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It must begin with Germany.

Since World War II, those who rule the West have demonized patriotism, tradition, and above all, race. Germany is the template, but now, “de-Nazification” has turned on the Allied powers themselves. The identities of the United Kingdom, France, Canada, the United States and other European countries are all deconstructed. Future historians will not think World War II much of a victory if many of the Allied nations essentially cease to exist within a century of it.

There are various rationalizations for mass immigration. In Canada, it is “residential schools.” In Britain, it is imperialism. In the United States, slavery. In countries that had no empire, such as Ireland, it seems to be the mere existence of white people. The excuses may vary but the goal doesn’t. Once-white countries belong to everyone, and whites become stateless.

Nowhere is it as bad as Germany. Patriotism itself is verboten. A “Constitution Protection Office” policies free speech and spies on political parties. Since Angela Merkel’s catastrophic decisions to import Middle Eastern “refugees” and abolish nuclear power, the former economic engine of the EU has slumped. Postwar Germany may not have been proud, but it was at least prosperous and orderly. No longer.

The attack in Magdeburg could be a turning point. It is not just that it was an attack on a Christmas Market, one of the few surviving German traditions. That’s not new. It is not just that a child died. That’s not new, either. It is not even that it was an anti-Islam Saudi national. While that may be new, it was still the norm: non-Europeans attacking Europeans.

What is really new is that Germany has a political opposition that has the potential actually to change things. The Alternative for Germany rallied in the immediate aftermath of the attack, with thousands cheering Dr. Alice Wendel’s poignant speech.

Angrier demonstrations also took place.

However, we should not assume that Germany will magically “awaken.” The German government is reportedly trying to muzzle social media and leftists are still crusading against “Nazism,” as if it were the problem. They are also pretending that the attacker was “far right,” because he was anti-Islam.

Some on the Right have argued that the attacker was practicing the Islamic doctrine of deception — taqiyya — pretending not to be a Muslim. That’s doubtful, but conservatives want to believe the problem is religion because it lets them deny race. The socially liberal “counter-jihadists” had the same position.

Saying the attack was about “ideas” and not race may seem more moderate; it is not. A country defined by “values” would need thought police. It would mean that people from anywhere who believe in its “values” can be citizens, while those born there may not be. It would also mean that every such country would always be at war with its own past. Even in a young country like America, supposedly sacred beliefs like “democracy” or “racial equality” have become mainstream only recently. The concept of a “nation of ideas” is incoherent and totalitarian. We already see what it is doing to Germany. In defense of universal rights and democracy, the German government is toying with banning the AfD, which could soon be the leading party in the country.

“Remigration” is now part of the European debate, and 2025 may be the year it goes mainstream. Remigration is necessary is because identity is inherent, race is real, and divisions between peoples cannot be eradicated by ideology.

After the attack at the Magdeburg Christmas market the previous evening, several hundred people gathered. (Credit Image: © dpa via ZUMA Press)
After the attack at the Magdeburg Christmas market the previous evening, several hundred people gathered. (Credit Image: © dpa via ZUMA Press)

Non-Europeans who come to Europe will always resent the natives, and it’s not our job to appease them. The issue is race, not religion. It matters what people are, not what they say they believe; beliefs are often post-hoc rationalizations for ethnic and racial interests.

At a gut level, Europeans probably sense this. Most feel, at least dimly, the distinction between “us” and “them.” They must not state it openly. One of the cries in the aftermath of the attack was that people who do not love Germany should “leave.” But why should anyone love Germany? It is not the most prosperous country or strongest, nor necessarily the most beautiful or efficient. Yet, for a German, it’s his Heimat — the core to his identity. Love of country — which is love one’s people — cannot be traded away to newcomers and shouldn’t be. Love is too precious to be given to strangers. Universalism is a false moral ideal, and usually a cover for more tribal interests.

The AfD is not an explicitly ethnonationalist party, but it is the one party that has a commonsense immigration and remigration policy that can win. Those who think the AfD doesn’t go far enough better offer a practical plan for what Germans should do now.

Nationalism is surging in Europe, but we face a time limit; unchecked, the Great Replacement will reduce Europeans to minorities, and non-whites won’t be squeamish about pushing their interests. For many, assimilation is already a joke. If the population changes much more, assimilation will be impossible. And we won’t another chance.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. A fan who shouted, “Germany for the Germans” was arrested? He should have shouted “Allahu Akbar” they would have given him season tickets.

