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Lose Weight by Only Eating Meat (And Eggs)
The healthiest meal

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Most people are fat or at least overweight. It’s totally ridiculous in America and the Anglosphere more generally, where teenagers and children are fat, but even in Europe, people start to put on a lot of weight in their 30s and 40s. This is not natural or good. Many men have been turning to drugs, specifically testosterone, in order to lose weight, and now there is an Ozempic craze.

In reality, anyone can easily lose a lot of weight using the “carnivore diet,” which involves only eating meat, fish, and eggs. This is not a calorie restriction diet, so it allows you to eat as much food as you want, within the confines of the rules. This will work for anyone, assuming you don’t have some kind of unique problem.

Note on Processed Foods

For our purposes here, it will simply be assumed that everyone understands that all processed foods are extremely unhealthy, and should never be consumed by anyone. Processed foods are now often referred to as “ultraprocessed,” though it is unclear why this new terminology was necessary, other than to distinguish between something like sausages, which involves a process, but is not necessarily “ultraprocessed.” This group includes more or less everything that is in the center of a grocery store, in a box or a bag. Even if it says “organic” or “natural,” none of that stuff should be consumed by humans. Most of it is corn and soy, and it is all unbelievable crap.

It’s for Weight Loss and Body Rehab, It’s Not a Long-Term Lifestyle Plan

Firstly, it should be noted that many of the carnivore diet people are kooks. The people who promote this diet as a long-term solution for life are basically cultists. It cannot actually be a long term solution for life, because your body requires things called “essential vitamins and minerals,” which your body cannot produce, and some of which are not found in meat. Carnivore people will argue that you don’t actually need fiber, which is probably true.

The other notable thing here is that if you eat the liver, kidneys, lungs, brain, etc., you could live the rest of your life only eating meat. It’s actually probably a good option, but all these carnivore people are saying to just eat the flesh of the animals and you’ll eventually adapt to not having various nutrients. Personally, I don’t think eating organs is a big deal, but most people are not going to want to do that.

Regarding these vitamins and minerals, however: they stay in your body for a long time, so eating nothing but meat for several months or even a year will not be a problem, especially if you are supplementing. (Here is a full outline of the various vitamins and minerals you would have a hard time getting from meat flesh.)

The Other “Health Risks” are All Bullshit

Going back to the food pyramid scheme, introduced by various organizations throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the US government and its tentacles have claimed that you should limit red meat for health reasons and eat a lot of carbs. This is certainly a factor in what has created a obesity crisis in America.

The USDA’s 1992 food pyramid scheme

Anyone who is eating 6-11 servings of pasta is going to become obese, assuming they are not engaged in extremely strenuous body activity. There is also no reason to eat huge quantities of fruits and vegetables. Although as mentioned above, if you are not eating organ meats, in the longer term you should be eating some vegetables (and maybe certain fruits), you do not need to eat huge amounts, and it is not healthy to do so.

We should also add that though some people report good results from dairy, most do not. For most people, modern dairy (i.e., all dairy that originates from pasteurized milk) is going to cause inflammation and gut issues. Personally, I recommend zero dairy (excluding butter, which is not really dairy) for several months, and then if you want to try it and see what happens, you can do that, but you need a baseline of no dairy to understand what dairy does to your body. I would be very surprised if anyone stopped eating dairy and then introduced it and felt better for having done so (again, with the exception of raw milk and products made from raw milk, something which is de facto illegal in the United States for reasons that have not ever been properly explained).

The supposed “risks” of red meat are all fake. It’s been shown repeatedly that the cholesterol hoax is nothing but a hoax. There is good cholesterol, and all of the problems with high levels of bad cholesterol are related to being overweight. Even if someone is not visibly fat, they can have internal fat that can cause high levels of bad cholesterol, and the best way to eliminate these internal fats is to stop eating sugar and excessive carbohydrates.

I suppose it also needs to be addressed that the government has claimed that “eating fat makes you fat.” This is just a complete lie, and it’s unfortunate that the word for dietary fat is the same as the word for “overweight.” The overwhelming majority of stored fat in the body is a result of sugars and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are processed into sugars by the body, so there is little difference in eating unrefined sugars and bread or pasta.

Things You Should Eat

Unless you go to a steak restaurant every meal, you’re going to have to cook your own food.

The easiest thing to eat is boiled eggs. You can also cook bacon and then fry your eggs in the bacon grease.

Frankly, you could do this program while only eating boiled eggs. It would be boring, but it would be cheap and it would work. Get free range eggs, boil them and eat them until you’re not hungry anymore.

But there are other options.

Ground beef is also easy to cook, you can fry it with butter or boil it.

Steak is good, and you can cook that how you will. I’ve never been impressed with pan-cooked steak, but some people like it. If you have a grill or a griddle, that probably results in better tasting steak.

You can also get a big piece of beef (try to get the fattiest cut possible) and stew it in the oven or in a pot on the stove. This will last for three days, and tends to taste better after a few days, so you can cook a big piece of it eat it over a three day period. Various spices, including garlic, are fine for that, but I would definitely skip the potatoes and carrots if you are trying to lose weight. You could add mushrooms and that would not be terrible.

Fish is very important, and there are various options. Salmon and sardines are the best, and you can eat them from a can (which means there is no preparation). If you can get wild caught salmon (frozen is okay, though not ideal), you can sear it in butter with a little bit of olive oil (to keep the butter from burning).

Canned salmon can be mixed into scrambled eggs comfortably, hopefully in an iron skillet with minimal oil. (Aside from butter, which is of limited use in frying things, the best oil is pig grease. In terms of other oils, the only ones that are even safe are olive oil and avocado oil. Olive oil is not great for frying, given that its molecular structure changes at a low boiling point, so I recommend only using it to mix with butter to prevent the butter from burning.)

I do not recommend chicken at all, really. Chicken is a very low quality meat, and even the chickens marked as “free range” and “natural” tend to not be great. Chicken does fit into the diet technically, but you need to have some idea where it is coming from.

Although most people are probably not eating it, any kind of game meat is also good. Deer, rabbit, squirrel, whatever.

The only vegetables I would recommend, and only after at least six weeks of nothing but meat, would be fermented vegetables, including (natural, live) sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, or whatever else you can find that is fermented. These are very good for your gut health.

You Might Feel Bad at First

You might get diarrhea, headaches, tiredness, brainfog, and various other symptoms when you start only eating meat. This is normal. You can think of it like coming off of drugs. You get withdraw symptoms.

If you’ve been eating total crap food for years, processed foods (or “ultraprocessed foods”), you might want to ease into a meat-only diet to avoid some of the worst symptoms. Personally, I would go cold turkey, but everyone is different. Eat the rice and/or potatoes if you have a hard time going straight into no carbs, then cut those out.

Make sure to put enough salt on your food. You should use sea salt, and be liberal with it.

If You’re Already in Shape

If you’re to the point where you want to be in terms of your weight, I do not think there is a problem eating “clean carbs,” that is white rice and potatoes, is fine and may help with your workout routine. After you’ve shed the excess weight, you can also eat various vegetables.

I do not recommend any carbs that contain the shell or gluten, which includes all forms of wheat and flour used in bread, pasta, and so on. No one should really eat that stuff ever. But the clean carbs can help with energy levels and workouts, if you’re already in shape.

If you’re doing good, you can add the potatoes

As long as you’re significantly overweight, however, I don’t recommend any carbs.

Although I am pro-liquor in general, you are going to want to cut that out if you are trying to lose weight. Maybe you can do a drink once a week, and consider that “cheat day,” but don’t have it be beer, ever. Maybe if you did red win, that would count for your antioxidants. In fact, maybe “carnivore plus red wine” is the perfect diet. I would need to investigate that. But all alcohol high calorie and can slow metabolism (even though it does not actually turn into sugar in the body like carbs).

If you’re going to drink significantly, you should just do vodka (with ice or soda water, as needed).

Where is the Plateau and What Do You Do Then?

Obviously, you won’t just lose weight forever by eating only meat. Eventually, your body is going to stabilize, and stop shedding fat, start storing some of the fat and protein.

The plateau is going to be different for everyone, dependent on their physiology and their age, but it’s fair to say it should come at some point between “overweight” and “shredded abs.”

We haven’t talked at all about exercise here, and that is typically what would get you over the plateau. Exercise should always be incorporated in any fitness routine, though frankly, when it comes to being overweight, diet is at least 80% of the issue, and people can lose most of that weight without actually exercising, or with only doing regular walks.

There is much advice I have about exercise, but that should be in a separate article.

Aside from exercise, the other thing that can make a big difference is fasting or intermittent fasting. Fasting means not eating anything for a long period. “Intermittent fasting” is not really fasting, and just means skipping breakfast and eating a late lunch. Fasting has huge health benefits, and it should be done by everyone, though I understand most people are not going to want to do it. However, intermittent fasting, which is usually classified as “only eating within an 8 hour window every day” tends to boost metabolism, while not having most of the other benefits of real fasting.

If you’re getting serious, I recommend doing a 3 day fast every month, with nothing but water, and, if you want, coffee. Obviously, you should build up to that by doing shorter periods, starting with simply skipping breakfast. If you get on the “intermittent fasting” program, which basically means just eating one big meal per day, you are already doing a 24 hour fast, so you shouldn’t have a hard time doing 48 hours. You will feel hungry at first, but trust me, the results are worth it.

Also, whenever you are losing fat, note that the number on the scale is not necessarily that important. When you are losing fat, you should be gaining muscle. You should also drink a lot of water (and will be more drawn to water when dieting), which will offset the scale. The only real way to tell if you’re losing fat, short of some expensive process, is to pinch the fat on your belly and see how much of it there is.

“But I Enjoy Eating These Things”

Every time I’ve written about health, people have responded that they like eating the things I recommend against eating. I have even heard that “bread is a part of white culture.”

My response to this is: it’s your life and you can do whatever you want. Saying “but I like it” doesn’t sound any different to me than a junkie saying “but I like fentanyl.” It’s your body and your choice, I’m not your dad. Do what you want to do. I’m just telling you that you are delusional if you think you can have a healthy body while eating unhealthy food.

In my experience, “cheat days” are not really helpful, as if you stop eating crap and then decide to “reward yourself,” you just end up feeling terrible, as your body is no longer used to processing shitty food. That said, if it is important to you, it is true that eating bad food once or twice a month will not make any significant difference overall.

If you’re going to do cheat days, I would try to keep them as clean as possible. That is, if you really want a pizza, rather than going to Dominos, get a gourmet pizza made with all natural ingredients. You will certainly have saved enough money to buy a $30 pizza by changing your diet.

Personally, I would recommend only “cheating” for social reasons. If you go to a restaurant with family or friends, you can usually order a meat dish, but if you are at some event, such as a holiday gathering, where people are offering you foods not in your regimen, this is a good place to just be pro-social and eat the thing in question (as long as it is not some totally processed garbage).

Nothing to Lose But Your Fat

Various “authorities” will claim this doesn’t work. In fact, it does work, and I did it myself after gaining weight during that stupid coronavirus hoax. Granted, I did it in conjunction with a significant workout routine, and I treated it like a religion (as I think it is a part of religion). But there is simply no way to cut out carbs and not lose weight, and there is no health risk.

There is no reason not to try this. You do not have to count calories, which is what most diets still involve, and therefore you do not have to feel hungry. (Calorie restriction as a diet method has about the same rate of success as Alcoholics Anonymous, which is effectively zero.)

Unless you enjoy being overweight, there is no reason not to do what I am telling you to do. I promise it is a lot safer than Ozempic.


There are a lot of things in life that you do not have control over. In fact, you don’t have control over much. One of the things you do have control over is what you put into your body. I would go so far as to say that if you can’t control what you put into your body, you are not going to be able to control anything else. Therefore, the diet issue goes beyond simply taking care of your health and looking good, but extends into the spiritual realm.

All religious people and most philosophers considered there to be a very important connection between the body and the body, and believed that a healthy body and a healthy spirit go together. But there is no clear way to develop a healthy spiritual life and have this in turn change your body. There is a clear way to change your diet and increase your mental acuity, your confidence, self-esteem, and sense of purpose.

I have said many times before: if you’re fat, the only thing you need to be thinking about is becoming un-fat. You do not need to be thinking about politics or women or anything else. Of course, you will think about those things on your journey to losing the weight, but if you are not fit, the primary focus of your life should be on fitness, above all else.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Science •�Tags: Diet, FDA, Low-fat, Meat, Nutrition, Sugar
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  1. The healthiest meal

    Anglin, aren’t you too young to die of atherosclerosis?
    Oh well whatever.

