Ukraine is a money laundering and child trafficking hub for the satanic globalists. Putin needs to clean it up. Research Khazaria and the Khazars from around the year 600 to date. Romans 2:28-29: after Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection, the real Jews and God’s chosen people are born again Christians with changed hearts, regardless of ethnic heritage. What roles have the Khazars played in the Russian Revolution, WWI, WWII, and a host of other nefarious activities. Dear God, please intervene and destroy all evil.
The various “so-called†Jews are not Jews at all. Read Romans 2:28-29 and compare with Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. God cannot be conned!
Truth can withstand the most rigorous scrutiny, but a lie cannot. At the inescapable final judgement, the truth (all truth) will be shouted from the rooftops, and all evil will suffer the second death and burn forever.
All this theatre masks the basic dynamic of Jewish Power controlling BOTH SIDES based in the Anti Logos Talmudic Dialectical process.
Many Birds are killed with one stone.
To clear up the whole “Naaazi” smokescreen
as long as you can keep the Nazi and Holocaust conditioned response in the media you can maintain White Guilt as a psychological weapon to destroy Western Civilization as mentioned/bragged about
in the Talmud.
The Nazi Zionist partnership was one of convenience, nothing else.
Nazis wanted them out and they were feeling the Heat.
For the best explanation of all the ages crafted tools of societal destruction I have read is The Summerian Swindle by G_d/ Banjo Billy.
It explains all the strategies derived from the power of Usury.
Notice we never hear the deep 100 year ; history of this region and how it relates to the present situation.
Thoughts of hitler.
1. Hitler, was not the real family name. You know who changes family names in Europe.
2. Why promote †aryan race†which symbols blond/fair and blue/green eyes when himself and most of the nazi party had totally different features.
3. Why use central asian/iranian/indian words and symbology to describe the European ideal/ideology, when he could have used Rune Symbols. Again “White Ethnic Europeans†did not come from central asia.
4. He admired the british monarchy, which is a jewish monarchy. Therefore never wanted war with england.
5. He could won the war in Dunkirk, but (look at point 4)
6. Why start two front war ( West and East), unless you want to loose.
7. Why send soldiers to ussr poorly equipped, and reach the heartland in the winter (same as napoleon).
8. Why go to tibet to find the European roots, when buddhists and jews are almost identical.
9. Like a friend told me ; “he didnt look like usâ€
When exposing all lies, you are free in mind, and the jews hate the truth.
Anyone with some grounding in the history of the region knows that Ukraine’s nationalism went all in for Hitler as of 1941, and to this day Ukraine has the highest % of nazizoids (i.e. “Banderowcyâ€) in the world.
The pro-Nazi sentiment seen in Ukraine in 1941 was entirely understandable and very reasonable. Those pro-German Ukrainians had survived the murderous hell of Russia’s Communist Revolution.
By 1941, the Commie/Bolsheviks had already raped, plundered, and totally taken over Russia (creating the USSR ‘workers paradise’) after murdering/starving millions of Ukrainians a decade earlier. This fact doesn’t matter?
At least the German National Socialists were fighting against the commies (unlike Churchill and FDR.)
I sympathize with Putin at this moment in history (due to ceaseless US/NATO aggression) but he is not coming clean about the Commie atrocities and contemporary leftist totalitarians who do far worse than support race-based nationalism (a historic norm) while carry torches during their political rallies.
LMAOIf you trouble to look it up - as it was obviously long before your time - I think you'll find that the American people - or enough of them to constitute a comfortable political majority - "bought into" the "Hate Russia Game" a very, very long time before today. Try... umm... 1948, and the formation of Israel, at a guess, when the Chosenites realised they could now safely sow enough political and social discord to wreck whole White nations and start White wars - then fuck off back to their "shitty little country" at the first sign of White payback, to escape any possible consequences of their actions.All we've had since then is the continual, silent, ruthless consolidation and brazen display of their strength, in a Western world which today doesn't even see clearly enough through the Jew fog to imprison them in Israel for evermore.Replies: @GMC
This a real possibility, if the American public has bought into the Hate Russian Game
Sorry Dave, i’m late in replying – ya, the first time I was introduced to hate Russia was right after JFK was assassinated – I was 12. The second time I heard it was in basic training in 69 but it didn’t take long after Nam that I saw the picture and headed for Alaska , which I never thought about any politics, world affairs etc. for over 3 decades. Now that I’m retired – they can’t BS me anymore and the facts are all out in the open. From the Bolshevviks in Russia to the Neo Bolsheviks in America – they are the invaders.
Can you or someone with connections to Putin ask him these questions: why is Putin and his government complaining about genocide in Ukraine while they are conducting genocide in Russia with Covid “vaccines� Can someone in his circle please explain this and if Putin is not aware can you guys make connections to bring it to his attention please? Either is he the War Horseman of the apocalypse or he is deceived by the traitors in his own country starting with Gintsburg, Gef, and Chubais. As long as the Sputnik V poison is still being pushed with faulty tests and the WEF digital I’d and control mechanisms Putin must be called out on these before people sing his praises. I applaud his Empire of Lies speech against NATO, but what of the Empire of Lies behind the WEF and Sputnik V President Putin? is a great place to start for those unaware of what I refer to on the global genocide which includes Sputnik V and the Oligarchs of Russia in cahoots with the WEF.
Kudos for expose of J-oligarchs. Brickbats for errant interpretation of what Putin means by de-nazification. Anyone with some grounding in the history of the region knows that Ukraine’s nationalism went all in for Hitler as of 1941, and to this day Ukraine has the highest % of nazizoids (i.e. “Banderowcy”) in the world. Russians hate the Nazis and those who worship them. End of story. If my word is not enough, take Putin’s:
Video Link
The pro-Nazi sentiment seen in Ukraine in 1941 was entirely understandable and very reasonable. Those pro-German Ukrainians had survived the murderous hell of Russia's Communist Revolution.By 1941, the Commie/Bolsheviks had already raped, plundered, and totally taken over Russia (creating the USSR 'workers paradise') after murdering/starving millions of Ukrainians a decade earlier. This fact doesn't matter? At least the German National Socialists were fighting against the commies (unlike Churchill and FDR.) I sympathize with Putin at this moment in history (due to ceaseless US/NATO aggression) but he is not coming clean about the Commie atrocities and contemporary leftist totalitarians who do far worse than support race-based nationalism (a historic norm) while carry torches during their political rallies.
Anyone with some grounding in the history of the region knows that Ukraine’s nationalism went all in for Hitler as of 1941, and to this day Ukraine has the highest % of nazizoids (i.e. “Banderowcyâ€) in the world.
I had asked you
Can you tell me if you had a direct personal experience, either with the russian people or any other people (economically poor) ?
But as you didn’t bother to answer, I have to deduce you haven’t.
Russian society is not kind. It used to be far more egoistical than the American one itself before America entered the Reagan era’s cult of money as a deity. This typically Russian callousness (that’s the word that best applies to that mentality) was already overpowering as Chekhov described it extensively like a true reporter.
Trying to see the russian typical world through the eyes and the heart of someone who had a physical abusing father and a disgraced family, this cannot but give a very skewed perspective.
Poverty doesn’t make people kinder at all, though kind people have a greater chance to be indifferent to poverty or just bored when money is the only subject of conversation.
Again, what basis you have for this statement ? Real direct experience or literary ones ?
And, of course, rural poverty, in a small and caring community, is very different from poverty in a crushing large industrial town… it was the former that J.Butler was talking about.
the westerners of his time (the late hippie era) lacked the cunning and malevolence necessary for humankind to survive.
If cunning and malevolence were the main determinants of human survival, we would be extinct since long ago, given the ever increasing capacity of destruction.
And the hippies were not really “peace and love” except in their disturbed heads. Their actions reveal rather an enormous egotistical and hedonistic attitude.
We need a “Bullshit†button.
This button would be quite appropriate for all the junk you spew.
Great article. Seems like the Russians take a more liberal view of WW2 history than our supposed liberal U.S. revisionist history professors have done with WW2 Holohoax.
A few years ago Netanyahu floated the idea of creating other Israels. Could this just be a slow motion, blameless way for Jews to create in new homeland for themselves by instigating a a fratricidal conflict between slavs to depopulate then move in an buy up the place, pennies on the dollar?
by Reb Moshe Shonfeld
Hitler’s ilk called themselves “National Socialists”
The Dichotomy is deliberate – to confuse people!
World Zionists killed or brought about the deaths of thousands of Jews during WW2!
The END (ISRAEL) justified the means (TO THEM)!
Don’t you think it would be a good idea to differentiate between real Hebrew Jews and Khazarian (Ukraine) Jews? They are not the same. The Khazarians are the reason that Putin invaded Ukraine in the first place. He has strategically taken out 13 chem/bio-labs in Ukraine. Some deeper research will show the truth of these statements. These people go back thousands of years and were hated and feared by those living anywhere near them. Cutthroats, thieves, and murderers. They have quite an interesting history.
Liberty Lady
Your constant reference to Dunning-Kruger has surely by now drawn attention to you as the most obviously afflicted Dunning-Krugerite on UR.
You really are dim. You completely failed to see that what I, perhaps immodestly, called my Bon mother was not a claim that Saddam Hussein was not saying that WMDs didn’t exist any longer but an observation about the bind he was in because he would want to leave the Israelis and Iranians in doubt. As he did if you can remember some of the stuff written by Melanie Phillips way back.
Do you deliberately avoid points. I don’t know Tom Switzer. All I was doing was giving enough background so that Ron would not make the mistake of lightly dismissing his interviews, for example because he had been polite to the appalling Bolton when he is a Mearsheimer realist and opposed the Iraq War.
