Karachanak et al., 2013), is mainly observed in the South of Italy, with frequencies higher than 10% in Apulia; however, unlike the Balkan J2 branch, it is also found in Sicily. The distribution of its variance (Supplementary Figure S2) parallels the frequency clinal pattern, although high variance values are also observed in Central-Eastern Europe and a major peak is present in Anatolia. In Italy, the variance is highest in the South. The highest microsatellite age estimates are in Turkey (10.0 ± 3.4 kya), where this clade likely originated . Indeed, the variance is also highest in the same areas. The archaeological congruence between the Greek and Southern Anatolia Mesolithic may explain the similar E1b-V13 expansion times . In Italy, E-V13 shows coalescent age and variance values similar to the Northern Balkan ones. These data are in agreement with a first migration of E1b-V13 from Anatolia towards the Southern Balkans, where it underwent a demographic expansion, followed by a later spread towards Southern Italy . The relatively recent expansion times in the Balkans are consistent with the Balkan Bronze Age, a period that saw strong demographic changes as demonstrated by archaeological records , and could therefore, represent a possible time frame for the population movement into the South of Italy.

    E1b-V13 is also observed in Volterra and the Northern Italian groups, mainly in the most accessible areas (Boattini et al., 2013). This observation supports a Balkan influence in Northern Italian populations as well, most likely through an Adriatic route and along the Po Valley and, to a lesser extent in lateral, more isolated, mountainous valleys.

    Among the other E sub-clades, the Middle Eastern E1b-M34 lineage is restricted to Apulia, Calabria and Sicily, whereas the North African E1b-M81, E1b-V22 and E1b-M35 are observed in Calabria and Sicily. In particular, E1b-M81, which is very frequent in North Africa, reaches an incidence of 6.3% in Sicily. This marker has also been observed at significant frequencies in Southern Iberia and its presence in Southern Europe has been attributed, due to its low microsatellite variation, to relatively recent migration(s) from North Africa. On the other hand, the finding of E1b-M35 Y chromosomes (3.5%) in the Borbera Valley is not completely unexpected. Indeed, the so called “Vie del Sale – Salt Paths” in the high Valley could have been the entry route of North-East African Y chromosomes either during the passage of the Attila Army in the 5th century and/or the numerous Saracen invasions around the year 1000 A.D.

    When compared to other populations, Italian samples do not cluster all together, but are distributed among European and Mediterranean people. Southern samples show a higher similarity with Middle Eastern and Southern Balkan populations than northern ones; conversely, northern samples are genetically closer to North-West Europe and Northern Balkan groups.

    Reconstructing the genetic history of Italians: new insights from a male (Y-chromosome) perspective

    Italian clusters separated into three main groups: Sardinia, Northern (North/Central-North Italy), and Southern Italy (South/Central-South Italy and Sicily); the first two were close to populations originally from Western Europe, while the last was closer to Middle Eastern groups

    A sharp north-south division in cluster distribution was detected, the separation between northern and southern areas being shifted north along the peninsula . The reported structure dismissed the possibility that the Central Italian populations differentiated from the Northern and Southern Italian groups . Individuals from Central Italy were, in fact, assigned mostly to the Southern Italian clusters, except for samples from Tuscany, which grouped instead with the Northern Italian clusters

    Middle Eastern and African groups were detected for Southern Italy and Sardinia (Fig. 3, B and C). When Italian clusters were included among putative sources, they were as good as, or better proxies than, clusters from the Caucasus and the Middle East.

    Overall, these results supported a scenario in which gene flow mostly occurred between Italian and African/other Eurasian populations. SBA and ABA ancestries were detected in Italian and non-Italian best proxies , which suggests that part of these ancestries arrived from outside Italy in historical times (21), but also that these components were already present in Italian groups at the time of these admixture events. The timing of the admixture events and the sources involved differ between Northern and Southern Italian clusters, pointing to different admixture histories for the two areas. Episodes of gene flow were also detected in Sardinia, combining signals from both the African continent and North-West Europe.

