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Michael Hudson discusses his seminal work of 1972, Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire, a critique of how the US exploits foreign economies through IMF and World bank debt; difference between the IMF and World Bank; World Bank dysfunctional from the outset; loans made in foreign currency only; policy to provide loans for... Listen
We discuss Michael Hudson's book, J is for Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception, with an emphasis on the degradation of economic vocabulary that hides the real state of the economy; language affects peoples' perception of reality; history of economic thought no longer taught; classical political economy focused on society's... Listen
2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the stock market crash of 2008; the current financial malaise is the result of the bank bailouts, not the crash; an over-indebted economy cannot be saved unless the banks fail; debt deflation; the magic of compound interest; how pension funds, state and local governments adversely affected by the bank... Listen
We discuss in detail, the concept of debt deflation; housing, student loan and automobile debt; the oil market; the stock market; negative interest rates; currencies; and the shrinking of the real economy. Listen �Read Transcript
Dr. Hudson discusses his paper, The IMF Changes Its Rules To Isolate China and Russia; implications of the four policy changes at the International Monetary Fund in its role as enforcer of inter-government debts; the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as an alternative military alliance to NATO; the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) threatens to replace... Listen �Read Transcript
What withdrawal from the Euro system would mean for households and businesses in Italy; how to manage savings; what would likely happen in a return to sovereign currency; how the government and National Bank of Italy could manage the change; monetary and fiscal policy; interest rates; bond markets; loss of national power due to the... Listen
Functional finance; business cycle; real costs of unemployment; sovereign currency versus fixed exchange rates and the gold standard; macroeconomic policy; fiscal policy; vulture banks; Latvia as the standard for Europe under neoliberalism. Listen
Difference between sovereign and non-sovereign money; what is money; fiat money; gold standard; fixed exchange rates; the Euro; difference between central banks and commercial banks; deflation and inflation; financial war against the economy; credit supply and asset prices; bank lending and capital investment; debt deflation stage and austerity stage of finance capitalism. Listen
European banking crisis causing a constitutional crisis of the European Central Bank; Germany; the myth of Social Security in the US.; bank balance sheet recession; food, fuel and climate crisis; the super congress; debt deflation; FHA lawsuit against the banks; criminalization of the financial sector; Modern Monetary Theory; the coming lost decade; debt cancellation. Listen
The jobless recovery; the debt ceiling and default; China; Greece; banks, not countries, receive the bailouts; financial warfare; IMF and EU; European Central Bank; US credit default swaps; US agricultural exports create food dependency; currency devaluation devalues the price of labor; class war of banks against the rest of society. Listen
Financial and fiscal austerity policies; the appeal of economic austerity to bankers; economic depression and war; post-WWII vs. post-cold war economic policy; government to government grants vs. commercial lending; the euro and dollar; privatization in New Zealand and elsewhere; social unrest; speculation and prices; criminalization of the economy; impoverishment of the US. Listen
Economic crisis in Europe created by predatory lending; European Central Bank stranglehold on the Eurozone; the Euro; foreign banks decimate Greece's social structure; Marx's industrial capital versus fictitious capital; Latvia as a model for the rest of Europe; Hudson's financial and fiscal plan for Latvia; the Cold War and its ruinous effect on progressive economic... Listen
We discuss the Federal Reserve; money as debt; Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's misconception of the causes of the great depression of the 1930's; classical political economy versus anti-classical, so-called "neoclassical", economics; the labor theory of value; the dollar carry trade; government deficit spending; Greece. Listen
Interview with economist Michael Hudson on Obama's State of the Union Speech and its economic consequences; the reappointment of Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke. Listen
Why the banks are returning the bailout money; bank fees and penalties; banks prefer default to foreclosure; debt as wealth; Obama's Financial Regulatory Reform Proposal and its six major flaws; the deregulation-by centralization ploy; failure to reform the economy will lead to debt peonage. Listen
Iceland's banking crisis and foreign debt; it's decision to push back against IMF and World Bank austerity; Gordon Brown's role in the Icesave scandal; the capacity to pay principle; similarities with Germany's foreign debt reparations from the 1920s; European Union disarray; media omissions. Listen
Europe; the worsening financial situation and indebtedness; the history of banking and the criminalization of the banking system; tax policy; real estate asset inflation; US imperialism via the monetary system; neoliberal/neofeudal economics; classical political economy; finance capital breaking away from industrial capital; the financial crisis leading to a political crisis; similarities with the Roman Republic;... Listen
With financial economist and historian, Dr. Michael Hudson. We begin with an analysis of the continuing bailout of insurance giant AIG and Monday's stock market selloff; price and debt deflation; the two sectors of the economy; two definitions of 'free markets'; the classical economists; revolution from the right and the former Soviet states; the threat... Listen
Interview with economist and financial historian, Dr. Michael Hudson, discussing the largest financial theft in American history - the evolving giveaway to Wall Street criminals. We talk about the class war leading to depopulation, de-industrialization, poverty, and sharply increasing default and debt. The bailout offers no help to the economy. The only way to resolve... Listen
"The New Kleptocracy" with economist Dr. Michael Hudson on Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson's "Plan" passed by Congress on October 3, 2008. We discuss what is being purchased, the congressional vote, what this means for the oligarchs, and what this means for the rest of us. Listen
Interview with economist and historian, Dr. Michael Hudson, on his new book in progress, "The Fictitious Economy: How Finance Is Destroying Industrial Capitalism and Paving a New Road to Serfdom". We examine what is meant by the term "fictitious" as the concept is applied to aspects of today's economy. We take a look at the... Listen
Interview with financial economist and historian, Dr. Michael Hudson. On today's program we discuss former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's legacy. Alan Greenspan has published an autobiography, "The Age of Turbulence". We look at Alan Greenspan's role in 1982 as the head of the Commission on Social Security; his eighteen-year role as Chairman of the... Listen
Interview with Financial Economist and Historian, Dr. Michael Hudson; AAA rating of subprime junk; inflation; change in world order; privatization of banking system through the Federal Reserve; Alan Greenspan and the 1982 Social Security Committee; junk economics; windfall profits; the law of fraudulent conveyance. Dr. Hudson has been appointed Chief Economic Policy Adviser for the... Listen
Interview with Financial Economist and Historian, Dr. Michael Hudson; liquidity crisis in the banking system; wiping out of credit; demise of the dollar; stock volatility; hedge funds; sub-prime lending; real estate tax versus labor tax, etc. Dr. Hudson has been appointed Chief Economic Policy Advisor for the Kucinich for President campaign, and is writing a... Listen
​​​Interview with financial economist and historian, Dr. Michael Hudson. Dr. Hudson is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trend, a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and author of "Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire". We discuss the US balance... Listen