Dear me-straight Washington agit-prop, delivered droolingly. Anything to protect those Nazi Imperial assets in Banderastan, eh Wiz? The delusion about a ‘functioning’ ‘democracy’ in Ukraine is bizarre enough, given Ukronazi repression, and, now in-fighting and killing, but the ‘Russian-speaking’ bit is pure delirium, given that your beloved Ukronazis are dead-set on eliminating Russian as a lingua franca across Ukraine.
And as for Russia, Putin remains popular to an extent unheard of in Western kakastocracies. He was at 60% before Ukraine, and now it is around 70%. As for threats from NATO, you must have missed the numerous US boasts of being able to ‘prevail’ in a nuclear exchange with Russia, or did they merely have you slobbering with anticipatory delight? And you are utterly indifferent, like a good Nazi, to the suffering inflicted by your Nazi friends on the inhabitants of Donetsk and Lugansk, simply because they are Russian. What a poltroon you are.
My recollection is that Charles Murray has been there for yonks.
assistant editor at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC (1995-1998).
Oh, look-the Wiz is a Tom Switzer groupie!! My God, can it be anymore a caricature of a die-hard John Howard stooge? Switzer is HARD Right, an Imperial apologist, vicious Sinophobe, not so much a Russophobe as he wants Russia to join the Race Crusade against China, and a Zionazi, naturally.
I remember fondly complaining to some Arab council, years ago, about Switzer’s abuse of the Palestinians, (‘…they remain vicious thugs’ etc)in the AFR, then seeing that he had been censured or some such, found guilty of racial vilification, by an administrative tribunal. You can see why Wiz has the hots for him, can’t you.
Oh dear-the ‘Big Shot’ Wiz, John Howard’s favourite Dunning-Krugerite, bad-mouthing our patron. How tough he is!! What a mensch! And a comment so perfectly attuned to Imperial agit-prop lies, invented to justify genocide in Iraq, and created, ex nihilo, after the aggression, that it could have come straight from Fox News or Sky News.
In fact, in reality, the Iraqis NEVER ceased declaring that they had fully disarmed, as attested by Saddam’s defecting sons-in-law and weapons inspectors. In other words Wiz peddling a Big Lie to justify aggression and genocide. You’re sinking lower every day.
From what I remember, twenty years ago you and almost all the other HBD members were completely captivated by the dishonest Neocon propaganda regarding the Saddam's WMDs and the need to attack Iraq to safeguard the West. My old friend Bill Odom, the three star general who ran the NSA for Reagan, correctly described the Iraq War as the greatest strategic disaster in U.S. history, but that history seems to have entirely slipped your recollection.
At the back of one’s mind is the infamy of Neville Chamberlain’s “a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothingâ€...Then there is the fact that the egregious John Bolton mentioned on the same program a week earlier that there had been much talk of Russia associating with NATO, even joining it until about 2004.
Another correction to your memory. I don’t remember what other H-bd members said but I do, understandably you will accept, remember my own bon mot on WMDs. I pointed out that Saddam’s problem was that he wanted them believed in by Iran, maybe Israel and even his own generals who weren’t within the inner circle. You’re not the only smart-a*** who enjoys showing off your clever originality.
Whatever your response it will be a win-win. Either you will realize you've been duped and will stop being a Nazi apologist or you will persist in your stubborn denial of their crimes against humanity, thereby justifying God's righteous vengeance against you.
Linh Dinh had this to say
As for Unz, it’s a limited hangout toxic dump that’s run by a race-hustling conman who ridicules concerns about the toxic Covid “vaccine,” totalitarian health passport and the entire Great Reset agenda. I discuss it in detail here:
At Unz, this is considered hilariously witty, “I doubt it was rape. You can’t really rape a black woman as they are always in heat and ready to roll.” (Andrew Anglin)
Unz Review has exposed itself as the Jerry Springer Show of alternative media, with an unctuous Jew providing a stage for whites to behave as badly as possible, in the name of “free speech”!
From what I remember, twenty years ago you and almost all the other HBD members were completely captivated by the dishonest Neocon propaganda regarding the Saddam's WMDs and the need to attack Iraq to safeguard the West. My old friend Bill Odom, the three star general who ran the NSA for Reagan, correctly described the Iraq War as the greatest strategic disaster in U.S. history, but that history seems to have entirely slipped your recollection.
At the back of one’s mind is the infamy of Neville Chamberlain’s “a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothingâ€...Then there is the fact that the egregious John Bolton mentioned on the same program a week earlier that there had been much talk of Russia associating with NATO, even joining it until about 2004.
So you don’t make any wrong assumptions about the ABC program “Between the Lines” which has now been given an hour on Saturday instead of half an hour on Thursday you should know a bit about Tom Switzer who is host.
You will find from Wikipedia that he is Exec Director of the right of centre think tank Institute for Independent Studies and has very strong US connections, having been born in Texas though educated in Australia. I wonder if you have reservations about
assistant editor at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC (1995-1998).
My recollection is that Charles Murray has been there for yonks.
I recall that he had made a favourable impression on Robert Dallek with whom I dined in DC. Tom had been his house guest for several months as I recall.
Biggest point in UR context. He is a Mearsheimer fan and, I think, friend, of long-standing and wrote a letter to Quadrant nearly 20 years ago opposing the war against Iraq.
From what I remember, twenty years ago you and almost all the other HBD members were completely captivated by the dishonest Neocon propaganda regarding the Saddam's WMDs and the need to attack Iraq to safeguard the West. My old friend Bill Odom, the three star general who ran the NSA for Reagan, correctly described the Iraq War as the greatest strategic disaster in U.S. history, but that history seems to have entirely slipped your recollection.
At the back of one’s mind is the infamy of Neville Chamberlain’s “a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothingâ€...Then there is the fact that the egregious John Bolton mentioned on the same program a week earlier that there had been much talk of Russia associating with NATO, even joining it until about 2004.
A pity you are so stubbornly wrong about your idées fixes. You can’t include me in your characterisation of Hbd views about Iraq. The so far unsent reply to you has time and place for my 2003 saying to Michael Ignatieff while sitting next to the retired Foreign Minister who was then head of the International Crisis Group (and a friend who could vouch for it) that I said the US had taken on more than it had the economic or military power or politic stamina** to succeed in. A Mersheimer attitude that didn’t exclude liberal imperialists aims *if they worked* [as in Grenada say] but was reality based.
I had made a speech in Boston three years earlier in which I had described America (“saving the world from democracy”) as a “plutocracy, tempered by meritocracy, within a framework of law, and avoured by the rhetoric of democracy”. Does that sound like someone fed by the MSM?
**of course “political stamina” can be neglected if you have abolished conscription and can (still) spend trillions on military contractors
borrowed from China and printed by the Fed.
As to Chamberlain’s broadcast of course he spoke the truth and you perversely have refused to recognise that I was saying that YOU were trying to avoid the infamy associated with people who downplay something they know little about and have to hope won’t grow into a big problem.
Consider. Is it likely that someone who comes down on the side of upending received history by conspiracy theory is right every time? Oh yes the reality can indeed be seen as more complicated than the shorthand version of the official stories, but can you not even concede that there is a good case against your “smoking gun” report existing. Stalin won by shooting people who retreated. But Hitler would have done better if he had allowed some flexibility ibility.
In the past few weeks both Mearsheimer and McGovern have made appearances on RT's Crosstalk show, which RT refers to as it's "flagship" program. Nobody should have any illusions about this show, which is intended to promote the Russian viewpoint, especially during a time of crisis. It's called "soft propaganda" and it works, which is why Russia funds it.
...random commenter who...denounces “Russian propaganda.â€
Ron Unz doesn’t seem to like people who “hang around his website and make random comments.”
Yes, it is his website but he used to try to convince us it was “ours.” Remember his use of that little three-letter word? Did he think he was never going to get any criticism or push-back?
I’m planning on dropping out of this webzine. I’m tired of interacting with lying Nazi apologists and clowns like you and Yaeger so many others. (Maybe when President Putin finishes cleaning out the Nazi toilet in Ukraine he’ll turn his attention to the Nazi bathtub here in America. Ukraine can be his training ground — the little Satan before he deals with the big Satan here.)
The Guardian article is simply a biography of the author Gerald Fleming, an obituary that gives some background information and demonstrates his credentials. The important information is found in the two books that I thoughtfully uploaded and made available to everyone here. I hope you take the time to examine them. It’s not pleasant reading:
Whatever your response it will be a win-win. Either you will realize you’ve been duped and will stop being a Nazi apologist or you will persist in your stubborn denial of their crimes against humanity, thereby justifying God’s righteous vengeance against you.
Remember that God always sides with the oppressed. He does not want us to mock their suffering to belittle their pain or to apologize for their abusers.
I hope you will make the courageous choice. It’s not pleasant falling into the hands of an angry vengeful God.
Shalom. It is finished. Thank you Lord!
As for Unz, it's a limited hangout toxic dump that's run by a race-hustling conman who ridicules concerns about the toxic Covid "vaccine," totalitarian health passport and the entire Great Reset agenda. I discuss it in detail here:
At Unz, this is considered hilariously witty, "I doubt it was rape. You can’t really rape a black woman as they are always in heat and ready to roll." (Andrew Anglin)
Unz Review has exposed itself as the Jerry Springer Show of alternative media, with an unctuous Jew providing a stage for whites to behave as badly as possible, in the name of "free speech"!
Do you have any clue what you are talking about. Guardian and Google are your prized references?
Of course you have right to believe whatever you want to. You dont have to google or read Guardian to invent your thoughts. That said.
Please Tell me
1. Where Leon Trotsky got the money to live in Greenwich Village area before he sailed to Moscow?
2. Close to Wall Street area.
3. Refrigerator in his apartment
4. Chauffeur driven limousine
5. Where was he gainfully employed?
6. Where did get US passport? I am sure you know that he was not a US Citizen
7. And lastly (for the time being) when the Jews in Russia were allowed to change their name.
8. What are newly trimmed numbers on Auschwitz Plaque. Why the word people magically changed to Jews. let us see if you ask google.
