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The Surprise of Hazel

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Russians have the quaintest ways to name their weapon systems. They name them after flowers: geranium, hyacinth, tulip. They give them female names: Katyusha, Tatjana. They might use the moniker of a favourite doll, like Pinocchio. Today it is Hazel, translated in Russian as Oreshnik, the latest medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile with multiple nuclear-capable warheads. This little number was recently tested at the Yuzhmash plant in Dnepropetrovsk (or ‘Dnepr’, as it is called by the Ukrainians). It is a lethal beast that no Western defence system can stop as it approaches at the astounding speed of Mach 10. All the world’s militaries began to scramble upon news of its first operational flight, but once it gets fitted with nuclear warheads – it will truly terrify.

What would be a worthy target for such a devastating monster? Who should be first to be obliterated once WW3 starts? It seems like too much power to waste on Ukrainians. Who really deserves the whole brunt of Oreshnik? Which country threatens the survival of Russia the most? The international consensus comes down to a choice between the US and the UK. Russian experts and philosophers routinely debate the issue. Who is worse? Who contributed more to the upcoming tragedy? It’s easy to blame the US, but there is a separate school of thought that condemns perfidious Albion, even for US aggression. In the US, the late Lyndon LaRouche expounded British conspiracies and showed how the City of London consistently manipulated US foreign policy as a stalking horse to achieve British objectives. In Russia, the popular writer Dmitri Galkovsky preaches to his growing number of followers to guard against the schemes of Britain.

Our own Ron Unz, a great scholar of the secret history of the 20th century, teaches us that British warmongering started a long time ago. For instance: US President Woodrow Wilson wanted to bring peace to Europe after two years of slaughter. Germany was ready to make peace, and proposed it in 1916. But the British War Minister David Lloyd George—who had initially been a leading advocate of the American peace option—suddenly switched sides, and declared that Britain would never accept a “compromise peace” and instead exclaimed that they were willing to fight for twenty years if necessary in order to achieve a total military victory. Suddenly, anything less than a “knockout” was “unthinkable.”

After WWI, it was Britain that pushed Germany to create an independent Poland very much along the lines the country of Ukraine was created fifty years later. “The Germans decided to resurrect an independent Poland as a German client state more than a century after it had disappeared from the map, a geographical change that would greatly weaken Russia”, writes Ron Unz. Immediately afterwards, British agents began to encourage Polish intransigence against Germany. British efforts deliberately undermined all attempts to form a compromise between Germany and Poland over Danzig. Not that America was any more innocent: “Roosevelt ordered his diplomats to exert enormous pressure upon both the British and Polish governments to avoid any negotiated settlement with Germany, thereby leading to the outbreak of World War II in 1939,” writes Unz.

As soon as WW2 ended (after England was saved thanks to the immense sacrifice of Russian soldiers) London immediately called for the destruction of Russia by the means of Operation Unthinkable. It was only the loss of the election by the Tories that saved Russia in 1945 from a sneak attack by the combined forces of the German Wehrmacht and “as many as 47 British and American divisions in the area of Dresden, in the middle of Soviet lines.”

Old stories, you’ll say. It’s water under the bridge! Not at all – a few days ago British investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg disclosed on his site GrayZone the brand-new Operation Alchemy. In his words,

“leaked documents obtained by The Grayzone have revealed the existence of a British military-intelligence cabal, which plotted since the onset of the Ukraine proxy war to prolong the conflict ‘at all costs’. Known as Project Alchemy, the secret cell was convened under the watch of the British Ministry of Defense, and overseen by a high-ranking Lieutenant General, Charlie Stickland.”

“…Project Alchemy put forward an array of highly aggressive schemes, from cyber attacks to ‘discreet operations’ to outright terrorism inspired by notorious Operation Gladio, the Cold War-era pan-European CIA and MI6 ‘stay-behind’ fascist terror army. Its stated objective was to ‘keep Ukraine fighting’ for as long as possible, no matter the cost.”

“Complementing its calls for clandestine special forces-style attacks on Russian territory, Project Alchemy proposed an aggressive propaganda blitzkrieg, under the bland banner of ‘information operations’. In order to manage [the] Western public, which was likely to turn against a long war if its economic costs grew too steep, the cabal’s members whipped up a menu of malign attacks on disruptive media outlets through a campaign of legal harassment.”

It was not merely idle planning. In February 2022, as the Russian army stood at the gates of Kiev, the Ukranian leadership begged for peace. Putin immediately answered that call, and the Istanbul Agreement was reached, arranging for peace between the Ukraine and Russia on very favourable terms for the Ukraine. At this crucial moment, British PM Boris Johnson went to Kiev and told the Ukrainians to renege on the agreement and resume fighting. Here we are two years later, half a million Ukrainian fighting men are dead, and peace is, as the British say, “unthinkable”.


And so Britain has done it yet again: the old Empire refuses to relent even in the face of certain defeat. They fantasize about squeezing Russia, pushing it ever Eastward. First, they tear off Poland, then they tear off Ukraine, until Russia is shattered into small pieces that may be individually digested by the Anglo-American Empire and then mercilessly looted. This is the usual modus operandi for them. Let’s not forget that Britain is guilty of instigating the US Civil War between the states. London was preparing to send the British Navy to aid the Confederate Army until the Russians stepped in and saved the Union’s bacon. The Russian fleet spent the winter of 1868 in New York and San Francisco, and told the Brits to bugger off.

The full history of British aggression is too long to tell, but let’s cover a few salient points. There was Lord Balfour who promised to give Palestine to the Jews. The same man sent the British army to fight the Ottoman Empire, tearing away Palestine. Never forget that the British created Zionism, as proven by Professor Ould-Mey. For more, see my piece Why Palestine is Important. William Henry Hechler (1845- 1931) was “the British agent who actually fathered Zionism in Eastern Europe and Russia”, the man who turned Leo Pinsker into a Zionist, and later guided Theodor Herzl. In the 1930’s, the Brits suppressed all Palestinian attempts to gain independence. In the 1940’s, the Brits caused millions of Indians to die of starvation, using the same method they used to starve millions of Irish in the 19th century. The British attempted genocide numerous times: in North America, killing off the Native Americans, in Australia, exterminating the Aborigines, in New Zealand murdering the Maori.

The Brits like to instigate international wars and kill natives. But give them credit, they did not limit themselves to the third world. They were keen to exterminate Germans too, and so they turned this land of great philosophers and poets into a wasteland ruled by the likes of Green Party foreign minister Annalena Baerbock. Even their flagship car-manufacturing industry was finally allowed to go under. No one could have imagined the humiliations visited upon poor Germany by a victorious England. Even Hitler, as Ron Unz showed, did everything he could to avoid war, being at heart a great Anglophile. Yet the Brits love to hate Russians even more than they love to kill Germans. They fought the Crimea in the 19th century, they broke the Soviet Union in the 20th century, and now they terrorize Russia in the 21st century.

Obviously there are many serious reasons to build Hazel (Oreshnik) missiles to hold over the heads of these congenitally aggressive Brits. But what if Russia (for whatever reason) is forced to pull the trigger? Speak not of hate, oh no! It’s not that the British inspire hatred. Not at all. They are as nice as the lynx, and as equally ferocious and deadly. But let’s admit it: probably the world will be better without the malevolent presence of the British. Their neighbours on the island, the Scots and Welsh, will prosper when it is gone. And their own Jews, so keen on their own plans of global conquest, will be taken down a peg or two, knowing as they do that it was they who removed the peace-seeking Jeremy Corbyn from his deserved position at the top.

This is a job for a serious man, and it is a job that we can trust to Mr Putin. As a dedicated man of peace, he will do whatever is necessary, and as always he will do it neat and clean. And then let the world enjoy the fruits of his labor! Such creative destruction is truly a what they deserve!

With kind assistance of Paul Bennett

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  1. Interesting, very, very, interesting.
    Would there even be an island left?
    What is the potential consequence ?

    Round 2 ? Who’s next ? Step right up…

    What a wonderful world it could be.

    We’ve come so far. Obviously, the Prince
    Of Peace, would have to return in glory, soon after.
    Be cause , if not now, then when?

    Surely, there would be plenty of other targets.
    If you’re going to hit , might as well hit hard.
    Oh, say, can you see, 10 or 20 of these, from the heavens?

    •�Replies: @Emslander
    , @Kaiser Wilhelm
    , @PatN
  2. Anon[327] •�Disclaimer says:

    I guess we are all used to reading and hearing people talking about nuking Moscow. It’s a little disturbing to read a story where the tables are turned. No one likes to think of London as smoking ruins, but of course if you play with fire you are bound to get burned sooner or later. The long arm of justice (or karma if you like) is a fixed principle of life. Technology is putting the power of retribution into the hands of foreign powers. Furthermore, this same technology has the potential to put such destructive might into the hands of corporations and factions. Nations will demand sweeping powers to set up security states, but they will never consider the alternative: stop being bullies.

    •�Replies: @anonymous105
  3. Speaking of Russian weapon systems naming, this one is called “Terminator” and it’s shit.
    Cool sounding names are cursed.

    •�Replies: @MoT
    , @ariadna
    , @barracuda
  4. Anonymous[216] •�Disclaimer says:

    Scots and Welsh are every bit as British as the English. Scots certainly have pulled more than their weight in British imperial adventures.

  5. amor fati says:

    Never forget that the British created Zionism,

    The same British that have since made London resemble a bazaar on the outskirts of Cairo?

    It’s called make a mess and shift the blame. There is your Project Alchemy.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  6. Wokechoke says:
    @amor fati

    It’s very difficult to figure out what the British establishment are trying to do. It’s not like the Russians haven’t looked at the techniques of imperial conquest. All the tricks that get pulled and the end goals.

    It’s even more difficult to understand what the US wishes to accomplish either. Like the Russians haven’t tried all the western fads and found them wanting.

  7. Southfront has a video about perfidious Albion from a few days ago that is still relevant:

    •�Replies: @Voltarde
  8. There really is no such thing as “ancient history” but there are often discernable patterns. The model for Britain’s savage attacks on Germany in the 20th century was its alliance with France (and, unbelievably, the Ottoman Empire) to similarly neuter the growing influence of Czarist Russia in the 1850’s Crimean War. “Hazel” is rather like another “Monitor and Merrimac” moment, when the formerly Great Powers realize to their horror that a new technology has rendered their vaunted military superiority moot. Like madmen, sadly, the response has been generally to do more of the same in hopes of a different outcome. Why negotiate, like sissies or women, when you can build a bigger dingdong and scare the rival Alphas into submission with it? Just ‘cause it never worked before – this must mean that the odds have to be turning in your favor this time!

  9. Emslander says:

    If this “nut” missile were used in a surgical manner, as it is designed to be able to be used, to demilitarize the UK, would anyone in the universe seek retribution? Other than some Ian McKellan fans, I don’t think so.

    Nuclear weapons may have become obsolete. Listen carefully to how Putin described its use.

    •�Replies: @gidoutahere
    , @Uncle Jon
  10. ” Let’s not forget that Britain is guilty of instigating the US Civil War between the states. London was preparing to send the British Navy to aid the Confederate Army until the Russians stepped in and saved the Union’s bacon. The Russian fleet spent the winter of 1868 in New York and San Francisco, and told the Brits to bugger off.”

    The Civil War ended in 1865, either you have the year wrong that the Russians wintered in San Francisco and New York or they were in these places in 1868 for another reason. The US was at peace with Britain in 1868, although the Fenian raids into Canada caused some diplomatic headaches between the two countries around that time.

    •�Agree: JR Foley
    •�Thanks: rockatansky
  11. Putin would be a global hero if he took out the Tri-City Empire State; ie: DC, The City of London & The Vatican. Followed by NATO HQ, UN HQ, WHO HQ & WEF HQ.

    •�Agree: rockatansky
    •�Replies: @One Nobody
    , @Roger
  12. According to Gore Vidal’s last novel, around 1940, D.C. was absolutely festering with British spies under every rock inveigling the naive and/or corrupt Americans into their unnecessary war, a war that Americans had no reason to be in.

  13. @Joe Paluka

    The visit took place in the fall of 1863, not 1868. A young naval officer named Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov was aboard the Russian vessel Almaz which docked in New York harbor. He was only beginning his musical career then.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  14. It is a horror to think of the new Russian weapon in the hands of the West and its impunity.
    Imagine a Netanyahu being able to use those missiles at will against schools and hospitals throughout the Middle East. Or a Zelensky seeking fame and money by having Ukronazis killed by the Russians while the Ukronazis kill Russian civilians.
    Or imagine a Biden or a Trump with something like that in their hands and with their mania for greatness and absolute impunity to end the world guaranteed
    Nature is wise and put those missiles in the hands of the serene Putin and except for the first of the shots as an exhibition everything remains calm even though Western missiles continue to rain down on Russia as a provocation.

  15. Anon[285] •�Disclaimer says:

    The UK’s plenty guilty in the redneck-justice terms the US understands. But the real pros and cons are pragmatic. With an attack on a NATO satellite Russia could destroy NATO. When the Langley regime slinks away and says, You’re on your own, the bloc will fall apart.

    Malevolent though Britain is, its capacity for force is negligible. It’s just a whipping boy. Project Alchemy is hilarious, classic British pussy war. To keep out of trouble while they lose the real war, they’re going to censor journalists who jeer at them getting their ass kicked. Amil Khan is a classic loser CIA agent, a Keyboard Commando with shit computer skilz. His former cover was fake journalist and he could barely handle that.

    To remove the threat Russia has to decapitate Langley. Nuking Britain would be fun, but in strategic terms it’s like blowing limbs off Palestinian toddlers, pointless and kind of mean. Russians aren’t as into that as Jews.

    •�Agree: Big Z
    •�Replies: @Big Z
    , @Felpudinho
  16. sarz says:

    I get the feeling that Christian ‘convert’ from Jewyness, Israel Shamir, is losing his mojo. Who could have imagined this tireless cabalist warrior so lamely suggesting that the Jews in Britain are an afterthought to the real Brit establishment.

    Here’s a link to Yandex search for the entry “The Nameless War”.

    It’s the title of a book by a British aristocrat, Archibald Maule Ramsay, a member of Parliament, whom the Jews got jailed without charges for the years of the second world war.

    It’s a very short book that you can easily download, a tribute to an Eton education of those days, that charts the Jewish Problem from the Jews bribing Cromwell to murder his king, through the French Revolution and much else that has led to the Jewish takeover of all the West.

    •�Troll: Rangewolf
  17. @Anonymous

    Scots were the first victims of empire, subject to ethnic cleansing and press ganged into this odious business enterprise. You could even end up as a slave in the americas.

    All Scots hate the English, the irony being they think we are “best mates” or something. No we hate them, really fucking hate them. They are all tories and all paedophiles.

    I just want to see justice done, I want to see them all dead, their families dead, their seed expunged from the earth.

    And their provocations are making it more possible by the day.

  18. Voltarde says:
    @James of Africa

    Britain is a nation whose preening upper class consider themselves great humanitarians for banning fox hunting, but then that same upper class turns around and wholeheartedly funds and supports genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, against the people of Lebanon, and against ethnic Russians in the Ukraine; and in the latter case, threatens everyone on earth with the prospect of an all out global nuclear conflict that could kill billions of people around the world.

    •�Thanks: Gallatin
  19. @Voltarde

    When imperialists don’t realize that they already lost their empire a hundred years ago….

  20. It’s not britain, usa, london and so on..who has caused the wars, but washington and city off london/the square
    (not the London city). It’s confusing to mix..right, and I do not know what is the purpose.. And there is no mention of who is actually behind all of it…namely rotschilds and rockefellers. They have been in control of usa and britain since 1850, and the sc “politicians” in west are nothing more than jumping fleas

    •�Agree: Gallatin
  21. Odyssey says:

    The Brits like to instigate international wars and kill natives.

    Exactly. When it comes to the natives of Europe, Churchill specifically referred to the Croatian genocide against the Serbs, saying “Grass grows better when cut low”.

