We are all living in the United States of Israel now. Can you say: Goy?
Senate Confirms Lew as U.S. Ambassador to Israel – https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/31/us/politics/jacob-lew-confirmed-israel-ambassador.html
Observations: It has become abundantly clear from the reaction in the entire West, first to Ukraine and now to this event, that all of the rest of the Western nations are puppets of the Anglo-Judaic Empire. How else could Germany be committing national suicide with its cucked reaction to the Nord Stream sabotage and all of these countries putting Izraeli flags on their government buildings and making statements like ‘We stand with Izrael’ without the control of the NEOCON/Bolshevik run American government. This control has to be defeated, no destroyed, at its source, Washington DC.
A public service announcement via Donald J. Trump aka Zion Con Don:
Clearly there’s no such thing as a “MAGA Republican.” Only MIGA Republicans along with their alleged foes the Democrats. Make America come first and remain neutral in ANY conflicts that we the people do not want to endure.
Replies: @Paul C.
Ukraine just told the truth about the failed counter offensive and Russian advancements. We also have reports that captured Ukrainian soldiers are turning up drugged out of their minds on some kind of inhibition blocker. Reports say these soldiers are going on withdrawals after being captured.
Yes, I agree completely. All wars are bankers wars. There’s likely multiple goals of the Ukraine fiasco. One, money laundering. The criminals are stealing taxpayer’s money. Two, white, Christian genocide of Ukrainians. These Khazarian’s want Ukraine to be their “new Israel”. “War” allows them to hollow out the people and remake the country as they would like it. Prostitution might be a #3. I bet many children and young women are being sold into prostitution, perhaps in Israel. #4 might be a way to bring a larger between the US and Russia or Russia & China. Perhaps a large war precedes the financial collapse required for the Great Reset.
The question I struggled with for a longtime was, is Putin in on it? I’ve come to believe he is. He’s likely a masonic puppet like the rest as evidenced by his association with Chabad Lubavitch, the Sputnik vaccine and Holocaust denial laws. He’s not on the LGBT train and otherwise seems like a statesman. Let me know if you have any thoughts on this.
This is great content, thanks for sharing. I read most of David Webb’s PDF, The Great Taking, and it’s a must read. He’s figured out the mechanism for how “we’ll own nothing” as the plotters of the “Great Reset” suggest. It’s a sobering read especially for those of us with a mortgage. But knowledge is power and it will force us to confront this and take whatever steps we can. Stay out of debt, own tangible assets and grow your own food. Obviously the best outcome is to thwart their plans which will be painful for even the prepared as we watch society fall apart greatly beyond what we’re seeing now.
BTW, I own the book: They Own It All (Including You!). I just haven’t gotten to reading it yet but it’s now at the top of the list. Thanks again.
President = 5,000,000
Vice President = 2,000,000
Senators = 1,000,000
Representatives = 500,000
All wars are bankers wars. Some people — influential psychopaths inhabiting banking houses and fascist mega-corporations — made enormous profits on this war. And some were the most active supporters of the war profiteers and war criminals — like Clintons, Obamas, Kagans clan, Ukrainian oligarchs like Kolomojsky, and British profiteers like the Arbuthnots and Blairs families. Zelensky is personally guilty of deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings.
Ukraine just told the truth about the failed counter offensive and Russian advancements. We also have reports that captured Ukrainian soldiers are turning up drugged out of their minds on some kind of inhibition blocker. Reports say these soldiers are going on withdrawals after being captured.
I think that InfraGard thinks that they own the United States. Was InfraGard Bill Ayres idea? It seems that way to me. I know that it started under the Clinton Regime and SS member Louis Freeh.
One thing that i have happen to have noticed since InfraGard has been created is the way that everyone acts like insane, retarded, talentlass, sadistic, terrorists. If someone can please explain to me how it is that anyone would feel protected by acting that way in addition to not having any constitutional rights, I would certainly love to hear about how that improved life for you in any way at all. That would not make me feel protected….at all. So if a spokesperson from InfraGard or an FBI agent could respond, I think that the public would like an explanation on that, in addition to me.
Great to see I’m not the only one who gets it!! Yes, they have taken over the world with money created out of thin air and loaned to governments at interest. All governments have been captured by the Jewish banking cartel.
They even let a little truth out in Hollywood. Look up “The International The Essence of Banking scene” and it says it right there- the essence of banking is to get nations and individuals enslaved with debt.” And that is what has happened to our world and now they are moving forward with their end game–the Great Reset. They plan on a massive cull of the human population and then they will enslave the survivors in their digital slave grid.
Former Russian Military Intelligence Officer, Vladimir Kvachkov: ‘Pandemic’ is Planned Depopulation
Spot on! And this explains Jewish power across the West and world. Nations no longer control their own currencies. A small cabal of families do. Complete subversion.
But they’re not satisfied owning the world through thievery. They seek to destroy it.
Collectively we’ve been backed into a corner and need to strike back before we’re dead. They are accelerating our demise.
Replies: @Paul C.
Ukraine just told the truth about the failed counter offensive and Russian advancements. We also have reports that captured Ukrainian soldiers are turning up drugged out of their minds on some kind of inhibition blocker. Reports say these soldiers are going on withdrawals after being captured.
Who Owns the United States?
The central bankers who took over America with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
Congressman Louis McFadden was a hero who tried to warn the American people about the Federal Reserve (just like former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul) and then he was poisoned: https://www.winterwatch.net/2023/02/the-assassination-of-louis-mcfadden-one-of-the-20th-centurys-most-prescient-men/
Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden (1878–1936) was a Republican member of the House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. He served from 1915 to 1935. He was the chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency between 1920 and 1931. Although smeared by the usual suspects as a crank, he was highly experienced and knowledgeable of banking issues and controversies for two decades.
Here are some key quotes from McFadden
“It was not accidental [the 1929 stock-market “crash”]. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. … The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all.”
“Open the books … and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia, by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York [owned by the Rockefellers].”
“When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists … acting together to enslave the world … Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is–the Fed has usurped the government.”
“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions. They are not … they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders. The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.”
https://www.unz.com/ghood/biden-finally-finds-someone-to-deport/Replies: @Eric135
The Biden Administration is deporting a German family that has lived in the United States for 15 years. The parents came because they wanted to homeschool their children, which is illegal in Germany. It’s unclear if they will face punishment on their return.
“With effort I contain the rage that wants to say F*&k your effrontery … ”
LOL. I advise a “cool cloth”.
Dampen a washcloth with cold water, lean back on a recliner in a darkened room, close your eyes, and put the washcloth on your forehead.
You’ll feel better in no time!
USA is an idiot nation and will disappear soon. I dont live in USA and I tried to help many times to help to solve some problems like excess of immigration, illegal immigration, to keep safe borders, and in education (USA is importing many people with low level of education and IQ) BUT all the politicians lack of email to contact them from outside the country. They have contact pages that require to inform an address in USA. SO ONLY people living in USA can contact them, the rest of the planet can not help. because no chance to send them a message and a proposal to help for an economic reward. IN 2024 and from 2025 …on, there will be very bad things for USA due to invasion and vaccines.
Just in: A little bit of good news, Kevin McCarthy was just voted out as Speaker of the House. “One giant fall for a Zionist stooge, one small step for the revolution that has to happen.”
With effort I contain the rage that wants to say, F*&k your effrontery at telling me to “find out what my sins are.”
There is NOTHING, nothing you can say to redeem tin-pot Elmer Gantry Rick Wiles. In fact, I repeat my Thanks for cementing the recognition that Wiles is a fraud of a very dangerous kind.
Yesterday Wiles spoke — again — of the “dream” that provoked his mission to be a “watchman.”
The man who thinks bashing “Nazis” is a joke; who takes advantage of many opportunities to call out the “evil” of “Nazis” calls himself a watchman but does not recognize who the enemy is.
Will Wiles use his platform to advocate for these “white Christians”?
The Biden Administration is deporting a German family that has lived in the United States for 15 years. The parents came because they wanted to homeschool their children, which is illegal in Germany. It’s unclear if they will face punishment on their return.
I just wonder what Carlin would have said about the current situation; Trump’s witch hunt, Biden’s condition, Ukraine, etc.
Would he have named the Joo?
He was in failing health but he seemed to have died suddenly, just sayin. 🤔
Yeah, he was only 71 and he’s been gone 15 years already, time flies.
Does it matter? All statements must be evaluated irrespective of its source; but the evaluation must include the motives of the source in making that statement.
One needs to only check if Carlin’s statements are true or false, and, what his motives are in making those statements. Of course no one can divine another’s motive with 100% accuracy, but whatever appears to be the motive to the evaluator is good enough. With those, the evaluator can draw his own conclusions and act accordingly.
Trying to evaluate the moral character of a source is a useless job.
” Yes, it is [Christian to say that people can only be saved by becoming Roman Catholics].”
No, it isn’t.
Wiles is not a prosperity gospel preacher. He doesn’t own a private jet, multiple mega-mansions, etc. He doesn’t want to own them.
Prosperity gospel preachers do not represent Protestantism. They are a modern version of the prototypical 19th century American snake oil salesman and con artist.
Max Weber identified all of Protestantism with Calvinism in his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
This is an error. But Weber’s book, unfortunately, is responsible for the widely prevalent and false idea that Protestantism is all about amassing wealth and exploiting other people.
Even Calvinists were not guilty of what Weber charged them with.
He identified them with American Puritans, who lived modestly and tithed heavily to their churches. They valued hard work (obviously a necessity in order to survive in the wilderness) and with hard work comes eventual prosperity.
Puritans believed wealth was a gift from God. Do Roman Catholics not give God credit for good things?
“Thank you for … saving me from eternal damnation.”
It would not be in my power to do that.
No need to thank me for something I haven’t done.
” … can an ex-Roman Catholic get Wiles’s oft-promoted miracle money?”
“‘Miracle money’ is money you receive unexpectedly. I assume as a Catholic you prayed for a lot of things. The only difference here is that you make a pledge to give a percentage of any unexpected money you receive to Trunews.
Of course, you don’t have to give it if you don’t get it. And you don’t even have to give it if you do get it.
Rick isn’t ripping anyone off. He isn’t doing anything different than what Roman Catholics and other churches do — asking for contributions.
I don’t remember ever praying to get anything from God. I pray for God to bless and protect others.
Are miracle money prayers answered? I have no idea. Christians believe Jesus performed miracles. They believe God can do anything.
I give a modest amount of money to Trunews. My intention is that the gift comes from me. Not from anyone else. If Rick does anything I disapprove of, my contributions will stop.
“What sin should I confess?”
If you’re not a sociopath, you have a conscience. Consult your past and confess whatever offends your conscience. That will put you in agreement with God’s natural law.
Then read what Jesus says in the New Testament about sin and you will find out what other sins, if any, you need to confess.
https://www.unz.com/ghood/biden-finally-finds-someone-to-deport/Replies: @Eric135
The Biden Administration is deporting a German family that has lived in the United States for 15 years. The parents came because they wanted to homeschool their children, which is illegal in Germany. It’s unclear if they will face punishment on their return.
“Rick Wiles … speaks highly of Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland.”
I’ve been watching Trunews regularly since 2019. Wiles has never even mentioned their names.
“Wiles as recently as just a few years ago is in business with Jim Bakker.”
All you’ve demonstrated is that he was a guest on Bakker’s show. That’s not the same as being in business with him.
I would say your attempt to smear Wiles has failed miserably. You are wise not to reply further.
Wiles falls into the same trap as much of Protestantism…the prosperity gospel.
A good example of the “prosperity gospel” in Protestantism is that of the “robber barons” of the 19th and early 20th centuries that squeezed their employees (producers) by constantly cutting workers’ wages while living grand opulent lives themselves. They had the financial ability to pay their employees a decent wage, but their own greed “got in the way”. Protestants consider anyone who is not successful in business to be “morally deficient”. This plays right into the Protestant “prosperity gospel” which is relatively common in Protestant circles to this day. It would appear that Protestantism has taken on practices more akin to judaism than Christianity.
One exception to the Protestant “robber baron” attitude was that of Henry Ford, who instituted the 8-hour workday, 40-hour workweek and decent wages $5 of per day. Although not entirely altruistic due to assembly line work being monotonous and to stem employee turnover, Ford’s own writings stated that he wanted workers to “enjoy the fruits of their labor”, something no other industrialist of the day advocated. In fact, wall street types predicted that Ford’s $5 per day wage would result in catastrophe for wall street. Guess what? The OPPOSITE happened. Ford should be credited for helping to create the American middle class.
