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White Nationalism: An Incarnate Impracticality

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Oh help. From the doddering eggplant in the White house we hear that White Supremacy, alias White Nationalism, alias the Dissident Right, is the “most dangerous threat” to American democracy, if any. Televised drivel spigots warn of a rising tide of racial extremism, referring to White Nationalists, not BLM. The congenitally alarmed express horror and perturbation. They seem to think–or perhaps hope, life being boring in Washington, that in conjunction with the election of Trump, WhyNats will bring back lynching.

This is overwrought. In fact the Racial Right is politically unworkable, self-limiting, in no danger of gaining power, and seems little more than a cross between a hobby and a social club.

Most of their ideas amount to cultural conservatism, and might garner a massive following if not associated with hostility to too many groups. Whynats want to close the southern border, suppress rampant crime, end ranting against whites, end birthright citizenship, reinstate scholastic standards, end affirmative action, let people live where and among whom they please, reinstate the primacy of European culture, and deport illegal immigrants. These seem reasonable enough, except maybe the last, since throwing ten or twenty million people across the border might prove impractical.

The fly in the White Nationalist ointment is its hostility to other races, ethnicities, religions and, well, almost everybody. They love America, but dislike almost everyone within it. WhyNats are against the thirteen percent of the population who are black, the nineteen percent and climbing who are Hispanic, the six percent and climbing who are Asian, the two percent who are Jewish, against Democrats and liberals, and by strong implication southern Europeans, sexual curiosities and Moslem’s, many of whom are white. This leaves enough Americans to populate a small-town PTA meeting. Maybe. It isn’t serious politics.

How is this going to work in a country still governed by elections, however rigged? Antagonizing almost everybody is not practical politics. The aforementioned ethnicities vote.

A problem is that the pursuit of racial separatism, a goal of White Nationalism, requires maximizing interracial hostility, whereas the domestic tranquility, and perhaps the survival of the country, require minimizing it. It is A, or B. There is no getting around this. Seeking to arouse racial hostility to America’s Latinos, which is exactly what WhyNats are doing, doubtless plays to some underlying psychic disturbance. But most of the Latinos are citizens. They are not going to go away. White and brown will have to live together. Political practicality suggests doing this amicably.

WhyNat thinking is sometimes straightforwardly incoherent. For example, it divides people into white and nonwhite. This puts a naked savage in the wilds of Papua New Guinea in the same category as a Chinese theoretical physicist. The view is lacking in demographic granularity. In a country that is increasingly non-white, this starkly binary understanding allows no compromise, negotiation, or modus vivendi. Whatever its appeal, it isn’t going to work. It isn’t practical politics.

The racial divide is not between whites and everybody else but between blacks and everybody else. Whites, browns, and yellows seldom push each other in front of subway trains, burn cities, beat people into comas, engage in mass looting, or regard the firefight as their preferred form of social interaction.

While most things that WhyNats want are cultural and political and thus at least theoretically possible, there is in White Nationalism a strong and explicit desire to maintain the genetic purity of the white race. This is neither unusual nor reprehensible. Many races, religions, and ethnic groups oppose outmarriage. But in America it isn’t politically practical. That word again.

The regnant fact is that America is a multiracial country. Love it, hate it, or focus on something more productive, like sorting your socks, but this is the fact. Anybody who dreams of racial homogeneity needs to stop smoking that Drano. It isn’t good for you. Groups that want to maintain purity can marry each other, but there will be massive leakage around the edges. I recently read a Pew (I think) survey saying that forty percent of third-generation Latinos marry out.

Does anyone think the hi-tech world is going to fire, or deport, the multitudinous Chinese scientists and programmers on whom America now depends? Orr forbid them to date their white fellow tech-heads? As a young man I lived in Taiwan and found the girls to be smart, beautiful, and classy. Young white men enthusiastically agreed. The condition is called “yellow fever.” It is not transmitted by mosquitoes.

Latinos? Much the same applies. Mexican girls are often disastrously pretty and, when speaking unaccented American English, are not very exotic. They will not repel young Anglo guys. Americans can approve, accept, or deplore this. They can approve, accept, or deplore sunrise. The effect will be the same. Short of a law forbidding intermarriage, which is not a practical goal, there is no practical way to prevent intermarriage. Or, I think, much support for doing so.

WhyNats dream of an all-white America. Fine. As a dream it has its appeal: no slavery, perhaps no Civil War, no Jim Crow, race riots, burning cities, depressed educational standards, uncontrolled crime, open borders. Oldsters remember the Fifties, wen kids could leave their bikes anywhere and find them on their return and children could engage in sprawling games of hide and seek after dark in safety. This was real. I was there.