    •�Thanks: Protogonus
  2. Whether you eat meat only or also carbs is totally irrelevant for fat loss. It’s calories in – calories out. You can’t beat the laws of thermodynamics.

    The only reason it’s easier to lose weight by eating only meat is that it is much harder to overeat on protein.

    I’ve eaten meat only for quite some time and it works. Now I eat a much more balanced diet with carbs. The most important thing is that you prepare your meals yourself, so that you know what is in them and to properly track your calories. Most people severely underestimate the calories they are consuming.

    Also don’t consume liquid calories. That is much much more important than eating a protein rich diet.

    •�Replies: @HBM
    , @Dr. Acula
  3. Also, btw, you can’t lose weight by typing 3,000-word blog posts. Many have tried, Andy. Many have tried.

    I bet you think salads lead to buttsechs?

    Or is it the other way around?

    Okay, tossed salads maybe.

    •�Replies: @Joe Paluka
  4. It’s a giveaway that the “food pyramid” is produced by the USDA, not the FDA.
    It’s what the farmers want to produce, not what you should eat.

    •�Agree: Emslander, Mike Conrad
  5. I’ve heard the carnivore diet gives you halitosis.

    •�Replies: @Wielgus
  6. Did this a few years back. Doctor noticed I lost weight and my blood chemistry was pretty good, so he asked what I was doing, but when I told him, he got a look of disgust and told me how wrong it was to eat like that. Cognitive dissonance suggested it was time for a new doctor.

    If you’re going to do cheat days, … get a gourmet pizza made with all natural ingredients.

    Get one of these bad boys and make your own.

    •�Thanks: TKK
    •�Replies: @Rogue
    , @Mike Conrad
  7. Ed Case says:

    Had psoriasis 15 years ago, the kind that appears as welts on the back of the hands at night.
    Read of a cure on the net, boiled chicken and beef, stewed green apples, milk products [but no milk],
    no salads or nightshades, very little cooked vegetables, no fried food, no grains.
    Lost 27 kg in 3 months [104> 77kg], psoriasis cured too.
    Had 2 glasses of beer a couple of years later, within 6 months was back to 104 kg.
    Grain is no good and beer is just concentrated grain.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  8. anon[105] •�Disclaimer says:

    Boiled ground beef? Fuck me, kill me now.

    •�Agree: TKK
    •�Troll: Ed Case
  9. I drink milk every day. If you can’t handle milk, you are not White.

    •�Agree: Katrinka
    •�Replies: @Piffle
    , @HT
  10. We haven’t talked at all about exercise here

    If you’ll even find the strength for it on a meat-only diet. Meat-only doesn’t afford much energy.
    One time I fucked up binging on free potato chips and gained like 50lbs without realizing it, I freaked out and starved myself — not even a bread crumb — for the next 40 days, only drinking water and coffee with butter.

    My energy level was the same as what I felt during a 2 month meat diet. I lost more weight than with that diet, too.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Anonymous
  11. AxeGryndr says:

    What a coincidence to read this after last night’s meal of prime (important) steak, shrooms and baked potato. And my wife can pan fry a steak to perfection..I should buy her a grill.

    I have lost weight on other types of diets, but like most, the longevity and perseverance of the diet is the big question, along with slipping into maintenance for the long haul. I may have seen 170 pounds (on a 5’8″ frame) once in my life, and with a naturally high metabolism, I stay active, and usually burn off the excess. I’m an ectomorph, and when I gain, it’s butt and belly. So striving to maintain a body weight with minimum flux is imperative, or I need to have 3 different sets of pants.

    All in all, this is a great diet to try for those who aren’t having success. I switched to protein heavy about 2 years ago, and it makes all the difference. Protein meals last so much longer than carb meals for energy and in time before hunger comes back. Great article, Andrew!

  12. I’ve struggled w/ excess pounds my whole life. Never found anything I could stick to or make work. Heard on a Rogan podcast some trainer talking about fasting and all the health benefits, but could never live on water and tea. Then he brought up a modified form of fasting that worked for a lot of his clients, and carried many of the same health benefits. 16-8 fasting.
    16 hours fasting, consume all your daily food w/in the remaining 8-hour window. No restrictions on what you eat, just your normal every-day diet (carbs, sugar, fat, meat, alcohol, etc.) By fasting for 16 hours per day, AFTER 2 WEEKS of doing this, your body becomes “Metabolically flexible” (my newest favorite term). It’s a tough 2 weeks, but as the trainer said, most people can skip breakfast and have an extra cup of coffee. Eat a hearty lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, evening snack done by 8 PM, go to bed. After 2 weeks of doing that you WILL see results.
    Coffee, water, and vitamins get me through the morning. By 10:30 I’m definitely hungry, but honestly a big bottle of water and the feelings gone. If I’m busy w/ something I won’t even notice I’m hungry until 1:30-2 PM… And the pounds are coming off, the fat is disappearing, even from those hard-to-change parts.
    I pound the beers on Friday and Saturday, don’t always stick to it on weekends (greasy bacon and eggs Sunday morning is tough to resist)… but Monday back on the wagon is easy. Try it.

    •�Replies: @AlmaMater
  13. Che Guava says:

    I never understand why Andre always insists on, if you must eat carbs, polished (white) rice and white bread.

    Brown rice and black, rye, or similar breads seem to be better for one’s insides. Rice shops and supermarkets generally have brown rice, although restaurants (except the very few macrobiotic ones) never do.

    I am curious as to the reasoning for preferring polished rice or things made from husked grains.

    •�Replies: @Emslander
    , @Liza
  14. Wokechoke says:
    @don't care

    Things that you didn’t do.

    •�Replies: @don't care
  15. HBM says:

    Fats, meat and leafy vegetables with caloric intake kept below Basal Metabolic Rate. No carbs/sugars. Works well and constant hunger is not an issue. If you have money you can buy all sorts of fancy foods to keep it entertaining. Or you can do it cheap with bacon and eggs and salads.

    Diets in which you lower calories but still eat carbs is hard. You stay hungry. You feel like you are starving all the time. Getting your body into ketosis is a game-changer. You aren’t anywhere near as hungry and you do indeed get a sort of mental clarity and an energy boost.

  16. a healthy body and a healthy spirit go together.

    True enough, but it goes somewhat further than a vague “healthy spiritual life.” A person’s qi, or spirit, body is drastically affected by what he ingests, especially junk like alcohol, drugs and caffeine. Once you quit those things and become totally detoxified of them the qi (don’t get hung up on the chinese word) flows well and you can easily manifest physical body changes while in a meditative altered state, even one as light as the alpha wave state, or do astral projection, etc. Occultists call this internal alchemy, which is a sort of magick except it doesn’t involve the evocation/invocation of spirits or external powers. It’s how I’ve stayed young and healthy. Last month I found a new cavity in my teeth and healed it this way.

    Healthy body-healthy spirit is a bigger deal than you suspect.

    •�Replies: @Old Hicktory
  17. Anonymous[600] •�Disclaimer says:
    @don't care

    I’ve yet to meet a serious carnivore who’s into a cardio exercise and who’s slim or has a slim athletic build. People that have a slim athletic build in middle age are healthy eaters (largely vegetarian or vegan) and have a disciplined cardio routine (hour a day).

    Consuming processed food and/or a lot of calories and not having a serious exercise routine will put on the pounds, especially in middle age. It’s not rocket science but just discipline and/or habit.

    •�Replies: @c matt
  18. Wielgus says:
    @Сила в правде

    Did Tyrannosaurus Rex have bad breath? We may surmise. We can never know…

    Video Link

  19. @Mike Conrad

    One of the things that leads to being overweight is weighing yourself in kilograms. I was 235 pounds and I knew I was fat for my height, after the scale died, we bought one that only read in kilograms, every time I weighed myself in kilograms on that gay European scale, it came out to be around 106, which made me think I was skinny. I ate more deserts and couldn’t lose any weight. I finally found a real straight man’s scale that read in pounds, (my wife hates it for obvious reasons), and now I realize I’m a fat guy again and I’m starting to do something about it. My wife is using the kilogram scale and thinks she’s skinnier than she really is in kilograms, but I’m using the real man’s scale and am more realistic with a scale that tells me the truth.

  20. Anonymous[220] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Ed Case

    Lost 27 kg in 3 months [104> 77kg], psoriasis cured too.
    Had 2 glasses of beer a couple of years later, within 6 months was back to 104 kg.

    You went from 230 lbs. (104kg) to 170 lbs. (77kg) then back to 230 lbs.?? 😳 That is a huge difference and a huge body transformation! Things like the difference in clothes size makes this such a horrible hassle.

    While I think a healthy diet is key, I think if someone centers their lifestyle on physical exercise the eating of a healthy diet will naturally follow. Sticking to a healthy diet without exercise takes a lot of willpower and messes with your brain chemistry. Conversely, serious physical exercise controls appetite and stabilizes your brain chemistry (neurotransmitters).

    This book by Harvard Medical School professor John Ratey, MD., will make anyone a believer in the power of physical exercise.

    •�Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  21. Anglin is missing the point about meats, but that’s expected since he’s a comedian.

    Adults are not growing up anymore so the need for all the amino acids is less than in puberty, and some amino acids are very inflammatory.

    You need to balance the amino acids profile as you grow old by eating both meat and organ meat, and in moderation, you don’t need all that meat (protein), anyway.

    True, carbs are probably the main cause of obesity, but even here there are details to consider, like carbs from seeds being the major culprit of obesity, compared to fruits.

    •�Replies: @A B Coreopsis
  22. DanFromCT says:

    A few decades ago women were psychologically manipulated by the government and its echo chamber on TV news into becoming vegetarians as an ideal diet and subsisting mainly on pasta and greens, with possibly some small, totally inadequate amount of fish or chicken on top for protein.

    When combined with significant exercise, as I understand it, this diet dramatically harmed the health of tens of millions of our women, causing them to retain the fat they were desperately trying to lose and metabolically consume the very muscles they were trying to exercise and develop.

    There is no end to the government’s efforts to punish America, which it sees as its chief enemy, and to harm our physical and mental well-being through manipulation of our diet. Eliminating meat and fish or, the same thing, making it increasingly too expensive for all but the elites, will lower mental acuity to the point of passivity. This dietary warfare against us will only intensify, while harming agriculture to indirectly destroy our health and our native economy may well be a primary goal of climate geoengineering.

    •�Agree: TKK
    •�Replies: @obwandiyag
    , @Bro43rd
  23. krm says:

    Meat only is not sustainable.. And it doesn’t work for everyone…

    •�Replies: @A B Coreopsis
  24. I’m in the middle of this diet at the moment,

    Yep it works, period,

    The best thing about it is that you don’t feel hungry because protein satiates.

  25. Anon[325] •�Disclaimer says:

    I agree with almost everything here.

    However, the link to Vitamins & Minerals you’ll miss by eating meat is mostly nonsense.

    Mostly it lists letter Vitamins (ABEK, etc) which are MORE abundant (and bioavailable) in meat than plants.
    The (accurate) claim is that they are more abundant in liver than meat, but this doesn’t imply that you have to eat liver (as the article claims).

    Part of the mistake here is calling things other than by their true names.
    Vitamin A is retinol and only retinol, but humans can convert beta-carotene into a little bit of Vitamin A (retinol).
    Consequently plants that have lots of beta-carotene are said to have lots of Vitamin A, even though the body will only convert a tiny fraction of it into the needed form.
    This is the case with most plant vitamins and minerals; even something as simple as iron is found in a different form in animals which is much better at meeting the human body’s needs.

  26. @Wokechoke

    >I’ve never done it so it’s not possible someone else did

    typical reactionary shitpost
    why don’t you contribute something to the topic?

    •�Replies: @Tallest Skil
  27. anonymous[733] •�Disclaimer says:

    Huge erroneous premise right up front. In the ’60s-70s, very few people were obese, despite consuming lots of milk, white bread, potatoes and other starches, peanut butter, potato chips, and even Tang. The difference was movement. But hey, he got me to read it.

    •�Replies: @Piffle
    , @Trinity
  28. @Anonymous

    I used to do a regular routine in the work gym each day, 30 minutes treadmill at 6 mph (I’m 60+)*, and 10 on the abs crunch machine.

    Amazing how many work problem solutions float into your head when you are on the treadmill, thinking nothing but “when can I stop?”.

    Shower and back to work really refreshed.