    •�Replies: @Tigerlily
  2. Yes, it has to be race as the basis of the argument. Religion, especially Christianity is totally cucked. I’m really not interested in what motivates Muslims, apostate or not, to do what they do (terrorist activities), but am very interested in the white response.

  3. conatus says:

    Should we not we rename Germany?
    Germany should be renamed Inculpistan, locus of all Guilt, Azezal of Western civilization., doer of all Bad bad stuff.

    Germany’s heyday was around 1900 when Christmas trees, and kindergartens, and Chancellors roamed the USA.
    Then Germany’s sibling, Britain, propounded its’ resist the major power on the continent’ power doctrine and that gave Britain an excuse to attack and crush its sibling, Germany.
    On August 14, 1914 Britain began censorship by cutting Germany’s overseas cables and the endless demonizing began.
    Then the Creel Commission in WW1 America, negatively propagandized the Hun in return for Palestine. The propagandists discovered how easy it was to guilt up, and guilt downward, and just generally use guilt to demoralize the Germans.
    And overall, Guilt worked really well on other northern guilt-ridden Europeans.
    Add Solomon Asch(conformity) and Stanley Milgram(obedience to authority) and Whites as an extension of guilt ridden Germany will soon be propagandized out of existence
    Whites are bad people who want something for themselves.
    Not allowed.

    Ed West(9/15/2015) on guilty Europeans:

    “There are at least two theories as to what drove the creation of a guilt culture. One is that European societies tended to involve far more interaction with people to whom we are not related, and internalising one’s conscience was the only way of adapting from more clannish societies. The other, and more likely cause, is Christianity, which transformed shame-based societies, like that of Anglo-Saxon England, into guilt-based ones.

    The most common phrase used by those wishing to accept more refugees is to talk of ‘Europe’s shame’ or ‘Britain’s shame’, a word also used on placards by refugees stuck in Hungary. But what they’re actually appealing to is Europe’s sense of guilt. Certainly that’s my personal reaction when I see the awful scenes – guilt that by an accident of birth my life is far easier and safer.

    The downside to guilt culture is that social justice politics, having evolved from Christianity, often sounds sanctimonious – a deeply unattractive trait. In particular, Christianity’s universalism, referencing St Paul’s idea that there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, can often lead to pathological altruism.”

    •�Agree: ThreeCranes
  4. It is not just that a child died. That’s not new, either.

    Can you name the place where they’ve been dying practically every day for over a year?

    Hint: missiles sent by Joe and signed by Nikki.

    •�Replies: @Cloverleaf
  5. Anonymous[216] •�Disclaimer says:

    The Muslims are the only ones today who kill for religion or ideology. (This guy was also a Muslim who pretended something else). Other races kill for money or revenge, like the Sicilian mafia or the Camorra.

    •�Replies: @Dave from Oz
  6. Good luck to the Germans, may they get back pride in who they are and in their history.

    As to the matter of “race”, science has yet to determine that the gene responsible for pale skin in humans possesses any other properties that manifest as, say, unusual aggressiveness, or enhanced intelligence. Asian and African people also possess the gene (termed SLC24A5) but it became expressed in our people as it conferred a survival advantage in the colder, darker northern climes to which they migrated. Natural selection occurs with no regard to ideology; in another hundred generations or so, the descendants of today’s “whites and blacks” in these regions will be all but indistinguishable. We see this “Darwinism” at work in the Aborigines of Australia, who are not Africans but Polynesians whose skin pigment darkened dramatically after hundreds of centuries’ exposure to the hot Australian sun. We are not in control of nature, never have been and never will be; nor is the uniquely American fixation on skin pigment anything more than a cultural curiosity that has meaning only because we have convinced ourselves it has. The best example I can think of that illustrated this foolishness is that the man who fired the first shot on Fort Sumter later committed suicide cursing what he termed “the Yankee race,” as though his fellow countrymen were genetically different from southerners.

    It seems self-evident that the historically ferocious aggressiveness and cruelty of white European culture is the result of its contamination by a mad Middle Eastern cult whose roots lie in a repellant “holy” book that celebrates ethnic hatred, genocide, slavery, misogyny, homophobia, and so many of the ills that poison our world today. Those who lament the passing of Christianity neglect to notice how deeply its worst evils are embedded in the western culture that came to militarily dominate the world only a few hundred years ago, and which is now clearly nearing the end of its days – and good riddance.