9. What are the actual numbers stored in USSR Archives in Moscow? Can you google that?
10. Have you ever been to Krakow or Katowice, Poland. if not I am not going to ask you questions about Auschwitz.
Let us see if you could be brave enough to answer.
Carolyn Yeager has a picture of Carla (old Wendy Commercial fame and Walter Mondale asked Gary hart in 1984 presidential debate “Where is the beef”) where she is standing next Eleee Weasel asking where is the Tattoo. In may opinion, where is the beef more punchy.
See you later. For heaven sake answer the questions instead of worthless Diarrheatic verbiage
Whatever your response it will be a win-win. Either you will realize you've been duped and will stop being a Nazi apologist or you will persist in your stubborn denial of their crimes against humanity, thereby justifying God's righteous vengeance against you.
Mevashir?? Who is this guy that he proudly reads and believes Guardian and provide sreference from Google. The next thing we would see him quoting from Talmud.
Last night I saw your comments addressed to Ron Unz. I would like to say in Ron’s defense that through his site I am able to learn variety of historical facts and subjects that I never heard of. At least this is my opinion as of today however, I am willing to change when I get new information.
I agreed with most of Ron’s views on Covid-19 but the part of Chinese people falling like flies at the start of Covid storm always baffled me. Some commentators attributed it to anti Chinese propaganda that he bought it right away. I dont know what are facts. I was skeptical and believed there was very well organized cahoot between big 3 like a symphony. My recent trip to Russia made my skepticism more strong about US/China/Russia collaboration.
Case in point, whenever I travel to Russia (or other countries) I usually pick up some medications that are extremely expensive in US. No need for prescription, and very cheap (mostly made in Europe, Japan, India, and even from US). Last month it was impossible to get Ivremectin in Moscow or Sankt Petersburg. All the websites selling Ivremectin were blocked. Why? Same medicine, I heard, could easily purchased from vending machine in Mexico and several other countries. What is going on? Apparently and act of planned action. There is an interest video interview where the guest of Corbett Report talks about Sputnik vaccine contract given to some oligarch who has financial interest in some European Pharma.
I would be glad to response to Mevashir in and enlighten his history knowledge.
At the back of one’s mind is the infamy of Neville Chamberlain’s “a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing Then there is the fact that the egregious John Bolton mentioned on the same program a week earlier that there had been much talk of Russia associating with NATO, even joining it until about 2004.
From what I remember, twenty years ago you and almost all the other HBD members were completely captivated by the dishonest Neocon propaganda regarding the Saddam’s WMDs and the need to attack Iraq to safeguard the West. My old friend Bill Odom, the three star general who ran the NSA for Reagan, correctly described the Iraq War as the greatest strategic disaster in U.S. history, but that history seems to have entirely slipped your recollection.
Bolton was a leading Neocon at the time, and if he and all the others had been properly hanged for treason in the aftermath, we wouldn’t have him still around spouting his nonsense years later.
Unlike Bolton, individuals such as yourself aren’t traitors but merely brainless meat-puppets, following whatever direction the MSM and its Neocon masters provide you.
You also seem to have forgotten that Chamberlain’s position was entirely correct rather than “infamous” and only the massive bribery of top British politicians by Jewish and Czech interests led to the outbreak of WWII and the deaths of tens of millions. Since you love watching videos so much, you really should take a look at riveting lectures of David Irving, probably the most successful British historian of the last one hundred years:
Your broader dilemma is it’s increasingly obvious that a substantial fraction of everything you’ve always believed during your life is a lie, a hoax, or a fraud. But rather than confront that unpleasant reality, you prefer the ostrich-like response of spending your time watching stupid videos aimed at stupid people and produced by deceitful Neocons.
My recollection is that Charles Murray has been there for yonks.
assistant editor at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC (1995-1998).
Well, they're top U.S. experts, and I anyway totally agreed with all of their arguments, which had been my own view for the last decade. The evidence for the Maiden coup is absolutely overwhelming. Meanwhile, you're just some random commenter who hangs around my website and denounces "Russian propaganda."
Trusting or appealing to their “authority†would be a mistake. It is simply too much of a stretch to now blame US policy for this aggressive war initiated by Putin.
I, too, was a bit surprised and saddened by the uniform ignorance of the questioners at the end, and the second host. What about the rights of Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine, subject to a low-level war for 8 years? I mean, that’s an obvious question, and yet their feel-good liberalism couldn’t take them that far.
It’s as though they can only be led. No independent thought.
PS: The presentations and answers, by John Mearsheimer, Ray McGovern, and Jack Matlock, were all stellar: knowledgeable, focused and informative.
He also agreed with me that this sort of subject attracted huge numbers of cranks and crackpots all over the Internet.
For sure. Only cranks and crackpots would be interested in knowing the truth about jewish machinations and the lies they have used to dupe generations with the aim of perpetuating the jewsih victimhood narrative that gives them the ‘permission’ to continue with those very machinations.
At least you seem to allow us crackpots to write about our cranky imaginations here at your blog.
If by kleptocracy you mean the rule of thieves then aren’t they all: USA, Ukraine, Russia, etc.? What were all the western powers throughout history, from the thieves in colonial times to Americans stealing Iraqi and Syrian oil, Iraqi treasures, gold of numerous countries seized in modern times by UK, France, etc? And then many seem to steal votes in elections.
I would certainly like for all to work towards conflict resolution and not conflict creation, with USA, Russia and China sitting down and honestly trying to work towards this while jointly coercing minor nations to cease their own conflicts but I don’t think it works like that. Still, it’s something to hope for.
Well, I'd never mentioned his name and anyway what do I know?
BTW Kolomoisky doesn’t seem to be a particularly rich or powerful oligarch
I continue to defer my substantial reply to this as reading and listening has made your accusation of ignorance most diagnostically pertinent.
When Ukraine first obtruded on American Pravda space it was understandably not a subject of which you (or most of your readers) knew much or wanted to concentrate much energy on. And yet, and yet…. At the back of one’s mind is the infamy of Neville Chamberlain’s “a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing”. I observe with reasonable detachment the tricks you use to cover the necessity (or your personal preference) for displaying strongly held opinions confidently for which you have little support. (Obviously my sceptical mind includes your confident utterances on how the Maidan affair came about). To be constructive I want to suggest two important Ukraine connected matters which are important but where your ignorance seems to extend to complete obliviousness [I apologise if I am as wrong as you have been about what I have alleged said and not said].
One is the huge importance of Russian gas flowing to and through Ukraine.
As a reminder you might care to listen to the program of the Mearsheimer friend and acolyte Tom Switzer on ABC’s “Between the Lines”
from 37min he talks to Rupert Darvall and I can’t help noticing that UR is free from any apparent interest in what Russia could have done about the oil and gas it supplies to AND THROUGH Ukraine. One might have thought cutting off Ukrainians’s gas might have been a step to take before sending columns of tanks and firing missiles – and one might have expected non ignorant discussion about it on UR.
Then there is the fact that the egregious John Bolton mentioned on the same program a week earlier that there had been much talk of Russia associating with NATO, even joining it until about 2004. You seem willing to suppress the complexity of the background. OK one can say that Americans arrogant IGNORANCE was to blame for much oft the accumulated mess but let’s not accept any BS about Russia having any objective reason to fear attack by NATO or Ukraine. Not only is there no adequate excuse for invading Ukraine, the only threat ist to Putin that a functioning Russian speaking democracy in Ukraine would show him up.
From what I remember, twenty years ago you and almost all the other HBD members were completely captivated by the dishonest Neocon propaganda regarding the Saddam's WMDs and the need to attack Iraq to safeguard the West. My old friend Bill Odom, the three star general who ran the NSA for Reagan, correctly described the Iraq War as the greatest strategic disaster in U.S. history, but that history seems to have entirely slipped your recollection.
At the back of one’s mind is the infamy of Neville Chamberlain’s “a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothingâ€...Then there is the fact that the egregious John Bolton mentioned on the same program a week earlier that there had been much talk of Russia associating with NATO, even joining it until about 2004.
Real Nazis don’t exist anymore.
I spent five minutes republishing it here earlier this morning and it's already picked up a few comments:
Whaaat? Clearly you’ve lost the thread — or more likely you never had it (read it) to begin with. Tom Sunic’s article just appeared yesterday at TOO, for the first time afaik, and I don’t believe you ever published it here (“was glad to republish it here†– really?).
Sure, in my note to Sunic I mentioned your name as an obsessive crank who sometimes hangs around my website.Replies: @Autisticus Spasticus
BTW, IF you ever DID talk to him (which I doubt), did you mention my name as a “crank and crackpot?â€
Please answer the comment I addressed to you, Mr Unz. It is number 181. Thank you.
Well, they're top U.S. experts, and I anyway totally agreed with all of their arguments, which had been my own view for the last decade. The evidence for the Maiden coup is absolutely overwhelming. Meanwhile, you're just some random commenter who hangs around my website and denounces "Russian propaganda."
Trusting or appealing to their “authority†would be a mistake. It is simply too much of a stretch to now blame US policy for this aggressive war initiated by Putin.
…random commenter who…denounces “Russian propaganda.â€
In the past few weeks both Mearsheimer and McGovern have made appearances on RT‘s Crosstalk show, which RT refers to as it’s “flagship” program. Nobody should have any illusions about this show, which is intended to promote the Russian viewpoint, especially during a time of crisis. It’s called “soft propaganda” and it works, which is why Russia funds it.
Instead of merely denouncing the Russian propaganda in a generic way, I have actually shown those aspects that are outright lies, distortions, exaggerations, and omissions, which create an inaccurate perception among those who consume it and don’t any better. Upon my exposing the propaganda others tend to have difficulty in refuting it, so they resort to name-calling instead.