    * pays dividends when you have to run a mile to the station

    •�Thanks: AlmaMater
    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  29. Bcat says:

    Andrew Anglin you’re the best. I’m a lot older than you, but you seem as aghast as I, express it so well. Thanks for that. I was going to write you in for the president, but I am damaged and retarded, and let the pencil fall from my fingers.

    This diet works, and I agree with other comments that it is calorie in/calorie out, being an altered trans humanist having had gastric bypass, I know this is true, (as well as more evidence of my retardation). Ten years ago, I needed to lose 5% of my body weight to qualify by showing my resolve and will power; I did this as a carnivore and it worked. From my highest weight I’ve lost 180 lbs, between the carnivore and bypass, and have kept it off, which is evidence that even retards can exhibit resolve and willpower. Liquid calories are the killer, and something so many other retards just won’t give up, although the evidence weighs on them every minute of every day. I think Orson Welles said ‘Gluttony is not a secret vice’.

  30. AlmaMater says:
    @The REAL Joe Blow

    Yes, the intermittent fasting (eating all your food for the day in a time window of 4-10 hours) is not only a great way to lose weight, but my understanding is that it is a great longevity hack. Calorie restriction is known as THE longevity hack.

    •�Agree: Piffle
  31. AlmaMater says:

    “In fact, maybe “carnivore plus red wine” is the perfect diet.”

    The problem with wine is that grapes are one of the most pesticide- and herbicide-sprayed crops. In fact, glyphosate has been found in California organic wine, so great is the spread/drift of glyphosate across the US.

    Glyphosate in wine is one of the reasons I pity those with huge wine cellars who drink a bottle with dinner every night — the glyphosate ingestion and the fact that they have a alcohol dependency problem.

    •�Replies: @mel belli
    , @anonymous
  32. It has been said that we are what we eat. But to be accurate, we are what our small intestine allows to get into the bloodstream. The reason we have a high or low IQ, are autistic or normal, are senile or retain our memories, have chronic diseases or are disease free, or live a long or short life, is the small intestine, which is the first line of the defense of the immune system. The small intestine is the digestion chamber of the body where broken down food is transferred into the bloodstream to make glucose energy. If the intestinal lining is “leaky” from eating the Gliadin protein found in industrial wheat, or from lectins found in beans, or from oxalates found in vegetables and fruits, then large chunks of food or non-nutrient metabolites or chemical food preservatives, can transfer into the bloodstream instead of going into the big bowel as waste. This causes slow insidious sepsis – blood poisoning. There is only one disease – leaky gut: myocarditis, turbo cancers or cancer or respiratory failure are merely its symptoms depending on where poisoned blood from a leaky gut ends up – the lung, the heart or the abdominal organs. Don’t expect either conventional or alternative medicine to tell you this. They either want to sell you drugs or vaccines on one hand, or enemas, natural paralyzers (Ivermectin), or intravenous infusions of high dose vitamin C that can wipe out the kidney.

    As for a vegetarian diet, Bruce Ames PhD, found plant foods have 10,000 times more natural toxins than Glyphosate, the pesticide mainly used in agriculture. Half of those toxins are rat droppings from industrial storage of food.

    •�Replies: @Anon12345
  33. Trinity says:

    IF you expend more calories then you shove down your face you will lose weight. Humans need PLENTY of vegetables and fruits, especially the former. Rice and potatoes are good as well, (baked potato no butter or sour cream, sweet potato is very good for you. ) Treat yourself to a cheat DAY once a week, after all Rome wasn’t built in a day. IF you are obese if you lose the weight too fast or lose it by dieting only and not exercising you will have folds of loose skin, gross, rather be obese than look like that. Also resistance exercise is more valuable than cardio for losing weight. Combine the two BUT if you have to dump one for awhile than dump the cardio. You can combine the two by adding a weight vest for walks or runs, perform weighted carries, high rep barbell/dumbbell/kettlebell clean and push presses will have you puffing like sprints, walk or run hills ( hills are a form of resistance), use sleds or tires, the list is endlesss so you should never be bored and you get 2 workouts for one. But keep in mind you can never outrun a fork.

  34. Rogue says:

    I did try the meat only, or high protein no carbs diet several years ago. Like all diets, it does work, but also like all diets it gets tedious and boring.

    The secret to weight loss for me has been fasting. I recently fasted for 3 weeks (no food, but drank tea, coffee, 1 mug hot chocolate per day and water or lemon water) plus walked a lot. Lost about 40 pounds.

    Through fasting I’ve been gradually dropping my weight from almost 400 pounds (yes fat, but I’m quite a large guy as well) over the last few years to now about 290 pounds.

    Goal for next year (via fasting) is to get my weight down to about 250 pounds.

    •�Agree: Trinity
    •�Thanks: AceDeuce
    •�Replies: @Alden
  35. Rogue says:
    @The Alarmist

    I live in South Africa.

    I wonder if that contraption (or something like it) is available here?

    •�Replies: @The Alarmist
  36. Piffle says:

    I drink milk every day. If you can’t handle milk, you are not White.

    Milk has made me sick from infancy. I freckle and barely tan. Having a dairy intolerance is a very White thing, if you hang out with any of them for very long.

    •�Replies: @theRealHun
  37. Piffle says:

    Huge erroneous premise right up front. In the ’60s-70s, very few people were obese, despite consuming lots of milk, white bread, potatoes and other starches, peanut butter, potato chips, and even Tang. The difference was movement. But hey, he got me to read it.

    Also portion sizes. Much smaller and that matters.

  38. Piffle says:

    In reality, anyone can easily lose a lot of weight using the “carnivore diet,” which involves only eating meat, fish, and eggs. This is not a calorie restriction diet, so it allows you to eat as much food as you want, within the confines of the rules. This will work for anyone, assuming you don’t have some kind of unique problem.

    The article is good diet advice in general except for this point. If I can take YouTube as an informal study, most carnivore people started very obese. They lost a lot of weight, but then stopped. The ones I have seen are all hovering substantially above their ideal weights.

    In learning to count calories and track macros, I can see that quite simply, they are over eating meat. They will never lose weight on the portions they are giving themselves. Once protein requirements are met, meat can be used for energy which stops the body fat loss process.

    The people on YouTube that look healthy and lean are body builders who eat very high protein diets while limiting calories. This looks like a mostly meat diet with vegetables and very limited carbs.

    Bottom line: If someone has a lot of weight to lose and is in poor health, carnivore is the place to start. That’s while making sure to get enough electrolytes, which will help the transition. That move alone produces a sort of a calorie restriction in the correct way. If there are over 50 pounds to lose, the body will want to shed the weight. Below that range, counting calories may become absolutely necessary.

    That said, great article overall.

  39. mel belli says:

    I’m wondering – what other extreme minority positions do you have?

  40. Vkash says:

    I eat beef and eggs everyday and so I agree with this, and that is really all I eat. But I would also like to add, until I started eating frozen wild blueberries too, my shits were a bit slow and slimy. I stand with eating beef and eggs (and wild salmon too) everyday, but I would definitely add at least some dietary fiber in there too, like with blueberries or any other kind of berries.

  41. HT says:

    A diet without carbs and just consuming meat, fish, and eggs is definitely a way to lose fat and weight. Not necessarily a good thing for the long run though. I think a Mediterranean type diet is better and provides the things you need to maintain good health.

  42. HT says:

    Biggest issue with milk is the massive amount of sugar it contains. The only milk I drink now is the filtered Fairlife milk and no more than a cup each day.

  43. @Rogue

    I got one with a different brand name in Europe, so likely possible in SA. Try Amazon.

    •�Replies: @Rogue
  44. raga10 says:

    I still think the best dietary advice came from one Michael Pollan:

    “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

    •�Agree: TKK, Liza
  45. The us empire and the failipines has disgusting “food”.

  46. If you eat only steak and eggs your poop may transform into black toxic slurry. You need to account for the entire supply chain start to finish. The ideal is poop with zero slurry that goes plop when you dump it in the toilet and you can wipe with one sheet and there is zero tread mark on the used tissue your poop is so structurally competent.

    Whole psyllium husks one teaspoon 2-3X per week is like a miracle drug. 18 dollars for 24 oz from walmart from my computer. No doctor is paid to tell you this.



    •�Thanks: arbeit macht frei
    •�Replies: @arbeit macht frei
  47. Dr. Acula says:

    Whether you eat meat only or also carbs is totally irrelevant for fat loss. It’s calories in – calories out. You can’t beat the laws of thermodynamics.

    This is one of the biggest and most dangerous lies ever told.

    Ron Unz had two good articles on this topic 2-3 weeks ago. If you prefer watching videos, I can recommend these two from Dr. Lustig,

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

    Video Link2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceFyF9px20Y
    Video Link

    •�Agree: inspector general
    •�Replies: @döp-dödö-döp
  48. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    The Weight of Justice

  49. Trinity says:

    And it is easily proven by pictures, high school yearbooks, etc. I would say this extended into even the Eighties. Check out the video of Lynyrd Skynyrd playing Freebird in Oakland circa 1977 on YouTube. Lots of surprises
    1. Large Confederate Flag in Oakland, California of all places
    2. 99% White audience, I think I saw one brown mix dude
    3. No tattoos on the women and probably only a few on the males
    4. I didn’t see an overweight person in the audience, the only one I saw overweight was the piano player for Lynyrd Skynyrd and he was not what I would call fat. Van Zandt had a little beer pooch belly.
    5. The females were much better looking

    There were very few gyms in the 1960’s and 1970’s other than the YMCA, sure you had some but they were rare, now you have gyms everywhere even in small towns. I can tell you that when I graduated in 1979 from high school, there were only a small portion of fat kids, and not one obese kid out of a class of about 300. EVERYONE drank whole milk, ate cakes and pies, chips, (did diet colas or light beer even exist in the Seventies) and in my neck of the woods almost everyone drank sweet tea.

    Probably helped that we played football in the fall/winter, baseball in spring/summer, basketball year round, racquetball was popular back then and running was just kicking off to the normies. In junior high many kids rode their bikes to school, etc. People ate fast food on the regular, going to Krystal ( redneck White Castle that uses mustard instead of ketchup) after guzzling beer at a keg party was the standard m.o. for underage high school punks. Lol.

  50. @Piffle

    Being able to tolerate lactose is the whitest thing ever:

    •�Agree: Sam Hildebrand
    •�Replies: @Protogonus
  51. Bro43rd says:

    You are onto something! One hopes it’s not as malevolent as it appears, my experience tells me to not rule it out.

  52. Anonymous[366] •�Disclaimer says:

    Amazing how many work problem solutions float into your head when you are on the treadmill, thinking nothing but “when can I stop?”.

    Yeah, treadmill running is painfully boring. Put in AirPods, play a 2-hour long podcast, and go outside into nature for a run.

  53. If you’re going to drink significantly, you should just do vodka (with ice or soda water, as needed).

    I say:

    Vodka and gin, where to begin…

    “Gin and tonics all around, I think.” — Museo movie.

    “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.” – Casablanca movie.

    Ian Fleming — Dr. No:

    Bond ordered a double gin and tonic and one whole green lime. When the drink came he cut the lime in half, dropped the two squeezed halves into the long glass, almost filled the glass with ice cubes and then poured in the tonic. He took the drink out on to the balcony, and sat and looked out across the spectacular view.

    When you are drinking your morning coffee in the kitchen, don’t give the alligator any Booth’s 90 proof London dry gin, no matter how insistent the reptile is. Give the gin glugging gator Gilbey’s.

  54. Emslander says:
    @Che Guava

    Find someone who will make sourdough bread for you or learn to make it yourself. Have five to fifteen percent rye or whole wheat. Use quality flour. Do long ferments.

    What most Americans call bread is poison.

    •�Agree: Che Guava
    •�Replies: @Che Guava
  55. Anon12345 says:
    @Wayne Lusvardi

    Interesting hypothesis, Wayne, and one that I don’t think I’ve heard propounded before – but, as someone once said, and I paraphrase, “An educated mind is one that is able to entertain an idea without accepting it.” And so I always do my best to remain open to new ideas and concepts which may, in one way or another, challenge or even contradict those things which I THINK I know.

    Therefore, would you please be so kind as to expound upon your comment. Are you saying that the solution to a “leaky” small intestine – which can cause insidious sepsis – is to avoid eating “Gliadin protein found in industrial wheat, or from lectins found in beans, or from oxalates found in vegetables and fruits”? And, if that is indeed what you are saying, what foods do you recommend eating instead? Also, are there any remedies for damage already caused by a leaky small intestine?