    As for the targets of the Russian missiles, London should definitely be the first target and maybe the German Ramstein, since American nuclear bombs are stationed there. It might be interesting, like Hazelnut, to test there new vacuum bombs that suck up all the air in a 5 km radius so that even mosquitoes can’t survive, instead of using retro nuclear bombs.

    It is obvious that things are being done in the West similar to the events before ww2. We are just waiting for Skripal’s book with evidence that Putin intended to invade and enslave Europe, like Rezun’s that is often propagated here as evidence that Germany preemptively attacked the Soviet Union just 2 weeks before Stalin’s attack.


    •�Replies: @Big Z
  22. Saggy says: •�Website

    This article seems to me to be absolute nonsense. The Russians have been capable of nuking Paris, London, or the US anytime they want for 30 years.

    But now we seem to be pretending that ICBMs don’t exists, and a missile that travels half as fast and half as far is a huge breakthrough and a game changer.

    Is this all theater?

  23. MoT says:

    Wikipedia? Another mouthpiece for the CIA/Mossad.

  24. In February 2022, as the Russian army stood at the gates of Kiev, the Ukrainian leadership begged for peace. Putin immediately answered that call, and the Istanbul Agreement was reached, arranging for peace between the Ukraine and Russia on very favourable terms for the Ukraine. At this crucial moment, British PM Boris Johnson went to Kiev and told the Ukrainians to renege on the agreement and resume fighting.

    The current spin on this massive crime is that it was the Russians who rejected a deal. They are somewhat correct. Zelensky’s team had come to terms with the Russians with a very detailed deal that Zelensky approved verbally and all pages were signed by the Ukrainian lead negotiator. All that remained was a formal signing ceremony. Z was then ordered to kill the deal so he demanded some absurd changes that the Russians rejected. So the spin is there was never deal because the Russians killed it. See this short video for details.

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: dimples
  25. Brewer says:

    Scots and Welsh are every bit as British as the English.

    The City of London is not British, it is not subject to the Crown.

    London, like other cities, was subject to the authority of the Crown through its Sheriff – the Shirereeve or Portreeve. But in the 12th century, as a move towards civic independence, an association of citizens under oath – the commune – was established. At the same time the office of Mayor was created with Henry FitzAilwyn taking office in 1189 (whether by appointment or election is unclear).

    In 1191, the commune was officially recognised by Prince John, while his brother Richard the Lionheart was away at the Crusades, and in 1199 John, now King, granted the citizens of London the right to elect their own Sheriffs – a particularly significant right as the Sheriff was the King’s representative through whom the City was governed. The citizens’ right to elect a Mayor annually was granted by King John in a charter of 1215. (see Magna Carta)

    The commune may have been the origins of the development of another element of local governance. Gradually, Aldermen began to summon “wise and discreet” citizens from their wards to their meetings for consultation on particular matters. In 1285, a group of 40 citizens, between one and four from each Ward, was to consult with the Aldermen on the common affairs of the City. From 1376, this assembly had regular meetings and was known as the Common Council. It gradually assumed greater responsibilities and the business of the Court of Aldermen declined. https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/about-us/law-historic-governance/the-citys-government

    To this day, the Monarch of Britain does not have the right to enter The City of London without an invitation. It is an independent entity ruled by the banking fraternity that took up residence there in 1656 when Cromwell (who had been financed by Dutch Jews) made a verbal promise, backed by the Council of State, to allow Jews to return to Britain. It is, in fact, the heart of the beast – Wall St. is merely a sub-branch.

    •�Agree: Arthur MacBride, Mefobills
    •�Thanks: rockatansky, Quincas Borba
    •�Replies: @JM
  26. I agree with the overall tenor of your piece, but your knowledge of New Zealand history is poor.

    Maori killed by other Maori due to inter-tribal animosity vastly exceed Maori deaths by the British during the nz wars.

    Much as the British have been bad actors in many places and times, their behaviour in NZ was atypical.

  27. Teddy says:

    Ok, stop this. If you have a super secret weapon that nobody can see or stop, then use it to strike the enemy and win the war. But if you “show it off” and brag about it without having actually archived nothing yet… well that is just stupidity. You don’t tell everyone about your great ideas or great inventions, never! You first do it, use it. Now that “Hazel” was presented to the world as a winner, everyone has time to prepare or disarm this. Western powers have already decided that this is no big deal because know they know what’s coming, whereas Russia has no idea what the West is going to do for the simple fact that the West first does it, then talks about it.

    •�Disagree: rockatansky
    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @Roger
  28. Teddy says:

    …It’s basically like Russia showing her cards to everyone, Hihihi, I am going to win with this Hazel-hand, hihihi. So moronic. You don’t tell everyone about your new game changer. You first change the game damn it.

  29. Liza says:

    An even better choice might be Hollywood and surrounding areas.

  30. Big Z says:

    They do however tend to be successful in killing Russian civilians and deserve to be reminded of their own vulnerability.

  31. Big Z says:

    I didn’t know that this nasty quote was in reference to him knowing that there was a genocide against Serbian people. Officially he was gloriously oblivious. We now know that he knew about it and also supported it. Putting himself on the side of the Croatian fascist murderers ( and their Vatican sponsors I might add). The question is… Why?

  32. ghali says:

    Let us hope a few Oreshniks, each with a big load of nuclear warheads, will hit Central Britain in the not too distant future. Palestine will be free when the Jews no longer have dogs to defend (arm) them.

    •�Replies: @Norwegian Troll
  33. About Britain:

    First, they tear off Poland, then they tear off Ukraine, until Russia is shattered into small pieces that may be individually digested by the Anglo-American Empire and then mercilessly looted.

    This fantastically paranoid claim reveals some exaggerated biases and tacitly acknowledges inherent Russian weakness. Since neither Polish and Ukrainian people identify as Russian, whom they despise, tearing them off from the odious Russian hegemony, to the extent that British played much of a role, was considered a great service. Let’s not forget that Margaret Thatcher was against German reunification nearly 35 years ago, during which time Poland was still under Soviet (primarily Russian) military occupation, notwithstanding the growing influence of the Solidarity movement, that had began a decade earlier in Gdansk.

    The British contribution to the transformation of Ukraine’s leadership in February 2014 came from Catherine (Baroness) Ashton in her role as a commissar of the European Union. At a podium discussion during the Munich Security Conference she initiated a diplomatic effort, in which French, German, Polish, and Russian diplomats convinced the corrupt Ukrainian leader Yanukovych to agree to an early election in an agreement with the three opposition leaders. Yet having lost the backing of his party colleagues, he realized that he could not win that election and promptly fled Kiev in the middle of the night. The next morning crowds gathered at his villa with private lake and zoo, so the parliament formally ousted him from power. Note that Victoria Nuland, who did not attend the Munich conference, had essentially been outmaneuvered by Ashton, which became evident in a leaked phone calla a few days later. Being out of the loop with regard to the pending diplomatic effort, Nuland said “Fuck the EU“.

    Exactly how Russia is to be “shattered into small pieces” due to British machinations is unclear to me, but the author appears to understand how weak that country actually is in light of the internal dissatisfaction or dissent in different regions, which is being harshly suppressed by Putin’s centralized quasi-dictatorial authority. One has to wonder why Russia had spent so much of its resources over the past decade to enhance its military forces rather than to modernize its society more rapidly. Apparently Putin had prepared his attack against the “collective West” long before, at least since March 2018, when he publicly announced his desire to reverse the breakup of the USSR if he had a chance; otherwise one could fairly conclude that these forces were intended to quell potential uprisings within Russia. The longer it takes for Putin to be internally usurped, the more vigorous these uprisings will be.

    This is a job for a serious man, and it is a job that we can trust to Mr Putin. As a dedicated man of peace, he will do whatever is necessary, and as always he will do it neat and clean.

    This fantasy of annihilating Britain seems somewhat infantile and far-fetched. According to the author the “job” consists of somehow being “forced to pull the trigger“. However, it would surely be more liberating for Russia and the sake of peace if Putin were to simply jump out the window of a tall building, or, as a cryptical interpretation of the quote above would allow, simply pull the trigger upon himself before his usurpers pull their triggers on him. The obituaries would then proclaim that he did the honorable thing to prevent further needless deaths.

    •�Replies: @Rev. Spooner
    , @Anonymous
  34. Amon says:

    The people ruling Great Britain is Jewish and has been so for at least a millennium.

    Ever since they began to marry into English nobility, Britain have treated its native population as slaves and sub human elements.

    •�Agree: Quincas Borba
    •�Replies: @Quincas Borba
  35. Yes, Britain missed the Jeremy Corbyn bus in 2017. Think of it: a truncated May, no Johnson, no Truss, no Sunak and no Starmer!

  36. @Anon

    Nuking Britain would be fun, but in strategic terms it’s like blowing limbs off Palestinian toddlers, pointless and kind of mean.

    This was an excellently crafted sentence to get your point across. Well done.

    Your entire comment, Anon [285], was interesting, informative, and funny – never before had I heard of Emil Khan; I looked him up, what a cuck. I hope you post more of your entertaining and enlightening comments in the future.

  37. nognverra says:

    All British peoples are being erased in their homelands, and worldwide, along with their culture.
    They’re putting Indians and Africans in top leadership spots even in Britain and Ireland.
    Funny way of pushing for a Global British Empire.

  38. First, this Hazel is not a girl or a nut, or a tree. Search for images of: hazel catkins
    Seriously, do it now. This idiocy has to stop.

    Second, I’m fairly certain there was a huge event in the middle of the first world war which has echoed down into the present israeli holocaust of Palestinians, israeli war on Lebanon, and bombing of Syria, and even the USUKisrael war in Ukraine. Yes, The Balfour Declaration! Should we blame Israel (the Jewish nation at that time) or Perfidious Albion?

    It is said that Britain was just about resigned to accepting Germany’s generous off of a return to the status quo ante, but then a group of British Jews swore they could get the US into the war, if Britain signed the Balfour Declaration. And Presto! Britain promised to take Palestine and give it to the Jews. And the US jumped in. Odd that the present author bears ignores this key part of the story.

    •�Thanks: Quincas Borba
  39. The Brits like to instigate international wars and kill natives.

    Yes, but the Jews hijacked England long ago and made it exponentially more perfidious than it would have been — just as they did in the US. “Perfidious Albion” basically means treachery and deceit, and the Jews are the masters of treachery and deceit: the Jews’ natural abode is the ninth circle of hell. Jewish consciousness itself was forged in deception (see Jaynes) and since time immemorial the Jews have been honing their skills of duplicity, betrayal, and manipulation.

    There is a reason that Mossad’s motto is “by deceit thou shall do war”: deception comes natural to the Jew, in general. And every country the Jews dominate becomes impregnated with Jew deceit, seeping down into all layers of bureaucracy until it becomes the main characteristic of the state itself.

    The Jews at the top of the British power structure are the ones giving the orders to their ridiculous puppets like Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer, and the orders are always one and the same: instigate more wars to serve Jewish interests. As Shamir points out in the article, “British warmongering started a long time ago”. Here are a couple of quotes from a book written over a hundred years ago:

    Jews as Semi-Citizens: Wars their Harvests
    For they supplied the different States with money, and national conflicts were among the chief sources from which Jews derived their profit. Moreover, the political colourlessness of their position made at possible for them to serve successive dynasties or governments in countries which, like France, were subjected to many political changes. The history of the Rothschilds illustrates the point.

    Government by Aliens
    The alien Gold-power controls not only mines but Governments, and wielded by Ashkenazi hands it converts Democracy into Xenocracy. “Xenocracy” is a word coined by our authors to describe a government exercised by aliens or foreigners. But as the foreigners who wield the control are almost invariably members of the Shylock tribe it has been suggested that “Shylockracy” would be an even more fitting name to describe the form of government which is now oppressing the nations of the earth. How this form of government goes to work will be shown in letters written by Lionel Phillips to Alfred Beit -— two Ashkenazi -— and now enshrined in the Cape Blue Book, in which their methods of controlling Parliaments are revealed.

    England Under the Heel of the Jew
    by General Raymond Rudman (Editor), 1918

    •�Thanks: Alden
  40. It would have been funny to note that Shamir’s call for Russia to use Oreshnik missiles on selected targets in the West is quite similar to the call by the brothers Weinstein (Bret and Eric, not Harvey) for Operation Phoenix:

    The shocking statement “A Republic if we can Phoenix it” was how Bret Weinstein decided to end his speech during the Rescue the Republic event in Washington DC this past Sept. 29, 2024 — followed by an unblinking audience who clapped and cheered loudly with clearly no understanding whatsoever of what Bret was in fact calling for.

    Bret was prescribing a cure for the West’s “demented” “senility” — where death and destruction were the “hidden solution” and for which we “just happen to have the ingredients”. The ingredients for a crisis that is to see the West burn. And we have Bret’s brother Eric who has played a leading role in manufacturing the migrant crisis hitting the United States as we speak to thank for those very “ingredients”.

    The citation is from the Pale Alexander substack and quotes Cynthia Chung, another substacker:


    Chung’s Through a Glass Darkly substack is co-hosted (or otherwise affiliated with) Matthew Ehret, whom Larry Romanoff has called out quite thoroughly here:


    To summarize: two Jew brothers (one of whom, Eric, was managing director for Thiel Capital) call for the destruction of the West so that it (or more likely, something else entirely) can rise Phoenix-like from the ashes. Then we have Chung and Ehret (with the latter exposed as a Jew apologist) calling out the Weinstein brothers.

    This double layer of misdirection would have been funny, in a rational world. As it is, laughter is the last thing that it provokes.

  41. It is known fact that Putin was studying poorly at school and grandfather was misled numerous times before on various aspects form starting this whole war to stating that Russia will produce 1000 passenger jets by 2030. Shamir you also studied at Soviet school and I do wonder did you study physics well and have got enough common sense to avoid getting into this BS? I also wonder did you write similar articles about Armata T-14, so called “5th” generation Su-57 and so forth so on. So called new Oreshnik is probably old and tried Topol/ Yars missile which was launched 800 kms away which says it was launched at rather steep trajectory and what kind of conventional payload this missile can carry to achieve results Putin claims it can do :))))) Ths missile is intended to deliver nuclear payload… It is obviously not hypersonic in sense it cannot independently manoeuvre in atmosphere and like all ballistic missiles it reaches hypersonic speeds on certain parts of its trajectory especially terminal part. Do you realize what would happen to those conventional warheads at hyper-sonic speeds? :))) To protect those warheads some serious materials are used and they are damn expensive which increases both weight, reduces useful load and is prohibitively expensive. It is another “понты” from the “great” geopolitician who cannot see even step forwards before making decision. His mistakes ar eso numerous that smart person would never open his mouth after another BS speech form Putin. Just wait. This Oreshnik will go the way Armata, Su-57, Poseidon, Burevestnik and other Putin wonder weapons. If you pay attention , Russia is mostly fighting in Ukraine with old Soviet era weapons. Armata is failure and so is SU57 and Polseidon is not even mentioned anymore. Do you expect the cuntry which is degrading across all vectors to be in front of the whole world in some cutting edge technologies? Even old and revived Soviet projects cannot hide the truth. When you have degradation at schools, destruction of engineering schools and schools which were producing qualified workers and you expect miracles? Russia cannot even produce engine for middle range passenger jet for already more than 10 years. It cannot produce passenger jets anymore which is in statistic. zero in 2024 and if it is 2-3 this year it is miracle. I understand you rely upon Martyanov’s crap to write this. The guy is well known for his wonderful ability to make wrong predictions and analysis hiding it all among huge number of BS posts about everything. Basically this Oreshnik was carrying most probably fake warheads. Yuzhmash wa sused as target but it is not working anymore like Yuzhmash of the old. I was born 5 ms from Yuzhmash on Inzhenernaya street. It is huge place. Hard to miss and Oreshnik is not designed for precise strikes because it is designed to carry nukes. Meteorites do not fly at hypersonic speeds. They fly at space speeds. Hence you have E=MC squared in this case where meteorite mas is turned into energy very much close to nuclear due to high mass and speeds of which Oreshnik is not capable. Its speed on terminal achieved mostly through the earth gravitation. This missile has certain amount of fuel. It cannot be reduced and it burns until it is over. According to Putin it is designed for targets 5000-6000 kms away. There is 800 kms between Dnepropetrovsk and Kapustin Yar. You see the problem and where missile had to be launched at what angle trajectory to get at the target. It would be a lot more practical to use Iskander, wonderful weapon but gain. “понты” is their everything. They expected reaction form the west, but it will not be as expected and weak Russia industrial base which cannot provide Russia with enough even medium range missiles, tanks, artillery and so forth will definitely fail to produce whatever this Oreshnik in any serious numbers while I am damn sure the west will provide Ukis with more serious missiles showing their disdain to Putin. The only thing that is working in Russia favour now is larger human resources. 3-4 times larger population provides greater pool for conscripts. I have zero doubt that around 1 million is dead on both sides. If you believe that Putin expected this, I have bridge to sell you. He listened to similar advice to what he is listening now about Oreshnik and before Armata and so forth.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @Anonymous
  42. Thanks, Israel Shamir.
    100% Agree.
    Not one person who has read beyond the Court Historians, nor Nations having direct experience of the aptly-named Perfidious Albion can disagree.

