What white man on here would like to land his own version of Usha Vance or have Indians babysit their kids?
I'm waiting with morbid curiosity to see whether the Indians have a battle to the death with the Jews --- or agree to an amiable division of the spoils.
'...Once pajeets fully infiltrate the upper echelon of the U.S. government, it’s over...'
An American Jew named Elliot Rosenberg has teamed up with a North Indian Brahmin named Vrinda Sharma to blather pro-immigration nonsense in Goa. (((They))) continue their gaslighting campaign to infiltrate India with the “full support” from Brahmin-run media outlets, even after being called out repeatedly and told to their faces that they’re not welcome in Goa.
India appears to have regressed since they were a British Colony.
The author is far too tenderhearted but the criticism is legit.
India made its own bed. We can’t save it.
Nobody forced India to have a population greater than China’s on a third of the land
Matt Bracken
Dec 31, 2024Folks who have followed me for some years will know that I am a big fan of using maps as an aid to understanding human dynamics. Many believe that “demographics are destiny,†but I say that demographics plus geography are.
For most of my life, it was a given that China had the largest population on earth. India was the perennial number two, and in a very distant third place came the United States. Now India has overtaken China, and millions of Indians hunger to move to the USA, lured by the promise of (comparatively) higher wages and eventual American citizenship.
Some will say the H-1B Visa is only a temporary work permit, but those people are either stupid or lying. After two periods of indentured corporate servitude, H-1B visa holders virtually automatically obtain a green card, and then they can import their entire clans from India under the current “family reunification†scam, more honestly known as “daisy-chain immigration.â€
Hard experience teaches that once a new ethnic minority obtains a significant beachhead in America, the calls for “family reunification†become louder and more powerful. The new ethnic group’s political clout grows, until we see unlikely states like formerly ethnic-Scandinavian Minnesota become enclaves of, God help us, SOMALIA! Complete with Somali police and politicians, and a new Minnesota state flag mimicking Somali themes.
Let’s project a few decades ahead. Let’s say that 100 million Indians manage to move to America, leveraging H-1B work visas for green cards, and then daisy-chain “family reunification.” 100 million is less than 8% of the current population of India, which is around 1.5 BILLION people. So how will this population movement affect India and America? Let’s just focus on population density as an easily visualized metric. Then extrapolate population density to social, cultural, and economic outcomes.
With the addition of 100 million Indians, the population density of the lower 48 states would rise to 445 million, or to about 150 persons per square mile. (Currently it’s at around 117 per square mile.)
The population density of India will only drop (assuming a loss of 100 million from the current 1.5 BILLION, as if there were no new births) from 1,150 to 1,070 persons per square mile. In other words, India will still be wildly overpopulated by American standards, and America will still look like a sparsely inhabited paradise to a billion Indians on the subcontinent.
America will still be ripe for mass-migration colonization, leveraging the extremely powerful Indian political lobbies in the USA for ever-increasing levels of “family reunification.†Like a tsunami once seen as a small wave on the distant horizon, there will then be no stopping the human flood. We will see “The Camp of the Saints†in real American life, but with the millions of Indians arriving on passenger jet after passenger jet, with their “family reunification†visas already in hand.
And they won’t be supposedly high-IQ computer gurus and spelling bee champions. Until now, the American perception of “the average Indian†is based on dealing with educated upper-caste Indians who have had the money, savvy and connections to make their way to the USA. This will not be the case when “family reunification†builds to tidal wave proportions. Just take a look at average national IQs, and the prevalence of first-cousin marriage by country. First-cousin inbreeding is associated with high rates of physical pathology and mental retardation.
We need to step back and take a hard look at the beginning stages of this tsunami while there is still time to blunt its force. The United States never colonized India. Americans did not create the Indian caste system, where high-caste Brahmins look down at the lower castes as subhumans, virtually like cattle to either exploit or to ignore.
Поезд Ð’ Индии С Людьми Фото – Telegraph
Americans had nothing to do with India producing a population larger than that of China on a third of China’s land area. While feeling human sympathy, we must feel no guilt for their plight, nor responsibility to fix it. Indians made their own bed, over thousands of years, and now they have to lie down in it.
Sorry, not sorry.
It’s not up to America to save India from itself: it’s up to Indians. Importing the most capable engineers from India will do nothing to help America or India. India needs its best minds at home, solving its own enormous problems.
It’s time for tough love and frank talk. America is full. We have the highest percentage of foreign-born people inside our borders in our entire history. We need a complete immigration pause to sort out our current legal and illegal immigrants, keeping only the best and sending the rest home.
America can’t save India, only Indians can do that. And we can’t play sucker, turning American into an overpopulated hellscape, averaging our standard of living down to meet India’s. Enough is enough. Close the doors. No more millions of “refugees†or “tech workers†can fit into our American lifeboat, or we’ll be swamped and sink as a unique American nation and a culture.
Indians: you must stay in India and fix your own country.
Don’t flee to ours, bringing your unique social pathologies with you. We have more than enough of our own to deal with, without importing yours.
Indians have also been helped in the west by their avoidance of petty/violent crime.
That is true. Indians are the ultimate sycophants.
no one is physically afraid of them. No one is afraid to drive through the Indian neighborhood.
What’s sad about your fact of your statement is, that because Whites had that mindset, with Indians, ‘freedom’ (the freedom to easily obtain and hold a well paying job to provide yourself and family as high a quality of life as possible) was traded for safety.
All Whites had to do was stop 1%’er Whites and White Jews, and their 99%’er White leftist minions from enabling blacks in imbibing in negro violence and chaos penalty-free. The trap however was, that Whites are easily distracted from the 1% Machiavellian scheming to random black chimp-outs in the media and such.
negroes are not in charge of anything, they only thrive with White support and protection. But as a result of fear, Indians steadily took over U.S. industry after industry, now they are starting to infiltrate U.S. politics in increasing numbers.
I’d rather deal with a violent colored thug that can be beaten or shot than a scheming pajeet who along with his army of countrymen and women can turn an entire Western nation into a colony of India where Americans are living in a piss-stained Walmart parking lot while Sandeep and his B.O. ridden wife and spawn drive by in a luxury car on the way to their mcmansion formerly owned by some self-displaced white peon who lost his job by promoting a pajeet into management.
Chinese people are not helpful. To be honest, neither are Indians.
The US loves India nearly as much as it loves Israel, because the Indians are viciously and hatefully opposed to helpful and friendly Chinese people.
We have enjoyed the most liberal living conditions in the world, and we have had the benefit of caloric surplus. This is the truth.
Increase the population density, remove the creature comforts, raise the price of food and see immediately the anger on people’s faces. In fact this recently has happened.
I suppose all good things on Earth come to an end. We regress towards meanness.