I watched and listened to the entire video and noticed that the opinions of these two characters on this issue are flawed. Trusting or appealing to their "authority" would be a mistake. It is simply too much of a stretch to now blame US policy for this aggressive war initiated by Putin. Taking on this view tends to reflect dissatisfaction with one's own government, to then simplistically resort to a binary mode.
...a discussion from a couple of days ago by John Mearsheimer and Ray McGovern.
I wonder if Ron wasted his time (over 1.5 hours)e with that very geriatric update on the Mearsheimer and McGovern’s version of “I told you so” marred a little by failures of memory like Mearsheimer’s initial 2006, instead of 2008, for the NAT invitation folly.
It won’t stop Ron repeating his characteristically oracular certainty that he knows how the Maidan affair came about even though Mearsheimer doesn’t peddle the Unz version.
Would the problem be the same if Russia was anything like a liberal democracy or just was not a tightly controlled kleptocracy?
Clearly not, you must agree. But where do we go from there? Does realism mean that we should have recognised that the gradually emerging democracy in Ukraine which threatened no one was intolerable to the kleptocracy and shouldn’t have been sacrificed to what the US knew was going to happen. OK, if the end result is Putin’s overthrow all those deaths and destroyed buildings in Ukraine will have been worth it as Ms Allbright might say. .. ..
Mind your own business. MYOB. That’s my advice to you.
Your comment points to the core of the matter to understand Russia, Putin. Please elaborate, bring in some hard evidence, evidences, anything. I am sure other readers here, would help to point to first level, direct links as there might be.
Public figures demand scrutiny, detached decortication. This is an obligation, and i admit, Putin is in some ways a Macron, coming out of no-where. This should trigger caution. Again elaborate.
Don’t worry, even Ron’s obsessiveness and reading at 100,000 words a minute won’t allow him time to target you.
**OK I’m kidding. Has got a long way with parallel processing:5000 words with one rye, 4000 with the other, but the error rate from Quantum computing in the Unz brain leaves him unable to remember his simple errors of factual memory that I have corrected more than once like what I have said about JFK and RFK murder hypotheses and books I have read. (Of course I acknowledge that Ron may have chosen to disbelieve me on the latter and this is the opportunity to explain to some of UR’s dimwits that my “boring pedantry ” – like acknowledging right here that Ron might not believe me – is part of my consistent approach to contributing to UR, with some sarcastic or flippant exceptions. I no longer read most contributors apart from Ron, Steve Sailer and John Derbyshire – with occasional glances elsewhere as to Pat Buchanan. Ron, even when most idiosyncratically wrongheaded, has been producing for any educated person with a lively intellect much to learn from and dispute or refine It particularly suits one whose reading is slowed down by once excellent eyesight now requiring text to be blown up as on a Kindle or smartphone).
*** *** ****
Before I let you go I must recommend that the Video linked to me of John Mearsheimet and Ray McGovern in their shockingly recent dotage be skipped if, unllike the unsleeping Ron, you don’t have over an hour and a half for nothing new. As it happens I went back to sampling “The Putin Files” and woke up about an hour and 20 minutes into one with the smart and gorgeous Russian-American Julia Ioffe. Like John Mearsheimer’s playing down of the part played by outsiders in the Maidan affair (which the paranoid side of Ron’s mind knows better about) it will upset those who have simplified Ukrainian politics to simple minded neo-Nazi-globo-zionism, or variant, Her version is much as my expert Ukrainian informants tell me
Video Link
Why do people like Ron and his dimmer acolytes grasp at oversimplified versions? It starts with Ukraine having been about as front of mind as, say, Slovakia in 1938. But they think it important enough to interest themselves in something (the past and present of everything Ukrainian since 1991) and want to comment on it. It occurs to me to unpick the usual evidence supposed to support the view that the Maidan affair was a CIA operation. That $5 billion that Tori Nuland provided? Yes, building up civil society in Ukraine was a worthy object of Western public and private philanthropy.
None of the above suggests that I have lost all support for Mearsheimer realism or my lament at the unintelligent and hubristically uninformed US (especially) policy which failed to aim, at highest, at a Ukraine which was a regular Liberal democracy and also a neutral buffer and seen as such however paranoid by Putin.
Whaaat? Clearly you’ve lost the thread — or more likely you never had it (read it) to begin with. Tom Sunic’s article just appeared yesterday at TOO, for the first time afaik, and I don’t believe you ever published it here (“was glad to republish it here†– really?).
I spent five minutes republishing it here earlier this morning and it’s already picked up a few comments:
BTW, IF you ever DID talk to him (which I doubt), did you mention my name as a “crank and crackpot?â€
Sure, in my note to Sunic I mentioned your name as an obsessive crank who sometimes hangs around my website.
I watched and listened to the entire video and noticed that the opinions of these two characters on this issue are flawed. Trusting or appealing to their "authority" would be a mistake. It is simply too much of a stretch to now blame US policy for this aggressive war initiated by Putin. Taking on this view tends to reflect dissatisfaction with one's own government, to then simplistically resort to a binary mode.
...a discussion from a couple of days ago by John Mearsheimer and Ray McGovern.
Trusting or appealing to their “authority†would be a mistake. It is simply too much of a stretch to now blame US policy for this aggressive war initiated by Putin.
Well, they’re top U.S. experts, and I anyway totally agreed with all of their arguments, which had been my own view for the last decade. The evidence for the Maiden coup is absolutely overwhelming. Meanwhile, you’re just some random commenter who hangs around my website and denounces “Russian propaganda.”
One thing that did surprise me is that the somewhat elderly questioners in the video seemed substantially taken in by the American MSM propaganda-bubble.
In the past few weeks both Mearsheimer and McGovern have made appearances on RT's Crosstalk show, which RT refers to as it's "flagship" program. Nobody should have any illusions about this show, which is intended to promote the Russian viewpoint, especially during a time of crisis. It's called "soft propaganda" and it works, which is why Russia funds it.
...random commenter who...denounces “Russian propaganda.â€
The aggression and belligerence in your comment is astounding. You are so full of yourself and so self-important. I can assure you Ron Unz doesn’t give a wit about you. You mean nothing to him. You’re like a mosquito bothering an elephant.
It’s been peaceful here while you were absent. But now that you’ve come back to pollute this webzine with your mendacious verbiage, I would like to say something very harsh to you. We’re living in apocalyptic times. There’s a good chance there could be a nuclear Holocaust that will kill most of humanity. At the very least we’re in an extraordinary crisis. We don’t need your endless Lies and distractions about the Holocaust. It doesn’t help any of us. All of us need to get right with our Creator. And one of the first things we have to do is renounce lies.
Here’s my summary of the Holocaust to make it easy for simpletons like you. Hitler hated Jewish Bankers and Jewish Bolsheviks and like an immature psychopath he poured out his wrath on middle class and peasant Jews across Europe. if you admire that then you’re even sicker than Hitler. Hitler at least has an excuse that he was severely mentally ill. I don’t think you have that excuse so I expect you will face a much harsher judgment.
God does not want anyone to mock the poor and the suffering. And that’s what you and your friends who are Holocaust Deniers are doing. Frankly it’s despicable. What you should be focused on is the following:
The rich Jews that provoked Germany got away scot-free and left behind all the other Jews of Europe to be the whipping post for Hitler the psychopath. Then these Jewish elites used the suffering of those Jews to demonize the Germans for all time and to avert scrutiny from their own crimes. That is what you should be focused on and stop lying about the mass euthanization of Jews in German concentration camps. It’s undoubtedly true and we’re sick and tired of hearing you whine to the contrary.
I invite you to examine some of the following links if you’re courageous enough to re-educate yourself. Everyone knows that the Germans euthanized their own mentally ill handicapped and decrepit population before the war. So there is absolutely no reason to deny that they would have done the same to useless eaters in the concentration camps who couldn’t work under the brutal conditions of slave labor. If you can’t get that through your thick head then you’re stupider than we thought. And if you’re deliberately lying about it you’re extraordinarily evil.
Time is short. We all urgently need to make an accounting of our lives and get right with our Creator. Renouncing lies is a very important step in that direction. Much as I dislike you because you mock the suffering of the afflicted, I hope you are able to get on the right side of God. I would hate to see you end up where I strongly suspect you are heading:
I scanned and posted the full text of this important book here:
I realize time is urgent but at least read the introduction.
Shalom Mir und Frieden
I watched and listened to the entire video and noticed that the opinions of these two characters on this issue are flawed. Trusting or appealing to their "authority" would be a mistake. It is simply too much of a stretch to now blame US policy for this aggressive war initiated by Putin. Taking on this view tends to reflect dissatisfaction with one's own government, to then simplistically resort to a binary mode.
...a discussion from a couple of days ago by John Mearsheimer and Ray McGovern.
You are trying to look at this in isolation as a case of one country instead of everything that has been going on globally since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the role USA and NATO have been playing with hostile moves towards Russia, and PR China. USA + NATO have been combining naked aggression with colour revolutions in varying degrees to achieve their ends and what has happened is that Russia has said enough and is putting a stop to this.
Whaaat? Clearly you’ve lost the thread — or more likely you never had it (read it) to begin with. Tom Sunic’s article just appeared yesterday at TOO, for the first time afaik, and I don’t believe you ever published it here (“was glad to republish it here” – really?).
BTW, IF you ever DID talk to him (which I doubt), did you mention my name as a “crank and crackpot?”
You’ve got a hard row to hoe on this one, Ron. I think your critics here should take heart — you’re far from invincible. Although most guys here are too afraid of losing their playground if they stand up to you. Nor do they care all that much about their professed beliefs.