    Thank you in advance for your anticipated reply.

  56. Liza says:
    @Che Guava

    According to the Weston Price Foundation, the brown part of whole rice contains anti-nutrients – substances which suck beneficial minerals out of your body. Look them up.

    Their solution is to soak brown rice in acidulated water for maybe 12 hours, drain, and then cook the rice. They say that the qty of anti-nutrients is much decreased thru this method.

    However: people who are over mineralized (probably too much iron and zinc in their system from many years of heavy meat eating) benefit from regular cooked brown rice for a period of time (different for everyone). It functions as a sort of “medicine” which drains excess minerals from your body.

    Just passing it along.

    •�Thanks: arbeit macht frei
  57. c matt says:

    Odd. My experience has been the exact opposite.

    Every vegetarian/vegan I have met looks like Auschwitz was real. Muscle requires amino acids which meat/animal products provide. It is extremely difficult to get the full panel from veg alone. Also, cardio cannot compete with resistance exercise for lean muscle development.

    People I have met with slim/athletic build in middle age are balanced eaters – rarely, if ever, v/v, and consistent resistance training (45-60 minutes/day).

    If you want to look like an Ethi-opium marathon runner, knock yourself out with cardio. If you want to look like Thor, cardio will never get you there.

    There are some reasons for limited cardio, or full cardio if you’re into 5ks, etc., but even professional/olympic sprinters do weights. DO agree 100% that processed food and lack of routine/habit are Achille’s heels.

    •�Agree: Rich
    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  58. c matt says:

    liver, kidneys, lungs, brain, etc.

    If you call them by their French culinary names, they don’t sound as bad.

  59. SteveK9 says:

    It keeps being revived under different names, but Atkins said it all in the 70’s. Cut down on carbohydrates … period.

    •�Agree: Sam Hildebrand
    •�Replies: @Sam Hildebrand
    , @Guest 26
  60. @Anonymous

    Yeah, treadmill running is painfully boring. Put in AirPods, play a 2-hour long podcast, and go outside into nature for a run.

    Put 10 or 20 pounds in a rucksack and make it rucking fun. Make it 50 or 100 if you’re rucking nuts.

  61. @Joe Paluka

    One of the things that leads to being overweight is weighing yourself in kilograms.

    A customer in an English butcher shop says to the sales clerk at the counter: “I’d like a pound of kidneys, please.”

    Clerk: “There’s a new law. We don’t sell pounds of kidneys anymore, only kilos.”

    Customer: “Right then, I’d like a pound of kilos.”

    (Tip o’ the hat to the great Tommy Cooper)

  62. @Dr. Acula

    You completely misunderstood my post.

    I wrote “Whether you eat meat only or also ADD carbs…”

    Do you understand what the verb “to add” means? Nowhere did I write, it would be a good idea to follow the moronic food pyramid. I absolutely think that you should plan your diet around your protein intake. But leaving out entire food groups is just as moronic and frankly cult like behavior. The body needs carbs and can handle them perfectly fine. Just not in the amount the average person in the west is consuming them today, which is way too much. It’s all about moderation.

    •�Replies: @A B Coreopsis
    , @The Alarmist
  63. Patriot says:

    This diet has worked great for me for the last 25 yrs.

    I’m a 65-yr old male of medium build. Every 18 months I do carnivore diet with some fruit, veggies and vitamins/mineral pills. I eat as much meat as I want. I also workout about 1 hr a day. I do this for about 6 weeks, during which I loose about 15 lbs and get “ripped”.

    Then for about 17 months I eat anything I want — pasta, ice cream- cookies, etc and still work out. During this time I gain ~ 15 lbs.


  64. Dutch Boy says:

    Your mitochondria need glucose to operate, so you do need some carbs. Organic ripe fruit is a good source. Stay away from seed oils in cooking. Butter, lard, ghee, and coconut oil are good oils to use.

    •�Replies: @Avery
    , @eah
  65. Anonymous[220] •�Disclaimer says:
    @c matt

    Every vegetarian/vegan I have met looks like Auschwitz was real. Muscle requires amino acids which meat/animal products provide. It is extremely difficult to get the full panel from veg alone. Also, cardio cannot compete with resistance exercise for lean muscle development.

    Only meat and animal products build muscularity??

    Here’s a vegan seeing c matt’s comments, “Wut the f….”

    Another vegan

    •�LOL: Alden
    •�Replies: @Trinity
    , @Alden
    , @c matt
  66. Trinity says:

    And these animals lay around a lot as well. Genetics? A male lion sleeps about 20 hours a day, lets the females do the lion share of the work but yet he is a sight to behold, muscles rippling, strength in abundance, but like the tiger not much for stamina.

    As for vegetarians we have the phrase strong as an ox/bull, both herbivores.

    Old time bodybuilder Bill Pearl was a vegetarian and was well known for being incredibly strong. Sure he took some drugs but nothing like today.

  67. Avery says:
    @Dutch Boy

    {Your mitochondria need glucose to operate, so you do need some carbs. }

    So please explain how did Inuit survive for 1,000s of years eating only meat and blubber.
    Inuit do eat some berries and lichen and such when those are available in season, but their diet is pretty near exclusively meat and blubber from sea creatures. And in winter it’s only meat and blubber.
    Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    Also explain how Masai survive for 1,000s of years eating only beef, drinking cow milk, and cow blood.

    Arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson — to prove that you can live on meat and fat alone as he had observed living with Inuit — spent 1 year under observation of medical doctors in US eating meat and animal fat only. His vitals were perfect at the conclusion of the test.

    Humans have the ability to generate glucose from the meat and fat they eat: it’s called Gluconeogenesis. But the body needs time to adapt, if you have been raised on eating lots and lots of carbs, as most of us are today.

    Before agriculture and “domestication” of various seed grains — wheat, rice, etc. — humans (and their ancestors) thrived on exclusively meat* and animal fat for millions of years. They also ate occasional tubers, wild berries and such to survive, whenever meat was scarce. And wild honey was prized, but very hard to get and very rare**.

    * there are meats and there are meats: the beef currently produced in most of US concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), is not very healthy. The meat that comes closest today to what ancetors ate is pasture raised 100% grass fed and grass finished beef.

    ** also evidenced by the very few isolated hunter gatherer tribes that still exist.

    •�Replies: @Ed Case
    , @Dutch Boy
  68. Only if you really really like meat. I would think it’s best for humans to stick to being omnivorous, we don’t know if things could go really bad and you have to eat what you get. Maybe not specialise too much.

    I’ll keep using seed oils because right now we have a very good crop of potatoes going for cheap, and they make perfect chips. But I’ll have a lot of meat with the carbs and some sugar and seed oils too, in moderation. I can avoid processed food easily.

    Also, just get some kind of exercise.

  69. Rahan says:

    Solid advise from Andre Wang; one theoretical caveat, and one technical.

    Theoretical caveat: one way to lose weight is to do things to lose weight. The other way to lose weight is to get your endocrine system in order and the body will then naturally control its weight in an optimal way. One way hits at the symptoms (most diets and of course drugs), the other fixes the system’s functioning. The proposed meat diet helps the system itself reboot, which is fantastic.

    Technical caveat: before doing the meat diet, many people likely need to do a preparatory week of the old Soviet diet from 90 years ago, designed to regenerate the liver and pancreas of alcoholics. In effect it cleans out the internal filters. “Diet N5″ (Стол номер 5).

    The primary point of Diet N5 is to give the filters a total break from everything (including fat and roughage). The secondary effect is it lowers histamine levels to baseline (fish and fermented products are histamine bombs, and if the body isn’t regulating its histamine well you get mysterious rashes, skin conditions, aches, etc. The concept of “the histamine bucket”)

    Diet N5 is basically a week of oat porridge, boiled potatoes, steam omelets, weak tea, pasta with nothing except maybe some olive oil. No raw vegetables and fruits, no onions and garlic, no mushrooms, no meat (except steam prepared meatballs), fish, no alcohol, no covfefe. No large chunks of anything, all is gruel. No broth (break from fat), no fermented veggies. Helps the filters get a total break reboot. Smoking is fine, because Russia.

    So that’s it. The point is not to give you energy or make you lean, the point is for the internal filters to get a total vacation. Once this week of inner filter cleanout and histamine cleanout is done, then go do the meat diet, and the broth and the kim chi, and live long and prosper.

    Concerning dairy sensitivity. American cows are genetically defective.

    The difference between American cows and European cows has to do with amino acid 67 — in European cows, it’s a proline. Because of a genetic mutation in American cows, amino acid 67 is a histidine.


    Additionally, American cows get growth hormones and are kept in squalor. But the genetic difference is likely the major difference. Americans who react badly to dairy, stop reacting badly to dairy when in Europe.

    •�Thanks: James of Africa
  70. Dr. Rock says:


    Our boy AA is branching out! Talking diet and health, very nice!

    It all sounds spot on to me.

    •�Replies: @Avery
  71. @SteveK9

    It keeps being revived under different names, but Atkins said it all in the 70’s. Cut down on carbohydrates … period.

    The extremely effective Adkins diet allows for 20 carbs per day. Many nutrient rich veggies are low in carbs: chili peppers, lettuce, mustard greens, zucchini, green beans. If you plan your meals, two or three servings of vegetables per day are realistic and still be on the Adkins diet.

    Avoid added fats (seed oils) and sugars in processed/fast foods. The high calorie foods in restaurants and processed foods are the main culprits of the obesity/diabetes crisis. Most extreme calorie foods(the majority of restaurant offerings and processed foods) have more calories due to added fat (seed oils) than added sugar. Remember fat has 9 calories per gram, while protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram.

  72. Protogonus says: •�Website

    The only reason why low-carb works is as a by-product of wasting most of the food you eat, since the body is only able to metabolize about 1.5 oz. of protein at a sitting–the rest is excreted unused.

    Meanwhile, with low-carb, you lack fiber and fiber is very important to avoid constipation, which causes hemorrhoids, which are unpleasant in general and can lead to anemia and exhaustion.

    The best way to lose weight is to EAT LESS while maintaining high-fiber and low fat (the”Mediterranean Diet”). The result is consumption of about 1.5 oz. protein beyond the 6% protein that is in all vegetables. In this way, you will have plenty of protein for metabolism.

    Readers could consult the Pritikin Diet–the late Dr. Pritikin was a cardiologist and knew his subject matter very well. The best way to lose under those conditions is simply to cut your usual starch in half. Pritikin was able to REVERSE HEART DISEASE AND ATHEROSCLEROSIS.

    Mr. Anglin is correct about the big picture–fitness (maintaining a BMI under 25) should come first, since it determines longevity and longevity determines how long you will have to contribute–Luther said, “You are free to do one thing–SERVE YOUR NEIGHBOR–otherwise you are a slave to sin.”

    Speaking of Germans, remember an English translation of the traditional Bavarian greeting from one stranger passing another on the trail in the mountains–“Greet God.”

  73. Protogonus says: •�Website

    A book from the 1960s whose author and title escape me argued that milk works fine for children but for adults (whose digestive enzymes are different) you must drink ONE GLASS OF WATER FOR EVERY GLASS OF MILK or its equivalent in yogurt and cheese (an ounce of cheese = 16 oz. of milk). Moderns have picked up on this (especially girls and women) by concerted efforts toward hydration.

  74. eah says:
    @Dutch Boy

    >Your mitochondria need glucose to operate, so you do need some carbs.

    The body is able to synthesize glucose from e.g. fat and protein via a process called gluconeogenesis — of the two diet alternatives, one high in carbohydrate and one very low in carbohydrate, the former appears to be far worse for the average person — it also seems clear genetics play a role in how susceptible a person on a high carbohydrate diet is to the development of ‘diseases of modern civilization’ (diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc).

    •�Replies: @Alden
    , @eah
  75. Ron Unz says:

    I noticed that this diet/nutrition piece was getting lots of readership and comments.

    Those interested in the subject might want to take a look at a pair of long articles I recently published on the same topic.



    After reading about ten books and numerous articles, I was persuaded that the crucial issue is actually sugar consumption, largely because of the problems caused by its fructose component.

    Dr. Robert Lustig is one of the leading advocates of that analysis, and one of his academic lectures on that matter has been viewed 25 million times on YouTube, with another viewed over 7 million times.