But in 1619 the Historic American Nation, progenitors of today’s White Nationalists, began importing blacks and continued in high volume until at least 1808. Having imported them, they now complain of their presence. (perhaps they owe the rest of us reparations.) Also unwisely, America opened its borders. This too cannot be undone.

The WhyNat idea, often explicit and usually implied, “We founded this nation. It is ours,” will not fly in the polls when the vast majority of voters have nothing in common with the Historic American Nation. Again, not practical politics.

Another example of political misjudgement is the defense by at least some major WhyNats of everything whites have ever done. Slavery, for example, and colonialism. As a matter of political practicality–that word pops up yet again–the only possible position is, “Slavery, like colonialism, was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Period.”” But a mixture of die-hard Southerness and retrospective conservative romanticism keeps this from being said. WhyNats, not unreasonably, tend to revere such founding figures of America as Jefferson, Washington, and Lee, all of whom owned slaves. Imagine trying to justify slavery in a televised debate. Yes, the Greeks had slaves. No, the Bible doesn’t forbid slavery. This doesn’t matter. The word is political death.

Some of the things WhyNats want seem to be coming into being, such as restored standards for entrance to universities and abandonment of the sillier forms of affirmative action. Splendid. They are not coming about because of White Nationalism. The administrations of Harvard and MIT are not White Nationalists, though it might be a good thing if they were.

Meanwhile assimilation runs apace, apparently little noticed. To repeat from an earlier column: Some years ago a reader, a retired ophthalmologist of East European descent, offered to arrange an appointment for me with an eye surgeon at Johns Hopkins. The star surgeon turned out to be Yassine Daoud, a Lebanese street urchin who, by brains, luck, and Harvard Med, ended at Johns Hopkins. On a later trip, I saw Deepika Sha at Eye Doctors of Washington, who by her name and slight brownness seemed to be of origins east of Suez. University of Virginia undergrad, Penn for medical school, long list of awards and such. The clinic’s insurance woman was named Martinez. At my bank in Virginia the assistant manager and perhaps a teller were Mexican. When I looked in Austin for an ophthalmologist, she was Annie Chan, Chinese, and her clinic’s office staff were bilingual Mexicans. (The doctors are Googleable.)

Does anyone think this is going to stop? How?

White Nationalism? Interesting idea, just not practical.

(Republished from Fred on Everything by permission of author or representative)
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  1. This is a GREAT article. How did I miss it? And NO COMMENTS?
    I’m White (not nationalist).

  2. Thing is:

    Most White Nationalists are, to some degree, Jared Taylor likely included, ‘supremacists’.
    Mr Fred Reed is not a White Nationalist – and, irony of ironies, he is a supremacist. Need proof? Look:

    This puts a naked savage in the wilds of Papua New Guinea in the same category as a Chinese theoretical physicist.

    IQ does not matter. Nor do achievements, of any kind.

    Ethnic Nationalism is based on Genetic Similarity. Nothing more.

    Do I wanna standards, or just relatedness?
    Yes – personally – I’m a pro-Eugenics, even.
    (But, thing is, I’m only pro-Eugenics for my group. What other groups do or don’t: none of my business!)

    “Hispanics” who are more-or-less 80% White are White.
    Half-Lebanese, half-Persian or half-Turk are White. (however, I wouldn’t let ’em in, if they’re Muslims. I can elaborate on that, if enquired.)
    Jews, Blacks‽ Same! There is a point where you have these ancestries in you and them being immaterial.
    No ‘One-Drop Rule’.

    White Nationalists don’t need the whole America: just a place somewhere in this vast World.
    Such a place must be acclimatised to the White sensibilities and, to boot, not landlocked. Of course: land – the more, the merrier. But, if it’s Singapore-sized, that’ll do.

    P.S.: I’m an “omni-nationalist”, actually – of free-thinking libertarian leanings.

  3. But in 1619 the Historic American Nation, progenitors of today’s White Nationalists, began importing blacks and continued in high volume

    Excuse me? There was no American Nation in 1619. That was the British Empire.

    And guess what? Anglo-Americans are the ONLY ones who ever eradicated slavery. Everyone else was Johnny Come Lately. Some very late indeed.

    Having imported them, they now complain of their presence.

    This is even more ridiculous. The people who imported them are long since dead, and aren’t doing any complaining.

    Reed is the type who always insisted that immigration was a minor thing, and now says it’s so major we can’t do anything about it.