    ABA (Anatolia Bronze Age) and SBA (Steppe Bronze Age)

    Significantly, despite Sardinia being confirmed as the most closely related population to Early European Neolithic farmers (Fig. 2, D and I), there is no evidence for a simple genetic continuity between the two groups. Populations in Sardinia were not completely isolated and, like the rest of Italy, experienced historical episodes of gene flow that contributed to the further dispersal of ancient ancestries and the introduction of other components, including African ones.

    Historical events possibly involving continental groups at the end of the Roman Empire and African contributions following the establishment of Arab kingdoms in Southern Europe around 1300 to 1200 ya played a role in further shaping the ancestry profiles and population structure of Italians . In particular, African contributions might have contributed to the increased diversity detected among clusters in Southern Italy and Sardinia

    Population structure of modern-day Italians reveals patterns of ancient and archaic ancestries in Southern Europe

    Later genomes showed the Romans changed in step with the rest of Europe, as an influx of early farmers with ancestry from Anatolia (what is now Turkey) reshaped the genetics of the entire region some 9000 years ago. But people from certain parts of the empire were far more likely to move to the capital. The study suggests the vast majority of immigrants to Rome came from the East. Of 48 individuals sampled from this period, only two showed strong genetic ties to Europe. Another two had strong North African ancestry. The rest had ancestry connecting them to Greece, Syria, Lebanon, and other places in he Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. That makes sense, Harper says, because at the time, areas to the east of Italy were more populous than Europe; many people lived in big cities such as Athens and Alexandria. And Rome was connected to Greece and the Middle East by the Mediterranean Sea, which was far easier to traverse than overland routes through the Alps, he says. “People perhaps imagine that the amount of migration we see nowadays is a new thing,” Pritchard says. “But it’s clear from ancient DNA that populations have been mixing at really high rates for a long time.”

    Immigrants from the Middle East shaped Rome
    Lizzie Wade Science 08 Nov 2019: Vol. 366, Issue 6466, pp. 673 DOI: 10.1126/science.366.6466.673

    Non-Basque Iberians present relatively similar admixture proportions of North Africa, eastern Mediterranean’s, and Near East ancestry. The Near East appears subdivided into three groups: Druzes (in light green), Bedouins (in pale green), and Palestinians (in dark green). The genetic impact of Palestinians on the Iberian people is remarkable when compared with the other Levantine groups. According to the geographic position of Italy in the central Mediterranean, the sample analyzed here harbors a greater ancestry fraction from the Near East. In the case of North Africans, characterized by varying shades of ochre, the model permits us to distinguish Mozabite Berbers (light ochre), Tunisian Berbers (Chenini) (intermediate ochre), and Moroccan Berbers (dark ochre). The latter is the northern African component more predominant in Iberia. Sub-Saharan from western Africa and the two emerging groups (Senegalese and Nigerians) used in the present work are weakly represented in Iberia.

    Human Genomic Diversity Where the Mediterranean Joins the Atlantic

    The results suggest that the gene-flow from North Africa into the European Mediterranean coast (Tuscany and the Iberian Peninsula) arrived mainly from the Mediterranean coast of North Africa. In Tuscany, this North African admixture date estimate suggests the movement of peoples during the fall of the Roman Empire around the fourth century.
    In particular, the North African source in the Canary Islands is more genetically similar to populations along the Atlantic coast, while the North African source in Iberia and Tuscany is more genetically similar to populations along the Mediterranean Coast.
    Nonetheless, our focus on North African populations has allowed us to propose a more precise origin for the North African gene-flow into Tuscany, with our best surrogate group being comprised present-day people living on the Mediterranean shores of North Africa.

    Dissecting human North African gene-flow into its western coastal surroundings

    Middle Eastern and North African contributions to the Italian gene pool were found to be concomitant with the Byzantine and Arab expansions in Central and Southern Italy. Nevertheless, rather than contributing novel ancestry factions, these admixture events may have played a role in reinforcing the differential distribution of ancient genetic components already present in the Italian groups, thus additionally shaping their differences in ancestry profiles.