    Video Link

    Video Link

    •�Agree: Rahan
    •�Thanks: James of Africa
    •�Replies: @anon
  76. Alden says:

    If you don’t mind my asking, didn’t you get wobbly after 4 or 5 days fasting? I do the real 3 to 6 day fasting a lot. It works. I’m the same height and 8 pounds less than I was the summer if my 11th birthday. I do take a vitamin and mineral pill an iron pill and a potassium pill every day. But the potassium pils obviously didn’t have much potassium in them. Potassium is the mineral that moves the muscle fibers that move the muscles. So I switched to that adult electoralite drink. Which must have enough potassium in it to keep me in my feet.. the zero calorie Gatorade is almost as good.

    The 3 day fast was very popular for women back when I was in my early 20s. The 5 day fast is better seems to lock in the weight loss. But it’s only for office workers I doubt any restaurant retail warehouse anyone who had to be in their feet all day could do a 5 day fast.

    •�Replies: @Ed Case
    , @Rogue
    , @rashomoan
  77. anonymous[265] •�Disclaimer says:

    Here’s a not quite-Lynyrd Skynyrd story: August ’80, I go with two friends, both country rock fans, to Silverado to watch the final round of the Busch tourney. On the way back, we go to a dive bar in Emeryville, next to Oakland, where supposedly there’s a great country band, Hearts On Fire. We get there and the place is about empty, band hasn’t arrived yet. We get a pitcher, and a few minutes later these three guys walk in – Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Hank Bauer – with alpaca sweaters and 34 waists and looking like they could still play. The band WAS great, a copy of Charlie Daniels.

    •�Replies: @Trinity
  78. Rich says:

    Excellent article and excellent comments. Lots of different advice, too. The answer is, of course, moderation. Don’t overeat, exercise, and you’ll stay relatively fit. Unless you’re a vegan/vegetarian, I’ve never met one that looked healthy and two that I knew died relatively young. I think maybe the reason the carnivore diet works is because you cut out bread, pasta, rice and potatoes and you’re cutting out a lot of calories. I know some people who went on low fat diets and lost a lot of weight, too. It’s hard to trust the scholarship because so much of it is politically motivated and opinions seem to change from one year to the next. It is strange to look at photos from pre-1990s and see how much trimmer everyone looked. Maybe we do need to go back to the Archie Bunker diet, meat, potatoes and White bread? Not watching TV, eating a bag of doritos and drinking soda might help, too.

  79. Avery says:
    @Dr. Rock

    {Our boy AA is branching out! Talking diet and health, very nice!}

    And not one reference in the article by Anglin to “anal”, “gay”, and all of the other Anglin favourites.

    Something is not right: hope Anglin is has not caught some tropical fever or something affecting his clear thinking. It’s not the same Anglin we’ve known for so long……

  80. Ed Case says:

    Masai herders only lived to 45 on the meat/blood/milk diet.
    Vilhjalmur Stefanssen was held in contempt by other Arctic explorers, reason being that he didn’t go back for those he left behind.
    Owsley [The Bear] Stanley shilled Stef’s meat diet, my experience of 40 months on that diet is it’s quite cheap since there’s a limit on how many steaks I felt like eating in a day, but I lost no weight despite exercise and it ended when I couldn’t recall the last time I’d had a bowel movement.
    2 sessions of Colonic Hydrotherapy didn’t help, it took a large salad to induce the BM.
    Salads are a emergency method only, well known people shilling the Meat Diet likely being paid by a 3 letter agency.

    •�Replies: @Avery
  81. @Anon12345

    Reply to Anon 12345
    I am in the process of writing up my the findings of my research on leaky gut which is not that novel if you read Steven Gundry MD and William Davis MD. However, some of the best books were written about 1910 before Rockefeller medicine monopolized medicine.

    I do research for my own health and then write an article on it, which forces me to be systematic and disciplined and welcome to receive criticism. I post it on my Substack @Machiavellian Man (free). That will have to suffice as I do not have your email address. The title is We Are What our Gut Allows into the Bloodstream (not merely What We Eat).

    Here is simple book Dr. John Pagano, One Cause-Many Ailments, 2008.

    I have come to a conclusion there is only one disease – a permeable gut, leaky ileocecal valve, leaky cell walls, and leaky everything (mainly from a cartilage deficiency). Sure, one can die from a wound and resulting sepsis in a car accident. One can die of Sepsis once hospitalized from a needle prick or a bed pan or throat tube. Or sepsis can result from Antibiotic Resistance. One can get seriously sick from an airborne Endotoxin (dead bacteria) from a dust storm. But when we’re talking about disease in organs it all seems to derive from a compromised gut lining – heart, lung, abdominal tract.

    •�Replies: @Anon12345
    , @Alden
  82. Trinity says:

    Mantle is a good example of genetics. The guy was a major league booze hound who looked like a million bucks, at least on the outside, still it took years to destroy his liver. The fact that guy could have maintained that build ( Mantle probably never lifted a weight in his life or even exercised more than he had to as a baseball player), but at 5’11” and 195lbs he was built as solid as a rock. What kind of stats could this guy had put up without the injuries and alcohol addiction!?

    Cue: Longhaired Country Boy by CDB

  83. @Protogonus

    The only reason why low-carb works is as a by-product of wasting most of the food you eat, since the body is only able to metabolize about 1.5 oz. of protein at a sitting–the rest is excreted unused.

    Good point. I remember reading years ago that rats in NY city grew fat on dog shit, because the potlickers couldn’t metabolize all of their extremely high protein dog food.

  84. anon[363] •�Disclaimer says:

    Good job, Andrew.
    a couple of corrections:
    1. You don’t need supplements or vegetation for any nutrients. Meat has them all, and in much more bioavailable form than plants.
    2. Beef fat (tallow) is good for high temperature cooking methods. Save it from the meat you cook and use it for the eggs and other things. Ghee is good as well. Forget olive oil, which is mostly adulterated with other cheap vegetable oil and is only good for salad dressing, which you don’t need.
    3. Pork and its grease (lard) from commercially grown animals has a poor spectrum of fatty acids compared to beef or wild game fat. Avoid pork for the same reasons you avoid commercially produced chicken.
    4. Potatoes and other nightshades are a no no – carbs, solanine, etc. Just give up the plants and stay that way.

  85. May I suggest porquetta ? O Dio Mio, its good. But it is processed.

  86. For years I was the top finisher in local triathlons of (“A sprint triathlon typically involves a half-mile swim, a 12.4-mile bike ride, and a 3.1-mile run. An Olympic triathlon doubles the distance of each of these events”) like the above. Run in a very competitive area of the country. I wasn’t national or world caliber, just local champ. And I had to know a lot about diet and energy levels.

    I bicycled 750 miles in seven days on a tour. 1250 miles in 13 days. Loaded down with camping and cooking and repair gear. I pedaled 245 miles in 24 hours in a sanctioned, structured, documented Randoneur event. There are others who do much longer distances. I’m just a talented amateur, not exceptional at all.

    But I had to know what to eat. Oh, I was also a very good high school wrestler.

    You can’t do hard, long sustained cardio effort on a meat/fat diet. You need carbs. Take a long bike tour, eat what you cook and you will lose weight. You won’t have any upper body strength, but your legs will be “shaped like porpoises” and your lungs “like bellows”.

    You wanna be strong from the waist up? Swim. Butterfly and crawl. Hard. You’ll have lats like wings. Just look at the Olympians. Wedge shaped but not gross. Women love it.

    You wanna nail babes? Swim. Hard.

    Get tan. Chlorine bleached hair like a surfer (from the pool). You’ll look like Adonis. Not some free-weight steroid freak who scares women away.

    You wanna do lotsa dips and pull-ups, sit-ups and flying Walendas? Swim.

    Bike to the pool and then swim into endorphin bliss. Bike home. You’ll have a body that amazes your men friends and is irresistible to your women friends.

    For real.

    “Hose mass chicks.”

    •�Replies: @arbeit macht frei
  87. @döp-dödö-döp

    “Calories in…calories out…”. True for non-biological systems, such as yourself.

    Quit while you’re ahead, you’re completely above your pay grade here.

    •�Replies: @Ultraprocessed
  88. Ed Case says:

    If you don’t mind my asking, didn’t you get wobbly after 4 or 5 days fasting?

    Everyone does.
    The trick is to move from sitting or lying down to standing v-e-r-r-y slowly.
    A glass or 2 of water and a pinch of sea salt on the tongue before a warm shower also prevents falls due to light headedness.

  89. Alden says:

    Intermittent fasting is just a bogus term for normal eating. Like two meals a day. Dinner at 6/30 pm then don’t eat just coffee in the AM till maybe maybe not lunch then dinner. If you skip lunch that’s about 23 hours a day you don’t eat. If you do eat lunch it’s about 17 or 18 hours a day you don’t eat.

    I wonder how much Andrew Anglin weighs? Why is unz getting into nutrition now? Seems to be the latest fad of the right now that Trump’s won the presidency.

    My mother taught me to read the labels. I’ve done it all my life. For so much food in cans bottles boxes and packages the main ingredient is sugar. Salad dressing tomato sauce soup barbecue sauce teriyaki sauce any type of purchased sauce. If an ingredient ends in OSE it’s some type of sugar. Even soup often the main ingredient is sugar.

    Those noodle and rice boxes mixes like Uncle Ben’s? Incredibly high calorie. It’s been decades since I’ve found plain frozen fish in 1 pound boxes in food markets. All the boxed fish is breaded or covered with a high calorie sauce. The plain fish is very very expensive. Except in Chinese markets. Only good thing about the Asian invasion is that they love fish but refuse to pay high prices. “ fresh” shrimp is inedible because it’s soaked in iodine to delay rotting. So it tastes of iodine instead of shrimp. And if course it all comes from nasty Asian shrimp farms instead of American waters. How many days has the shrimp been soaking in iodine by the time you buy it?

    Learn to cook your own soup salad dressing spaghetti sauce barbecue sauce etc. Never ever eat Asian or Mexican food again. It’s just rice noodles beans tortillas egg roll wraps very little meat and high carb vegetables. Everything but the skimpy little scraps of alleged meat is high carb which goes right through the intestinal wall into your fat cells.

    Subway sandwiches just a big bread roll a pile of lettuce and so little meat you can’t taste it. Carbs carbs carbs that goes right to your fat cells.

    Bread eat plain cheap white bread. All those grain and nut whole wheat breads are delicious aren’t they? Again read the labels. Plain white bread has the least calories. The health food bread is so delicious because it’s loaded with sugar usually some form of molasses. Again, read the labels. The difference is often as high as 90 calories a slice vs 240 calories a slice. Pizza thin crust only. Liver is low calorie and I love it. No one eats it anymore.

    Ignore any and all nutrition advice. It’s all lies a form of indirect advertising. Pillsbury Mills Jolly Green Giant and the wheat rice and produce farmers funded the vegetarian movement. Chicken and fish producers funded the beef causes heart attacks fraud.

  90. anon[363] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Yes. And check Nina Teicholz, Cate Shanahan and Chris Knobbe on vegetable oils.

    •�Replies: @Alden
  91. @A B Coreopsis

    My diet: pizza once a week, Burger King once a week, treats after every meal. I eat a lot of carbs.

    I’m 5’11” and 145 lbs. with a good deal of muscle. No six pack but abs are visible. In my 40s and in excellent shape & health.

    What’s my trick? Calories in, calories out, plus intermittent fasting. That’s it.

    Anyone who says you need it more complicated than that is lying to you, or just lacks self control.

  92. Alden says:

    Don’t monkeys and ape type critters eat lizards bugs and other animal critters? The endless searching for fleas on each other is a good source of bug protein. Endless recycling. Flea eats monkey blood another monkey eats the flea.

  93. Anon12345 says:
    @Wayne Lusvardi

    Thank you for your prompt reply, Wayne. I will definitely try to track down your article on Substack, despite not having visited that website before. The premise of your article, as reflected in its title, makes perfect sense to me from an intuitive standpoint, and it seems clear – even to a layman like me – that the small intestine allows both the good and the bad (nutrients, toxins, chemicals, etc.) to enter the bloodstream – a double-edged sword. Consequently, a “leaky” or compromised small intestine would seemingly exacerbate the absorption of the “bad” things that we ingest on a daily basis. Hopefully your article will discuss measures that one can take to optimize gut health, thereby avoiding a compromised gut lining. Thanks again for your reply.

  94. @The Alarmist

    It’s one great way to enjoy whole-wheat pizza crusts, or even veggie crust for those who feel adventurous.

    Which reminds me: I’ve always wondered why whole-wheat flour costs more than the white “enriched” variety. Similarly why brown rice costs twice as much as “fortified” white.