They don’t even share a mother tongue. I regret I know little about the modern history of India, but I wonder why and how they have been held together. What is their true function and destiny in the global order?
Your god is a Jewish myth.
I asked AI. It said that they are mostly Tamil Brahmin.
This is something that few Westerners understand. Tamil is an ethnicity – like Hindu. Whereas Brahmin is a position in a hereditary religious hierarchy.
I guess we were both correct. 😊
Luckily, I have little experience of Indians.
Indians have also been helped in the west by their avoidance of petty/violent crime. While they often perpetuate white collar crime like fraud and scams, no one is physically afraid of them. No one is afraid to drive through the Indian neighborhood.
What an obnoxious, pompous fool. I lived two years in India. This kind of rhetoric is beyond foolish, entitled, culturally offensive…etc. It’s a call for violence over the whims of a spoiled net surfing obsessive compulsive. Can’t wait for his next rant about Canada blocking US access to PornHub! Wow the frustration level will be even higher without that internet release – LMAO!
Only absolute morons would want to encourage or empower Muslims in any way for any purpose.
Most of the World, and especially the Western World faces 3 massive migration induced demographic threats. Pajeet hate may be the flavor of the season but a rational ranking of the threats is as follows, most to least.
1. Sub-Saharan Black Africans: 1.2+ billion of them in the most underdeveloped, poverty ridden, often war torn failed states, but still manage to breed with explosive fertility rates of over 4.0. They are also known to be incurably violent and dysfunctional wherever they go. They also enjoy a weird sort of black privilege in the West. Long term they will reduce the host countries into utter dysfunctional mess.
2. Muslims: 1.9+ billion, from the most repressive and failed societies World over also have in explosive fertility rate 3.0+ in many parts. Culturally and functionally dysfunctional, only marginally better than black Africans. Long term they will almost certainly indulge in violent Islamic uprisings and attempt forcible take over and mass conversion of the host countries to Islam.
3. Pajeets: 1.4+ billion, not known violence and dysfunction wherever they go, but bring along very undesirable cultural and social baggage. The Pajeet threat is a bit insidious as they, especially the elites, tend to be a lot more successful than the Muslims and blacks and so in the longer term will infiltrate elite power centers and monopolize entire businesses, much like the Jews but are a lot less capable, cohesive or organized
Bravo! You just validated Anglin’s what seemed like insane Pajeet genocide fantasies.
India is rapidly progressing.
Well if that is true, then India’s progress can be directly attributed to by pajeet parasite carpet-bagging, con-artistry, gypsy scamming, disloyalty to the Western nations you people flock to by the millions.
America as of recent has nearly 1,000,000 Indians (along who have overstayed their visas) freeloading. But White Westerners are a huge part of the blame for the pajeet scourge.
They proliferated the myth that Indians are hard-working, honest and high IQ (that myth was also helped because indians are not negroes and so were more preferable to whites)
You’re done. India’s access to sanitation is 96% now.
But access to underarm deodorant is still at 0%
Don’t worry Asingha, 1%’er Whites and White Jews will have the final laugh on the whole world and India will have a front row seat
Jason is suffering from the Amalek Syndrom from Israel. It is not a solution but a rant
I love all people in the world, they are God’s creation.
Anglos, pajeets, kikes, and mutts like you are not God’s children
You have no idea who I am.
First you are full of love then the next line you are full of hate.
Hate is a very immature emotion Mr. Heeb(brew). It is not helping you grow and learn. Please stop infecting the world with your hatred and ego.
Peace out.
What really pisses me off is that a PoS like this doesn’t have his unhinged screed removed by the “lightly moderated” site’s censor, but surely your comment will if it references a guy named Miles… WTF
The US loves India nearly as much as it loves Israel, because the Indians are viciously and hatefully opposed to helpful and friendly Chinese people.
Chinese people are not helpful. To be honest, neither are Indians.
But China is just another East Asian country. They are ruthlessly competitive. They hate people they deem as "stupid," because of the ancient teaching that ignorance is a sin. So if you look stupid to them, they will absolutely not help you. They will hate you. This creates a situation where nobody can ever admit that they don't know something. It's a lot of pressure.
This pressure of East Asian societies is what causes giga-low birth rates and giga-high suicide rates. Even though their countries are safe, nice, full of good parents, have no racial issues or other cultural issues, have a ton of national pride, and more.
They drive each other to suicide.
India, on the contrary, is one of the world's happiest countries.
I don't think we should totally hate India and totally love China.
People like me who have roomed with actual Chinese people, Chinese Americans, etc., and dated Chinese women AND Indian women, know the truth about Asian peoples. Chinese people are quite nasty on the inside, but they present a pretty, attentive, calm face to the outside.
Let's not adore them. Let's insist that we here in the West are the most good-willed and good-intentioned of all people in the world, because, if you've lived your life in NYC as I have, you see quite clearly that this is the truth.
I’m not a filthy kike (or kike-slave like you).
Jesus Christ is my Lord God and my savior.
I love all people in the world, they are God’s creation.
Anglos, pajeets, kikes, and mutts like you are not God’s children, you worship kikes and their puppets without any wish for repentance.
I stand with the Humans of the world against Satanic trash like you.
You have no idea who I am.
I love all people in the world, they are God’s creation.
Anglos, pajeets, kikes, and mutts like you are not God’s children
Please, you sound more like a self-hating white troll, LOL. There are a couple of profiles on TUR that I suspect are white SJWs trolling.
White South African private security:
What makes you think whites won’t still be here hundreds of years from now? We adapt.
The only recurring theme in your comment was the rape of children, thus proving Anglin right about your “people”.
India is rapidly progressing. America is rapidly deteriorating. You’re done. India’s access to sanitation is 96% now. I think the joke is gonna go irrelevant as well in the coming years
If it was so easy, it would’ve happened a long time ago. India’s all Muslim neighbours are petty, unstable, primitive, oppressive & extremists.
Muslims can only fight on the keyboard.
Exclude 5-10 in the middle East & central Asia, the rest Muslim countries don’t even carry 50% sanitation. On the contrary India’s sanitation access has reached 96%. It’s the 2nd most influential country in the whole Asia with a powerful intelligence agency.
The delusional behaviour is the reason Muslim world in such a disdain & will forever keep being so. They’re only good at cheering each other while being toys.
Sorry to say but Muslims from the middle east don’t consider Pakistanis Bangladeshis & Indians as Muslims. They’re white collar industry is literally owned by Indians, even blue collar as well. In the rest of the parts Muslims will be ending themselves by killing each other. Indians don’t care about Israel but certainly Indians like what they do. Tot for tat against what Muslims do to Hindus & Buddhists. Muslims are winning on the keyboard only. Nobody sides with them. Everyone uses them. India can decimate Pakistan & Bangladesh it it wants.
Was even close to an answer.