    It would be a simple matter for Russia to select a target in England and destroy it, even giving prior warning to minimise loss of life.
    With the condition that the Establishment leaves all office/influence to prevent further strikes that would cripple that country, or even obliterate it.
    On the perhaps valid grounds that the majority of English are themselves victims of said Establishment, even though large numbers of them seem to robotically go along with its beliefs. Similar to Americans, in fact.

    Hope your essay reaches a wide audience, Mr Shamir.

  43. tosca says:

    GB is the 13th tribe, do not forget. The city of London is the real master of GB and of the US financial system since 1913. I have seen a photograph of Evelyn Rotschild pressing his fore finger tip on the king’s chest who looked like a punished child in front of his master. It shows who wedges the power. GB is an occupied country since 1648, when Cromwell made a deal with the Amsterdam rabbi, to allow the jews to go to England since they were forbidden since +/- 1242. There is in GB not one aristocratic family which has not been ‘infiltrated’.

    •�Replies: @JM
  44. Rahan says:

    But let’s admit it: probably the world will be better without the malevolent presence of the British. Their neighbours on the island, the Scots and Welsh, will prosper when it is gone

    So, when we say “British”, we mean “English”?

  45. The Grayzone has another related article on Trump’s new adviser Sebastian Gorka and his links to MI6.


    The son of an anti-communist Hungarian exile, Gorka joined a British Army intelligence unit while still in university. When he entered the world of national security studies, he learned at the knee of a notoriously conniving British military intelligence officer named Chris Donnelly, who has dedicated his career to instigating conflict with Russia, and was exposed by The Grayzone as an architect of the notorious Kerch Bridge bombing.

    Donnelly personally endorsed Gorka’s PhD thesis, granting him the imprimatur of a top intelligence officer in the British Ministry of Defence. The relationship fueled Gorka’s career within the burgeoning Atlanticist military infrastructure, yet ultimately cost him security clearance in his family’s native Hungary, where the country’s National Security Office suspected him of being a UK spy.

    Soon after Gorka resigned from the first Trump administration, leaked documents exposed Donnelly as the founder of a secret, UK state-funded influence operation called the Integrity Initiative, which was aimed at drumming up war with Russia through a covert international propaganda network. A 2017 funding proposal submitted by the Integrity Initiative to the British Ministry of Defence promised to deliver a “tougher stance on Russia” by arranging for “more information published in the media on the threat of Russian active measures.”

    When Donnelly visited Washington in 2018 to expand his secret initiative, the first item on his agenda was breakfast with Gorka. To this day, Gorka refuses to discuss the meeting, or any aspect of his relationship with Donnelly, erupting with rage at reporters who have dared to inquire about the long friendship.

    •�Thanks: Arthur MacBride
    •�Replies: @JM
  46. JM says:

    It is, in fact, the heart of the beast – Wall St. is merely a sub-branch.

    Proof? Or are you, like the Stalinist Shamir, a convert to the Cult of LaRouche?

  47. JM says:
    @Amalek Lives Matter

    Wikipedia’s entry on Gorka has long made the same claim.

    While at university, Gorka joined the British Territorial Army as a volunteer (typically committing to a weekend a month and a fortnight’s annual camp), serving over a period of three years in the 22 Intelligence Company of the Intelligence and Security Group (Volunteers), an interrogation unit with a NATO role specializing in Russian language training and supporting 1 (BR) Corps until the latter was disbanded in 1992 at the end of the Cold War.[19][14][20][21][22]

    In 1992, Gorka moved to Hungary, where he worked for the Hungarian Ministry of Defence[23] while studying for a master’s degree in international relations and diplomacy at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, now known as the Corvinus University, which he completed in 1997. In 1997, he was a Partnership for Peace International research fellow at the NATO Defense College in Rome.[24]

    In 1998, Gorka served as an adviser to Viktor Orbán.[25] In 2002, he entered the political science doctoral program at Corvinus University where he obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2007.[6][26] Gorka is a naturalized American citizen.[27]

  48. Anon[224] •�Disclaimer says:

    Western military men need to go back to school and study the war between Germany and Russia. Then there should be some series of courses based on the German experience in the East.

    In the 1980s I met a German in South America who had fought in Russia and encountered the Katyusha for the first time. His regimental commander had to implement a special training program for his men in order to cope with these things.

    Initially, it was described like a sandstorm, but with metal. Some soldiers went mad and had to be evacuated. Even after the new training drills the shriek of these incoming would cause veterans and new replacements to tremble. In one instance, at the receiving end of one barrage, his German platoon leader struggled to keep control of his nerves in order to calm his men even though many were experienced and well trained.

    Even the Germans, themselves skilled technicians, developed their Nebelwerfer inspired by the Russian battlefield rockets.

    And so, why would anyone be surprised at this new Russian rocket. The Russians have always had a knack for these toys which seem to become more efficient as time passes. They have also been at the forefront in all technology when pressed.

    Western military men need to stop being “WOKE” and wake up to the capabilities of their adversaries. The Russian soldier has been caught on the backfoot many times in history and recovered to severely lash the opponent.

    Why wont Western militaries learn ??

    •�Replies: @Paul Greenwood
  49. ariadna says:

    I always rely on wikipedia for accurate information but I hd missed his one so thank you very much for the link…

  50. ariadna says:

    “the City of London consistently manipulated US foreign policy as a stalking horse to achieve British objectives.”

    The “City” is famous for its devotion to all things British… It’s the patriotism ingrained in the bankers

    •�Thanks: JM, One Nobody
    •�Replies: @One Nobody
  51. Operation Unthinkable was nixed by Truman who said no US troops.

  52. @Anon

    War was with USSR not Russia

  53. JM says:

    I agree with what you say here but with one reservation, that Rothschild is not really ‘English’. He’s really a rootless cosmopolitan albeit with powerful English connections.

    To read Shamir one might think it was the English people to blame. So your statement is a necessary correction. Shamir is a political animal, so one wonders what game he’s playing other than what it appears to be: shape shifting and creation of political red herrings in a deep crisis for his Tribe.

    Talking of ‘massacres’ by ‘the British’ from a Stalinist apologist is rich beyond description.

    •�Agree: Bro43rd, ld
  54. Bama says:

    The Crown has always been the example of British superiority and self-respect. While today the Royal Family still plays at being regal and celebrated as the standard, the continuance of this royal nonsense marks well the Brits and their undeterred arrogance.

  55. @nognverra

    But what is the point in even doing this? People never bother to explain this shit at all, it’s always the same thing “They are being replaced by blacks and etc.” But why? What’s the point in replacing them and their culture? Are the J assholes too much of a pussy to rule the Nigs in Africa where they already live? Why even put them in top roles in European countries? Someone needs to explain the whole purpose and point in them doing this.

    •�Replies: @nognverra
  56. Mr. Shamir writes “…but once it gets fitted with nuclear warheads – it will truly terrify.”

    The whole point of the Oreshnik is it’s parity with nuclear destruction without the terminal side effects of thousands of global nuclear detonation.

    Mr. Shamir, you miss the point. Putin pointed that in a few years the West will own the same technology. One can infer that the new technology would logically force nukes into obsolescence. It might make it possible for waring armies to destroy each others’ assets without personnel casualties. Unless, human suffering is the main goal.

    One absolutely fabulous use of the Oreshnik missile would be the instantaneous destruction of Shitrahell’s Samson option to bring the heifer temple on top of the zionist project.

    Now that we understand how the Oreshnik works, does Iran have a similar technology hidden in the Ayatola’s robe? Can the zionist hubris handle the truth.

    The Truth is Britain is just today’s Britain and Israel is just no more. The Sykes-Picot Agreement is nul and void. There is a new agreement called the Putin-Xi agreement or better known as the Silkroad of the 21 century where the English go back to hunting pigs in the forests and the zionists go to Nuremberg where “Never Again” is meant for everyone.

    •�Thanks: Joe Levantine
  57. @ariadna

    Adriana, nice comment.

    Here is some very good news, I believe you will understand. For the first time, the US is in controll of its financial and economic decisions. It is also fighting, as we speak, for the potential control of its regulatory decisions.

    Soros is nowhere to be found in the US, soon to be hunted everywhere, Dius vult.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @ariadna
  58. Important article!

    These links on the Pilgrim’s Society should be helpful towards understanding the networks ushinging in new feudalism of the British Empire…


  59. Let Putin hazel away the perfidious Albion to the bottom of the Irish Sea and save the world in the process from not only the British buggers but their Jewish masters in the City of London. No more scheming to foment wars across the continents, so peace at last, thank God almighty we will have peace at last. Hallelujah!

  60. @Emslander

    Demilitarize the UK? First, turn the City of London to rubble and stand back and see what happens.

  61. QCIC says:

    It is a strange situation, but the West has been ignoring those ICBMs for 25 years by directly badgering Russia.

    The West spent a fortune on ballistic missile defenses and some people may overestimate this capability. Delusions about missile defense may be a partial explanation for the aggressive posture of the United States toward Russia. The Kremlin seemed to be concerned about this issue since most of her more recent strategic weapons systems have new features explicitly intended to defeat missile defenses and therefore keep a Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) balance. This partially validates the notion that Western missile defenses had some real value, at least against Russia’s earlier missiles.

    One possible reason for the Oreshnik strike is to give the West a visible demonstration that these maneuvering hypersonic weapons exist and cannot be defeated by known missile defense technologies. This demonstration would be designed to slap some sense into Western military leaders.

    One supporting piece of speculation is the Oreshnik was probably not required to attack the Dnipro target. The facility could have been damaged by one of the typical strikes with Kinzhal, Iskander and Kaliber missiles along with drones. If needed Russia could have added Zircon missiles. Overall this might still cost less than the Oreshnik missile.

    •�Replies: @Saggy
  62. @One Nobody

    Any proof of this? And who is going to hunt down Soros? Wasn’t he supporting the Left? Now that the left has been ousted, most likely temporarily and not permanently. He has no reason to stay in the U.S. But when he does eventually die, his son will take over. Besides, he was behind all the open border BS, and so far I still see hordes flooding into the West. Therefore I don’t think Soros is truly nowhere to be found or seen unless everyone else just took over his shit agenda.

    The U.S. may be in control of it’s financial decisions, but they still let Blinkin control it’s military decisions….Or maybe I’m wrong?

    •�Replies: @One Nobody
  63. @Anon

    “No one likes to think of London as smoking ruins………” Really? What is London now? Negro, Pakistani, Indian, Middle Eastern, Asian of every other stripe, etc. And what is the one square mile that is the City of London – who rules the roost there? (Hint: three parenthesis.) If London itself ceased to exist, that would be a tremendous favor to the indigenous people – the Anglo-Germanic-Celtic population of Britain outside of London. That could empower them, if the will existed (and post-Southport indicates that it just might) to send the post-WWII immigrants (foreign colonizers) and their posterity packing, and Make England English Again, Make Scotland Scottish Again, Make Wales Welsh Again. Ditto Ulster.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  64. Let’s simplify – City of London = DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS) – which then leads to a study of history – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2021/03/in-essenceit-always-wasand-still-isa.html?m=0 – ending up acknowledging that this war has been going on for centuries……because we’re slow learners.

  65. Roger says: •�Website

    If Putin took out DC, The City, and the Vatican, there would be no need to follow up with the others listed as they would simply die on their own. Selective decapitation, as it is now known.

  66. QCIC says:
    @Сергей Гончаров

    Why do you think the Su-57 is a failure? It seems to do what it was designed to do. It is a specialized fighter like the F-22 which is also not used very much as far as I can tell.

    The Russian commercial aerospace industry has an interesting and painful history, some of which is shared with Ukraine. The Tu-334 and An-148 projects were new designs based on Soviet aircraft. The An-70 and An-140 and Il-114 were other failed projects carried over from the USSR. All of these disasters seem technically sound but were mixed up in the challenges and intrigues of restructuring the ex-Soviet aerospace industries. The original plan for the Sukhoi Superjet (SSJ) was a failure since most of the sophisticated subsystems were Western yet could have been supplied by Russian suppliers. Either the Superjet was a project designed to kill Russian capability or the planners of this project concluded that this death had already happened.

    The sanctions of 2014 seemed to finally create the political conditions needed to revive the Russian industry. This process has been gradual. I don’t know if the slow pace was caused by lack of funding, lack of skilled people or intentional financial sabotage. Development of the PD-8 engines for the updated “All Russian” SSJ seemed to go quickly.

    If the Oreshnik has maneuvering warheads the strike was probably intended to demonstrate these can penetrate missile defenses. If they are unguided as you suggest, then it is a minor step, simply an updated weapon to give some specialized capability.

  67. ariadna says:


    “Now that “Hazel” was presented to the world as a winner, everyone has time to prepare or disarm this.

    Sure, with the same success they had for more than a decade trying to “prepare and disarm” the hypersonic missiles…

    •�Agree: Notsofast
  68. Roger says: •�Website

    A missile that travels half as fast?

    Since Russia’s Oreshnik is widely understood to have the capability of traveling at Mach 10-11, your assertion would mean that “normal” ICBM missiles should be able to reach speeds of Mach 20, at the very least.

    That has never been the case, so I am going to presume that you simply made an error. And, yes, twice as fast is a huge game changer, since there is no current defense against it. You might see it coming, but it will be upon you before you can get out of the way or swat it down.

    •�Replies: @EL_Kabong
  69. ariadna says:
    @One Nobody

    “For the first time, the US is in controll of its financial and economic decisions. It is also fighting, as we speak, for the potential control of its regulatory decisions.
    Soros is nowhere to be found in the US, soon to be hunted everywhere.”

    Of course! The future is bright. Trump hates Soros, doesn’t he?
    This is Trump’s choice for Secretary of Treasury:

    Scott Kenneth Homer Bessent (/ˈbɛsənt/ BESS-ənt; born August 1962) is an American hedge fund manager. He was a partner at Soros Fund Management and the founder of Key Square Group, a global macro investment firm.[1][2]

    Bessent has been a major fundraiser and donor for Donald Trump. He was an economic advisor for Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. In November 2024, President-elect Trump named Bessent his nominee for Secretary of the Treasury

    Bessent joined Soros Fund Management (SFM) in 1991 and was a partner there throughout the 1990s, eventually becoming head of the London office.[5][13][14][15][16] In 1992, Bessent was a leading member of the team whose bet on the Black Wednesday collapse of the British pound garnered over $1 billion for the firm. His bet against the Japanese yen in 2013 brought additional profit.[17][18]

    After resigning from SFM in 2000, Bessent founded a $1 billion hedge fund. Bessent returned to Soros Fund Management and was chief investment officer from 2011 to 2015.[14][21] He left in 2015 to begin a new firm, Key Square Group.[15][16]

    Key Square received a $2 billion anchor investment from George Soros.[23] At the end of 2017, Key Square’s assets were $5.1 billion.
    In 2000, Bessent hosted a fundraiser for Al Gore at his East Hampton, New York, home.[26] He has also donated to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.[27] In 2016, Bessent donated $1 million to Donald Trump’s 2017 presidential inaugural committee.[28] In 2023 and 2024, Bessent donated more than $1 million to Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign.[29]

    In February 2024, Bessent hosted a fundraiser in Greenville, South Carolina, that raised nearly $7 million for Trump’s 2024 campaign.[30]In April 2024, Bessent was a host for a Palm Beach, Florida, fundraiser that raised $50 million for the Trump campaign.[31] In July 2024, Bloomberg Businessweek reported that Bessent was a key economic advisor to Trump.
    PS Bessent is not Jewish but nobody is perfect. At least he is married to a man.