    Both healthy varieties are much less processed (as in virtually none) so why should they cost more? And they have no additives.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Alden
  95. @Anon12345

    You might watch some Youtube videos by Dr. William Davis MD on the gut

  96. Alden says:

    Diabetes was very rare until the 1920s. The childhood or early onset diabetes killed them in childhood or early teens. Before they had children. So it was rare. Then insulin injections were discovered and the diabetics grew up had children and a rare disease spread.

    •�Replies: @eah
    , @Emslander
  97. Alden says:
    @Wayne Lusvardi

    Do you know about the little receptor cells on the other side of the intestinal lining? Little claws that grab everything coming through and pass it into the blood.

  98. IMHO the best course to longevity is sell your car and walk. And be skeptical. Nathan Pritikin, who founded the Longevity Centre, died young.

  99. Trinity says:

    Worst reason to workout is to appeal to the opposite sex or peer pressure. You will never stick with it. Women prefer so many different body types that you probably won’t fit the bill regardless, especially if you don’t have the face or right “job.” Men will go for a butter face but most attractive women won’t.

    One poster mentioned the swimmer or triathlete body over the “free-weight steroid freak” body? Lol. Well, the steroids guys use machines too. LMAO. No woman probably wants either because triathletes like bodybuilders like cross-fitters are generally so consumed with their chosen methods of staying fit that they are too boring to be around. I read a book on former Ironman winner Scott Tinley. Gawd, his whole life with the exception of a few months was consumed with training when he was competing in the Eighties. Of course you are talking a world class athlete in a very physically demanding sport.

    Peep this, I would have thought a young Bruce Jenner would have had the build to attract women while he was competing in the Olympics. Jenner was a toned 6’2” 195lb athlete. I would think 6’2” is a good height for a male, when you get above 6’4” it starts to become freaky. The decathlete is the civilized Tarzan, a car built for go but often it can be an ideal physique as well. Jenner also had the face, dude wound up on the cover of Play Girl with his wife at the time. What the hell happened Bruce? Lol.

  100. TKK says:

    Mongolian Proverb:

    Keep your breakfast for yourself,

    Share your lunch with a friend,

    Give your dinner to your enemy.

    •�Agree: Trinity
    •�LOL: Ann Nonny Mouse
  101. What a great article very compatible with the diet that i am doing. Which is an OMAD low-carb diet, this article is 100% scientifically proven to be correct. We are living in a world of a paradigm shift in every aspect of life. We are in the middle of a world revolution and evolution.

    Check out my personal diet


    12 oz of cooked beef or cooked roasted chicken (600 calories, 33 grs. of fat)
    10 oz of cooked steamed shredded cabbage and shredded carrots (100)
    10 boiled eggs (700 calories, 47 grs fats)



  102. This article is correct, almost everybody in the USA is fat, about 90% of americans are either very fat, or at least chubby. Most americans are overweight, have more pounds than their ideal bodyweight. This is got to the point where being fat today means weighing 400 lbs. But if you are 5’10” and your body weight is 200, you are not fat, just a bit chubby

    And being overweight is not only unhealthy, it is wrong from an aesthetic, physical appearance point of view. In Ancient Greece, in the times of Cicero, the men and the boys were far superior in physical appearance to the females.

    But thanks to the evil consequences of capitalism most people today are fat and sick, because of the high-carbohydrates diet which is totally wrong

    Something has to give !!

  103. man says:

    My suggestion is, be very critical of what goes into your brain, because it can kill you,the soul and body, and a lot of people already tasted the death.

  104. Alden says:

    Those people doing bogus research about the dangers of vegetable oil probably work for the beef cattle and pork producers. Who naturally want to bring back lard from pigs beef tallow and schmaltz or chicken fat for frying and baking.

    I think it was in the 1950s and 60s the vegetable oil producers wages war on animal fat. Not just lard and beef tallow but butter. The butter producers successfully fought back against margarine . All this food research is just bogus fraudulent claims against a competitive food. Vegetable oil against lard. Oatmeal against eggs. Chicken against beef. Vegetarians against meat eaters.

    Can’t you ask yourself who benefits from all this fraudulent research? Jolly Green Giant Pillsbury mills and all the produce grain and bean farmers and producers in America launched the vegetarian movement. Why do you think they did that? To increase consumption of their food products.

    •�Replies: @Je Suis Omar Mateen
  105. Rogue says:

    Fasting never affects me negatively. I never feel weak or light-headed and, as mentioned, whenever I fast I combine it with a lot of walking.

    Of course, it’s not a complete fast, in that I drink tea, coffee (very little sugar out of choice) and a single mug of hot chocolate per day – using hot water with a little bit of milk like I add to tea or coffee. But to fast long term on water alone I doubt I could do. The longest I’ve fasted on water alone has been 3 days.

    The longest I’ve fasted like I’ve described above was 6 weeks several years ago. It was the first really long fast I did, though I was so overweight at the time that I didn’t do much exercise during the fast. But I managed to lose about 50 pounds, and that started me on the road to losing more and more weight over the last several years.

    My last fast (ended a week ago) was 3 weeks but I walked about 75 miles in total as well, so the weight absolutely just fell off me.

    The only negative about fasting for me, is that I’ve gotta be in the right “head-space” to commence it – and like All weight loss schemes, eventually you get bored with it.

    However, the good thing about fasting is that I don’t feel hungry (generally speaking) whilst doing it – nor do I feel weak or light-headed. Obviously, this could vary for different people based on metabolism etc etc, as I’m hardly an expert on the matter.

    But for the average Joe (or Jolene) who has no underlying medical issues, I definitely recommend fasting as a means of weight loss.

    Typically, the shortest fast I’ll do is 5 days, whilst the longest can be up to 6 weeks as already mentioned. Next year I plan to do several 15 day fasts – the first (hopefully) from mid January.

    •�Replies: @Je Suis Omar Mateen
  106. Anon[212] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor

    There are a lot of Weight Stigma Czars around these days.

  107. Dumbo says:

    The only way to lose weight is eating less. That’s all. Doesn’t matter so much what you eat, as how much. Of course sugar and carbs are worse. And I suppose it’s harder to get fat in a meat-only diet, because you will usually eat less quantities. But fasting and just eating smaller quantities is enough. I suppose some exercise helps too, or at least walking and moving about.

    As for fasting, the longest I managed so far was 50 hours (2 days). Just water and tea. But I think with practice I could do it for a longer time. I didn’t feel hungry a lot during that time except in the first hours. It’s more the temptation of eating something, out of boredom, more than hunger itself. You need to be busy doing something in order not to think about food.

  108. EggCorn says:

    I was revolted by this Anglin article.

    Was it really Andrew Anglin, or some little girly-boy who relied on AI for writing it?

  109. Hamsap Lo says:

    Very good article. I agree with what’s written here. The first time I tried a “keto” diet I was 300lbs and in 3 months was down to 185lbs. Keto is 20g of carbs a day maximum. My problem was diabetes. I have tried eating more carbs and my weight and glucose drifted up again.

    I plotted about a year’s worth of fasting blood glucose (FBG) data against total carb intake on the previous day. There is a linear relationship such that 30g a day of carbs reliably produces a FBG for me of 105-110 mg/dl. If I am in a state of ketosis the relationship is more complicated, but <20g a day still gives me a FBG of 90-95.

    I take supplementary minerals and vitamins. You cannot rely on meat to provide everything. At one point I had symptoms that were consistent with scurvy. Boron helps testosterone level and is not found in multivitamins. Potassium is not available at sufficient levels from multivitamins so I take 1600 mg a day. That takes care of muscle aches. If you are old and your muscle tissue is degrading or has trouble recovering from exercise, then hydroxymethyl butyrate (which is not a vitamin) works. It also helps with liver enzymes in your blood.

    •�Thanks: Ann Nonny Mouse
  110. eah says:

    I don’t know about the history of diabetes, and what factors may or may not have contributed to its current prevalence — but of the two main dysgenic forces active today, modern medical science and social policy, I think the latter is more pernicious: It is deliberate government policy which feeds and houses and encourages the breeding of the huge and growing non-White underclass in our cities.

  111. Rogue says:
    @The Alarmist

    Thanks, I might look into that.

  112. Mac_ says:

    Would just add that if youre over thirty probiotic such S acidophilus helps digestion.

    We should know these things by sharing among ourselves.

    Eat to fuel effort on what matters

    Good article

  113. @don't care

    You didn’t fast for 40 days. It didn’t happen. We’re not mentally ill. Your delusions won’t be believed.

    •�Replies: @don't care
  114. anonymous[224] •�Disclaimer says:

    This is nothing compared to global warming.

  115. @Dumbo

    You are right that the body in order to lose weight needs to eat less calories than it burns. But the problem with this approach is that if you try to follow a low caloric-deficit diet including potatoes, rice and bread in that diet. Not only you won’t look good and create a great appearance. But the problem with a high-carb low-fat low-calorie diet is that you will be super-hungry the whole day and at the end of the day you won’t be able to stick to the amount of low calorie that you need in order to create a caloric deficit

    In other words, it is a lot easier to create, and maintain a caloric deficit of about 1400 to 1600 calories by eating eggs, chicken, meat, fish and green vegetables and green salads. And no fruits (Fruits are nature’s candy). Than to maintain a caloric deficit with a low calorie diet of about 1400 to 1600 calories composed of potatoes, rice, fruits and low fat meats

    That’s because of the mechanism of some hormones like leptin, grehlin, glucagon and insulin. The anti-hunger hormones work a lot better with a low-carb diet, while the pro-hunger hormones and chemicals are produced a lot better under a high-carb low fat diet


  116. @ThreeCranes

    You wanna nail babes? Swim. Hard.



  117. @emil nikola richard


  118. @Trinity

    thanks for reminding me how far we’ve fallen. 🙁

  119. @Tallest Skil

    Did too. It was no big deal. Most people can starve a lot longer than 40 days and live.

    Just cuz your fatass can’t imagine going a minute without food doesn’t make it impossible.

  120. Great article ! I would like to add that it also depends on your body type. All of my life, I’ve struggled to keep weight on. I have always ate like a hog. Did construction work when I was younger and could eat as much as probably 3 people without gaining weight. I’m older now and don’t eat as much, but I eat pretty much anything I want. Cooking from scratch, only lard, butter and bacon grease. I avoid anything that is “low fat”, since they replace fat with sugar. I eat lots of meat, fat, veggies and carbs as I feel like. Most of my relatives are the same way. I guess that I’m either weird or lucky, because I only weigh 15 lbs more than I did in highschool. Mud sixties now. Peace everyone!

    •�Replies: @Trinity
  121. I would also like to add that I don’t eat junk food, but I do drink lots of beer. Always have. I don’t eat a lot of bread or anything with sugar. Avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup and read the labels on everything. I’ve been cooking my own meals from scratch for at least 30 years. I’m definitely old now and slowing down, but I have property that always needs attention, so I usually don’t have to work out. Running chain saws and mowers and whatever else I need to do, seems to keep me fairly fit.

  122. Emslander says:

    Like your master, Mr. Unz, you are a fucking idiot.

    Type I and Type II diabetes are two entirely different diseases, with entirely different causes. I has a genetic cause. II has a behavioral cause.

    Try to figure out why you are fucking idiot, first. Then try to understand the facts.

    •�Replies: @Ron Unz
  123. Avery says:
    @Ed Case

    {Masai herders only lived to 45 on the meat/blood/milk diet.}

    When you live in the bush, your life expectancy is naturally low: death as children, death from cuts and resulting infections, death from trauma (e.g. broken bones), snake bites, animal attacks, death of women from childbirth…all sorts of reasons. All the tests performed on Maasai by Western doctors show the diseases we in the West suffer from – atherosclerosis, diabetes, cardio vascular disease, etc, etc — are non existent in Maasai. In 1900, the life expectancy in the United States was 47.3 years.

    {Vilhjalmur Stefanssen was held in contempt by other Arctic explorers, reason being that he didn’t go back for those he left behind.}

    Sour grapes: yes Stefanssen did abandon his arctic mates; surely a character flow. But how does that invalidate the facts about the meat-only diet? It doesn’t. So try again. And Stefanssen lived to the ripe old age of 82. There you have it.


    [The Elder. “The oldest woman in this Maasai village, with an estimated age between 85 and 95, is a living repository of the community’s history and traditions.]

    In Aristotle’s time – ancient Greece, Rome — life expectancy was about 30-35 years. Aristotle lived to 61-62.