Perhaps the other pastor is Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship, located in Kalispell, Montana.
That other pastor, not from Montana, actually wiki says Arizona:
Perhaps the other pastor is Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship, located in Kalispell, Montana.
Yes, that is the one. HE’S JEW WISE.
Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways and saving me from eternal damnation.
Whew, that was a close call. How can I thank you enough?
One question, though:
can an ex-Roman Catholic get Wiles’s oft-promoted Miracle Money © (Miracle Money© is where you make a deal with god: “You give me $XX dollars in 30 days and I will give 35% to TruNews”)?
Oh — another question: the formula Rick states all the time is, “Confess your sin, call on the name of Jesus and get your name in the book of life. Otherwise, when Jesus returns, you will burn in the lake of fire.”
What I want to know is this: What sin should I confess? Is having been a Roman Catholic a sin?
Is having prayed the Rosary a sin?
How about owning a statue of Mary — sin? Do I have to get rid of the statue of Mary or else go to hell?
“Telling people they can only be saved by becoming Roman Catholics is not Christian.” Yes it is but it isn’t American.
This will be my last reply, since we’re going in circles.
There’s a huge difference between Chuck Baldwin and Rick Wiles. Chuck Baldwin exposes televangelist Zionists such as Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland while Rick Wiles as recently as just a few years ago is in business with Jim Bakker and speaks highly of he and Ken Copeland. Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland prey on Christian’s and are the most anti-Christ lowlifes imaginable.
The difference is who you associate with. Donald Trump says many truthful things as the controlled opposition needs to, to sucker the believing patriots. He speaks against the media and immigration, but yet gives you WARP SPEED because he’s a Zionist. Warp Speed guarantees most early cancer. The Zionists seek to replace the white, Christian population.
Rick Wiles is now saying the right things but his associations suggest he’s a Zionist playing a controlled opposition part. No Christian or self-respecting person would cavort with Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland. The Bible says you cannot serve two masters. Good luck giving your money to Rick’s Zionist handlers. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
TV in the USA and Canada is and always has been a US government social engineering project.
Eric135 has advocated for the leadership of
I think we can all agree that white people of Christian heritage need to unite.
"Rick Wiles . . . Texe Marrs, Jerry Barrett, Raymond Burkhart, Steven Anderson and Chuck Baldwin"
So riddle me this: Are Roman Catholics IN that great Christian unification?
I am not surprised that Roman Catholic hypocrisy is rearing its ugly head in this thread.
“Eric has advocated for the leadership of ‘truth-tellers’ Rick Wiles … Texe Marrs, Jerry Barrett, Raymond Burkhart, Steven Anderson and Chuck Baldwin’, while, against all evidence, disassociating these truth-tellers from ‘Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland’ (and presumably Ron Parsley and John Hagee).”
The evidence is clear that Wiles, Marrs, Barrett, Burkhart, Anderson and Baldwin completely reject the claim that the Jews are the chosen people of God, that God wants the Jews to possess Israel, that God wants the Jews to rebuild their temple and resume animal sacrifices, etc. They completely reject the evangelical Zionism of Hagee and (presumably) Bakker, Copeland and Parsley.
“Eric135 wrote, ‘I think we can all agree that white people of Christian heritage need to unite’ … Several days later, Eric wrote: ‘I am not surprised Roman Catholic hypocrisy is rearing its ugly head in this thread.’ Are Roman Catholics IN that great Christian unification?”
Christians are in that great Christian unification. Praying to Mary and allowing Pachamama to be worshiped in the Vatican are not Christian. Disregarding borders and national sovereignty is not Christian. Telling people they can only be saved by becoming Roman Catholics is not Christian. Saying (in the case of evangelical Zionists) that the Jews are God’s chosen people is not Christian.
All of that notwithstanding, a Christian unification project is not the same as unifying white people of Christian heritage. Many white people know nothing of Christianity and have no desire to learn about it. But they do have Christian heritage. White people of Jewish heritage would not be a part of the unification of white people of Christian heritage, which is what I advocate.
Few self-described Christian preachers will say what the Christian New Testament plainly says: The Jews are not God’s chosen people. This failure to represent Christianity accurately is an invitation for the Jews to take over societies with majority white populations of Christian heritage.
Nothing is more important to white survival than disabusing whites of this false theology. So, a few brave preachers have taken a stand to remedy the situation, and along come Zumbuddi and Paul C. to denounce them.
You’ve shown what side you’re on — not by making a gross error in the first place, but by persisting in that error.
“If you wanted to get a better sense of what I think, you’d click on my name to review [my] past posts.”
When you persist in doing what hasbara trolls do, there’s no point in reading your other posts.
You’ve shown what side you’re really on, regardless of what your other posts say.
“You responded that you’re only aware of E. Michael Jones and Ron Unz who have come out against the Holocaust narrative; thus, you still believe it’s true until others join the list.”
I did not say I believe the Holocaust narrative is true. Nice try, clown.
“You have no issues with Rick Wiles [having friendly relations with Jim Bakker].”
I’ve already explained why that doesn’t matter. I’m not going to explain it again.
“If Rick Wiles is a changed person and now denounces Synagogue of Satan types like Jim Bakker and Kenneth Copeland, this would be welcome news to me. Please provide the evidence.”
You haven’t denied that Wiles is critical of Jews and rejects the whole concept of Jews being the chosen people. I don’t need to prove to you what you already know in that regard. And I don’t need Rick to denounce Bakker and Copeland because I already know that his position is opposed to theirs.
Why aren’t you criticizing Chuck Baldwin — who you’ve said you like — for not denouncing the Holocaust narrative? It seems that you’re very selective in the denunciations that you want.
Let me be frank: The people who do this are most likely Jewish hasbara trolls. It makes perfect sense for them to do exactly what you and Zumbuddi are doing.
If you wanted to get a better sense of what I think, you’d click on my name to review past posts. Unless you’re intellectually lazy.
I showed you video evidence of Rick Wiles promoting the Holohoax on the Jim Bakker show just a few years ago. You responded that you’re only aware of E Michael Jones and Ron Unz who have come out against the Holocaust narrative, thus, you still believe it’s true until others join the list. I guess it never occurred to you to do your own research? CODOH.com is a good place to start. Unless you’re intellectually lazy.
Rick Wiles — like truth tellers Texe Marrs…
Now you try to compare Rick Wiles to Texe Marrs, who was a giant in the truther community writing dozens of books, some exposing the televangelist, Zionist frauds such as Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland. Yet, you have no issues with Rick Wiles working with a Luciferian like Jim Bakker and speaking highly of Ken Copeland, only a few years ago. Do you even understand that televangelists are wicked people?
I provided you the videos of Jim Bakker, with Rick Wiles sitting next to him, mocking Christ and Christians, selling them dog food and recommending they buy their bibles and then bury them. Did you even bother to watch? Or are you too lazy?
If Rick Wiles is a changed person and now denounces Synagogue of Satan types such as Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland, this would be welcome news to me. Please provide the evidence.
Deutsche Bank is Mafia operation. So much for ‘democracy’.
The deadly infestation: https://www.rt.com/news/583869-us-blinken-babyn-yar/
The following Jews are key members of Bribeden’s Cabinet and/or hold important administrative & influential positions by appointment:
1) Doug Emhof, husband of VP Kamala Harris
2) Janet Yellen, Secretary of Treasury
3) Antony Blinken, Secretary of State
4) Jeff Zionts, WH Chief of Staff
5) David Cohen, Deputy Director CIA
6) Merrick Garland, Attorney General
7) Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security
8) Avril Haines, Director National Intelligence
9) Victoria Nuland, Acting Deputy Secretary of State (replaced Wendy Sherman 7/2023)
10) Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary State for Political Affairs (still – paid for both??)
11) Eric Lander, Office of Science Technology
12) Mandy Cohen, CDC Director (replaced Rochelle Welensky 6/2023 – notably sister of Rod Rosenstein)
13) David Kessler, Chief Science Officer for Covid Response
14) Cass Sunstein, Sr. Counselor at DHS
15) Dana Stroul, Jewish Pentagon Sr. Policy Official on Middle East
16) Anne Neuberger, Director of Cyber Security at NASA
17) Chanan Weissman, Director of Technology at Natl Security Coincil
18) Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary of Transportation
19) Jessica Rosenworce, Acting Chairwoman FCC
20) Jennifer Klein, Co-Chair of Gender Policy Council
21) Jared Bernstein, Member of Council of Economic Advisors
22) Stephanie Pollack, Deputy Administrator of Fedl Highway Administration
23) Gary Gensler, Chairman of Securities & Exchange Commission
Tony Blinken has discovered Waffen SS and loves them:
Eighty-two years ago, Nazis murdered 34,000 Jews at Babyn Yar,” Blinken wrote in a Friday post. “Soviets buried this history, which today Putin’s government manipulates to provide cover for Russia’s abuses in Ukraine.” He added that “the US is committed to justice for Holocaust survivors and accountability for atrocities.”
Nakba, Tony? Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, Tony? The despicable lies on which the profiteering schema of holobiz was founded, Tony?
Jews hate Russian so much that they would make people blind and deaf only to avoid the truth that faces the damned tribe: The USSR lost 27 million Soviet citizens during fight against fascism. Here come Blinken — and all 37 Jews in US Congress plus the jew-infested US government – and firmly takes the side of self-proclaimed Ukrainian Nazis. He, therefore, follows the genocidal path of Nuland-Kagan who did a Judeo-Nazi putsch in Kiev in 2014 in collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party and Mossad Delta battalion. https://www.haaretz.com/2014-02-28/ty-article/ex-idf-soldier-fought-on-kiev-streets/0000017f-f855-d2d5-a9ff-f8dddd9b0000
The ex-Israeli soldier who led a Kiev fighting unit [supporting the efforts of the Ukrainian Nazi Party]. ‘Delta’ has headed ‘the Blue Helmets of Maidan’ of 40 men and women – including several IDF veterans – in violent clashes with government forces.
Jews took a leading role in the Nazification of Ukraine. In any decent state, a genocider like Nuland-Kagan would had been hanged already. But in the mortally infested US, the late Jewish witch Albright (“The death of 500.000 Iraqi children was worth it”) was celebrated by the thoroughly Judaized US government. Jews are new Fascists.
Eric135 has advocated for the leadership of
I think we can all agree that white people of Christian heritage need to unite.
"Rick Wiles . . . Texe Marrs, Jerry Barrett, Raymond Burkhart, Steven Anderson and Chuck Baldwin"
So riddle me this: Are Roman Catholics IN that great Christian unification?
I am not surprised that Roman Catholic hypocrisy is rearing its ugly head in this thread.
Also, some were put in black schools. The main reason some people think that racial distinctions which mattered back then don’t matter now is that Italians (and other southern Europeans) no longer much differ culturally from white Americans broadly. But in a pointedly racial political movement, it’s strange – even dishonest – to think that the same racial distinctions could actually be ignored.
Above, Eric135 wrote:
I think we can all agree that white people of Christian heritage need to unite.
Eric135 has advocated for the leadership of
“truth-tellers” “Rick Wiles . . . Texe Marrs, Jerry Barrett, Raymond Burkhart, Steven Anderson and Chuck Baldwin”
while, against all evidence, disassociating these truth-tellers from “Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland” (and presumably Ron Parsley and Jim Hagee) in this project of Christian unification.
Several days later, Eric135 wrote:
I am not surprised that Roman Catholic hypocrisy is rearing its ugly head in this thread.
So riddle me this: Are Roman Catholics IN that great Christian unification?
How about members of Bakker’s audience? Or Copeland’s, Parsley’s, Hagee’s?
Do they get unified IN or unified OUT?
If the latter, where do they belong?
Asking for a friend.
PS In American South, Italians were lynched. They were dark-skinned laborers and were thought to be black.
Vote harder, goy!
Telegram comment posted by Unity News Network:
Alternative for Germany (AfD) member of the Bundestag and party co-chairman Tino Chrupalla has been debanked by Deutsche Bank.
At the same time the authorities are plotting to ban the AFD.