Again, are you a Jew? Its a yes or no question.
We should fund white genocide by sending in more Muslims from South Asia who’d rape and kill little white children. It’s our moral duty as Indians to side with the Jews and bring about the total cracker annihilation from the face of the earth. Wherever you see a cracker in hospital poison it, kill their pregnant women, rape their children, put up a vbied wherever you see crackers in large numbers. India should fund more isis terrorists attacks in churches both in the Middle East and in the western world. More and more Africans should be forced to breed with snow bunnies thereby tanking white fertility rate to 0. The Jews should also fund a purge style annihilation of crackers in South Africa where you raid every single White House, kill all the cracker males take their women as concubines and rape their children to death. Crackers should realise their end is near and it cannot come fast enough..
I realize that indian genocide is what’s on people’s mind these days but can we for a moment appreciate that absolute banger song?
How brave of you to speak of the yids! Ask the rednecks in question what do they feel about their idol taking it raw from kikes?
India claims to be “the world’s largest democracy,” but in reality it is anything but. In addition to their oppression of the Kashmiris, they brutalize the country’s microscopic Christian community (only 2-3% of the total population). The Kashmiris & Christians in India are in almost as bad of shape as the Palestinians, the White South African farmers, & now, thank’s to U.S. foreign policy malfeasance, the Christians & Alawites in Syria.
The truth is India has one of the worst human rights records on the planet. India is deserving not of empathy & understanding, but only the fist. This is all they will respect.
In addition to this, while I don’t have an exact figure on the White population globally, I would venture a guess there are at least 300-400 million more dots. And I am grading on a curve & including groups such as the Chechens & Lebanese in the White category.
The world needs more pajeets like we need hemorrhoids.
The street shitters also viciously & hatefully oppose White people in general, even our very existence.
India is a country that would be so easy to destabilize it’s not even funny. Even the most amateur intel official could pull it off.
If it were left to me, here’s what I’d do:
1.) Provide full diplomatic support to the Kashmiri freedom fighters. Also, establish a pipeline to supply them sophisticated weaponry just as the Reagan Administration did with the Afghan Mujahideen, the Nicaraguan Contras, & UNITA in Angola. If a relatively small number of Afghan mountain men could bring the former USSR to it’s knees, imagine how much easier this would be to accomplish concerning India.
2.) Set up a covert operation to do everything possible to provoke another Indo-Pak war, hopefully resulting in multiple nuclear exchanges. Let them both light up one another like Christmas trees!
Scripture says that in the last days, there would be “wars & rumors of wars.”
We can only hope this applies to these two countries. This would be most definitely a cause worth praying & fasting over.
There you have it. So easy a caveman could do it, to steal a line from an old GEICO commercial.
Three footnotes:
a.) For the record, the Paks are not that much better. I’ve had a couple young Pakistani WOG’s from very wealthy families get in my face & brag to me about how much White pussy they were getting. It was like they were going out of their way to rub my nose in the fact that 80% of White women worldwide have chosen the path of Satan. I don’t think this was false bravado on their part. I honestly think they were telling me the truth. Not very endearing behavior on their part.
b.) How did these two shithole countries become nuclear powers in the first place??? It is counterintuitive that they could develop nuclear weapons on their own. My theory is the pajeets got theirs from either the former USSR or Israel, & the Paks from Doc Kissinger & the Nixon Administration.
c.) Under no circumstances should the Gazans be sent there. They have already gone through enough hell to last 1,000 years.
I know the above scenario will never happen. But if Dr. King could have a dream, so can I!
(One feel good story: according to Zerohedge, the dots are having to pay a lot more for their energy resources. This is because of Western sanctions against Russia, which has forced the Russkies to prioritize their energy exports to China.)
I’m racist but I don’t believe in genocide. Hate is a normal human emotion, you can moderate it just like you control your other feelings, or at least control what you do or say because of emotions.
Video Link
Sad that the Chinese could not afford a functioning adult as a shill and instead had to rely on a deranged schizo like Andrew to run the show. No worries Andrew, enjoy your filthy miserable existence and pennies the Chinese throw at you!
I think the SANAE base is staffed by a majority white crew. STEM science in SA is comprised more of white or other minority races, blacks tend to study social sciences. Stock images show more white faces at the Antarctic base. Local mainstream media is mostly a clone of Western media, so usually unless the culprit is identified they won’t mention race unless it’s white on black. It’s probably cabin fever, at the moment the base is cut off from the outside world by bad weather.
Black or white? place your bets, folks!
Obviously, I’m sure many of you don’t like Moslems either, but come on. How many spam calls do you get from Moslems? How much of your internet life is destroyed by Moslems? Did a Moslem ever scam your grandma? Moslems are a problem as immigrants, but when they’re in their own countries, they have no affect on anyone’s life.
How to tell me that there’s almost no concept of Mohemmedian history before 1800, without saying it. Even under “normal conditions”, they don’t stay in their own countries.
In contrast, there’s all sorts of Caucasians happy to create a fake backstory with India because a)not Christian and b)it appears they mostly just were there with spices.
Off topic inquiry. There was this report of a fight instigated by a psycho researcher at a South African base in Antarctica.
Do you happen to know if this base is manned by blacks and if this psycho was black. You’d think they’d send there guys who can psychologically withstand life in such an isolated base.
The Muslim population A-bomb. It may wipe out more than the Hindustanis.
260mln in Pakistan, 250 mln in India and 200 mln in Bangladesh just may have what it takes to match 900 mln cow-poo worshippers. The cow worshipping fanatics are too smart to fight China and thus must be compromised. Their current extremist leadership (no exaggeration) follows Nazi ideology. They don’t exactly make best next door neighbors…
Too bad years of fluoride in water do have a consequence.
You are the perfect example of that, dude
The sound quality on YouTube for anything uploaded in the last like, ten years, is as good as FLAC.
not so much. pop a link into yt-dlp and you’ll see it’s almost always 128kbps shite. sadly things are targeted to the earbuds generation(s) as opposed to the minority who can hear dog whistles (at least before we blew our eardrums out with emperor albums).
aaaah memories. good times. plus they turned their scene into a murder/suicide spree instead of just writing hick songs about it.
The situation is completely unsustainable for the Indians, and they will at some point in the not too distant future simply cease to exist.
brah…there’s like a billion and their kids get pregnant in the womb. not gonna happen.
they’re siphoning off a lot of former sweatshop work from china…maybe just get them all jobs at foxconn and leave the top floor windows open?
Well, the foremost advocate of White survivalism is advocating the annihilation of the most populous country on earth, ever. Since Herodotus’ times, India is the most populous country. Even the SARS Covid 2 virus could not exterminate Indians. Now the moral leader of the Whites, who are themselves being phased out in Europe, is planning to nuke a billion people out of existence.