    Except lie back and think of…what now?

    •�Thanks: EL_Kabong
    •�Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  4. In other words, bow down White man and accept your fate of your race going extinct.

  5. AlexT says:

    I thought you were dead! Glad to see you aren’t!
    Please write more often, and God bless you!

  6. MEH 0910 says:


    A Farewelll
    by Fred Reed
    September 10, 2024

    Massive Archive

    I have been writing this column, off and on, mostly on, for–dear God, can it be nearly thirty years? Yet nothing lasts forever, neither columns nor columnists, and Fred on Everything, for unexpected reasons with which i will not bore the reader, has reached its end.

    Columnizing is a curious trade. I suppose that from time to time most in it ask themselves, why am I doing this? It is not from vanity or the desire to see one’s name in print. At the age of twenty, a new writer thinks that if only he can be published in the next most important outlet, he will be happy and fulfilled. At thirty, he thinks, oh hell, its deadline, what can I write and how can I make it seem fresh and interesting when almost every subject has been written about thousands of times by thousands of writers also on deadline?

    I suspect that few columnists think that their output will accomplish anything. People seldom change their minds. Most likely we are just bellowing at the universe to behave itself. It doesn’t.

    Unlike many in our ashen trade, I have been fortunate in not having an editor to tell me what to write and not being constrained to specialize. “Fred on Everything” may sound pompous but it is not restrictive. Thus i could write about anything from the military-industrial complex to being a barefoot-and-BB gun-toting Tom Sawyer simulacrum in small-town Alabama to robots and the realities of Mexico. This has been fun for me and, apparently, for a certain kind of reader.

    But not to most. What most readers want is to be told over and over what they already believe, preferably in combative prose. Most columnists and websites do exactly this. I could never do it, perhaps because of some psychic defect. Or maybe I am just bull-headed. The result has been that readers have been few by internet standards but, at least in my judgement, a superior and versatile sort who can disagree without huffing-and-deleting. I regard them–you– as fellow conspirators against the expected, the tedious, and the ordinary. It has been fun. I thank you for the years.



    •�Thanks: AxeGryndr
  7. JPS says:

    OK Boomer. The Western world exists among the whites. It doesn’t exist among the others. It doesn’t matter what accent they have. It doesn’t matter that white men marry these women who become “sociologically white.”

    What matters is that our society only really exists among us, and without us, the whole structure collapses. The white people must regain control of the white world, and that involves removing the Jews from power.

  8. Hi Fred. Good to hear from you. Hope you’re doing alright.

  9. Anonymous[348] •�Disclaimer says:

    Incidentally, I wasn’t able to see your post on my account, which suggests I’m getting replies I’m unable to reply to from my account. If you are aware how that is possible, or if you did that by some sort of blocking, I’d appreciate knowing.

    The “western” world was designed to expand and include everyone across the planet. If the structure collapsed then you don’t exist at all, think about the math in that statement.

    Civilizations develop, they aren’t “designed.” White people exist, European people exist, their civilization exists. The delusion is pretending that is a “design.” Who “designed” it? Philosophes? Obviously it far predates those pretentious buffoons. Columbus discovering America did not make the Indians Westerners. Hispanic Civilization, when heavily Indian, is not actually regarded as part of Western World. Is Bolivia part of the Western World? Guatemala, El Salvador? Not really. Any more than the Navajo reservation is.

    If it involves taking control of something delusional like “the white world”

    Most whites live surrounded by other whites, and see non-whites as belonging to separate peoples. This is in fact reality and is born out by facts. Those who deny it are the delusional ones. Whites have their own civilization. If you want to quibble about the meaning of white, go at it – whites are not confused about it. Whites know exactly who is NOT WHITE. They know who is marginally white. And they know who are the people descended from white European Christian Civilization.

    At the core you have no real identity, no economy, no goals and no standards.

    This is stupidity. People who don’t know they are whites (or don’t admit it) definitely suffer from a weak identity. Somebody who says that a negro can fully belong to their European nationality as easily as a white man does not know what nationality is. He is delusional.

    Goals? The goals are simple. SELF-PRESERVATION and ERADICATION of the current system.

    If the white world didn’t exist, there would be no compulsive need to destroy it or even to deny it exists. It is solipsistic psychosis of the Jews and their enablers to deny it exists.

    The Jews know very well the white world exists, and insist upon its destruction.


    •�Thanks: Lurker
  10. Fred: oy! What happened to your cojones, ese?

    I haven’t read him in months. Missed Mencken’s doppelganger. I honestly thought he’d passed. I tried contacting him several times, to no avail. Then I saw his relatively recent contribution and got excited.