This is a co-ordinated GLOBAL attack on all those speaking out!
The Jewish are not alone.
They are, however, at the peak. Always. No one is above them. It’s them behind it all. “My lackeys aren’t like me!” Who gives a shit. You’re still the kingpin. Stop fucking running interference for them. You’re not fooling anyone.
Read the post again, I was responding to Giraldi’s remarks about “shared values” by pointing out that Israel is lucky to have enemies who share even fewer values with Americans than Israel does. (“Lucky” in the sense that it makes the work of the Zionist PR machine easier than it might have been; getting harder these days with the Israeli far right part of the government.)
I was just describing the reality that exists, not recommending Israel to anyone, or claiming that Israelis are “better” than Palestinians. I don’t think this is so hard to understand. So to me, your post sounds like you’re trying awfully hard to twist my words.
“You started out asking for proof that Rick Wiles was linked to Jim Bakker. Now that I’ve provided it, you seem to be saying, ‘So, what?’ … you’ll notice a focus of the Jim Bakker show on Jewish holidays … people in the audience blowing a shofar … Televangelism is a Jewish-run operation to subvert and program unthinking Christians … How can anyone linked to Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland be given a modicum of respect? … Now Rick is playing the ‘Christian Truther’ calling out Jewish power. When anyone else does this, the ADL shuts them down. But not Trunews.”
You — like Zumbuddi — make the perfect the enemy of the good. And you do it on the flimsiest of grounds.
Rick Wiles — like truth tellers Texe Marrs, Jerry Barrett, Raymond Burkhart, Steven Anderson and Chuck Baldwin — was schooled and began his career within a tradition of evangelical Zionism that dates back to the publication of the Scofield Reference Bible in the early part of the last century.
Scofieldism was embraced by the Dallas Theological Seminary and innumerable bible colleges around the country. It was all that these men knew.
Then they started thinking for themselves. They no longer accepted evangelical Zionism. But they still had friends and past associates within that tradition. Some of those friendships endured in spite of theological differences. Most probably did not.
You say Wiles is controlled opposition. This is nothing more than an assumption. You don’t know what’s in his mind.
You say the ADL hasn’t shut him down. Wiles was kicked off of YouTube, Twitter (when it was owned by Jack Dorsey) and Facebook — all of which have consulted heavily with the ADL.
This criticism of yours is part of a pattern that I’ve noticed: Somebody goes out on a limb — risking losing their audience on social media, and worse — by criticizing Jews or defending white people, and that person is turned on by the very people who claim that they are against Jews and for white people.
In these cases, the perfect is always the enemy of the good: E. Michael Jones criticizes Jews, but he doesn’t specifically advocate for white people. Bad, bad Mike. Rick Wiles criticizes Jews but won’t totally cut himself off from people he knew in his past who do support Jews. Bad, bad Rick.
These are just two examples that come to mind. I’m sure there are others. Just ask the leaders themselves, going back decades.
Let me be frank: The people who do this are most likely Jewish hasbara trolls. It makes perfect sense for them to do exactly what you and Zumbuddi are doing.
I advise the readers of Unz Review not to fall for this trick.
If you wanted to get a better sense of what I think, you’d click on my name to review past posts. Unless you’re intellectually lazy.
Let me be frank: The people who do this are most likely Jewish hasbara trolls. It makes perfect sense for them to do exactly what you and Zumbuddi are doing.
Now you try to compare Rick Wiles to Texe Marrs, who was a giant in the truther community writing dozens of books, some exposing the televangelist, Zionist frauds such as Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland. Yet, you have no issues with Rick Wiles working with a Luciferian like Jim Bakker and speaking highly of Ken Copeland, only a few years ago. Do you even understand that televangelists are wicked people?
Rick Wiles — like truth tellers Texe Marrs…
Some see different patterns; others see the same pattern differently.
Pattern recognition. It’s important. But some can’t see it.
Correlation is a tricky thing.
The decline of Christianity in America correlates perfectly with the decline of the American family, replacement of white people, increasing power of Jews, etc. 1950’s America was better than what we have now. This is only one reason why I have taken Christianity seriously. Maybe you’re young and unable to understand what I have experienced over the last 70 years.
Wikipedia fills in:
Who started televangelism?
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is widely considered to be the world's first televangelist, and his radio show The Catholic Hour ran for 20 years on NBC.
Next, google informs us,
"[Sheen] hosted the night-time radio program The Catholic Hour on NBC (1930–1950) before he moved to television and presented Life Is Worth Living (1952–1957)"
The Hartford Institute has studied Televangelism, and reports:
"The 1960s and early 1970s, saw television replace radio as the primary home entertainment medium, but also corresponded with a further rise in Evangelical Christianity, particularly through the international television and radio ministry of Billy Graham."
The pattern offered by these chronologically aligned facts is that televangelism devolved (I have used the term, Deformed) from the "inspirational" messages of Bp. Fulton Sheen, through the 1950s "when American life was better," to the 1960s and early 1970s rise of Billy Graham; to "The Golden Age of televangelism, from approximately 1980 to 1987, brought religious broadcasting to national attention," which coincides ("correlates") with the beginnings - and - growth of Bakker and the PTL Club ( 1974 to 1989), as well as Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), founded in 1973 by Assemblies of God minister Paul Crouch.
The early radio evangelists focused on saving souls. With the addition of television as a means of delivery, the emphasis and interpretations of individual callings were modified due to the need to develop financial and audience support.
In general, appeals
to individuals to become Christians ("bornagain" experiences),
to reinforce Christian lifestyles, and
to join in support of a particular evangelist's ministry
have marked all televangelists.
Individual programs showed a wide range of formats, from televised preaching to talk shows. Within these various formats, the televangelists' messages ranged
from inspirational with little theology (Schuller, Roberts, Bakker)
to overtly sociopolitical (Falwell and Robertson, for example).
In other words, a 19th-century lawyer-turned-preacher named Charles Finney developed the strategy of "Addressing congregations in the manner he had used earlier in pleading with juries."
"Televangelism is a hybrid institution derived from urban revivalism and television (see Frankl 1984, 1987).
Urban revivalism assumes that the clergy influence an individual's choice of salvation, which previously rested only with God, and is responsible for the establishment of a message suitable for mass consumption.
Both the high cost of paid airtime and the newly acquired ability of broadcasters to sell public service time determined religious broadcasting's organizational structure, contributed to its prevalence, and stimulated its popularity. The true impact of urban revivalism on religious practice can best be seen in an examination of the legacies of three great urban revivalists: Charles Grandison Finney, Dwight Moody, and Billy Sunday.
Charles Finney (1792-1875) articulated the ethos of urban revivalism upon which contemporary televangelism is based. Finney's 1860 Lectures: On Revivals of Religion explained to the clergy how to conduct revivals or, given the primary calling of the revivalists, how to win souls. Part of Finney's legacy was his preaching style, which relied on a sales strategy and the use of plain talk to appeal to audiences.
Finney embedded biblical literalism into the revivalists' preaching style, a tradition that continues today among the evangelical-fundamentalist preachers. Finney favored the direct biblical words rather than sophisticated theological doctrines, just as he favored the grammar and rhetoric of plain people. . . . Finney exhorted ministers to use "any means" to produce powerful excitement and to play an active role as an agent of God.
Under Finney's tutelage, the work and social relationships of the revivalist preacher were changed, as the preacher functioned as gatekeeper in the heavenly hierarchy. He became God's subcontractor, his tools being the Bible, a hymnal, and unique techniques to excite religious fervor.
When Oral Roberts "speaks to God" and urges his viewers to contact him so that he can pray for them, for example, he is following Finney's precepts for being the "wise minister" whose special task is to kindle interest and enthusiasm for Jesus among sinners.
Regarding my observation that the decline of America since the 1950’s has been accompanied by a decline in Christianity, you write:
“Correlation is a tricky thing … Rick Wiles has reminded his audience … that he has been doing what he does ‘for 23 years’ … I can’t help reflecting that over that time, the situation in the U.S. has gone from bad to worse.”
23 years only takes us back to the year 2000. I was comparing the 1950’s to today, not the year 2000.
Other than Roman Catholic archbishop Fulton Sheen, televangelism did not exist in in the 1950’s. And Rick Wiles has never, to my knowledge, been a televangelist. He has done radio and shows on the internet — not on television. Your attack on televangelism is irrelevant to the observation I made. And so is your attack on Rick Wiles.
As part of your strawman critique of televangelism, you include the quote, “Under Finney’s tutelage, the preacher functioned as gatekeeper in the heavenly hierarchy. He became God’s subcontractor …”
LOL. You’ve declared yourself to be a Roman Catholic, and the Roman Catholic Church does exactly what you criticize Finney for advocating.
I am not surprised that Roman Catholic hypocrisy is rearing its ugly head in this thread. It explains a great deal. Unlike your priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals and popes, Rick Wiles does not presume to have any say in whether or not God will grant you salvation. That’s between you and God.
Eric135 has advocated for the leadership of
I think we can all agree that white people of Christian heritage need to unite.
"Rick Wiles . . . Texe Marrs, Jerry Barrett, Raymond Burkhart, Steven Anderson and Chuck Baldwin"
So riddle me this: Are Roman Catholics IN that great Christian unification?
I am not surprised that Roman Catholic hypocrisy is rearing its ugly head in this thread.
But you must admit that Catholics were heavily financed for a long long time by organized crime and could afford to have there shows on television.
I “must admit” nothing.
You want to hate the Catholic Church — knock yourself out. I have my own grievances with the Church, I don’t need to carry your baggage as well.
I know my own experience– a cousin died in the Triangle fire, but Jews refuse to recognize that as many Italian girls died as Jewish. When my Mom was 16 she went to work in a sewing sweatshop, she was in ILGWU; SIEU is an alien entity. My Dad was in the DAV, not a crime family. The only ‘comic book’ in my childhood house was about Eugene Pacelli, Pope Pius XII. In the United States and in the place where I grew up, the Irish ran the church but Pacelli was OUR pope, he represented Italian Catholicism.
My Italian family were immigrants and very poor. Your airy and disconnected references to “SIEU” and masonic symbols are meaningless to me. I was almost 50 years old before I knew Washington, DC existed. I thought the most extraordinary thing about Washington was the Library of Congress with its connection to Thomas Jefferson, not “organized crime.”
I have no idea who financed Bp. Sheen.
I know a bit about Mother Angelica and EWTN, who defied her Catholic bishop to move to Alabama where she had very close ties to Protestant Evangelicals like Pat Robertson, not “organized crime.” Although — it was claimed that “the Black Hand” and Italian bootleggers were responsible for crime in Angelica’s hometown, but it turned out the smuggling industry was run by Jews from Chicago (I spent weeks in the library in Angelica’s hometown and came across a manuscript by a reporter for the local paper. It exposed the connection to a Chicago crime syndicate. The paper was never published and the reporter mysteriously died.)
Tweet by samisdat.in:
How long before the ADL kvetches about a “mass-outbreak of thinking” amongst the goyim and makes thinking a “hate crime”?
The very worst of the Jews, too. The ones who believe that killing civilians is a mitzvah, or good deed.
Tony Blinken has discovered Waffen SS and loves them:
The following Jews are key members of Bribeden's Cabinet and/or hold important administrative & influential positions by appointment:
1) Doug Emhof, husband of VP Kamala Harris
2) Janet Yellen, Secretary of Treasury
3) Antony Blinken, Secretary of State
4) Jeff Zionts, WH Chief of Staff
5) David Cohen, Deputy Director CIA
6) Merrick Garland, Attorney General
7) Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security
8) Avril Haines, Director National Intelligence
9) Victoria Nuland, Acting Deputy Secretary of State (replaced Wendy Sherman 7/2023)
10) Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary State for Political Affairs (still - paid for both??)