Try to expel them from your lands, you are absolutely justified. Try to genocide them, well, you cannot succeed, and you will end up being a monster. Even a much smaller people in Gaza could not be wiped out, you are taking about 1.2 billion.
Remember, in 1960s, Indians were too poor to immigrate to the US. Who invited them?
You lost your freakin mind. We DO NOT need more muslims in this world. There’s way too fucking many right now. They can soon take over the world. You will either be their slave or you will be dead. You might not even have the choice to convert. Jihadists will make this world a pure hell. Be very careful what you wish for.
Wyrite wymenz taking off their tops and doing Abortion demo outside Hills, they are major workforce for demolishing families, marriage, children raising environment,
They’ve outbred my people, steal all my technology, have designs on conquering the world, compete for the same resources I need, and they have racial in-group preference.
There is possibly someone, somewhere in the world who understands what your loony babbling means. I am not that person.
I’m not a darkie. The dude’s post was filled with useless, boring info, thats it.
Um. But missing something important.
A few decades ago, in India there was a massive increase in food production. If the Indian people had averaged 1 or 2 or even 3 kids each, they would have been lifted out of abject poverty. They would have had to have, because that massive increase in food production was created by existing adults using existing resources. Instead they averaged 6+, and quickly burned up this production increase, and now their fertility rate is about two children each but only because they are simply so poor that it is physically impossible for them to have more. Foodgrain availability per capita in India has been consistent at around 160 kg/person/year, basically subsistence (it’s about three times as high in China).
Remember, the Malthusian catastrophe is not a global apocalypse, it is grinding crushing poverty (“misery and vice”), where population growth tracks the growth of the food supply at/near subsistence.
Children actually need about as much food as adults. A few decades ago, before the children left home, the average Indian family had 8 people, and they were all at/near subsistence. Today the average Indian family has only 4 people, and they are all still at/near subsistence. So the average person has the same amount of food as a before, but the average family has half as much food, which is why the average family is half as large. This is not progress.
If you look at recent statistics, you see that in India the fertility rate between Hindus and Muslims is narrowing rapidly – of necessity.
I have also read that in districts where Hindu fertility was high, Muslim fertility was also high, and where Hindu fertility was low then Muslim fertility was also low – signifying that it was not religion that influences the level of fertility. In other words, it’s not their religion, it’s whether they have enough food to breed more children or not.
And if India finally drains the aquifers, it might get very unpleasant very fast. And fertility rates will collapse but not because of pornography or feminism etc.
But Elon Musk DEMANDS that we all breed like cattle so he can get richer off all that loverly desperate cheap labor, he will f*ck us in the face if we object, so it’s all good.
AI to make matters complex
for those who may not be in tech
This is why I will never read bios of my favorite artists or hear what they have to say about anything, not even interviews. There are some areas of life where ignorance is bliss. You're a really poor man if you can't even listen to your favorite bands anymore.Replies: @Ulises Landis
I simply cannot listen to shitlib artists anymore, not even those I used to love
Many prominent artists EMPHATICALLY stated that they did not want anyone attending their concerts that had not received the experimental mRNA COVID “vaccine.” I could produce a list for you a mile long. “Cancel culture” is a two-way street.
I'm waiting with morbid curiosity to see whether the Indians have a battle to the death with the Jews --- or agree to an amiable division of the spoils.
'...Once pajeets fully infiltrate the upper echelon of the U.S. government, it’s over...'
Nutty was in India recently, they have recruited and imported cheap Indian labor to work in the fields and other menial jobs the Palestinian POWs used to do in Isreal.
“OY VEY GOY YOU HAVE TO BE PART OF MY FALSE DICHOTOMY! YOU CAN’T HAVE ANY REASON TO BE AGAINST CHINKS OTHER THAN THE REASONS I PRESCRIBE!â€You’re too afraid of me to post under your real account, so your paid shilling is ignored.
So are you Indian or just Jewish?
As I’m white, I intrinsically have “a dog in the fight†by virtue of the fact that I’m not going to support the propagation of other species when my own species should conquer the world.
Someone without a dog in the fight
What did the Chinese do?
They’ve outbred my people, steal all my technology, have designs on conquering the world, compete for the same resources I need, and they have racial in-group preference.Anyone who is not Chinese and supports the continued existence of the Chinese is a race traitor. Period. End of discussion. Irrespective of race.Replies: @Cloudwalker
What in the fuck does that have to do with me and my life?
They’ve outbred my people, steal all my technology, have designs on conquering the world, compete for the same resources I need, and they have racial in-group preference.
Wyrite wymenz taking off their tops and doing Abortion demo outside Hills, they are major workforce for demolishing families, marriage, children raising environment,
If ANY wyrite fagmale can not point out this very obvious instead blaming Chinese thousands of miles away for outbreding whites (WTF is that seriously)
When Chinese are breeding they are not thinking of American whites,
Do NOT take yourself too seriously, dude
You missed big chance to outgo with some chicks in those Femitard demo, instead of your cousin, though they have nose piercings, tats, rainbow hairs a nice shag is a shag regardless
Seriously I all for containing Chinese to full-stop from all angles,
Last time I checked BlackRock CEO, Bill Gates, HP, Amazon, Apple, Tesla, Walmart, GM etc are gathering in Beijing to do business with Chinese,
Can you plz bring a lighter and some lubrication oil, do a demo demanding cut all ties with eval-China NOW??
Location of BlackRock, HP, Amazons’s HQ will be mailed to you later.
All expenses and meals included, mate
Remember! Chinese are eval enemy of wyrite, we must starve single one of them for wyrite to cherish again at the world’s top.
Oy Ve are the Chosen !
Oh Wait,,
Flac is merely half wav file, lop off the top side etc.
So its 99.9% akin to a wav file but half the file size.
MP3 is really MP1 layer 3, the audio spec inside the early DVD mpeg discs.
It got misnamed MP3 by the early file sharers.
OGG or Orbis music is similar to MP3 but open source and thus royalty and lawyer free,
‘…Once pajeets fully infiltrate the upper echelon of the U.S. government, it’s over…’
I’m waiting with morbid curiosity to see whether the Indians have a battle to the death with the Jews — or agree to an amiable division of the spoils.
Given that Indians are swiftly moving out of the medical and tech industries (their territory) and into the government bureaucracy (the Jews’ territory), it may be battle to the death. Are Indians becoming lawyers? That would be telling.
If it is to be battle to the death, that could be good. They may decimate each other, or maybe we’ll be enlisted as allies by one side or the other. Better than just being the carcass to be divided.
Tell us, who do you estimate are the good people with a soul? Which nation do they reside in? How can we see that they are the good ones with a soul?
Jews believe only they have a soul.
Are you a Jew?