    •�Replies: @One Nobody
  70. Uncle Jon says:

    UK, in modern era, is not known for its military, especially right now. They are good at setting policy and use their Millenium bred proxies and bandits.

    So, an Oreshnik in a military base, although will feel good, I’m afraid will not make a dent.

    You want to do damage, wipe out City of London. There, is where the power lies.

  71. Anonymous[376] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Сергей Гончаров

    Your convoluted comment is longer than the article itself. Sigh.
    For the sake of those who must suffer you daily…please ‘get over yourself.’

  72. @anonymous105

    So basically these three letter imbeciles want all these brown and dark fuckers there because they want to be slave owners again. But that still doesn’t explain WHY they are putting Negros in high positions in Europe if this is true. A slave owner doesn’t give his bitch authority roles.

    •�Replies: @Antisemantic Prosecutor
  73. The full history of British aggression is too long to tell, but let’s cover a few salient points. There was Lord Balfour who promised to give Palestine to the Jews. The same man sent the British army to fight the Ottoman Empire, tearing away Palestine. Never forget that the British created Zionism, as proven by Professor Ould-Mey. For more, see my piece Why Palestine is Important. William Henry Hechler (1845- 1931) was “the British agent who actually fathered Zionism in Eastern Europe and Russia”, the man who turned Leo Pinsker into a Zionist, and later guided Theodor Herzl. In the 1930’s, the Brits suppressed all Palestinian attempts to gain independence. In the 1940’s, the Brits caused millions of Indians to die of starvation, using the same method they used to starve millions of Irish in the 19th century. The British attempted genocide numerous times: in North America, killing off the Native Americans, in Australia, exterminating the Aborigines, in New Zealand murdering the Maori.

    A. The Brits were only able to conquer Palestine from the Turks after the US entered the war and alleviated pressure from the Allies. Balfour was a reward to the Jews for drawing the US into the war.

    B. I have read that the Brits tried to protect Indians. One reason for the American Revolution was the determination of the colonists to migrate westward and seize lands the Brits promised to the Indians, who already had been displaced from the eastern seaboard by the same colonists.

    •�Replies: @Sarah
  74. Roger says: •�Website

    How silly!

    Oreshnik was only released a few weeks ago to the complete surprise of everyone and may be used again in the very near future, long before anyone else has the time and resources to counter it effectively. Its use was meant as a warning to the West, not to show off, and if the West has any sense at all, it will take the warning seriously.

    As for your contention that the West does it first, then talks about it, this seems to me equivalent to sucker-punching an old lady on the sidewalk, then bragging to your fellow thugs about it. Similar to the US destroying Libya and Muammar Ghadaffi, while Hillary Clinton laughs about it.

  75. @Anonymous

    Please commence a very long colonic with Manichewshits and gefilthy fish broth. The results are clear. Your eyeballs are already turning brown, Schlomo Lipschitz.

  76. Saggy says: •�Website

    One possible reason for the Oreshnik strike

    The Oreshnik strike was pure theater, there were no warheads … there was an aerial display and that was it. Ref: Rurik Skywalker …. who published before and after photos of the target

    Satellite images of Yuzhmash before and after Oreshnik have appeared. Visually, the strike did not cause any damage at all, which is not surprising.

    In fact, empty blanks without any warheads could not do anything. In response to the strikes of Storm Shadow and ATACMS, the ukrops got off with only a slight fright. What a disgrace!

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @Commentator Mike
  77. Indy says:

    I find it so annoying that the peoples of the British Isles get lumped in with the leaders/elites…a lot of us are knowledgeable to what’s actually going on by the way.I’m Welsh for what it’s worth and I despise our political caste.

  78. @NoBodyImportant

    Do your homework on the financial decisions, it’s out there and if you don’t have time to find out on your own, read Ariadna’s response to my post as a good starting point for when you find time.

    I didn’t talk about military decisions, I spoke of regulatory decisions. Read the post again.

    It is not a shame to be ignorant of something, I am ignorant of many subjects such as Medicine and Pharmacology. It is only shameful when you try to hide your ignorance instead of asking for help with tue knowledge.

  79. @Exalted Cyclops

    Let’s not forget that (((Britain))) is guilty of instigating the US Civil War between the states. Lincoln needed MONEY for the Union, for the country. This was before the Fed and money printing. The Rothchilds toasted their success; create a problem and catastrophe and warring factions. Then finance both sides and provide them with the means and instruments to kill each other.

    Laughter and merriment at their continued success, which included the partial financing of the American Railroad Expansion and many other natural resource endeavors. America, the golden egg laying goose for the International Kosher Knowstra.

    I’ll wager they threw great parties and balls at Rothchild Manor back in those days. Every brick in their mansions could represent a human skull as a result and consequence of their actions.

    •�Replies: @RedPill Boomer
  80. @ariadna

    Thanks Ariadna.

    The rumor is that Trump’s administration will cut 2 trillion from the budget. It is EZ to do. Now enjoy watching heads explode on the Media IC.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  81. EL_Kabong says:

    Not sure where you get your info but ICBMs travel at 15,000 – 18,000 mph which is mach 20 to mach 23

    •�Replies: @Roger
  82. @Voltarde

    “Those Anglo-Saxons love animals and hate people”

    Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street.

  83. @Saggy

    The game changer aspect seems to be that non-nuclear warheads can now be delivered to targets with enough kinetic energy that the resulting destruction is roughly equivalent to atomic explosions. No radiation issues. No requirements for slow-moving cargo planes to carry humongous bunker buster bombs over enemy territory.

  84. barracuda says:

    “Bloviator” is definitely the name for it, just like for Poot-in.

  85. Anonymous[194] •�Disclaimer says:

    Infantile or not, annihilating Britain is the right thing to do.

  86. Blah, blah, “exterminating” the Native Americans, Aborigines, and Maori. Balderdash! Germs brought by explorers did 90% of the damage. Brits were not the worst of the colonial powers and considerably more enlightened than most.

  87. @Poupon Marx

    The South had every right to secede. It’s a shame the Brits backed off on their support for the Confederacy.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  88. “The Russian fleet spent the winter of 1868 in New York and San Francisco, and told the Brits to bugger off.”

    Come off it, the Russian fleet back then wouldn’t have lasted an hour.

  89. Do not blame the British people, most of whom are reasonably decent and sensible. We can’t stop monsters like Johnson and Starmer being forced upon us by our ingeniously rigged electoral system. The elite class got the fright of their lives a few years ago when Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party – an actual Socialist! A terrible outbreak of democracy. They’ll never make that mistake again. Every single media figure and outlet piled onto him to condemn and ridicule him, including “left-wing” outlets such as The Guardian. We are almost as much under the thumb of the Israel lobby as the US, they just have to be a bit more discreet here.

  90. nognverra says:

    I know the name is a trope, but there really was one Count Coudenhove-Kalergi (himself of mixed race) who propagated in the 1920s a vision for a peaceful Europe: bring in Africans and other Europeans to mix in with the European people, create a docile, stupid populace, have the European aristocracy and the Jews become the rulers of said brown mass.
    That is the vision.

    Kalergi was offered material support for his work by a couple of prominent Jewish bankers, btw. After WW2, he was awarded the first Charlemagne prize, a major prize from the EU-orbit institutions to celebrate work towards building the new Europe.

    The EU has never disavowed Kalergi, but they’ve never translated and republished his works, including the incendiary prediction/suggestion outlined above.

    It seems the plan IS being followed today, including still the cooperation of part of the European aristocracy: notorious US activist Barbara Lerner Spectre, who had one infamous moment of on-camera candor, was awarded a major medal by the King of Sweden. Likewise, the Windsors have stood by silently for decades as England underwent the population transfusion.

    •�Thanks: ariadna, Sarah
  91. @ghali

    So Palestine is all that matters?

    You would welcome a nuclear attack on Britain with millions of people dying even as Israel has an even bigger supplier of arms just across the ocean?

    My advice is to keep this evil and counterproductive ethnocentrism hidden, it reminds me of a Talmudic Jew who only considers his own people to be real human beings.

    Better still: throw that mentality on the scrapheap and open your eyes.

    •�Replies: @ghali
  92. @RedPill Boomer

    Of course they did. All the Founding Fathers would agree to that. But like Germany, their action against the North was not well thought out. It was short term thinking, emotional, “We are in the right, so we will prevail” nonsense.

    I’ve lived in the South, worked with Southerners and Northerners for years, in close working relationships. The problem with the South was the lack of external supporters and allies. If they would have planned more carefully, and marched on Washington when it was defenseless, they could have negotiated a settlement and peace treaty granting them autonomy.

    The endemic problem was not adopting the Confederate Constitution when it was proposed and considered. And The South should have quietly prepared for war decades earlier, like V. V. Putin had done-quietly and clandestinely-back in the early 2000s. No hooray, fanfare, just cold calculation and a genius mind of intellectual rigor and future pattern formation. The South had nobody like him.

    Like aristocracies everywhere, the Southerners though much more of themselves than they really were.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  93. The oftener one reads certain assertions, the less persuasive the assertions become.

    At this crucial moment, British PM Boris Johnson went to Kiev and told the Ukrainians to renege on the agreement and resume fighting.

    If the Ukrainian government really desired peace in�2022, then why would they not simply have ignored Johnson? Was Johnson commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army? If we was not, then why Ukrainians should have heeded his orders is unclear.

    The Johnson story has always smelled like a distraction to me. I do not pretend to know the real story but I disbelieve the Johnson explanation.

    •�Replies: @Sarah
    , @dimples
  94. ariadna says:

    Don’t complain. “Gonchearov” brought us invaluable info, namely that “It is known fact that Putin was studying poorly at school” (a “known fact I did not know) and that the Hazelnut is nothing to worry about for the West.
    I could not finish reading the commnet because I had to go back to watch paint dry but as soon as I am free I will read all of it to get even more insight into Putin’s incompetence and Russia military’s poor shape.

  95. @Rooster199

    Every single media figure and outlet piled onto [Jeremy Corbyn] to condemn and ridicule him….

    I know why they piled on, but why did the piling on work? Did mere condemnation and ridicule alone suffice to separate Corbyn’s supporters from him?

    (I am not British, so I have no point to make. My question is just a question. Corbyn’s fall from authority surprised me from a distance but, since I know little about Corbyn and the politics in which he was entangled, I have never known quite what to make of Corbyn’s debacle. This is why I ask.)

    •�Replies: @Rooster199
  96. @Anonymous1707

    Thanks for the laugh.
    Hadrian’s wall wasn’t built to stop the inhabitants of England attacking Scotland.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous1707
  97. When it comes to deviant genital circumcision,
    America is in the same league as Israel or North
    Africa, even surpassing countries like Sudan, i.e.
    roughly where child marriage is also legal.


    A truly odd peculiarity. Politically, however, it fits
    into the scheme, because just as with Jews and
    Muslims, American politics can only be understood
    as compensation for severe early childhood traumatization.

    Video Link

    Video Link

    Where is my foreskin, tell me, who stole it?
    Where is my foreskin, who dared to do that?

    I get up, oh my shock, my foreskin is gone!
    Overnight, but it was still there yesterday.
    Without a cap, just bald, I miss it so much.
    Tell me, where has it gone, the skin on my wiener?

    (Repeat Refrain)

    Tell me, who dared to come to my sacred protection?
    The lid is off my wiener. I loved it so much,
    but someone had something against it.
    Now it’s no fun waving my palm anymore.
    I wish I knew where my foreskin was.
    Please find me the nasty foreskin thief!

    (Repeat Refrain)

    Video Link

    He walked through the jungle and bushes,
    saw the mountains and also the desert.
    He has done many tours by day and by night.

    A willy on the move,
    he goes from house to house
    and chooses the most beautiful beds.
    A wandering willy, come on, let him in!
    A willy must never be alone.

    He wanders a lot and always further
    and works as a guest worker,
    sometimes as a speleologist,
    sometimes in tunnel construction,
    good for a quick job, he takes it very seriously.

    (Repeat Refrain)

    Sometimes he takes an injury in his stride,
    sometimes he chafes in the dry.
    And once or twice he almost broke,
    but then he smelled the next adventure.

    (Repeat Refrain)

    And when you go looking for him,
    he’s usually already over the hills.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  98. The British attempted genocide…in North America, killing off the Native Americans

    Meh. Injuns died mostly from diseases like smallpox, which they were not immune to.

    Also, Brits could not have intentionally spread smallpox via “tainted blankets” and so on, either. Germ Theory wasn’t even hypothesized (by Semmelweis, Koch, and others) until the 1850s onward.

    •�Replies: @Sarah
  99. @NoBodyImportant

    But that still doesn’t explain WHY they are putting Negros in high positions in Europe if this is true. A slave owner doesn’t give his bitch authority roles.

    Only if you believe slavery is a dichotomy and not a hierarchy. The kapo system occurs throughout history, and in both German and Soviet labor camps. It’s easier to control local warlords and have them govern than to police the entire population yourself. Colonizer tactics.

    For the “why,” consider that they have done this in the US for some time as well. Claudine Gay is a recent example. When she bit the hand that fed her and refused to kowtow to Jews, (((Bill Ackman))) saw to it that she was taken down. Blacks are supposed to be unsophisticated and easily manipulated. She was not, and made herself a problem. There is nothing more dangerous than an educated Negro.

    Blacks have outlived their utility as stooges though; they are being replaced with Indians.

  100. ghali says:
    @Norwegian Troll

    So, you think Britons matter, but not Russians or Palestinians. Britain’s lobby is not. As we speak, Britain is lobbying the U.S. to attack Russia with nuclear bombs and wants to store nuclear bombs in Ukraine, just in case. You are a savage and unconscionable Jew. The Jews in Israel are lobbying to bomb 90 million Iranians with nuclear bombs. You are a fucking idiot. The world would be a peaceful place without the Brits and their unconscionable Jewish masters.

  101. Roger says:

    I stand corrected and admit the mistake. My apologies.

    •�Replies: @EL_Kabong
  102. QCIC says:

    Don’t fall into the wunderwaffe trap. A new weapon does not need science fiction capability to be significant in combat. Russia could have successfully attacked Pivdenmash in Dnipro with missiles she already uses. The strike was a message to Western military strategic nuclear planners illustrating that Russia has nuclear warheads which can make it through missile defenses. This demonstrates that the Avangard warheads are a real weapon since they most likely use similar technologies as Oreshnik. Relevant engineering includes high temperature construction and cooling and appropriate guidance technology. The strike also shows that Russia can now perform conventional (non-nuclear) missile strikes against very well defended targets at greatly increased range compared to what was previously possible.

    The kinetic warheads used last week are fine for some targets but we have no idea what mass they have so the combat potential is unknown. However, a cluster of six submunitions seems intentional, ergo this version is intended for certain types of targets. In other words, 6 larger submunitions might be better than 36 smaller ones in some cases. On the other hand, it seems unlikely they would have designed a system for 36 nuclear warheads.

    Oreshnik may simply be a much longer range version of the Zircon hypersonic missile concept, nothing more, but nothing less. This is a missile the military would use to soften up a heavily defended target which would subsequently be attacked more thoroughly with conventional long range cruise missiles. Previously the Russians could do this to roughly 600 miles with Zircon and long range subsonic missiles. If the Hazel increases this to 1500 miles that is a big increase.