11) Eric Lander, Office of Science Technology
12) Mandy Cohen, CDC Director (replaced Rochelle Welensky 6/2023 - notably sister of Rod Rosenstein)
13) David Kessler, Chief Science Officer for Covid Response
14) Cass Sunstein, Sr. Counselor at DHS
15) Dana Stroul, Jewish Pentagon Sr. Policy Official on Middle East
16) Anne Neuberger, Director of Cyber Security at NASA
17) Chanan Weissman, Director of Technology at Natl Security Coincil
18) Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary of Transportation
19) Jessica Rosenworce, Acting Chairwoman FCC
20) Jennifer Klein, Co-Chair of Gender Policy Council
21) Jared Bernstein, Member of Council of Economic Advisors
22) Stephanie Pollack, Deputy Administrator of Fedl Highway Administration
23) Gary Gensler, Chairman of Securities & Exchange Commission
Nakba, Tony? Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, Tony? The despicable lies on which the profiteering schema of holobiz was founded, Tony? Jews hate Russian so much that they would make people blind and deaf only to avoid the truth that faces the damned tribe: The USSR lost 27 million Soviet citizens during fight against fascism. Here come Blinken -- and all 37 Jews in US Congress plus the jew-infested US government – and firmly takes the side of self-proclaimed Ukrainian Nazis. He, therefore, follows the genocidal path of Nuland-Kagan who did a Judeo-Nazi putsch in Kiev in 2014 in collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party and Mossad Delta battalion. https://www.haaretz.com/2014-02-28/ty-article/ex-idf-soldier-fought-on-kiev-streets/0000017f-f855-d2d5-a9ff-f8dddd9b0000
Eighty-two years ago, Nazis murdered 34,000 Jews at Babyn Yar,” Blinken wrote in a Friday post. “Soviets buried this history, which today Putin’s government manipulates to provide cover for Russia’s abuses in Ukraine.” He added that “the US is committed to justice for Holocaust survivors and accountability for atrocities.”
Jews took a leading role in the Nazification of Ukraine. In any decent state, a genocider like Nuland-Kagan would had been hanged already. But in the mortally infested US, the late Jewish witch Albright ("The death of 500.000 Iraqi children was worth it") was celebrated by the thoroughly Judaized US government. Jews are new Fascists.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Uf7aooxvE
The ex-Israeli soldier who led a Kiev fighting unit [supporting the efforts of the Ukrainian Nazi Party]. 'Delta' has headed 'the Blue Helmets of Maidan' of 40 men and women - including several IDF veterans - in violent clashes with government forces.
I suppose I see your point,
““The decline of Christianity in America correlates perfectly” with the rise of televangelism.
“1950’s America was better than what we have now.”
Google notes that the “first” American televangelist was Bp. Fulton J. Sheen”
Maybe it wasn’t what you meant. But you must admit that Catholics were heavily financed for a long long time by organized crime and could afford to have there shows on television. Whether Irish Catholics, Italians or otherwise. Lots of Jewish people converted to Catholic too. Just the organized crime in New York or Chicago during those early years and how many people were supported to go into law and public service and how many were active in their church and church programs for the poor? Unions and their bosses all organized and most supported by the left in this country.
Maybe you can’t see the joke of Washington DC and the Vatican, with DC having their own sacred Library of Congress containing their most valued books, we even have Memphis here in America. There’s an obelisk, the Washington Monument. But it’s rather comical when you think about it. Bush’s thousand points of light all coming together, is a highlight of comedy.
I’m sorry if it’s lost on you.
I agree that jews hold power disproportionate to their percentage of the population. That seems beyond dispute at this point. The reasons for this are many, complex, and widely debated.
Jews control our society because our whores in government sold us out.
‘…Just as a random, yet topical, example, look at the corruption and bribery charges against Bob Menendez of NJ. He literally had gold bars and envelopes of cash to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars littered around his house. All complements of the Egyptian government…’
He is also renowned as a good and faithful servant of Israel. There are those who would connect this fact to the fact that he has been getting away with this crap for a long time.
You started out asking for proof that Rick Wiles was linked to Jim Bakker. Now that I’ve provided it you seem to be saying, “so what”.
If this is not a red flag for you, nothing I say will have any impact. Jim Bakker, Kenneth Copeland and all the televangelists are demons. And if you watched some of the video, you’ll notice a focus of the Jim Bakker show is Jewish holidays, such as Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah. People in the audience are blowing a shofar and one of the 2 Jewish looking guys on the set tells the audience “a good thing to do would be to buy 24 Bibles and put them in a 5-gallon bucket and bury them in your yard”. Complete mockery.
If you haven’t figured it out, Televangelism is a Jewish run operation to subvert and program unthinking Christians. Rick Wiles has been on the payroll and participating. How can anyone linked to Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland be given a modicum of respect. He’s a deceiver playing a role. Controlled opposition is typically 80% truth and 20% lies. Just like Donald Trump calling out the phony MSM. Now Rick is playing the “Christian truther” calling out Jewish power. When anyone else does this the ADL shuts them down. But not Tru News.
I’m glad you didn’t get the shot. My advice is to turn off your TV. You’re not going to find truth on it. With discernment you can find truth online still but it’s getting harder. If you’re Christian, read the Bible and follow Christ. The deceivers won’t stand a chance against you. You won’t fall for their BS. Good luck!
((Silviosilver’s)) pathetic attempt to concoct a false narrative about the Palestinians being worse than the Jews who are systematically killing them and stealing their ancestral land sounds awfully jewish.
You packed a lot in that comment, Lara.
One line is disputable: I don’t think my comment said, “Televangelism created the leftist fanaticism of the 60s and 70s.”
But — whatever. Knock yourself out. You’re not alone in your animus toward Roman Catholicism: when TruNews had a Comments section alongside its evening broadcast, the anti-Catholicism was ever-present and really ugly. And a caricature of the Catholicism I was raised in.
Your complaints about the Vatican forced me to realize that I’m fairly selective in my prejudices.
The whole schtick that conflates “Vatican” and “novus ordo” and illuminati and free masons — way beyond my pay grade. And my area of interest, unless the topic is Dan Brown’s fiction.
The material on the Hartford Institute site induced me to compare televangelism practiced by Wiles, and Bakker, Robertson, Benny Hinn, late D J Kennedy, & a raft of others with a franchise, trading on a few Christian-ish concepts like so many mass-produced mystery-meat patties.
Whatever authentic “Christianity” is, the televangelism that lot ^ works at, does not seem to be respectful of it. From my perspective, it is harmful and has debased Christianity to the extent that its enemies can readily destroy it and use it for their own malign purposes.
Yes, Menendez has outlived his usefulness to the Tribe. But that little mestizo Cuban has 9 lives and I wouldn’t put it passed him to survive even this and as you said, the replacement will probably be an even worse Zionist stooge.
I should have added how the fervor reached a pitch to get rid of Hoover and the FBI who managed to take some of the mobsters down along with the communists.
Some see different patterns; others see the same pattern differently.
Pattern recognition. It’s important. But some can’t see it.
Correlation is a tricky thing.
The decline of Christianity in America correlates perfectly with the decline of the American family, replacement of white people, increasing power of Jews, etc. 1950’s America was better than what we have now. This is only one reason why I have taken Christianity seriously. Maybe you’re young and unable to understand what I have experienced over the last 70 years.
Wikipedia fills in:
Who started televangelism?
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is widely considered to be the world's first televangelist, and his radio show The Catholic Hour ran for 20 years on NBC.
Next, google informs us,
"[Sheen] hosted the night-time radio program The Catholic Hour on NBC (1930–1950) before he moved to television and presented Life Is Worth Living (1952–1957)"
The Hartford Institute has studied Televangelism, and reports:
"The 1960s and early 1970s, saw television replace radio as the primary home entertainment medium, but also corresponded with a further rise in Evangelical Christianity, particularly through the international television and radio ministry of Billy Graham."
The pattern offered by these chronologically aligned facts is that televangelism devolved (I have used the term, Deformed) from the "inspirational" messages of Bp. Fulton Sheen, through the 1950s "when American life was better," to the 1960s and early 1970s rise of Billy Graham; to "The Golden Age of televangelism, from approximately 1980 to 1987, brought religious broadcasting to national attention," which coincides ("correlates") with the beginnings - and - growth of Bakker and the PTL Club ( 1974 to 1989), as well as Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), founded in 1973 by Assemblies of God minister Paul Crouch.
The early radio evangelists focused on saving souls. With the addition of television as a means of delivery, the emphasis and interpretations of individual callings were modified due to the need to develop financial and audience support.
In general, appeals
to individuals to become Christians ("bornagain" experiences),
to reinforce Christian lifestyles, and
to join in support of a particular evangelist's ministry
have marked all televangelists.
Individual programs showed a wide range of formats, from televised preaching to talk shows. Within these various formats, the televangelists' messages ranged
from inspirational with little theology (Schuller, Roberts, Bakker)
to overtly sociopolitical (Falwell and Robertson, for example).
In other words, a 19th-century lawyer-turned-preacher named Charles Finney developed the strategy of "Addressing congregations in the manner he had used earlier in pleading with juries."
"Televangelism is a hybrid institution derived from urban revivalism and television (see Frankl 1984, 1987).
Urban revivalism assumes that the clergy influence an individual's choice of salvation, which previously rested only with God, and is responsible for the establishment of a message suitable for mass consumption.
Both the high cost of paid airtime and the newly acquired ability of broadcasters to sell public service time determined religious broadcasting's organizational structure, contributed to its prevalence, and stimulated its popularity. The true impact of urban revivalism on religious practice can best be seen in an examination of the legacies of three great urban revivalists: Charles Grandison Finney, Dwight Moody, and Billy Sunday.
Charles Finney (1792-1875) articulated the ethos of urban revivalism upon which contemporary televangelism is based. Finney's 1860 Lectures: On Revivals of Religion explained to the clergy how to conduct revivals or, given the primary calling of the revivalists, how to win souls. Part of Finney's legacy was his preaching style, which relied on a sales strategy and the use of plain talk to appeal to audiences.
Finney embedded biblical literalism into the revivalists' preaching style, a tradition that continues today among the evangelical-fundamentalist preachers. Finney favored the direct biblical words rather than sophisticated theological doctrines, just as he favored the grammar and rhetoric of plain people. . . . Finney exhorted ministers to use "any means" to produce powerful excitement and to play an active role as an agent of God.
Under Finney's tutelage, the work and social relationships of the revivalist preacher were changed, as the preacher functioned as gatekeeper in the heavenly hierarchy. He became God's subcontractor, his tools being the Bible, a hymnal, and unique techniques to excite religious fervor.
When Oral Roberts "speaks to God" and urges his viewers to contact him so that he can pray for them, for example, he is following Finney's precepts for being the "wise minister" whose special task is to kindle interest and enthusiasm for Jesus among sinners.
Well you have to admit they were competing with the Catholic Church who had plenty of gangsters and mobsters to help finance them. Why they all went to Church!
To say that Televangelism created the leftist fanaticism of the 60s and 70s is a bit of a stretch. Mobsters and Unions were a big hit under Novus Ordo Unum. Gone were the days of don’t tread on me and mind your own business.
Today we have forced integration, education right down to you can’t get a job without taking a knee and showing forced solidarity to their world order.
Muslims did plenty of forced coercion into their religion while today they try to portray their diversity virtues.
Most Presidents still make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem or somewhere over there. So many factions in a religious fight of good vs evil. Then the Pope goes out and signs a pact with Saudi Arabia and Muslims, who was/is an ally of ours. Things change over time. The country went from not finding monsters to destroy to Novus Ordo Unum and a League of Nations into the United Nations. The Pope at the time, and Reagan were anti-Communist when Communism was the big thing. Jews in Russia were split not all were communist/socialist. Israel was communist in it’s beginnings and we weren’t always a supporter as they were supplied by the Soviet Union. Time changes things. Infiltrations in education and other forms of life for ordinary folks. The Catholics who came from Ireland and elsewhere changed things. They sided with the enemies of the AntiCatholics, not all some left the church and sided with America. But now you can’t tell who is who as the protestants and others along with the Catholics help to flood the country with antiChristians. Money does that to people. It’s all an investment. You can also follow how Then there is also how we went from a Republic into a Democracy which follows into Novus Ordo Unum. How the Vatican stole from the Nights Templar. How the Nights disappeared and probably transformed into something else with revenge in mind. How all of it led us to where we are right now.
Good for you and I join you in being “glad you never took the shots.”
Pattern recognition. It’s important. But some can’t see it.
Some see different patterns; others see the same pattern differently.
You wrote:
The decline of Christianity in America correlates perfectly with the decline of the American family, replacement of white people, increasing power of Jews, etc. 1950’s America was better than what we have now. This is only one reason why I have taken Christianity seriously. Maybe you’re young and unable to understand what I have experienced over the last 70 years.