  7. @Anonymous

    The Muslims are the only ones today who kill for religion or ideology.

    There’s plenty of non-muslims who kill to uphold freedom and democracy, following in the footsteps of their fathers who forbade the east asians to choose communism for themselves.

  8. anon[517] •�Disclaimer says:

    For the “people of color” who hate caucasians, be careful what you wish for. When we’re gone, who do you think is next, morons? Oh yea, the ptb just love dark skinned people. They are getting rid of us first because we have the scientific economic and military prowess to resist them. Once we’re gone, who’s next? It may not matter anyway because the next climate swing is going to be a cold period. We’ve been in a warming period for some time now,150-200 years. Ok class, what comes after a warming period…thats right, a cooling period. So for all of you third worlders heading north for freebies, guess what, you’re sealing your own fate. Living in the northern latitudes will be impossible for a few hundred years. Gee, sorry, you’ll have to fight oh about 1 billion other people trying to get to equatorial lands, good luck with that, I’m sure the ptb will give up their seat just for you. Right. I’d say the underground aquifers in Peru and Libya would show promise for a good place to live when the north is buried under a mile of ice. There are other places of course. You figure it out, because the ptb already have. Keep voting, yea, thats the ticket.

  9. Wokechoke says:

    What happened at the Christmas Market was exactly the vision of Christopher Hitchens, Niall Ferguson, Richard Dawkins and Ben Shapiro. A Europe overrun by grifting darkies repudiating their own ancestral religions in order to curry favor with some imaginary deracinated (insert nationality) values. A brown BMW ploughing into a Mulled Wine & Sausage kiosk, forever.

  10. The main problem with the AfD is not that they are too right-wing or not right-wing enough; it’s that they are Zionist, just like every other party in the West. Knowing who controls them (and Trump, and the Tories, and all the rest) basically gives the game away. Sad how all democracy in the West must perish in order to preserve ‘the only democracy in the Middle East.’

  11. yrele says:


    The world provides a buffet of residential choices for muslims. Holland is not one of those. It is for the Dutch. And it exists to define, defend, and advance their interests as precisely no other polity on Earth is designed to do.

    Contra current doctrine, it is actually not a homeland for the tolerance people. Though I sometimes wonder if liberals ever extrapolate their logic if it was.

    The position of this blog is that Dutch is an immutable characteristic. One can be a good man or bad, likable or heinous, residing in Amsterdam or Anqing, tolerant or not: none of which bears on being Dutch.

    Though the liberal thesis of nationality rests upon the sands of creed. Reportedly, if a person adopts a certain purple mountain majesty mindset, they transmogrify into their new identity. Of course no countries ever evaluate or enforce this alleged metamorphosis. It is simply assumed without even being asserted. Thus Mexicans become Americans because we hope they think so. I imagine the same strict process occurs in Holland. Though the specific tenets that create new Americans or Dutch remain conspicuously vague.

    But if nationality is defined by fidelity to some unstated abstraction (the Lazarus poem? Hamburgers?), then the rejection of that abstraction would logically strip a person of the nationality. It’s not an innate feature of identity, you understand. So if being tolerant and universalist in Utrecht is what makes one Dutch, then one must remain tolerant and universalist to remain Dutch. That means tribalist jews and muslims can not be Dutch (or presumably American) by the left’s own definition. What all-men ideology do we imagine ADL or BLM members embrace?

    … Though Geert isn’t even bothering with the exercise. He knows the Dutch are a people, not a philosophy. And he is speaking directly to their interests. The Netherlands belong to the Dutch. The concept is fundamental.

  12. Anon[302] •�Disclaimer says:

    Race trumps religion, ideology or class. Race is biology which cannot be altered, so won’t make Third World immigrants First World peoples. This fosters the seething resentment and hatred that spills out into daily stabbings, thefts and rapes of Whites. These people are inherently more violent and criminally inclined, which is why they left their own violent and disorganised countries. But ‘magic dirt’ does not change them when they come to the West, because it cannot. Hence the proliferation of ‘honor killings’, grooming gangs, acid attacks, etc in ethnic minority (soon majority!) communities. Poor Dears, just can’t help themselves!

  13. @Greta Handel

    It is about time the white race started focusing on their own coming genocide within their own countries instead of focusing on Palestinian and jewish mongrels all the bloody time, don’t you think.