  103. @Saggy

    Putin said that at Mach 10 the missile generates temperatures of 4,000 degrees C which atomises matter and turns everything to dust. It is true that it would generate such a plasma but at what distance from the missile? Would 36 such missiles be sufficient to pulverised a mile by mile and a half site?

    I suppose one possibility would be to use these weapons to penetrate into deep underground bunkers and then follow through with precision weapons carrying explosives through the openings to destroy everything underground.

    Why aren’t we being shown pictures of the site and also what damage was caused underground? These missiles penetrated deep under the surface where they could have caused explosions. It is possible that all that would be seen from aerial photographs are just some holes in the roofs.

  104. MH370 hijacked and stolen the entire crew and passengers murdered, to become MH17 to be used as a prop plane in the Ukraine.

    The Rolls Royce satellite engine monitoring system was communicating long after it vanished from radar.

  105. @nognverra

    They are putting foreigners in the fake positions of power that represent the sham of democracy in Britain used to placate the plebs and keep us arguing amongst ourselves. The ruling class remain: Horse faced, workshy, inbred snobs of German ancestry who despise the working class indigenous British people who’s hard work has enriched them historically as much as they despise the brown and yellow people who’s hard work enriches them now, and hook nosed, inbred, workshy Jewish bankers who steal everything, manipulate everything and hate everything that isn’t Jewish and rich.

    The ruling elite of Britain do not represent me and nothing they do is in my name. I’m British and I agree, a thermonuclear device detonated above the City of London would be doing a great service to to World. Putin isn’t the man to do it though, he’s another cog in the globalist machine, that’s all.

    •�Replies: @nognverra
  106. @Amon

    Hilaire Belloc calculated 100 years ago that at least 80% of the aristocracy had married into jewish money. It must be 100% by now.

  107. @Bill Jones

    Rome invaded the british isles.

    Scots are proud the romans were unable to conquer them, unlike the southern rabble, who got taxed, enslaved and romanised.

  108. @Anonymous1707

    How typically Scotch of a Jock to disclaim any responsibility for the excesses of the ‘British’ Empire (in reality English), in which they were all more than happy to play a part, from which they were all more than happy to profit, and are still unable to refrain from claiming, falsely, that they played the biggest and most effective role in building and defending.

    As for thinking you our best mates: that is a common delusion in North Britain, a childish consolation for your knowledge that we never think of you except when your whining and demanding become deafening, at which point we think of you only as an unjustifiable expense and an insufferable nuisance. Many in England would happily vote you out of the disgracefully lop-sided ‘union’, were we ever to be given a referendum, as you have, so many times, on the future of the now far from united ‘United’ Kingdom. However, the ‘British’ authorities are too fearful that we will vote to dissolve it, as only we can, which is another fact that upsets you so much.

    We laugh at you. Now off you trot laddie.

  109. @Anonymous1707

    How stupid are you? The ‘southern rabble who got (sic) , (sic) taxed enslaved and romanised (sic)’ were British, like the northern rabble who, although notionally unconquered, were nonetheless subordinate to Rome and were partially Romanised. The English did not start to arrive in the British Isles until after the Romans had left.

    We used to be told, ad nauseam, how superior the Scotch education system was to ours, however, all we ever see is irrefutable evidence of its inferiority. You are ignorant childish savages who couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery and cannot fight your way out of a paper bag.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Quincas Borba
  110. @Anonymous1707

    The Scots were Irish imperialists who crossed the Irish Sea, invaded Pictland, conquered the natives and renamed it Scotland.

    Stop being such a whiny victimologist. If you think Scotland is better off out of the UK, fine. But your rant is embarrassing. Take a deep breath and at least pretend to be a sane human being.

  111. Odyssey says:

    I have repeatedly called on Polish commentators to comment on the Russian offer, presented by Medvedev, but they ignored it, and one even mockingly mentioned it, even though it was a choice between Poland’s (and Polish) survival or its expansion by a third, plus lasting peace and countless economic benefits. I offered my mediation services and emphasized that the window of opportunity was limited in time. All of this was unsuccessful, and the situation has changed.


    The division of Ukraine is not a new idea. The Russian intelligence service (SVR) claims that the Americans and the NATO leadership have prepared a “partition plan” with occupation zones. It’s just that the occupation forces will be declared peacekeepers.

    The SVR reminds us that Poland has long wanted to regain its “eastern lands” (western regions of Ukraine) and states that these “lands” were left to “Polish peacekeepers”.

    The Black Sea coast of Ukraine – according to the same NATO plan – will be left to Romania.

    The centre and east of Ukraine – to Germany, and the northern regions, including Kiev – to Great Britain.

    In total, NATO plans to introduce 100 thousand so-called peacekeepers into Ukraine.
    The SVR emphasizes that the West is preparing for occupation zones due to the “absence of prospects for inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield”.

    This means that the conflict must be frozen until better times, when Kiev will become stronger again and be ready for a rematch.

    Boris Johnson speaks about this:

    I think we should send troops to Ukraine. Not combat troops to confront the Russians. But I think a multinational European peacekeeping force is needed to control the border and help the Ukrainians. I don’t see how such a European operation could take place without the British. We should be there. Ukraine is actually a very rich country with huge potential. They will be able to cover their defence costs.

    Occupation zones as envisioned by NATO:

    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  112. @Anonymous1707

    If all Scots hate the English, why didn’t the independence referendum pass?

    Wait, let me guess, it was a conspiracy of some kind.

  113. @Anonymous

    Yeah, Israel Shamir is good on some topics, but obviously doesn’t quite understand the distinction between UK, Britain and England.

  114. EL_Kabong says:

    No problem. I am certainly no expert on that myself but when I rea your comment I looked it up. Obviously I’m not a grammar-nazi, I’m a mph to mach nazi lol

  115. martin_2 says:

    Scots are proud the romans were unable to conquer them

    Historians of the period say that some Romans thought that England was hardly worth conquering. Scotland was apparently definitely not worth the trouble.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous1707
  116. ariadna says:
    @Carlo Malfredi

    Quite a collection you have of circumcision-inspired cries of the heart.

    “because just as with Jews and Muslims, American politics can only be understood as compensation for severe early childhood traumatization.”

    There are differences between the three. Only for Jews and Muslims (who copied them) is it a religious rite: for Jews it is the mark of ” choseness” (Jewish supremacy), and it is done on 8-day-old babies; for Muslim it is confirmation rite of passage into adulthood and it is done on 12-year old boys (still mutilation and still a trauma but not early childhood trauma).
    To the Americans it is sold as a “preventive medical procedure.” In its “glory” days it was carried out routinely in maternities. Now the parents’ consent is required, and it is declining in large part becausue of the increase in the number of Hispanics. The low number in Italy –as among Hispanics–may be Catholicism.
    American politics can be understood better not as result of early childhood circumcision but rather of life-long indoctrination and brain-washing by the same people who pushed circumcision on them.

    •�Agree: Bro43rd
    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @Carlo Malfredi
  117. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Marge is usually a numbnut but kudos to her on this matter.


    The War Machine..
    I’ll explain how it works and why I don’t vote for it.
    The Defense Industrial Base is tax payer funded gov contracts with American companies to build weapons, ammunition, and military equipment – made in America with American jobs.
    The pitch they give members of Congress and Senators is that we MUST vote for the annual defense budget and other programs in order to fund America’s military and defense of the United States of America.
    AND they always add how important these gov contracts are with American companies because they create jobs and continued funding protects these jobs.
    They will also gladly show each of us a map of where these companies are, and number of jobs, in each of our districts or states, and to increase pressure on us they will throw in where military bases are in our districts.
    This is implied understanding of how many votes that we could lose if we don’t vote YES to continue the funding for the defense contracts in our district and the number of military votes we could lose as well if we vote NO to military funding.
    Of course add in the shaming of “you don’t support the military?!”
    Many appropriation bills contain gov contracts with the defense industrial base which currently is an economic driver created by a business model that is built on murder, war, and destruction in foreign countries around the world.
    The reason why I adamantly oppose this business model is because of the way it works.
    They give away the older weapons, ammunition, and military equipment to countries the U.S. supports in the name of defending democracy and beating the current bad guy, in order to create the need to sign new defense contracts to build new weapons, ammunition, and military equipment to replenish the old.
    Of course, giving away old weapons and equipment to countries like Ukraine comes with U.S. “advisers” on how to use these deadly gifts against their enemies, which also requires more funding.
    This is all in the name of “responsibility.”
    This bloody business model creates an annual defense budget of over $850 billion per year, but that’s just the starter package.
    Funding foreign wars like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, and all the rest actually have cost the American people TRILLIONS of their hard earned tax dollars that comes with the “reasons” of creating American jobs and replenishing America’s military and to support the Military Industrial Economic Base.
    When you combine the reality of American tax payers enslaved in debt by paying for murder and war in foreign lands that don’t affect us with stupid decisions by politicians and unelected bureaucrats that led us to $36 trillion in debt which has driven life to be unaffordable, open border policies that have empowered the international criminal cartels trafficking drugs, people, and killing Americans, crumbling infrastructure, dying prosperity and hope for young Americans, and the dumbing down of our youth through failing education and immoral cultural norms, this is why I adamantly OPPOSE and will FIGHT against this evil insanity.
    You see when our self righteous government claims to defend freedom and democracy around the world, by regime change with its almighty military forces and strength, boasting about the taxpayer funded Military Industrial Economic Base, while virtually kicking the hard working American people in the gut every damn day making them pay for it all, while simultaneously not defending our own border, the people hate the government and it’s pathetic little shills in the media.
    It’s time to start a new era of economic prosperity for Americans that isn’t built on a never ending pile of foreign dead bodies.

  118. nognverra says:
    @Bob the Hod

    The author claims it was the British who somehow pushed Zionism (in Palestine) onto the Jews, but the Jews have a very specific end-times prophecy/plan they are trying to fulfill. Did all that originate from the Brits?

    I can see Jews in very prominent positions of power in many Western governments, the corporate world, banking. We can see them operating blackmail operations at the highest level. We can see how their interests are always defended.

    Is ALL that an operation still run by a mythical powerful invisible Anglo elite?

    It seems the author it trying to make the Anglos a scapegoat of Jewish global elite’s sins.

    •�Replies: @Kaiser Wilhelm
  119. anon[655] •�Disclaimer says:

    Putin did manage quite well after the usual haters ‘allowed’ the (long planned) long range missiles newest aggression.

    Russians know how to play chess, anglo-US not so since Bobby Fisher is no more.

    However, I agree with Paul Craig Roberts that a Blitzkrieg with all its might on Ukraine in the first months of the ‘Special Operation’ would have shortened this war by annihilating quickly Ukrainian forces and seizing what needed to be seized as a buffer zone.

    Putin did well, but they are after him in other theaters like leeches. One is Syria which is under attack by US-Israel proxy terror groups, which is manageable by Russia an Syria.

    I would be more worried by the second theater which is Georgia where the ‘western’ coup makers are now trying to repeat the scenario they played in 2014 in Ukraine, with the help of their local sold-out agents including the actual president.

    Police use water cannon against pro-EU protesters in Georgia (VIDEOS)

    If Putin has learned from his mistakes from 2014, he knows he will have to do something to stop this new ‘color revolution’ attempt at Russia’s door.

    •�Agree: JR Foley
    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  120. Corvinus says:

    “Immediately afterwards, British agents began to encourage Polish intransigence against Germany. British efforts deliberately undermined all attempts to form a compromise between Germany and Poland over Danzig.”

    Corrected for accuracy —> British officials and those who were considered to be the spokespersons for Polish independence, having long suffered at the hands of foreign powers, worked out a deal in the interest of Polish nationalism and self-rule. This, a white nation was born for this particular ethnic group.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  121. Hymn43 says:

    they simply need to do a precision elimination of the city of London that would solve many problems.

  122. @ariadna

    American politics can be understood better not as result of early childhood circumcision but rather of life-long indoctrination and brain-washing by the same people who pushed circumcision on them.

    Having to illuminate the elementary and obvious to a crowd of Low Po(tential) Low Output units is charity work and missionary level. You get Peace Corps credits, which unfortunately are like Confederate dollars.

  123. @Odyssey

    The Polacks are nervous like gerbils in a homo bar because it would reopen
    the question of Occupied East Germany (= the part of “Poland” with industry
    and indoor plumbing) and for what?!
    Galicia and Volhynia, backwoods and swamp full of Banderites* and Jews;
    Holy Mother of God of Tschenstochau, what a deal.

    *Need I really remind anyone Stepan personally assassinated the Polish
    police minister?

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  124. @Goldgettin

    What a master piece article by Israel Shamir.

    If the Russians are forced to fight WW3 by the Anglo-Zionist empire, the first place the Russians must nuke is The City of London. Then Tel Aviv, and then New York City, Hollywood, and Washington DC.

    •�Replies: @nognverra
  125. @nognverra

    The specific Jewish theology of making the Messias come dove tails with historic WASP views and plans. WASPs and Jews are natural partners.

    •�Agree: Quincas Borba
    •�Replies: @nognverra
  126. Wokechoke says:

    It was mostly about the puddle of Jews clustered around Warsaw closely related to a puddle of Jews in London than anything about Birth a White Nation.

    •�Replies: @Corvinus
  127. Odyssey says:

    Quoting Odyssey myself:

    …I ‘read’ the (O: Medvedev’s) map, explained it and the logical consequences that flow from it – lasting reconciliation, border security, an almost completely demilitarized Ukraine today, economic cooperation, access to Russian gas, minerals, Arctic oil at discounted prices, an economic corridor to China and Asia, joint projects, access to the Russian and Asian markets, security of the Polish border on the German side, expansion of Poland’s territory by a third.

    Otherwise – Poland will have Russian tanks and rockets near Lviv, constant tension and military readiness (=$$$), Poland, as the closest, will be the first target of Russian nuclear retaliation to a provocation that the US and UK will surely carry out at some point, a colonial position towards the US and complete dependence, serving as cannon fodder for insidious English policy, being cut off from Russian resources or at the highest prices, the inability to sell anything to the Americans and Germans (except perhaps cheap agricultural products), etc.

    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  128. Wokechoke says:
    @William Gruff

    It’s highly likely that the Romans had Germanic and Batavian mercenaries in Britannia before 100AD. The Claudian invasion utilized Batavian (essentially Dutch,Frisian, Germans) auxiliaries doing the fighting.

    England’s West German dialect probably came with those invasion forces. The idea of a population migration/wholesale massacre is not supported by any Archeological evidence. The Histrionics of Bede do not a history make.

    •�Replies: @Coconuts
    , @William Gruff
  129. @ariadna

    I would argue that the young man doesn’t really care for what “reasons” he is robbed of a piece of his body. In this case, there was an encroachment on physical and bodly integrity. Viewed holistically, this is of course a theft of souls.

    An appendix or thyroid gland is also often removed for medical reasons, but only if they are causing pathological problems. Some people even “donate” an organ such as a liver or kidney. Understandable at best from a family point of view.

    They are, of course, going against nature, which obviously had something in mind when it provided them with a body that had not been plundered. Of course, we can survive with just one lung, but it cannot do the work that two would be able to do.

    That circumcisers talk about “medical” reasons is, IMHO, the purest perversion of a medicine based on a holistic understanding of nature. As we know, in Africa even the labia and clitoris of little girls are cut off, a downright barbaric crime in which many even die.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  130. Sarah says:
    @Michael Korn

    B. I have read that the Brits tried to protect Indians. One reason for the American Revolution was the determination of the colonists to migrate westward and seize lands the Brits promised to the Indians, who already had been displaced from the eastern seaboard by the same colonists.

    Sources ?

  131. @Odyssey

    As long as Germany is occupied that´s the logical approach;
    Dmitry Anatolyevich neatly lays out the Ruskie minimum demands.