Correlation is a tricky thing.
Rick Wiles has reminded his audience numerous, as in very very many, times, that he has been doing what he does “for 23 years.” (+ or -)
I can’t help reflecting that over that time, the situation in the US has gone from bad to worse.
“The decline of Christianity in America correlates perfectly” with the rise of televangelism.
“1950’s America was better than what we have now.”
Google notes that the “first” American televangelist was Bp. Fulton J. Sheen,
Who started televangelism?
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is widely considered to be the world’s first televangelist, and his radio show The Catholic Hour ran for 20 years on NBC.
Wikipedia fills in:
“[Sheen] hosted the night-time radio program The Catholic Hour on NBC (1930–1950) before he moved to television and presented Life Is Worth Living (1952–1957)”
Next, google informs us,
“The 1960s and early 1970s, saw television replace radio as the primary home entertainment medium, but also corresponded with a further rise in Evangelical Christianity, particularly through the international television and radio ministry of Billy Graham.”
The Hartford Institute has studied Televangelism, and reports:
Hyphenated Americans seem bent on destroying the America I grew up in. Active members in the American Moochers Society through their collective bad behavior are destroying cities across America. In 2020 the Leper’s bell rung signaling the arrival of foreign looters marathoning across our southern border inflicting more harm on cities. The hyphenated American neocons running the immense grifting operation against Putin and Russia using my cash and Ukrainian blood also threaten my survival. All this seems racially inspired. Garage band Blinkin neocons hate Russia because its Christian Orthodox and well think about the Jewish progroms carried out during the Russian Empire. Being 98% Irish ancestry and living here in North America due to harsh British policies carried out during the 2 potato famines in Ireland during mid 19th century, current events got me thinking about my ancestry history and my total lack of animus toward the British. I remember living in New York in the 1970s and being approached by several Irish American societies soliciting donations for the “IRA” effort in Northern Ireland. I told them to go away as I do not support white on white violence for any reason. That got me thinking why don’t I act with more umbrage against the people who historically harmed my people forcing an exodus like other groups? White solidarity. Even with generations of suppression, beat down, and cancellation, white solidarity exits in my DNA. More now than years past I feel white solidarity rise like bubbles in water from my X chromosome. Gene related or culturally inflicted the white Christian team must begin to rally. No more WW1 & WW2 mass white on white violence. We’ve got nowhere to run. I hope many others feel the same because we don’t have an ethnic life boat to carry us to an always welcoming homeland.
Maybe you could have called America the AntiCatholic, get it, the AntiCatholic hahaha I crack myself up sometimes.
The “holobiz survivor” Cardin was the most ardent pusher for destroying the relationships between the US and Russia. Cardin’s greatest achievement was his collaborations with famous fraudster Bill Browder, who is wanted in Russia for ordering the murder of several people related to Browder’s enterprise (of illegal extraction kind ) in Russia. The geriatric kleptocrat Cardin should be credited for bringing humanity closer to WWIII.
Cardin a jew cannot contain his Russophobia; he cares not about humanity at large: “Cardin Calls Permanent Reauthorization of Global Magnitsky Sanctions a Clear Message to Putin.” The whole edifice of of Magnitsky Act is based on the ‘ideas’ of Bill Browder:
“Bill Browder, a Billionaire Accused of Being a Fraud and Liar:” https://thewallwillfall.org/2020/07/22/bill-browder-a-billionaire-accused-of-being-a-fraud-and-liar/
During the corrupt Yeltsin years, with his business partner’s US $25 million, Browder amassed a fortune. Profiting from the large-scale privatizations in Russia from 1996 to 2006 his Hermitage firm eventually grew to $4.5 billion.
When Browder encountered financial difficulties with Russian authorities he portrayed himself as an anti-corruption activist and became the driving force behind the Magnitsky Act, which resulted in economic sanctions aimed at Russian officials. However, an examination of Browder’s record in Russia and his testimony in court cases reveals contradictions with his statements to the public and Congress, and raises questions about his motives in attacking corruption in Russia.
Although he has claimed that he was an ‘activist shareholder’ and campaigned for Russian companies to adopt Western-style governance, it has been reported that he cleverly destabilized companies he was targeting for takeover. Canadian blogger Mark Chapman has revealed that after Browder would buy a minority share in a company he would resort to lawsuits against this company through shell companies he controlled. This would destabilize the company with charges of corruption and insolvency. To prevent its collapse the Russian government would intervene by injecting capital into it, causing its stock market to rise—with the result that Browder’s profits would rise exponentially.
Later, through Browder’s Russian-registered subsidiaries, his accountant Magnitsky acquired extra shares in Russian gas companies such as Surgutneftegaz, Rosneft and Gazprom. This procedure enabled Browder’s companies to pay the residential tax rate of 5.5% instead of the 35% that foreigners would have to pay.
This is a Jew way to loot and demand sympathy at once.
A documentary film about Browder was based on facts, and therefore was prohibited by Jews from showing it in the US and Europe:
In the film Nekrasov proceeds to unravel Browder’s story, which was designed to conceal his own corporate responsibility for the criminal theft of the money. As Browder’s widely accepted story collapses, Magnitsky is revealed not to be a whistleblower but a likely abettor to the fraud who died in prison not from an official assassination but from banal neglect of his medical condition. The film cleverly allows William Browder to self-destruct under the weight of his own lies and the contradictions in his story-telling at various times. …
In his film Nekrasov says that the Browder version is: “Yes, the crime took place [$232 million fraud against the public treasury but, according to Browder, actually against Browder’s firm], but somebody else did it — the police did it.”
In this convoluted tale, it should be recalled that the fraud against the Russian treasury had first been reported to the police by Rimma Starlova on April 9, 2008. This had been recorded on the Hermitage website. In preparing the material for his film, Nekrasov noted that, “In March 2009, Starlova’s report disappeared from Hermitage’s [Brower’s business] website. . . . This is the same time that Magnitsky started to be treated as an analyst . . . who discovered the $232 million fraud. Thus the Magnitsky-the-whistleblower story was born, almost a year after the matter had been reported to the police.”
“Bill Browder served with subpoena in New York”
Video Link
But one can be assured that Jewish amorality, as exemplified by Cardin, does not allow the Knesset on Potomac to reconsider the fraud-laced Magnitisky act:
Although for almost the past ten years Browder’s self-serving story had been accepted almost worldwide and served to help vilify Russia, in the past few months there has been an awakening to the true state of affairs about Browder.
The first such article “The Case of Sergei Magnitsky: Questions Cloud Story Behind U.S. Sanctions” written by Benjamin Bidder, a German journalist, appeared on November 26, 2019 in Der Spiegel. At the outset Bidder states:
“Ten years after his death, inconsistencies in Magnitsky’s story suggest he may not have been the hero many people — and Western governments — believed him to be. Did the perfidious conspiracy to murder Magnitsky ever really take place? Or is Browder a charlatan whose story the West was too eager to believe? … But with the Magnitsky sanctions, it could be that the activist Browder used a noble cause to manipulate Western governments.”
No, Browder did not manipulate Western governments — the governments are infested with amoral Jews like Cardin whose Russophobia will be the fall of these governments.
But now he is in too deep with his gold bars and the Lobby is letting him go knowing well that Cardin will be fully in Israel’s pocket
In someone’s pocket has the following connotation…
in (one’s) pocket
Under one’s control or influence, especially in an underhanded or unethical way, such as by bribery or extortion.
Most would think a man with a surname like Cardin is probably Anglo… definitely more Anglo than a man with a surname like Kardonsky.
From wiki:
Benjamin Louis Cardin was born in Baltimore, Maryland. The family name was originally “Kardonsky”, before it was changed to “Cardin”. Cardin’s grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants. His maternal grandfather, Benjamin Green, operated a neighborhood grocery store that later turned into a wholesale food distribution company. His mother Dora was a schoolteacher and his father, Meyer Cardin, served in the Maryland House of Delegates (1935–1937) and later sat on the Baltimore City Supreme Bench (1961–1977).
So, given Benjamin Kardonsky is from the Circumcised Tribe there is little reason to bribe or extort him to do their bidding. He subverts the host country with gusto without the need for any additional inducements.
“We subvert Western homelands for free, goy!”
I believe the Illuminati used to own it and helped build it. I was watching this documentary on the Catholic Church. the Vatican and how it’s own government right there in Rome. It seems remarkably like Washington DC a place of it’s own right there in America. Washington DC seems almost like a caricature of the Vatican. An in your face country built mostly by Freemasons who signed the Declaration of Independence and used the King James Bible. Not only did they use the bible, they printed distributed and read it freely. The Pope didn’t care much for it. They even had their own One World Order ambitions and still do. Then the Catholics infiltrated the new Vatican with some of their own. Some were shot. Catholics are or were notoriously Democrat and leftist. Reagan was shot and so was the Pope in 1981 or 82. I still think Kennedy was shot because he was a leftist Catholic in the vein of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. But somehow it’s come around and no one tries to get them out anymore. I guess it’s just time and the ruin of secret societies that everyone wanted to get rid of. Now you have a flunky one world religion Pope and a flunky one world order President. Your freedom is gone like your anonymity. They have their one world eyes in the sky. For shame. The Illuminati and the Freemasons helped build a free land. Now it is parceled out and sold on the Free Market, it’s all an investment opportunity in the One World Order of Democracy.
I lived in Maryland, and through relatives was invited to several receptions for Cardin, held at Chevy Chase country club, — the place where Chief Justice Roberts was mysteriously conked several years ago.
Cardin is from a more rural county (but one that is rapidly developing). He’s been in the bag for zionists his entire career.
Moreover, Jamie Raskin is Dem. Rep. for Montgomery County — home to Lockheed-Martin, NIH, and with sizable satellites of other MIC outfits as well as BigPharma. More recently, satellites of Silicon Valley (predominantly intelligence & cyber) businesses have implanted in the Virginia and MD suburbs as well as DC proper.
Dynamic duo — Cardin + Raskin. Nothing good (for the American people at-large) will come from these representations.
Although that corner of Maryland-DC is prospering extravagantly.
It’s worth noting that, based on reports of Jewish demographers/census-takers, the Jewish population of the DC-VA-MD-WV Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) increased by about 50,000 in (roughly) Bill Clinton’s tenure. I recall reading that during Clinton terms, Jews gained increasing access to federal civil service employment.
The numbers of synagogues and other Jewish community centers in the MSA (or at least, in the close-in Montgomery Co., MD area) has also grown tremendously, and the centers of Jewish living have shifted from earlier smaller, lower-cost housing to gated communities of “McMansions.” It’s also interesting to note that some of the more exclusive of these gated communities are home to many of Asian/Chinese origin as well as Jews — Montgomery County is home to the original genomics project, and numerous of the scientists working in that project are Asian. Don’t know if they still do, but a few years ago, public elementary schools in that part of MD offered Mandarin. Parents went to great lengths to enroll their children in the program.
Nice article but Phil Giraldi never bring up the fact that the ADL is a hypocrite on genocides/Holocaust by the ADL’s denying the genocide committed by Turkey against 1.5 Christian Armenians.
The Turks were sloppy. In my day we didn’t leave witnesses. All Armenians living today should be murdered.
Happy now?
Both Menendez and Cardin are absolutely loyal to their Israeli masters. I am from New Jersey originally and it was interesting to observe Menendez slime his way up the political ladder avoiding scandal after scandal due to his Jewish support. But now he is in too deep with his gold bars and the Lobby is letting him go knowing well that Cardin will be fully in Israel’s pocket, maybe even better at it than Menendez was. NJ’s democratic party machine is Jewish run and funded. The other Senator from the state Corey Booker is a fully faithful zionist stooge even though he is black. He even taught himself to speak some Hebrew meaning he is so far up their asses that he hasn’t seen the light of day in years. Poor New Jersey! I can only imagine who or what will replace Menendez!
In someone’s pocket has the following connotation…
But now he is in too deep with his gold bars and the Lobby is letting him go knowing well that Cardin will be fully in Israel’s pocket
Most would think a man with a surname like Cardin is probably Anglo… definitely more Anglo than a man with a surname like Kardonsky. From wiki:
in (one's) pocket
Under one's control or influence, especially in an underhanded or unethical way, such as by bribery or extortion.https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/in+someone's+pocket
So, given Benjamin Kardonsky is from the Circumcised Tribe there is little reason to bribe or extort him to do their bidding. He subverts the host country with gusto without the need for any additional inducements. “We subvert Western homelands for free, goy!”
