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The Penny Verdict
Is the worst of the madness over?
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Thumbnail credit: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire
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Daniel Penny is a free man. This is a huge step forward after the insanity that swept the country after George Floyd died in 2020, and some people are claiming this is the end of an era.

Credit Image: © Carlos Gonzalez/TNS via ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Carlos Gonzalez/TNS via ZUMA Press Wire

If it is, it’s only because white people are coming to their senses. Without their connivance and participation, we would never have George Floyd madness.

Credit Image: © Jason Ryan/ZUMA Wire
Credit Image: © Jason Ryan/ZUMA Wire

Most black people don’t seem to have changed, but they’ll fizzle out without white support.

On May 1 last year, 24-year-old architecture student and former Marine, Daniel Penny, was riding on the New York City subway.

Credit Image: © Andrea Renault/ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Andrea Renault/ZUMA Press Wire

Thirty-year-old Jordan Neely got on and started acting crazy and dangerous. As Wikipedia reports, he was screaming. “I don’t mind going to jail and getting life in prison. I’m ready to die.” “Someone is going to die today.”

He made half-lunge movements within half a foot of people. A mother with a child hid behind her stroller, believing she might be killed. Penny initially ignored Neely, but acted after he saw Neely approach the mother and son hiding behind a stroller while saying “I will kill.”

That was when Mr. Penny took him to the floor of the subway car, where a black man helped restrain Neely.

Here’s what a witness told the police: [7:40 – 8:06]

At trial, one woman testified that she “thought she was truly going to die after Jordan Neely boarded subway.”

Mr. Penny used what the media wrongly call a “choke hold.” Choking means blocking the airway. Note Mr. Penny’s elbow right below the chin.

It’s impossible to choke someone that way. Instead, Penny was using his forearm and biceps to press on Penny’s carotid arteries that feed the brain. Cut off the blood, and someone passes out.

My personal police expert, Officer John Patterson says he has immobilized 100 violent perps with that technique. There’s no choking. It’s called the “vascular neck restraint.”

The DA’s office was out to get Mr. Penny, and the medical examiner ruled the death a homicide by strangulation.

She made her ruling while still waiting for toxicology results, so she didn’t even know Neely was high on artificial marijuana, which can be 100 times more potent than the natural stuff.

Astonishingly, she added that Neely could have had enough fentanyl in his system to knock down an elephant and that still would not have changed her opinion. He also had a sickle cell condition that can limit breathing.

Blacks started screaming. Three days after the incident, this lady was demanding, “Arrest Daniel Penny and everyone that was on that train.”

Credit Image: © Victor Matos/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Victor Matos/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire

Just a few days after that, “Protesters clash with police at demonstrations over Jordan Neely’s death, 11 arrested.”

This one was yelling about racism but not arrested.

The police had initially decided Mr. Penny acted reasonably, but New York DA Alvin Bragg charged him with second degree homicide – maximum penalty 15 years – and set bond at $100,000.

Credit Image: © Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire

He dropped all charges against the arrested protestors.

All this was big news. Voice of America wrote, “Reaction to NY Subway Killing Breaks Along Partisan Divide.”

It should have said, “along racial divide.” Black congressman Jamaal Bowman said, “[W]e have another Black man publicly executed.” Thirty-four-year Congresswoman Maxine Waters said Neely was “murdered by a vigilante who pinned him down and … choked him to death.”

Just two days after the incident, Alexandreia Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “Jordan Neely was murdered.”

The black speaker of the New York City Council, Adrienne Adams, railed against “the double standards that Black people and other people of color continue to face.”

Just three days after Neely’s death, a black woman wrote for the New York Times, “Making People Uncomfortable Can Now Get You Killed.”

All she said about Jordan Neely was that he was “a Michael Jackson impersonator experiencing homelessness” who “cried out” some disturbing things.

Roxane Gay failed to mention that the last time Neely did his Michael Jackson act was probably 10 years ago.

Or that when he was 18, his mother who had had him when she was 18 and single, was murdered by her boyfriend.

That this put him into a psychotic tail-spin. Roxane didn’t mention that Neely’s father abandoned him and he stayed with his grandparents when he wasn’t on the streets.

