see the metal man in the Book of Daniel and the beasts in Daniel and the Book of Revelation The Bible says all human governments are part of the beast with 7 heads which is why we wait for the true King of kings and Lord of lords our Lord Jesus Christ who is coming to terminate the evil and diadem the right
The image represent successive world powers ending with the present anglo-american power. The destruction of the image represents Gods kingdom putting an end to all present world governments. The complete destruction of the worlds political system.
I liked this article. I also think that it is well structured, fine in tone, and soundly reasoned.
In particular, I am convinced that the world would benefit from a more wholesome balance between the male and female principles.
Underlying this idea is a different worldview than is held by many, though. Namely, a non-materialistic view, wherein the male and female principles exist in both men and women (although not to the same degree, generally speaking). In this view, the two principles are seen as complementary, and not antagonistic.
This view might sound like giberrish to people whose worldview is founded on either scientific or marxist materialsm (that includes many feminists).
As a sidenote, I believe that our left brain half is mostly operating on the masculine principle, and vice versa for the right brain half. I also believe that this is the source of many misunderstandings and much discord between the sexes. Ideally, they are harmonized and balanced.
Anyways, thanks for the article 🙂
“Nuclear winter means we must have Nth Wave Duginist feminism now.”
Incoherent word/thought salad that reads like modern academic prose. This author is on par with recent Unz additions such as Jung-Freud – not a good thing.
People who rise to the high levels of the power hierarchy are those who best mirror the averagely most admired traits by humankind. They are mirrors, reflecting the average person’s truest nature, and likes, and dislikes. In that, every human society is fundamentally democratic.
Women are the very first ones to prefer the male traits women who write for “female characteristics” and against the “male principle” wish unto the world. Or those traits wouldn’t be as spread as they are; or those traits wouldn’t be as selected-for when it comes to allot power as they are.
We influence the world not telling the rest of humankind what they should prefer, but through our preferences. Wishing unto one’s own life is much more effective than wishing things unto the world.
So, dear “female principle” advocates, women and men that you may be, if you want more of the “female principle” to be shaping world events, the only thing you can do to that end is to like that principle, and dislike the opposite.
The latter has been written predominately by men and influenced heavily by men’s pathologies.
Those “pathologies” are the most favourable traits in a man when it comes to be selected as a mate for reproduction by women — or are they? —. Is it any wonder, they are very well spread, and ubiquitous?
This said, I, a man, entirely agree that living with men is very stressful (unbearable to me indeed): the point is, they are the way they are due to women reproductive choices, all over history and earth. (And the reverse is true too: womanhood mirrors men’s reproductive choices, obviously, and women’s weaknesses men may complain about are the result, in a large part, of men’s choices).
It is unbearable because too many, or not few enough, of them have that constant drive to invade, override, possess other’s lives, choices, freedom. But then, a % of women is like that too, and guess what? In woman-only cohorts, it’s the dominant, domineering, up to power-crazed women who mostly end up on top, as the most shared choice.
So it seems every issue we have is going not to be about men, or women, but about humans.
And as for the theraphy, the theraphy is only Christ, nothing else will ever work, all else will disappoint ever.
The system is still patriarchal and based on dominance and coercion. And the ‘females’ who have risen in such a system have had to, de facto, operate as ‘transgender’ organisms, aping every bad male characteristic, the types that prevail in adversarial party politics, and suppressing those benevolent male and female characteristics that the world requires. Hence the rise of monsters like Thatcher, Clinton, Albright, Nudelman, Sturgeon, Power, the Rices etc. To make things worse, the new Divide and Rule ‘Woke’ religion, designed to exacerbate gender and race division and hatred, has thrown up a new generation of feminazi Gorgons, even more ghastly than their predecessors. And then, surely the hideous apotheosis of the disintegration of the Western ‘mind’, we have the psychopaths of the ‘trans’ movement, a billionaire created lunacy that no-one appears to have the guts to denounce and confront, even as they promote a child-harming agenda that is, also, far more misogynistic than any patriarchal thug.