Benjamin Louis Cardin was born in Baltimore, Maryland. The family name was originally "Kardonsky", before it was changed to "Cardin". Cardin's grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants. His maternal grandfather, Benjamin Green, operated a neighborhood grocery store that later turned into a wholesale food distribution company. His mother Dora was a schoolteacher and his father, Meyer Cardin, served in the Maryland House of Delegates (1935–1937) and later sat on the Baltimore City Supreme Bench (1961–1977).https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Cardin
This is a Jew way to loot and demand sympathy at once.A documentary film about Browder was based on facts, and therefore was prohibited by Jews from showing it in the US and Europe:
During the corrupt Yeltsin years, with his business partner’s US $25 million, Browder amassed a fortune. Profiting from the large-scale privatizations in Russia from 1996 to 2006 his Hermitage firm eventually grew to $4.5 billion.When Browder encountered financial difficulties with Russian authorities he portrayed himself as an anti-corruption activist and became the driving force behind the Magnitsky Act, which resulted in economic sanctions aimed at Russian officials. However, an examination of Browder’s record in Russia and his testimony in court cases reveals contradictions with his statements to the public and Congress, and raises questions about his motives in attacking corruption in Russia.Although he has claimed that he was an ‘activist shareholder’ and campaigned for Russian companies to adopt Western-style governance, it has been reported that he cleverly destabilized companies he was targeting for takeover. Canadian blogger Mark Chapman has revealed that after Browder would buy a minority share in a company he would resort to lawsuits against this company through shell companies he controlled. This would destabilize the company with charges of corruption and insolvency. To prevent its collapse the Russian government would intervene by injecting capital into it, causing its stock market to rise—with the result that Browder’s profits would rise exponentially.Later, through Browder’s Russian-registered subsidiaries, his accountant Magnitsky acquired extra shares in Russian gas companies such as Surgutneftegaz, Rosneft and Gazprom. This procedure enabled Browder’s companies to pay the residential tax rate of 5.5% instead of the 35% that foreigners would have to pay.
"Bill Browder served with subpoena in New York" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryVavTF6hR0But one can be assured that Jewish amorality, as exemplified by Cardin, does not allow the Knesset on Potomac to reconsider the fraud-laced Magnitisky act:
In the film Nekrasov proceeds to unravel Browder’s story, which was designed to conceal his own corporate responsibility for the criminal theft of the money. As Browder’s widely accepted story collapses, Magnitsky is revealed not to be a whistleblower but a likely abettor to the fraud who died in prison not from an official assassination but from banal neglect of his medical condition. The film cleverly allows William Browder to self-destruct under the weight of his own lies and the contradictions in his story-telling at various times. ...In his film Nekrasov says that the Browder version is: “Yes, the crime took place [$232 million fraud against the public treasury but, according to Browder, actually against Browder’s firm], but somebody else did it — the police did it.”In this convoluted tale, it should be recalled that the fraud against the Russian treasury had first been reported to the police by Rimma Starlova on April 9, 2008. This had been recorded on the Hermitage website. In preparing the material for his film, Nekrasov noted that, “In March 2009, Starlova’s report disappeared from Hermitage’s [Brower's business] website. . . . This is the same time that Magnitsky started to be treated as an analyst . . . who discovered the $232 million fraud. Thus the Magnitsky-the-whistleblower story was born, almost a year after the matter had been reported to the police.”
No, Browder did not manipulate Western governments -- the governments are infested with amoral Jews like Cardin whose Russophobia will be the fall of these governments.
Although for almost the past ten years Browder’s self-serving story had been accepted almost worldwide and served to help vilify Russia, in the past few months there has been an awakening to the true state of affairs about Browder.The first such article “The Case of Sergei Magnitsky: Questions Cloud Story Behind U.S. Sanctions” written by Benjamin Bidder, a German journalist, appeared on November 26, 2019 in Der Spiegel. At the outset Bidder states:
“Ten years after his death, inconsistencies in Magnitsky’s story suggest he may not have been the hero many people — and Western governments — believed him to be. Did the perfidious conspiracy to murder Magnitsky ever really take place? Or is Browder a charlatan whose story the West was too eager to believe? ... But with the Magnitsky sanctions, it could be that the activist Browder used a noble cause to manipulate Western governments.”
“Both are lowlife frauds.”
Well, I’m glad I was watching “lowlife fraud” Rick Wiles when Covid first appeared. Thanks to his extensive and accurate coverage, complete with documentation, I never got tested and never took the shots. The people I know who did deeply regret it now.
His shows about the coup against Trump, Antifa, BLM, the World Economic Forum and NATO’S proxy war against Russia were excellent as well. What I learned watching his show, people are only beginning to learn now. Because of the documents and video clips he presented, I was able to compile references and quotes to show to other people.
I also found Wiles and Raymond Burkhart a good source for understanding Christianity and making appropriate distinctions between Jews and Christians. This occurred during a period when most churches were shut down. I had been trying to determine an appropriate church to join, and the Covid lockdown became an acid test for figuring out which churches were “for real” and which were not.
It turned out that it was mostly Baptist denominations that defied the lockdowns. And yes, there is a connection between them and people like Bakker, Falwell and Swaggart. Well, I don’t care. There are probably ninety-year-old people in hospice on the verge of death who find watching Jim Bakker comforting as they slowly fade away and die. Maybe it will be you and another, similar show someday.
The decline of Christianity in America correlates perfectly with the decline of the American family, replacement of white people, increasing power of Jews, etc. 1950’s America was better than what we have now. This is only one reason why I have taken Christianity seriously. Maybe you’re young and unable to understand what I have experienced over the last 70 years. Pattern recognition. It’s important. But some can’t see it.
I have found that there is nothing in life worthwhile that doesn’t come with some pitfalls and imperfections. Take the good and set the bad aside. If you’ve found perfection, be sure to let us know about it.
Some see different patterns; others see the same pattern differently.
Pattern recognition. It’s important. But some can’t see it.
Correlation is a tricky thing.
The decline of Christianity in America correlates perfectly with the decline of the American family, replacement of white people, increasing power of Jews, etc. 1950’s America was better than what we have now. This is only one reason why I have taken Christianity seriously. Maybe you’re young and unable to understand what I have experienced over the last 70 years.
Wikipedia fills in:
Who started televangelism?
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is widely considered to be the world's first televangelist, and his radio show The Catholic Hour ran for 20 years on NBC.
Next, google informs us,
"[Sheen] hosted the night-time radio program The Catholic Hour on NBC (1930–1950) before he moved to television and presented Life Is Worth Living (1952–1957)"
The Hartford Institute has studied Televangelism, and reports:
"The 1960s and early 1970s, saw television replace radio as the primary home entertainment medium, but also corresponded with a further rise in Evangelical Christianity, particularly through the international television and radio ministry of Billy Graham."
The pattern offered by these chronologically aligned facts is that televangelism devolved (I have used the term, Deformed) from the "inspirational" messages of Bp. Fulton Sheen, through the 1950s "when American life was better," to the 1960s and early 1970s rise of Billy Graham; to "The Golden Age of televangelism, from approximately 1980 to 1987, brought religious broadcasting to national attention," which coincides ("correlates") with the beginnings - and - growth of Bakker and the PTL Club ( 1974 to 1989), as well as Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), founded in 1973 by Assemblies of God minister Paul Crouch.
The early radio evangelists focused on saving souls. With the addition of television as a means of delivery, the emphasis and interpretations of individual callings were modified due to the need to develop financial and audience support.
In general, appeals
to individuals to become Christians ("bornagain" experiences),
to reinforce Christian lifestyles, and
to join in support of a particular evangelist's ministry
have marked all televangelists.
Individual programs showed a wide range of formats, from televised preaching to talk shows. Within these various formats, the televangelists' messages ranged
from inspirational with little theology (Schuller, Roberts, Bakker)
to overtly sociopolitical (Falwell and Robertson, for example).
In other words, a 19th-century lawyer-turned-preacher named Charles Finney developed the strategy of "Addressing congregations in the manner he had used earlier in pleading with juries."
"Televangelism is a hybrid institution derived from urban revivalism and television (see Frankl 1984, 1987).
Urban revivalism assumes that the clergy influence an individual's choice of salvation, which previously rested only with God, and is responsible for the establishment of a message suitable for mass consumption.
Both the high cost of paid airtime and the newly acquired ability of broadcasters to sell public service time determined religious broadcasting's organizational structure, contributed to its prevalence, and stimulated its popularity. The true impact of urban revivalism on religious practice can best be seen in an examination of the legacies of three great urban revivalists: Charles Grandison Finney, Dwight Moody, and Billy Sunday.
Charles Finney (1792-1875) articulated the ethos of urban revivalism upon which contemporary televangelism is based. Finney's 1860 Lectures: On Revivals of Religion explained to the clergy how to conduct revivals or, given the primary calling of the revivalists, how to win souls. Part of Finney's legacy was his preaching style, which relied on a sales strategy and the use of plain talk to appeal to audiences.
Finney embedded biblical literalism into the revivalists' preaching style, a tradition that continues today among the evangelical-fundamentalist preachers. Finney favored the direct biblical words rather than sophisticated theological doctrines, just as he favored the grammar and rhetoric of plain people. . . . Finney exhorted ministers to use "any means" to produce powerful excitement and to play an active role as an agent of God.
Under Finney's tutelage, the work and social relationships of the revivalist preacher were changed, as the preacher functioned as gatekeeper in the heavenly hierarchy. He became God's subcontractor, his tools being the Bible, a hymnal, and unique techniques to excite religious fervor.
When Oral Roberts "speaks to God" and urges his viewers to contact him so that he can pray for them, for example, he is following Finney's precepts for being the "wise minister" whose special task is to kindle interest and enthusiasm for Jesus among sinners.
Mr. Giraldi,
What’s your read on the fall of Sen. Bob Menendez? Was he sidelined so Jew/Zionist Ben Cardin could become chair of Foreign Relations to ensure Palestinians get screwed in any Israel/Saudi accord?
To be sure Menendez carried plenty of Zionist water over the years but maybe a member of the tribe was only to be trusted to create the vehicle for Sunni Islam permanently dumping the Palestinians.
Lol 😆 I mentioned this before. I got up one night and on Tee Vee there was wall to wall Jew-ish talking heads. CNN had a Jew expert being interviewed by a horrible Jewess. C-span had another Jew explaining the days events and two Joo-ish Assistant Secretaries of State were giving their expert testimony on Capitol Hill.
I promised to share the satanic video of Jim Bakker which includes Rick Wiles at the 17.27 mark as well as others. Both lowlife frauds.
And yes, this video is funny too. A montage of derangement. Enjoy.
Protestantism was started as a Jewish Revolutionary movement 1500 years after the founding of Christianity.
Yes Virginia, Jews have even managed to corrupt the Evangelical Christians, who all support Israel. Preachers are now telling their flocks to support Israel or otherwise you’ll go to hell.
You obviously don’t understand the roots of Protestantism, nor the causes for such a movement to begin in the first place (utterly evil men as “infallible pope” (pope derived from “papa”: father and the common variant “padre”) to start with, as well as the instruction to call no one your father other than your actual dad (how often to Catholics refer to a priest as “father” or “padre” or any other word which means father). There is also the instruction that religious leaders should be married to one wife (not zero, and likewise not two or more)…
And lastly, it’s the ROMAN Church. the Roman PAGAN religion in sheep’s clothing.
The saint of this field of endeavor, and the saint of people with such and such life situations… to be prayed to for assistance… JUST LIKE THE PAGAN ROMAN PANTHEON.
No, Protestantism isn’t Jewish at all… it’s a reclaimation of Christianity from a corrupt political regime in robes.
1. Mega-fraudster. 2. War criminal 3. CEO of fascist mega-corporation 4. Admirer of self-proclaimed Nazis
Maybe we’ll finally get Africa-level satire on tv.
You know, as we drift their way – so to speak.
Who Owns the United States?
China rejects hegemony. No only the one the U.S. is obviously trying to achieve but, more general, also for itself.
Yesterday the Global Times editorial pointed to a new guideline paper issued by China's State Council:
On September 26, China's State Council Information Office released a white paper titled "A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions."