    Principal component analysis (PCA) projecting ancient variation onto the genetic space defined by modern populations suggested appreciably different ancestral contributions to the N_ITA and S_ITA groups
    S_ITA subjects showed tight relatedness with modern southeastern European populations (e.g., Cretans and Greeks), along with Neolithic, Copper Age, and Bronze Age Anatolian samples; Minoan remains from Crete, Neolithic, and Bronze Age Levantine individuals; and Chalcolithic Iranians

    In particular, negative residuals suggesting closer affinity of aDNA samples to the S_ITA cluster were found to exceed one standard deviation (SD) from the mean of the obtained distribution when hunter-gatherers from the Caucasus, Neolithic, and Chalcolithic/Bronze-Age samples from Anatolia, Near East, Greece, and the Balkans were considered. Negative values even more outstanding (i.e., exceeding two SDs) were then observed in relation to the Levant and Iranian Neolithic samples.
    As for S_ITA, this peculiar pattern was recently proposed to be ascribable to Neolithic and Bronze Age contributions to the local gene pool originating from the Near East and the Caucasus.
    In fact, increased shared genetic ancestry with Chalcolithic/Bronze Age and, especially, Neolithic remains from Anatolia, Armenia, Near East, and Greece was inferred for S_ITA with respect to N_ITA, with the largest residuals pointing to the relationships of S_ITA with populations from Iran and the Levant dating back to the Neolithic . These findings confirm the early positioning of Southern Italy at one of the westernmost edges of the extensive Mediterranean corridor that mediated the diffusion of farming from Southeastern Europe and suggested Neolithic processes having left some of the most substantial traces (e.g., in terms of Anatolian-Neolithic-related and Caucasus hunter-gatherer ancestries) in the genetic background of S_ITA people. Moreover, they suggested that subsequent Chalcolithic/Bronze Age population movements having influenced the S_ITA gene pool have plausibly originated from Southern Caucasus and Anatolia and reached the Italian Peninsula through a Mediterranean route . In addition to gene flow that occurred during historic times along the same path, this ancient connection contributes to explain also the patterns of haplotype sharing with present-day populations from the Near East and Southern Caucasus that were observed predominantly for S_ITA

    Genomic history of the Italian population recapitulates key evolutionary dynamics of both Continental and Southern Europeans

    Third, our study highlights widespread human mobility from North Africa to Europe in the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age. Specifically, we identify an outlier individual in Sardinia with a large proportion of North African-derived ancestry who dates to 2345–2146 calBCE and has an ancestry profile similar to an approximately contemporary central Iberian individual dated to 2473–2030 calBCE25 (and a Bronze Age individual from Iberia dated to 1932–1697 calBCE who carried North African-related ancestry in admixed form25). Altogether, 1.6% of the 191 individuals from Mediterranean Europe in our analysis dataset from between 5000–3000 years ago have evidence of ancestry from North African migrants in the few generations before they lived.

    The Spread of Steppe and Iranian Related Ancestry in the Islands of the Western Mediterranean

    This suggests that the Roman Empire might have left a long-lasting demographic contribution to the genetic profile of southern Europeans, bridging the gap between European and Near Eastern populations on the genetic map of western Eurasia.

    The origin and legacy of the Etruscans through a 2000-year archeogenomic time transect

    As Sardinia, also Sicily was an important Punic trading post, especially on the western coast. Despite the paucity of samples from this area, the presence of Northern African ancestry on the island could be tentatively reconducted to the Iron Age (or at least Antiquity), because, although absent in previous time layers, it’s present in modern Sicilians. In addition to the Punics, the other main shapers of the Iron Age Sicilian genetic make-up were the Greeks, who established colonies on the island (and South Italy) starting from the eighth century BCE