She didn’t write that in 2010 he threatened to kill his grandfather, and they wouldn’t let him inside sometimes at night because they were afraid of him.

Nor did Roxane mention Neely’s 42 arrests that included serious violence.

Neely was far more important dead than alive. He got a lavish, George Floyd-style funeral, where Al Sharpton roared about racism.

Credit Image: © Nancy Siesel/ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Nancy Siesel/ZUMA Press Wire

I doubt that Al needed notes.

When the trial began in late October, Neely’s father, who had paid no attention to his son for years, showed up in court every day.

Credit Image: © Theodore Parisienne/New York Daily News via ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Theodore Parisienne/New York Daily News via ZUMA Press Wire

“A revolving group of family members comes each day, largely cordoned off by activists and members of the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.”

“While Mr. Neely’s family members and supporters have packed the courtroom gallery, Mr. Penny’s relatives were less evident.”

Maybe they had jobs.

The blacks were there to keep pressure on jurors, and Neely’s father did his best. After the woman testified she thought she would die, “Neely’s father stood up in the gallery and as he left said, ‘She’s a f***ing liar’.”

Every day, blacks were at the courthouse with bullhorns.

Credit Image: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire

They made such a racket, you could hear “No justice, no peace” in the courtroom on the 13th floor.

Credit Image: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire

Mr. Penny’s lawyers said this was jury intimidation. The judge said it was free speech. At least jurors couldn’t hear this bit of black eloquence.

Credit Image: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire

By the end of the trial, there were pro-Penny demonstrators. This guy is wearing a Marine jacket.

Credit Image: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire

Judge Maxwell Wiley told jurors to deliberate only on the most serious charge of second-degree murder. If they voted to acquit, they could then consider the lesser charge of negligent homicide.

The jury deadlocked. That should have been a mistrial, but the prosecution asked to withdraw the more serious charge and tell the jury to decide on negligent homicide. In what one independent lawyer called a “blatant miscarriage of justice,” the judge agreed.

Obviously, the idea was that if some jurors wouldn’t convict on the more serious charge, they would come around on the lesser charge.

To everyone’s surprise, including mine, the jury acquitted him.

The Times tried to downplay what happened next.

Neely’s father “lashed out at supporters of Mr. Penny, and the judge asked him to leave the room.”

“Justice Wiley shouted to get control of the room. One woman, unable to hold back her cries, ran into the hallway, where her wails could be heard.”

“One woman.” As if it could have been Daniel Penny’s mother. “As Mr. Neely’s family was escorted out of the courtroom . . . ” — why an escort? — Hawk Newsome, a co-founder of BLM Greater New York . . . said toward Mr. Penny: “It’s a small world, buddy.” Several people gasped and court officers urged the group to keep moving.

Hawk spoke later to the media and called for black vigilantism against whites. The other co-founder of BLM New York also threatened violence and raged against the “white supremacist jury. There were three non-white jurors.

Some overexcited blacks were arrested. But America has changed since George Floyd madness. The NAACP tweeted idiotically that white people now have “license for vigilante justice to be waged on the Black community without consequence.”

This guy told his 100,000 followers that the train to Auschwitz was the only train Penny should ever be allowed on.

But without white support, this stuff goes nowhere. And not many whites are buying it. Christopher Rufo tweeted: “Today’s verdict marks the end of an era. BLM, which seemed unstoppable four years ago, is finished.”

Maybe he’s right.

It’s been a good fall season. It brought us Donald Trump. It brought us recall elections that ended the careers of three pro-criminal Californians. Oakland booted both its mayor and DA. Los Angeles got rid of Soros-DA Chesa Boudin.

California passed – by a 20 percent margin – Prop 36, which restored felony charges for theft.

Credit Image: © José Luis Villegas/The Sacramento Bee via ZUMA Press Wire

This should end those horrible videos of people filling bags and walking out.

Americans can learn. Who knew? Have we made enough progress to revisit some of the worst outrages? The conviction of Derek Chauvin, who used a police-approved restraint on a man with a lethal dose of fentanyl?

Credit Image: © Darnella Frazier/Courtesy Facebook via ZUMA Wire
Credit Image: © Darnella Frazier/Courtesy Facebook via ZUMA Wire

Or the three men who were railroaded into life sentences in the Ahmad Arbery case?