Who owns the United States?
The New York Times Event Speakers:
1. Mega-fraudster. 2. War criminal 3. CEO of fascist mega-corporation 4. Admirer of self-proclaimed Nazis
Maybe we'll finally get Africa-level satire on tv.
1. Mega-fraudster. 2. War criminal 3. CEO of fascist mega-corporation 4. Admirer of self-proclaimed Nazis
Equally shameful that so many mainline Christian preachers teach from the Jewish people's hideous books; raise money to send to Israel; and lead their congregations on trips to that thrice-stolen land.
The Jewish people are not gods and Israel is not heaven!! It is shameful that our politicians publicly kiss the asses of these rich bastards 24/7!!!
Replies: @Eric135
Through intuition and imagination ... People can trust themselves to be their own authority on what is right. A TRANSCENDENTALIST is a person who accepts these ideas not as religious beliefs but as a way of understanding life relationships. ,,,
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Harvard-educated essayist and lecturer and is recognized as our first truly "American" thinker. In his most famous essay, "THE AMERICAN SCHOLAR," he urged Americans to stop looking to Europe for inspiration and imitation and be themselves. He believed that people were naturally good and that everyone's potential was limitless. He inspired his colleagues to look into themselves, into nature, into art, and through work for answers to life's most perplexing questions. His intellectual contributions to the philosophy of transcendentalism inspired a uniquely American idealism and spirit of reform. https://www.ushistory.org/us/26f.asp
” … so many mainline Christian preachers … raise money to send to Israel.”
This is inaccurate. It’s only evangelical Zionists who raise money to send to Israel. Mainline denominations do not.
” … Jewish politico-religio[us] dictates and [their] many ‘Christian’ deformations.”
Jews rejected Christ (God) and still do.
Jews are anti-Christs.
Jews are at war with God and his divine order.
Your answer to that?
Reject God. Take the side of God’s enemy and your enemy, the Jews.
How odd.
You don’t believe in “fairy tales”? You don’t believe in “the sky fairy”? You don’t believe in Jesus’ divinity. That’s fine. Believe or don’t believe as you please.
But don’t misrepresent Christianity and call it Jewish. I think it is reasonable to expect you not to do that. Otherwise, you deserve to be treated as a troll — and possibly an imposter as well.
Nice article but Phil Giraldi never bring up the fact that the ADL is a hypocrite on genocides/Holocaust by the ADL’s denying the genocide committed by Turkey against 1.5 Christian Armenians.
The Turks were sloppy. In my day we didn't leave witnesses. All Armenians living today should be murdered.
Nice article but Phil Giraldi never bring up the fact that the ADL is a hypocrite on genocides/Holocaust by the ADL’s denying the genocide committed by Turkey against 1.5 Christian Armenians.
“Eric135’s comment @ #236 alone is more frightening than Jonathan Greenblatt.”
Comment #236 was made by anarchyst, not me.
“lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate”
What a pretentious little twit you are.
Who Owns the United States?
China rejects hegemony. No only the one the U.S. is obviously trying to achieve but, more general, also for itself.
Yesterday the Global Times editorial pointed to a new guideline paper issued by China's State Council:
On September 26, China's State Council Information Office released a white paper titled "A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions."
“There’s an electronic hum in the video. Wiles claimed it was ‘the FBI’ that distorted the video so that MSM news outlet[s] will be unable to rebroadcast the event.”
Wiles didn’t say that. He said he thought it was possible that the FBI had distorted the video. He did not say MSM news outlets would be “unable” to rebroadcast the event. He said it was unlikely they would rebroadcast it because it didn’t meet their production standards.
You have a bad habit of putting words into people’s mouths.
“Who owns the United States? … Wiles says: Xi Jinping. China says: We are not interested in owning the USA.”
The Chinese communists called starving millions of people “The Great Leap Forward”. Why would you believe what they say?
America’s corporate elite have been in bed with communist China for the last thirty years or so. Corporations contribute money to American politicians, and those politicians do what the corporations want them to do. As a result, China rivals Israel in its ability to influence the United States.
Both Republicans and Democrats are heavily controlled by those two countries. The control by China is indirect — through U.S. corporations. With Israel, it is more direct because Jews (who control the U.S. media) have persuaded Americans to see Israel as their best friend.
Rick Wiles hasn’t been able to completely untangle this web of influence and connect all the dots. Neither have I. Neither have you. Neither has anyone else to my knowledge.
I同时 Sorry about the chief, it’s not about how you feel at sleep, it’s about what you do upon wakening.
Eric135’s comment @ #236 alone is more frightening than Jonathan Greenblatt.
lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate
“The first shows Rick selling the phony Holohoax.”
I can think of very few people with any kind of significant following who challenge the Holocaust narrative: E. Michael Jones and Ron Unz are the only ones I can think of right now.
Are all the people who stupidly parrot the Holocaust narrative Jewish agents? No, most of them are deluded. They have been misled by the Jewish controlled media.
I’m not going to limit my information gathering to two people (EMJ and Ron Unz) just because they are the only people with a significant following who dispute the Holocaust narrative — something they have done only very recently.
Rick Wiles, Raymond Burkhart, Jerry Barrett, Texe Marrs, Steven Anderson (I am told) and Chuck Baldwin have broken away from the Jew-worship of the evangelical Zionism in which most of their careers began. Texe Marrs was probably the first to do so within his generation. For Baldwin, the process wasn’t complete until about 2014. If these guys maintain friendly relations with former colleagues who haven’t yet seen the light, I don’t see a problem with that. It’s probably a good thing and shows a certain receptivity on the part of their former colleagues.
I think we can all agree that white people of Christian heritage need to unite. In the United States, the majority of whites consider themselves Christian even if they don’t go to church. You’re not going to get them on your side by assuming a scornful attitude toward their religious views — however deluded those views might be. Rather, they need to be educated, and that’s what the abovenamed men are doing. Good for them.
The Jewish people are not gods and Israel is not heaven!! It is shameful that our politicians publicly kiss the asses of these rich bastards 24/7!!!
Equally shameful that so many mainline Christian preachers teach from the Jewish people’s hideous books; raise money to send to Israel; and lead their congregations on trips to that thrice-stolen land.
Collections of religio-politicalself-aggrandizing myths that emerged from the fabulist Orient — aka Hebrew Old Testament & Paulne-Josephus New Testament — are NOT the only guide to a spiritual & moral life well-lived.
Genuine, 100% anti-semites totally reject adherence to Jewish politico-religio dictates and its many “Christian” deformations.
Two hundred years ago American thinkers developed their own forms of spiritual, moral wisdom:
Through intuition and imagination … People can trust themselves to be their own authority on what is right. A TRANSCENDENTALIST is a person who accepts these ideas not as religious beliefs but as a way of understanding life relationships. ,,,
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Harvard-educated essayist and lecturer and is recognized as our first truly “American” thinker. In his most famous essay, “THE AMERICAN SCHOLAR,” he urged Americans to stop looking to Europe for inspiration and imitation and be themselves. He believed that people were naturally good and that everyone’s potential was limitless. He inspired his colleagues to look into themselves, into nature, into art, and through work for answers to life’s most perplexing questions. His intellectual contributions to the philosophy of transcendentalism inspired a uniquely American idealism and spirit of reform. https://www.ushistory.org/us/26f.asp
Indeed he did. He stated, on air, that Skow had been careless in using expensive equipment; that Skow had engaged in a shouting match that was heard by other employees; and other things that I no longer recall.3.
“Rick Wiles did not detail “all of Skow’s ‘misbehaviors’ and ‘tantrums’.”
a. See #2, above.
I’m not sure he even fired Skow. He never said one way or the other.
TruNews showed the video Skow & Szall produced — once, maybe twice, early on, when Skow & Szall were still with TruNews. That is the only time and place that I saw it.
As for your suggestion that Rick has done nothing to help the Jan. 6 protesters, you have no evidence to support that claim.
I searched today and noticed that Rick introduced it on Sept. 17 or 18, 2022. I think it was Part I and that he asked for donations to complete Part II. (By then, Matt Skow was gone from TruNews.)6.
” … [The] Greatest Reset … never appeared.”
Perhaps so.That’s quite an exaggeration.
“Wiles … will whine about ‘notsees’ every other sentence.”
.Quite true.
” … Wiles is rather schizophrenic regarding the Jews, going after them one minute, then cucking the next."
Neither Wiles, nor anyone else, has to do that: make frequent use of “Nazi” as a slur. Besides being intellectually lazy, it makes him sound ignorant and serves to reinforce his audience in an already over-propagandized ignorance.
The only way you can fairly say that Wiles “cucks” to the Jews is by deploring “Nazis”.
In no other way does he cuck to them. I don’t like the way he mixes communists and Nazis together as though they are the same thing. But would you expect Anderson, Baldwin, Texe Marrs or E. Michael Jones to defend Nazis? I think you’d be disappointed. Why single Rick out?
Coincidentally, Wiles mentioned Bakker in his broadcast Sept. 27, 2023.10.
“[Rick Wiles is] linked to Jim Bakker who is deplorable.”
I can find no evidence of any connection between the two.
Perhaps you’d care to provide it?
"Anglo-Irish" was not a reference to Wiles but to the deformation Christianity has suffered by so many preachers such as John Nelson Darby, that has been magnified by the profligate use of TV and televangelists.11. In preparing this extensive response I was almost beginning to re-align my thinking about Wiles.
” … Christianity as transmitted via predominantly Anglo-(Irish) ideologues and TV & television evangelists like Wiles … ”
If you mean to suggest that Wiles is Anglo-Irish instead of one of the Germans you so admire, he was raised in the German Reformed Church
“1. Kindly specify the ‘gossip’ sections.”
I already did in comment #239.
“2. He stated, on air, that Skow had been careless in using expensive equipment; that Skow had engaged in a shouting match that was heard by other employees …”
I don’t remember that. And I was watching his show every day at that time.
“3. …See also … termination of employment letter.”
You expect me to pay $49 to see the letter? LOL
Is that where you got the details of Skow’s firing?
You’re quite slick, grabbing information from a lawsuit to make up a story about a broadcast. I’m not going to pay $49 to see the termination letter.
“4. Making that footage available to the public and to US congresspersons is the most effective thing TruNews could do and is uniquely capable of doing, if it had the political will … Wiles has ‘the courage of the knife but not of the blood’.”
You don’t know who Wiles showed or didn’t show the footage to. This is the second time I’ve had to point that out.
“It was unique.”
What was so significant about that footage that it was necessary to show it to Congress or show it over and over again on every medium that Wiles could access? Did it contain “smoking gun” evidence that favored the protesters — such as the footage Tucker Carlson aired of the QAnon Shaman being escorted through the Capitol by the police? I don’t think so.
There was no “smoking gun” in that footage that I could see. I think you’re bullshitting — deliberately misconstruing comparatively mundane footage as something “earthshaking” and then pretending to know what Rick Wiles did or did not do with it.
“5. I searched today and noticed that Rick introduced it on Sept. 17 or 18 …”
You were wrong when you said The Greatest Reset never appeared.
“6. Perhaps so.”
I said your statement that Rick would whine about Nazis “every other sentence” was an exaggeration.
You say, “perhaps so.” There’s no “perhaps” about it. You were wrong.
“7. Quite true.”
Why are you quoting Robert Dolan (comment #212) and pretending I said what he said (” … Wiles is rather schizophrenic regarding the Jews, going after them one minute, and then cucking the next”)? I never said what he said. I quoted him (comment #242) and indicated that I disagreed with him.
“8. … In fact, I was unable to find Wiles among the graduates of any high schools in the area where he claims to have lived.”
This statement is comical — in the sense of comically ridiculous. “Hurr durr I’m gonna prove Rick Wiles never even gradjoomikayted from high school hurr durr.” LOL
“9. Wiles mentioned Bakker in his broadcast Sept. 27, 2023.”
So what? If I mention Jim Bakker, does that mean I’m “linked to him” — like we’re blood brothers?
If just talking about Bakker makes somebody one of his “intimates” — somebody who approves of or is implicated in all of the bad things Bakker has done — then you yourself are “linked to Jim Bakker”. This cheap attempt at guilt by association is just that: cheap.