Those "pathologies" are the most favourable traits in a man when it comes to be selected as a mate for reproduction by women — or are they? —. Is it any wonder, they are very well spread, and ubiquitous?This said, I, a man, entirely agree that living with men is very stressful (unbearable to me indeed): the point is, they are the way they are due to women reproductive choices, all over history and earth. (And the reverse is true too: womanhood mirrors men's reproductive choices, obviously, and women's weaknesses men may complain about are the result, in a large part, of men's choices).
The latter has been written predominately by men and influenced heavily by men’s pathologies.
“I would like to request a summary for dumb westerners of this no doubt brilliant Tolstoyevski essay.”
Ok: This essay was long, turgid and pointless.
Note that the Soviets only placed nuclear armed missiles in Cuba after the USA ignored its objections to American nuclear armed missiles that had just been placed in Italy and Turkey. Crazed American Generals wanted to bomb and invade Cuba, not knowing that Russian nuclear missile sites were not just under construction in Cuba, several had been completed and were ready to fire at the USA!
Summary: Karlin cannot leave the website so he writes anonymously as this Anna. ” Russian is goodby-ing but not leaving”. Well he is not Russian but some eurasian mutt but picked enough of russian sins to pass.
There is a strong Russian Orthodox influence in this article and Åobaczewski’s work. The thesis seems to be that an ideal society would arise if evil could be eradicated. First, evil cannot be eradicated (even according to the Orthodox, see “original sin”). Second, if evil could be eradicated, that would not produce an ideal society. Consider the aristocratic / Catholic society pre-1648. Its ideals would not have stopped the plague or the starvation of Europe at the time, and would have produced something like overpopulated Imperial China, caught in the trap that almost free labor would prevent the development of industry. A society on the edge of starvation, infected by disease due to malnutrition, and with human labor only worth the price to feed and house the labor force is not an ideal society.
Moreover, pathological individuals feel inhibited and suppressed by “the systems of normal man,†as Åobaczewski calls them, which are characterized by peace, equality, stability, and cooperation.
Great news! Now, in what part of the planet Earth are “the systems of normal men” characterized by “peace, equality, stability, and cooperation”, and where do I buy a ticket to go there?
And if you can’t tell me that, perhaps you should realize that exposure to evil (if you survive) is better than no exposure in that it instills an experiential belief that evil exists and is ineradicable in the “normal” world, a belief that is essential for personal survival. Without such a belief, a person is easy prey for the evil.
One of the most profound insights offered by Åobaczewski is that “the problem of biological determination of the behavior of deviants†means that we will never be in a position to ascertain the degree of free choice with which an individual has been endowed and, accordingly, establish how much a person is truly at fault.
So, when your dog has brought home an infestation of fleas, you should first ascertain exactly how much the fleas are at fault, then take action. If somebody tries a knife attack, you should first take the time to ascertain how much the person is at fault, then try to stop the bleeding.
In either case, why would you be interested in fault? Perhaps you object to the example with fleas — what are you, as species-ist?
We are standing at a crossroads in the United States between the first, hysterical stage of the macrosocial ponerologic phenomenon and its second, much more dire phase of a full-blown pathocracy. This coming pathocracy, combined with a globalist, transhumanist system of control being imposed by force or coercion on the entire humanity under the pretext of fighting the coronavirus pandemic[33], is also threatening to destroy all life on the planet in a tripwire nuclear conflagration.