“The US loves India nearly as much as it loves Israel, because the Indians are viciously and hatefully opposed to helpful and friendly Chinese people. So they’re not going to nuke it. Russia and China wouldn’t want to deal with the optics. ”
We should encourage China to take back South Tibet. India would fight back, and the Chinese will annihilate them.
So are you Indian or just Jewish?
You’re too afraid of me to post under your real account, so your paid shilling is ignored.
Someone without a dog in the fight
As I’m white, I intrinsically have “a dog in the fight†by virtue of the fact that I’m not going to support the propagation of other species when my own species should conquer the world.
What did the Chinese do?
What in the fuck does that have to do with me and my life?
They’ve outbred my people, steal all my technology, have designs on conquering the world, compete for the same resources I need, and they have racial in-group preference.
Anyone who is not Chinese and supports the continued existence of the Chinese is a race traitor. Period. End of discussion. Irrespective of race.
Wyrite wymenz taking off their tops and doing Abortion demo outside Hills, they are major workforce for demolishing families, marriage, children raising environment,
They’ve outbred my people, steal all my technology, have designs on conquering the world, compete for the same resources I need, and they have racial in-group preference.
Oh no, I read that part. But despite your rightfully suggesting a bullet to the head of anyone who support streetshitter infiltration, your comment is contradictory with the statement ‘they are lightyears better than the nigs’
That thinking actually morphed into the ‘pajeets are educated and high IQ’ myth by Whites, that is now totally responsible for the continuing pajeet scourge.
Thanks to endless White fixation on negroes, total White replacement by pajeets and a pajeet U.S. president is only a matter of time.
I hope the ‘niggers are the root of every evil that has ever happened to the White race’ was worth the exchange of Whites being 2nd fiddle to pajeets, reduced to groveling for a job, housing, a bank loan, medical care, all on a level of quality just below what an Untouchable would receive.
I don’t get any spam calls on my mobile, but I’ve been very frustrated trying to get an HVAC tech out to check the refrigerant levels in my heat pump (it couldn’t quite keep up during the last arctic blast). Every company has elaborate systems to screen calls. Another tradesman, my generator guy, estimates that 90% of incoming calls are bogus, but he does answer calls himself.
Every place I called has some method to supposedly separate the chaff from real calls; “listen carefully, as our menus have changed” is a sure-fire notification that this call is doomed. The one place that actually answered was a person who evidently spoke no English. It took three “whats” and “excuse me’s” to determine that he was asking for my zip code, and he hung up when requested someone who could speak English. One place featured a very helpful lady that seemed quite competent, and set up an appointment for the very next day, but no one actually showed up.
I guess I’ll just let it go until it breaks, and blame the jeets… I prefer to be connected to a competent and helpful human being of any race, color, or creed; yes I am a boomer!
Lol. I guess you were so quick to jump down my throat you missed the part of my post suggesting that anyone supporting pajeet infiltration of white societies deserves an instant bullet in the head.
It is impossible to represent US redneck, kike-loving hillbilly as moral and righteous people. They are a rootless, satanic mix mash of genetic waste, with a touch of Satanism and a full dose of jew-loving.
They do not possess a soul. How can they even feel God?
I’m beginning to suspect that there are pajeet trolls in this comment section. Why are the trolls so angry? LOL.
The problem with the Alt Right is that they rarely distinguish themselves as being morally better than the people they complain about. Your ideas of how to solve this problem is a perfect example of this.
I’d rather follow in the footsteps of Mother Teresa and enlighten people through the evangelism of the preconcilliar Catholic Church. God’s way is always the best.
All men possessing a modicum of honesty should be among the first to applaud such a sound and noble endeavor. ðŸ‘ðŸ¼ðŸ‘ðŸ¼ðŸ‘ðŸ¼
Would like to add a few suggestions:
1) In addition to Pakistan which is 96% Muslim, Bangladesh is 91% Muslim. This might make it feasible to mount a two front migration.
2) In every MidEast conflict the Pajeets have a track record of siding with Israel. All Muslim need to be reminded of this fact.
3) The population of the restive region of Kashmir is mostly Muslim. They should be armed and trained for a renewed insurgency once Muslims reach demographic parity with the Pajeets. Any Islamic groups or nations that won’t be needed, or can’t make their way to the ME to slaughter the Yids once the war for Greater Israel flares up again expands. Lot of the Ethnic Turks in Central Asia who have recent combat experience fighting in the Russian military in Ukranus would be the natural choice.
As for the Uyghurs, aside from their Jihadists who are found mostly among the ranks of AQ, ISIS, THS or whatever they’re being rebranded as, would appear most of the ones in Xinjiang are pro-Beijing.
If whites are so superior, why are you so worried about some pajeet scamming them from a shit-infected mud hole in India? It makes no sense. Maybe it’s time to come to terms with the fact the average technically-illiterate fatmerican MAGA voter deserves to be scammed and the rest of the world tacitly accepts that fact.
That’s not even to address the culture here. The average Indian is more white than you are. They are the only remaining cultural remnant of the Indo-Europeans, while you larp as the Jew God’s chosen ones.
I don't answer the phone at all anymore unless I recognize the caller, but back in the day, when you could, one rule I developed is that people who aren't trying to sell you something almost always begin by identifying themselves. I'll call you and say, 'Hi, I'm Colin Wright, I got your number because...'If they start off with, 'Is this Mark G.?' 0r 'Hi, Mark...' it's a sales call. Almost always.Curiously, I confirmed this with the one exception I encountered. I had a financial advisor who always started out with 'Hi Colin...' or some variation thereupon. Sure enough: it turned out that at some point in the past she had been a telemarketer.So in a nutshell, don't answer the phone at all, but if you must, if they don't say who they are first thing, hang up. Saying who you are first thing is what normal people do.Replies: @Etruscan Film Star
'I get up to thirty phone calls a day, many of them from Indian scammers. They would tell me they are not scammers, which is ridiculous because that is exactly what a scammer would say. I would never do any business transaction with someone calling me like this.'
If they start off with, ‘Is this Mark G.?’ 0r ‘Hi, Mark…’ it’s a sales call. Almost always.
Same thing if they begin, “How are you today?” after ascertaining that I am me.
I operate on the principle that no one whose voice I don’t recognize has even the smallest interest in the status of my health or well-being.
I simply cannot listen to shitlib artists anymore, not even those I used to love
This is why I will never read bios of my favorite artists or hear what they have to say about anything, not even interviews. There are some areas of life where ignorance is bliss. You’re a really poor man if you can’t even listen to your favorite bands anymore.
Ask us if we care.
The biggest regret anyone in Canada has during their first day of cell phone service, is the 5-10 calls per week from (insert anglo name here) from (furnace cleaning company) with a great offer!
You can hear multiple call center employees in the background.