“11. Wiles declared … that the incident proved that ‘the United States has been taken over by Communist Chinese; Xi Jinping runs the United States’ … Delusional is the only word that comes to mind.”
Wiles is equating the Democrats with communists when he talks about the CCP and Xi Jinping. Nothing wrong with that. Democrat demands for equity (equal outcomes) are pure communism.
The Democrat leadership (and a supine Republican party that offers no resistance) has embraced Marx’s class warfare model of Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie and reconfigured it as nonwhites vs. whites, women vs. men, gay vs. straight, and “non-binary/transgendered” vs. “cisgendered”.
What that leadership seeks is what all communist societies end up having: An enslaved population controlled by a tiny, despotic elite.
In the West, the elite is the billionaire class, large corporations, and their government and media minions. The partnership between business and government — both in the West and in China — gives off the smell of fascism as well as communism.
It’s a revolutionary model that transcends parties and national borders. It’s quite complex. Wiles — like Alex Jones — might not be all that sophisticated. But he has been calling these things out when few others would do so. What have you been doing for the last twenty-five years?
People like you are one of the main reasons why white people of Christian heritage will not unite and will most likely lose all of their freedoms. All you can do is backbite. When someone tries to lead, you tear him down.
I’ve noticed that this is especially true of those — like you — who are touchy about less than generous references to Nazis.
Neither. Neither expel nor culling. Just confine. In isolated camps. And take all their newborn babies, as they themselve did to Jews who were genuine Semites, according to Jonathan Cook’s Stolen Babies article. There’s no-one the Jews hate more than they hate Semites.
Another “right wing” political party banned in a European homeland. How long before the dumb goyim realise we’re not voting our way out of this mess?
Tweet by American Jewish Committee
We welcome Germany’s ban on the neo-Nazi group “Artgemeinschaft.“
Since its founding in 1951, the “Artgemeinschaft“ has played a central ideological and organizational role as a link between various right-wing extremist ideals and organizations.
Tweet by Richard Hanania:
New form of equality is here. The year after BLM, 94% of over 300,000 S&P100 jobs went to non-whites.
There are no threats to the so-called “jewish community”. That’s fucking retarded. They invent all of them out of whole cloth. The only thing that could be considered a “threat” is regular old criminal prosecution. Hence the ADL with it’s mission to protect the jewish people (from the law).
Give me ONE actual instance of an oil-field ‘filling back up’. Just ONE!
As for the changing nomenclature surrounding anthropogenic (that has NEVER changed) global (that has NEVER changed) climate (that has NEVER changed) ‘destabilisation, my preference, to ‘argue’, as best a sub-normal, brainwashed, cretin may, that a change in naming utterly undermines two hundred years of science and the unambiguous evidence from reality, is a favourite among the dumbest, most pig ignorant, denialist swine. I cannot judge whether you or Brosi is the most loathsome denialist imbecile hereabouts.
No, that is a different issue, and you're really just proving my point. It's not good enough to merely have a good case against Israel/Jews. Israelis/Jews have to be made 100% bad, and not a peep may be uttered about the flaws of their enemies. Now look, orthodox judaism is a sick supremacist cult and the OT is a vile steaming pile of shit. You'll get no argument from me on that front.Unfortunately, the protestant christcuck love of all things OT dulls what would have been a very sharp weapon. When they're attacked by shitlibs about the OT's contents, they can't even deflect it - "Ask the jews - they wrote it." They can't bring themselves to say this, because it's supposedly all "God's word." (Not that the catholic church is a whole lot better on this issue either.)Replies: @Anon
This to be contrasted against the raging anti-Gentile sentiment espoused as sacrament in the Jew Testament?If we’re to believe the borrowed fiction of the OT, paleo-kike hatred of all things not-kike came first.
Unfortunately, the protestant christcuck love of all things OT dulls what would have been a very sharp weapon. When they’re attacked by shitlibs about the OT’s contents, they can’t even deflect it – “Ask the jews – they wrote it.”
You’re not making a point, other than, “Not every kike is bad, and we’re not god, so don’t judge the kikes.”.
The orthodox kikes are better than the secular kikes; the latter being a fucking genocidal half-breed ethno-cult, while the former are half-breeds at least openly planting their flag.
Don’t get me wrong, Zio-Christians are worse than all of them combined.
It’s pretty readily available. Apparently he was regularly on the Jim Bakker show. I happened to come across a video of someone exposing Jim Bakker as satanic, showing clips from his show of his selling “survival food” that looks disgusting and they’re saying how delicious it is, mocking and selling fear to a catatonic audience. If I can find the video I’ll share it. In it was Rick Wiles.
Here are some other examples found by just putting both their names in a Youtube search. The first shows Rick selling the phony Holohoax. Clearly Rick Wiles and all the televangelists are being run by a Jewish operation.
Here’s another where Rick’s is idolizing the satanic Kenneth Copeland and others.
He’s now speaking against the Jews and collecting money from like-minded goyim which mostly goes to his Jewish handlers. Another fleecing operation.
Answer: The Khazarian maffia. Read articles by Preston James about K Maffia.
Thanks for proving my point.
that “has to be” and “is” are different?
Palestinian flaws? Palestinians are very human
it’s very tempting overlook the flaws in Palestinians, or even pretend they don’t have any, and to get mad at people who point them out. It’s like Israel has to be 100% bad and their enemies 100% good. You see this pattern over and over in anti-Zionist circles.
Thanks for proving my point.
that "has to be" and "is" are different?
Thanks for proving my point.
Rick Wiles again:
With a Thank You, to TruNews (ulp),
And an urgent message that Unz participants watch this video that TruNews broadcast of US House of Representatives detailing evidence of impeachment-worthy corruption of Biden family
There’s an electronic hum in the video.
Wiles claimed it was “the FBI” that distorted the video so that MSM news outlet will be unable to re-broadcast the event.
BUT — Wiles persisted in his insistence that “Communist China is behind the corruption . . . Xi Jinping is running the USA.”
MofA posted this today:
Yesterday the Global Times editorial pointed to a new guideline paper issued by China’s State Council:
On September 26, China’s State Council Information Office released a white paper titled “A Global Community of Shared Future: China’s Proposals and Actions.”
Who Owns the United States?
US House Republicans say: Biden Family sold it to a dozen or more foreign countries
Wiles says: Xi Jinping
China says: We are not interested in owning the USA.
1. Kindly specify the “gossip” sections.
“Rick Wiles did not detail “all of Skow’s ‘misbehaviors’ and ‘tantrums’.”
Indeed he did. He stated, on air, that Skow had been careless in using expensive equipment; that Skow had engaged in a shouting match that was heard by other employees; and other things that I no longer recall.
I’m not sure he even fired Skow. He never said one way or the other.
a. See #2, above.
b. See also https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/44536483/FLOWING_STREAMS,_INCORPORATED_v_SKOW_et_al
Filing Documents section, #6: Att: 6 Exhibit “C” (Termination of Employment Letter)
The US and every other country on earth are owned by the Masonic and other Secret societies of the world.
Who Owns the United States?
China rejects hegemony. No only the one the U.S. is obviously trying to achieve but, more general, also for itself.
Yesterday the Global Times editorial pointed to a new guideline paper issued by China's State Council:
On September 26, China's State Council Information Office released a white paper titled "A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions."
Your name-calling exposes you as a misguided juvenile-thinking individual.
You believe in the “globull warming” (renamed “climate change”) fraud as well.
Oil wells ARE “filling back up” in many instances.
Follow the REAL science, not the politicized fraud that is passing itself off as science.
Grow up, already.
it’s very tempting overlook the flaws in Palestinians, or even pretend they don’t have any, and to get mad at people who point them out. It’s like Israel has to be 100% bad and their enemies 100% good. You see this pattern over and over in anti-Zionist circles.
Palestinian flaws? Palestinians are very human
are not pretenders but are absolute victims.
To be a Yid in occupied Palestine is to be 100% bad/evil.
The fighter against evil by definition is good/just.
Everything else is pilpul horseshit.
Indeed John 8:44 says it all and yes there were Jews in the old testament as the term Jew is a nickname for those of the tribe, kingdom and house of Judah. Khazarians or Ashkenazis were unknown in old and new testament times. You can’t sanitize the tribe by denying that they were Jews or calling them Edomites. The first Jew, Judah was a race mixer and into incest with his daughter in law and his first two sons were sex perverts who wouldn’t consummate their marriages. Hardly a noble or admirable start of a blood line. Don’t believe it? It is in the book of Genesis after the account of Joseph getting sold into slavery. Honest God approved Jews are rare and not the rule.
If you read Exodus 32:10 you will see that God wanted to start over with Moses the Levite and destroy all the Israelites because they were stubborn and wicked. Think about that. Then read numbers chapter 16 and find the divine reaction to the democratic I’m as good as you mentality and how God dealt with the rebels. Were it not for the righteousness and intercession of the few or the one the Israelites would have been wiped out long ago because of their sins.
Yes indeed the British Royals could have done something about the Jews and still could.
They just need to reinstate Edward 1st’s eternal banishment of Jews instituted in 1290AD and make it effective in all commonwealth nations. Once it is seen to work other nations will do likewise.
They just need to get the co operation of parliament and or the house of lords. A difficult task I suspect.
More in common with American Christians, maybe. But a whole of American Christians aren't really at that Christian, and plenty of Americans are not really Christian at all. And even quite devout American Christians don't define themselves solely by their religious beliefs. That is why white fundie (or close to) evangelicals are at the forefront of fighting antiwhitism - nothing in Christianity requires them to care about their race, but they their care about it as part of the broader sense of identity they have. Quite laughable to think the average Nigerian or Indian has much in common with these people.
They do.
I'm sure I'm on safer ground than you.
Are you sure?
Unfortunately, that is part of what liberalism has come to encompass. And yes indeed you'll find a quite significant minority of Israelis who are all in for these causes. I don't approve of any of it; I am merely describing what is out there.
And I hope by “liberal” you don’t mean Drag Queen Story Hour, sex change hormones for kids, draconian Covid lockdowns, antiwhiteism, endless wars, and all the other things “liberals” support in the United States.
Post #179. I'll reproduce the paragraph I referred to below: "Look, I get it. When you’re opposed to Zionist bullshit, it’s very tempting overlook the flaws in Palestinians, or even pretend they don’t have any, and to get mad at people who point them out. It’s like Israel has to be 100% bad and their enemies 100% good. You see this pattern over and over in anti-Zionist circles."Replies: @Eric135
I couldn’t find your “antepenultimate post” in this thread. Would you give me the number of the post?
“Quite laughable to think the average Nigerian or Indian has much in common with [Americans].”
I’m only talking about Christian Nigerians and Indians.
And you have to look at who I’m comparing them to — Jews.
What do Jews have in common with Americans? Not just nothing, but less than nothing.
They hate white people of Christian heritage (the majority of Americans) and are doing everything they can to destroy them. And succeeding!
Oh, I know, not all of them are like that.
But plenty are, and the ones who aren’t will almost always support the ones who are.
Nathan Rothschild infamously said ; I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England , for the man who controls the money creation controls the British empire.
Replies: @anon, @SS
Vladimir Lenin in March 1919: the Russian Communist Party's objective is complete abolition of money.
In Communism, the complete absence of free markets, what do you need the money for?
Central Bank: Controlling the money used by people “freely” (less so with every passing day, agenda, and regulation) deciding what to buy, i.e. to have.
It is an unbelievable amount of control.
Communism: Controlling what people have.
Gazillion times even more control.
If people is not stupid enough to have Communism, the “overlords” will settle for an alternative not-as-stupid enough to fly just over the peasants cognitive capacity.
It is a natural law, like moving objects always following the path of less resistance. Populations will be ruled by the biggest scam possible that they cannot detect.
In the control spectrum, rulers will settle for the maximum amount they can get.
“Serfs… listen… LISTEN!!! I have an idea…
… to avoid economic downturns, stimulate the economic in dire times ensuring constant economic growth, guaranteeing constant high levels of employment… this is what we’re going to do…
… we are going to use these colored pieces of paper as money, and…
… I am going to print as many of them as I see fit.
*** Applause *** Cheering in the crowd *** Yeahhh, you go boss *** Woohooooo!!! ***”
How stupid is that? Yet, most people don’t see something fundamentally wrong with it.
Does the Hasbara have a good retirement plan? Or, are you building some savings on the side?