I spent five minutes republishing it here earlier this morning and it's already picked up a few comments:
Whaaat? Clearly you’ve lost the thread — or more likely you never had it (read it) to begin with. Tom Sunic’s article just appeared yesterday at TOO, for the first time afaik, and I don’t believe you ever published it here (“was glad to republish it here†– really?).
Sure, in my note to Sunic I mentioned your name as an obsessive crank who sometimes hangs around my website.Replies: @Autisticus Spasticus
BTW, IF you ever DID talk to him (which I doubt), did you mention my name as a “crank and crackpot?â€
There is no statue of Hitler in Israel. That’s something I’ve suggested sarcastically. Unless you’re thinking of this likeness to Adolt Hotelier:
Incidentally I do this procedure every few months with my own comments at TUR. I know Ron keeps our comments and we have no idea how he might utilize them. So I try to keep a record of them myself. Here’s an example:
Look, contrary to what you may think, I'm a polite individual and I don't like insulting people. But I've spent the last week or so seeing so many of your appallingly ignorant and insouciant comments about Russia that I simply lost my temper.
I don’t think this is from “obsessive cranks†and, better, it is not on video but a webzine like yours hosted by a former Head of a Labor Prime Minister’s department and News Ltd CEO , John Menadue
…a discussion from a couple of days ago by John Mearsheimer and Ray McGovern.
I watched and listened to the entire video and noticed that the opinions of these two characters on this issue are flawed. Trusting or appealing to their “authority” would be a mistake. It is simply too much of a stretch to now blame US policy for this aggressive war initiated by Putin. Taking on this view tends to reflect dissatisfaction with one’s own government, to then simplistically resort to a binary mode.
Mearsheimer at least acknowledged that his position or philosophy acknowledges the principle of might makes right and suggested that Ukrainians should practically forfeit self-determination and subordinate to the (paranoid) wishes of a Russian dictator. Since de facto is more important to him than de jure, he can ignore the 1997 Paris treaty between NATO and Russia.
McGovern, who agreed, repeats the cliche of the Maidan coup, while ignoring the mediated agreement and parliamentary vote in February 2014. I have already elaborated upon this elsewhere here, including earlier today. It shows that he, who ought to know better, has become ensnared by clever Russian propaganda if he actually believes what he said.
Very annoying was the arrogant hypothetical comparison of Russian troops or missiles in Toronto (others sometimes invoke Mexico), an inappropriate analogy, which illustrates that these guys blocked out the fact that this conflict is mainly about Europe. Russian missiles and military forces located between Poland and Lithuania threaten over a hundred million Europeans living in the region.
At least the opinions of these two guys did not go completely unchallenged, though only mildly. I even learned something new, namely that Russia’s satellite early warning capabilities are purportedly not nearly as sophisticated as those of the US.
Well, they're top U.S. experts, and I anyway totally agreed with all of their arguments, which had been my own view for the last decade. The evidence for the Maiden coup is absolutely overwhelming. Meanwhile, you're just some random commenter who hangs around my website and denounces "Russian propaganda."
Trusting or appealing to their “authority†would be a mistake. It is simply too much of a stretch to now blame US policy for this aggressive war initiated by Putin.
You, Ron, are way too glib about German National Socialism and its leadership (reading David Irving doesn't correct that), and your glibness becomes apparent whenever you try to defend your wrong-headed views. You would do well to admit there is way too much to know for you to catch up in the little time you're willing to devote to it, and stop trying to make yourself out to be the “expert.†On this particular subject, you are wrong and ought to admit it and change your habits.
“The chief of the NS propaganda office, Joseph Goebbels, did however write a short semi-satirical pamphlet with the title “Der Nazi-Sozi†—quotations marks added by him—[first published in 1926] in which two actors conduct an imaginary and heated discussion with the main character who is lambasting Jews, Marxism, and the bourgeoisie while extolling the virtues of “German Socialism.â€[xxvi]
Thanks for bringing that interesting article by Tom Sunic to my attention since I’d previously missed it, and was glad to republish it here.
Since he’d indeed mentioned something about the disputed use of the term “Nazi” I dropped him a note describing my own opinion on the question, and he seemed to agree with me entirely.
He also agreed with me that this sort of subject attracted huge numbers of cranks and crackpots all over the Internet.
For sure. Only cranks and crackpots would be interested in knowing the truth about jewish machinations and the lies they have used to dupe generations with the aim of perpetuating the jewsih victimhood narrative that gives them the 'permission' to continue with those very machinations.
He also agreed with me that this sort of subject attracted huge numbers of cranks and crackpots all over the Internet.
Obeisance to Jewish Power means virtually no pushback against narratives like this from ‘mainstream’ outlets and politicians. Anglos now live in an empire of shame.
This is one of the people actually calling the shots in the Ukraine. He is now worried that his influence will be diminished and his dirty deeds will come to surface.
— Thomas Androvic PPC (@AndrovicPpc) February 27, 2022
Post-Anglos are the biggest scum on earth. They have no history or identity. Their NGO-infested minds entirely revolve around “what can I do to win plaudits from Jewish Power?” That’s it. Not all that different from the likes of Derbyshire either. Peter Hitchens dissents from the official narrative but never mentions Jewish Power and wants the West to hate on China-China-China. Anglucks are human garbage, total craven cowards.
The Australian TV panel show "Q&A" ejected an audience member for asking the question transcribed below. Host told him, "You support what’s happening, hearing that people are dying, and I’m just not comfortable with you being here. Could you please leave?"
— Helen Andrews (@herandrews) March 4, 2022
Where does the comedy end and the lie begin? Hard to tell with these people. Who would have thought DUCK SOUP would one day be template for global policy of Jewish-Angluck Alliance? A pattern is emerging. What Jews introduce as comedy turn into tyranny. It’s like the tranny figure in the TV show MASH. Now, it’s national policy. Everything once joked about in Neo-Con ONION is now fact.
People think I'm exaggerating about Zelensky lying.
Here is what he said according to Korrespondent, one of the biggest publications in Ukraine:
It wasn't just a lie–it was a batshit crazy lie with the express purpose of getting us into a bigger war.
— Pedro L. Gonzalez (@emeriticus) March 4, 2022
These Angluck maggots are to Jewish Power what the dogs were to the pigs in ANIMAL FARM.
Lindsey Graham & John McCain in Ukraine in December 2016 preparing for a proxy war with Russia all the way back then.
Then, Trump came in and stopped it all from happening.
— âï¸Amy Tarkanianâï¸ (@MrsT106) March 4, 2022
Putin used the term ’empire of lies’. But it’s also true ’empire must lie’ to keep or expand the empire.
Well, Jewishness may be far away from Nazism but it is very close to collectivism and Communism, and I find communism to be very close to Nazism.
I try to be polite to people, but you're just an elderly, obsessive crank.
To Ron Unz – In your Comment #1 of this thread, you started off: “Obviously, the Zionists couldn’t have become quasi-allies of Nazi Germany until Nazi Germany actually existed.†I counted the word “Nazi†five times in that comment, and National Socialist or NS zero times.
It’s not about being polite, but about being honest.Your reply is not honest, and is a repeat of your previous replies to the one sentence of my comment that you allow to be shown,
I want to understand your view.
Can you tell me if you had a direct personal experience, either with the russian people or any other people (economically poor) ?
That rat behavior study was fascinating, but I suppose it only involved the imported but dominant grey rat. I have read in academic literature, that different species of rat make war on each other. I would like to suggest to those researchers, easily can in Jap or Eng, that they run the experiment with multiple species of rat, results would surely be of interest.
Anectodotally, when the coronomania descended on Tokyo in the spring of 2020., the area near my workplace was ovverrun with grey rats.
They were going into the still-open convenience shop, entering the garbage bags there, so the female staff would scream.
Fun to watch, but I was helpful, chasing them out of the shop, and pointing out the stubborn ones.
Forgive me if you already know this, but I want to make sure you can do this yourself. I’m sure there are many webpages you’d like to preserve.
The reason for uploading a merged PDF to the cloud is because you can’t attach more than 25MB to an email. (WhatsApp can attach up to 70MB.) So after you upload you can choose to make the upload link available to anyone or to restricted parties, and then you can share that cloud link with people who can then download the file from your cloud site (like Google Drive). This is a very roundabout way to share these files over the web but it’s the only way I know.
You can create a google drive cloud account with any gmail address you have. You have up to 15GB of free storage which is a lot of data. After 15GB there’s a fee to add storage. I have three different gmail addresses, and each one qualifies for 15GB of Drive storage.
I hope this makes sense!
Shalom Mir und Frieden!
Let me explain how I did this.
On any webpage you can click on the upper right set of three vertical dots choose Print and Save as PDF.
You do this for as many webpages as you want.
Then you go to an online site to join up the separate PDFs like this one:
Once you have the joined PDF, you name it whatever you want and then upload it to Google Drive or some other Cloud server.
Who knows how long any of these things will be available, so you also can store all those webpages on your device, an external storage system, etc.
Viel Glück Und Segen!
Well, I'd never mentioned his name and anyway what do I know?
BTW Kolomoisky doesn’t seem to be a particularly rich or powerful oligarch
“Ignorance”, especially , of the vast amount of junk you read so credulously misses the point when the aim is at the validity and intellectual quality of the argument.
You are most welcome. I had never heard of her but her work looks ingenious. She started out in biotechnology, so maybe my father knew her. Where does she live now?
I love Helene Fischer. I watch German Schlagermusik often and have playlists of it.
Genius ! One reading and he can find such boring pedantry AND ignorance that he needs to know nothing more. But I’m afraid you”l need to do to earn a gold frame from Ron.
Try answering the questions he stubbornly avoids like the existence of his “smoking gun” report on ABC and an Israeli TV station. Like the possibility that Iran’s top people caught Covid from a superspreader.
What’s a Vergissmeinnicht? Eine Blume.