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  132. Britain, like the US, is 100% Jewish-controlled territory and has been for 200 years. So Shamir is being dishonest here. It’s the Jews on both sides of the Atlantic who love to see the goyim slaughtered whilst they reap the rewards of war.

    •�Agree: Quincas Borba
  133. To be fair, the regular Brits are just as much of victims as anyone else. The shylocks that ruled/rule Britain, like the sassoon family got regular poor and working class Brits to do their dirty work and get the Chinese hooked on opium….all so the rich jewish sassoons could get even richer.

    The (((city of london))) and the traditional (((merchants))) and (((banksters))) of Europe were the ones to benefit the most from Britain’s colonial exploits. However, most regular Brits were just as poor and impoverished as those the British elite oppressed (like the Irish).

    I can’t blame the regular Brits of today for what jewish and shabbos goy elites did in the past. Just look at the White gentile indigenous Brits of today. Their rotten to the core ZOG is literally replacing them with paki rapists, nigerians, indians and every kind of imaginable third world interloper. Any time a White Brit dares to speak up about it, they have their careers and lives destroyed. That isn’t justice….that is ZOG repression.

    I’m Irish and once contemplated joining the IRA. However, the regular British working class White gentile people are our brothers and sisters. I don’t want any harm being done to them. However, I think their jewish and ruling classes should be destroyed.

    Wipe out the (((banksters))) in the city of london and (((those that run wallstreet)))) in manhattan. Nuke (((hollywood))), raytheon, lockheed, and the rest of the US military industrial complex as well. That would be a good start.

    •�Agree: Arthur MacBride
    •�Replies: @Quincas Borba
    , @JM
  134. Corvinus says:

    “It was mostly about the puddle of Jews clustered around Warsaw closely related to a puddle of Jews in London than anything about Birth a White Nation”

    No, it was the Polish, Jew and non-Jew, who sought to create what came to be a white homeland by way of self-rule and freedom of association.

    The end result was a white nation. Why do hate your own kind securing a white homeland?

  135. @anon

    Just waiting for some snipers of unknown provenance to start shooting at demonstrators in Tbilisi. “Maidan” has become a standard MO of the West in its hybrid warfare against the rising East. Lukashenko did well to suppress the colour revolution. The colour revolutionists are now silent in Belarus.

  136. Bankotsu says:

    The Brits like to instigate international wars…

    …Churchill[WWII UK PM] was not even apparently unwilling to rule out that Nazi Germany might have to be utilised as a counter against ‘such a Russia’. For on 4 August 1936 he was sent a private letter by an intimate friend General Sir Hugh Tudor, who argued as follows:


    The situation in Europe certainly seems to be getting worse.
    Spain is a new complication. If the rebels win the Fascist group will be strengthened in Europe, and Spain may line up with Italy an Germany.

    If the red Government wins Bolshevism will come very near us.
    With Spain Bolshie, France half Bolshie, and Russia subsidising our communists are we going to line up with them and Russia?

    I know how important even vital our friendship with France is, but I feel many in England would rather make a strong western pact with Germany and France and let Germany settle Russia and Bolshevism in her own way. No doubt Germany would eventually be stronger after defeating Russia but in the meantime we and France would have time to get our defences right; and it would take years before Germany would be in a position to make war again, nor do I suppose she would want to having got a satisfactory expansion. Even Germany cannot like war. Russia deserves what is coming to her, as she will never stop undermining capitalistic governments in every way she can. If she is left alone, in 1o years or so she will be the strongest power on earth and she may want to take in India and may be a more dangerous enemy than Germany.’

    Churchill’s remarkable reply read:

    I have, as you divine, been much perturbed in my thoughts by the Spanish explosion. I feel acutely the weight of what you say … I am sure it represents the strong and growing section of Conservative opinion, and events seem to be driving us in that direction.

    https://www.jstor.org/stable/3679427 https://annas-archive.org/scidb/10.2307/3679427

    See also page 220 of this book:

    “…there is the example of one old Appeaser who did in fact “give the game away” in an interview with the press: in 1962 Sir Alec Douglas-Home [later UK PM in 1963] (then Lord Home) explained to his interviewer this about Appeasement in the 1930’s, when he was Private Parliamentary Secretary to Neville Chamberlain:

    I think the main thing to grasp is that Chamberlain, like many others, saw Communism as the major long-term danger. He hated Hitler and German Fascism, but he felt that Europe in general and Britain in particular [why, “in particular”?] were in even greater danger from Communism. Hitler was an evil man but in the short term one should—and possibly could— do a deal with him, and after that he could be controlled. He didn’t realise till too late you see that the man was mad and his policy aimed at war…


    Two weeks after Munich, [former UK PM] Baldwin said prophetically in a conversation with Lord Hinchingbrooke: “Can’t we turn Hitler East? Napoleon broke himself against the Russians. Hitler might do the same”.


    “We none of us know what is going on in that strange man’s mind. We all know the German desire as he has come out with in his book [Mein Kampf] to move East, and if he moves East, I shall not break my heart, but that is another thing. I do not believe he wants to move West, because West would be a very difficult programme for him … If there is any fighting in Europe to be done, I should like to see the Bolsheviks and Nazis doing it.

    Baldwin to the deputation at the end of July, 1936, as quoted in Baldwin : A Biography by Keith Middlemas and John Barnes (1969), p. 947, p. 955.


    …Eden[later UK PM in 1955] noted in his diary after talks with Hitler:”Only thing Hitler wants is Air Pact without limitation. Simon much inclined to bite at this….I had to protest and he gave up the idea…. Simon toys with the idea of letting Germany expand eastwards. I am strongly against. Apart from dishonesty it would be out turn next”(cited in Dutton 1994, 50)…


    John Simon

    Edward Heath[UK PM in 1970]: I think the Soviet Union has a lot of troubles. They are facing domestic economic difficulties and agricultural predicament, and there are also differences within the leadership, over questions of tactics and timing, not over long-term strategy.

    Mao Zedong: I think the Soviet Union is busy with its own affairs and unable to deal with Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, China and the Pacific. I think it will lose.

    Heath: However, its military strength is continually augmented. Although the Soviet Union has encountered troubles at many places in the world, its strength is continuing to grow. Therefore, we deem this to be the principal threat. Does the Chairman think the Soviet Union constitutes a menace to China?

    Mao: We are prepared for it to come, but it will collapse if it comes. It has only a handful of troops, and you Europeans are so frightened of it! Some people in the West are always trying to direct this calamity toward China. Your senior, Chamberlain, and also Daladier of France were the ones who pushed Germany eastward.

    Edward Heath: I opposed Mr. Chamberlain then.

    Mao: I am chiefly speaking of the public in the U.S I haven’t seen much about the British public talking about the Soviet Union invading China.

    Heath: If Europe is weak, it is possible that a Soviet attempt against China would succeed. Therefore a powerful Europe is very important; it will make the Soviet Union worry.

    Mao: We shall be glad to have Europe become powerful…


    As Prof Carroll Quigley put it:

    …the British Conservative government had reached the fantastic idea that they could kill two birds with one stone by setting Germany and Russia against one another in Eastern Europe.

    In this way they felt that the two enemies would stalemate one another, or that Germany would become satisfied with the oil of Rumania and the wheat of the Ukraine. It never occurred to anyone in a responsible position that Germany and Russia might make common cause, even temporarily, against the West. Even less did it occur to them that Russia might beat Germany and thus open all Central Europe to Bolshevism…

    …In order to carry out this plan of allowing Germany to drive eastward against Russia, it was necessary to do three things:

    (1) to liquidate all the countries standing between Germany and Russia;
    (2) to prevent France from honoring her alliances with these countries; and
    (3) to hoodwink the English people into accepting this as a necessary, indeed, the only solution to the international problem.

    The Chamberlain group were so successful in all three of these things that they came within an ace of succeeding, and failed only because of the obstinacy of the Poles, the unseemly haste of Hitler, and the fact that at the eleventh hour…”

    …This idea of bringing Germany into a collision with Russia
    was not to be found, so far as the evidence shows, among any members of the inner circle of the Milner Group. Rather it was to be found among the personal associates of Neville Chamberlain, including several members of the second circle of the Milner Group. The two policies followed parallel courses until March 1939. After that date the Milner Group’s disintegration became very evident, and part of it took the form of the movement of several persons (like Hoare and Simon) from the second circle of the Milner Group to the inner circle of the new group…


    More sources here at comments 30, 63 and 153:


  137. nognverra says:
    @Kaiser Wilhelm

    There is no powerful Anglo elite.
    They had already lost their grip on the US by the late 1970s.
    Some liars like Jay Dyer and Alex Jones still pretend that it’s the “Rockefellers” in charge.
    There is a Rockefeller Institute, but it’s been a skin-suit for a long time.

  138. PatN says:

    I remember a quote some years back by Putin. He said growing up in the streets of Leningrad, you learned to avoid a fight if at all possible. However, if a fight is inevitable, make sure you hit first

  139. Odyssey says:

    Of course, need I say – the guys from the field should leave NATO.

    •�LOL: nokangaroos
  140. There is no need for bombing anything, just cut off gas and oil flows to the Waste. Not diverting to India or China, so they resell it at markup to the Waste.
    Just cut it off…
    Anyway, since Russia, obeying to the Waste, won’t cut it off, bombing is “de rigueur” again. I would suggest bombing hard targets for “Hazels” as, the City of London, Wall Street in NYC, CME market in Chicago, Toronto SE, and so on.

  141. @Joe Paluka

    The Russian fleet spent the winter of 1868 in New York and San Francisco, and told the Brits to bugger off.”

    The Civil War ended in 1865, either you have the year wrong

    As Exalted Cyclops said, the visit was in 1863, the turning point of the War, not 1868 when the War was already over for three years.

    The relatively weak Russian Fleet wasn’t much of a threat to the British Royal Navy, it was more of a diplomatic gesture that Russia would not cooperate with Britain’s and France’s project to sever the Confederacy from the Union. Russia wasn’t laying down the law to Britain, just incrementally ratcheting up the cost of the Anglo-Gallic plan to weaken America, and given that Britain and France ultimately withheld Confederate support, it may have worked.

    For Russia, sea power has always been secondary to land power. The Russian government correctly understood that their modest Fleet could as easily be a hostage of the superior British and French Navies (against whom they had just fought the Crimean War a mere seven years earlier, with only the US as a significant backer) as an offensive asset. By leapfrogging their Fleet beyond the naval chokepoints of the Eurasian perimeter, they positioned their ships as potential commerce raiders on the world ocean rather than bottled-up hostages in Baltic and Far Eastern ports. Thus Russia simultaneously reinforced an advantageous diplomatic tie to the US and multiplied the threat their modest Navy posed to Britain and France who were themselves threatening another war with Russia, this time on the pretext of Polish independence.

  142. nognverra says:
    @Kaiser Wilhelm

    Everyone can name tens of very, very influential Jewish people and organizations.

    How many same-level influential Anglo elite people and organizations can you name? For good measure: name a few instance in which they managed to counter Zionist interests. The opposite goes on all the time.

    Not so easy, because there is no organized Anglo elite power. At most you get individual power-brokers like Clinton, who are mere pivots on which actual large interests balance.

  143. ariadna says:
    @Carlo Malfredi

    I fully respect and endorse your position on the integrity of the human body, NONE of whose parts is superfluous and disposable.
    Organ donation, however, no matter how you feel about it, does not belong in this discussion about circumcision.
    A live person may donate part of an organ (e.g., one lung, but NOT the liver, without which the donor would not survive) in order to save another life, while the donor may continue to survive.
    Whole organs, harvested from people immediately upon death or clinically dead (brain dead) for the same purpose, are based on those people’s prior specific, legally expressed will.
    Excisions of a whole organ for medical indications have shown that whereas such extirpation may have saved the patient’s life, it inevitably causes various degrees of disfunction. One example you can skip if it bores you:
    Cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder) is performed in cases where gallstones formed by crystallization of the bile may perforate the duct connecting the gallbladder to the small intestine and enter the bloodstream causing death. I have personally seen such a dying patient, an unforgettable nightmarish sight: he was green!
    Nevertheless, after removal of the gallbladder, the duct from the liver is connected directly to the small intestine. You must remember that the gallbladder — the only organ in perpetual motion that constantly contracts rhythmically other than the heart– is simply the storage pouch of bile that comes from the liver drop by drop. It keeps working like that to maintain the bile fluid and prevent it from crystalizing (which still happens if the liver produces “wrong” levels of alkaline components.) Normally, when the stomach receives a “load” of fatty and/or fried food, a signal is transmitted to the gallbladder, which instantly contracts and releases its entire deposit of bile into the small intestine, bathing the “load” in order to process the fats. In a patient who no longer has a gallbladder, the bile only arrives from the liver drop by drop. High LD cholesterol is the result among other side effects.
    Therefore, while unavoidable in some cases, organ removal always has a price tag.

    Circumcisions not carried out for medical indications are not meant to benefit anyone.
    They can only harm.

    •�Replies: @Michael Korn
  144. @King Edward I

    Many white working class members volunteered to fight with the communists in the Spanish civil war.
    They still regard their victories in the two world wars as the high point of their civilization. How many times have I heard the expression ‘ If it weren’t for us you’d be speaking German’.
    The anti-German reflex is still widespread among the English.
    They are still easy to manipulate as the simple trick of labelling anyone who opposes the present destruction of Britain as a fascist, demonstrates.

    •�Replies: @King Edward I
  145. @martin_2

    – the romans just stopped because they couldn’t be bothered??

    Anglo cope – the romans, the conquerors of anything they could, got to Scotland and became hippies – pls no bully, let’s be friends, live and let live? Not credible. Scotland was a big forest, why not turn it into ships, conquer Ireland, Scandinavia and maybe even get to America?

    How often did the romans build a wall because they were scared?

    And if the romans couldn’t be bothered, why did they keep trying to conquer it?

    Ancient Scots also fought off the germanic mercenaries rome imported into northumbria to fight them.

    The vikings didn’t do much to us. Nor did the anglos or normans. But the “english” are a people who are repeatedly conquered, they only have a talent for the lowlife con and the stab in the back. The anglo saxon thus has a slave mentality, unlike the celt, who understands freedom; but they had the numbers. Not all that good at fighting, in battles fought, the Scots beat the English 29-22.

    The present situation and the fallacy of “england conquered scotland” needs explanation – the act of union is a complicated tale of treachery, interwoven with the reformation, and religio dynastic struggles. But it took Scotland’s own leaders to sell the country down the river.

    •�Replies: @martin_2
  146. @William Gruff

    When the jews were expelled from England in 1242 many went to Scotland.
    I don’t know how true it is but I read that Scotland is the only European country that has never expelled the jews.
    Chesterton wrote that this was one of the reasons for the Scottish adoption of Presbyterianism.
    For me it certainly explains the ‘ Scottish Raj’.
    I have a sneaky feeling that many ‘scottish’ mps (Kier Starmer ?) are in fact cryptos.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  147. Let’s not forget that Britain is guilty of instigating the US Civil War between the states. London was preparing to send the British Navy to aid the Confederate Army until the Russians stepped in and saved the Union’s bacon. The Russian fleet spent the winter of 1868 in New York and San Francisco, and told the Brits to bugger off.

    This must be a misprint since the American Civil War ran from 1861-1865.

    Please see these:



  148. Coconuts says:

    I thought recent genetic research had largely proved Bede’s narrative correct. There was sustained large scale migration of Germanic populations from continental Europe into what became England.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  149. ariadna says:
    @One Nobody

    I think you thanked me because you misunderstood my comment…

  150. > half a million Ukrainian fighting men are dead
    The last serious figure, as of 31 Oct 2024, was 900,000 dead and 1.6 million permanently disabled. Against 60,000 Russian dead.

    > Oreshnik, the latest medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile with multiple nuclear-capable warheads
    MIRV is not multiple nuclear-capable warheads, but Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles, which means it splits into six missiles upon re-entry, each independently aimed. Separately, each MIRV has with six warheads, 36 total. So it can strike one target with six MIRVs (as it did in Dnipro) or six different targets.