I theorize that this is in Canada (part of it anyway), and they are scamming the government into financing them and their “totally legit business enterprise.”
adults huh? so I won’t be asking you then
go back to your dumbshit kid sites where everyone talks about their “fap” and how the boomers born in 1980 are keepin’ a nigga down
The worst of genocides and multiple holocausts, namely European colonialism and Western neocolonialism will end soon and rest of the world will rejoice!
Replace India with israel and I might just agree with you…
Oh, hell, just nuke them both…
The Justice Department, FBI, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and Departments of State and the Treasury announced today their coordinated efforts to disrupt and deter the malicious cyber activities of 12 Chinese nationals, including two officers of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) Ministry of Public Security (MPS), employees of an ostensibly private PRC company, Anxun Information Technology Co. Ltd. (安洵信æ¯æŠ€æœ¯æœ‰é™å…¬å¸) also known as “i-Soon,†and members of Advanced Persistent Threat 27 (APT27).These malicious cyber actors, acting as freelancers or as employees of i-Soon, conducted computer intrusions at the direction of the PRC’s MPS and Ministry of State Security (MSS) and on their own initiative. The MPS and MSS paid handsomely for stolen data. Victims include U.S.-based critics and dissidents of the PRC, a large religious organization in the United States, the foreign ministries of multiple governments in Asia, and U.S. federal and state government agencies, including the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) in late 2024.
https://twitter.com/jenniferzeng97/status/1866620808623223271#mhttps://twitter.com/DougAMacgregor/status/1890824395830317563#mReplies: @Anonymous, @twerp, @Hulkamania
Jian Zhao, Li Tian, and former Army soldier Ruoyu Duan were arrested on Thursday for conspiring to transmit sensitive data to China.Zhao, a battery supply sergeant at the Joint Base Lewis McChord, allegedly conspired with an unnamed person to sell an encrypted military computer.He also sold 20 classified hard drives and additional documents, which was seen on surveillance footage taking pictures of with his cellphone.'The defendants arrested today are accused of betraying our country, actively working to weaken America’s defense capabilities and empowering our adversaries in China ,' Attorney General Pam Bondi said in a statement .
These malicious cyber actors, acting as freelancers or as employees of i-Soon, conducted computer intrusions at the direction of the PRC’s MPS and Ministry of State Security (MSS) and on their own initiative. The MPS and MSS paid handsomely for stolen data. Victims include U.S.-based critics and dissidents of the PRC, a large religious organization in the United States, the foreign ministries of multiple governments in Asia, and U.S. federal and state government agencies, including the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) in late 2024
Attacks against “U.S.-based critics and dissidents of the PRC” (i.e. CIA agents and their stooges), the US government, and “large religious organization” (CIA’s falun gong cult) are all good things, though. So is giving classified American intelligence to enemy governments. You are only making Anglin’s case for him. China has done nothing wrong, and is, in fact, working against the enemies of the American people (the US government, ZOG intelligence services, American imperial organizations, etc.).
The Justice Department, FBI, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and Departments of State and the Treasury announced today their coordinated efforts to disrupt and deter the malicious cyber activities of 12 Chinese nationals, including two officers of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) Ministry of Public Security (MPS), employees of an ostensibly private PRC company, Anxun Information Technology Co. Ltd. (安洵信æ¯æŠ€æœ¯æœ‰é™å…¬å¸) also known as “i-Soon,†and members of Advanced Persistent Threat 27 (APT27).These malicious cyber actors, acting as freelancers or as employees of i-Soon, conducted computer intrusions at the direction of the PRC’s MPS and Ministry of State Security (MSS) and on their own initiative. The MPS and MSS paid handsomely for stolen data. Victims include U.S.-based critics and dissidents of the PRC, a large religious organization in the United States, the foreign ministries of multiple governments in Asia, and U.S. federal and state government agencies, including the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) in late 2024.
https://twitter.com/jenniferzeng97/status/1866620808623223271#mhttps://twitter.com/DougAMacgregor/status/1890824395830317563#mReplies: @Anonymous, @twerp, @Hulkamania
Jian Zhao, Li Tian, and former Army soldier Ruoyu Duan were arrested on Thursday for conspiring to transmit sensitive data to China.Zhao, a battery supply sergeant at the Joint Base Lewis McChord, allegedly conspired with an unnamed person to sell an encrypted military computer.He also sold 20 classified hard drives and additional documents, which was seen on surveillance footage taking pictures of with his cellphone.'The defendants arrested today are accused of betraying our country, actively working to weaken America’s defense capabilities and empowering our adversaries in China ,' Attorney General Pam Bondi said in a statement .
how is spying on jews harming anyone?
To be fair to Indians, India’s not really one nation, it’s about 3,000 nations, and maybe not all of them are scammers. Scammers will tend to be from higher-level groups.
India has a billion people and the family living under plastic sheeting by the railway line is unlikely to be scamming you. Far more likely the guy whose elder brother is already in the States.
There are tribes, there are castes, there are varnas, there are jatis. And they don’t marry outside the group.
Indian society is even today an agglomeration of numerous castes, tribes and religious communities. The tribal and caste groups are endogamous, reproductively isolated populations traditionally distributed over a restricted geographical range. The different caste populations, unlike tribes, have extensive geographical overlap and members of several castes generally constitute the complex village society.
‘I get up to thirty phone calls a day, many of them from Indian scammers. They would tell me they are not scammers, which is ridiculous because that is exactly what a scammer would say. I would never do any business transaction with someone calling me like this.’
I don’t answer the phone at all anymore unless I recognize the caller, but back in the day, when you could, one rule I developed is that people who aren’t trying to sell you something almost always begin by identifying themselves. I’ll call you and say, ‘Hi, I’m Colin Wright, I got your number because…’
If they start off with, ‘Is this Mark G.?’ 0r ‘Hi, Mark…’ it’s a sales call. Almost always.
Curiously, I confirmed this with the one exception I encountered. I had a financial advisor who always started out with ‘Hi Colin…’ or some variation thereupon. Sure enough: it turned out that at some point in the past she had been a telemarketer.
So in a nutshell, don’t answer the phone at all, but if you must, if they don’t say who they are first thing, hang up. Saying who you are first thing is what normal people do.
Same thing if they begin, "How are you today?" after ascertaining that I am me.