This Masonic stuff is widely known. Maybe you’d better “letter it or syllable it”.
Wow! Not a word about Jews or Nazis. I really hope it is genuine. My guess is that it is.Replies: @Ron Unz
HUMAN RIGHTS, POLITICS, WORLD AFFAIRSUKRAINE: Open Letter from Russian international relations staff and students
By P&I Guest Writers
Mar 4, 2022
Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO) Image: Wikimedia Commons
Below is the text of an open letter to President Putin protesting the invasion of Ukraine from students, alumni and staff of Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO), Russia’s elite institution specialising in international relations.
(I have checked this Open Letter and am persuaded of its validity. It was signed by 1412 courageous people. A Russian radio station that ran it has been closed down. John Menadue)
Open Letter to the President of the Russian Federation from students, postgraduates, graduates and staff of the Moscow State University of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
We, graduates, students, postgraduates and staff at the Moscow State University of International Relations, by signing this appeal, speak out categorically against the military action of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. We consider it morally unacceptable to be silent bystanders, when people are dying in a neighbouring state. They are dying on account of those who preferred weapons to peaceful diplomacy.
During its history Russia has repeatedly stood up in defence of the weak and supported them, even if a high price had to be paid for this. The leaders of our state have resolved the most complex crisis situations by peaceful means, despite ideological differences.
We call for this foreign policy tradition to be continued today: to withdraw military forces from Ukrainian territory, to cease the bombardment of Ukrainian cities and to start honest negotiations – without ultimatums and without demands for the other side’s capitulation.
Many of us have friends and relatives on the territory where battles are being waged. But war has not only come to them, it has come into the houses of each of us, and its consequences will be felt by our children and grandchildren. Many generations of future diplomats will have to restore the lost trust in Russia and good relations with our neighbours.
Restraint in statements, critical thinking, an awareness of the complexity of processes taking place in the world, and tolerance of others’ opinions, are undoubtedly innate in graduates of our campus. But there are also things we do not tolerate – like the use of violence in situations where it might be avoided.
We were trained for life and work in an open world. We were trained to be representatives of a country for which the entire world was open – and Russia was open for the whole world. We were taught diplomacy, international law, journalistic ethics; we were taught the value of international cooperation, collaboration and cultural exchange. Special attention was always paid to the importance of international efforts to create an international system of treaties for the limitation of nuclear weapons.
The action of Russian forces on the territory on Ukraine has created conditions in which the realisation of the values that we learned over years of study is impossible.
We, graduates, students, postgraduates and staff of MGIMO, are striving to defend Russia’s traditional foreign policy values: security, peaceful cooperation and dialogue. Even if these values diverge from the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the state as a whole, we are not afraid of affirming them openly. �
I don’t think this is from “obsessive cranks†and, better, it is not on video but a webzine like yours hosted by a former Head of a Labor Prime Minister’s department and News Ltd CEO , John Menadue
Look, contrary to what you may think, I’m a polite individual and I don’t like insulting people. But I’ve spent the last week or so seeing so many of your appallingly ignorant and insouciant comments about Russia that I simply lost my temper.
In 1984 there’s a character maybe named Parsons or something like that who eagerly absorbs all the propaganda of the day and then immediately regurgitates it, changing around a few words here and there. Such individuals are almost too brainless to be human. For some reason that character comes to mind whenever I glance at any of your comments.
I realize that you probably haven’t read a serious book in twenty or thirty years, and instead spend all your time watching stupid videos. But here’s a non-stupid video to balance those out:
It’s a discussion from a couple of days ago by John Mearsheimer and Ray McGovern. You know Mearsheimer, while McGovern was a longtime CIA officer with a strong focus on Russia who served as the morning Presidential Briefer for a number of years, and became one of the foremost public opponents of the Iraq War.
So by listening to him you, you’re getting what Biden might be privately getting in a different world.
I watched and listened to the entire video and noticed that the opinions of these two characters on this issue are flawed. Trusting or appealing to their "authority" would be a mistake. It is simply too much of a stretch to now blame US policy for this aggressive war initiated by Putin. Taking on this view tends to reflect dissatisfaction with one's own government, to then simplistically resort to a binary mode.
...a discussion from a couple of days ago by John Mearsheimer and Ray McGovern.
I wish I didn’t but I am inclined to believe you are mostly right. What does it tell us about rapid changes in a country’s population? No simple message I suppose but it should discourage allowing large communities of people to form from imports of incompatibly clannish people. Australia so far is getting away with large scale immigration I think because
Comparative wealth provided in various ways to all by China’s need for iron ore (in particular) calms envy and resentment before it can rise. And even high housing costs seem to be accepted for the moment while interest rates are bery low.
Our immigrants – apart from an inoculating dose of African refugees about 15 years ago – are probably average or above IQ from China and diaspora, and upper caste India. In short, modern people.
So far our potential problems with “ferals” (equals White Trash) seems largely manageable.
I try to be polite to people, but you're just an elderly, obsessive crank.
To Ron Unz – In your Comment #1 of this thread, you started off: “Obviously, the Zionists couldn’t have become quasi-allies of Nazi Germany until Nazi Germany actually existed.†I counted the word “Nazi†five times in that comment, and National Socialist or NS zero times.
I don’t think this is from “obsessive cranks” and, better, it is not on video but a webzine like yours hosted by a former Head of a Labor Prime Minister’s department and News Ltd CEO , John Menadue
Look, contrary to what you may think, I'm a polite individual and I don't like insulting people. But I've spent the last week or so seeing so many of your appallingly ignorant and insouciant comments about Russia that I simply lost my temper.
I don’t think this is from “obsessive cranks†and, better, it is not on video but a webzine like yours hosted by a former Head of a Labor Prime Minister’s department and News Ltd CEO , John Menadue
Sure, that's exactly correct, and I've been regularly making the same points to various other people. However, there is one huge difference in the geopolitical landscape.
Vlad Putin and Russia are now being existentially menaced...just as was Adolf Hitler and Germany in the last century...
Does he ever have the objective insight to understand just how exactly parallel are all the mechanizations and intrigues being weaponized to destroy him – in exactly the same way they were used to destroy Hitler in the last century?
Is he capable of comprehending just how analogous is Donbass to Danzig?...
the irony today, is that even as Putin rails against Nazi Germany, the roles are now reversed, and Russia is as Nazi Germany was then...
What are the chances the West breaks the Russia+China alliance by giving China the go-ahead to do whatever it wants in Taiwan *as well* as whatever it wants with Russian territory?
Russia would be squeezed on all fronts with no significant allies and be permanently broken. The parallel would be complete. Except for the existence of nukes.
Replies: @Kurt Knispel
Thank you for your work, thank you for making the work of IC more accessible, thank you for maybe “saving Irene Caesar”, because many more wordpress sites got cut in the past week.
Maybe your efforts will assist other Truthers as well.
Nota bene:
Despite the bloody past in two (or 6?) Jewish World Wars many Germans remain Russia friendly without wanting or needing anything. The negative force has even put together a new word for “those idiots” namely “Putinversteher” meaning something like Putin acknowledgers or Putin groupies.
Besides one of Germany’s most popular singers, Helene Fischer, is Russian or at least born in Russia and very fond of her native country too:
Well, I'd never mentioned his name and anyway what do I know?
BTW Kolomoisky doesn’t seem to be a particularly rich or powerful oligarch
I never read his/her rants. I tried once and the writing is so boring and pedantic. The worst kind of ignorance, pompous ignorance.
No, of course not. Except that, as the article made crystal-clear in a quote from a newspaper researcher but which you have CHOSEN to completely ignore, the billionaire Jew leech Kolomoiskyi is in fact the richest - and therefore most powerful - man in Ukraine by a considerable margin, and one of the richest of the many "oligarchs" now being supposedly "targeted" by the West. And yet you, who somehow know better, say "Kolomoisky doesn’t seem to be a particularly rich or powerful oligarch".
If you have time for that rant you may find time to take on Ron Unz over his rather petulant comment on Kolomoisky. If you dollop up on his comment you will find that he is only billed as the second or third richest Ukrainian. His living in Switzerland may also reduce his impact on Ukraine politics somewhat I guess. You sound very confident. Do you actually know anything about Ukraine? If so, how? I at least know someone who owns a business which employs people in Ukraine and another who has been a visiting professor there.
I agree.
As such, while the Jews discussed here may not have “caused†or “orchestrated†the war in Ukraine, they clearly form an important, but completely ignored, subtext to it. I’m therefore neither in the pro-Ukraine or pro-Putin camp. I am, however, very firmly in favor of ending any conflict in which innocent Europeans are dying needlessly, and of a thorough “de-oligarchisation†of both parties in the current war. �
Personally I can’t gauge Putin’s views on the JQ. Maybe he thinks tribal but approved oligarchs are easier to control akin to India’s License Raj. If this is correct then it is a flaw. El Trumpo made the same mistake with Adelson.
#98 Already said it:
You got it reversed. Putin doesn’t have “his disloyal Jewish Oligarchsâ€. Jewish Oligarchs have their loyal Putin.
Trump was bought and paid for, he controlled no one. Putin was bought and paid for as well.
warburg and schiff banking families supported hitler. There is a statue of hitler in israel. The only reason hitler did not end the war in Dunkirk, was to save the jewish british monarchy.
I try to be polite to people, but you're just an elderly, obsessive crank.
To Ron Unz – In your Comment #1 of this thread, you started off: “Obviously, the Zionists couldn’t have become quasi-allies of Nazi Germany until Nazi Germany actually existed.†I counted the word “Nazi†five times in that comment, and National Socialist or NS zero times.
Tere’s something your readers could benefit from That is the sort of assessments you published when you looked at the Suvarov hypothesis and what calculations could be made about relative strengths and likely outcomes.
No party enforcers shooting young conscripts, no Lend Lease, numbers arguably on the side of the Ukraine etc.