Well, you’re right about the coming pathocracy (nice name), but the idea that it is evil is so much excess baggage, as it was for the fleas and the knife attack. Turchin’s idea of “circulation of the elites” is more useful and more predictive. As resources change and population changes and a different threat/reward array confronts the civilization, old responses become unproductive or counter-productive. When that happens, things change. Here’s a reasonably good example of that sort of thinking: “The Terramare Culture and the Bronze Age Collapse”
Part of the new societies that arise after things change is a new definition of “evil”, usually much more rigorously enforced than the previous definition of “evil” was enforced just before the change. For example, prior to the Treaty of Westphalia, 1658, desire for worldly goods was considered a mortal sin, “Greed”. Afterwards, desire for worldly goods was considered a virtue, replacing desire for immortal life and the consequent religious wars. Today it is considered as essential, under the name of “consumer demand”.
Also, a nuclear war would not destroy all life on Earth, just you and me. It wouldn’t even destroy all human life on Earth — just you and me and almost all our friends and relations.
Finally, my recommendation: consider human society as you consider the weather. Test it and dress accordingly before you leave home. If you can, pick a place where the climate agrees with you and build a acquire a secure base of operations there.
The election of Trump shows that things can change once the mass population wants them to change. “Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself.” When there is a change, you can throw your weight behind it, otherwise you might as well try to make the winter warmer and the summer cooler. (Don’t do that, BTW. The cold weather is needed to kill off pest populations, and the hot summer to grow crops.)
Letting women into the halls of power is THE sole reason for the current 75 year decline, not mere coincidence. Until that is reversed, it goes all the way to the bottom.
Anna Tolstoyevskaya said: “The American public’s virtues and economic successes have been largely sustained by trust in the republic and its government…….The illusion of consent is coming apart at the seams, as more and more lives get affected by the sins and inequities of the system and are in effect thrown overboard. Once the majority of them no longer believe in the government and are struggling for their lives, there will be long-term consequences for the stability and survivability of the society-state system.”
And that’s bad, right ? So to avoid the claimed bad long term consequences (instability, survivability), Americans should continue to believe and have faith in the government, right ?😳 😆😎
This “just” in:
“The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, “See if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walkâ€.†Harry Browne:
Anna Tolstoyevskaya said: “…pathological individuals feel inhibited and suppressed by “the systems of normal man,†……They strive to supplant them instead with their own power-based value system relying on domination, division, exploitation, and violence.”
However, a ” power- based value system relying on domination, division, exploitation, and violence.”, neatly describes _all_ governments, past, present or future.
A ” value system relying on domination, division, exploitation, and violence.” is exactly what a government always _is_, THAT is its true fundamental nature.
Or, to put it another way:
“Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure” Robert LeFevere
“The State is, and always has been, the great single enemy of the human race, its liberty, happiness, and progress.” Murray Rothbard
The missing piece of the puzzle (i.e. the true, underlying nature of all governments:
Summary: A good article, but sadly, neither the reviewer, nor the author of the book reviewed, have any idea as to the true, entirely unchangeable, entirely criminal nature of all governments, everywhere ( and putting women in charge of them would make absolutely no difference to that inherent criminality, by the way):
And so, this also “just” in:
“Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt criminal scams which cannot be “reformed”or “improved”,simply because of their innate criminal nature.†onebornfree
“Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.” Albert J. Nock
“Regards” onebornfree
“The domination of the male principle throughout human history has resulted in all the wars, antagonism, and violence and has led to the current global strife. It is about time the female voice and narrative take over, or at least play an equal role in shaping the human experience.”
Well, it seems to me we’re off to a good start:
Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, Ursula Van der Leyen, Nancy Pelosi, Gretchen Whitmer, Madeleine Albright, for example … and then all the female mayors of blue state sinkhole cities . . .
The problem now is how do we make it stop?
Thank you very much for this GREAT essay.
The following video suggests some explanations on why people confronted to police states in countries such as Turkey, Iran, and Brazil are quicker to protest and express their dissent or shake their apathy compared to Americans (generally speaking).
Video Link
BFP Roundtable Takes on Apathy & What Can Be Done About It
Some people need to go tikkun someone else’s olam.
I would like to request a summary for dumb westerners of this no doubt brilliant Tolstoyevski essay.