    If on the one hand Phoenician and Greek Mediterranean-wide trade networks left genetic traces in Sardinians and Southern Italians, on the other hand, it surely had a cultural impact on Etruscans, a population who lived in the Central Italian area named Etruria (between Lazio, Umbria and Tuscany). The Etruscan civilization and, specifically its earliest phase called Villanovan culture, dates back to the ninth century BCE and ended with the slow and gradual Roman assimilation from the sixth century BCE. However, where the Etruscans came from is still uncertain. Both ancient and modern historians have different opinions on the matter and, while some researchers believe in an autochthonous process of formation from the previous Villanovan society, others claim an Anatolian origin . For instance, a multi-step origin explaining the modern Tuscans genetic composition has been proposed: a proto-Etruscan population, born in a Southeastern region of the Middle East, would have migrated to the Caucasus, then to Lydia and finally arrived in Central Italy at the beginning of Iron Age . However, it is clear that more genetics studies are needed to shed light on this disputed matter.

    During the later Iron Age, Etruscans were replaced in their political influence on Central Italy by Rome’s rule, a new town that arose in Latium (Central Peninsular Italy) on the banks of the Tiber river. Central Italy and Rome inhabitants of the first millennium BCE exhibited high genetic variability, in particular, they showed a relevant Steppe-related ancestry, an increase in the Iranian-Neolithic component, respect to previous times, and the appearance of the first Northern African signatures on the Peninsula . The appearance of such different contributions is the main consequence of the great mobility of people, which increased even more in the later stages of Rome’s history during the Republic (509-27 BCE) and the following Empire periods (27 BCE—476 CE; CE: Common Era). During the Iron Age and the first stages of Antiquity, long-distance mobility was promoted by the cosmopolitan nature of the Roman Empire and people from far and wide arrived in Rome, creating a melting pot of languages, cultures, and genes . In particular, many people came from the East (Greece, Syria, Egypt), the richest and most densely inhabited region of the Empire, thus resulting in a genetic shift towards the Eastern Mediterranean areas in individuals from this period (Iron Age) and the subsequent imperial period—classified here as Antiquity . Figure 3C, D clearly points toward the high genetic heterogeneity within Roman and Central Italian individuals, which is a direct consequence of the key role of Rome as the geographical, cultural, and political crossroad of Eastern and Western Mediterranean. These figures also show that the genetic make-up of Italy during the Iron Age was close to the pattern of modern-day populations.

    Through 40,000 years of human presence in Southern Europe: the Italian case study

    As for the previously analysed Romans from the Capital of the Empire, we can recognise a certain contribution of Eastern Mediterranean human groups .

    The evaluation of the putative gene flow between people in QCP and present-day individuals underpins an already identified shared allelic background with the Near and the Middle East populations that, however, are less closely related to QCP than the individuals living in the south shores of the mare nostrum. Furthermore, these latter populations are more closely related to QCP than to people from Western Europe and the Caucasus. The admixture analysis confirms the similarity of North African human groups with QCP.
    Archaeological evidence could be consistent with at least a cultural impact of Northern African people on the individuals buried in QCP. Indeed, several personal goods recovered in the necropolis and funeral architectures seem to wire the southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea to QCP.

    Remarkably, several cupae tombs were in the graveyard. These peculiar barrel-like structures were widespread across the Mediterranean between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD for the middle social class comprising liberti, and soldiers and their families (Baratta 2018). These architectures showed up in the Africa Proconsularis, Numidia, and Mauretania (the present-day northern African coastal belt comprising Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya), and spreading to the Lusitania (the current Portugal), towards the Betica (Andalusia) and the Hispania Citerior (present-day Catalunia) up to Sardinia (Baratta 2009).

    The genomic legacy of people from QCP with the inhabitants of the South-Eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Central and Western Northern-African funerary influence pave the way for considering the people buried in QCP resembling a Punic-derived human group. The recovery of miniaturised pottery items in the tombs (Musco et al. 2001) is also consistent with the Phoenician and Punic rituals providing these items to prematurely dead children (Nitschke 2015).
    Quarto Cappello del Prete (QCP) necropolis

    Ancient genomes from a rural site in Imperial Rome (1st-3rd cent. CE): a genetic junction in the Roman Empire

    The largest degree of genetic heterogeneity across the European continent has been so far recorded in the Italian Peninsula, an important aspect to consider when epidemiological and translational studies in Italy are planned.