    [The Greek philosopher and rhetorician Gorgias is reported to have lived to be 108 years old (c. 485 – c. 380 BC); no one in ancient Greek history is a close match. If we are looking for exact dates, Isocrates’ age of 98 years (436-338 BC) is still very impressive.]

    [The oldest people in ancient Rome probably lived about as long as the oldest people do today, into the early 100s. That was more unusual then than it is now, but not unheard of for healthy people. Many people lived into their 70s or 80s, as they do now. But more people died in their 40s and 50s than do today, especially people who didn’t get enough to eat, or were working very hard, or caught a disease like smallpox or measles.]

    Thanks for asking
    It was my pleasure.

  124. rashomoan says:

    Potassium carbonate is available in bulk on Amazon, with 1 tsp equal to approximately 1950 mg potassium, roughly 40% of RDA and a good offset to acidity on a protein based diet. It also avoids the sugars in an electrolyte drink.

  125. Che Guava says:

    It is also true in Japan. Except baguettes and similar in many shops in cities, and the few places that have black or rye bread (a little more common than restaurants that serve brown rice), it is usually crap.

  126. Trinity says:
    @Immaculate deception

    Genetics and heredity play a major factor indeed. I have known many people like you.

    OT, but this has to do with drinking alcohol. I have an uncle 84 years old who has drank Mr. Jimmy Beam in above normal quantities daily for at least 65 of those years. The guy is still ticking. I guess he is/was while he was working a functioning alcoholic. He spent the bulk of his working career as a car mechanic 👨🏻‍🔧. Hehe. Good thing he wasn’t a heart surgeon or pilot 👨‍✈️.

  127. Ron Unz says:

    Like your master, Mr. Unz, you are a fucking idiot.

    Type I and Type II diabetes are two entirely different diseases, with entirely different causes. I has a genetic cause. II has a behavioral cause.

    Well, of course when I mention diabetes in my articles I’m referring to Type II diabetes. After all, I’m focusing on a illness that rose so dramatically over the last few decades, almost certainly due to dietary/nutritional issues. Obviously, a purely genetic illness is irrelevant.

    Anyway, something like 90-95% of all diabetes cases are Type II:


    Since only a such small fraction of total diabetes cases are Type I and they have nothing to do with my analysis, I can’t see why you’re nitpicking over this sort of casual use of the language.

    •�Replies: @Emslander
    , @Alden
    , @Alden
  128. Trinity says:

    For the young to middle age up to 45 or so and not grossly overweight ( the old, sedentary out of shape, or obese) just start out walking slowly at a leisurely pace, small steps to the Moon. Then gradually up the pace and/or include small hills/inclines, etc. People want to rush things and it just doesn’t work that way. That is why these fad diets never work PERMANENTLY. Sure you can lose weight on the Atkins Diet but unless you want to live the rest of your life miserable you will just put the weight back on after. I use to see people lose weight all the time on this diet when it became popular about 22-24 years ago only to put it right back on after realizing they couldn’t eat this way for the rest of their lives. Fad diets are for lazy people who don’t want to exercise. Some exercises smoke more calories like chopping wood but not many people are the Paul Bunyan type.

    Walking is the great place to start, and you MUST have some form of resistance training whether it be weights, rucking with a back pack or weight vest, calisthenics ( yes your body weight is resistance), pushing wheel barrows, flipping tires, etc. Like cardio, the list of strength training exercises are not limited to a few forms of exercises. For the already reasonably fit you can torch calories with body weight exercises in the privacy of your own home or backyard. Burpees, 8-count bodybuilders, Mike Tyson Push-ups, Pull-ups ( purchase cheap pull-up bar), do Bear crawls, crab walks, other animal movement exercises ,or buy a barbell ( free weights are not expensive) and do complexes like The Bear Complex, you can add an overhead squat/press to this already super fat burner when you advance. Once you dive into the world of fitness, you will be amazed at the number and variety of forms of different ways to train. Of course this taking into account you are RELATIVELY young and not suffering from health issues. BUT just simply start out walking daily. Best way to start. I still walk daily, more for helping my mental outlook than burning calories though, good time to walk is after the evening meal.

  129. humans are omnivores, if you eat only meat you’ll end up nutrient deficient at some point.

    there’s been a flurry of nutrition posts here lately and that’s a good thing. there’s something i haven’t seen yet in all these posts and replies however and that is Trophology, i.e., the science of food combining. humans shouldn’t mix certain foods at the same sitting. a good example is animal proteins like beef and starchy grains like potatoes. our bodies secrete enyzmes when we eat to break the food being consumed into basic compounds for absorbtion. if one eats meat and starchy grains at the same sitting, saliva from the mouth and digestive enzymes in the stomach will neutralize each other and the resultant mess just passes thru the digestive tract fermenting, rotting and just ending up a nasty mess.
    if you don’t believe me, try eating a steak with a pile of broccoli, and a day later try eating a steak with a big mashed potato and see how you feel afterwards. this is critical depending on one’s age, since we all rely on our pancreas to secrete the right enzymes in the right quantities for proper digestion. we are all born with only one pancreas, the older we get the less potent it’s powers. if you wear it out overworking it trying to digest poor food combinations, you’re dead. ask any type 2 diabetic.

    •�Thanks: Trinity
  130. Emslander says:
    @Ron Unz

    Because that 5% are human beings thrown in with a pack of drunks and gluttons.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  131. @Alden

    “Those people doing bogus research about the dangers of vegetable oil probably work for the beef cattle and pork producers.”

    Thanks. The war on seed oils is one part hoax, one part moral panic, one part smug sanctimony. Seed oils are nutritious and harmless – including soybean oil. Never ever ever have seed oils diminished my physique, energy level, cognitive/emotional function – and I consume mass quantities daily, have done so for decades, and WILL guzzle mass quants til my dying day. I outlift just about every bro at the gym and I’m an old man in my fifties. Powered by seed oils 💪 Thank you, seed oils! 😘

    Now, carbs are absolute trash fit only for women and children, trūfact.

  132. Dogs eat meat (and lick shit).

    In the US circa 42 million ensouled animals are daily kicked out of their God given lives for their cadavers to be consumed by…

    Do you think that could have an effect on American life literally?

  133. “You are what you eat.”

  134. muh muh says:

    Canned salmon can be mixed into scrambled eggs comfortably


  135. @Protogonus

    “…the rest is excreted unused.”

    Optimistically speaking?!

    “The Rest” usually leads to constipation, weight gain … and all problems associated with it.

    Most socical and peaceful vegetarians bothered by a Jew

    •�Replies: @arbeit macht frei
  136. @Rogue

    Fasting is another hoax, along with MUH SEED OILS. Every time I involuntarily fast because of illness I lose 15-20% of my strength and my skin hangs off me all saggy and loose. It takes weeks to regain the lost strength and muscle. Meantime I’m sporting saggy baggy b*tch tits for the duration. Gross. Fasting devours muscle tissue and gives you resting AIDS face.

    •�Replies: @the ronin
    , @Rogue
    , @Rogue
  137. Anonymous[757] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Mike Conrad

    I’ve always wondered why whole-wheat flour costs more than the white “enriched” variety. Similarly why brown rice costs twice as much as “fortified” white.

    The “white” versions have a much longer self life than the “whole-wheat” and “brown rice” versions.

    “Fortified” should mean obstacles and fields of fire (so, in theory, the fortifications would stop you from eating fortified food), but somehow it means “B vitamins / niacin added”. People used to try living on white rice or flour and consequently get pellagra, rickets, etc.

    Whole wheat flour isn’t entirely harmless. It can interfere with calcium metabolism through vitamin D deficiency. I remember that an anti-grazer chemical in wheat seeds also inhibits vitamin D absorption. Bow legs used to be a disease of slum children, who did not get enough sunlight and did eat brown flour. Remember that every plant contains some sort of anti-grazer chemical mix, and that such chemicals can taste good to humans.

    So, best to take supplementary vitamins.

    Mother Nature isn’t your mother at all. For example, “white rice” and “white flour” are converted to simple sugar in the gut, and the “white” varieties raise blood sugar levels more quickly than the “non-white” varieties, which provides a sort of euphoria. Aristocrats used to prefer white bread, which required white flour, and that gave “white bread” society wide prestige, although the “white” varieties don’t sustain life (usually) as well as the non-refined flours (see above). Why Mother Nature would arrange things this way is not entirely clear.

    •�Thanks: Mike Conrad
  138. @Kurt Knispel

    why do you demean a lion by comparing it to a jew?

    jews are hyenas.

  139. Anonymous[168] •�Disclaimer says:

    Because that 5% are human beings thrown in with a pack of drunks and gluttons.

    Hate to break it to you, but the person you insulted and treated with contempt was also a human being.

    •�Replies: @Emslander
  140. Trinity says:
    @arbeit macht frei

    Jews are definitely the hyena stealing a lion’s kill. And we all know the lion isn’t “the king of the jungle” anyhow. A bull elephant or a full grown female elephant would destroy a lion, as would a hippo, a 🦏, a full grown giraffe 🦒 can be seen stomping a lion out if it isn’t overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Hmm, come to think of it the Jew is more rodent like than anything else. Maybe 🪳 kikeroaches fit best.

  141. Emslander says:

    Well, Mr. Anonymous, that person was making the argument that people with a disease that came to them primarily through a genetic disposition (possibly triggered by vaccines) don’t deserve to live and that their descendants don’t deserve to be born.

    If it hadn’t been for the development of insulin treatment before WWII, I wouldn’t have been conceived, nor my two siblings. Besides being entirely wrong, because recessive genes don’t operate the way he assumed they do, the disposition toward Type I diabetes has no relationship to the glutton-caused Type II diabetes.

    So, calling those who proposes such things fucking idiots is a mild judgement compared to saying that others don’t deserve to live. In addition, it is stupid on its face.

  142. @Priss Factor

    Where is Sverdlov when you need him?

  143. @arbeit macht frei

    I would say rather jackals. Hyenas are individually strong. Then again, Hyenas are like Hermaphrodites, so that is a point in favor of the hyena designation.

  144. @Dumbo

    When I fast, I go through “plateaus” where I do not feel hunger for so many hours, then my “stomach shrinks” or something, and for an hour or two I feel hungry. Then another plateau. In general, the longer I fast the less hunger I feel. I have fasted for five days this way on water and black coffee, doing heavy physical work all day, and keeping up with the job, and never feeling faint. I think body/metabolic type matters. My wife calls me an “easy keeper”: I love food, but don’t really need much.

    I am a type 2 diabetic. High protein and fat, low carb all the way.

  145. There was a Chinese guy who lived a long life consuming nothing but sorghum juice all the days of his life.

  146. the ronin says:

    I would recommend fasted workouts. These are done in the morning, prior to eating. They don’t have to be vigorous, although I did a 4.5 swim on a 12 hour fast. At first, whether doing swimming or other cardio, the hunger pangs are strong, but they dissipate. The level of well-being throughout the day is amazing. I combine light cardi, circuit training and the hot tub(wet sauna) and it is like therapy.

  147. the ronin says:
    @Je Suis Omar Mateen

    Try a fasted workout in the morning. Some people are able to fast 16 hours or more, I prefer to do the workout on about a 12-13 hour fast. It doesn’t have to be vigorous. Light cardio, a one mile swim, walking, and jogging all work.

    •�Replies: @A_Hand_Hidden
  148. Rogue says:
    @Je Suis Omar Mateen

    If fasting doesn’t work for you, then I’d recommend not doing it and finding an alternative weight loss method that does suit you (if presumably you are overweight).

    However, it definitely works for me and I decided more than a year ago that as long as I’m able to do it (I’m in my early 60’s) I will fast for the rest of my life on a regular basis.

    Suffice to say, I’ve tried many different diets over the decades (started piling on the pounds already in my early 20’s but got seriously fat only in my mid 30’s) and none of them had any real long-term effect.

    Fasting, or very low calorie dieting (which strictly speaking is what I’m doing) works for me. The body goes into a state of ketosis and therefore you don’t really feel hungry much at all, and energy levels are not an issue. Of course, I’m speaking of my own experience only but I’m sure this would apply to most people as well. Though obviously not everybody.

  149. Rogue says:
    @Je Suis Omar Mateen

    Of course, something else I picked up in your comment (but didn’t address in my first reply) is that you mentioned that you fasted due to illness.

    Clearly, you weren’t fasting out of choice, and therefore can’t really make a judgement about the benefits of fasting on that basis.