Where are they at relatively, in 2022?
This "natural" conditioning marries very well with Christian teaching, and is also a pre-requisite to develop sane human character and relationships.
...what was important was the survival of the family and the was the the individual was always less important than that. So, unselfishness and service has been absolute cornerstone of russian thinking.
~This is something I can corroborate from observation from my traveling experience.
...when I went to Russia I was amazed because it was so poor at that time, and yet the kindness of the people is something awesome I'd never seen it before.
Russian society is not kind. It used to be far more egoistical than the American one itself before America entered the Reagan era’s cult of money as a deity. This typically Russian callousness (that’s the word that best applies to that mentality) was already overpowering as Chekhov described it extensively like a true reporter. Poverty doesn’t make people kinder at all, though kind people have a greater chance to be indifferent to poverty or just bored when money is the only subject of conversation. Bukovsky even complained that the westerners of his time (the late hippie era) lacked the cunning and malevolence necessary for humankind to survive. Solzhenitsyn was not far from such a position. Russians are not compared to bears for nothing. Contrary to what the general slavophilic ideology states Russians are not communal but egoistical, the difference with Americans being that are so in a very introverted way. They too perceive both the community and the government as natural enemies, but in a more desperate way. Russians don’t like disinterested intellectual exchanges, they find binge-drinking a less pervert pleasure.
But as you didn't bother to answer, I have to deduce you haven't.
Can you tell me if you had a direct personal experience, either with the russian people or any other people (economically poor) ?
Trying to see the russian typical world through the eyes and the heart of someone who had a physical abusing father and a disgraced family, this cannot but give a very skewed perspective.
Russian society is not kind. It used to be far more egoistical than the American one itself before America entered the Reagan era’s cult of money as a deity. This typically Russian callousness (that’s the word that best applies to that mentality) was already overpowering as Chekhov described it extensively like a true reporter.
Again, what basis you have for this statement ? Real direct experience or literary ones ?
Poverty doesn’t make people kinder at all, though kind people have a greater chance to be indifferent to poverty or just bored when money is the only subject of conversation.
If cunning and malevolence were the main determinants of human survival, we would be extinct since long ago, given the ever increasing capacity of destruction.
the westerners of his time (the late hippie era) lacked the cunning and malevolence necessary for humankind to survive.
Maybe Putin will live and rule as long as QEII. Or maybe even longer … a lot longer. Putin is a brand that in decades to come they could label as “established in 2000”.
Statistically chances are he is a tool. "What is not a tool, might become a tool --his position in the saddle seems to be less secure then proned-- ,will be a tool!"
makes you wonder is Putin the man or just a tool?
He is more than a tool : he is one of them. He wanted to convert to Judaism as already under the KGB he depended upon the goodwill of the Chabad Lubavitcher movement for his bureaucratic ascension. Then he was told there was no need for any formality since her mother had never told him she was fully Jewish. But his brand of Judaism he inherited from his mother is most opposed to progressivism and to the Aufklärung movement, let alone the present-day organized decadence.
I try to be polite to people, but you're just an elderly, obsessive crank.
To Ron Unz – In your Comment #1 of this thread, you started off: “Obviously, the Zionists couldn’t have become quasi-allies of Nazi Germany until Nazi Germany actually existed.†I counted the word “Nazi†five times in that comment, and National Socialist or NS zero times.
you’re just an elderly, obsessive crank.
Hmm. Hard to resist. It takes one to know one.
Well, I'd never mentioned his name and anyway what do I know?
BTW Kolomoisky doesn’t seem to be a particularly rich or powerful oligarch
Well folks you may well wonder what character trait or mood causes our generous host to waste so many words on a trivial BTW sentence of my comment, and to engage in gratuitous rudeness.
Of course the rudeness is not gratuitous. It is the only way he can think of to stop me commenting on his admirably uncensored website.
Why would he want to do that? Because if you have grown up being the smartest guy in the room you have a problem being shown to be wrong, especially if the problem lies in the way the confident intellect has worked, typically over confidence in one’s judgement of probabilities or coincidences or failure of imagination.
What’s worse, despite the prevalence of fruitcakes on UR threads whom Ron despisesyhere have been those who agree with, even been persuaded by my gradual demolition of some of Ron’s excesses.
Who can believe that Ron’s smoking gun intelligence report ever existed? Who can’t believe that a single superspreader is as good an explanation as any for what happened with Covid 19 in Iran?
As for Ron waving his hands in the air and saying 9/1+ is all about the Why, not the How, without dealing seriously with the missile hitting the Pentagon nonsense! It gives IQ tests a bad name.
It occurs to me that the excellent 2017 PBS series “The Putin Files” which I admit to having only discovered and only sampled a few days ago I can recommend it as likely to give a better background understanding of what is now being inflicted on Ukraine than everything that has appeared in UR.
While Ron isn’t quite as formidably dangerous as Putin it would be interesting to see a PBS or BBC series “The Unz Files”. We might at least learn why Ron can be so stubborn.
Shabad Lubovitch will lube him if he does. Lol
I know Ron is under the impression that Goebbels and other party members used the term freely and often, because of that one pamphlet, and does not want to be dissuaded from his impression. But he is WRONG, and refuses to investigate it.
Most modern academics and politicians, when critically writing or speaking about the National-Socialist experiment and race researchers of that time resort to the pejorative term “Naziâ€. It must be pointed out that the expression “Nazi†was never used in official NS documents, nor in numerous academic publications sponsored by the NS regime. If one follows the logic of this semantic distortion then the term “Nazi†can find its distorted equal in its equally derogatory word “commie†when portraying Communism. However, not a single modern scholar in the US today—unless when quoting or putting the “commie†word in quotations marks—would ever use such a pejorative abbreviation. He wouldn’t look serious or publishable. As a result, as long as the derogatory term “Nazi†is being randomly tossed around in numerous scholarly or media debates, no solid progress can be made in objectively assessing the works of German race researchers in NS Germany. The chief of the NS propaganda office, Joseph Goebbels, did however write a short semi-satirical pamphlet with the title “Der Nazi-Sozi†—quotations marks added by him—in which two actors conduct an imaginary and heated discussion with the main character who is lambasting Jews, Marxism, and the bourgeoisie while extolling the virtues of “German Socialism.â€[xxvi] It must be noted that the defamatory, abbreviated term “Nazi†had been launched by German communist agitators in the early 1920s during the Weimar Republic, later becoming, especially after World War II, an all-out, slogan demonized throughout the world and signifying absolute metaphysical evil.
To Ron Unz – In your Comment #1 of this thread, you started off: “Obviously, the Zionists couldn’t have become quasi-allies of Nazi Germany until Nazi Germany actually existed.†I counted the word “Nazi†five times in that comment, and National Socialist or NS zero times.
I try to be polite to people, but you’re just an elderly, obsessive crank.
For obvious reasons, you greatly admire Arthur Butz and last time you showed up here, you repeatedly claimed that he never used the word “Nazi” (which you loathe) in his book. However, anyone can check that Butz actually used it 238(!) times, including in the title of his first chapter and on roughly every second page:
Unfortunately, obsessives such as yourself have helped render ludicrous your less mistaken views on other matters.
Hmm. Hard to resist. It takes one to know one.
you’re just an elderly, obsessive crank.
Wow! Not a word about Jews or Nazis. I really hope it is genuine. My guess is that it is.Replies: @Ron Unz
HUMAN RIGHTS, POLITICS, WORLD AFFAIRSUKRAINE: Open Letter from Russian international relations staff and students
By P&I Guest Writers
Mar 4, 2022
Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO) Image: Wikimedia Commons
Below is the text of an open letter to President Putin protesting the invasion of Ukraine from students, alumni and staff of Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO), Russia’s elite institution specialising in international relations.
(I have checked this Open Letter and am persuaded of its validity. It was signed by 1412 courageous people. A Russian radio station that ran it has been closed down. John Menadue)
Open Letter to the President of the Russian Federation from students, postgraduates, graduates and staff of the Moscow State University of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
We, graduates, students, postgraduates and staff at the Moscow State University of International Relations, by signing this appeal, speak out categorically against the military action of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. We consider it morally unacceptable to be silent bystanders, when people are dying in a neighbouring state. They are dying on account of those who preferred weapons to peaceful diplomacy.
During its history Russia has repeatedly stood up in defence of the weak and supported them, even if a high price had to be paid for this. The leaders of our state have resolved the most complex crisis situations by peaceful means, despite ideological differences.
We call for this foreign policy tradition to be continued today: to withdraw military forces from Ukrainian territory, to cease the bombardment of Ukrainian cities and to start honest negotiations – without ultimatums and without demands for the other side’s capitulation.
Many of us have friends and relatives on the territory where battles are being waged. But war has not only come to them, it has come into the houses of each of us, and its consequences will be felt by our children and grandchildren. Many generations of future diplomats will have to restore the lost trust in Russia and good relations with our neighbours.
Restraint in statements, critical thinking, an awareness of the complexity of processes taking place in the world, and tolerance of others’ opinions, are undoubtedly innate in graduates of our campus. But there are also things we do not tolerate – like the use of violence in situations where it might be avoided.
We were trained for life and work in an open world. We were trained to be representatives of a country for which the entire world was open – and Russia was open for the whole world. We were taught diplomacy, international law, journalistic ethics; we were taught the value of international cooperation, collaboration and cultural exchange. Special attention was always paid to the importance of international efforts to create an international system of treaties for the limitation of nuclear weapons.
The action of Russian forces on the territory on Ukraine has created conditions in which the realisation of the values that we learned over years of study is impossible.