    Assessing temporal and geographic contacts across the Adriatic Sea through the analysis of genome-wide data from Southern Italy

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  236. @Andreas

    I believe a survey was take, ONCE, some years ago, and the average answer to the question, ‘What proportion of the US population is Jewish?’, was 43%. It’s taken for granted these days that US Presidential Admministrations will, at the highest level, be almost entirely Judaic, and NO-ONE even dares to notice.

  237. @mulga mumblebrain

    Eight days later-still no sign of the culprits, or even plausible patsies. An obvious false flag, but the local MSM vermin would NEVER raise the possibility. Instead we have a deepening witch-hunt against the ‘antisemites’ ie opponents of genocide.

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  238. Odyssey says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Maybe they’ll speed up now after Murdoch’s visit to the burned synagogue.

  239. Odyssey says:

    So, after all these quotes, the importance of the number of Jews in Western Europe in the 15th century, which you suggest may be incorrect, is even more evident. The papers present numbers of 50K in the 15th century (or 25-25K somewhat earlier).

    How much can the error be? The number is probably no more than 100K and certainly cannot be 2 million. So, in that case too, we have the existence of the Penelope Paradox. We have narrowed the problem down to a single piece of data that is the breaking point for all theories of the origin of the Ashkenazi. There is probably great resistance to presenting that number because it would mean a major shake-up of European history. As far as I know, only the Odyssey’s hypothesis provides the necessary explanation for that.

    You are probably Italian (maybe a Jew but, I hope, no Belisarius60) since you are focused mainly on the origin of Italian genetics. The cited papers show some segments of the research (or hide others) so that the big picture is not seen. We are constantly spinning and chasing our own tail because they do not want to clear up some initial assumptions.

    Again we have the mystery of the Etruscans but nowhere to say about their language and whether their script has been decoded. Really strange because they are considered the founders of Western civilisation. It is not explained how the Latins replaced them and how their language was suppressed. At least it is stated that they came from Lydia. So, who were the Trojans?

    Almost half of the problem would be automatically solved by the answer – when the Greeks came to Europe and this is persistently avoided. That is why there is no time component and we have the appearance and disappearance of groups over thousands of years without any chronology.

    The original European genetics are mentioned as 40K years old but it is not said what genetics this is and what language corresponds to it. In fact, there is nothing about language again, and it becomes clear that genetics alone will not give all the answers. That is why we do not even know the origin of Yiddish, which some still consider to be a German dialect.

    From all of the above, we have two (related) questions, the answers to which will clear the ground for discussion – when did the Greeks come to Europe and the number of Jews in Western Europe in the 15th century.

    •�Replies: @anon
  240. Have just read this brilliant article and the first handful of comments showing, Mr. Giraldi. And I’m very sorry that your most recent contribution to this momentous site is greeted with yowling by people without a fraction of your brains and integrity.

    Keep writing exactly what you think. You edify those in the know and educate untold thousands in need of it. Bravo sir!

  241. anon[107] •�Disclaimer says:

    Etruscans, and Greeks, and Ashkenazi Jews, share circum-Mediterranean-Middle Eastern ancestry. But apart from that how are Etruscans, and the coming of the Greeks, related to this question? And when can we expect details on the OH?

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  242. Odyssey says:

    We can’t move forward until we answer the basic questions. If you know when the Greeks came to Europe (where they came from and what they were called then), tell us. Nobody knows (or won’t tell) and that’s why we have a chaotic situation.

    Those (future) Greeks were not Trojans (=future Raseni=Etruscans). What is the connection between (future) Greeks and Ashkenazim and when was it established? Is there a Penelope paradox or not? That paradox is a prerequisite for the Odyssey’s hypothesis. Do you have any number of Jews in Western Europe in the 15th century?