If they start off with, ‘Is this Mark G.?’ 0r ‘Hi, Mark…’ it’s a sales call. Almost always. �
The Justice Department, FBI, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and Departments of State and the Treasury announced today their coordinated efforts to disrupt and deter the malicious cyber activities of 12 Chinese nationals, including two officers of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) Ministry of Public Security (MPS), employees of an ostensibly private PRC company, Anxun Information Technology Co. Ltd. (安洵信æ¯æŠ€æœ¯æœ‰é™å…¬å¸) also known as “i-Soon,†and members of Advanced Persistent Threat 27 (APT27).These malicious cyber actors, acting as freelancers or as employees of i-Soon, conducted computer intrusions at the direction of the PRC’s MPS and Ministry of State Security (MSS) and on their own initiative. The MPS and MSS paid handsomely for stolen data. Victims include U.S.-based critics and dissidents of the PRC, a large religious organization in the United States, the foreign ministries of multiple governments in Asia, and U.S. federal and state government agencies, including the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) in late 2024.
https://twitter.com/jenniferzeng97/status/1866620808623223271#mhttps://twitter.com/DougAMacgregor/status/1890824395830317563#mReplies: @Anonymous, @twerp, @Hulkamania
Jian Zhao, Li Tian, and former Army soldier Ruoyu Duan were arrested on Thursday for conspiring to transmit sensitive data to China.Zhao, a battery supply sergeant at the Joint Base Lewis McChord, allegedly conspired with an unnamed person to sell an encrypted military computer.He also sold 20 classified hard drives and additional documents, which was seen on surveillance footage taking pictures of with his cellphone.'The defendants arrested today are accused of betraying our country, actively working to weaken America’s defense capabilities and empowering our adversaries in China ,' Attorney General Pam Bondi said in a statement .
Oh my stars and garters.
This sounds even more serious than when the Russians did Wikileaks and Hunter Biden’s laptop.
I hadn’t heard of this information that was spammed all over the media for weeks, but hearing it now, I realize that Marco Rubio is absolutely right and and we need to organize a massive world war against the Chinese.
So are you Indian or just Jewish?
Someone without a dog in the fight would have just answered the question:
>What did the Chinese do? Can someone tell me? They annexed a remote Filipino fishing zone? What in the fuck does that have to do with me and my life? Please list your personal concerns in order of importance, and tell me when you get to contested fishing waters in the South China Sea.
“OY VEY GOY YOU HAVE TO BE PART OF MY FALSE DICHOTOMY! YOU CAN’T HAVE ANY REASON TO BE AGAINST CHINKS OTHER THAN THE REASONS I PRESCRIBE!â€You’re too afraid of me to post under your real account, so your paid shilling is ignored.
So are you Indian or just Jewish?
As I’m white, I intrinsically have “a dog in the fight†by virtue of the fact that I’m not going to support the propagation of other species when my own species should conquer the world.
Someone without a dog in the fight
What did the Chinese do?
They’ve outbred my people, steal all my technology, have designs on conquering the world, compete for the same resources I need, and they have racial in-group preference.Anyone who is not Chinese and supports the continued existence of the Chinese is a race traitor. Period. End of discussion. Irrespective of race.Replies: @Cloudwalker
What in the fuck does that have to do with me and my life?
Here the cellphone companies will mark a dodgy number as “reported spam caller”. There are enough Nigerians and locals in the scam business!
they are light years better than the nigs.
So much better than nigs that they have taken over all gas stations, convenience stores, hotels, corporations, healthcare and now are slowly infiltrating U.S. politics.
It’s that kind of sliver-brained idiocy that has put Whites into the fucking soupline. white-collared White managers and executives thinking the exact-same-pretzel-fucking logic supported, enabled and promoted the pajeets until they have taken over formerly White companies, like Microsoft, Oracle and Dell.
Low IQ blacks do not threaten white-collar industries as they lack the scamming abilities of pajeets and are primary targets of Whites (and vice versa), Whites were even stupid enough to worship ‘Indian Obama’, Vivek Ramaswamy who later said those Whites (including the dumb fucks who supported him) were too stupid for white-color industries and had to be replaced by his fellow rat-faced pajeets.
And those same stupid White Americans have replaced Vivek Scammaswamy with Kash Patel, who will turn on the jackasses in similar fashion.
Once pajeets fully infiltrate the upper echelon of the U.S. government, it’s over. I hope ‘Ward and June Cleaver’ enjoy being the lowest caste in their own fucking country while groveling to some unwashed streetshitter:
‘Ward, June, it is me your job master Prakesh. I am noticing that you white bastards cannot do the work of fixing the work that my fellow Bhramins have been fucking the up previously. Kindly train my H1-B cousins Sumetha and Deepak, then get the hell out of office. Also, you are owing me $1900 for living in the trailer kindly owned by myself’
Thanks a fucking lot High IQ White corporate America.
I'm waiting with morbid curiosity to see whether the Indians have a battle to the death with the Jews --- or agree to an amiable division of the spoils.
'...Once pajeets fully infiltrate the upper echelon of the U.S. government, it’s over...'
India Should Just be Fucking Nuked Into Oblivion. Seriously. Enough Is Enough.
you mean we're all going to be born during a baby boom? idiotReplies: @James of Africa
Eventually we all become boomers if we live long enough
In future please ask the nearest adult to explain things to you first before replying to any comment. Clearly I was using metaphor to say that people grow old.
Had to get a new cell #, linked the old one to Google Voice. If the number is unknown, let it go to VM.
But still get 5+ spam calls/day on the new #, vs. 10+ on GV. I block those daily.
Good thought on the Indians. Trump needs to reform all this H1-B BS but won’t.
Move to expel them. Burma did it decades ago. At the time, they were a British dominion, roughly the same status as Canada. When WWII in the east broke out, few Burmese supported the British, because the British had imposed Indians on them.
Most Burmese supported Japan, but only because the British had imposed Indians on them.
In recent years we saw a re-run, Bengali Moslems staged an invasion of the west of Burma or Myanmar, they were expelled. They are called ‘Rohingya’ in western/Jewish media, but were invaders from old west Bengal, a.k.a., Bangladesh of now.
I wholeheartedly second AA’s emotions regarding the pajeets. They are disgusting beyond comprehension. Lord help you if you ever have to lean on one for customer service assistance, even at the local government level. They can barely run a damn 711. I’m beginning to hate them almost as much as I hate the beaners. (It’s 1 & 1A). It’s a pity that because of history & geography India was not adjacent to Germany back in the Fuhrer’s time. Humanity would have been blessed with 1.4 billion bars of soap!
Regarding the deceased “noble Mr. Crosby”, he was a Biden-loving shitlib of the first degree. Good Riddance! In terms of my own musical tastes, I’m becoming very intolerant in my old age. I simply cannot listen to shitlib artists anymore, not even those I used to love such as Mr. Fogerty & CCR.
The only artists I can stomach these days are the Stones (both Mick & Keith have been historically apolitical), Van Morrison (BASED!), Eric Clapton (BASED!), (Please forgive me) the mulatto artist Michael Franti (Great music! Very pro-Palestinian), Franz Ferdinand (to the best of my knowledge apolitical), & the beautiful White Basque artist Amaia Montero (ditto, apolitical).
Pretty much all other music is just noise that makes me want to gouge out my eardrums.