    Not having a dig at you, do understand, but merely pointing out that fasting should be voluntary – and not as a result of sickness.

    I recommend you try a few days of voluntary fasting (whilst in good health) and I can pretty much guarantee you’ll feel better for it.

  150. @Anonymous

    ” go outside into nature for a run”

    I would do that if the treadmill was occupied, but the mill is easier on the feet and knees.

  151. Piglet says:

    Even if it says “organic” or “natural,” none of that stuff should be consumed by humans.

    “Natural” sounds harmless but all that means is that the substance exists in nature, which includes salt and sugar.

  152. eah says:

    >genetics play a role in how susceptible a person on a high carbohydrate diet is …

    Unz apparently chose not to republish it, but today there is a related DS story, one based on this from The Post Millenial:

    San Francisco hires overweight ‘fat activist’ to give guidance on ‘weight stigma’

    She says ‘I was born a fat person into a fat-hating culture’ — she’s no doubt right in that she is genetically susceptible to becoming obese in the current Esskultur, which features a lot of processed food dense in carbohydrate, including sugar (and fructose).

    And regarding dysgenic forces, another is incremental tolerance, which demands society tolerate more and more increasingly harmful influences, as well as growing numbers, even the promotion, of low quality human capital (like this woman) — any society that can no longer rationally discriminate between right and wrong, good and bad, low quality and high quality, constructive and destructive, etc, is doomed.

  153. @arbeit macht frei

    The Lion is the Jew’s symbol!

    In Europe it has replaced the bear; a native. There have never been any lions here and yet the whole country is plastered with the carnivora of the desert. (And they added another head to the eagle, a split; references are duality, division, hydra…)

    Whenever you see a flag in the North (called The West by the Jew) with a lion or more in it, you could know that it means the Jew has crept in and rules like the bludger from the desert, wasting others’ lives. Golden fringings and gold on flags is another Jewed symbol.
    The lion is the symbol of the tribe of Yehudah, from which David, Solomon and other scum emerged, including Moshiach.
    “Be bold as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a deer and mighty as a lion to do the will of your father, the devil” Also see Lions Club etc. pp.
    David praised a Sau(l) (pig) and Jon a than service to the devil as “lighter than eagles and stronger than lions”.

    •�Replies: @Franz
  154. As long as there are slaughter-houses, there are wars; Tolstoi.

  155. “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food.”

  156. @don't care

    Where would you direct someone who wanted to know more about the “healthy body-healthy spirit” thing?

  157. @Correction

    Just why do you read him? For laughs?

    You have a thimble of brainpower compared to the expanse of Andrew’s interests, relentless diligence and remarkable writing skills.

  158. Guest 26 says:

    British undertaker William Banting published “Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to the Public” in 1863, espousing the benefits of low carb diets.

  159. @krm

    Reread the headline. This piece is primarily geared to the fat and obese desiring weight loss.

    But Andrew says so many perceptive things in this article (such as the worthlessness and tastelessness of factory chicken) that the piece merely reinforces his brilliance in areas that I would not have thought he concerned himself with (I’ve not read any other nutrition article by him).

    If it isn’t clear that meat (red in particular) will be effectively the prerogative of the wealthy in the future, then you’re not paying attention. The “beyond meat” movement is just getting started. You cannot compare what limited meat selections there are in the largest grocery chains (eg Kroger) compared to the butcher shops of the 70s/80s/90s.

    Similarly, the hoi polloi will be wearing polyester only — as can be seen in the changing choices even among the “aspirational” brands. A woman I know who is a textile collector tells me that the J C Penney percale sheets from the 70s (“Pencale”) are superior to anything available today in current production apart from luxury Italian offerings (eg Pratesi).

    Let the masses eat low quality protein, and wear and sleep on polyester. Burlap and muslin will be alternatives for those who aspire to natural fabrics.

  160. Ducky says:

    Carnivore works great IF you do it right. Understand that the human body has 2 choices for energy: either carbs (glucose) or fat. Eating lots of fat is essential when you eliminate carbs. If you try to do lots of lean meat you will force your body to convert protein into glucose — not good. Eat fatty beef (ribeye steak, chuck, 70/30 burger etc.), bacon is great, other pork so-so, eat lots of butter, forget lean meat. If you insist on some chicken eat the fatty skin too. Budget with beef hotdogs, canned meats, sardines, canned salmon, hamburger is fine. Finally, yes, you can be healthy on carnivore for your whole life and you can raise healthy kids as carnivores, too. No matter what you eat noodles, cows, whatever be sure to supplement iodine. If you go off carnivore even a little, you will learn that carbs are truly an addiction — you’ll fatten back up like a steer in a feedlot (unless you’re engaged in heavy physical activity several hours every day) and getting off of them again is a bitch. I speak from lengthy experience.

  161. Good article, Andrew. I’m carnivore. 65% of my calories come from fat every day. I eat about 130-160g of protein. And have done so for years. My blood work is great. High energy levels. I take iodine drops in water, and drink a home-made electrolyte drink with no sugar most days (salt, magnesium and potassium), which is much cheaper than buying a commercial product. I’m in my early 60s, don’t take medications, and haven’t seen a doctor for years outside of a physical injury. We buy half a side of beef from a local farmer, or a full sheep. Food bills are down. And I eat one or two meals a day. Tons of energy. Alert. Clear mind. Best thing I ever did. Wife and daughter and son-in-law all carnivore as well. The young ones are serious lifters and are stronger than ever.

  162. Franz says:
    @Kurt Knispel

    The lion is the symbol of the tribe of Yehudah, from which David, Solomon, and other scum emerged, including Moshiach.

    But that is folklore. David, Saul, and Moses never existed.

    As always, the real crime is using myth to replace History. Let the North rally around that, and it will begin to win.

    •�Replies: @Kurt Knispel
  163. @the ronin

    Generally I don’t eat if I’m doing a morning run of 5 miles or less. Over that, a breakfast of eggs, bacon, coffee and sauerkraut. The latter is for stomach biome.

  164. @Franz


    There are many adjustments to be made; the lion has to go too!
    Can one hold up a flag with a lion, without holding up the parasite that has taken root with it?
    Otherwise it’s like being hypnotized by the wrong lion. It is their heraldic, not ours.
    Lions, dragons, double-headed eagles, snakes and what not are misused for purposes of intimidation, oppression and slavehood; pawns carrying their banner to be devoured under… like sheep by the lion.

    Foregoing meat consumption will lead to thowing off the promoters of death and destruction including their logos.

  165. You know what is the real problem of most people in the USA and in other countries? That there is this thing called “truth”, and there are these theories called “argumentun ad populum” “consensus reality” and “the bandwagon effect”

    According to the theories of argumentun ad populum, consensus reality and the bandwagon effect theories. The truth really means and is really based on what the majority supports. For instance in the USA the majority believes that communism, a workers-state, socialism is evil and wrong and false. And capitalism, neoliberalism, the free markets, the oligarchic class, the stupid anti-scientific theory of the invisible markets of Adam Smith is correct. And this is why americans who are not very intelligent, and who love to be mind-controlled, and have a collective-slave mentality, and who are very controlled by the mainstream media, by churches, by their own friends, by their own families and by the society as a whole really thinks that capitalism is good and socialism is evil.

    The same happens in the wars of the Middle East and Ukraine. According to most americans Israel and Ukraine are good and Russia and Palestine are evil

    And the same happens in the world of diets, americans think that the right way to lose weight, is the anti-scientific theory of calories in versus calories out (CICO), along with a high-carbohydrates low protein and low-fat diet.

    And that’s why the conventional wisdom is that low-carb, ket0, carnivore diets are wrong and high-carb low-fat diets are right. No wonder all americans are fat, the 100% population of this country is fat. And only a tiny percent is in their correct body weight

    This country as a whole is totally wrong not only in political ideology, but also in physiology, nutrition and in the way americans live, and in every other aspects of their personal life.

    We need a total change of every thing in USA, an overthrow of capitalism, zionism, and the high-carb paradigm in the way americans eat.

    That’s the problem of this country, that it is totally wrong in every thing !!

    Something has to give !!


  166. Alden says:
    @Mike Conrad

    Whole wheat flour and brown rice cost more because people are happy to pay a little but more for them.

  167. Alden says:
    @Ron Unz

    I always use childhood onset for the serious deadly type because I can’t remember which is which. Dead at 10 or 11 is serious.

  168. Alden says:
    @Ron Unz

    I took human anatomy in college. To avoid more ghastly boring useless biology or chemistry requirement

    It was really for nursing and pre med students. So it was very medical. I learned a lot and used the information all my life. Great information for raising kids. Best thing I learned the difference between the one cell thick with receptor cells to grab everything going by in the rectum and the 28 cell thick with horizontal vertical and diagonal layers continually bath in mucus that absorbs kills germs of the vaginal lining. Like. a fan belt with germ killers.

    So as soon as the liars started yapping that women could get Aids from normal hetero sex I knew it was a lie and a fraud my. We dissected cats. Mine’s heart was lodged way up on top of its lung Prof said it probably been kicked from behind very hard. We got to watch the med students dissecting human bodies too. Human any animal body is a perfect machine.

  169. I also believe that the USA needs a christian moralist dictatorship as part of a workers, revolutionary government as a cure for the total destruction of America.

    Some people claim that this country was founded on freedom and religion and politics do not mix, because they think that this extreme form of immoral libertarianism leads to progress. It leads to barbarism, obesity, poverty, sexual addiction, sexual perversion, alcoholism and crazyness. Not to economic and personal progress.

    i am not a devoted, orthodox christian, but I still believe in some type of christian morality specially for the family. Because i have noticed that there might some influence by the capitalist system, zionism, neoliberalism, extreme form of personal individualism and an excess of personal liberty which claims that because God doesn’t exist you are allowed to do what ever you want without any consequences for yourself, your family and the whole world. This way of thinking has been introduced into America by the jews who are the owners of this country

    This capitalist zionist libertarian conspiracy that destroys the lives of many young girls with the so called internet porn chat rooms. I just find so gross and sickening of how teenagers, girls, young girls show their private bodyparts on those internet porn websites.

    There should be a system that might offer better options for the young population like playing guitar, piano, ballet, books, sports, instead of that sickening, immoral, gross activity of sexual perversion of showing their private bodyparts to unknown people, to strangers thru internet porn chat websites. Not only will that lead to destruction of the dignity of women, to their self-esteem, but also to a destruction of society etc.

    Alcoholic drinks, junk food, high-carb foods, most restaurants, most snacks all fast food restaurants should also be banned and closed down, the excess of snacks and food in the lives of people all that is destroying the country

    We need a new way of life, a new system, this system is toxic there are too many problems in the families, young kids hating their own parents, people hating each other, neighbors hating each other. This is all a capitalist zionist libertarian conspiracy to destroy the population

    Take a look at this video of this crazy girl brainwashed by this system eating a 10,000 calories cake. And her followers on her Youtube channel actually support this self-destructive activity

    Video Link

    A movie about how this zionist capitalist conspiracy to destroy America can destroy people it is about 4 people binge-eating their way to death in a weekend in a house (La Grande Bouffe)

    Video Link

    Something has to give !!

    •�Replies: @Franz
  170. @döp-dödö-döp

    The body needs carbs….

    The body might prefer to run on glucose easily derived from carbs, but it can run on glucose generated by the liver from non-carb/low-carb foods, and in a shortage of that glucose, ketone bodies become important energy sources for vital systems like the brain and heart. In fact, a number of studies suggest ketone bodies can play a supportive role in brain and heart health.

  171. EggCorn says:

    If you feel better eating meat, learn to hunt, fish or trap. Learn to kill, butcher and field dress the meat. Try hunting for wild boar first.

    Love vegetables? Grow your own. Buy the rare, heirloom seeds from JL Hudson, Seedsman. Just get their catalog. It is a real treasure of information.

    If you do either or both of these things you will look and feel better

  172. c matt says:

    You do know these animals have different digestive systems from humans that are able to extract nutrients from plant sources better than humans can.

    Or are you saying vegans are not human? Might agree.

  173. Franz says:
    @Low-carb Political Movement

    Ye gods.

    We already have a Plutocrat’s dictatorship. They’ll just add some Jesus mumbo-jumbo and it’ll be business as usual.

    The original Canadian Trudeau, Pierre Elliot, was smart. His son shows the decline of the West in fluent genetics. Anyway Pierre once said “We cannot repeal history” and where Americans are concerned, our slavish devotion to the invisible hand cult is total. People might question the Bible now and again, Adam Smith never.

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