We, graduates, students, postgraduates and staff of MGIMO, are striving to defend Russia’s traditional foreign policy values: security, peaceful cooperation and dialogue. Even if these values diverge from the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the state as a whole, we are not afraid of affirming them openly. �
You, Ron, are way too glib about German National Socialism and its leadership (reading David Irving doesn't correct that), and your glibness becomes apparent whenever you try to defend your wrong-headed views. You would do well to admit there is way too much to know for you to catch up in the little time you're willing to devote to it, and stop trying to make yourself out to be the “expert.†On this particular subject, you are wrong and ought to admit it and change your habits.
“The chief of the NS propaganda office, Joseph Goebbels, did however write a short semi-satirical pamphlet with the title “Der Nazi-Sozi†—quotations marks added by him—[first published in 1926] in which two actors conduct an imaginary and heated discussion with the main character who is lambasting Jews, Marxism, and the bourgeoisie while extolling the virtues of “German Socialism.â€[xxvi]
Agreed, but it should also be emphasized that "Nazi" was always a fake propaganda word used by those who wished to be able to destroy their enemy (originally the German National Socialists).
Call someone a Nazi, and they are obviously the enemy. Similar to calling someone a racist, but with missiles.
To Ron Unz – In your Comment #1 of this thread, you started off: “Obviously, the Zionists couldn’t have become quasi-allies of Nazi Germany until Nazi Germany actually existed.” I counted the word “Nazi” five times in that comment, and National Socialist or NS zero times.
I try to be polite to people, but you're just an elderly, obsessive crank.
To Ron Unz – In your Comment #1 of this thread, you started off: “Obviously, the Zionists couldn’t have become quasi-allies of Nazi Germany until Nazi Germany actually existed.†I counted the word “Nazi†five times in that comment, and National Socialist or NS zero times.
BTW Kolomoisky doesn’t seem to be a particularly rich or powerful oligarch
Well, I’d never mentioned his name and anyway what do I know?
But he has Israeli citizenship, Haaretz is Israel’s leading newspaper, and they published an article asking whether he was the most powerful Jew in the world.
Meanwhile, according to the Economist, he’s a billionaire and according to the main Kiev newspapers probably the second or third wealthiest person in Ukraine:
There’s an enormous amount of additional information about him easily available on the Internet, though generally cleansed from his Wikipedia entry.
I do realize that you spend all your time watching stupid videos and then urging everyone else to do the same. But considering your appalling and very aggressive ignorance on almost every subject, perhaps you can understand why neither I nor anybody else ever takes seriously anything you say.
I should explain: Irene’s WordPress site has 17 webpages of information. I was able to convert 1-13+17 into a single pdf. Webpages 14-16 are very long (hundreds of pages each) so each one is a separate pdf. Her introductory information also is a separate pdf. Five in total:
He means, a strong secure home base where Jews who got rich can send the fruits of their pocket lining, were they can hide when they get in trouble with the law, and which can be used as a basis to bribe the corrupt non Jew elites and manipulate the Western public.
And Russia’s gold reserves?
Putin can back the ruble with commodities (or gold) the west/world needs — even if the west can source other supplies, that will take time. And time, for the west, is in short supply. Sure, the west has plenty of dollars and euros, not to mention all manner of financial engineering and control of SWIFT. But commodities, the stuff manufactured products are made of, count more than fancy paper IOUs.
Note, an Iranian nuclear deal is now a European priority, despite reservations of Congressional chickenhawks and the House of Saud. Imagine that…
Two questions — 1) If Europe begins importing Iranian oil, can Iran supply enough to offset the loss of Russian supplies? And, 2) since China has been importing Iranian crude, where will they find another source if Europe outbids them?
Hi geokat62, I was expecting to hear from you. No, not a friend, I actually couldn’t remember if one or two months had gone by. Without checking, I went ahead and wrote a few. Today I looked and saw we were not to come back until April. I’m guilty.
But now I have something else I think is important to share on the “Nazi” word that Ron Unz likes so much, so one more comment is coming. It’s too important to ignore … LOL. You should like it. It’s on its way shortly!
Pages 14-16 from her site seem to be extremely long, nearly 2000 pages altogether. Let me know if this so far is helpful to you. Amen.
Intro to her Wordpress site (76 pages):
Wordpress articles, pages 1-13, 17 (918 pages):
WordPress articles, pages 14-16: – 445 pages – 592 pages – 453 pages
Russia is creating facts on the ground, facts on the ground.
We need a calm, clear comparison of the US bombing of Baghdad, and the Russian peacekeeping mission in the Ukraine. War is so much easier if you kill everybody, US-style. This war in Ukraine really took off in 2014. Eight years of killing: 3,000 dead. Time for peace.
When Putin therefore claims he is seeking the de-Nazification of Ukraine, he is speaking, with perfect logic, less of political parties with broad racialist or anti-Jewish ideologies than of a more specific imperialist, militaristic, and anti-Russian movement
A country of former International Socialism, an ideology with sought to spread itself throughout the world speaks with ‘perfect logic’ about National Socialism as imperialist, anti-national, and anti national-culture? Beats me.
Intro to her WordPress site (76 pages):
WordPress articles, pages 1-13, 17 (918 pages):
Pages 14-16 from her site seem to be extremely long, nearly 2000 pages altogether. Let me know if this so far is helpful to you. Amen.
Wordpress articles, pages 14-16: - 445 pages - 592 pages - 453 pages
The Jewish gift for Ukraine:
NATO darling Zelensky is dancing in heels. Degenerate.
Video Link
Patricus, are you a Zio-Nazi?
The war in Ukraine is a Ziocon war. First, American Jews tacitly supported Nazi parades and Nazi memorials in Canada. The zionists nurtured the Canadian-Ukrainian community of Banderites – the progeny of SS14 1st Galicia and other Nazi collaborators.
Next, when Carl Gershman (NED), Nuland-Kagan (from the rabidly Russophonc clan of zionist warmongers), and Pyatt came to run the illegal coup d’etat in Kiev, they secured a collaboration with SELF-PROCLAIMED Nazis such as Andriy Biletsky, the commander of the Azov Battalion who is known as the “White Führer.” Andriy Biletsky expressed himself clearly: “Our nation’s [Ukraine’s] historic mission at this critical juncture is to lead the global White Race in its final crusade for its survival. A crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen.â€American zionist scum has cherished, bought, and armed this Nazi scum – Biletsky, Yarosh, Parubij, and the likes. There are too many documented events to reject this fact.
Neither Canadian nor American Jews made a peep about the open Nazi celebrations in Canada. Because Ukrainian Nazis are “good for Jews.”
In Canada, the US Ziocons have brought to power their darling Khristya Freeland, a progeny of a prominent Nazi collaborator Chomyak, to make sure that Canadian Banderites continue supporting Ukrainian Nazis. Khristya Freeland is a Deputy of Trudeau and de-facto ruler of Canada. The Canadian government sent the Canadian army to train the self-proclaimed Nazi Azov battalion in Ukraine. The battalion has also received Israel-made rifles from the Jewish State.
Zionists have Nazified Ukraine to create a wound on the Russian border in their idiotic Talmudic drive for world domination. Your tribal quetching about ‘hitler’ and ‘nazis’ has lost its currency.
The Nazi Battalion Azov is a part of the National Guard protecting the Ukrainian Government and Mr. Zelensky:
The Jewish Lobby and the ADL have been demanding the imprisonment of honest historians in WWII by dozens. But then Jews became quite like mice when real Nazis were adopted as Ziocon collaborators.
“Our western-centric background dictates that we view National Socialism and World War II primarily as an action against Jews”
The propaganda of our Zionist masters has positioned National Socialism as mainly a crime against the ever victimized uber-mensch, the Jew. Which is an expression of the view that non Jews are lesser humans. The reality is that Nazism, Fascism and Communism are all products of collectivist mass democracies, totalitarianisms which are the product of the rule by the people (and their demagogues). But nobody pandering to the people and out on power cares to admit that.
The Jews were just an unfortunate victim in the case of Nazism, they came in handy for the goals of the people’s masters at that time, but the Jews would absolutely hate it to just be an unfortunate victim, thus these showmasters created a whole show around it, and conveniently seized on it to steal land from the Palestinians.
This a real possibility, if the American public has bought into the Hate Russian Game
If you trouble to look it up – as it was obviously long before your time – I think you’ll find that the American people – or enough of them to constitute a comfortable political majority – “bought into” the “Hate Russia Game” a very, very long time before today. Try… umm… 1948, and the formation of Israel, at a guess, when the Chosenites realised they could now safely sow enough political and social discord to wreck whole White nations and start White wars – then fuck off back to their “shitty little country” at the first sign of White payback, to escape any possible consequences of their actions.
All we’ve had since then is the continual, silent, ruthless consolidation and brazen display of their strength, in a Western world which today doesn’t even see clearly enough through the Jew fog to imprison them in Israel for evermore.
How do I find her posts? Some are in English and some in Russian also.
Remember when Putin disappeared from the public eye for four weeks about two months ago? No one knew what happened to him, was he sick, dead, etc.
It seems something changed during that time. Perhaps he went on a vision quest. Perhaps he was programmed with drugs. Perhaps they killed him and this current “Putin†is a double.
But it seems clear that the Putin we see today is completely different from the old Vladimir who was a gentleman, polite, intelligent, articulate.
At long last we hear a real, uncucked American man speaking the unvarnished truth.
Thank your General MacGregor.
Trump = cucked
DeSantis= cucked
Carlson= cucked
Sailer= cucked
Gowdy= cucked
Hannity= ultracucked
I bought a bottle of Beluga Gold Line Russian vodka yesterday. Which I will continue to do each month to support President Putin and the courageous Russian people in their fight against the Globalist Jews and their bought gentile lackeys/whores.
Russia is the only surviving White Christian Nation with balls enough to stand up to the Satanic New World Order.
I offer a toast to their conviction and courage in the face of overwhelming evil.
Na Zdorovie Comrades!