Credit Image: © Glynn County Detention Center/ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Glynn County Detention Center/ZUMA Press Wire

Probably not. But we’re sure moving in the right direction.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Carney says:

    My emphasis added below:

    Blacks started screaming. Three days after the incident, this lady was demanding […]

    An antecedent of mine, as a boy, once used that term to refer to a black woman. His father immediately corrected him, asserting firmly that no “colored” woman, regardless of how well-behaved and -dressed she might be, should be referred to as a “lady”.

    I wouldn’t have such an absolute rule, but I wouldn’t give that honorific to someone participating, even peacefully, in a demonstration of blacks smearing whites, America, etc., in response to an entirely understandable incident in which a menacing black male got himself killed.

  2. More people are thinking, “enough with these baboons already.”

    How can they expect civil people to take them seriously when they sanctify stupid, ugly, violent people like George Floyd and Jordan Neely?

  3. Just to point it out, Rev Ray Cistman (Racist Man) is a pro-White parody account.

  4. AxeGryndr says:

    BLM, which may as well have stood for Bilk Like Madoff, captured the imagination of people with brains of jello. I feel for Daniel Penny, who has the prospect of looking over his shoulder for a long time, for his totally disrupted life, for doing what had to be done in the moment. He did a great service also by exposing the hate and grift of the people who brought this to the national spotlight, who then exposed themselves as a political lynch mob. Justice did prevail, but that is about the only good thing Daniel Penny gets out of the deal; would you stay in New York and vicinity?

    •�Replies: @silviosilver
  5. @AxeGryndr

    He’ll also come out of it racially much wiser. (One hopes!)

    •�Replies: @AxeGryndr
  6. “Making People Uncomfortable Can Now Get You Killed”? How about: behaving like an asshole can get you treated like an asshole?

  7. You really do have to marvel at the inner workings of the NAPA mind. A race of people that literally murder each other at rates that’d make Ted Bundy blush. Yet when someone accidentally kills one of their “bruthas” that should have been in a mental institution and not running the streets with humans, they want to turn it into a systemic/societal tsunami of (Whipeepo beez killin us all duh time) When in reality Whites killing munts is rare, and when it happens it’s usually highly justifiable especially in this case, which incidentally wasn’t intentional, but the outcome regardless of what these liars ook and eek was a positive outcome for everyone. Well, except maybe the baybeez daydee that came out of the woodwork after being absent for the majority of Neely’s life, who’s now looking for an easy payday from an innocent man.

    •�Agree: Cauchemar du Singe
    •�LOL: Eric135
  8. For his own sake, lets hope Penney will get out of that pest hole NYC and if he isn’t going to leave the rathole states of america, move to a small town with no coons.

    •�Replies: @Truth
  9. Franz says:

    Penny might have to get Putin to grant him refugee status

    The trial was barely over when plans for the Civil Suit began.

    In America, it ain’t over till the last lawyer says it’s over.

    A big enough award from a Civil Suit could make Penny a pauper for life. Keep supporting him. He might need it most now.

  10. AxeGryndr says:

    Agreed. I remember being trapped in a bad marriage, heading for divorce, thinking “Lord, if you get me out of this, I’ll never do it again”. Well…..I did it again, but I applied the lessons I learned the first time around, and it worked out. As for Daniel, I would not be surprised if he finds a remote cabin in Colorado to get away from the (lack of) humanity he has experienced, but also having no desire to repeat as a good samaritan.

  11. Mark G. says:

    I have worked with some Black people who, while definitely not being Republican, express strong law and order or tough on crime positions. Just today I overheard a Black male coworker tell a Black female coworker that some Black murderer they were talking about should be put in prison for life because his seed is bad and he should not be allowed to reproduce. This is not something you would hear from a White liberal.

    I work in accounting and may not be around typical Blacks but pro-law and order Blacks do exist. You will never get the majority of Blacks to vote Republican, but Republicans might get fifteen to twenty percent of the Black vote with a tough on crime message.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous Goy
    , @Angharad
  12. Don’t think for a second that this is a trend. Blacks still own White people on numerous fronts in the US.