    Then, sadly, I read his piece.

    My, how the once-mighty have fallen!

    Mr. Reed once wielded a kick-ass Southern venomous-penimus. Witty, insightful, wise, caustic, and brave. Then he vamoosed to Meh-Hee-Coe, married a beaner, sprouted a kid, and now disowns being White.


    Fred reminds me of “fathers’ rights” groups who refused to join with “men’s rights” groups because they thought feminazis wouldn’t come for dads. They didn’t “get” that the women’s movement sees all danglers as The Enemy.

    Fathers are attacked because they are male, not just dads.

    Similarly, German-Americans, Russo-Americans, etc. are not attacked for having European heritages, but for being…”White.”

    Fred either…

    …understands that and is a race traitor;

    …understands but is a race coward;

    …doesn’t understand and is a dunce; or

    …became a Jew and wants Whites to be self-doubting, weak, and disorganized.

    •�Agree: Pat Kittle
    •�Thanks: Angharad
    •�Replies: @Carney
  11. AxeGryndr says:

    In the grand scheme of things, we are continuously evolving. We looked entirely different 100,000 years ago, and barring nuclear interruptus, will look entirely different in another 100,000 years. We had no particular say in the matter up to this point, but that is going to change due to scientific capability now on the horizon. The racial constructs we so concern ourselves with today will be replaced. We are adding a new species, the intelligent machine, to the population. There are those who want to make human and machine hybrids. It’s going to get very strange out there-except for the newly minted, who wake into a world, and take what they find as always having been there, and become immersed in it.

    The age of nations and races will surely fade over the centuries, for better or worse.

  12. Carney says:
    @Lemmy Tellyuh

    Or maybe it isn’t about his feelings and motivations at all, and is about the brutal facts of numerical and political reality that exist in total and utter indifference to what you, I, and very probably Fred want.

    I say “maybe” because I’m not totally sold on Fred’s premise that any white advocacy or solidarity is impossible and doomed. Naturally I hope otherwise, but it’s not just that; I think that being pro-white and/or a race realist might, just might, IF WISELY AND EFFECTIVELY DONE, still be pulled off successfully.

    In any case, don’t immediately assume that someone who makes a claim about current or future reality, is doing so because he WANTS things to be the way he says they are or will be. Not everyone is a rah-rah Pollyanna.

    •�Replies: @Pat Kittle
  13. @Carney

    Carney the hasbara Jew troll:

    You response here is to Lemmy Tellyuh, who concluded:

    German-Americans, Russo-Americans, etc. are not attacked for having European heritages, but for being…”White.”

    Fred either…

    …understands that and is a race traitor;

    …understands but is a race coward;

    …doesn’t understand and is a dunce; or

    …became a Jew and wants Whites to be self-doubting, weak, and disorganized.

    “Fellowwhites” are Jews who identify as “White” when convenient, but “not-White” Jews when convenient.

    You, Carney the hasbara Jew troll, are a fellowwhite, steering the conversation away from Jewish suppression of White free speech — while counseling that “being pro-white… just might… be pulled off successfully.”

  14. @Mike Conrad

    Fred Reed, huh? It’s been a while. Fred Reed has become a Banana Republican, living in his gated community in Mexico on the US $. When the $ goes down the toilet, as it most certainly will, he will have to live as a Mexicano. Though I wished him luck and gave him advice, I got sick of this guy’s writing as you did, Mike. Here is Peak Stupidity‘s take on Fred Reed’s writing, from 5 years back:

    [Fred Reed mode] America is decaying. There is no unified American culture anymore. There are lots of people mixed together from all over the world. There are bad ignorant Americans that are trying to prevent people from coming in from all over the world. Things don’t work well anymore. The new foreigners are better than those ignorant foreigner-hating Americans at working. America has changed for the worse from back when I was a kid when it was 90% white.

    Trump is a clown. The TV news that I watch all day is full of people criticizing the President for everything and making fun of him. TV sucks. Americans should see how bad their country is on the TV. Trump wants a wall built. Bad ignorant Americans want a border barrier built. Walls don’t work. Americans just don’t want we Mexicans to assimilate and exchange bodily fluids with them. Mexicans don’t want to assimilate and be part of the crass, new, sick American culture that I watch on TV. Mexican culture is better and we have great engineering schools and gated communities. Mexico is better, so Mexicans don’t want to go to America. There is no need for a wall, but they don’t work anyway. Bodily fluids! [/Fred Reed mode]

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