This is why I will never read bios of my favorite artists or hear what they have to say about anything, not even interviews. There are some areas of life where ignorance is bliss. You're a really poor man if you can't even listen to your favorite bands anymore.Replies: @Ulises Landis
I simply cannot listen to shitlib artists anymore, not even those I used to love
“… and a Chinese person has never done anything to me”
Sinofetishist always thinking of himself.
Justice Department Charges 12 Chinese Contract Hackers and Law Enforcement Officers in Global Computer Intrusion Campaigns
The Justice Department, FBI, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and Departments of State and the Treasury announced today their coordinated efforts to disrupt and deter the malicious cyber activities of 12 Chinese nationals, including two officers of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) Ministry of Public Security (MPS), employees of an ostensibly private PRC company, Anxun Information Technology Co. Ltd. (安洵信æ¯æŠ€æœ¯æœ‰é™å…¬å¸) also known as “i-Soon,†and members of Advanced Persistent Threat 27 (APT27).
These malicious cyber actors, acting as freelancers or as employees of i-Soon, conducted computer intrusions at the direction of the PRC’s MPS and Ministry of State Security (MSS) and on their own initiative. The MPS and MSS paid handsomely for stolen data. Victims include U.S.-based critics and dissidents of the PRC, a large religious organization in the United States, the foreign ministries of multiple governments in Asia, and U.S. federal and state government agencies, including the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) in late 2024.
Jian Zhao, Li Tian, and former Army soldier Ruoyu Duan were arrested on Thursday for conspiring to transmit sensitive data to China.
Zhao, a battery supply sergeant at the Joint Base Lewis McChord, allegedly conspired with an unnamed person to sell an encrypted military computer.
He also sold 20 classified hard drives and additional documents, which was seen on surveillance footage taking pictures of with his cellphone.
‘The defendants arrested today are accused of betraying our country, actively working to weaken America’s defense capabilities and empowering our adversaries in China ,’ Attorney General Pam Bondi said in a statement .
Attacks against "U.S.-based critics and dissidents of the PRC" (i.e. CIA agents and their stooges), the US government, and "large religious organization" (CIA's falun gong cult) are all good things, though. So is giving classified American intelligence to enemy governments. You are only making Anglin's case for him. China has done nothing wrong, and is, in fact, working against the enemies of the American people (the US government, ZOG intelligence services, American imperial organizations, etc.).
These malicious cyber actors, acting as freelancers or as employees of i-Soon, conducted computer intrusions at the direction of the PRC’s MPS and Ministry of State Security (MSS) and on their own initiative. The MPS and MSS paid handsomely for stolen data. Victims include U.S.-based critics and dissidents of the PRC, a large religious organization in the United States, the foreign ministries of multiple governments in Asia, and U.S. federal and state government agencies, including the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) in late 2024
My telephone service announces questionable calls with the spoken “Likely Fraud” or “Likely Spam”, and I ignore such calls.
I do get the occasional call trying to sell me something, to which I respond “I only consider sales offers in writing, thank you”, and hang up. Works well for me.
they are light years better than the nigs.
The operative phrase here is Damning With Faint Praise
Nature appears to be taking care of the Indian problem on her own quite nicely.
1.5 Billion and counting, not to mention the countless millions they’ve already foisted off upon civilized countries. So what if part of India gets flooded? What’s it going to do, drench some call centers? Interfere with India’s export industry, which produces nothing but, um, Indians?
“Nature” apparently needs a harsh lesson. Along with the billions of Africans on the way, she’s going to get a genuine thrashing. But let’s not blame Mother Nature. It’s stupid humans doing this, and it’s aided and abetted by our (friends) in the media, and gullible females, who together are ensuring that we not only permit this slow-motion disaster, we actually facilitate it.
Coming to your neighborhood soon. Oh, what’s that? They’re already here? They’ve only just begun.
Memejojo is a pajeet?!
Hahahaha hahaha hahaahahahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha!!!!!
Now that is abhorrent!!!
Eventually we all become boomers if we live long enough
you mean we’re all going to be born during a baby boom? idiot
How about an AI app that filters out any content with the slightest hint of Indianess? PajeetBlocker!
I don’t think that there necessarily isn’t any good new musicians and artists, it’s just that they don’t stand out as much as yesterday, they get drowned out by the tsunami of noise and mediocrity that tech has unleashed. Every singer gets their participation trophy and if you don’t make it in real life you can always try your luck on tictoc.
Eventually we all become boomers if we live long enough. Old music has pretty much taken up a lot of space in my mind, I have too many tunes playing in my head already to give the young guys a fair shake, for that I apologize. I realize that the last time I payed serious attention to new popular culture was pre-lockdown. At least music I like can still make the hair on my arms stand up, I would feel poorer if the magic fades.
Torrents are great, and as for flac, try playing different formats in one playlist, MP3 does sound “thinner” or softer(can’t find better descriptions now)by comparison.
you mean we're all going to be born during a baby boom? idiotReplies: @James of Africa
Eventually we all become boomers if we live long enough
Virtually everything about the fecal hindoos ticks off me at least mildly. That said, my interactions with them have been essentially trouble free. In this sense, they are light years better than the nigs. Of course, it’s still insane to want them living around you. In an ideal world, anyone voicing support for that crazy idea would get an instant bullet to the head.
As for youtube, can’t stand when I search for something and I get Indian turds in the search results. That needs to be fixed posthaste.
The operative phrase here is Damning With Faint Praise
they are light years better than the nigs.
Nature appears to be taking care of the Indian problem on her own quite nicely. Rising global temperatures over the next few centuries will make much of India uninhabitable, along with other lands in a wide zone along the Equator. The planet is apparently cycling out of a cold period that lasted about a million years and six Ice Ages. A rise in temperature follows the retreat of the great ice sheets, which happened most recently not ten thousand years ago, the blink of an eye in geological time. Humanity’s unwitting contribution seems to have extended the warm interval before the next glaciation by some 100,000 years. But the massive loss of species caused by our exponentially growing numbers has greater potential to do us all in than even the tens of billions of tons of carbon we are busily returning to the active ecosystem. India is especially vulnerable in this regard.
😆 1.5 Billion and counting, not to mention the countless millions they've already foisted off upon civilized countries. So what if part of India gets flooded? What's it going to do, drench some call centers? Interfere with India's export industry, which produces nothing but, um, Indians?"Nature" apparently needs a harsh lesson. Along with the billions of Africans on the way, she's going to get a genuine thrashing. But let's not blame Mother Nature. It's stupid humans doing this, and it's aided and abetted by our (friends) in the media, and gullible females, who together are ensuring that we not only permit this slow-motion disaster, we actually facilitate it. Coming to your neighborhood soon. Oh, what's that? They're already here? They've only just begun.
Nature appears to be taking care of the Indian problem on her own quite nicely.