  13. Jiminy says:

    I still think that the reason this case sank politically is because the chosen people can be seen to be slaughtering browns at an alarming rate in the middle east.
    Pushing the blm agenda -whites evil routine at this time would be counter-productive for the overlords mission. They’re just keeping their heads low.
    Bad optics to see a black screaming on the courthouse steps, “now they’re killing us like our brothers in Palestine.”

  14. @Mark G.

    There’s definitely a pro-law and order consensus among a sizable proportion of the black population, especially when you take into consideration the fact that blacks are much more likely to be situated in neighborhoods that are saturated with crime and violent criminals.Afterall, blacks are only about 13 percent entitled of the United States population yet account for 50 percent of all the murders annually, and most black criminals have black victims.

    Ultimately,however, we shouldn’t be focused on how to haggle for elected office with a non-white electorate, we should be thinking about the methods needed to remove non-whites from white living space. Separation of the races is what’s needed to Avery the eventually displacement and demise of European- Americans, which is why the Jews do everything they can to flood white residential areas with non-white effluent( racial integration, mass immigration, busing etc.)


    •�Replies: @Kat Grey
  15. SafeNow says:

    The problem now is the civil suit, where the jury will by governed by the preponderance of evidence (51%), not the high criminal standard of guilt. Penny could lose….a compromise-dollar-style civil verdict. If the jury says his conduct was willful, the verdict could not be discharged in bankruptcy. So, actual damages, times a punitive multiplier. That’s the worst endgame. But my guess is that the father would wait until the fund-me amount seems to have topped-off, and then he will accept that amount…quick settlement… because the purchase of a Cadillac, etc., would be beckoning.

  16. Matar innecesariamente siempre es un asesinato, menos cuando el muerto es un negro. Y lo ocurrido no se justicia, se llama racismo.

  17. Truth says:
    @Joe Paluka

    … LOL and no jobs for architects because the honkees are all getting their blueprints from India for $10 an hour.

    •�Replies: @Joe Paluka
  18. “Los Angeles got rid of Soros-DA Chesa Boudin.”–You mean San Francisco, right?

  19. @Truth

    He’s a smart young guy, I’m sure there’s lots of jobs he could do. A degree in architecture these days will put you to the head of the line in Starbucks, where you could become chief Barista.

  20. megabar says:

    IANAL — are tweets like AOC’s “Jordan Neely was murdered” considered defamatory?

  21. A demonstration of the power of white racism, as the killing for racism is innocent.

  22. Kat Grey says:

    Blacks always target the most vulnerable. Like women, children and the elderly.

    •�Agree: anonymouseperson
    •�Replies: @Truth
  23. Truth says:
    @Kat Grey


    I wonder if the IDF is recruiting!!

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Kat Grey
  24. Angharad says:
    @Mark G.

    PLEASE stop NAXALTing. We’d be far better off if NONE of them existed.

  25. Kat Grey says:

    Off topic, Dude. Stick with the subject at hand if that is possible.

    •�Replies: @PhilMuhCrevis
  26. Kat Grey says:
    @Anonymous Goy

    The irony is that blacks are the most vocal anti-Semites in the US. Almost every assault against Jews is carried out by negroes. And yet the vast majority of Ashkenazi Jews continue to empower the blacks against whites.

    •�Agree: Anonymous Goy
  27. @Kat Grey

    Good luck with that.. He thinks the world is flat, the sun is 1800 miles away and boasts about being professor at Cal-Tec.

    •�Replies: @Truth
  28. Truth says:

    Right now, I boast about being a professor at THIS university SUKKA!


    •�Replies: @Philmuhcrevis
  29. @Truth

    I boast about being a professor at THIS university SUKKA!

    One thing no one can deny troofie, you never fail to induce cries of laughter.

  30. Apostolos says:

    BLM is just temporarily slowed.

    When you deal with people that put sentiment super-easily over reason (esp. with lower IQ’s) it is the easiest thing in the world (for even a mediocre demagogue) to start a fight, riot, war and anything else a mob is capable of.

    Sub Saharan origin people especially and many Islamist s all over the globe plus a few more can and will be used at will if someone tolerates it and even provokes mob behavior.

    So unless some very drastic measures are taken it is just a matter of time when the situation will be opportune the explosion will happen and the magnitude can easily be far greater if required.

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