    •�Replies: @Pendragon
  243. @EliteCommInc.

    It’s true of Jews who deny Christ, which is to say, of Jews.

    Take the side of the Synagogue of Satan and you will rightfully share its fate. Jews can corrupt the US government and the American civic creed, but they can’t corrupt God.

  244. Pendragon says:

    Greek genetics vs Jewish genetics. Please note that ancient Greece was not multi-cultural or multi-ethnic like ancient Alexandria so Archimedes of Syracuse could have been a Jew but not Euclid, Plato and Aristotle :

    Bronze age :

    Target: Greece_BA_Mycenaean
    Distance: 1.2979% / 0.01297950
    70.2 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers
    15.6 Early_Bronze_Age_Europe_Indoeuropean
    8.6 Caucasus_Hunter_Gatherer
    3.4 Zagros_Neolithic_Farmers
    2.2 Levant_Epipaleolithic


    Late Neolothic :

    Target: Greece_LN_2.SG
    Distance: 4.1818% / 0.04181789
    100.0 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers

    Iron Age :

    Target: Greece_Delphi_IA
    Distance: 3.2111% / 0.03211131
    69.2 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers
    18.6 Early_Bronze_Age_Europe_Indoeuropean
    5.6 Zagros_Neolithic_Farmers
    3.4 Levant_Epipaleolithic
    3.2 Caucasus_Hunter_Gatherer

    modern age :

    Target: Greek_Corinthia
    Distance: 2.1864% / 0.02186450
    48.0 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers
    38.0 Early_Bronze_Age_Europe_Indoeuropean
    5.4 Zagros_Neolithic_Farmers
    4.8 Caucasus_Hunter_Gatherer
    3.8 Levant_Epipaleolithic

    Target: Greek_Corinthia
    Distance: 2.1864% / 0.02186450
    48.0 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers
    38.0 Early_Bronze_Age_Europe_Indoeuropean
    5.4 Zagros_Neolithic_Farmers
    4.8 Caucasus_Hunter_Gatherer
    3.8 Levant_Epipaleolithic

    Target: Greek_Crete
    Distance: 2.0450% / 0.02045011
    46.4 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers
    24.2 Early_Bronze_Age_Europe_Indoeuropean
    10.2 Caucasus_Hunter_Gatherer
    9.8 Levant_Epipaleolithic
    9.4 Zagros_Neolithic_Farmers

    Target: Greek_Dodecanese
    Distance: 1.9726% / 0.01972569
    50.8 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers
    16.0 Early_Bronze_Age_Europe_Indoeuropean
    12.6 Zagros_Neolithic_Farmers
    10.8 Caucasus_Hunter_Gatherer
    9.8 Levant_Epipaleolithic

    Target: Ashkenazi_Germany
    Distance: 1.3706% / 0.01370610
    42.0 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers
    24.4 Early_Bronze_Age_Europe_Indoeuropean
    16.8 Levant_Epipaleolithic
    11.0 Zagros_Neolithic_Farmers
    5.4 Caucasus_Hunter_Gatherer
    0.4 North_Africa_Epipaleolithic

    Target: Ashkenazi_France
    Distance: 1.6732% / 0.01673221
    42.6 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers
    23.4 Early_Bronze_Age_Europe_Indoeuropean
    16.4 Levant_Epipaleolithic
    12.0 Zagros_Neolithic_Farmers
    5.0 Caucasus_Hunter_Gatherer
    0.6 North_Africa_Epipaleolithic

    Target: Ashkenazi_Russia
    Distance: 1.8596% / 0.01859562
    38.2 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers
    30.8 Early_Bronze_Age_Europe_Indoeuropean
    14.8 Levant_Epipaleolithic
    9.0 Zagros_Neolithic_Farmers
    5.8 Caucasus_Hunter_Gatherer
    1.4 Siberian_Hunter_Gatherer


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