    > Hazel
    If you watch the video of the new missile, you might see an echo of the hazel flower, a cascade of six missiles over one target area:

  151. Thank you Mr Shamir for the thought provoking essay! I’ve been thinking about the subject matter for sometimes but had no solution to put in words and you’ve done it for me excellently!
    As you said the world will be free of all evil doers in UK if Putin decides to drop off few Orshnicks bombs w/o radiation on UK and sink the freaking tiny Island. You also said that list of UK atrocities is very long but only mentioned a few of them! Well let me add a couple more to your list. An asshole by the name of William N. Darcy, a UK citizen, discovered oil in the southern city of Masjid- Suleyman in Iran in early 1900 and UK wanted to control the discovered vast oil reserves in Iran! After Iranian government refused the bastard Brits’ proposal, the Brits imposed a food blockade against Iran knowing that that the entire region was suffering from a severe drought and food shortages! This inhuman act by the bastard Brits in 1909 starved to death 9 million innocent people including my own grand parents! Immediately after that the Brits formed the oil consortium by which they will take 80% of the revenues from the oil and only 20% to Iran! I hope Mr Putin will read your article soon and act on it not in a distant future!

  152. Disciple says:

    This stupid kike has no idea what he is talking about as evident in the first paragraph. No doubt he is emboldened because no government on earth is yet willing to overtly take on the kikes.

    He misses the implications of the missile, because it makes nukes and even conventional explosives obsolete. Those types of munitions will not survive hypersonic speeds, but they are not needed. Mass times velocity squared is entirely sufficient to destroy anything made by man.

    So there will be no way for the jews to achieve world domination. All their centuries of machinations have been brought to naught, with this one missile. So they and all the world should repent and seek the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ, because how this world ends, as revealed by John the revelator, can not be changed.

    If the Jews do not repent, they will be destroyed even before the end of the age, but for a remnant, which is the same for all peoples, even God’s chosen People who go by the name Christians.

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  153. Randolph says:

    Quite strange that at the end of the short clip from British
    Pathé about the harvest festival on the Bückeberg in 1936,
    Hitler is left room for this sentence: “Die Juden haben die-
    selbe Erfindung: Wir gehören zusammen, dann sind wir al-
    les – zerrissen sind wir gar nichts.” (“The Jews have the sa-
    me invention: We belong together, then we are everything –
    torn apart we are nothing.”) This is followed by the (suppo-
    sedly unsuspecting) Brit’s comment: “Whatever he said, it
    must have been good.” (Well, this can mean many things!)

    •�Replies: @Randolf
  154. @Poupon Marx

    Addendum to the reference of “Confederate Constitution” in the reply to Redpill Boomer:

    The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States, establishing the country’s national government after the American Revolution:


    The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation on November 15, 1777.
    In effect
    The Articles of Confederation were in effect from March 1, 1781 until 1789, when the current Constitution went into effect.
    The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government to coordinate the war effort and organize the 13 states into a loose political union.
    The Articles of Confederation established that each state had one vote in Congress, and that no state could be represented by fewer than two or more than seven members. It also limited the term of a delegate to three years in any six-year term.
    The Articles of Confederation limited the powers of the national government, which became an obstacle after the war ended. For example, the national government could only request that states provide money or soldiers.
    The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the Constitution of 1787, which created a stronger federal government.

  155. @Quincas Borba

    IMHO, all people, and not just the Brits, are susceptible to propaganda. 99% of my family (in America) are brainwashed, anti White zog bots….doing whatever rachel maddowsteinbergbaumblatt tells them to do, and thinking whatever george sorosteinfeldblatt tells them to think.

    Our jewish enemies know how important propaganda is, and that is why they insist on dominating the msm/hollywood/narrative.

    If pro White advocates and people like me controlled hollywood and the msm, all of my retarded ass relatives would be White nationalists within a year or two.

    Most people don’t read books, and most people aren’t deep thinkers. They go with whatever the propaganda instructs them to do.

    Whites and everyone else in the west are victims of jewish propaganda. I sometimes want to blame the victims, but you must understand that these tools have been brainwashed for decades into believing the goyslop shlomo has been feeding them.

    People can’t find the truth because groups like the ADL, AIPAC, and the world jewish congress are doing everything in their power to prevent people from understanding what they are doing.

    •�Replies: @Quincas Borba
  156. Wokechoke says:

    That’s not so. There’s no evidence of settlements being torched by invading armies in the “Saxon Conquest” period.

    If anything the archeology suggests continuous settlement. Gildas and Bede were creating an ecclesiastical “history”.

  157. martin_2 says:

    This is childish. Rather than spending time posting messages like this one why not use it weeding an old lady’s garden. There must be one living nearby.

  158. @King Edward I

    You think that they would have woken up by now?
    I’ve seen people coment that ‘my grandfather, father didn’t fight for this’ when complaining about immigration.
    I remind them that oh yes they did when they became allies of Stalin, and that when they became allies, the Bolsheviks had massacred 66 million Russian Christians but that the US and UK couldn’t care less for the genocide of Christians .
    But I am now seeing the phrase ‘ Perhaps the Austrian painter was right?’ popping up more frequently so perhaps all is not lost.
    You are right about the power of propaganda though.
    Apart from immediate family, everyone I know fell for the covid scam. I couldn’t believe that people I know who are doctors, lawyers, dentists etc all fell for the scam.
    I was laughed at and censored for my efforts at opening their eyes.
    I don’t know why I was impervious to the propaganda and thought the hype was really over the top. But I do read books especially alternative history books and sites like this.
    The immense increase in Muslim and Hindu immigration in the eighties and 9/11 opened my eyes. The city where I was born but no longer live is one of those cities where the population is less than 50% English now. But if you point it out they will turn on you for the mortal sin of racism.

  159. Excuse that I posted this from Simplicius elsewhere.
    Here is a picture of Perfidious Albion’s reasons for the manufactured war, slaughter (reputedly over 1 million, more disabled). This is the City of London.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  160. Randolf says:

    I must add afterwards that I misunderstood Hitler’s words (due to the soft tone of my) loudspeaker. He did not say, “Die Juden haben dieselbe Erfindung” (“The Jews have the same invention”), but, “Millionen haben dieselbe Empfindung” (“Millions have the same feeling”).

    Too bad, it would have been too correct. But it makes no sense to talk about Jews at a harvest festival, given the fact that Hitler, contrary to all the lying “historians”, rarely spoke of Jews in public. But it is precisely these few quotes that are repeatedly dangled in front of our noses.

  161. dimples says:
    @V. K. Ovelund

    Because the Ukropols actually think they are the real World master race who are more intelligent, stalwart and wise than the rest of us, and in particular the Russian beasts. Which is why they so readily adopt Nazi master race ideology, except that in the Ukropol version the master race is Ukropol, not the Germans. They also believe that many among their number have incredible psychic powers which they keep secret from us.

    Unfortunately they are just idiots who fell for the promises of the Johnson.

  162. @Anonymous1707

    Ah yes, I forgot the Scots recently recast themselves as innocent victims of English imperialism instead of the enthusiastic butchers and plunderers they actually were. Nice to see the old inferiority complex is alive and kicking though.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  163. @V. K. Ovelund

    It’s manufactured consensus. The average person does not think for him- or herself. When every source of information is saying that Corbyn is a ridiculous/sinister figure they start to believe it. I went to hear him speak shortly after he was elected when he came to my city and there was a vast crowd tens of thousands strong. He gave us hope. A politician with genuine principles, who could not be bought or threatened.

    •�Thanks: V. K. Ovelund
    •�Replies: @Quincas Borba
  164. Odyssey says:

    Do you know what is the meaning of the word – kike?

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  165. @QCIC

    SU-57 has been cancelled form production and since many many years passed there have been produced few of them. It has e engine as older 4th generation planes and considering Russia cannot produce own microelectronics anymore the project is dead. You assumptions about everything else rely upon illusion that Russia possesses technological, scientific and engineering capabilities to proceed with all those projects but watching Russian channels which deal with this issue it is crystal clear that Russia doe snot possesses those capabilities anymore. The scale of the problems is such that would require the whole book to cover. Not only Russia cannot produce huge numbers of all those parts required to make passenger planes, it has no engineering school to proceed. Russia struggles with engines is well documented. Russia has no ready engine. Superjet was LEGO plane which beyond the frame was totally assembled form imported parts and French engine. MC21 has been in working for almost 10 years. There is no factories to produce millions of parts required considering closed for Russia western markets. Russia lacks engineering and qualified workers to do the job too. It is problem upon problem and Putin has a knack to appoint people for the task who has no clue and also are pretty dirty…Practically every single Putin order has been failed, National projects all failures. The man clearly has poor understanding of cadres policy. For him it is loyalty… Not ability to achieve results. But the major problem that Putin over his 25 years has destroyed Russia capabilities to build complex machinery of such scale and practically destroyed Russia capability to produce both cadres required for the task and factories and technological processes required. You have a classic case of lipstick on a pig. Note with what weapons Russia is fighting i Ukraine. It is practically all old Soviet modernized gear. Russia ha snot been able to produce a single own modern tank. Every Russia strategic bomber is Soviet made. It is painful to watch into what Russia that used to be USSR degraded. You won’t understand because you are not going into details. You are watching Putin confidently starting things and you believe but you do not check what is going on later at the levels that are required to make his statements true. His hyper sonic bluff of 2018 has proven to be just hot air. Russia doe snot possess hyper sonic capabilities. The last Oreshnik news are already laughed in Russia by those who understand physics and know how things work. Currently it is only Chinese support help Russia to stay afloat. 70% of all machine tools and 90% of all microelectronic in Russia are from China now. And those are of far lower quality than those made in the west. All new cars are Chinese. Russia is in negotiations with Qatar and Quweit airlines to take on flights inside Russia… Ring the bell? Aeroflot cancelled all orders of Superjet and MC-21… Ring the bell?

  166. @Anonymous

    You obviously have nothing to say on the subject. Typical of the locals.

  167. Wokechoke says:
    @Quincas Borba

    No. The history of the Jews in Scotland is recorded well enough. There is no mysterious crypsis going on there. What the Scots did do however was imitate the subversive ness of the yids.

    •�Replies: @Quincas Borba
  168. Wokechoke says:

    The Irish only slightly less enthusiastic participants. Though they’ve also got their various rebellions to cling to if scrutinised too closely about their share of the plunder.

    •�Replies: @nosquat loquat
  169. Wokechoke says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Schwartzberg must be worked with in collaboration.

  170. @Odyssey

    You keep asking but won’t answer. Anything to do with the traditional Hasidic hairdo? Maybe “payos” in your favourite oldest language? But I doubt it would have become a widespread term in the Anglo-Saxon world if that was the source.

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  171. @ariadna

    You give a very thoughtful response but consider the following:

    Circumcisions not carried out for medical indications are not meant to benefit anyone. They can only harm.

    Circumcision promotes fertility. The trauma of the surgery causes men to crave the comfort of a woman and thus promotes early marriage and large families. All cultures with high birth rates use circumcision: Jews Muslims and African tribes. The small loss of sensation leads to stable marriages and large families. It is a very effective adaptive advantage in the struggle to survive. The reduced sensitivity of the male organ minus foreskin also allows the female greater pleasure as the male takes longer to climax. The Jews have the smartest approach. If you’re going to do circumcision anyway, then it’s best to do it on an infant where the pain and discomfort is minimized and recovery is rapid. Everything about circumcision promotes stable marriage family and children. If whites were serious about their survival they would try to reverse their plummeting fertility rate and circumcision might help.

  172. ariadna says:

    I can’t believe we’re still on it…
    “The trauma of the surgery causes men to crave the comfort of a woman and thus promotes early marriage and large families.”

    No, it causes men to be sexually obsessed, addicts to porn and fans of prostitution, none of which promotes “large families” (except among the Haredim). The Weinsteins and Epsteins did not “crave the comfort of a woman” but the debauchery of violating hundreds of them.

    “The small loss of sensation leads to stable marriages and large families. The reduced sensitivity of the male organ minus foreskin also allows the female greater pleasure as the male takes longer to climax.”

    Dead wrong, Prepuce Denier. The opposite is true.

    In the late 80s a flurry of articles and letters to the Editor appeared in urology and dermatology journals alerting clinicians to cases of patients presenting with penile infections resulting from the displacement of “pearl implants” and lesions that caused infections. The patients were more often than not circumcised South East Asian males. The clinicians who raised the alarm also warned their colleagues that once healed some of their patients might return, a new “pearl” in hand, asking the physician to insert it because his partner demanded it…
    No Jews among these cases, as I recall, since they apparently share your confidence that extirpation of the prepuce is an undisputed blessing with multiple benefits…
    One of the rare cases where submission to judaism that admits no dispute served them well…

    Need to know more?
    Insertion of foreign bodies under the penile skin has been practiced for a very long time in various parts of the world. The most common reasons include an attempt to enhance sexual performance of. circumcised men and partner pleasure as a substitute for the absent prepuce.
    A large array of inert objects including marbles, ball bearings, and even modified household items have been reportedly inserted beneath the skin of the penis through an incision, which should not to be mistaken with the therapeutic inflatable or semi-rigid implants used for the surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction. ]
    The aim of inserting these implants is to increase sexual pleasure for both partners during intercourse and for a more intense orgasm by producing enhanced friction.

    Can we be done with the topic of this barbaric ritual now?

  173. @ariadna

    Say what you will, but the proof is that Orthodox Jews have large families and low rates of divorce. Ignore the evidence — and slander them — at your peril. (Hassidic Master Rabbi Nachman of Breslov taught when you marry in your teens your wife is seen as a partner and soulmate, not a sex object, ensuring the long-term viability of the union.)

    •�Replies: @Been_there_done_that
    , @Gerry
  174. ariadna says:

    “Say what you will,… “
    I intend to

    “but the proof is that Orthodox Jews have large families and low rates of divorce.”

    That is not “proof” of the bliss of sexual mutilation of infants. Parasites who are supported by others and don’t even have to do military service have plenty of incentive to work on that “low sensitivity” problem and multiply for the greater glory of the Tribe.
    As for divorce, no Haredi woman can get a divorce, even if she were not brain-washed into idiocy, without a rabbi’s “git.”

    Your revered rabbi’s BS about a wife being seen “as a partner and soulmate, not a sex object is just that, BS. She is seen as a baby factory and also as a dirty creature: separate beds and sex through a sheet with a hole in the middle to avoid unnecessary contact.
    In the streets of the Jewish Rogers Park in Chicago one could see them strolling: men walking ahead together, dressed like pallbearers, hands behind their backs, hats on top of the kippas, and their “soul mates” ten steps behind, pushing prams, dressed like scarecrows with their wigs askew on their shaved heads (perhaps a preventive anti-lice method) and several layers of long skirts.
    Yet educated, sophisticated, allegedly atheistic Jews feel a closer identification with this sad and sinister lot than with their “Goy” neighbors.

    Ignore the evidence — and slander them — at your peril.
    No evidence from you, only judaic brain-washed falsehoods.
    I am not slandering them, only describing them.
    What “peril” are you warning me about, Troll?

  175. @ariadna

    These penile implants are called “bulitas”.


    They were supposedly introduced to Southeast Asia by Arab traders in the Middle Ages. Apparently they even had hollow metal bulitas with a grain inside that would sort of ring as they moved it about; hence “ding dong” as another term for the penis (I suppose). Apparently women love males with bulitas. I don’t know if any Arabs still have them, but some Filipinos, Malays, Indonesians and Chinese in South East Asia have them. One can’t say they’re common, but since all this body piercing and other body modification is becoming popular, I don’t see why bulitas shouldn’t take off even among Westerners. Bulitas sets off the metal detectors at airports and I guess the passenger would have to demand a strip search to convince the incredulous customs officers who don’t have experience of it.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  176. Flim-Flam says:

    I’m currently writing a science fiction novel with a strong connection to reality, i.e. easily identifiable parallels to the eternal background powers, i.e. enemies of mankind and the world. I have created a rough number of terms for these anti-entities and will choose or combine the most appropriate ones later:

    Acidoids, Thanatocrats, Corronators, Decomposers, Oblivionaries, Existential Devourers, Essence Destroyers, Cosmic Corroders, Psychic Annihilators, Reality Reavers, Eternity Plagues, Universal Nullifiers, Ontoclasts, Abyssal Archons, Necrognoi, Cataclysmic Agents, Abstracticides, Ereboi, Putrefactors, Necrolytics, Autolyzers, Necrotizers, Histolysers, Carcinocides, Metastasizers, Anorganisms, Carcinomorphs, Nekroplasms, Toximorphs, Autodestructobots.