  14. Aragorn says:

    Germans are exactly the same shit when they are where they not belong, for example in Palestine.
    Or in Sweden, where they create ghost houses, empty, owned by Germans.
    Germans are shit, anywhere outside Germany. That’s for sure include “US”.
    I am pretty sure you have get mooned both by Wernher von Braun and Einstein.

    The idea of send trick movies, blame it on other people, support wars, and import the surviving relatives, they have get from “US”.
    Almost all evilness in the World come from “US”. It was the source to nazi Germany, by finance Adolf Hitler Rothschild, it finance the new clown in Ukraine.
    It is the reason to the Genocide continue in Palestine.

    The most evil thing are that there are no sign of “Nuclear weapon”. It was as “Nine Eleven”, or the fake Pandemic, a way for psychopaths to threaten and cull the slaves.

  15. A country defined by “values” would need thought police.

    And, the silly thing is, these values according to Jordan Peterson types are: Free Speech and Liberty.

    Let’s see…

    You have to accomodate people who don’t support neither Free Speech nor Liberty, whilst they do not!
    Game-Theoretically, you are gonna lose. And pretty quickly!

    Irony of ironies…
    An all-White country would provide “maximum Freedom”, within confines of possibility.

  16. Phibbs says:

    As with too many articles in the Unz Review, lack of a proofreader shows. There are too many spelling mistakes, sentence fragments and non sequiturs in this article.

  17. Anonymous[262] •�Disclaimer says:

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the AfD won’t save Germany. Like every single political party in the West, the AfD is, of course, influenced by organized jewery. It’s run by a lesbian who would, like every western politician, tell the people what they want to hear, but inevitably do absolutely nothing. Italy’s Giorgia Meloni is a great example of this, campaigning to end mass migration into Italy and deport African and muslim migrants, but instead showing up to do a photo shoot with the migrants as they arrive in mass on Italian shores. The photo shoot stunt was a slap in the face to the Italian people and meant to show the Italians who really controls Meloni: organized jewery.

    Donald Trump is another example of this in the US. Lots of talk, but they are totally controlled by the zionist jews who want to see the white race totally eliminated. Organized jewry resembles a type of international organized crime syndicate that has incredible influence across the world.

    The only hope I feel is for these governments to fall, and for racially conscious whites to build a new government. Do whites have it in them to do this? I’m just not sure of any other way out of this jew controlled mess whites find themselves in.

    •�Agree: Cloud Posternuke
  18. Tigerlily says: •�Website
    @Tennessee Jed

    He should have really gone for it and shouted ‘Heil Hitler’!

    •�Agree: Tennessee Jed
  19. @Cloverleaf

    False choice. I have posted hundreds of comments about the abuse and neglect of Americans, too.

    But without practical exception, the race hustlers here at TUR are otherwise very deferential to the Establishment, in particular its current destruction of Palestine.


  20. The Magdeburg Christmas market attacker had a long history of erratic and threatening behaviour that police routinely minimised and prosecutors studiously ignored

    Dec 26, 2024

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  21. How does saying Germany for Germans make you a “Nazi”? And why is he being charged? Shows how much the Jewish rot has infected the west.

  22. Anonymous[342] •�Disclaimer says:

    Anti-Islam statements from the AfD appealed to him, but beyond that al-Abdulmohsen had no developed political vision, and his self-styled refugee advocacy put him at odds with core elements of the AfD party platform.


    For [Aayan Hirsi] Ali, the West must be the polar opposite of Islam. Because Islam enforces an oppressive code of behavior, the West must have no common ethos at all, except the ethos of the open society. Because Islam claims to be absolutely true but is false, the West must not affirm anything as true, except for the “truths” of the open society. Because Islam is a bad religion, the West must get rid of its own religion, Christianity, which Ali describes in the same negative terms in which she describes Islam. Because Islam sees women as a lower order of being, the West must have total sexual equality, both between men and women, and between heterosexuals and homosexuals. Because Islam requires absolute obedience to its specific and detailed rules, the West must get rid of its own particularity; it must not see its own members as actually belonging to the West, but merely as consumers and enjoyers of rights and recreation. Thus Ali writes of Muslims in the West that they “have come to the West to enjoy the benefits of the open society, in which they have a vested interest.” She doesn’t say that they have come to the West to join the West, to belong to the West, to be members of the West, but that they have come to enjoy the benefits of the West. The open society is an open market, a combined consumers’ paradise and equal opportunity commission open to the world, including those same tens of millions of Muslims whom the West out of its belief in openness admitted within its borders in the first place and who now threaten the West.

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