    Incidentally, a so-called “executioner” has just croaked. As always, his hypocritical, pseudo-moralistic descriptions sound extremely “credible”. In any case, in their boundless chutzpah, they are firmly convinced that the goyish subhuman/cattle world would believe a single word these born sadists and psychopaths say. https://archive.is/LYSji

    Whether he and his cronies subjected their victim to a terribly long hellish ordeal beforehand remains hidden from the public. Perhaps they made him drink boiling lead beforehand, gouged out his eyes, ate his brain and foreskin or preserved them in formaldehyde so that they could marvel at them every day according to their Hebrew calendar? These psychopathic gangsters can be trusted to do anything that goes against humanity, morality and custom.

  177. Kevin MacDonald Interview. Will Whites survive?
    The “Destructing” Source, Solutions, Predictions

    Video Link

  178. @Wokechoke

    It’s true I’ve often wondered why so many American Blacks have Irish surnames.

  179. @Michael Korn

    … but the proof is that Orthodox Jews have large families…

    Didn’t you previously proclaim at this site that you had relinquished Judaism for good?
    Yet now you are glorifying the teaching of a “Hassidic Master Rabbi” from Breslov.
    So, what happened? Were you just too lazy to grow back and revive your lost foreskin?
    It may be the upcoming “in” thing for some Jews to do; there is even a site in Hebrew:


    •�Replies: @Michael Korn
  180. ariadna says:
    @Commentator Mike

    The case reports I mentioned previously indicated that real pearls –although more expensive– were preferred over any man-made prepuce substitute because of their smooth surface, therefore less chance of internal irritation and infection.
    Now I really think we’ve exhausted the unpleasant topic of circumcision and all its ramifications.

  181. Odyssey says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Some people don’t like it hot, so openthread.10#360.

  182. Beilish says:

    The British, like Israel, derive their power from their ability to drag the US into wars on their side. Britain is a third rate power. It would have lost WWI if it wasn’t for the Americans and would have lost WWII if it wasn’t for the Soviet Union sapping most of Germany’s strength.

    So attacking Britain means in most likelihood a war with the US (and the rest of the Anglo empire). So what can Putin do? Probably not much except continue the current course.

    There is another school of thought for doomsday predictors, that stipulates that if you’re faced with a gang in a dark ally with a combined force much stronger than you, your only chance of survival is to identify the leader, then sucker punch him as hard as you can. If the leader falls, the gang will disperse. This street-smart school of thought maintains that Russia should take out the US while it has a strategic ballistic missile advantage. And since Russia also has better air defenses, it has a better chance to survive a nuclear missile attack. Russia’s odds of winning a world war have never been better due to the game changing new munitions, and therefore it should take advantage of this opportunity, if it deems a direct war with the Anglo Empire is an inevitable outcome. Under such scenario, Britain and the rest of NATO will simply disperse or accept the winner as their new leader.

    Just some crazy thoughts…

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  183. @Wokechoke

    I suppose G.K. Chesterton is a liar then?

  184. @Rooster199

    I read that his parents met, mother, Naomi I believe and I don’t remember his father’s name while fighting for the communists in the Spanish civil war.
    I don’t trust any politician that gets that far in British politics.

  185. The Jewish Virtual Library states that there are no records of Jews in Scotland before 1290 when they were expelled from England.

  186. the Russians stepped in and saved the Union’s bacon

    It seems like an unlikely theory that Britain, the world’s pre-eminent naval power, would be much concerned about the strength of the Czar’s navy. Particularly as Britain and France had targeted that navy and its bases in the Crimean War. It is more likely that the Czar thought what was left of his fleet would be safer from the great global powers if it wintered over in neutral ports. Russia had just put down another insurrection in Poland, its most restive province, with considerable savagery. It was widely feared that Britain and France would use “humanitarian intervention” on behalf of the Poles as their excuse to finish what they failed to complete seven years earlier. Supposedly this information was discovered when the state archives were opened during the Russian Revolution. It has, perhaps predictably, been denied first by Stalinist and later nationalist revisionists.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  187. Flim-Flam says:

    The pipe dream in his father’s scrotum, born as genetic garbage, becomes a “light to the world”. Finally, as a “converted Jew”, he is a good person like all other Jews. A true Jew, albeit not a “believer”, namely the plagiarist Einstein, formulated the fitting and (in contrast to his “theories”) eternally valid statement: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. But I’m not quite sure about the universe yet.”


  188. @Been_there_done_that

    According to Brother Gilbert, a Catholic monk in Australia, Hassidic Master Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810) was a secret believer in Jesus. Many of his teachings are compatible with Christianity, including the idea of marrying at a young age. After all the Blessed Virgin Mary was probably 14 yo when she was betrothed to Joseph (and then had Jesus):


    I do not practice the Jewish religion, but I still I honor good ideas wherever I find them, including in Islam Buddhism Confucianism and Native American religions.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @JM
  189. @Michael Korn

    I do not practice the Jewish religion, but I still I honor good ideas wherever I find them, including in Islam Buddhism Confucianism and Native American religions.

    Well said.

  190. Gerry says:
    @Michael Korn

    I would think the low rates of divorce is the result of both being virgins. For two people to learn each others bodies would lead to a bonding that can’t easily be broken. But today with innocence lost such a bond is few and far in between. it’s all about the pleasure today with young girls actually hating their virginity that they can hardly wait to get rid of it and do so for a paltry 1000. Yikes? too many by the time their 17 have had so many multiple partners that it begs the imagination really? The Science community are even telling us that a girl keeps the genetic code of every guy she has slept with? And they eat their children by swallowing the material to boot? Can you imagine the seeds going through the liver and kidneys? And they call it protein?
    Because of the increase of iniquity the love of many will grow cold!!!!??? and when love dies the world dies!!

    And Mr. Unz writes about food and diet?

    God is not mocked

  191. @Gerry

    The Science community are even telling us that a girl keeps the genetic code of every guy she has slept with?

    Could you elaborate on this? Would it also include sharing body fluids only orally, including saliva? I understand the aspect of sharing DNA through a fetus, but what you have suggested goes beyond that.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  192. @Gerry

    Yes of course you are on to something. Orthodox Jews are not allowed even to hold hands before they’re married. I had a Hasidic friend with six kids. One night his oldest son confessed to him that he had gotten a girl pregnant. He was 17 at the time. My friend immediately got on the phone to the girl’s parents arranged to meet them in a few days time and there decided the two lovers would get married which they did before the year was over. My friend was angry with his son but there was no question of an abortion. As far as I know that boy is still happily married to the girl with a large family of his own.

    I totally agree with you about the degeneracy of our culture. We have lost our image of God. Unfortunately Jewish people have played a big role in the destruction of American morality. Some are even Orthodox or supporters of the Orthodox world (Madoff, Adelson, Epstein). If American pastors would tell their congregations to get rid of their televisions cancel their cable subscriptions and so forth that would solve a lot of the problem. But American pastors specialize on picking on the weak and marginalized like the LGBTQ or Muslim communities and completely fail to identify the core issues degrading our society.

    I think we have become a totally satanic iniquitous society and the only cure is intensive radiation therapy courtesy of Dr Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin

    •�Replies: @JM
  193. Wokechoke says:

    There’s some epigenetic theory that semen dna can bond with the female cells in the membranes around the vagina. You are sleeping with every guy she ever slept with.

  194. Wokechoke says:

    I agree with that. The Larouchites laughably suggest that the RN was deterred by the Russian fleet. Har Har Har.

  195. Wokechoke says:

    Identify the armed guy and hurt him hard. Get the guy down!

  196. JM says:
    @King Edward I

    Wipe out the (((banksters))) in the city of london and (((those that run wallstreet)))) in manhattan. Nuke (((hollywood))), raytheon, lockheed, and the rest of the US military industrial complex as well. That would be a good start.

    Yes…yes…and yes again.

  197. JM says:
    @Michael Korn

    That’s right: blame the victim.

    •�Replies: @Michael Korn
  198. JM says:
    @Michael Korn

    I do not practice the Jewish religion, but I still I honor good ideas wherever I find them, including in Islam Buddhism Confucianism and Native American religions.

    You’re such a scatterbrained eclectic.

    Religion by its very nature isn’t a smorgasbord.

    Think about it.

    •�Replies: @Michael Korn
  199. Yarpos says:

    This article starts with Oreshnik than waffles about everything else. It also goes back to the nuclear meme.

    The game changing aspect of Oreshnik is that it is kinetic and precise and cannot be countered. So Russia can if it wishes rain total destruction on your site, buried or otherwise. Destruction complete and no region wide radiation consequences. Anywhere in Europe or the Middle East.

  200. @Rooster199

    Yes,please dont blame ordinary Scots,Welsh&English .The tribe has got its claws in The Hiberno-Brittanic Isles since before Cromwell,who commited genocide against the Irish.The tribe are good on coverups.Take 911,JFK,USS Liberty,Irish famine,White slavery etc, one can go on endlessly, unfortunately…Merry Christmas!

  201. @JM

    You are right. That’s why I am not religious I am spiritual. For example I recite the Rosary every night in Hebrew but would never step foot in a Catholic church. I follow the Jewish lunar calendar but I would never step foot in a synagogue. I take off my shoes to worship but I would never step foot in a mosque. I read the Unz Review but I am not a Holocaust denier or an anti-Semite. It’s called finding the good in every person and sifting out the bad. Please think about it.

    (Another example. On many levels I admire Putin for restoring Russia’s culture and dignity. But I also know that he supported the American narrative about the 9/11 false flag attack and eagerly joined in with its bogus global war on [of] terror. Putin also supports Israel along with its most implacable enemies Iran Syria Hizbulla and Hamas. Putin is riddled with contradictions and I’ve decided that he is not a viable leader in the long term.)

    •�Replies: @JM
  202. @JM

    It’s not a matter of blaming the victim. It’s a matter of accepting the inevitability of God’s judgment on an evil society. The right attitude is that the judgment comes in the form of collective punishment. The true victims go to heaven while the wicked go to hell. That’s all we have to believe in.

  203. JM says:
    @Michael Korn

    With that kind of ‘selection’, no harm will come to you.

    That’s if you’re lucky.

    But recall the danger of those who lurk in No-Man’s-Land!

    I wish you well.

  204. PeterAG says:

    There is a common failure among defenders of the anglosaxon side to believe that jews are treated differently because they are powerful.
    I consider that to be such a prevalent misunderstanding by so many truthseekers that I feel the need to write this long comment. I hope it isnt seen as too much OT.


    The real reason for the separate treatment of the jews is that it is an important strategy practised since the 1500s when the English realised that they wanted to coopt the jews in preparation for erecting an empire.
    That strategy is meant to maintain oligarchic control over banking and always in a way that is more beneficial for the anglosaxon empire.
    Thus the anglosaxons need to make sure that the jews have difficulties in having good relations with the rivals like Germany Russia etc. But in return they are well protected and have some freedom and room for action as long as it is in the interest of the anglosaxons.
    The 19th century history provides rather striking examples of how the british nurtured the background of nazism without current historians ever mentioning it.
    For example David Irving likes to be seen as one who wants Germany to be treated fairly, why then does he omit what Houston Stewart Chamberlain spent the better part of his life with in Germany?
    HSC being the most important opinion maker in Germany before WWI and where both the Kaiser and several leading nazis stated that HSC had been an important inspiration to say the least.
    Historically one may see how Britains power of balance strategy applied in a different manner over different periods from the 1850s and on to the 1890s.
    In the first period the Rothschilds, who were bankers for Austria would have had difficulties in assisting Bismarck when he was able to finance the unification of Germay founding the 2nd Reich. This because Austria and Bismarcks Germany were enemies fighting each other.
    It is however believed that Bismarcks banker Bleichröder was a middleman for the Rothschilds.
    But this was tolerated by Britain because France was, at the time. the most important rival and Britain wanted a stronger Germany to cause France to lose power. This lasted until after 1871 when that Franco-German war had materialised.
    And Napoleon III had been encouraged by Britain to provoke the whole thing.
    The Larouche circle define Napoleon III to have been one of Lord Palmerstons stooges.
    Webster Tarpley said those stooges some times were fighting each other, but the overall impression is that they were subserviant to Britain and it is therefore logical that they fled to Britain when in trouble
    After the war Germany and Bismarck still employed a liberal economy desired by Britain since it was possible to weaken Germany.
    As Bismarck was fed up with that british liberalism he turned to the american system of political economy with tariffs and the successful buiding of a competitive industry.
    This caused obvious alarm among the British elites and in the eyes of them Germany now became a more dangerous rival.
    This made it more important to prevent any good partnership between the bankers and Germany.
    A similar view about Russia also was strengthened. Sergei Wittes organising of transport infrastructure also meant a strengthening of competition with Britains naval control of world trade.
    Thus the real aim for Britain in connection with the jews was to prevent them from being ‘unfaithful’ to the british empire.
    Zionism was meant to isolate the jews and make it less likely that they would assimilate among the rivals.
    One of the points later made by HSC was to recommend to the Germans not to allow jewish assimilation.
    The emancipation of prussian jews in 1869 was an additional threatening sign.
    And Bulwer Lytton, who from the 1830s, was involved with encouraging the development of the romantic background of what later was named nazism, in 1871 published the Vril fiction, later utilised by anglosaxon intel for supporting nazi myths and eugenics.
    It is interesting that Bulwer Lytton had ancestry all the way back to the byzantine supported battle of Hastings when that oriental oligarchy managed to establish a foothold in the City of London.
    So he is a living example of one individual belonging to the ancient oligarchic elites.
    He was an important organiser of the occult. And that is a defining feature of what the oligarchy has been supporting for millennia. Mysticism, irrational beliefs. And to undermine rational science or rational nation building in the interest of the population at large.
    This phenomenon is treated in several works from the Larouche circle and they provide sources of valuable educational material covered up by the western elites and their court historians.
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  205. Wokechoke says:

    No it’s Jews all the way down.

    •�Replies: @PeterAG
  206. PeterAG says:

    “Jews all through” in the role of coopted stooges?, but more hated than their superiors who pretend to be ruled by the lobby at the tune of $100M.

    And they are supposed to rule over a trillion dollar empire with that sum.
    Respected scholars like Mearsheimer seems to want us to believe that.

    Maybe he means something else but if so he should explain himself.
    Does he mean that the oligarchy (consisting of how many families?) is commanding the lobby on behalf of the weapons industry and he doesnt want to go there?

    The zionists the nazis the radical islamists and the communists were created by Britains elites and are used until no longer needed.
    Nesta Webster has covered up Britains role behind all revolutions and put it to the jews. She convinced the nazis. And many still trust her propaganda.
    When you scratch on the surface, anglosaxon propaganda falls appart but people dont want to know.

  207. @Wokechoke

    I’m sorry to be so blunt but your risibly ill-informed reply merits no more response from me than ‘you are talking out of your arse’.

  208. ANON[149] •�Disclaimer says:

    Time for a true blow for Mankind…

    Hazel all of the following… *** the nuclear variety…

    DC ***
    City of London ***
    NYC ***
    Tel Aviv ***
    Haifa ***
    Beersheba ***
    Las Vegas ***
    Los Angeles / Hollywood ***
    Miami ***
    Paris ***

    Plus… (Jewish districts and neighborhoods of)

    San Francisco

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